Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 28, 1888, Image 3

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Local and General.
CocKit Bcbw. For the next 30 days
Minor, Dodn A Co. will pay U0 cents
in cash tor Morrow county scrip.
Bring Oh Yotjb Scrip C. M. Mnllory
nt the city drug store is paying the
bighest market prioe in cash for Morrow
oounty scrip.
Connty oourt convenes next week.
Pendleton will not colebrate this year.
Hon. H. 0. Gay was in from bis ranch
lost Thursday.
Ileppner never looked more promising
than at present.
Miss Sarah Sperry is now in very poor
Ebt. Fields was OTr from Fossil last
These Heppner hills are green as
spring time.
George HarrU was up fromjueiii g'-ou
Bora-To the wife of ThoS.Marlntt.on
June 22, a girl.
Thos. Murphy is ia from Pee MVt
lnek's sheep ranch.
- Perry Sprowles, who lives up near th
inemntiuns, is very low.
F. Q. Buoknu.m iU visit the valley
' during the oociiuc saoatb.
Lnther Hiimiltua s down from his
ranch the first of the wek.
Thos. Matlook is crippled op consid
erably with the rheumatism.
Alias -Ann Hnnshker and daughter hare
returned to their home in Portland.
Mrs. J. M. Hnger is visiting Mrs. Ed.
Ivilcnp, over near Little Butter creek.
-. Messrs ainuley and Kihler, of Hard
jnnn, ealled on the shop last Tuesday.
the school report mentioned in the
editorial column will appear uext week
O. E. Fnrnesworth, John English and
lid. Cox were down from Ilardmau this
Lawyer Wright will deliver the 4th
of July oration at the Hardmun cele
bration, Ed. Hawley Bud Cliff Jonea called on
the iuk-sprcader of the Oazette lust
Heppner will not celebrate this year,
4nt Lexington und Hardmau will wel
forae yon. .
"Spud" Murphy, an ex-ooavict, robbed
Kcott Holbrook. at Walla Walla last
. Rev. Reasoner will prcaoh next Sun
day morning and evening at the Bap
tist chnrcli.
Look nt F. O. Bnoknum's brand new
tvl. lie will give you a square deal in
every respect.
Mr. I. G. Hewiaon, a formor resident
of this place, but now of Portland, came
up last Tuesday.
TiinL'ton rather leads tha list of cele
brations in Morrow oounty tbiis year. See
nd on the first page.
Caroline O!on and Olaf Bergstrom
have been issued permits of glorification
by Clork Andrews.
Walter Boese and Chnrlos Sperry, of
lone, called on this agricultural rng
fuotory last Thursday.
Robert Patterson and Wm. Lynch
liave declared their intention of beoom
jug citizens of the U. S.
"Pock" Minor is in town from Sand
"Hollow, where he has been punching
cows for Floreuoe Bros.
Will Harrison was the only inhabitant
thnt conld induce old Towse to walk up
to the slaughtering pen. .
Frank Gilliam cams in from his
Spring hollow ranch last Monday to at
tend the Masonic lecture.
Mr. B. A. Hunsaker and family are in
from their Spring hollow raucli, aud wiil
remain in town a few days.
Pr. Alexander, formerly of Lano ooun
ty, has deoided to locate in Heppner,
liis card appears in this ine.
Wool is looking np n little, but it will
S,uvb to take several jumps before thora
will lie much in running sheep.
W. H. Gnmsfelder. representing H
Eosenfeldt & Co.. of Portland, Orcg.m,
was in town the first of the week.
Born June 20, near Parker's mill, on
Tiock creek, to the wife or jwner.v nper-
ry, a girl. Father able to be arouna.
'he Methodist people, ere cirenlnting
n subscription list, for the purpose of se
curing mtswsy uui1'1 n 000 nhnrob.
We reffret very much to learn that
Sflias Ida Feft is very low. Miss Ida has
flieen an invalid for a number of ye&p.
Joe Keffer, our sprinkler man, has hiw1
,yeiy little to do for some time, which is
,qnit,unusual for this season of theyear.
Fwnk Oviatt and W. B. Parsons came
;iiprfrom EUa last Sunday. Mr. jFarsoiiB
,will work here at his trade thie -mwmer.
