SIXTH YEAR. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1888, NO. 275, THE GAZETTE OTIS PATTERSON, At $2.00 per year, fcl.2!i for aix montha, 10.75 for tl'rw month; in advance. If nnicl for at tee expiration of time. fi.'Mt year will ba charged. OREGON OFFICIALS. goTflcnor Bee. of Stale Treasurer Hupt. Inetrariiou ..ludge Bereuth Dutrict.. District Attorney ........ ....B. Penhofer. .0. W. MeHnde. ...... W.VVobk. .K. B. MtElroj. J. H. Bird. W. B. KUis. MOBKOW COUNTY. tCnnto Jadja..: ......:.. HitakjU. Conmjisemner Wul. . DtionlaM, An- ...C. L- Andrew. ,...T. R. Howard. . .... -Geo. Noble. ....J. M. Nhelton. ...J. i. Meftee. 3. H. Stanley. ....... .A. Baylor. Sheriff..... ' Treiwurer AaKt-eeor Surveyor School Bup't t.orouer ...HenrvBlaekman. Mayor...... k Swinborne, KUia .oiVrO-W Noble, J. a TranauMC. ... MutmUiU.... - J. U. AjOU.huuw. (SOCIETY DIRECTORS'. Doric Lotto Ko. 20 K. of P. meet eveiyTatiHyeyWiir.Bnt7.SOooloek 111 1. U. U. r. JIBU BOJU"' urnh v. ere ore coruiHiu iii..,..-.. ---K. B. HwiKSC SS. K. of It. B. a. W. Habbiotn, 0. 0. Willow Loilje. No. W I. O. O. F. 71. VUltioa- brotliers will, be wolootned. J . (. . ttlBK. ft. u. l W. Ytrnaeiu.. Bee Bec'y. SnnaFotioi BeU kah De. No. M l. O. O. F. moot eecun(t and fosrth Wnturtlaya or eaao Bionth. ileuibers of the Degree ooitlicliT el eonied. Una. M.M.NolOE, N.O. E. A Whitieb, Bee. Seo.'y Heppner I.ode, No. A. F. 4, A. SI. meets every tint and third Saturday of eucli month. r RANK UlJ.u.m aiasier. Will. A. KiBK. Heerelur,. IUIR1VILLE. ' Lone Balm Lodge No. Hi, 1. O. O. F. meets ev er) Saturday (-veuiiiir ai 7 o'cleck ut the twual place of meeting. Viaiting Lrothera welcomed. J. J. Medea, N. (i. S. W. Miles, R. Bee. Mistletoe Kobekali Degree Lodge No. 25. rneeta . I . L 1 I IT...T In. ..f n..l. mi,n(h Orel WiU iiiiru ncuumui'j ' "vm m..... t'urrie BtAuley, N. B. N. Dnrdrann. See. O. PROFEflSIONAL. DR. W. A RITCHEY, Physician and Surgeon EEPPNER, - - OREGON. OSica witli Dr. VangLai, ovor E, R. Bishop's drug store. W. B. ELLIS, Attorn e y - a t - Ij a w AXD Notarv ; - -.- Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Prosiouliiig Attorney fur Seventh Ju dicial District. Will give prompt attention to anj and all businexi entrusted to him. OFIfK'iS on Main Street, over Liberty Mar ket A. L. FOX, Tli. 0. AND M. D. feiiu&is cf 'flie Caivc?fy of CLASS OF '6.9-70 Rpemal Btt-enliun tfiven to djsenaes if v-raoii and rhildren. OiiicH ic P. O. Bsrg s building. GEO. WM. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Opposite Gazette Office, Hejjpner. I AM 1 FlUNttS, Contested Kntripn, Relmbl U li.mimnnp. Lutuii) made and collection. promptly atttndeU to. H. B. LE FEVRE. Professional Herder of Bucks and Billiegoais1 Lone Rook, : : : Oregon. 'iVadeB, mim and pnrduuw) nPKttiatd ut low eomminsion, and mrmeral line of nun lrkr(,e trunnscted. finlhent from the ranae at nhotrin time, taken no Ijucks thnt hnve Ikmh exoowd to iK'ub. dipfl, feedft salt and tidlphur, myn for burktt nod accounted fur, and mukiw tfpuftral delWeritwi at conveiduut place between the middle and lat of October. All for a Dollar and Ten Cents a Head. . City Meat Market, NOBTH SIDE MAIN 8TEEET, HEl'I'NFB, Keeps on hand a fall supply of Fr tl and Corned Beef and Port;, Freth Mut ton, Sausage, Tripe, Etc. C. E. BIN TON, PROPRIETOR California, Oregon and IDA-TIO STAGE COMPANY. J. J$, Keeney, Siipt. rlintOB Stage lewea Heppner, A, H " arrivee " S P. M. Pendleton " leavea " ') A. M . u m jirriT " 4J10 P. M. Fare to ArlinstoB, -Fare to Pendleton, - 85.C0. Freight 2 cents per ponnt ED. R..I3ISHOP, Ao't., Huppner, Ogn First National Bank OF HEPPNER, a mi HTJGH FIKLDS,- Preaident. Tice-PraaWeot J. G. Maddoekt Cashier. rr .t. . HmArnl fin n kni 2 Business A I ati'. w " " EXCHANGE On li nru of the world Bought and qld, Collections male at all potnh ffl tonubte Ttrms. PETER O. BORG, HlPPUBlt." OltBOOS, -SEALES IS Watches and Clocks, . ..Jewelry, Etc. ; GOLD PENS, i 'Amcihyai, Cameo and Diamond Gold Rings, Gold ami Hi leer , . . lVatchc?. it All other articlos nsttnlly kept in Jew - elry Store. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AXD ALL WORK WAR- RANTED. , ' STOliK opposite Minor. Dodaon & Co'a May Ut. J. W. MORROW ...... -HAS : 1 Money to Loan On Real Estate in Morrow- County, at a cheaper rate of iutyr- est than any loan agent can offer- both for final proof and on patents. Inquire before negotiating else where, and save lots of coin by so doing. Apply to J. W. Morrow, Office on May Street,Heppner. ARTHUR SMITH, PUACTICAIj WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNER, : : ORE ON. Watches, A Optical Clocks, t Goods . Watches Cleaned, . - $1.10. MainHprings Fitted - - ... 1.60. Ij.. All work guaranteed for one year. Say, Sheepmen CHRISTY & WISE THE WOOL Are now in the field to Make Cash Advances! Office: Lnbbe BuilJiuc 33 Washington Street, Portland, Ogn. i COOPER'S Sheep Dipping Powder is USED ON 50 MILLION SHEEP ANNUALLY. IT IS A COLD WATER DIP AND IS THE ; t Cheapest,- Safest and Best CURE FOR SCAB. It has been in use half a century ancWtpplied to more sheep than artjlfow existing on the earth. Snell, Heitshu k oodard, Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or. Koshland isros., rortland. Sold wholasale by Wasco Ware house Co., The Dalles, Or., and retailed by all merchants. . r. rtOBIKOE. I IXOBINO FLOEENCE BHOTHEBS, STOCKRAISERS ! HKPPNEB, OREGON. I'tUle branded and ear-marked aa ahowa a bore rlareaa v an ncm uoniut.r. Our cattle moire in Morrow, Oiluani. UmatUU and Wawocountiee. We will par f 100.00 re ward .'or the arreet and eotmetion of any pereon Commission Merchants FOURTH v CELEBRATION And I3aske t Picnic in the X W PI:X LAN I) GROVE mmm f t a t. t rv ta ri Of Plug-Uglies, Brass ; " ' ; ' ' ' Car.1" DANCING IN eOFFICERS OF PRESIDENT, J. F. BREWER. VICE-PRESIDENTS: ' ; James Leach, Dr. W. M. Lewis, Geo. Noble, C. M. Mallory,. Lafe Penland, Geo. Chapin, John English, Alex Young, J. H. Jones, Thos. Rhea, -Thos. - Carl, Chas. Sperry, Nate Cecil, J. B. Ely, Frank Oviatt, J. W. Mitchell, Thad. Armstrong, J. H. Wattenburger, Henry Thompson, C. M. Long, Wm. Douglass, Jerry, Basriiji--; GRAND MARSHAL, WM. PENLAND. . Aids: Andrew Reaney, C. C. Boon, Frank Benge, Al. Kimsey, Dave Porter, Jim Muir, Thos. Saling. READER: RMISS LETtFe LEWIS. ORATOR: COMMITTEE OF J. D. Kirk, Wm. Penland, Win! Blair, Geo. Harris and Emory H6dson. COMMITTEE ON ; W. D. Holcomb, E. T. Carr, Dr. J. H. Fell, Chas. Lewis, R. H. WKitson and F. H. i Snow. ( committee: on decoration-. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Beach, 'Mrs. Hope, Mrs. H. Penland, Miss Ruby Matier and Mrs. Danner. finance: committee;: Geo. Harris, J. D. Kirk and Alva Leach, The Celebration will GRAND In the Evening on the Large Platform (50x100 feat) in tht Grove, un der the Magnificent Glare of UAI-jE, COMMITTEE;: James Muir, .'E. T. Cany Frank Benge, Hen vy Hawkins and For Further Particulars See Programmes. &ycxi& f Q 0 Q iVpcQ ij 1 I OF JULY AnrnnTA t i Band and Liberty- THE GROVE. THE DAY.m W. R. ELLIS. ARRANGEMENTS: AMUSEMEMENTS Conclude with a BALL! I I nomas baling. STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, . Th State Teachers' Association ; will be held at Salem, July 5,Gand ' 7, 1888.- The Association will convene in the legislative hall, capital build ing, at 10 A M., on Thursday, July 0. All teaohers and friends or ed ucation are cordially invited. The Collegiate Association will meet in the senate chamber, capi tal building, at 2 r. M., Thursday, July 5; also at the same tima and place, Eriday, July 6. The pres ence of all members of colleges and universities in the State is earnest ly desired. Th'$ department of superiuten. deucel will be organized by the f-svem county and city euperin teudents, and will meet in the' of tice of the Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction ut 4 o clock P. M., on Thursday, July 5, and the depart ment ot music will convene in the legislative lull at the same day and hour. , The hotels of Salem will enter tain those attending, during the days of the Association, at reduced rates. . Arrangements have been made by which all attending the Associ ation from all points in Eastern Ordgon and traveling over the O. li. & N. li. It., will pay full fare to Portland and will be entitled to return tickets at one-fifth ( 1-5 ) of regular fare. Parties traveling over this line will pay local fare to Portland, taking receipt from the station agent for the same. This receipt must be attached to the certificate of attendance issued by the Superintendent of Public In struction to all members attending and must be presented, on return, to the agent ot the company at the Ash-street dock, Portland. Arrangements have been made with theO.