5'4 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE. No invention of the nineteenth ' century hns worked a greater rev olution in liouselu 1J economy 01 conferred more of a benefit on hu manity than the sewing machine, i The first productions were crude and uncouth in the extreme, and it was reserved for American skill and ingenuity to bring forth a ma chine of any practical value. In cr.ler to appreciute the great advancement which hns taken p ice it is only necessary to com pare ne of the machines built du ring the infancy of the invention with one of the. latest, improved ' "Light-Running New Home." ' All the really ggod points con tained in other machines have been utilized in its construction. Many mw improvements and de vices have also been added, the re sult of which i a machine as near ly perfect as it is possible to make one. For simplV'y. durability, ease of nmung' m nt and cnpncity for work, the 'Light-lluuning New Home" has no rival, and tho hap py possessor of one may rest assur ed that he or sl.e has the very bes' the world affords. See adveh- TI8EMEXT IS ANOTHER COLUMN. SILK KIBBOSS. Those of onr ludy readers wlir would like to have an elegant, large package of extra fine, As sorted llibbons(by mail), in differ ent widths and all the latest fnsh ionable shades; adapted for Bon ret Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs, Trimming forHa'.s D:esse , Boys, Fancy AVork, &o., can get an aston ishing big bargain, owing to th' rocent failure of a largo wholesal, llibbon Manufacturing Co., bi sending only 25 cents (stamps to the address we give below. As a special offer, this housr will give double the amount of an) othor finn in America if you wib end thp names and P. O. addrest of tn newly married ladies when ordering and mention this paper. No pieces less than one yard in length. Satisfaction is guarnntod. or money cheerfully refunded. Three packages for 00 conts. Ad dress, London IIibbon Agency, Jersiy City, N. J. 1-1 .. Oregon Railway anl NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO MAY nnd JUNK, IW. - l-suvlng HtuuuiNhip Wluirf, Portland, ut IU mid rri'iny I ntfivmy . NMtnrday., . . W l.ii!iiiy. rtiuiii'iv . .. Tliumliiy... Monday.... Knil ty 1 upmltty h(it;i ut i iiiiioi'uiit.. tftun - (oUimhm ... PtHtf of 'uhfnniiii Onuou Colitnitiin ----- . Blnto of CttliforuiH - Columbia HUitu of California, Ori'tci'ii.. Cohr.iibiii H title of California., On'Kon Jim iHaturdny .... Humluy 1 humid . . AU.i.dtiy I'l-iilnv ...... J-''y . TO PORTLAND. MYu-i(.niNK Swi. LeuvtM Upour btrci-i Vl:nr!', "niii f i' A. hi. iiH follow; Steamer. Day. Colmabin tStulH of iJihfuniiu. , ( )rvj(m Ciilumbtii HtnU of Cnliforuia. . Ortiffon ( 'olumliiri Htnle of Cnliforuia. . Ornffmi , Colti mhtu Wt(e of California. , Orowm Co uuilun Htatu of Califoniiu. . OroK'Mi Colnmlitn..,.: iirtuliiy lsy MtHiday.. riulny.... Hatunluv WCilitcHctuy. . hiiiifin.V Thiirmlny... iHoii'.tiiy KriilKy Jmu! iiRMtnv Sntiinlny,.,. e:ln. Uay. I liurw iiy... . " . iii tily Tho company renervosthn rirht to oliuiiRt'Htoam m r n Stilitttf ii'h. KATiTa OF PASH t iKt! NCI ilJ 1)1 Ml MKAli ANP ItKKTMM, Cahln, 1 00; UtoMiiKi, fn.tti HtundTtip, uu limilml, $:t().00. No ?riiirht will bo roooivoil on mornin of Hail iiiK, excriiL fruit mid vtrfUiblcw, umt iliewo will not he taken after I' A. M. nOFKlCKH. 81111 Kranoiurn, (lennral ODico, No. 10, Market Hlrlwt; Tickol OUtcci, 1 ami It Mont gomnry utnnl, Aijcntu, jooi(all, I'orkiiiH A Co. Portland lirkot Ctlloo, 1'irHt anil Oak Ktit'ctH. W. 11. ItOltt Ht.MM. a. L, MAXWKI.Ij, (litnornl MamtKiT. li. P. & T. A. TM;t;1) HKA WONDKRSeimtinthoa. XX212atX stimU of fitrms, Imt nremir I him Nik I by the wondontof iaYn tion. ThoHe who hdmii iionI of (irutiltdiln vm pluyinvnt, nnd work that can bertmir wliilnlivinx nt huniM hIiuuIiI nt once Neiid thiMr Htldrw! to 1UU iMt tfcCo., HurlUnd, M(iln, nd rpouiTu frwe, full hiforniHtioD huw eilrir hx, all itgtnt, win rn from !t U J6 pur d.iy niitl upwnrde wliorTHr thy Iivh. You r ntiirtl frt. ("npitnl nwt re iairwu. Homn hnvf ntinl ytv $N) in H ttititfh' dn tu tli in wot k. AH nuoikmhI. THE LADIES9 FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If youdi-Klrotopun'hftponsfwtnir msehtno. OHk our Htrent at jmr platt for term and DrtiM. If vou pniinot find onr Rtrnt. wnto uljyut t4UU'ttitR'lditiW(oyuulK'iow imrtu-d. NEWICMESEWIfiGMACHIfJEO.0raGE.MASS. CHtCAOO cauo . UNION SQUARLN.Y.