r MY FATHER'S FAMILY PIIYM CI A XX. B. Joll OK!, f the Svtnnr Climo. How dim the memory of the florkl-faceil, big-lellieil, man who, when I wns a chit of a child, used to feel of rny pulse untl give me jnediciuea, some of which tasted bo sweet that I wished to get bick Again in order to swallow more. Uut I have a distinct recollection of a slender, tall, sober-faced man. whose drug store I passed almost every day on my way to the villagi school, wl.erj I learned penman ship for a year preparatory to en tering a sign f cbo A for the deaf. One morning at breakfast I had a CsL-bone stuck fast in my throat, nnd all my efforts to take it out we-e unavailing. I began to f-et 1 lack in the face. My relatives were panic-stricken and sent fir a physician. Before he arrived, however, the fish-bone was extinct rd, and I breathed more freely. Upon his arrival, I recognized him as the sh nd r, tall, grave man w'ao kept the dru.j store, aa before observed, lie shook a linger at ms.and as he did bo, niado signs that he would cut my throat if 1 would not mind my q'a and p I was mum and silent, for fear of him. This physician was Dr. Ford, who afterwards became gcveru i of New Jersey. At the expiration of his time of office, he took charge of the lunatic asylum a. Trenton, where hu had a son "dead on top." Ho remained at Die hand of the asylum until Ids death, which took place several uinntln ago. Several years ago after the death of my father, another fami y phy eician of his, also, was elect d gov ernor of N-.iw Jeis v. It is related of him that ( a ly in the morning when ho was to take a'l oath of olhco at 12 o'clock, he walked all the way from his rosi (hnce to Trenton, through snow, it distance of twelve miles, stopping at house after housa to prescribe for his uatienls. lie arrived at Trenton at VI o'clock bhiri). This physician, 1 am proud ti. S'-y, is Dr. Unwell, ex-governor oi Washington lorritory. "What can exceed the beauty of a peach (lower tipped white, clan ging to rose r sluTjillinvKS. Those of our lady readers wh would like to have an elegant, largo package of extra fino, As Korted Juubons lv mail , in (titter- e it widths and all the latent fash io.ntble Blind as; mlanted for l!on net Stringc, Neckwear, Scarfs, Trimming forlla',s 1 rosso i, Uoys, Fancy Work, fcc., can get an aston iahing big bargain, owing to tin recent failure of a large wliolanal, Kibbon Manufacturing Co., bi sending only 25 cents (stamps; to the address wo give below. As a special offer, this house wi.l give double the amount of any other firm in America if you will Bond the namon and 1'. 0. addrewf of ten newly married ladies when ordering and mention this paper. No pieces less than one yard in longth. Satisfaction is guaranled, or money cheerfully refunded. Three packages for (50 cents. Ad dross, London Hiubon Agency, Jkksf.y City, N. J. m;?) HKA WONWOtS Mist in thou-X-rfl Hsntld of forms, hat nrnwur pusm-d hy thf woiuluiiot inven tion. Tltoso whi iit'tun lus-d of pru'uclUt nn lloy uiaut. und worh llml okii li(MlonMYl;iltlir;nfc at horns should nUinrc nival ihir addnwit lo liri! Ult A (V IWtluml, Mniim, ami nvsivo frw, full information how rittiur tin 7, nil ut;, cmi .ar.i f rom to t pt'r dny nnd upwiirdj wlieruvtu t toy live. You art sluitsd Irw. I'npitd nut ri. (jOTuu. tointi liiiv1 111r.Hu ovur J'0 lu it illicit ilnj fit tli in work. All immet'd. KXKCt'TOirS NCTiCi;. Nntiro in hpri'by ;ivon Unit lhf llinlirf in Ihki hicii iiiKiiii(i d HX'M'itt ir nf Ilm vkUiIo ill l''nmk Itiddoi'k d,,fi'(if'l, ii'i.l tint nil ponton liHVMt'lainiN aTtnirtl nai;l t-Klato nlioul-1 ,:-Mrti'iit ihi'in with tin tirtipnr vmii'licru, to m in llcpi-. tier. Un-Kon, within hix ninnthn nf llm il;iU ui Ihi-iiitMiv. JOHN tl. .MADDIK'K, lil cd Jitli L.iH:il(nr. Knuik Kt-ll(i(EK. Athimcy fur cxecudir. NOTICE OK 1NTENTJON Und OtHreat The MM. Or.. Mn Nottoe id hro i) tctvcn 4i.it t;ululii n k-uhdi'm Bettlor ha tiled notice ti' Ins intntnin lu uu.kf Dual prtiof in ippurl nf iik ruiiin. and Us it .uil lroot will bo .undo hefo Urn cuuiu jud of Mnrniw county , Oyn, at 11 ppi.er, Or., v.i Ju.ni 2J, IS., Tii: Hd VMK for tho t- 'i 'K U Kf i-. HI. Ti i S, It i!t K. Hiid N ', Ni- U Se . 