Thos. J. Matlook, wife apd .domrhtor
-Ltezio, accompanied by Susie;
Clak, arrived fr'im Wallowa 'last fun-,
Claude' Hewen arrived home last
'Tuesday from Salem, where he has lieen
attending school for the past eight
Dr. Harley Fell has been at home for
a week, considerably laid out with the
mumps. He returned to Lexington last
"Our Bys" hose team, otWalla Walla,
carried off the silver trumpet and $100
cold cash at the recent tournament in
Mr. H.nph Fie!ds,MUune d to hie home
,;,v-TiErrSmlU vsterdav. He will fence
She greater port of bis bunchgrass land:
n.vl vnnr. I
r""7" '
DsnW. Kunp, manager of agencies
Jor the Home Mutual insurance Co.,
of California, was in Heppner the first
of the week.
Hardman will celebrate theHU in a be
coming manner, like all other patriotic
jilnces. All wno go are insurcu a guwu
Jhrie. See programme.
fia Mm Rand was Dolled last Sat-
nrdoy night for keeping a bawdy bona.
nnd dug np Slil.ou to paicu up ujjhiu
justice in Heppner towu.
Frsuk Snow and Fraak Benge were
in HeDDner last Monday. Mr. Benge
will work through harvest np ia Colum
bia oonnty, W. T., thy year.
nnrtv consiitin of CneU Jack Mor
row. Misses Lillian Boos, Lillie Rea, Ni-j-a
Minor aad Mrs. Will Morrow, left for
UcDuffie springs lasi aionaay.
Lexington will have in addition to the
iirnOTinrau as first arranged a grand
liarbeoae. Co. E is asked to participate
in the grand procession with Co. iu.
A. 3. and A. W. Milln, who have bad
charge of Sperry'e mill for the past year
or two, have gone to Portland to remain
till tbe new crop oi wnea bum iu.
W. P. Elmore has sold bis sheep and
will removo to Brownsville in a few
days. Mr. Elmore ia a good citizen, and
we dislike to lose bun from tbe
John B. Allen and T. H Brents are ri
ysI candidates tbis year for the republi
can nomination as delegate to congress,
up in W. T. Brents appears to be in the
Clarance A. Shnrte, of Arlington, and
Ed. Molloway, of Saddle, were iu Hepp
ner Tnesdny. Mr. Sliurte is now with
J. W. Smith, the well-knewn merchant
of Arlington.
the Sunny Clime, engineered by the
boss women folks of Texas, has this to
say: "We are deadly, sworn, inveterate,
true-blue enemies to rascalities in high
places and low."
Little Kutie Natter remembered the
office on Wednesday with a beautiful bo
quet of pinks and other uioe flowers and
grasses, plucked from the yard of her
father's residence.
Mrs. A. L. Ilalley wishes to say to the
patronscf bcr entertainment, last Thurs
day evening, that she was taken quite
ill which wan the cause of the late opeu
ing of the performance.
Mr. R. Tsibert and family, from near
Walla Walla, are visiting their son and
brother Cha., on Eight Mile. Mr Tab
liert is one of W. W. valley's most pros
perous and rustling ranchers.
Bub Currin. E. A. Kramer and W F.
Ferwood started last week to Dakota
with three car loads of horses. If they
do not find sale for them there, they go
on to Chicigo or further east.
G. M. Stroud, better known ns 'Tap"
Stroud, Grand Masonic Leeturer, visited
Heppner Lodge Inst Monday and Tucs
day nights. Mr. Stroud is also deputy
internal revenue collector under Whitn
The Alaskan, published a Sitka,
Ah'Sh,,', by' Maurice E. Kenrnly, now
r 'Hchea i'- a oZl . - Uonsiaering the re
mote atoi the (r-norin whicu it is
published, it is n weu -"ited sheet aud a
usiit one typograp.' '''a";.
The City bakery is 'Oin .fitliout
baker, 'inat ia nn ulilu.; iusi;i .ion
as. regards breud r'uHlcra.'- . ovtn
is located on that proierty, nni ' good
mail tt;at wonld keep sober aim ci
to business ought to do well.
Judge Bird came nr. from the Dulles
to attend the call term of court, which
convened last Ti e day. The business,
hich consisted of ri;;lit of way units.
was transacted on Tuesday ratfruing and
the Judge returned on Wednesday.