- 0AUA5. iLi- ATI ANTA OA. Ti. ILL. Si. LEEZEli & THOMPSON, Agents nt llopjmer, Or. lElilMiil DON'T DRINK Anything but th Purest Bud Bast, which eau always be found at the The Lexington SALO ONI First Class Cigars. A Billiard and Tcol Table for the Amusement ot U nests. Arlington Meat Market. Beef, Pork, Fish, Sausage, Etc. barney & Putnum iArlmtfton Or. o T3 H . g H 3 V JQ C CD o o in r-t- o o b o o td 73 fa , 3 CD 2 to 3 i n O sr td ft OP CD Q if. SI 3 () p fj) Q C 03 CD r 8 rig A 3J s 9 o b o o When I lay Crjni I do not mean merely to ttop them for a time, and then fcave them ro turn axain. I mean A RADICAL CURB. , Ihave made the disease oX f rrrs, epilepsy or FALLING SICKNESS, A llf long Itidr. I wABBAtfT my remedy ta Ourk the worst oases. Peoause others haTtt failed Is ue reason for not now reoeivina a euro. Bend at onee for a treatise and a Frbk Bottu of my iHrALUBUt Bkhkut. Give Express and tost Oflloe. It costs you nothing for ft tslal, and It will our you. Address e H. C. ROOT. M.C., 1(3 Peari8t., NewYodk Issued Mmoh and bopt., (enoli year. It is an ency olopedlit of useful Inlor. mation for aU who pur. ohase tho luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can olotho you and furnish you with all the noooBsary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, eo to ohuroh, or stay at home, and in various atsei, styles and quantitiea. Just figure out what ti rmired to da all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make fait estimate of the tbiuo ui" uie UUTEIIS' GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon receipt of 10 oente to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ul-lli Mlehiean Avenue, Chloago.Ill. Ba2c5 e o tarn J(ISB y - a . 2 Takkn Ur, Nour Thoru creels tai hay UorHO. pny Hize, about 14 yours old iiiul lirnmltul mrolo with bar inside, nu riubt hip. Huh beon on the rano mar our ranch for about two years. Kuilt Oafict. NOT1CK OF IN TKNTION. I And Office at 1 a Grand. Or.,.Tnno 11, 'M. Notioe ii htviiT uiwn ihMt th followtnc numwl mttl.T ht 1ih1 ntr'Ti' hinintimtion to Qiakf btinl pruof in support of bi ulaint, and that tuml itroof wilt lit intuit before tho county iuiljfa of Mtrrtw rtmniy, (1r r in hit abnpo Wfnr tltf olork f wnd cauutv, ut lli'Pimpr, O, a Julj '1 , vti: frank Rack, 1U. N. 'J23, for the NK 4 Rw. 10, Tp I N, R 28 1. W. M. HcnnniM the followlnn wiUmifw to prtT hit cuntinuuntt rwiitlwQCO upon, and cultivation it, aaUt land. vi: IUxUt Irfiiitliwd, Ua.nlM HtinMbrouirh. K. H. Hum and J. A, Wftlk.fr, A of Echo. DaitaiHa oonttty. Dr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I .ami llffl.-i.nl The lHo. Or-, .lum- IJ, 'M. NnliiM is her.lj Klvtm tliftl (In-followinc-namcl tMtllir h.i filml noti.'o ( hi. iulvntiou to mnk tiii:u t.roof in Miipi.rt of ItiHouiip, anil Umt Haul ttrnof will bo mli b.'r.ry th wmnty jtitliri. if Vtorniw cuiuity. Or. Ht't'tuir. Or., uu Jul)' 'J, 11. vi: V'illluM B. OillillHi, Hii f.irtli.S S NW Viand NW 8W Rv Si, ami N : K 't S..B. .11, Tp I S. Ii ili B, W. H. 11 r.ainlH t!u folluwins witm'tcn tu rrm p hi continuous roHtiltinciuuitiu, and cultivation uf, khIiI Inn.l, vix; II. A. ll'inMKM-. 11. 11. OlsK.ford an.l J.O. Wil liiun. of lUnlinAn, Or., and ti, W, llnrritmton. ,.r HppnnT, or. i,l-4 F. A M)0N.u.n, Rcjtistr. yirtw 3 PE1DC jt imse v h S WXJfWl. H E 1 1 9 2 THE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION "CR00KST0N!" Will make the season of 1338 nt the NEWTON RANCH at the follow-' ing terms: j TO INSURE, $35. BY SEASON, $25. SINGLE LEAP, $10. In Lots of Five Mares bv the SenKnn. !