Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 28, 1888, Image 2

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Owing to the recent rains bnnohgrass
in getting to he surprisingly good
length, nnil cuttle and hornes are look
ing well.
Farmers who thought they would Dot
iinve Bny hay say they will have an av
erage yield of grain. Late aown grain
is coming out wouderfully and will pro
line better than that wkioh was sown
early. .
Ifr.nY one wants to behold a sight
that wfll cnnse the mouth to water, let
him go down to Silas Wright's on Rhea
ereok and stroll through his two acre
strawberry patoh. Snoh a sight does
not often greet the eyes in this oauntry,
and who would not pay four bits a gal
lon for them.
Chas. Talberts parents, who reside
near Walla Willa, are visiting at the
bnrae of E. B. Stanton'.
Cnpt. H. B. Lefevre, of Lone Rook,
while on liis way to Heppuer stopped at
the home of 0 1. Sweeney. His mis
sion was to return to its owner a pup lie
bad been trniuing. The dipt, is not on
ly a buck herder of noted fame, but
auks with the beBt of them as tminer
of the canine tribe.
Last Friday evening the young peo
uln of this viciuitv trathercd at the Mo-
Bee aohool bonne and tripped (he light
fautastio until the wee small hours.
E. M. Hawley's school oloard Inst Fri
dny. but report says that be . has been
employed to wield the rod. two months
longer, llua speaks well lor Mr. uaw
Icy as a teacher. Juur.
Lexington" notes.
.. JiK;l". .
Mr. Harrison, of Heppner, aocurapa
nied by Miss Belle Elder, muds Lexing
ton a visit on Sunday. -
Hon. T. E. Fell stopped over in Lex-
iogton Monday night.
Smith's railroaders will move camp
up to town the last of the week.
Willie Laswell, of Portland, oonsin of
H. MoFarl nd, is olerkiog for H. MoF.
Spring ohickens are now getting ripe,
ami it ih said they are thinning out re
markably fast in this vicinity. It in
stated for a fact that there are at pres
ent twelve preachers in this neighbor
hood. Bom f 600 has been raised for the
storm sufferers (half of itfrom Uppner),
id Jas. Leach, 8. B. Hope, E. T. Carr,
Iit. Fell and N. A. Thompson appointed
distribution eommittee. After all that
' has been said ngaiust Heppnor.it stands
s a faot that no town of its size in the
state extendi a more liberal hand to the
unfortunate 'hnn she;
The little girl of Andrew Reaney and
the Ivens boy, who were in the wrecked
school house at the time of the storm,
nre still unennsoious, but hopes are en
tertanined of their reoovery.
Lexington has beeu burned out, wash
d out and blown out, but still she will
Celebrate the glorious Fourth. Jo-Jo.
Exercises commence at 10 A. M.
1st rtreeting Glee, by Olee Club.
21. Prayer, by Chuplain.
8.L Song, by Glee Club. ..
4th. Reading ot the Declaration of
6th. Hong.
6th. Oration, by Geo. Wm. Wright.
7th. Snag, Martial Music.
8th. 'Noun. J )iuner under the Arbor.
Everybody is cxpeoted to bring baskets
well tilled.
Dth. Musio.
10th. Declamation.
11th. Song, by Glee Club.
12th. Heoitulion.
13th. Bong.
14th. Saok racing and other amnso
ments. A prize will be given to the best lady
rifler. Frifce for the handsomest baby.
An arbor will be erected for the ne
oasinn, large and Commodious enough
for all. There will be a danoe at night
under the auspices of J. H. Scrivener.
Jcne 23.
T. W. Rodrord went to Arlington the
first of the week.
Geo. Miller has been sick for the past
few days.
Messrs. Hacer, Morrow and Kirk of
1'eppner were in these parts Monday,
adjusting right of way damages.
Mrs. Bush, of the railroad camp near
Willows, is visiting Mrs. Boil
The lone pugilists are convalescent.
