THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THURSDAY, JUKE H,m Evehy inlinbitant of tliia primitive Ileppner hills looks with to our towu which enmo into exiHtnce sixteen years agr, iiml has b. eii growing ateiuli Iv year after your i ithout interruptiou ever since. It is to-day a nulling, bus tling, wide-awake place, n counterpart of iis inhabitants, who arn people of broad, liberal view?, kind -hearted and energetic and have uever been known to Hhrink from putting up when the gennr nl prosperity of the community demand ed it. With a railroad now building to Heppner, fitage roads nnd tri-weekly mail routes being to reach out to Haystack and Camp Wat(o-i,;Mon-nment, Long Creek, I'ox Valley aud Canyon City, and every part ot the oonn try that demands such conveniences, places this town in a position to enjoy the fruits of pnbt labors. Property is increasing in value in a manner that in rnoouraging to owners of real estate, One piece of property that cost $rt!K) n t-:uort time ago, sold recently for $2,1)00: another was bought tor $151) and sold for $i?.,'r) in ten days, and wo might name many cither transactions of like nature. V' Lave a boom and no mistake. To be brief, gentle reader, atd without fnr their nigument, come and see Heppner. It is the coming railroad and education al town of Morrow Co. A few!itin!r -d did lars invested now, means thousands of clean cash right in your pocket, and in n comparatively short time. TimTJmritiila county court has grant ed the Long Creek road, and the sub scription on the part, of the citizens of Pendleton, being circulated successfully. The Heppner railroad i under construc tion, n id ileppuer will undoubtedly im prove the wagon road between this place and Heppner. We will surely have two outlets In this placo iu th near future, and with two such places as Heppner and Pendleton (driving fur the trad ) of our Itepublic, we can reasona bly expect lower prices on all classes i of goods than wo have over experienced t;e fore. The JUppner route is already opened; now iiuisli this end of the Pen dleton routo and thereby secure the oornpetitinn, and then let the longest pole rake m the persimmons. -Lonij Crave Auyc. Tun Bi'.iichgrass Hafcliet claims tknt the saloon element tiied to work in can didates by "in.ioh'iitl; consolidating all their forces against tin) votes of t.jmii(;r- nnca men in the recent county election. t All the consolidation that wns heard o( during or sinco the campaign came from iSunau s irresponsible slush, thrown out to the public through his conlomptiblf sheet, (lond men were elneted to thh county olhoes, but not through his rniil bigs. Nuuan is narrow-minded enough 1 1 imagino anything, nnd to say tuat tbu ticket elected are all temperance men, is j:ist us reasonable as to consider all those dsfeated of the oppositii stripe. Honest temperance principles are nu detriment to anyone, but hnught-up in dividuals like Judas . Niinaii might ravo n long time without making auyonu buliovo in their iiincerity. WiitijH many orops are considuntbly i.ijnred by the spring drouth, tho rain that has fallen since June 1st will bring them out to an average crop, particular ly spring sowing. Pall grain will not do so well. Jn some parts of tho country, the squirrels have finished up the (lev astatiou beguu by the dr; weather, leav ing soareely anything standing. How ever, this is not general. Morrow ootin ty'B range shows up as fat cuttle nnd horses as may bo found in any country, mid the bunehgrass is growing better every