&C. U. B.; the O.P. li. E., the W. V, lt'y (narrow gauge) companies for reduced rates to all attending, and the usual re duction will be granted. Several btate (superintendents of Public Instruction, and other leading educators from . the East ern States and severel of the Ter ritories, have been invited and are expected to be present O ' FAX. ":.';';- M;; After m.iisy months of miserable hydrant water so trying to the pa- i :uce of Job, our citizens have at last been supplied with a pure arti cle from Browser's spriug. Sun ny Clime. rare wator never was known in Heppner, but the enterprising denizens of the colony make shift with Matter s elixir of malt, l'ine spring water caa ba had at some expense. A fellow at Omaha, seeing that the river was raising, baited 'his barb wire fence. When the flood subsided there were four thousand fish strung on it.. The money spent for advertis ing in this country, it is claimed by those who have investigated the matter, would more than pay the national debt, and the results secured by judicious advertising equal in net profit more than four tunes the cose. He that whoopeth up" his own business in tiie newspaper shall reap a bountiful harvest in golden shekels. He that readeth the ad vertisements and profiteth thereby shall have abundance of this world's goods for little money. He that chooseth not to subscribe for his home paper shall wonder at the intellect of his neighbor. He who advertisath liberally gets the cream of the" trade. Old fo gies get the skim milk. A justice of the peace belonging in the rim-rooked Malheur doesn't waste many words in' performing a marriage cermony. He simply says: "Stnnd np. Grab hands. Hitched. Five dollars," and the job is done. pmmm Absolutely Pure. trwiethwid wholMtomenM". Wr eoonotniojii than the ordinal kind, and cannot ba wld m oooipetiUoi) with the moltitada of low taut, nhart waiachi. aluiD or pbophat powdm. Bold onvi Ticn. liOTAL HAKIM POWDifiK CO,. It will pay you to call upon J. M. H A G E R, IIEPPNEH, OREGON. Who Keeps Constantly on hand a Large and Complete Stock of STAYER & WALKER'S Very Best and Latest-Improved ' FARM, DAIRY AND MILL MACHINE Y. WAGONS, BUGCIE3, CAR KIAGES, CAETS And Machine Supplies and 1 opeciaiiies oi atijxvtuus l i c, ii ii ir J- Mt.K yi-ti Prices the . Lowest ! MPP-'7 Quality Considered, SWS And Price List. SUPPLIED FREE Before you Build Your A. H. TYSON -IEACTICAL- j ARCHITECT and BUILDER! f . STAIR BUILDING, Of any kind desired neatly executed. He will als o Furnish on Short Notice, Anv stvle of stair material, such as tors,, in uaiuuc,, Who also has a very larj Doors, Sash, Moule CEDAR S Constantly Ke All things in his iine w LOWEST OA Office and Wareroom at the corner You will also find a full line of Younggreu's furniture store. Heppner Cit - -0 Havi lg purchased the latest utensils, I iim enabled with in ' my deep, cool Btone cellar i atinosphcie of the Hep "'J f"Kt" '. SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER ! , Afretwutible wholesale and retail rates.' Lunches of all Kinds... : , , -AND THE . . .. Best Brands of Cigars. Parties in the country must return empty kogs, or $6 apiece ' will be charged. : J; B. NATTER, Proprietor. THE BEST SPRING VAGOHS, BUGGIES AND- R.O jfLD O ARTS Send for Catalogue and Price List Jsh Bros. Wagoh Co., RACJNE. WIS. B. A. Hunsaker & Co. Agents at Heppner. rfePi'Z Call and see this Fine Line of Goods, or send for .J&jHandsomelv Illustrated CATALOGUE, ; ' ON APPLICATION.! House Please Call on -THE BEST- v FARM WAGDK -IN THE MARKET - a