School olosed on Friday. The young
folks and patrons of tl e district (except
the one who has been sliding around on
bis ear, for the past three weuks bionnar
be could not run the school himself)
.came in and filled the school honee to
-rrr - -.n-r-rt
A rtatkmknt of the financial standing
Of this district will appear in t'jis issue
which speaks far itself. The value of o
good school iu n town is of grjat impo:
tanoe to its future progress. Heppner
hag hud n very gotd school, but hardly
Bitch ft me SB the town deserves. Six
liiouths school in ft year is not sntticient,
nna u you citizens ot Heppner wish a
town that has some reputation for ed
ucational facilities, do not fall below a
term of eight months as was pro
posed at the lust sohool meotini.
uur experience in the sohool room leads
us to know that it is a mistake to cut
down a school from four to a smaller
number ot tenohers. As a rule, every
grade that is represented in the ftinr
rooms at the1 beginning of the the school
will have pupils in the school at the end
of the term. Therefore the sime olass-
es exist, and reqmre as much attention
iu n gruueu scuooi as u me classes iCTre
mitd. it is an injustice to both teach
er and pupil to look at the number of
pupils in a room, and not to consider
ttie grades. At any rate we have a good
scuom in neppner that is improving,
every year, aud we be leva that, it mil
be maintained in such a manner as to be
second to none in JSastorn Oregon.
T7 . . . . . .
mm protection win not be und in
Heppner till the town has gone up in
?moke, then it will be in order for the
citizens to get out and figure how little
it would have coat in nronortian n tl.o
loss sustained to equip and ruri; a fire
oompany. Ihree or four oisterns dug in
Main street will supply enough water
or me greater portion of the town, and
i i rant the most dangerous portion as re-
Ktirua urn. n nana engine costs very
nine, vain tins do something to pro
te it property? Don't yon realize that it
is a drawback t the place which you
can ill afford to allow at this particular
uraer iweive Hundred dollars would in
our opinion help this tnwn out wonder
fully in the mutter of fire protection.
This rag has agitated tiro oompany and
a whole oatnlogue of such contrivances
for some time, and will heeD at it until
S??actliiiig is done, or we are burned
. A Smb In the Park
Sometimes fails of its murderous in
tent. Xhe iusiduous and dastardly at
took made upon the reputation of Hob
tetter's Stomach Bitters by persons who
seek to palm off cheap and fiery tonics
as identical with it, or "the eaiae thing
under another Dame," or "equally as
good," in most instances react disas
trously upon the unprincipled traders
upon popular credulity who attempt
them, converting their speculations into
ruinous failures. The Bitters ia a pure,
wholesome and thorough medicine,
adapted to the total cure and prevention
of fever and ague, bilious remit
tant, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious
ness, debility, nervousness and kidnny
troubles. Its every ingredient, unlike
those of the imitations of it, is of an as
certained standard of excellence, and
while they, by reason of their fiery
properties, react injuriously upon the
brain and nervous system, ot both those
organs it sedative and invigorant.. Re
I use all these harmful imitations.
The new firm of
HoRsis for Sale. -I have a band of
from one tn two hundred stock borees
for sale, at $37.50 a bead. Call on me at
Heppner, Or. E. L. Matlock.
Well Cuobbn. Many merohaats f.iil
to sell their goods on aoconnt of their
not being of a first-olass character. But
you need not be uneasy ill regard to
Harry Johnson's stock of candies, nuts,
cigars, tobacoo, etc. They ,are fresh and
well-assorted, - and his stock, warrants
your trade. Next door to First Nation
al Bank, Jones' building. . ,
A teliioium hns been received Bt
Heppner stating that ttio Chicago con
vention have placed in nomination for
president, Gon. Ben Harrison, of Indiana,
and for vice-president, Levi P. Morton,
of Now York. The California delega
tion steod solid for Blaine from the first
to the lust ballot, when they all oast
their votes for Harrison.
Thk prospects for crops never looked
better than since the recent refreshing
rains that seem to be generally distribu
ted to all of this bnnohgiass country. It
is having a lively effeot on business in
every part of the oountry, and it still
continues to shower occasionally, in, s
style that is ennoumffing.