(1 Of). Will take all proper care to prevent w miy wuy. PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION : CROOKSTON Was foaled April 3d, 1384, -recorded in the Clydes dale stud book of Great Britain and Ireland. Color, Dark Hay, with black points, one white hind foot nnd white stripe in face. Imported, direct from Scotland (Vale of Clyde), by AV. B. Cuninghame & Co. in the fall of 1887. He is coimidered by good judges to be one of the highest class stallions ever imported to the United States. DESCRIPTION: Crookston is a Dark Bay, stints 17J hands high on splendid limbs and feet; short back and well sei.1 "Weighed, on the 21st of December, 1887, 1900 pounds. , Pasture will be furnished free for' tho first 10 days and afterward at the rate of S2.00 a month, Pasture Well stocked with grass nnd water. Crookston may be seen at Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, Monday and Tuesday; nt Jim Farrier's stable, Lexington, Wednesday nnd Thurs day and at the Newton Ranch Friday, Saturday nnd Sunday of each week during the season of 1888. W. B. CUNINGHAME & CO., Heppner, Oregon. B- Consignments folio! ted. Liberal Advances Made. "fc Information (jhulhj fnruLthed by mail or telegraph. CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland. Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ii HARD- S AND FA R M M AC H HE R Y. Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the t BUCKEYE REAPER . AND . MOWER. t Theae Machine are too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have feu thorn and speak of thorn with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will glvo entire satisfaction to the purchaser, MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME . TWINE- BINDERS, f The features that distinguish this Twlne-Blnder Is tho Lightness ol Draft, combined with Its Kxtraorcllnary Strength and Durability. The Hinder Is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. Wo have two styles, the Klcvator Binder and tho Platform Hinder both excellentboth reeommonded by hundreds of patrons. ..vet w.on Minor, Dodson & Co, Frank Brothers Ijvipleivsent Co., DEALIE3 I3ST Farm, Mill' and Dairy Machinery, Farm and Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carts, B'JCJQWS ETJTS.3 Double and Single HORSE GOODS. We have on band at all LalicUe and Bnshford Wagons. Bu ford's Gang, Sally and Walking Flows. Bnford's Biding and Walking Cultivators. Ilarana Press Drills. McSherr Drag or Shoo Drill XcSherry Seeders and Drills. ThomaK Tlij Rakei Kojral Setr-rtump Hay Iluie. Ttctor Grinding Sills. Zlf'tag Ilarrowa, (all steel). Uollew Toth 'dwWM Our Handsomely Illuatrat'xl Catalogue mailed fr-o to any address. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., 63 and 60 Front Street, PORTLAND. OREGON. LEEZEK & THOMPSON AGENTS AT HErFXER. I accidents, but will not be respoii- Fenno Brothers & Childs, WOOL Commission Merchants, BOSTON, MASS. STEEL - Sohuttler Farm 7agons, Dooreriowa, Deere Sulky Plows, Cook & Co.'s Car riages, Phretons and Top Buggies, Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboarda, Superior Brills and Seeders, Corbin DIaa Earrows, Hodgea-Eainea Headers, Hainlj Boibed Wire. ( TOE CI35yLAK5. Agents at Heppner. JALL GOODS of the Best Class AND "Warranted ! times a Complete Line of . Walter A. Woods Reapers, Mowers and Binders. Ilodges Doable Draper Headr. (Jaar, Scott & Co. Separators and Farm Engines. C. & G. Cooper & Co.'s Saw Mills end Engines, Star Wind Mills & Force Pumps, Clmraa. Cider liar and Boot Cotters, Planet, Jr., Gar dc Jrllli an Callrraton. Diamond Tooth Coltliatora, fce acre, Wb. G. Scott. Wil'o.v Creel Sawmil Meeks & Scott, . Proprietorii. Sixteen milna frnin Ilepprier. Fculs anJ l'k'uty of Lumber. Good CHAS. M. JONES' Heppncr Barber Shoo ! In the I Sfatbck Building. Main St., Heppner. 