Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 14, 1888, Image 3

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Local and General.
County Scnir. For tlie next 30 days,
Minor, Dodnon A Co. will pay 90 ceuts
in cash for Morrow county scrip.
Braxa Ok Torn Scnip. C. M. Mnllory
nt the city drug store is paying the
highest market price ia cash for Morrow
county scrip.
A Brilltant Exception. As rustlers
Btuver & Walker take tho cake. T liey
"get there" in a way which is a caution
to the slow-going old timers of Oregon.
Their 1888 catalogue of machinery, ve
hicles, etc., is the biggest thing in the
catalogue line ever produced this Bido of
the Kockies, and would do credit to ony
eastern house. The cover is bright and
striking without being cheap-looking or
flashy, and the 1(U pages whiob milk up
the interior show at a glance to the ex
periencod eye that an infinity of pains
nnd labor bee been bestowed upon the
setting of the type, the display of the
headings nnd the arrangement, of the
hundreds of cuts. We have "been there"
ourselves, and know whereof ws speak.
Take it for nil in nil, this beok is a fine
phce of workmanship, nnd as a guide to
where and how to get the best and la
test improved machinery and vehicles of
nil kinds it is simply invaluable to those
who intend investing in anything of the
kind. As a rule, that which costs notb
iug is worth nothing; but every rule has
it exceptions, nnd that the catalogue of
Shiver k Walker is ouo of those rare ex
ceptions to an almost invariable rule
can bo proved with little difficulty. All
you have to do is to apply to J. M. Ha
ger. of this place, or drop a line to Sta
yer & Walker, Newmarket Block, Port
land, Oregon, and you will receive by
return mail n handsomely gotten up,
carefully edited, well printed volume,
seining with pictures, free, gratis, for
TooStoi'T fou Them. It ia a well
l;nonn fact that Doc. Swinburne and
Thoe. Avers aro among our well-to-do
cilizons. Doc. has been one of our c'ty
duds ever since the town was first nonr
inrated, and during that time he has
taken a baud in framing laws good and
Mont for .'lie br.ooliu lads who get chuck
full of elixir of rye and jump np and
coup nnd nflirni that they aro able nnd
willing to go into the graveyard busi
ness on their own account, and other
equally naughty things. But Doc. and
'J'om Lave found that theso Jaws are
equally stout enough for them, for a
week ago last Wedenesday night they
caused the anvil to peal forth, and filled
the air with sky rockets and other fire
works in celebration of Fell's election,
l.ut m direct opposition to one of Doc'
j it ordinances, in which be forgot to
make any hole for comieihneu and 1 hair
friends to crawl out. Recorder Uallook
looked over the matter, and thought
that 4-20 apiece was cheap euough for
the fun, considering that the boys
croraul town had put up for tho powdor
i.nd fireworks.
Cloud Buhst. The cloud rolled up
Mack as ink hist fh.turdav and gave ev
idence of a heavy rain. Although it did
not rain hard iu Ilrppner, it nmounted
io a cloud-burst below here, taking off
Henry Penland's wool that was stacked
up at his ranch, and Coon Boon's house
in Lexington. The railroaders got their
supplies soaked at tho camp down be
low Kiir.sf v's and two men who were en
deavoring to get their horses out of the
paler, bad a uarrow escape from drown
ing. Tho grade is reported damaged,
lint we learn not lo any great extent
'onsidenible damago was done near the
forks of Hnm Hollow, 13. H. Haling had
forty acres of wheat completely demol
itdiod, besides heavy loss iu gnrden, fen
cing, etc. II. W. Turner also lost very
heavily. George H perry, living at the
forks, lost almost even thing that wai
loose around tho ranch., am ing oHior
things a large quantity of well-cured ba
con. Home of the pieces were p oked up
near Alpine.