day, preparing these slopes for the many bands of sheep that will! re turn this fall from their bummer rane ;n the mountaius. A M.ur, roulo to Canyon City, by the way ef llardman, Monument, Lung Creek, anil Pox Valley, is now boingagiln ted by the citizens or Jlrppnor, and peli lions are now being circulated iu neigh boring parts. The route as it is, forms tin apology for a mail line, aud is a great inconvenience to our neighbors over the mountains, as all their mail is a week to ten days lunger on the road than it should be. n the course of two or three months, the postal department will no doubt como to our rriinf, nnd give ns tho mail facilities that the country demands. A TU1P TO LONUCfiEEK. Mit. Kpitou: Thiuking (hut your renders might lit) interested in what J saw nnd heard iu Hint portion of Grant county which will be tributary to this town on the completion of the railroad, I will give you a short history of the trip. Having, with lr. Vaiighan, sot our houses in ordor, we left Heppner for Iiong Creek in the last week iu May, and spent tho llrst night at Mr. Allen's, whero we were hospitably entertained Having hail n good, refreshing Hlocp we wo next morning started early for ihwti nntion, and arrived at Kong Creek about II o'clock that evening, tired nnd dusty, but after a good night's rest woke up in the morning ready to talk roads mid tel egraph to tlie Long Cretkors. 1 talked with several of tho leading business men of that really enternriKing town, nnd found them very enthusiastic over i ho bright prospects of their town being brought so close to railroad facili ties, and they expressed a full determi nation lo have telegraphic oimimuiiioa tii.u with tiie ou'sido world by way of Peppner. 1 found from wind I saw that our pro p'.ii have but little conception of the business dune in Long Craek and vicini ty, two of the stores earryiag almost lis bi'ge stoeks as our Heppner merchants, while tons and Ions of freight nro haul ed to and from Arlington, now their nearest railroad point. Tin people there s. eiu nlie to business anj very friotidly to Hcpp'.iiir, Kevernl lawsuits were in progress dur ing the forenoon, and lirother I lemming, who is located there iu the practice of law, seemed to be full of business, but not so busy but ho could spare the time to hitch up his line 'earn of Arabian po nies and bikeme to the Mel.hitlie springs. They were i!-t0 ponies, but rc.iuired considerable persuasion, which 1 ad ministered with a rod soma twelve feet long, and which was kindly given mo by the marriageable ladies of tho town who before me had had the pleasure of riding bi hind the ponies. Pro. peunning is a 1 : i lu lor. J used the roil to good effect, nnd ii made the trip of twelve miles in lef-s than seveu hours. Arrived at the springs we met Mr. Powell and wife, who being old friends of Mr Penimiiig's, nnd I being vouched for by him, we veie made welcome during our stay, Ritd i wish to Hay to those who desire to test the waters of the springs, that Mrs. Puwell is a tiist-class cook, and can give you as good a meal and bod us you could wish. Hut to return to my tale - before par taking of sapper 1 visited the springs niut took a bath, in which hubit 1 con tinued during my stay there, aud from yu old, sickly man, which 1 was when 1 arrived there, I eumo away well Hud hearty, aud feeling to bo not more than li", so 1 would advise all marriageable wnuieu t look B li.tle out, as X am iu the market tuid quite susivptihle to the miles of womankind, - but to make a long story short I