A convict named Wm. Mansfield was
shot and killed at the peniteiitinry at
Salem on last Saturday, while resisting
the officers of the prif oi. Mansfield has
led in several pris in breaks, and was a
very rough character, having killed sev
eral men in eastern Uregun.
A fstrairberrv and ice eroain
will be held at the opera house next Sat
urday night, under the auspices of the
ladies of the Baptist and Methodist de
u iraiiiBtiiins. All are inviUwl to attend.
Bring along some silver too, as yu may
need it beforu you get away.
Maok MjOlary entered the employ
ment of J. II. Haliburton Tuesday
morning. Mack is a young man of sterl
ing integrity, and has had years of ex
perience in the mercantile business, He
will be glad to have bis friends call aud
see him. Milan (Mo.) Republican.
Mr. M. Baumeiater has bought out J.
W. Redington und will again enter the
real estate business. We like to see
Mr. Bnumeister iu that business, for he
is as honest ns the day is long, minds
bis own business and permits oth
ers to do the same. Suooess be with
you, Max. H'. W. Journal.
This agricultural, religions and socie
ty sheet will be left to the management
if ird Wilninrtu Tor tbe next issue or
two. Revenge for red-hot remarks that
he may fire at the denizens during our
absence will be taken out of his measly
hide. He Kill take in all the cash thnt
comes this way and receipt for the same.
C. McFar'a id, of The Dalles, F. Mo
Farland, Arlington, and Homer McFar
land, Lexington, werein Heppner Tues
day. Fraik McFarland is con
nected with the house of Coffin, Mo
Fnrland k Co., and are now looking np
a locution for a brick store building, for
that firm, in which will be placed an
immense stock of goods.
An explanation for the present tight
ness of the times was given on the
streets yesterday to tbo effect thnt cap
italists were firmly holding their luore.
being afraid to invest until after the
presidential election. There may be
mure truth than poetry iu this observa
tion. It is like waiting rntu "alter con
gross sets." E, O.
There is a man going by the name of
E. A. Gray, traveling through Umatilla
and adjoining counties and claims to. be
a horse buyer and hails from Minnesota.
This fellow is a professional bilk. He is
a tul1, dark cjmplexioned, black bearded
man and is well dressed. Has a cat-like
movement. Look out for him.
L. G. Montgomery
A Pleasant Bide. Through the
kindnesx of Mayor Blackman, who now
is the proud possessor of a good team
and buggy, this inkspreader was per
mitted to see the country up on Dounld
son naoyoh and Balm Fork lost Sunday,
as it b.ipc'tt" after abundant nuns. Wm.
U illties rauiu was me nri piaoe visit
ed, and it certainly never appeared to
a better adva:tu e than at the present.
After a short stay, during which we
were,Jfltl on fine Jlienres and whipped
create .very hoBi-iWily entertained
generally, e went np "3alul Fork as for
as Uncle Cbarloy Wallaoe'.i plaoe, where
we were sbowu a piece of ttu'o'iy grass
that has not failed in i-r )dnoin' plenty
of hay since it was sown, sixteen years
aai. Ou the return we called at Wil1
Walbndge s aud ihoa. 'Uaaid s Lro:
on Balm Fork look veil this season, be
ing fully np to the averago of other
Beak Scabs. Aa Bob Matteeon and
Albert Flury were returning from Hale
prairie last week, near the na.g0t,pat di
vides Oopnle ereek and Susanville swale.
a huge grizzly bear with a cub fell iu
with u outnt, ana immediately snowed
domonstu.tions ol pa(B,(nl sociability
rlory bred bis blankets and bolted1
through the brush, leaving Bob, who
was packed with blankets and camp
truck, to extend tbe hospitalities of the
place to tn visitor, Wnea too. boar
oome to Flory's blankets, an stopped
and in tbo meantime Bob mad some
good time down the mountain, escaping
witneut injury.
A Rao That Gbows. Lock of space
has .prevented this paper from being
what it should, in the matter of a local
paper for some time. By the 1st of Au
gust this rag will be merged into an
eight-column sheet. That mean a new
press, now type, etc. Farties owing this
agricultural institution, oan naver favor
us more than at tbis particular tin;, as
it takes money to make improvements.