C'ini.nTiEx's Day.- Tub programme nt
the Methodist church la.it Sunday was
very nicely arranged and carried out to
(he letter. Groat credit is dna to all
who lent a helping hand, either in tho
way of music, recitations, decorations or
otherwise. The churoh presented a
beautiful appearance, the air was loaded
with the perfume of lowers, while forty
or fifty birds seemed to vie with each
other iu their rnclodv. The flowers and
I'vergreeus were tastily arranged on the
pulpit and walls. Appropriate mottoes
v. ere placed iu plain letters across the
church on cither wall, and altogether the
place suggested to ouo what it really
was, a children's holiday and the
bright faces of more than a hundred lit
tle tot gave proof that the affair was a
(Complete Buocess.
CoiiD Lead. Dee Matlook and Al.
Larkin became involved in a quarrel
last Monday evening and although Lar
kin was on crutches from the hurt he re
ceived last wel;, he agreed with Matlock
to fight it out fist and skull. Larkin
bad barely struck the first blow, when
Matlock drew a pistol, of the Bulldog
pattern, 41 cab, and fired thre shots, one
taking effect in the right side of Lnrkin's
neck, just above the collar bone, nnd
barely missing the large artery, nnd
coming nt u little above the shoulder
blade. The wound is not considered
dangerous, but is a close call. Matlook
was arrested and fined for violation of
the city srdinanoe, but no oomplnint be
ing made against him. he was allowed to
go without further molestation.
A My.sTEiiiors Find.- -Early last
snriug a sheeiiherder discovered a skele
ton in a wash-out in a canyon near Mc-
Kinney creek, four miles north ef Hard
man. Part of the bones have been
washed away, and it is almost impossi
ble to tell whether the remains are ef an
Indian or a white man. They were evi
dently not buried by friends, being only
(ibont a foot under ground nnd had been
doubled' up to crowd them into the nar
row grave, whioh looks to be an old
badger hole. The bones are in an excel
lent state of preservation, but how they
came there in that oondition remains a
Newton Ranch- Ithus. W. B. Cnn-
nigharao shot on the rim-rocks below
bis !iom ranch, in Clark's canyon, a
female lynx, measuring 3 ft. 4 in. from
tip of none to t o of tail, lhey succeed
d in killing one of her kittens nt the
came time. Ahont ft weefc ago, tiicu
mond Barclav killed a rattle snake it
his house 40 in. lone, with 7 rattles.
J. M. Warden got his blak 1ioti nn
which he advertised in the Gvzei5E
recently. It pays to advertise lost horBes
every time. Three moworfl are at work
outting rye on the Newton rantk.
Mashied. At the residence of the
bride, on Sunday, June 10. Mr. E. A.
Wbittier to Miss Alice Shelton, Rev.
Beach performing the nuptial rites. No
one in the Heppner conntry ia better
known or more universally respected
than Ed, and in this step the Gazette
force join the community in wishing the
yonng couple a long, happy life.
Andy Lichtenthal is now learning the
Bbcemaker's trade with hii father.
John Ambrose is over from the John
H. S. Trask was over from Monument
last Saturday.
The railroaders are making the dirt
fly in the Looney addition.
Mr. LeGrande, of Sun Frnnoison, was
in town tle first of tho week.
W. C. Eelninger reports crops much
improved since the late raius.
G. W. Harris and Dr. Fell, of Lexing
ton, were in town last Monday.
Mits Maggie Rankin is now visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. 0. Callahan.
Uuole Jeff Hayes is still quite sick, but
is thought to be improving some.
Miko Keuuy and Lnm Khc-a were in
frouitheir respective ranches last Mon
day. Born To the wifo of II. T. Morgan,
near U'alla Wulla, Julie 1, u 'j-uuuuu
J. T. Morelaud was dowu from Hard
inau Saturday, and called ou us while
Jim Haves sold his town property, lust
Monday io Uncle Hilly ilitguell for
Revs. Reasoner and V. 31. Gnnn, tho
latter of aiia Wuila, called on iu l.ist
G. W. Mellargue looked in ou us last
Monday, and ensured tne sh ip ia a sol
id manner.
Sheriff Howard bought two lots of
Tom Ayers lust Monday, out liear Ar.
Bull's piopoity.