mounted the hurri cane deck of u Cityuso slid arrived home safe and sound, having left Dr. HUghi.n to find his way home alone, as he had become altogether too old and slow for me to run with. K. ii. .Since the election I feel a lif lle sick again, although I waj elected aud didn't run Dr. bwinbnr md Tom Avers during their jubilee over the election of Pell. Gov. LEXINGTON NOTES. Mr. Reuben Davis and wife bid Lex ington H final farewell last Friday and returned to ihe Willamette valley. Homor McFarland and wife went to Arlington Tlmrsduy. Mrs. McParland will spend the summer visiting relatives at The Dalles and Hnod River. Frank Davis and fciteve Griswold left for Seattle Monday. Henry Workman left last week with his horses fur the Willamette valley. D. M. Dunbar started on a visit to th Wilhimctte valley Monday. The railroad company have pnrehns ed John McAllister's huufle and lot in town for fcVOO. Mrs. Harris, mother of our druggist, started n a visit to Pendleton Mondav Mr. Vaiigh.'in, with H. McFailand . Co., and Mr. M'.otiy, of tho surveying party, mudo a Hying visit to Arlington Sunday and returned M nday. Mrs. G. W. riarria returned luut week from u visit to Pendleton. The two most distinguished gonlleinen ih the surveying party located here arc Mr. Holoomb, son of the president of the rond,iUiii Mr. AliHMiyroii..of tho e-,.ov-cf nor. About 3 o'clock last Saturday evoning a very heavy ruin storm passed over this place. It extnded about lire miles up the creek and look iu the entire witor nheu of Murk Horso canyon. It was by far tho huaviost rainfall over witnessed by the present inhabit ants in these parts, aud lusted about an hour. Ulack Horse nnd Willow creek came with a mighty rush, oversowing tho bottom lands and sweeping everything baforo them. Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, cord-wood, sacks of wool, lumber aud fenocs tilled the streams. There was nothing drown ed but chickens, although come cows had to be pulled out of the current with teams. The small dwelling house of C. 0. lio:m was carried about 30!) yards down the creek when it turned oa its side and lodged. It contained tho en tire earthly possessions of Mr. Jioone, which were either lost or ruined. Henry Penland lost ii!J sacks of word, probably half of which will ho recovered. The Italian rock-workers above town had their entire oamp washed away. Con sidorable of McAllister & Harryman's camp and grade was destroyed. Muir Pros. & Haling lost but little. Smith's camp lost some harness, tools, etc., around camp, but their grade was not materially damaged. About hulf the cord wood and loose lumber in towu wan swept away, and some of the cellars were filled with mud. A movement is oil foot to eulargo and straighten the two streams to prevent overflows nt the town. Jo-Jo. EIGHT MILE ITEMS. Tho election came off with its usual amount of argument uud disputes Judging frem the number of tickets a man would luuu to be one of true merit to bo dented. Iter, ltuasouer preaohed at Eight Mile Center morning and evening last Sun day, to full bouses. The Sunday school hour has been changed from 'i P. M. tu 10 A. M. (trass and grain growing One. Farm ers jubilant over tho recent raius. New potatoes and radishes in this section. Any other beat itf Well, the pionio camo H in due time, and was a grand Hiiocess in every re spect, the day being cool and tho rains of tho night before made the verdant groves of Hheii creek positively lovely. Among those present from Heppner were tho Itev. Heusoner and Mr. J, II.. stnnlcy. Joe