16 now tuning out shroi, Shampoo, and Hair. oute In the hlgliMt etfU of thg nrU t Jl nun revolution. ztd the I r t t - i 4-1 a v world in tfi lmt imlf ccn I ill hill Mill century. Hot leant amnr III j I f I I tt II I 1,1 8 wunpiH o f invm tivf XH 1 VII tlull1 propress it a method and syBtem of work tiiat enn In pprformfHl nil oypi the country without uppara' in(( thp workt'TB from their homftn, Py libonil: anv one enn do th work; either sox: yonng or old; no Bp!c.ial ability requireil. Capita) not needed; you are uuirttnl free. Cut tliis outnnd re turn it to ii h and we wi.l solid you free, soma! him of great value and importance to you t that will start you in buHincsm, which will brui(r yon in more monoy rilit away, than arythini? in the world. Grand outfit free. Address True & Co., AuKusta, Wttine. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby eivn that the ondersifm ed lias heen appointed executor of the estate of Frank Mnddock dorcnaefl. and that- all persmn having clsims apftinat saiil estate should present tliem with the proper vouchers, to me in Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months of th date of ihis notice. JOHN J. MADDOCK, Dated June 5, 1888. lixe'Mitor. Frank KcJIojtr, Attorney for executor. ..NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby triven that the partnership heretofiTt existing between t lif undersigned, un der the firm name of Oiler A Wright., hns heen dissolved by mutual consent, CJoo. K. Wright rftnins sll property of suiU fi; m and iays all claims against tho snme, GKO, F. WMtmPT. PEltltx OL LEIt Dated thi-f flth day of June, 18P8. Richly Kownrde-t are thor e wlio nrd this nnu then aet; they will fird honorable em ployment that will Cut ImIca them from the'r horres and families. The profits ure largo ardBUps for everv industrious oursou. mnnv hfivr and ro now milking several hundred dollars n mo:.th. It is easy for one to muko $5 and up. ward per day, who is willing to work. Either sex, your g or old; capital not neoded: we start you. No special ability required; you, render, can do it as well us uny one. Write to us at onoo for full paiUculMH. .Address Siinaon j Co. Po:tiand, Maine. , NOTICE OP INTENTION. Land Office a'The Dulles. Or,, "May B. fP, Notice is hereby given that the following named sett ier has tiled notice of his intontion to mako final proof in support of his olfiim, nrd tlmt the said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or , ou July 11, ltH8, viz: John A. Colli?,, DSmso fortheNWMBuc. H.Tpl 8. R 2d -L Ho names tJie following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence uptu, and cultivation of wid lnnd, viz: B. F. Hwaggart, Hiram Smith, Towns Math ews and James Muir, all of Lexington, Or. "ili-U r. A. McDonald, Uegister, NOTICE 0? INTENTION. LantlpOirant LBftraud-, Or.. Mn 17, 'ft. Notice is h'rniiv given that tiie following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to and make final proof in support of his chum, ftjid thaf said proof will be made before the comi ty judge of Morrow comity. Or., or, in his ab-st-nco before thf clerk of saidcotii.tyat Heppner Or., oa July 2nd. I8SS, viz: S. A AlUnray. Hd. No 3.008. fortius W H sec. 8 Tp. I N, tt. 27 K. W. M. He itnnie- the following witnoprs t.i prove Ins Continuous ronidsncH upon, nnd cultivation of, s tid lard, viz: .(. M. Lontr, Acton, Or. Frank Jackson. Jerv's Hnrd, of (ialloviiy, Or. F. Deliong, of Alr.iiie.Or 27i:-75 Hesut Kinkiiakt. IIeti-tei- NOTICE OF INTENTION. I And Office nt Tl o Dnlpi. Or.. Juno 5. fW. Notice is hereby given thut the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi 1 he mside before the jud-'f of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on July 21, lstftt. viz: . Jacob Ycitnr't Hd. 1112. for the IS y, KV H Sec. 32. Tp 3 8, R 4 tt, and N 4 NW , Hec. ft Tp 4 B, It 21 K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resident e upou, and cultivation of, said land, vte: J. H Jon.