Newt Junes is now iu town taking a
needed rest after u few weeitd liurd nd-
ring on the rane.
Hey. R. F. Reas nr will prouch ne::t
Sunday morning ami evening iiL us
Bapini church.
J. J. McGee and Wrc Gilliam luo!;cd
in on us last Saturday. Crop.? l.tiiu. iVJll
iu their respective bceuoua.
Sixteen miles of tho grade this side of
The illows is finished, and truckijyiug
on that part begun last Monday.
Married At tho Pioneer hotel, on
Juno 'J, Oliver J. Cox to ISmma J. Uher
Wug, Judye Mitchell officiating.
Frank Shipley came up from Lexiug
tou lost Thursday, and will remain at
home till he recovers from tho mumps'.'
Lexington will celebrute the Fourth
in tiia old-fasnioued barb'cno style.
Look for big ad. iu next week's Gazette.
Will Mallory shipped those hoisos
last week instead ot Osmin and linui
dage, as stated in hist wesit's G.visscrtt.
Tom Uolter went out last Friday to
tako churge of a band of siieep f-O' tne
summer. J. B. Deaa is hi o.mip-timd. r.
TJnclo Jack Morrow shows bU-ouj
signs of becoming a thoroughbred d ig
fancier, ilia favorite seems to be buli
terrier. John Ilnghes talks of moving to town
since he was elected constable, and ulso
thinks seriously ot needing tho services
of a deputy.
Thos. Matlock and family are now
ver iu the Wallowa country. Tom's
sheep have been over there since last
full, and are now oemg sueareti.
Willow creek supplies J. B. Sporry's
roller mills with euough water to run a
greater part of the time, and has ou hand
111 red or lour tuousanu uurreis oi uue
R. R. Durand hauded us a bunch of
spring wheat yesterday, whioh ha says
is an average ot nis crop. Aituougn
quite green, it shows up well and will
make a good crop.
Wm. Housttn teceived a message last
Monday from .Eugene, where his family
are now visiting, stating that his little
daughter, Edna, was very Biok, and he
left immediately for that place.
Last Saturday's storm blew down the
shed that Henry Rasmus has been u ing
for a stable, down at the Methodist par
sonage, damaging his buggy considera
bly, but his horse escaped injury.
The daily E. O. will suspend if it does
not receive moro patronage, as they
claim they hav9 been losing 2'J0 per
mouth on the sheet since it was starttd.
Pendleton ought to bo able to support a
good daily like the E. O.
Alfred and Johnny Ayers wore over
from Butter creek last Saturday. Their
sheep ro near Desolation lake this sea
sou, and the bear are endeavoring to live
ou straight mutton eiuce the crop of
wild berries is very short.
It was generally supposed that after
the county election, political matters
would quiet down a little, but now since
the democratic national convention has
made its choice of candidates, matters
of the above sort are being agitated as
much as over.
Tho First Presbvterian chnrch, of
Heppner, was organized at a meeting
held iu the Baptist church of Heppnor,
on last Monday owning, by Rv. Thos.
M. Gnnn. of Walla Wulla. Kev. R. !'.
Reasoner was elected, ordained and in
stalled as pastor.
Badly. Bisuired. As W. R. Casey w.-w
coming from Harrington's pasture last
Sunday, the stubborn caynse that he
was riding bareback, took a notion to
buck, and as he was on the hillside soon
fliioseeded in landing Mr, Caspy over his
head, striking on his face, knocking
him senseless for a time, and bruising
his face severely.
TnP. Latest. Smith's camp and grade
was damaged about gl.000. Two men
noarly los their livee. One wns oarried
about a mile dowu the creek in the cur
reut and the other was compelled to re
main up a tree for two hours. Henry
Fenland had 39 sacks of wool washed
away, nearly all of which will bfl recov
ered in a damaged condition.
Land Business. Come to the Ga
zette shop and have your proving up
started by a sheet that wishes you pros
perity regardless of your religious, po
litical, etc., proclivities. The clerk and
judge live right here at Heppner. and it
is altogether more convenient. Billy
Morrow is ready to take yourfilings, and
will do the business in first-doss shape.