Hay, oonlemplates building a large addition to his already spauious residence, this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Hooker started Sat urday for the Wenatchie country. They will join J. Ii. Col veil's family at The Willows. There is a young man here who would "give tho whole world" an 1 a watch aud necklaoa lo boot for tho 1 dy of his choice, but she has gone far away. J LDY. ItiiV. Du James Frcoman Clarke, the distinguished Unitarian minister, who has been pastor of a lioston chnroh for the last, 47 years, died at that place on the St Ii hist. He was born at ILiiinvoi', N. II., April 1, 1S10, and was one of the founders of ihe old free soil party. Tuiloiinu;. I have opened n well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants from $7 to 15 best goods iu tho market. A. AnuviuMsicit. Wiien yon go to Arl mgtou stop with Hilly Thea hire, at the Stanford house. Morrow Comity Fot' I'ltllJli'SH. C'eurin il Hi riniin r. Miller ji Supreme Jiiilo. I!uriH'lt il l.(inl r Iiiitriiit Altiirnr.v. Inrv il Kllia r Kt'pri'sontittivtf. Howell ,1 I'Vll r 1u1.iihI i SlieiiiV. IVInrn in il . Ilmviml r 1214 fnrlo I II! Coimtv flcrk. I Villiiinw.l isst; A uilvfWH r 1 178: -Utiiilmr I I Brown il I'.'O 'I'liumpKiin il 212; ArnislroiiK r 110, l''l.v r. llil Aio.uiMiur 1 ; in1 us- 7' ti 1 4 j 'v 5 J 'i l , Mi Juliea I 27l2l ITI& 4: 6 I 452.'l l ii, 2 :205 Hchoul jSiiporiuteiiilHut. I I i ! I ! i i I I ; CniiH-il 'l02: I0 2-1 20 12 :!0 fi 28 10:1! I.V.M ' I'M Stuulcj- r 204 Assousor. I I MrOwil 210 (ilnssronl r 128; I ' 24, Siirv.'vur. I j Knillileyd 2511 '""rim r 11.' I LHtrouf r. a awi Akem r Urow 11 I Treasurer. Oumi r Noblo (1 Lock Oct For Bkf..kf:h.'-. -I have 1,40 1 acres of timber lands, known f the Dutch Hilly aud Caplinger placer, and oil person are hereby warneu against cutting timber off of said lands, as I will prosecute them to the full ex tent of the law. E. E. SwiNUDIixB. Takeh Up. At John Ridgewnv's ranch, in Itoad canyon, one unrr horse, about 10 or 12 years old, braudi d J K on left shoulder. U. P. Kidueway. FOR RHEUMATISM. S2G.C00 LOST. COL.D.I.V!LLIAf.lSCN, Ex-U. S. Consul at Ccllao, Peru, whose fac-siinile jiyimlurc from his testimonial is hero shown, stales: ' I was a hfl,i iesa c lpp'e for years from rheuma tism, epont $23,000 In vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, anil i! cured mc." VA SitlUby Dntri'iMx ami VcaU " Kvfriwhne. T.IE CHARLES A. V0GELE3 CD.( HAI.TI.MURK, Ml). NOTICE OF IUSHULUTUjU. Notice in hfrebv civeri Unit tlia nHrtrnTshin liMi,i'tif .rt existing betwoen tli iiinlHrniKnw1, un- dur tht) nrm HHiiiH or Ullrr & Wi'tMin, ti:in id tii.ifolvitj hy niutuul ci-rpiTit. lieo, K. Wright rdii'iiH alt properly f nuiti firm uiul paya ull claims ft'ruiut lut' Hsu no. GEO. K. WI'IOMT. I'JUtKY OLLSit. NOTICE OF INTENTION. i7m(10fIir!PntTiin n1Iw. Or., JuitftO, IMS Noli ih hurtibv tfivou II nit tliH followinir Tift i iied snttlur h:in filcii notice of Ms intention to niiik" liiml proof in unpporLuf t'limn, and that Haiti proof will 1)3 inmle hffnnt t he clerk of Morrow county, ifr., nt, neppner, (Jr., on July ism, viz- Jovt'jth C, English. 