1 1 4 H It 2i K, W. M. likt liiiUH-rt Urn ldhiwititt witi:.M(H ( prof" ' hi cmluui uiH itNuloiit-o upon, aid cuiUfH tiou of, mud 'und, v.: A. M. IliHtkur. A. W, H-iMt p Win. Inm-um miu J. H. lii,im!uiui, all -if '"i4;lit hh. Or. 2Jl-il K. A. . 1osi.t. Itujii.itur. .NOTICH OK INTENTION I Ami OHi.-ynl Tht' Dulles Or., May 7. 'KM. No ire lh hrchy itivon licit tht fo'lowniH-ii.Tii-Ml Stiller tiMX tilttl inUKtc of h.i nitnnium lit nmkt. hull1 proof in Mlpoort of hlfl rlilHll. li'id 1lMs;ti' p'-oof will ho iu,id tiffurt t!f fimtty t-lfiiv of Mm-ow rnuiity, at llcppnur, Oit;ou, oa Jaiv lSftti77 for (he V. lv t-K '4. KW M" uiul HK V 8W Hvi IJ, Tp X . It K v. M. : lhiiMiif Ui lollovtiiu' widiow to prove hit ro'itinu-iu ii'idi.ur' upon, mi.l ettllivtitii u of, i bhuI Innd, v.x: t'. It. Tny'tur. I. ll.- v. lo'ini Spitliinu jnl I Y. M. 1 uui:.k1-hiiiu, nil or H piur. Or. 1'. A. :onai ii. lttv-iwu-r. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T "litl Oflice t I Ji (inii'de. Or., My H. 'f-1:, Notice it liirtby chen (htt ;hj fiilh'A-inL'-tiainfd tttlnr has Mr-d hit; intin't' of inp-nt lot) to ui.,k tiual proof in support of cl iiin. nid l!ift fnid I tmxif will In made S-fort lfi'l'-rk o( lloricw county, ut HoppuiT. Or., m Jiiu. o ISM viz: i'it.ro;t Ytmnih T). S. No. 7i;0, for iht. N, K. l fvc. JTJ Tp. 2 8' It. W K, lit iiitniPA the f'litowmk' w: ttn'-si-c to pr.utt iif contuniotiB rfM;dtinjo upon, ant cultirmiou of, Mild in nd, V fox. K. A. Knmer, V. ('. Tut-miwoa, V. H. HtTill:i,ll , f li- ppi,,r. Or. I -o'-;t HtNin luMiiUM'i fft'.:itfr. g k w m& Absolutely Pure. TWi powder Ttcvpr vr(f. A marrt-:! of pnrity UHi:tli ai.i1 wiin'"umpi eas. Mor wionr mo hnn IM ordinary kir.tU, hu 1 ru:t o(, i wild it )ompttition with the nuilliUtd" of liy.v tent, sbctri f;iglil, tlam or iih'iulii:tP powi'ra. fVii.D onlk Hiifs. KUi'AL, liAli 1 N i POWIU'.H CO.. 224-3.2 V.A Wull Hltrfc'Jt, N. Y. IXTERFSiTlXO TO LAVISH. Our lady reader can hardly fail Lo have their attention culled now to the latest ccmbinntion of im provements in that irrt useful of lomestic imploments, the "sewing machine." As wc understand it, n machine tor family use should first meet till these requirements: It should be simple iu its median ism; it should run easily; it should do a wide range of work; it should be is nearly noiseless as possible; it -Jiould be light, handsome, dura ble, and as cheap as is onsistent with excellence throughout. These conditions the "Light- Running Now Home" certainly meets. It has also several very important and useful attachments md "notions" of its own, which jo far to make good its claims to popular favor. The "New Homo" specially re commends itself to purchasers on nscount of its superior mechanic al construction, easse of manage ment and roasonablo juice. Over half a million have been sold in the last three years, all of which are g'ving universal futisluctiou. T lis unrivaled luacb'no is manu fac'urwl bv the NI'VW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., Or ang;, Mass., and 23 Union Siiuare, New York. Arlington Meat Market. Beef, Po;k, Fish, Sau Etc. Vurncy & rutnum Ai-liaL' lon Or, DON'T DRINK Auytliiiijt lint tlia I'ureMt uinl 15at, YUich cuu nl Wrtjs b.i founil ut tlio The Lcxiin'ton s a. :lo ON! Irirst Class Cnrars. A llilliartl atnl o AmuRttmout of thii,;t. 