New Settlers. Since the Golden
dale fire, 17 families have settled np nn
the heBd of Ditch creek, Susanville
swale and Hale prairie, and are plowing
np the soil with a view of making homes
over there. Harry Phillips has a ranch
in that section and likes bis location
very much.
Got the Wrong Colt. George TW
ger was arrested last Thursday, at Men
nment, for picking np one of Ham
Smith's colt. Barger save that it was
taken by mistake, which is no doubt the
ense. as he is a large stock man, and has
a groat many horses in that section ot
Cnrscrt. Proceedings. At a special
meeting of tha council, last Friday even
ing, the following bills were allowed:
Henrv Rasmus. 84; Garrigues 4: Rogers,
810 47; John Emmett. 2; J. D. Lock
nane, 855; Otis Patterson, 82.
THE Latest vote. I allahan aays
that be got more votes than anybody.
tvervone voted that Callahan s restan
rant is the only place in Heppner to get
a first-class meal, or a goon square disn
of ice cream end other delicacies of the
Makiok Haiiland. The celebrated
authoress, bo highly esteemed by the
women of America, says on pages 103
and 445 of her popular work "Eve's
Daughters; or, Common Sense for Maid
Wife and Mother:" "For the aohing
back should it be slow in recovering
its normal strength an Alloook's Po
rous Plaster is an oxcelleut comforter,
combining the sensation cf sustained
pressure of a strong warm hand with
certain tonic qualities developed in the
woaring. It should be kept over the
seat of uneasiness for several days iu
obstinate cases, for perhaps n fortnight."
"For pain in the bark wear an Alloock's
Porous Plaster constantly, renewing as
it wears off. This is en invaluable sup
port when the weight of the small of the
back becenws heavy aud the aohing iu
cessant." Notice. All parties owning dogs nre
hcrebv notified that their license expir
ed ou'the 4th day of Juue, 1988. The li
cense for the ensuing year will be $3
for male dogs and S5 for female dogs.
Come to tub Centkb. Wampum was
the legal tender among the Indians, but
it won't buy boots and shoes theso days.
That being the oase, those indebted to
mo must come to t lie front with some
hard ooiu. Mat Lioiitenthal.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will bo reoeived by the coun
ty clerk at the court house in Morrow
county, Oregon, for a contract by and
between the lowest bidder or bidders
and the oonuty court of said county, to
build a fire-proof brick vanlt for the
safe keeping of the reoords of tho conn
ty, according to tho dimensions given iu
the specifications and drawings. For
further particulars Bee plans and speci
fications at the county clerks offico,
where bids will be reoeived until 2
o'clock P. M , Friday, Julv 0. 188h.
5;'H. TrsoN.
By order of court.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable Wm.
Mitchell, county judge of Morrow couu
ty, Oregon, in the matter of tho estate
of W. E Junkins deceased, the under
signed, administratrix of the estate ot
: a . 1 d ceased, will sell at publio auc
tion to tho highest bidder, ou eight
mouths time with approved security, or
five per cent off for casi, on Saturday,
the 10th day of Juno, 1H8S, at 1 o'clock
n 'In- a teruoon of said Any at the farm
and residence of the late W. E. Junkins,
deceased, situate on Eight Mile, Mor
row county, Oregon, all the personal
property of the estate of said deceased,
oonqistmg of a band of horses, a num
ber of good cattle, farming implement.",
etc Mns. N. A. JuNKiNfi, Admiuiatra'x.
Geo. Wm. Wright, att'y.
Juue 5, 18S8.