A Good Tbade. I will trade mv ranch
on Big Butter oreck. four miles from Le
na, lor a band of horses. ' The rnLoh con
sists of 240 acres deeded, 1G0 uteres tun
ber culture, 2) 00 trees already tplanted
most of the ranch newly fenoecfr: good
improvements, orchard,. etc, I will give
a good trade for all mares. I shall be nt
the ranch till the 1th or 5th of July. Af
ter that apply at Gazette office.
B. B. Mask,
j-iena, iuorrow county, ur.
Land Business. Come to the Ga-
scktte siiop nnu nave your proving up
started uy ft sheet mat wisues you pros
perity regardless of your religious, po
litical, etc. nro.-livitics. The clerk and
judge live right bore at Heppner. and it
is ai'ogettier more convenient. Uillv
Morrow is ready lo take your filings, aid
will do tue business id HiHt-uliiss shape,
Lost. In Heppner or between Hepp
ner nuu i no aewton rancu, nv.tne way
of Donelson grade, a silver watch and
chum. The watch was in a chamois
leather cute. Anyone findiug the same
will be aniti.bly rewarded, and can leave
it at A. A. bmith s jewelry store.
R. 0. Babolay.
Artistic Wokk. Painting s house
properly is a job that takes a good hand
with the brush, and Wash Williams is
the man that can do that work ior you
in the highest line of artistic art. Paper
Hanging auu msiae wort, s specialty.
Satiufation guaranteed, or no charges
Teal SrniNas. -Jumes I ehman at the
Teal Springs, has a full stock of grocer
ii'B which he will sell tn oiiiiipere at
Heppner prices. He also bai a cood
noise pasture wliere liorss will he pas
tured at 51) cents per head per woek.
A Ti.ain Ouehtion. -Are vnn eoinir to
build a house, or pauer the old one!1 If
either, please bear in mind that C. M.
Mallory, at the City drug store, has just
added to his stock of drugs, paints, oils,
etc, n full line of the very latest patterns
of wall and ceiling paper. Call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Jail Fiiie.- Sundiiy night
pilHoner in the Dallas jail.
' We nre now Daily Receiving Large Invoices of
In all tli a lafcost shades and fabrics and our counters
' With tixe. Choicest ProductioiiB of the Manufacturers; und the
. ' best aewa to all iu that they are
W.e have spent. much time anil money this spring in selecting our
goods, and are satisfied that our Dress Goods Stock will com
prise the Bestns well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be-
fore in Heppner. Can't yott give us a call soon .for the pur
' ; . . . ' pose of .
L;fi;C)K'lN G T HRO U GH
This StocVflrtiil Bee'in'g, our Pretty Things?' We eliftll" takd pleasure
. and pre in sliqwing you what we have got Whether you
r t ' : 'JVareureadyio buy or not, you are
Atjour store, and will see your friends there also.
Of Cable Cord Ginghams, Chambrays, Ac, and as this stock sells
out so fast that we can not hardly get goods fast enough to keep any
variety on hand, we'advise you to give it an early visit -
all at our usual low price's.
SHJiiiJ!' HAUJJ W AlvE, Uird-Cnees. Rone: Nails. f!uftrv.' 'WW
and Willow W are,. Granite Ware, Etc.
r Drug Store
the on'
n sahou
eaclier nnitied Unok. left his nnmllB
onrning when lift went to hed, and n lit
tie after m dnight ho was mnikened by
tun Hiarning oisonvpry tlint the inter ,i
of the pill wi'S in fliimr. H"cing that he
'mini not anpprfsH them, he made in
outcry ami attrneted the u'.tonti.in
two ynnnp men who hud hern nut driv
and wore returning late. They
aonndrd the nlnrm, and the purine
uroiiL'iit out, tlie roof of the jail n
uioiinieo, a note cut in it and the walei
directed down nt the flumes. Meanwhile
nliorilt Uroves had arrived, and iml.w.U.