'iVUle for tlio Ku 1 fl Hi! Mi rpiprii't'irs. Hixtoen niilwi from lli'ii!i Uosds iuu! l'limty nf l.uiuiidi'. noticu ok r:,"i'i::; vu).N. l.mid onii-j nl 'I'll'. I!1 (r., j;,u Ntl ( 1. Iu,',v i v N i Or;! 'hi, f,,i:..,v Baiuuil ttttUir h& ltl.,,1 nuitiv i f 'iih in' m: i iii.i. Intii t.i, ,.i iu ..11,.,'oa nf f. .,.. llml Ka,lu.-o .' w it I p li'iui t !,iif,iiu 0,t., M.MTii'v f. m,t,, On..;m,, m Ui';i,;n r, llr.'j. i u n:iu id, .0 ;i, Sal,- n l- .S. .ViVk. .-.'I. IpJS. n. n. oi ir, furiiu" W. M. lie :inie. t!l.. f. I'i. rn tl i n-!, r i of. .n il Mini, u: .1. '. K'....n.', A ton, ():. Notile, u Slu7.1 1'. ' it -:s i: Itllll.SII'l o'J, nr.il , lo ini"t' 'iilti v.UUi!l l.!i 'M..'ii, ,.! II,,-;.,,,,, V. V. M.-Do NOnCE Oi 1NTEN l'f ON. IjindOili,-; I.tlrntl. (V.. t; N-tti.'e f h":-i to K.ven Ih.-.t foil I , c liuli.'d M't'l.-i Ii..- ul.. I r.ot u-f uf Ip. inif.;.i.-t and ni'ik ri-rU iro- in ii;-,on of )., oi.;v ard tli' himiI i out' v.nt ivn if in'f.T,. tli,. r.art t.v Judk- "f Murrow :-i-,Mitv. Iti.. or, m in al-- l)r., tui July iind. 1nv, vi: S. A Ai-'f Piiv. Il.t. s.ns. for the S hp. sTp. 1 N K -i K. W. ii iif naii:n. tht follow in wit' ti t rovo hi, rontrn'onn ritaid : lm upoi:, c:.d c.l UtT.it I -u cf. wi'd !-t'.t!. vii: O. M.lfintf, A.'ton.th-. Frank JcV -:i .trvi lltir . NiiiUovnv, ()-. V. :f xt,i ltiir tno . III A H II CliAS. M. JONES' Meppuea.- liarber Shop ! In Um Xtit'ock Bunding, Main St., Heppner. hoy: tuniitie out BttBTws, Uiuunpoos and Hair ml in thr Ui;iM .ryl of tho art. Oregon1 Railway and NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO MAY nnrlJUNK. IS. .Hi.iK (?li.r.ninli.;p Wbaif, IVrt'nti.cI, ot 12 mid nitfht, hk toiiov.: ot tumor. L'ato. Orcu-in ------ - -' Fr:.ny 'i,luml;in i1'ui:8fiy Stale vl Ctilironiin.. 'rinf.-ir-iiiy Ort'Kuii ------- -Woilni.wd.ij'. i!uiih;a SunilJy . . . State of ( .uHfwrnia -. rtiuri,iluy. . . Oirnn : M,f:tl;iy.. . . Cohtutliin . . . - . -IKr.tliy -iiaie f Cliftir;itu -jTurday :i?ttm. IMraMr.'ivy .. . 'oim.ili'H 1 Vv'ihir:h(Jr.y , tr.t? o Cahft'iriiw. Sunday Ori'KO! iTtiur-tltiy.. . ulumLi.i i.oi.i.liiy tat (if (.'ulifuii.iii.. I'ViIiiy t Irt'tfun ' ' itt siluy I 5 I '! 'HI i - y Ju-e 1 'J IK 17 ! 'I ; . ?; a : TO PORTLAND. I.enres Qiii:r tjtrsi'L Wharf, ttmi Kranoieuo, at A. M. kb fulhiwH; Data t'oiuaibin SUie of lV.jifn;niA, On'j.'nn f ,'iluinia S-iti.ii' of .iilltor ii'iu. Drt-vi'i'..-. ('(.hitulnn Htatn ot (.'allL'tujiiu. Ori'ion 1 niuiuiim . 'itiiti of California. Origin , ( ii'i.iiihiH Stntn uf t.'aiifuriiij. . Oiki.i C'olurnhiit I lliu rtfdiXj ;t'nday iTiU'hdfiv. . . . 1 Wfdrrtiiiy. .'Hi1(ic.:.y Tim: t'-diiy . , . --by Msy Jrns :Wftl:it rri' ri I't to c).ur.HKiiii- crh i,r ' hates oi passa(;lj, isri; AND LtiiTf'S. Jl.Vti MKAL8 Cftlj-n. 13 00; b!prn.j, $$,iv; lii.und Trip, un limited, 13H.W. No freight wil! bo rccoivr-d on in(;rninpr of cni! iiii.'. r.c-Li f rvit nv.i TirfttabJcB, and them will not h; tiikn'i afittr S A . M. I !' Kit "KM. han KiH-icitx-o. Genoral Office, N;t. 10, Market alrott; Ticket OHUmjs, 1 urii 14 Mont-gnui'-ry trct. Ai!t. (l'odall, Pi-rkir.n A. Co. Pnrlhu i Ticket (iiKce, Fiixtni.d Ktn-ot". W. il. HULrOMH. a. L. 51AXWKJ I,. Guni-nd SlunRffrr, Li. lJ. & T. .t. THE LADIES' FAVORITE- NEVER OUT OP ORDER. If you desiro to purchase a sewing machine, nslt our HHront ut your nlnoo for term and )rlces. If you cannot nnl mir tigtunt, write dfoct to Dearest address to yf mi boiow immfil NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORAWGE. WASS. j tnicftuw - 20 union bUUflnt.NJ.