- nnd W. Maxwell, nf Kiffht. Mile. Morrow cnrty. Or., ninl Frank Barton and Ed. Rood, of Gooseberry, Or. 2i?.-i F. A. McDonald, I$epister. NOTICE OF INTENTION T.arri OfRoe nt The 1); 11 s. Or.. May 7. '88. Notice is hereby given that (lie foltowing-tuuiMd settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support, of his cla-m.and thaMaid proof will be msdy before the county clerk of Morrow county at Hcpp:;cr. Crc-gt.ii, on July 9, via; - . John TI". Drjnr't PS mi for the K HK H. SW H and SE )4 8W k LSvc. 12, Tp il 8, It 2B K, W. M. Hejinnies the follnwiinr witnesses to prove his continuous, residence uppn. and cultivation of, said land, via: - It. Teyleur, I. N Tli'sey. Dennis Spillane nnd W. H. Cuninghame, alloE Heppner, Or, " 271-fi F. A. McDonald, Resistor. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Land Office at Ln flrande, Or.. Msy 18, 'PS. Notice is hM-eby viren that the following-named settlor has filed his notice of intention to make lifi.-il proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow county, at ileppuor, Or., on June 30 IHHH via: Saxon' Young. D. S. Mo. 7171), for the N, & X see. S2Tp. 2 S' U. 28 E, lr luimet the ftdlowing witnesses to prove h's continuous nmideiiiio upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: fox, K. A. Kramer, P. 0. Thompson, C. F. 8tult7C all all t'f Ueoprer. Or. 270-75 IUmit Rlvkhart, Rojrister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l and Office at I a Grnnde. Or.. June 8, 'Hi. Notice is hereby yiven that the followiiiK-nn-nefl settlor has ftlwl notice of his intention t" m:tki final primf In support of his claim, ni;d that saiii proof will b inede beft-ro th mnty clerk of Morrow cou:ty, Or., at Heppner, Or., on July 20, 1,8S, viz: Sylvester TT", Fh.reov, P 8 Hl5 fo the K 4 NK M, 9W V N ' M and BK h NW frec. S, rl p 3 S. li 27 h', . il. ll-t names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou. and cultiv.tiioit o, snid hmd. via: D. H. Stidter. Thos. Qnnid. Pat Quaid and K. A. Bniinh.e, all of heppner, Morrow coumy. Or. 2;s-7rt Hknkt Hixmadt. ltenistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dulles. Or.. Jure 7, V. Notice is hereby Riven that the followina-t-ain.'tl settler has tiled not ee of his intention to maLe final proof in support of his aim. ard tht mi'd proof will be mail bjf r rh county jude o: Morrow county, Oiyon, at Heppner, Oreuon, on July 21, Jite8, via: Bajamhi A. Hunsal-er, D 8 W7. for the NF. H SW l , NW HE 4 and 8 '4 8K Soa. 2.1, Tp 4 S. It 25 K. W. W. He imines the followirg wit:ese tt prove his routiuuona reidjce upon, and cultivation of. said lend, vis: W. C Kinimrer. H. V. RtfininMr, of Hard man, Win. Mehenin and Chas, Hitali, of U pp ncr. OrsKtm. F. A. MoPonaij). Uujfi-ior. NOTICE Oi' iXTENTTOS. I.and Oft'.'at Th Dalle-. Or.. Jui e 8. 'Wi No' ice ii "hn-hj- given that the following roiiued eitUr hn tihd t.i tw i'f H it tei Li-n to mat ti :nl pr f in -ppot of his olnim, and that saol proof will br- mnd bfor the reiristr a.id recttivwr al The Uallee, Or, on July 2d, Lvvs via: J. S. Robinette. D M. tr-theWNEaudNW U 6K Bee VI p 4 8, K 24 K. W. M. H na:nrthfol!owinswitr!eesto rrve his ym inniMis Pideuceapon, a:-4 caltivataon of, uiti land, vif Jams Allen. Herman Ne'aorf. K D. Rcd and K. P. Long, aU of ie:tt M'J.Orfwm. 273-78 F. A. McDomu.. Kejistcr. Ed Li. Meees. .VIOIK ft HANDS . While yon k'ep or.r'Knt-scrij.tii.n pnid up yoc tan ttepirour brai d in f roe of charge, A de.i, J II, Adiirnawtk- hiiht-, uouble H 6id wise on left nhouldt-r; cattle, saiiie on Iff I hip Adkins, O K Horeee, X n ritrhl shuuider; cai tlo, j V on riiit side. Aitkin's, J J Hordes, JA connected on lef fla:k: e.ittle, seme on ifft hip, lll'iokman, U.nry.-1 'attlu, 1 on l.