ed the jail dimr and released Tnok, who
iu inilfiuy noi quarters. His oloth
B "as so hot that the sheriti said he
could not lay his hand on his arm. The
names were extinguished, hut not niiti
the interior had been very badly dam
aired. Tnok. the nrisonor. whose nnre
loHsness started the fire, is the tenther
nuMiiiont-ci last week who so severely
whipped the 7-venr-old hov
v-iininoenmn. it now becomes tha duty
w, win uuuub.r mnoiiriuea 10 repair or
oimu a uew jail, -fulK C'oitury Otsf.-i'
X few weeks ago Father L. L. Gon
rnrdy left Portland for the lepsr dis
tricts on the island uf Molokai, Under
date ot Kalawo, Molokai, Handwi ;h
Islands, May 17, Father Uonrardy writes
to Archbishop Group, of Portland, the
Following letter:
' I left San Frnnoisoo on May 5th, on
the steamer Zelandia, and anired in
Honolulu on the l'ith, where I visited
several eflioinls, and on the 14th loft for
the leper settlement, where I arrived
yesterday evening, May Kith.
"Ijast ni;,'ht I was given a oonuert by
the leper boys now cT iu number. They
sing quite well. Their lenders are two
blind lepers.
"This morning nftor mass I visited the
hospital, whora one may Bee the worst
0 ises. No sight like that can be seen
auywhere ni aa UiU leper- island.
Faces and bodies are horribly disfigurod.
In numbers the ears, nose, lips and
eheeks are very much swollen. The
loathsome diseaso does not work the
same on all, but nppvars in various
forms, young boys look like old men
of 70.
'Father Pnmien' hands are somewhat
better, but his enrs, fane, neck and arms
are covered with swellings. There ia
here at the settlement a convert from
Kpisoopalinnism, brother Joseph Dut
t'in, who has devoted hie lifo to the care
of the orphan boys and others. Hu is
like the goud Samaritan unassuming -
tint lie noes uie work nt a saint.
"Now. about remaining iiiicoiitaniinat-
el, I must put my faith iu Gad; fori do
not see now any cue living here (or a
number nf years could possibly escape.
Our oooka are all diseased.
"The bread is baked also by lepers I
sit near Father I'limien, himself a leper.
All f can say is 'Gad save uiof happen
what may.
"The poor lepers seem quite happy.
If whito people were atHinted as the Ka
nakas are with leprosy I think many
wonld commit suicide.
''To-morrow the superintendent uf the
leper district, who does not reside here,
w.il come to ssleot a lncntiou to build a
lieuse for the sisters of Ht. Francis, who
care especially for the female lepers."
3 T
41 A JJiiKAu l iu'stkatko. The convicts
it walla Walla have been thinking
some or running the institution them
solves, so Hiiya the Union. About 40
students of that industrial college are
Jimmy Turner oame over from Ff n
dletnn yesterday.
now at work iu a brick yard which is
suriouniieu uy a barb wire fence and
guarded by four sentries, stationed nt
each corner ot the inolosnre. They aro
not allowed to leave their posts, and oc
casionally a conviot makes the rauuds
witli a water-bucket The scheme was
to (rive the guards a driuk ot nitric
acid instead Vf water, siczo their guns
nun liberate an me prisoners in Ih
"pen. Overseer ltwrg oame across the
acid in the yard last rhursdiiy, mid in
vestigation revealed the nbova scheme.
It is supposed that one of the trusties
procured the drug.
A Common Shnhm Kkmhdt. In the
matter of curatives what you want is
something that will do its work while
you continue yours a remedy that will
give yon no lucouvemouoe nor interfere
with your businees. Snoh a remedy is
Allcock s Torous Plasters, These plas
ters are purely vegeiuoie and aosOlutelv
Harmless. Ihej require no ohange of
diet, and are not atteoted by wet or cold.
ineir action does not interfere with la.
bor or business; yon can toil and vet he
onred while hurd at work. They are so
pure that the youngest, the oldest, the
moat delicate person of either sex oau
use them with great benefit. Beware of
imitations, and do not bo deceived by
misrepresentation, Ask for Allcock's,
and lei no eiulauntion or eoliuitntinn
iuduoe you to accept a substitute.