- UnLLna, ILL. ATLANTA GA TCX. ST LOUIS, HO. ggT-SrBAIIr.lCCO L. A(Mts rtt Jloppuor, Or. !hi rtno!utionjv,(. tHv wui'id iu ti o l:t-t half con-rr-nltiry. lu-t luunt -iiiioi-ff t It hoiiltm of ii'vnn:if " stt in f T:tr!i i Lnl uaii im i"rf'iriiiflil m11 ovor 111" ; mmry uitA'Hit ;nrii iK ih'j worKo f.oin ilnir Jhuiii", I'.iy li.'j.ind: ;tnv on.' Rtin clo nui ; H il'er yoiu.R rr i'id; iut fijMK'ini ii'iili'.y rcinii-M 1. t'n))i'.".l hP'lt' l: ,V; (1 n; H' .U'twl t'lM-. Cat i.i x:t .tji'l i'" (urft ii u i,u (ir.d wo will s.iiiil ytni f rt,, ;uai-l ii' ' it iif k" '?t vhIpi and im.noil t- vn:i, that rilt aturl yun n rus"iBii, w!ii.';i will iniPK ;i in .ti ui1 i4iutH:' rijilil HW.-iy, th'i-.i fi";tliimy i-U y tho w mid. (i.MnJ uutiii fio. AddrijJ'i Iiu j A (. u., n Uii'Utn, Ami ho. NOTICE OK INTENTJOX. riiiiIOI'ui-.MitTh. !'iilc-. (V.. Mny ?M, '-ti Ndtit-H in htip'hy ctvon t:'.'U the folitmiiif r-itumd wltltir lin.- iilnl nutiru nf hi int:(i(ii ( u:ili finat pruof ir Hiinp-irt ot hi fl-iin), f '(J l!::it tii. ;tid pnnif will h" ninth' h t'.nv (no ...it'y clerk of Mnr.uw ccmulj, at. IItt itiyr, Or , m Jujy H. v;.: J:?HN A. CoLTiTN V-M-U) for i! liW 'i Hcc. II, Tj. 1 8, li W E t'.n tiiiiiiiiH i'1-i.id'.n-ti uu , ai'.l pi.iii:Ui-.ii of. o.i it l iiul. l: It. K. ilwiTvr'. li'nin Nrj i : !i. Town h ?.bti P- nml Jauici .Mu:l'( r.tl of ! .. xincitui. Or. ; a - ? 5 2g n s H 0 isHiieJ Mreh and bept., each yoar. It ia on ency. i jlontuiifi of ujipiul inl'or- i" mut.'ou for fcU who jur-chiL-ie iho luxuries or tha Mocessuios oi lilo. Wi oan olot'io you and. iurnish you with all tho neoesjuuy and u'liiooesaary applinncoH to rv.lu, wi,tl., Umico, situ.p, cat. llfih, hunt, work, to church, ov stay at home, and m various 8iee.i. styles iml tiuantitieii. .Tiut lis or a out what is reQuirud to do all thco tningj CrWFORTASLy. you cttn mnke a fair CMiuuatoot the value of tho UUVEIiS' O IT 1 i) E, which will be sout upon ii-'eipt of 10 centa to pay potrtne, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. MiohiGaa Atouuo, Chicago, la. h vn w'm ti.e ii .1 IViLiilV M.'t . 1 hi'.- W t I pJoji'.t iiM' w nol uK- ll.t'tn I'i Hi;.- i.o und a r -d a: T.te pr-nits me Uiv tor -l iy luditFtriott 1. . .iihuv oa lr,nl di'n.M .o.v inWt.i n.'i.,ul h Il i..fiiy f,.i ...... to ii i.. pwr day, nll.Ktr t,i v.,,.-. ft . jnt. : .l um Nil w,i-'n do it hs wti,! ' r-i 1 1 i hi t ii' l';MU...t.Si.nu i-..-ii .1 I 1 1 1 rt Uo 'oi ny ro.ni ou, rofui. , wn. v. nt. tu .is .1 '. Ail.:,-.!,. a A A f v aflteMACrilNa Z3 m eS kl It I 1.4 Jaty:T-i(H?f THE IMPOiilKD CJAUUyUALE STALLION CR00KST0N! u Will make the season of 18S8 fit the NEWTON RANCH at the follow ing terms: TO INSURE, $35. ISY SEASON, 2,1 SINGLE LEAP, 810. Iu Lots of ir'iTe Jlares by the Season. 100. Will take all proper care to prevent accidents, but will not bo respon- in any way. PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION : CROOKSTON Wna foaled April 31, 1331, -recorded in the Clydes dale stud book of Great Britain nud Ireland. Color, Dark Ray, 'with black points, one white hind foot end uhitfi stripe in face. Imported, direct from Scotland (Vale of Clyde), by W. R. Cnniugharno & Co. in the full of LS87. He is considered by good judges to bo one of the highest class stftllions ever imported to the United Stutes. DESCRIPTION: Crookston is a Dark Ray, stands 17 hands high on splendid limbs and feet; short bn; k and well set. Weighed, on the 21st of December, 1S87, 1900 pound.!. Pustnre will be furnished free for the first 10 days and afterwnrd at the rata of $2.00 a month, Pasture well stocked with grass and water. Crookston may be seen at Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, Monday and Tuesday; at Jim Farrier's stable, Lexington, Wednesday and Thurs day and at the Newton Ranch Friday, Saturday asid Sunday of each week tluring the. season of 1888. W. B. CUNINGIIAME & CO., Heppner, Oregon. Heppner. City Brewery, o-- Having purchased the latest Brewing Apparatus and utensils, I am enabled with my cold