-ft sdi RaiiKc. Joe Hector s pnxttirc. lileaxman. O o II ird n in - Kt rfts, a f i.j loft shoulder; cuttle, nanieun riwht sltouldir. BtniM;U, Oy Horsfcs, H on h-ft hnuldr. iionKe, Mis (! A li (.ii lft aljouiiler; ear-mar of cattle, crop off ai.d split in It ft ami upper hai crop ott rit?ht. rrjw n, J C H rec s, circle C with dot in con tcioti loft nip: e.uiit hu.u. B yer. W ti. Ijona Horses, box brand orr.a. f hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Burn. . O. JIrrm, t ii ou kft shoulder; cat tie. ssiue on left hip. llriuu, T. F., Lone Rock. Horses o with bai under snd ovnr ou ri;lit shonidel. B.irtou, Wn Horses, J Bon r.ht UJ. ;h. cattle, same on riht hip:split in each ear. look, A. J,, Lena Horws, ytton right sh(ral:l4?r; 'tittle, eumeou r (rht hip: uur mark sijaara eio off left, and split in riffht. Cnrtiu, K Hoists, oq on left stifle Crawford, J. H. hoists JUO osnn3Cted ii left olillM, Ominphan e, W B, Newton Haneh Horses, 1 V th figure 'j ui diii it on left shoulder; caK .ramc on left liip and hih, left ear square cut. Cox & nKlith, HanJman Cu'.tle, C with ii center; hoi see. ( Jl on jit 'up, Cason. J P Horses, C on left1 i9'; cattle connected on kft hip, S duhtpe on .ieok. Duibin. ISol A Hons. llockviUo or An ttl pc. Horse Kwilh bar over it on left shoulder -tie. iv o.. both hips. Ooiifrlafs, W M Cattle, R Don ripht side, swat low-fork in each ear; horses, R Don left hip. Fnclish, K 0 Hardman (battle, aK on righ hiu: horses same on ritrht shoulder. rlet-k, Jackson. Horses, ?F connected or right Bhoulder; cattle, same on ritrht hip. Ear mark, hole in right nnd crop off left. Franks, C A, Arlington Horses, C F on lef! shoulder; cattle. C F on left hip.'crop oQ left our. Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horsos, Fwith bar under on right shoulder, Fell. TK-lioises. 1' with half-circle above and below on left hip. Florence, H P Horses, F on right shoulder cattle, F on right hip or thiph. Armstrong, J , C, Acton T with bar order it on left shouicirof lnrns; cat tie suilb on left hip. Uoy, Henry HAY on left shoulder. Ooble, FrHok Horses, 1 Fon left stifle; cattle, stin.e ou tight hip. Hunsakr, tit -Horses, 9 on left shoulder; oat tie. H on loft hip, Humphreys, J M Ilardman Ilurpcs, H on left nank. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shonlder cattle, same on right hip, Jones, J H, Hardman Horses, J with Bhade over it on left shoulder. Johuson, Felix Horses, circle Ton left stifl cattle, same on right hip.-uwdor half crop in rig and split in left ear. Kirk. J T Horses C8 on left shouldor; Ciitt' ijtl on left hip. Kirk, J C Horses, 17 on either flank; cattle on rit'ht side. Lai-sen, liajirans norses, R L on left hip. Lewis -T H. Lena Horses, P with over it or left shoulder. Lftatherman. D n Horses, 0 on left shoulder cattle, mine ou left hip, crop oil right ' awal low fork in left. Miller, C. K.-Horscs C with at on inside or. lift -boulder. Morgan, S N -Homes, M ) on left shoulder catt.e, same on left hip. MuCumber. .las A, At wood Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Abirgnn, Thos Horses, circle T on left shoul der and left, thigh; emtle, 'L on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar. Pettysvillo Horses. 77 on right hir; cattle. 77 on right side. Mason, Jos, Pettvsville Cattle. JM connected tiupororop in ear-It ear, dulap on throat: horses, JM on It-ft shoulder. McClnren, ft (1 Horses, Figure 5 on each shoul der; cattle, M2 on hip. McPougaid, li Horses, HD connected oa lef shoulder. Noel, Andrew. Ione Rock norsiw AN con nected on lfft h u-idtr; cattle seme on both hiis Newman. W.'lt.-Horses N with half circl over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, K Horses, circle 7 on left thigh.: cat llo. same on left bin. Oiler. Perry, Li ne Hock V O on left shotLder Pearson, Jiis., Pine City.HorBL-shi ou lef t hip low down. Parker A Giccson, Hardman ITorscs IP on luft shon di-r. Pipi-r. J. If., Acton TTortos. JE connected or, left shouJd;r; cai tie, stunt; on left hip. ui.der bii m each c-ir. Hood, Andrew, Hardnmn Ilorsns, square cii-ss with fiiart.n-.Riirloovi'r it on left stiiic. Homi.gor, Chris Horses. C H on left sheulder. liHCtor. J W Howes. JO on loft shoulder. liulf. ft. H.