Rpoet. Tbe lads who have lived ia
this olimate since tbe first ilulcet notes
of the six -shooter were bear4 in tbe vil
lage, will bare fun anyhow, it was not
unusual last Monday morning to tee the
front door of a business bouse blockaded
with dry-goods boxes, ard ont wagon
was found in tbe middle of the street.
loaded witu all tue poxes and barrels in
the vicinity.
1 :
Pigsty of Game. Dan Potter will
move Wi)l Morrow's sheep from Big
creek ovar to better range, and will
hereafter pack ont of Baker City, being
nearer that place than Heppner. Dan
ava that gama is very plenty over in
the part ot the gwjanfsins wb,ere be has
, been (tits year,
Thbt am Gorxo. It was no uncom
mon sight few years ago to sea nine
dogs in this town to every single inhabi
tant, but the ordinance causing owners
to dig np 84 for males and $5 for the
other sort has diminished the num
ber till hardly a sorrowful, soul harrow
ing howl can be heard during these
summer nights. .
That's thb Wat. Occasionally soma
small souled soamp takes the rag right
along until he owes enough to buy a
barrel of ftonr and then either refuses
the paper or skips. Yesterday a oopy of
the sheet cane back from Payette, Ida
ho, on which was written, "This man
has absconded" Signed, P. M. Tbis
combination called a man owes us $3.
Lookino Up. A. H. Hooker, of Eight
Mile, was in town last Saturday and
states that his son, Leonard, who acci
dentally shot himself iu the hand a few
weeks ago, is almost wall agaio. Crops
are looking line in bis section, and the
inhabitants are generally in good spirits
over the recent raina.
Pct rp LraaTSina Rods Lightning
struck a post near W. B. Gilliam's res
idence, in Spring Hollow, a few days
ago, knocking it into splinters. His lit
tle girl was standing by the well, a bun'
dred feet from tbe post, and was severe
ly shocked.
If yon want to bny fine table fruit call
and see VanDnyn. Fries, 80 cents per
can. " '
Just arrived at C. M. Msllory's City
drug store, a fine line of . staple and
fanoy stationery. Call and examine. i
When yon go to Arlington stop with
Billy Theodore, at the Sanford house.
Ladies, if yon wish to purchase glass
ware or gold hand ware call and see
Van Dnyn. - The cheapest in town.
v"What's the rush down the street?"
''0' J am making a break for Bishop's
drug siro- He's the man that sells
pure drugs, toilet artioles, cigars and all
that sort of bu.-ineas oheap for the plain,
naked onsh." .... L
Earthenware formed most of the cook
ing utensils in ni.nieL times, but in
this period of progreviiorfN Leezer A
Thompson sell to the peop'o granite
stove kettles, milk pans, and eve."v other
conceivable thing in that liue.
It you want to get rioh sow nl'i($
Yon aan e-et it and every other kind of
seed at Minor, JJodssn a Uo's.
Cooking with an old. smoky stove
don't go when you oan get a nice Tri-
nraph range at 15. A. Hunsaker & Uo. a.
that eooke wall, and is an ornament to
tne kite lien.
F. J. Hallock represents eleven good
and reliable fire insurance companies.
Wby should tbe breath of mortal be
bad? Simpy because they do not go
down to Dock. Vaughn's and
have their teeth filled.
Dr. John Basmus, professional tooth
puller aud mouth fixer. Ail kinds of
dentistry done neatly.
Music soothes the august soul ot a
white man as well aa a Columbia river
siwssh, so go down to Bishop's and get
your harmonicas. '
A second ear-load or barb wire win
reaoh M., D. & Co. tbis week.
The I aimers and Merchants insuranoe
sompany, ot Albany, Uregoa, will give
you a square deal. 8ee ad. in another
There are no bugs on the fire insur
ance oompnnijes Fred Hallock represents.
The fenoes or Morrow oounty are
usually barbed wire) which article oan
be purchased at Leezer & Thomsons.
Itubbor bose, fine tubular' Bnshtord
wagons and tbe Now Home sewing ma
chine all sold oheap nt tbe same' plaoe.
Cash paid for connty sorip at Minor,
Dodson k Go's.