Strayed on Stolen. Two dunmnres,
9 years old, branded 24 on loft flank 8
quarter circle shield on left shoulder, 7
connected with K on right shoulder and
hip and left ear split. Two bay mares,
10 and 6 years eld respectively, same
brands as above. One chestnut sorrel,
H years old, same brnnds as above; the
last three mares had sucking colts when
thoy went nway, Inst fall. Twe bay
horse oolts, 2 years old, branded quarter
circlo shield on left shoulder, and one
serrel mare, 2 yoars old, branded same
as last two horses. One dark chestnut
sorrel mare branded same as above, and
2 years old. One sorrel horse, four
white feet nnd bald face, branded 24 ou
left flank. One bay horse, 6 years old,
branded three small cirol s on left
shoulder and VH connected on lett st.i
Ue, O under WH. One sorrel horeo, 3
years old, bold faoe, two white hind feet
and branded quarter-circle shield. For
merly ranged in Clark's canyon; $5 re
ward" per he. d will be paid for their re
tura to ray ranch on Fight Mile, or a
liberal reward will be paid for informa
tion leading to their recovery.
O. Fiebson.
Hor.s: s tor SatjP.. I have a band of
from one to two hundred stack horses
for sale, nt 837.30 a head. Call on me at
lioppuer, Or, E. L. Matmck.
A Stub In the Dark
Sometimes fails of its murderous io
tent Tho insiduous nnd dastardly at
tanks made upon the reputation of Has
tetter's Stomaoh Hitters by parsons who
seek to palm oft cheap nnd fiery Ionics
as identical with it, or "tha same thing
under another name," or "equally as
good," in most instances react disas
trously upon the unprincipled traders
upon popular credulity who attempt
them, converting their speculations into
ruinous failures. The Bitters is a pure,
wholesomo and thorough medicine,
adapted to tne total cure nnd prevention
of fever nnd ague, bilious remit
tant, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious
ntiB, debility, nervousness and kidney
troubles. Its every ingredient, unlike
those of the imitations of it, is of an as
certained standard of excellence, and
while thy, by reason of their fiery
properties, react injuriously upon the
brain and nsrvous system, of both those
organs it sedative and invigorant. Ko
fuse all these harmful imitations.
Lost. In Heppner or between Hepp
ner aud the JNewton rancn, by the way
of Donolson grade, 8 silver watoh and
chain. The watoh was in a chamois
leather case. Anyone findiug the same
will be suitably rewarded, and can leave
it at A. A. Smith's jewelry store.
It. 0. B411CLAY.
Artistic Work. Painting a house
properly is a job that takes a good band
with the brush, and Wash Williams is
the man that oan do that work for you
in the highest line of artistic art. Paper
hanging and inside work, a specialty,
b'atisfatiun guaranteed, or ho oharges
Cnnsnmption Snrcly Cared.
To the Editor Plensa inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely ubo thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently enred. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy free to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send me their
express and post office adress. Respect
fully, T. A. Slooum' M. C, 181 Poarl St.,
New York.
Notice I have about 200 imall ac
eounrs on my bo' ks which must be set
tled at once or they will be placed in the
hands of an attorney for collection. Im
mediate attention to these will save
oosts. Respectfully, C. M. Mallort.
New Laondht. About tin first of
May we will open a new laii'iili v in the
bnilding wxt below Jim .Tnnea' liverv
stable, on the eaf.-t side of Main street,
Heppner A fu'l t "k of Jaineo si'k
goods sad l:viuerei "nre will nlno be
kept ou hand. Kaa i Wo Kel
Tun Vri'.ni T. C'hililrT'fl AcrriacrMi
at 8 nn iniliHjirnxiilile nrtiole in h family,
and thnt liuir the verdiot nf tiie Ameri
can peoplw, Cidl nt Ivirk k. Yoni)(,'?ren'
and get one at cost for e.tuh. Com
early and get the choice.
AiIt inren opon Wool.
Ayers k Full will make adrnnopa upon
wool for delirerr and t:ile at Arlington.
Just arrived nt C. M. Military's City
drujt store, a fine line of staple and
fancy atatiunery. Call and examine.
If you want to get rich bow alfalfa.
Yon can get it and every other kind of
seed at Minor, Dodson & Co's.
Cooking with an old, eiroky stove
don't go when you can get a nice Tri
umph range at B. A. Hunsuker & Co.'s,
that cooks well, and is an ornament to
the kitchen.