soi't-water sprint;, my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to oC'er rny customers a ' SUPERIOR OUALITY OF At reasonable wLoleonlo end retail rates. Lunch 11 Kinds CO AND Tarties in the country must rctu will be J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. Front, First and Vino Sts., I'ortlanlr Or. WHOLESALE HARD- IRON, WARES-' i STEEL Solo Agentfi for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tho i BUCKEYE REAPER . &ND . AHOER. t These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have vseu thorn and speak of thorn with praise. They aro the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to tho purchaser. KILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PKCERIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The moit Eflcctlvo anil Successful Combination for Thrashing Grain over ConPtructcd. -5 DUCKEY STEEL . FRAME . TWINE- BINDERS. t Tlif, fnaturcs tlmt ilitiu;ulh thU Twlno-ltlnder Is the Llslitneae ol Draft, combined within l:itmillimryStrui!pthniidDiirablllly. Tlio Hinder Is of tho Appleby pattorn, tho only nully mioccsslnl one yet known. Wo havo two styles, the Klcvator Hinder and tho Platform Hinder both o.cellciit both recommended by hundreds of patrons. Minor, Dodsox tV Co. THE BEST iUI.NOK. SPfilHS I1C0HS, BOGSIES -AND- R.OLZ) CARTS Send for Catalogue JSh Bros. Wagon Co., RACINE. WTS b. A. llur.sakcr & Co. BEER TJ3 Ik Brands of Cigars. rn empty kegs, or ?fi apiece cli.u'CW. DEALERS IN ami Cleaning Bchuttler Farm Yv"ap;oii8,DeeroPo-, Ceero Sulky Plows, Cook & Co.'s Car. rinses, Fhsotons and Top Buggies, Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buckbonrds, Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Diso Harrows, Hodgcs-Hainos Ileadors. Uaish Bai'bed vrire. CHID P03 Cir.CULAr.3. Agi.nts at Hkitner. -:n the market and Prlco List Afents nt Mom ?ppncr. s ' ;THE BEST 1 FAHM WAGON , The Original ailT LIVER CQrS PILLS. msxr TicstiZLSi m:r-7 easuuusi Lneaalt'd a n lIVEIt nit. IVra SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKE. Bfwarcof Imitations, containfnpr Polsonoua MiiifTals. Always a1 for Dr. Pierce's PeJIete( which aro httlo SLtg-ax-coatfd 1M1K or Anti union? (irnnMiR. Btnhn Purely, Vegetable, Dr. riercc'a Pellets otKTuto without diisturtMinoe to th Bysteiu, dint, or oeoupatiou. Put up in glww vials, hunnetluaMy aeuled. AhvHya fresh and rHiahlo. Thr are a jcnUn laxutlvti, or nn active pnrgative, according' to uiz of doeo, SIM HEUDMBE, Bt if nan iHeadflc&e, Ii7.zhican, (oi:atipR tiou, Ind lcrcatl on K.lioii9 AitaeU, ana ttll uerftiisani'-'utfi of the mloiuacli and bowel., are promptly roltt'Vtfi itnd tMrininpntlv eiirr-d bv the use of ttk tierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellotn. In explanation of ttie rvmedial power of tlicae Pellets over bo great a variety of dipeuBcs, it may truthfully be said that tliuir ncllon upon the system is univer sal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sana tive inlluniee. Sold by drue-ists, for 26 cents B via). Manufactured at the Chemical Lab oratory of World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 6ti3 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. u offerotl by the manufactur ers of Dr. Huge Catarrh. Itemed y, for a cum of niurrii In the Head which they cannot euro SY.HPTOnS OP CATAH IlSf . DnlL hfiivy lieadaelw, obatriiction of the initial fttiKKitws, diauluirfres falling: from the hend lit-) tho throat, pometitnes nrofuso, waterv. and .lirld, at oihcrt;, thick, tenacious, mucous, puruiont, bloody and putrid; the eyes arts ' wivtk and watery: thtfre Id rinsriii)r in tho ours, drafnefti, hacking' or coughing- to cltnir i t!.e throat, e.toectoration of offensive mattor. tr.t'thrr with Bcalis from ulcers; the voice is