A new invoice of harvesting machin
ery just in at B. A. Hunsaker k Go's.
They consist ot soythes, pitchforks, etc.,
and it takes muscle to run them, but
you can buy them aheap.
Do you want mill feed in any quanity?
Sporry can accommodate yon. Give
him a cull. Hunt him up.
ltemeinber the plane to get a good ci
gar is ot 0. M. Mallory at the City drug
Liohtenthal has a fine stock of ladies'
and children's shoes, for wbioh he will
sell very cheap for the naked cash.
His stock of men's boots and shoes
has no equal in Heppner, and can be
nroenrod in like manner as above.
When man gsts so that be ean't speak
pleasant to his wife, he must have either
the cbillblains or tbe tonthaohe. Dr.
Vaugh an,: the dentist, is a sure cure tor
the hitter.
When your teeth get so that yon can't
eat anything harder than mnsn dig op
Dr. Vaughan and have him make you
uew set.
F.J Hallock istbe leading ins r nance
agent of Morrow oonnty.
Every one who has' a house should
have it insured, and nothing is ahead ot
the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance
oompany ot Albany, Oregon, tor that
Minor, Dodson k Co. are getting in an
immense stock of goods which they are
selling at prices so low that it would as
tomsh you.
Basmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner
It is a fact acknowledged by all "art
organists." both of Europe and Amerioa
that the "Estey is tbe sweetest voiced
most human toned, least reedy in tone,
and Quickest in response to tonoh of any
organ manufactured in tbe world.
- . . . . . .
A.'l kinds of ready-made goods and
fine ouitoin work at Mat Liohten that's
boot ana hee store, at reasonable rates,
and repairing a specialty.
Conik'tny'loe Sorely C'srea.
Tothi Editoh- -Please inform yonr
readers that I heve positive remedy
for tne above named lUseaao. dj
timet v uaa thousands ot hopeless ci
have been permanently eu."J. x snail
be clad to send two bottles Oi my reme
dy free to any of vour reader who have
consnmbtioc if thav will send me their
express and suss euiee sdress. lves,s-
fally, T, A. &ln M. C, 181 Pearl a,
New Zork.
Tailor) so
I have opeued.a wJ-ap pointed tailor
ing establishment ua mv new build
ing on May street, an! ana flow regularly
receiving new goods aa wM make cus
tom njade pants from 87 f 15 best
goods jtbo .market.
Cou a e ini Ckhtkb. Wwpam was
the legal teuder amons; the Indians, bat
it won't bay boots and simes them days.
That brins; tbe oase, tbosa indebted to
me must oome to tbe front with socae
bard aoin. Mat LicuKKrHAL.
OwHF.n Waxti d. $5 rew.ird for the
owner of a calf that is rnnninir with rr.y
oiw. branded with a orois witbdash eon-
Beefed above, nn right side; crop off left
ear; abont maaim oia, this animal
oan he found at mf ranen no nnea
creek. U.COat.
Takew Up. At John Bidgeway's
ranch, in Boa canyon, one sorrel
horse, abont 10 or Vi years old, branded
J K on eft aboalder. U. P. Kidotwat,
Aivaaess asoa Wool.
Avers k Fell will nuke advaaoeo upon
wool for delivery an J sale at Arliairtoo.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received by the conn
ty olerk at tbe oourt bouse in Morrow
connty, Oregon, for a contract by and
between the lowest bidder or bidders
and the oounty oourt of said county, to
build a fire-proof brick vault for the
safe keeping of the records of tun ooun
ty, according to the dimensions given in
the specifications and drawings. For
further particulars see plans and speoi
fio.ttions at (he county clerks office,
where bids will be received until 2
o'clock P. M , Friday, July 6. 188o. .
A. H. Ttsos.
By order of ooMt- .i :
Work Wklk Farmers In olden
times, had very few oonrenienoies to
assist them in tbe routine of farm
duties, but in this day numerous inven
tions have made farming a pleasure.
We would eill attention, particularly, to
the hay and grain smoker, of A. N. Wal
lace, who is manufacturing this labor
saving contrivance. It will alao remove
neta from header beads. Call on him at
Heppner. Ion will find him at the Pio
ueer hotel.