Choioe candies, mils, etc., in immense
quantities at Ed. R. Bishop's. Fine
wines for medicinal and aaoramental
purposes can lie had at the same plaoe.
F. J. Hallock represents eleven good
and reliable fire insurance companies.
Why should the breath of mortal be
bad? Simpy beoause they do not go
down to Dock. Vnughu's aud
have their teeth filled.
The Oregon Bleod Purifier is Nature's
own remedy, nnd should be nsed to the
exclusion of all otuer meuiciues in an
diseases of the Btomach, liver and kid
nevs. Us Oregon Blood Purifier now.
i)r. John Rasmus. profesr.inal tooth
puller and mouth fixer. All kinds of
dentistry done neatly. '
A seoond oar-load ef barb wire will
roaoh M., D. & Co. this week. I
The Farmers' and Merobants' insurance
oompanv, of Albany. Orego, will give
you a square deal. See ad. in auother I
There are no bugs on the fire insur
ance oonipanies Fred Hallock represents.
The fouoes of Morrow oouuty are
nsuallv barbed wire, which artiole can
be purchased at Leezer & Thomson's.
Rubber bose, fiue tubular Rushford
wagons and the New Home sewing ma
chine all sold cheap at tin? "same plaoe.
Cash paid for oouuty Bcrip at Minor,
Dodson k Co's.
"You are looking well, my friend.'
0! yes, I drink soda water from that im
mense fountain down at Ed. Bishop's
A new invoice of harvesting maehin
ery just iu nt B. A. HunRaker & Co's.
Thoy consist ot scythes, pitchforks, etc.,
aud it takes muscle to ran them, but
you can buy them cheap.
Do you want mill feed in any qnamty?
Sperry can acoommodate you. Give
him a call. Hunt him np.
Remember the place to get a good oi
gar is of 0. M. Mallory at the City drug
Lichtenthal has a fine stock of ladies
and ohildreu's shoes, for which he will
sell very cheap for tho naked cash.
His stock of men's boots aud shoes
has no equal in Heppner, and can be
procured in like manner as above.
When man guts so that he oan't speak
pleasant to his wife, he must have either
the chillblains or the toothache. Dr.
Vaufflian, tho dentist, iaa sura cure for
tho latter.
When your teeth get so that yon ean I
eat anything harder than mnsh dig up
Dr. Viiughan and have him make you a
new set.
F. J Hallock is the le.tdiug insruance
agent ot Morrow oouuty.
Every one who has a house should
have it insured, and nothing is ahead of
the Farmers' and Merobants' Insurance
company of Albany, Oregon, for that
Minor, Dodson & Ca. are gotting in an
immense stook ot goods whioh they are
selling at prices bo low that it would as
tonish you.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
It is a fact acknowledged by all "art
organists," both of Europe and America
that the "Estev" is the sweetest voiced,
most buraau toned, least reedy in tone,
and quickest in response to touch of any
orgnn manufactured in tha world.
All kinds of ready-made goods and
fine custom work at JYiai uwuuhhuui s
hoot aud shoo store, nt reasonable rates,
and repairing a specialty.
Wonica Well. Farmers in olden
times, hud very few oonyontenoies k
assist them m too rouuuo 01 mm.
duties, but in this day numerous inven
tions have mads farming n pleasure
V would ca attention, particularly, in
tho hay and grain stacker, of A. N. nl-
laco, who is manmnctuniiK mu .
saviiiff contrivance. It will also remove
nets from header beads. Call on him nt
Heppnor. Yon will hud him at tne 1 10
noor hotel.
Fon Salh. 320 acres of deeded land
and a timber culture, Bitunted between
Frank Gilliam's ond Silas Wright's in
Spring Hollow, Buea Drees, morrow
county, Oregon. Good water nn eaqh
quarter soctioa, and the best spring in
7. .... . n. 1 nn nn mo
tne country ai me m.uw. v... ....
at my plaoe or address mo nt Heppner.
Jons Davidson,
Opposite Livery Htuble.