chiuarcd and has ft "nasal twang-"; the breath is offensive; smell ami taste aro Im paired; thrro is a sensation of di.zineefi, with mental nepreasioii, a nueaing- oouirn ana g-on- pitA dr-dilifv. Onlv fow of tho nhnve-nanifd syinptom3 yrn likely to be present In any one eite. 1 hoiumnds of cases aim cully, without manlfestimr half of tho above svmntoms, re sult in consumption, nnd end in tho grave. No disease ia bo twinmon, more deceptive and d:i nacrous, or less und"i,stood by physicians. Fiy itfi mild, soothinif, and healing properties. Dr. Sato's Catntrh Hctnodv cures the wo:?t t!iss of CutAtrrb, J old In the BJcad," Coryxa, and nlarriil ISeadatUo. .sola oy urujifiu every wucro; ou cents. w Vr.CoM Agony from Ctetarrfi. Trnf. V. TIaitsnbr, the fumoua mesmerlpt, ' of I tlmea, X. V., writes: "Rome ten years Offo f Buffered untold njrony from chronic nneal ; oatF.iTh. My family physician g-avc me up as iccura'de, and said I inust die. My enso was ; such a bad one, that every day, towards sun set, my voice wcnld become so hoarse 1 could Iniivlv Bpenk above a whisper. In the morning' , my eoitiruinir and clearing of my throat would almost etr.iiiifle me. lly tlie use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh lleinody. in throe months, I was a well ' cutn, i;r.d the euro has boon permanent." j wcnstantly Hawking and SpUtlmr." ( Thomas .1. ltrfimNu, V.zc 2903 Pine Street, F-t. L:mit, rti., writes: " I was n (Trent sutfrrr .from eat-irrh lor three years. At times I could tiardiy breath", and was constantly hawking and frpitliiipr, nnd fvir the lat eight montiis could not breathe through the nostrils. I 1 thought nrithimr enu'd be done forme. Lueh iiy, I witi H'lvis -d try Dr. Pafrc's Cntnrih Konii-dy. and I nm n. waweli man. I lielieve Jt to h:j the only sure remedy for catarrh now j iitamjla-jturcd, Rnd one Ins only to give it a fair trial to csitc-rienoc astounding1 results and a permanent eurr?." ( A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving1 vol- uable hints as to clothinc, diet, and other! amttoi-s of Imrsort-inco, will be ujM'cJ, pot- paid to any addreen. on nccint of a ttfo-tjwiit postago stamp. Addvts, . ?f?.,.ii' lihpoBjary Kt ileal Awe-alien, Ea. S-S.T Kim Sli-t. vr.KVr.O. w.t vi" WrsA.o LiwiMTCifT, Penetrates i o Vu ; Wocdi;:-ul, l ay ir. Slahria, Itob Chills, Cal:?, Billons Attacks. 'V r'ntlacs )- natti-.vl evrtc. '". r.t..r fc.-ijjt.. -r intai r-re w il u 17,., , i,,Hnts. v, r.,.,i)v i-.i-vliria. f.v -int. t.ti biu every ii jiinskot-J... V-i'i'ARXtH'S CiNJtS TONIO wtth.hiiu.-lsy. i-i". m.-i;.i!i;'i fouitH'Ui-.a that ci.:r4.kt!ir.,ier.-ui, .--tc:iru tr.j'.. nrst '5i;.H-.;rtn;jh..'ek Liuiir.i, Awthiu-U i:.uihftitn. lir-t-BiJ hji'i tiiisuieUun. im tt.i;:'l.i for v :-:ituitrtrii KemiU Ww.ttneKi, auU oil piu And ii. X.'ts l In- ttoiitturti Mid UiW. ln, 6UC f-t LlrjjiaU. reumveah ct'iucniof foi ij fcr.J eicwx; rpnw tb snercr, oeurw sr tl vicnr V; r'.uth- i-n'-M of mm, i wvi bxl; Nerrooa l!Mlitr. 8iinil hitiau-tioQ, Lnrf Manhood, etc A .S500Kud! Pi xte&X SI d 12 5 j --iy I n vw m y Pi 5 : J M MM i! r-W m m AM J 14 M' hi i I'd v A Vsra tJ N I- iiV.:, Sri i k m i ir i h ii M & id v-a, m fc'i -. ' Kt tJ-'5 V'--. -iiT. o M IS t :'f il F UK STOCK ftRAMW . WMle yon kHp yonr subsciiptinn jald cp yoa can Sep your brand in free of chuiKC Alien. J H, Adunibviiie- Hursea, double U aide wuw nj left chtjutdtr; cattle, name on ltft hip jv fiorees, cn rini MiuuiUbr; cat- tin, V ou roht nide. Aukine. J J Ilortn, J conrerted on fliinki rattle. Heme on left hio. left Ulsctei'iaii, J;oi:ry.-('nttle, Tl on left adia Ranpp. Joe i't-ctof e Jntnrt'. l-ft shouldur; caitto, saroo on riKut fbouldbf, nnntti, y Horsen, h fn left tdioultior. lifiito, Uih C A 1 ou left shoulder; ear-mark of caul-, crop off and uplit in left ta.ti upper half crop oil ritfht. . ttrr1'r;5'l tt ': 'hdotuiii B tr. W (i, Ijtica ilorm;, be brend on xtt Lij witilft, !mne, with tplit in each ear. Hot?. l'.0.