For Sat.!. 320 acres of deeded land
end a timber onlture, situated between
Frank Gilliam's and Silas Wright's in
Spring Hollow, Rhea Creek, Msrrew
oounty, Oregon. Oond water on each
quarter section, and the best spring in
tha country at the bouse. (Jail on me
at my place or address me at Heppner.
Thb VBr.plcT,-i-Chdren carnages
are nn lndispensabbl article' in a family,
and that beiittr the verdict ot tha Ameri
can people- call at Kirk It Xonnggren's
and get one nt cftdf for ah. Coino
early and get the choice. '
Main Street,
Abstracter 1 of Titles,
k N P-
Oa Improved Farms ia Morrow
Umatilla Counties at'
Koshland Bros,.
Wodt Commission Jfercnanfs.
EstaWlished 1863-
31 N Front St., '416 Sacramento St.,
Portland." J' , - San Franoisoo.
Cash Advanced or
Oso. Wm. Wright, Agent, Heppner.
I i lilTffl.
The : Heppner Hills,
And all Other Important Places, will do well to bny their
Queensware, Glassware, Wooden and
And Everything Else thai can be
JHio hat now localtd next door to Kirk & Younggren'B Furnitnre Store,
t.'i :
-y -Bakery Buil
'- ' With a fine stock of
Family Teas and Coffees, .
A Full Line of
Call on them and get
the Clean Cash.
Man Street,
Neatly Oppoiile
Furniture, .
Is prepared to give meals Bt all
:o( .
You will find my place next door
to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., in the
Old Bank Building,
Wool Commission
.. Bopresentiag
T. W. HALL k Co , Chicago. '
- FENNO BR06 A CHILD, Boston.
iiiin i i r'i in
Arlington, Castle Bock and Echo.
: Settlers, Attention !
Tod trill save time, money and trouble
by consulting
J t 'V . i wr w v
Plata ot vacant lands obtained. Filings
and entry papers prepared. Correc
tions of erroneous entries secured. Con
tests initiated, conducted and defend
ed. Deeds and mortgages drawn.
On entered lands. Consultation;' by
mail or in person, strictly confidential.
Unusual Facilities
For prompt and successful proseention
of all kinds of land business.'
J. W. Morrow.
OKs on May atrset, Hoppner. Or.
"Jons Davison,.
At ran
S A.L002SF
Oppbiite lirerr S(bl.
At this favorite resort will ' always be
found the best brands of
far the amawme at t suvate.T
found in a Well-Regulated Grocery
& Smith
your goods cheap for
Minor, Dodton &
Co.'s Store,
of and Dealers in -
wuu wrdMaj UDajeu
Picture Frames, Etc.
Always in the Lead!
The Old-Established House of
General Merchandise,-
Our Stock will be found Complete in' Every
Respect, and we shall always' endeavor
to retain our place
And in the f uture, as in tbe past, we shall endeavor to eontinae
to be the f
Leading House in the
Our faeilitieg for doing business ere tinotcallad by any moroantile M
tablishmsnt ia the Northwest!
We guarantee to all onr Cnstomers Courteous Treatment and Fair
Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will eonvinoe
each and all as to tbb fall and complete stock wa at all times earrr.
Owing to tlie steady increase in onr
better facuH68 t"011
Sole Agents for
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements"
. Commission and Forwarding Mercriaht
Ship Cats' of li. A' B.', Arlington.
Keeps the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in Ms line m
' Morrow uounty.
Couiprisinp: Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medieanes, and Toj.
let Goods of Every Description.
Potty, Etc., Etc.
He makes a specialty of Pure
Purposes. Vest Brands Domestic
Jandy, uts, unewing uum, xtc. rricea reasonauie. 'A arms, Cash.
Presorintions accurately compounded, day anal night, and mesial
attention paid to orders from the
Of Heppner and
'ladies hats
All ot the Latest
A Special
m rriii 1 tt, rw'ir rsti", , i '
Ladies' Furnishing Goods Store,
I am Closing Out my Stock of Ladies'
Misses Shoes AT COST.
Heppner Country
business ire have built a Large-
Briok Building, which gives ui
8Tr before enjoyed:
and Vicinity
.13" a i n
W agonv
Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass,
Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
and Imported Cigars.
Vicinity to Examine
Styles and Patents, at