Sthaybd. A S-year-old bay mare, star
in face, white hind feet, branded half
oircle N on left shoulder. Ranged last
)eur with Cy Dennett's horses. A liber
al reward will be paid for her returu to
Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, or to my
V. R. Nswma.n.
New Lavndht. Abeut the first of
May we will open a uew laundry in the
building not below Jim Jones' livery
table, on the east side ot Main street,
lieppner A hill stock of Japauesa silk
goods and lacquered nre will also be
kept on baud. Kiam A Wo Kxa.
The firm of Lea Morehouse Co
rendleton, Have been considerably
n ;y d 'ateiy by o:iry creditors. 'J
will fet inroi g i all rifht
s Tim i'
m m ii
n Si " 2,
i V-i to -2
? A f
s 1 O p ? I -
mv Office at Iia(Jmiido( Or., June 31, '68
otic in horeby givtm that
It. Sherman
Han filed notice of liin hitnntion n mko finnl
nrtMif tteforn llio coiintv lrk nf hi nWa
Mpppnor, (r(gtin on W ml nudity, thHth day of
Aiimiftt. nn ti 111 her flit tiro mutlifKiiitn Kit
l, for ttmB '- Nfc and N !i Bit ! Soo. tt, Ti
.Tama JMunheny, Wnlter DaiiHliorty. Frank
mv orKieuuo n. a. iirnwn, ait or Ltena, ur,
I.7.VHO HlNlY ItlNBH KT, HrfftHtPT.
f iand Office nt TH Dallw. Or., Juna 9, 18NH
utiiiiH ih iiflrt'iiv vivHii innr rii niiiAin
iiauitti BtMimr line niea iiohoo or niR lutftution
to nwkn final lrof in tmmmrtof l is olntni. nH
that hmiiI pronf will be inttdj hcfnrfl ttia vUrk
ot Mm row oount. Or., at ntip) er,Or.,on Jul
21, lMfW, riiT
Joseim ( nnaltvh.
T. H. 1I4 for rhuHWy hVV ,.c Ifl, NWU NW
K -X t, W M
Ho naiaea the follnwtit wifuna.ni tn Hme.
ma ponuniitKii rPMiuenoo noon, aim i'uiiitaiiiiii
uf, HH'ui IhikI, viv:
Kd. (Ox, H. H, tJlaiwford, fimn Cliapin, Bugent
v iinppui, mi oi iiaruniHU, siorrow i ytgn
V. A. McDoNALiUiHulster,
I JU)d Offices! I (irande,Or.. Jnno 11, 'HI.
No1 ice is hrwbw eriwi thnt th fnllowinir-naniMl
sttlr has ftlaa entice of his intention tn make
final proef ia support of bit claim, sad that said
6rol will bo made betonj th conty jstlfre of
I or row Ronntr. Omintii. or in hit shflftirs htfnni
itw clerk nf tut id couuty, at Ueitpner, Oregoa, oo
July i7, im, yt:
iiaxter lAiuahPctd.
HH. No. for thf F U NW WirH K U StW U
Soo. lit, Tp i N. K vw K. VP. M.
U namfs ths ft!luHina! wiuiees to nrove kis
etintinuons residsuce upou, arti enlUvaUoa of
said laud, vii:
hrniik Hack, J. A. Walkor. K. H. Hum and
Hamlet llautbruutjh, ail of Kclio, Umatilla coun
ty, tr.
ui rlivav kimiiit. Kmnster.
Land OttUe at I Grand. OrM Juae 1,'tiS.
Niti( is herwltv triven ttmt tlm ftitlnwtna.
nsinwtl Nttl?r has nlrd notice of his iniwnimn to
inwkt final proof in an p port of his tlaira and that
said pnf will bo Disdt ofnrw the iniuuty judo
f Morrttw couiii), tr., ur in his absai o before
the cl i k of said county, at Heppner, Oregon, on
Aucosi 1. ltMrt, tii:
tUiam L. irorfAiNOfon.