-llornee, 1' b ou left ahoulder; cat ; t.e. name on U'ft lifp. Kiion, i. Loi s Kock(KoaB o with Ifif nnderniid oiu- on fight shonlder, llBt tun-Wr Horttfa.J U en ritrht thigh; cattle, pamenu rijfht hip; apiit in eaeh ear. t'cok, A. J., Lenn Horsfa, Won rihttbonlder; ( altiu, aameon rijtlit hipi ear mark wtfjar Oio left una rtpiu in ngiit. Cmrin. 11 y- Honu-a. M on le'l ttifl. t'rawford, J. 11. Hurst u jlX' fijiiivct!! j?. left stifle. (uniniehan e, W B, Newlen Kanoh-Horses, li with figure '4 urrinr it on lult h.t'lder; ea'.i.; same on left liip ai,.i hi(;h, lrtt :ar I'jare crt Cox A Ecgiifh, Hard dim n i C witt : ia center; htriMrt. ( & on lft Cason, J P HorOr, V on Iti": :fl : eatt'n ?" connwtcd on left Irp, S duldps or neck. Uuibip. Hd A Mens, i'oikvilb tr Ac Ui pe Jloj-ae Kwith bur over it on it.f: bUonlJu- v tJf. t .... both hip?. JHi;nM. V M Cattle, R Don right eidv.swai-lov,-ft rk in eat li ear; htrf-s, It D on left hip. i. r'lii-h, E t: Hanimap-Catiie, ou right bin: hntned same oa right hh-iuitior. m Fleek, .Ihckpcn. Houiea, 7F cornoctrd on ri:ht hhonlder: eat tie. aam on riifht hip. fcr.r mark, hole in rirht and crop oft" left. Fnu k, (J A, Arlipgi'ir. Horse?, C K on loft shoulder: cattle, C V on lnt hip, vroprff h cr. Florence, L A CUtlo, LK on riht hip; hursM. F with dht under on right Khouldtrr. Y-itt. T K -Horses. F with half-circle above nnd below on li'ft hip. Flnri'iifu. 8 P-TToTBfls. V on right shoulder cattle. T cn rijrU hip or Ihigh. Arii.fitrorp, .'. C, Actf n--Twith bor vnCer it on left ehouiccr cl iitites; ceitie tt-iue i.& Hit hip. tlay. Ilerrj GA Y on loft shouldtr. Oolilf, Fiai k--Iloes, 7 Foa kit htifio; cattle, same on rifiht hip. jmihKr, li iJOnea. V on loft shoulder: eat tlv. t'on lrft hio. iluujpl.re.tH, M Eaidxau-Horses, H on kit 11 a i k. Ha.vea, J M Kores, wiueglsss on left shoulder CHltlt, saint: oil r'sla hip. Jo.-it'K J tl, Uardmau Horaes, J witb sLnde OTHr it crt lrft Kiionldpr. I Juhnm-n, FelixKorses. circle T on left lilifl cdlUc, i tuiif on rif lit hip, under half crop in net anil uplit ! left (jar. Kirk. ,1 T Horses C9 on left shoulder; eatt -69 on left hip. Kiik. 2 C Horses, 17 on either flur.k; cbUI t on ri-ht Bide, Laryttu, iiri'inns FTorses. V. I, on "r-ft Vii, J I'. L-ena-lIciiics, F with our it en Lrft t'lioi::d-.'r. J "HTlitJimar:, D H T?nmi,f) nn loft shoulder cat tie. same on left hip, cn.potl rirht tor, BT.-si- hnv-fork in if ft. Miller, C..- Horses C with M en insitls (4) left shonldtM. Morgan, ti NT-TTrrrs, M ) on left ftoiilder enttln, Kim? on !t;ft hip. MrCuKibnr. A, Atcod-Hprsts, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan, Thv-s liorses, circle T on lft ihoiil iwr a.d loft I high; eatlle, Z on riU ihi'h. Miiebetl, nri;r. Pettjrjville liorsoa, 77 on ritfLtE h'r: ctittln, 77 on risht sice, MnKun. Jos, PnttscviJlfi-Cstllp, JM cor.ncctrd. nppcrorop m ea-h ear, dulap on throat; koisiw. J.v. i Ifft yl-cnld.r. SleCli.ren, J; tjiitrse, Fisure Son each sliouJ der: faitle, Itii'on hip. McT'ouyitid. U-tici6e, KD couLtcted on lwfl shou'dar. Nol, Ai:tlr?w. I.one Rock Forsea AH tix nected on left eh' ulder; cattle nnn en both hti4 Ntwman, W. 'tt. Uiiiis K with half cucl ovt r it on left itlioulder. Nt.idjke, F lloivea, circle 7 or left tiiigk; tat tic. whip on left hi):. Oiler. Perry, Lnn Roctp ft on !rft thon.dvr P.'i.mm, Jut., fine L'ity.-llurse h2 uu lit kia lew down. Parker A (lleason. Ilurdman Horsts IP a lft ahoulder. Pipr. J. H Aetnn -Uorsen. .I V corneeted oa Ir-fl tm-uldr; eatlie, same on left hip. m.dtm bit " "ach r. iii'i.u. Anuri.w, lineman fif'iF'. uqi iro eroes v. ilh irjiinpr-ciri lv' ovi.r il cu cliCr. K'.'i'u.ot, ( hr' r H -..