-lt 8 on Ift hip. bun's brand sauif lying on side on right bio. BtrniKht W. K.-Hors..H shaded J 8 on M. st:ile: cattle J S on kft hip, t-waliow fork in nj-'h ear, nnderbit in left. Sayer, Hobt -Horses, R on riffht shoulder; cuttli Sfjuareoxi right hip ard 6 on right shoulder. Swaggsrt, j, Alpine Horsfs, ti S on righ shoulder. Sapp. Thos. Horses, 8 A V on lift hip; raltle snme on left Inp. fhobf. I)r A Knrspa. D5 on on left hip; c -t-tie. same on loft side, wutile on left hidtj of i.e.k earn cut sharp at pnint. Balishory. .7 W, Vinson Cattle. 3-yesr-olde and 'S'T, crop o:f i nch ear, 5 ou right side; 2-yeai -oiil& ard iimter, swaltow-fork in right ear and under split in left, 1 7 with 7 above on hip. Htcvenson, "Mrs A J Cultlu, H on right hip swallow-fork in left cur. fcla It o i A, Son lioiMCH. S nn its side over an on h.'I't t'hoijlder; cattle, s.imo on left hip, Hperry, K O Cntile, V (' on Ifff hip. erop oh right and nnderbit in Itf t ear. dulap; horses. W C on left shouhkr. Hwagtrn-!,Xi V Horse. -II or. htt shoulder: R". rt, Geo., Iluidinaii Hursca circlu co: ipft shoulder, cattle, ii ou left hip. Thompson. J A Horses, f. on luft shouluor entile, 2 on left sin nl.ler. Tthbets. S T Horses, C on left shoulder. ' Tibbets.K K Horses, VT connected tm le StlfiH. Wells, A S Horses, 03 on left ehorMer; cattl sumo. VVylnd. J n, Hnrdman Cire'e 0 on left thigt Uoodvord, John iioicoo, UP coi.neiiUd or left shoulder. Wnlltietv Charles Cattle, W or. rTghtthih.holt in 1c ft ear; h'...rcsf V. on right si.oiilder, sono same on left shoulder. Wren, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ncroa on tight hip. Great Eng!isii Remedy. RA Y'S SPECIFIC. Trade Wp- A guaranteed cure for all nervou rtiseases, such b& Weak Memory, Lossuf lirsin powor. liyhteria, ller.dnclif! Pain iu the Back, Nor. vous Prostration, Wnkefullnesd, l,eucorrlui'. Uiiiverviil liss;tude Heminnl Weakness, Imptt' iiey aid general lost of power of the Generative Organs in either sex caused by indi-cret'ou oroverex ertion. ard which ultimately leLd to Premature Old Age, in wu; it a'd consumption. $UX ft box TrocMorh. or six box-s for ii,0!. Hent by rua;l on receipt of iirlce Full part cidars in pamphlet sent free, to ttvory appiiciuit-. We Guarantee 6 boxes to euro any case. For every S orur riH't'ivcu wo wnu six ooze Bi&uftiitMfcrf ai.da written guarantee to re- AfterTakinfi fund the moppj-if our Specific docs not effect k curt. Addrens ull commtiuications to the sole .manufacturers, the miUHHAY MEDK1NK CO.. Kansas City, Mo Sold in Heppner by C. M. MALLOUX soloagtut THE GKEAT Transcontinental Route Nortliorn Pacific .. KAILEOAB! Catcarte fi ranch, vote Completed, mak ing it the Shoitettt, Best and Quickest. The Pinine CiirLwe. Theliroct Rmte No Delays. Fastest Tn iiis. Low est R;itefl to Chicago and all points Edst. TicetH soili to ajl Promi uout Puiiita thjiHifftoout tho Kast nnd Southeast. Tiirorh ruSLnan Pri'iaj Room Sleef-ir.; Cars. llcservaliuas cau be seL'Uied iu mlvauce. To Kastlound Paser.gers B carpftil ntnl rlr not make a mistake. l.ut be Ftire to tttke'the Nr?ir!E,r,K; vanc eailkoad I AM mt ttu:t op ticket reads via this line. St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid chnnuresand deriona delays occasioned by other routes. Throiitfb Eniij?rnt Sleeping Cars run on regubir express traiua full ienpth of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. tk tie ral Oftce of the Companp, Ko. 2t Woshitiyton S'(m roi tUivd Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant iikoera) Pjjisscnger Afcnt Cefbre Taking. ll!!!,.:!,:..:.:.: :::: : I. - The treatment of many thousands of cnsrl of those chronic wenknesses and diBtroesing ailments peculiar to