Heppner, : J : Oregon
At this favorite resort will always be
found the best brands of
K o s h 1 a n d Bros,
Wool Commission Merchants,
Established 18G3
31 N Front St.,
410 Snoramento St.,
Ban Franoiuou.
Cash Advanced or'
W 0 0 L
Gso. Wm. Wright, Agent, Heppner.
May Street, Nearly Opposite
'$Nature ! faultless and to is that
noble discovery, commaing ony Na
ture's own remedies, "The"
it is a benefit to the human race. KLtr UP
VOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of
Pfunder'3 Oregon Blood Purifier.
Quick and Complete Cure of all Discuses al
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves
Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness.and
puts fresh energy into the system by making
Nmv, Kiuli Itlmtri. Take it in time, ripM now,
as it cannot be boat as a preventative ordtseasc.
bold and used everywhere. t a bottle, 6 tor $5
On Improved Farms
In Morrow and Umatilla Coun
ties at
Lowest Rates
In Furnishing Funds.
Apply to:
F. O. Bucknum,
fa prepared to give meals at all
You will find my place next door
to B. A. Hunsakor & Co., in the
Old Bank Building,
Settlers, Attention !
You will aave time, money and trouble
by consulting
Plats of vaoant lands obtained. Filings
and entry papers prepared. Correc
tions of erroneous entrios scoured. Con
tests initiated, conducted and defend
ed. Deeds nnd mortgages drawn.
On entored lands. Consultation, by
mail or in person, strictly confidential.
Unusual r acuities
For prompt and successful prosooution
of all kinds ot land business.
J. W. Morrow.
OfHoe on May street, Heppnor, Or.
Will supply you with fresh bread
and buns overy morning,
With A Good Variety of Cakes.
Wedding Cakes A Specialty.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown
Bread Every Sunday
Morning lo Order.
Fine Lunch Room.
(if!OKite Minor Do d won & Co's.
Cliirst Kraoss.
Wool Commission
T. W.HALIi It Co , Chioagn.
FEXSO BROS & Cm LI), Boaton.
Wool Graded and Baled
Arlington, Castla Rock and Echo.
Miner, Dodnon & Co.'s Slnre,
of and D?alora in-
Picture Frames, Etc.
- :o:-
Always in the Lead !
The Old-Established House of
General Merchandise,
Our Stock will be found Complete in E very
Respect, and we shall always endeavor
to retain our place
VS- T"NT TTTlil T?R01SJrl I? A -vrxrt
An4 in the future, as in the past,
to be
Leading House in the
Our facilities for doing business are
tablishment in
We guarantee to all our Customers
Dealing. An inspection of
each aud all as to the full and complete stock we at all times carry.
Owing to the steady inorease in our
and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives us
better facilities than ever before enjoyed.
Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
Ship Core of II. & 13., Arlington.
1 . -J ILHi-'J
Loot Loot Loo
1 1 1
Keeps tlte Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in His Line ia
Morrow County.
Comprising Pure Drugs nnd Chemicals, Patent MfdiuinAs, and Toi
let Goods of Every Deticriptiou. AIbo Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass,
Putty, Etc., Etc.
- " ' ' ' 1 T-
lie makes a specialty or rura
Purposes. Best Brands Domestic
Cuwly, JNuts, unewing unm, jmo. rnces reasonable, lernis, dash.
Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, ond special
attention paid to orders from the
i Special
Of Heppner and Vicinity to Examine
All of the LtiUat
Ladies' Furnishing Goods Store,
I am Closing Out my Stock of Ladies' and
Misses' Shoes AT COST.
we shall endeavor to oontinne
Heppner Country !
unexcelled by any mercantile es
the Noithwest!
Courteous Treatment nnd Pair
our establishment will convince
business we have built a Large
13 a i 11
"W agon,
Agricultural Implements
W, Red!
TIT' I T m ...
nines nnt liquors tor Alsdieinal
aud Importod Cigars.
L M. JJJi.1. -..H,'lg
Styles and Patercs, at