Hd. No. UM. for the MX k beo. 11, Tp 4 B R 18
Htinasnea the following witaesses to lrTS
is ooDtinuotis rotueiciiee uuon. said oultifatiua
uf. said land, vis:
Jol.u T. InVMil an. W am BaneHe . Chsr sa
Btauheld and WtiUam Harnett . ail ol Lexincton,
in tbe Leozer" fe ' Thompson
BISIIQI', Proprietor.
Building, Main Street, Heppnor.
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels,
Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti
. cles, Perfumery, Notions,'
Etc., Etc. -
EteTPrescriptions Carefully Comppumled, Dny or Night, and Espe
cinl ttttention pnid to ftimily recipes. &H
Boot and Shoe Store.
Having just receiv?d a large aud complete stock of first-das
Boots aud Shops, I am now prepared to furnish auy artiole in
lice nt fair prices.
I will continue to do ouatom work and repairing, as usual.
. Shop enlarged and refitted throughout New front and
goods. ........
Are at the old stand on
Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granie
ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black
smiths' Supplies.
Fisli Bros, laps, Champion Mowers and
Reapers, Headers,
gines AND
H ii
Just Iii i ;
A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware,
Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc.
. A'. constantly receiving new invoices,, wiuoh cash can takeftwny at
the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner.
Are still in the field with a' '
Dry Goods,, Groceries, Boots, Shoes
And Everything else that ia nsaally found in a flrat-clsss
J, M. H A G E R,
G enteral Merchandise.
, His stock includes a well-assorted line of
Men's Boots and Shoes, , Women's
? Children's Shoes '
Can not be found in Heppner.
Fancy Groceries and Staple Articles
For Pure Drug aud Medioines cnll on
Wlinrs vnn will nnl ilim naaf af-.v nt : t ... . ...
' " m.rruf cwiiniy, consisting ot a
Fresh Stock of Drugs, Patent Medioiuos, Toilet Articles, Choioe rerfumory, No
tions, School Books, Stationery, Paints, Oils, GJas, Putty and
A fine line ot Tobacco and Cigars.
The Finest I3raud of Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes, - Al
ways in Stock.
Physicians Prescriptions Compnnded Dny or Night.
Sperry's New Roller Mills!
Capacity 70 Barrels
J. B. S PERRY, Proprietor. .
Flour from beat
and Mill Feed. Is
to suit purchasers.
Grades of Wheat, flour
now for sale in quantities
Arise to Proclaim the Astonishiiiff Fact That
you want in,
ciisn vou un anvthmo- that-
the ,ine of Groceries, Confectionery Can-.
ned Uoods, bmokers Articles,'
. i oys,
Stavbo.-MnT 16, from Skinner fork,
dark rheatnut lurrnl h.ir. IS Hr fil.l
bM face nd thre white ttci, branded
O on left shenlde r. When Imtt liesrd of
wu in the bond of Sud Hollow; So re
wrd for bis return to Jonea' stable, or
the same amount for inforrastion load
ing to bis reooTery. W. M. Dcucak.
Noiici io Wool Gbowirs. Thooo do
siring to ooniign their wool to Fenno
Bros. A Cbilds, nt Boston, Can draw
from seven to ten tenia per found npen
it at 7 per cent, intarmt. Freight to
Baston, Si25 per 100. Atm Km.
L I B E It T Y
Wm. J. Jit A TMg, Proprietor.
tomtit a luva l muoubl vrirn: also
M PBrtt. mw M eh.
.ww nra i rani, aua wraet. Hep paw.
, Me.
Fo SiXB. Two hoatM tad lota in
Heppner. Good water and Sue loo&tioo.
Apply at OAnrrre shop.
M Kkds tf hssh
Fruits kite
Heppner Saddles!
Cvnntantly ort hd.-