fomaies, at the Invalids1 Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt ing1 and thoroughly ttwUng- remedies for tho cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite- Prescription the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients and from physi cians who have tested it in the more ngfrm vuted and obstinate cases which bad buttled their skill, prove it to be the most wondortw. remedy ever devised for the relief and cure o sufforinar women. It is not recommended as ft "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific fair woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful. Invigorating tonic. It imparts strength to the whole eyatm and to the womb and Its appendages it particular. For overworked, "worn-out,"' "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,' dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house-' keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women1, generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription! is the greatest earthly boon, being uncqualedi as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine. "Favorite Prescription" Is une qualed and Is invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and orgnuio disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicato organization. It is purely vegetable in lis composition and perfootly harmless iu its effects in any condition of the system. Far morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred Bymptoms, its use, in small doses, will prove very beneficial. "Favorite Prescription" Is a posi tive euro for the most complicated end ob stinate cases of leucorrbea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness," ante version, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion, in tium mation and ulceration of the womb, in flammation, pnhi and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with " internal heat,' As a regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womnnhood, "Favorite Pre scription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produoe only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical period, known ns ' Tho Change of Life." "Favorite Proscription." when taken In connection with the use or Dr. Piorco'8 Oolden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Mttla Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and 1! ladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from tho system. "Favorite Prescription" Is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the miinu facturers, that it will glvo satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee hns been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years !,nrge bottles (100 doses) Sl.OO. or si, bottles for $5.00. For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (lflO pages, paper-covered), send ton cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Radical Association. 063 Main St, BUFFALO; N. V. TJitxtian TlrsAMi Li n i men t, TV.arfrflfcs Iff' Mtt.ulvti u ty iiyiw; Vuuikiilui. Titr it. j bi1ii sina jJi:iKii.ri ovYiaiv huma i Maria, Dumb CMlls, Fever and Aj;::, Wind CoHc, 4,'hcy produce roy i UiliO!!. nYtT Vse PARKER'S CIKOER TONIO without oelar. A rare nit-diciu&l compnurnl that cui'hnnaUele f aviia ' Hascurrd the worn cases of Contra, Weak Lunty, Actlima, Indigestion. Inward Pains. Exhaustion, lnaJubl for HfctumaUsrH, Female WeaktKMi, and all paius and ilia , OctXtn ot toe Stomach and Itoweia. 60c at IirufufUt. H1NDERCORNS. Thm mfest. nmt and bct eat for Corns, Buniona, o- BAKER'S VITALRECENERATOP NERVE TONIC removes all eonMuuences of toiir and azoeM. rsnw iha anntT, ooarairaaiKl vlsoe of Totith. Care mmknm ot aundt&Pft bodj: hurmm Illitr. Spinal Kxhsusiion, Lo Manhood, ste. A lowartnl nerroos invierntcr and nwtoimtire. 1'artio nantrsA SFrl Hyt OQ.. axk4, adaio, h. x. "TIL. w I ii is km ' k 1 m X 4 ' Hi-; ?, AM P rt ' pi I " la hsi 1 lea m O