-n li-tt uli-'ulcicr. JlClOl'. J W Ill.H rt. .1(1 r.n l,.f .l.,..il,l,.r I l;Llt,,-lt. 8.-R 8 lft trrcd . w ll"S oe Hdc or, rinl.i Lin. ! I'truiirhl W. K.- Rorwn KhvM J S on Mi til'.f: c-ittiV J S -: ifft iiijj, uwal.'ov fo, k is uU twr. UinK'rbil i: If-M, j KuW -liw.8 oi rifht pli'.iikior: fcttJu 8'n;;!no:: ri.lit i.iji hi;ii S i. n jilu :.li.iJii,-r. ! SwusKi.n. I-, -';ii:.u-!:i.i-.s, i; s n ligi. i al.i iil.ivr. i HlHl,, 'Pj.... Htfiay;, S A P oil ki"t hp; ratUa ' snniii nn lif t hip. ! r'hiihsi, I)r A J Horn"). PS on on )- Kip; tut. ; tip, mini' nn U ll i.:;u. umiimni i.it tui. oi uui 02!' cut ul.itrp at pi.-iit. I HaliBlarj'. ,1 W, Virnon T.'it'.ls. S vwr-cW iiril ivhi', cn p '.0 fi,v,h- 'mii-, nctil (s,: t-.rrat..:it, ! r.t.l ui'dfr. kvKiio'.icrfc; in right w.r Mill emit... I i-jiiit hi !rfl, 1.7 v.iil: V rijiiyrt;:. ,;p. 1 .S'Hi.sii:., .Vrn A J C.(lio, H on lig.'.l '.ill, I .willjow-fcrk hj iufl tur. I Whr-lion ii ci".i Horni'. H on Hf (.:! orsr nn f O!! Ifft il-ouiHi-r: Pill!!.!. si,mi' nn Uf, t.i Slmrrj'. ir. C.CnHu. Y (; on t! hij, wp 0ij riirlit ar d urd'Tlii; in l.-'l f:ir,tir.bpi'tv.-M. VV Q or Idft rhuijii. r. Ewiscrort. V - norm, 44 on luft lulUnn H'bWf'i't. liL.i.. icrriri-- iii.i..w :.,.L. j Jt-fi hliouidi;!'. I,, itin .11, ln i,;n Thump-sun. .1 A -Montr-a, 5 on U!t shcultlsp cttt!;', 'i on lt.fi iil.ulilvivr. Titit'sH, R T-;:ur..-.s. (.'- ot) Ifft bfMcp. J :Wk-u, K K JiuntL. VT euLLtnlr-d on la .I'rlf. VJ!, A S-Kt'i-.M, " or. !i-t bLouMit; caul SIr,ntt. J rf. KliiIuk Vl o 'Jwi-.r.l. .!iJ,.: !. -Circ'p 0 on k-ft thai p--i tji' connerlcu 4i i In't hhnulflr. Vi nlmci;. I V,!-!'s( "p.ltli.. V.' t." i..,l iki.k in lt-t pur; ht'rtf., Vr' l-i. 3ii;!.t aiioiilu't'r. ai.n iiintf oa lf t nlii.'i.Jdr-r. Wren, A-l attiit, rucrine AA with bu amum cn t i-ut Inp. j Great English Remedy. MURRA x"S SPECIFIC. Twwlo l?.H4 A ifv.nmHe&J cjrt, fornU tor?ou 7f a!eaE",(Aiu:n a Yl eak almcrr, T.iU rriist ration. iS f,Erci'uJJnfB, l.w.u'i.iitoi, Vniverui Lasiiiieit StmiuHi V.iiie a. JmiBOtt-c:-. Mud (fniK.rai Iohb of pi.werof tr. iH-.erHtiyi Ocjw in ftither ix cnnfi Ky l:uLi,L't:cn orovru ertiuii. v.-ii which idsiumttfly ld lo I'rvjiiiiUU'e O'd Af, intaiiy nnd eor.pv.rnv tiou, f.i.OO r tox crwix bt-i.ij f.r &I.(0. Koj:1 ly Ui:iil on r'Csipt uf prict Full p.-irlicidiini in ptixitudbt sent f;t?e to every applicant. f3 e (j uarantee 6 boxes k-v tanuraitry ctis. For tivary $5 oiU ir rot- 'ivt'd wt t.od tiiz lioii Liiitn wiititiu eut-ntutce to lt:- funil t:ie vncr.pj if our Uprtcific Hop. not iCtn . t-'.'ii'.;. Ailtirt'sit nil cuaniiuuicatioii. to tL sola immuit,U'rr.rti t:,fi ilUliUAi- MEDICIfE CO.. Kiipm. City, Vo SuiJ iu Kappnsr h- C. II. UALLUKX dolt rat THE GBEAT Transcontinental Route V.A) n n 1 ip IP, Wl lllLl ii RAILROAD! C'o;r n?f Branth, nnw Completed. waV .it; t'f Iie shortest, Btttandtjuicktet, Tbe l.'iniua Car Liue. Tle Direct Rnut No IvlHva. Iiiiittst Trrius. Loir- " tt H.'itoH to Clticiil o KUil nil points East, Tiff t soii tn all Pritmi- ' riant Points throughout the Ki:st uud fcuutlicast. Thfoagii Pallmaa Dn ia; Slcvwitg fjrt Hcaervritiiiaa cuu be soonred iu advaace. To Eas tDovmci I'asciisei's Be careful R'i3 util iitiiker. mistake, but be Eiiji lo t;:ko:tlie , NOKTHEUX rAtlFIC P.AILEOAP. Aad soc that yonr tiokot readi vju tLU line, Kt Paul or Sliuuespulia to avniti clunks nnd svrioua dcias ocoatioiied. ! oy oiuer runtfs. j Tlirtinsh EmiirrMit Slcerinc Cars run t mi rcgulitr exprsn trains full lcDRth of i line. Eertha free. Lowest ratea. Ouick-1 tt time. General Office of the Company, Xo. 2, Wotliinijton St., Portland, Oregon. A. I. CHAKLTON. Aiiib'.aut General Tassenjer Ateut. I I Scfo' Taliins. o a o o