1). H. 8(11 for tlio HW4 HWU Br 19. NW'i NW Soc :hi Ttt 5 H K 2i K, and N vt NIC1 HucasTpSB it v.u c,w in. Ho namitB tlio fonowina wit.nruanw to nr' liirt uoutiauons rnsid-Mico upon, niul cultivitLion ol. H'lifl lam . viz: KrJ. Cox, H. IT. (ilHKrffnt'd, Ofio C'l-tpiii. K'.ism- Cliappm, ail of UaiJniMi, At'irro-.v I iiu. Ijii-H l. A. MoItoNAi.P.Ui'eiler. KOTIC13 OF INTENTION. Ln-jJ Ofijee t I,KOrai:tlp, Or., Ji-no S, '). N't)itv-iif Introhy gi rtn tliut tli foMn'.vinc iiaiTid :ot I ler Uan filfd nut if of hit iiilortiun tf imtlii' niiiil pruf in suppurt of hut cliiito, hi.q that Hani nroof ffi .h niuua be ft V" tlttl fon c-lBi-k of Marrow county, Or., at llfinmc-i', Or., on July at, isftH, via: Sylvester IP. Efnrcmi, 0 8 77H5 fo the Ii 4 NK U. BV N H arid 8K V NW ia nbC H, 1 p t n. It it f , W. !1. (i iiHtnoH tlin followiiiK witiiitpHa to prove hie coiitiniiotii 1't'nldmice upon, and eumviiou ol. su:d l;inu. Ti7.: 1). B. Wtulicr. Thrw, Qiiaid. Pal Quiiid nnd K. A I!ni'id-ij, all of HfjM'fi', SHoitow fr.umy, Or. 27;i-7S llS'.ir UiNKH.UiT, lUttfii'tt)!', NOTICE OF INTENTION. LnrHOITiront Th IV.IIr. Or.. Jnr" 7. RP. Noinfr mhriolty ivott tliat 1h follny'irttf-.iamrti ntllvr butt lil"d il;t c u' his intwalion to tnake fund proof in nupport of hin claim, nnil that isa;d urtyjf will bo m w i bfif trv th county jinlg of Morrow county, lmjcli, u Lloppnirr, Ur j,'uu, tin July z, lr, via: litijamin A linn -sake r, 0 R IM, f'r tlif Nlf .i HVf Vj , NW U HR -i i H 1 , Kh 'i Hi'c. 'r,, 'i'p h, n K, W. m. li niiiimr. thu followiuK wiliicHCr to pr, hid ivjutiiiuonH iMiidi.'uc-tf upon, uud vui'iy.v, of, ff'iid ltii.d. v k- W 1' Vu'inr. V., F Rimiin,,"r, of Uaiu- iiar( Wm. Mc. eui;i uud Chita, iliiich, t)f llep- nt'r. DrpJii. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnnrl f Hli.-w nt Tim Ditllp. Or.. Jiinu S. 'fW. Nnlir-o ih h'trcliv iivcii Hint t hp follvinir-lininfd Bfltlr haw Hlod ntdire nf hin intt'iition to ma!1 proof in nuppoi t of his claim, and that mud nroof will bo niadti h.'foro tho jildc of Morruw enmity, Or,, nt Hoppimr, Or., on July 21, 14S, viz: Jacoh S. Young, lid. 1112. fnrt!ifH'BWViRw.M.T8 8, R 24 i. nnd N 'i NW 4 Vln 4 H. K W tt. W. AJ IIh tiumH t!i following wit!Mrsi' to prova his rontinuotm rcwiaoiiCO upon, nuu cnmvutiuu oi. aaid land, H: .l.H .lni.sniid W. Hawll. of Elcfit Mi!, Morrow county. Or., nnd Frank llartun and Ed. Rood, of Uocir.oLitm'.v. Or. T:'.-& V, A. McDonald, Tln;Utr, NOTICE OE INTENTION. I jind Ofl;nRt The Dull. Or.. ,Tn S. 'W. No ico ik hrtby triviMi that tin- following imnutd Hi'ltlrtr Ifs tiled net io of hip irtni.tirn tc nmk titiul pr 'f in sjpport of Inn pliiim, nnd timt nanl )rnof will be mailt bt'for Iho ri'ifiwl'T a-'d rtuivor utaiio Uitllof, OrM cn July Jrt, lH, vi,: J, 8. Kohinette. P.H.MM, for tSoW NK H nnd NW m SK 'l..,- (I Tn I H. It 24 K. W. M. H nanu-B iliffollowii'n witnweos to i-rova bin .ttintinuouM rridyiicu upon, aca oulttvatiou wf, Mt'd hind, vif Jam Alb-n, HrniBii Ni'lson. K. H. Rood and K.. 0. l.on, all of Kmt Mil.-. Orfjfim. j;3.7M '. A. MoDonald, ilegUte- I Jot urns 1 888 a ! i; I X 'pmi 7:mi)2'U1 :'." i -to it its ir. ji iri4 vv t 7ft -a ;r in oa 'va m em 81: -i 10 11 HI' 'il oi I i -i ; Ki I ! M I I I I ! I I ! i-MV M'J!i712 87 1147 Z :ls 2il 157(1 'litl Ml 71 w" -fi 3 21 oS 2tl 2'2 U SO li W i I I I ! I ! 1 I i 1 i i j i ' U !7 -l:t :-5 17 12 :14 .M 8i It! ;!5 ic, 17 1 417 22 1WI 7,'i ('-' '-(i 41 2H C2 27 2-") 20 iW (i 7;!4 317 I I ! ! i : i ! ' i i i i 172! 4 81 211 10 24 101 527 12 I t ':W liliii l f)7 Hit 24(2S 15 -411: umw -s (i t'-ttr 67 (W 140 15 25 42M14;!2:! 1 II 12 1 W I I I I I i i ! I I i ! 15i!' 80 15 18 14 22 2 10 10 Hi 8 15 1 Xi 102 55 58 21 4," 21 Oil 25 42 22 :!! tl721:',t;-i 17 4 8 2 4 14 8 1 4 1 tili ! I I , i M i i iM in 7 10 li! 1 to1 fi 27 12 20' l ,W:s 00 7ti 27 W -js 78 ;t" 32 22 X. ti 725 t! I I I I , 3 -i 1 j j in 12 .ill 4I 2120 4 20 I'J .( 12 27 1 I4'i! 102012 II 4:! 1:121 114021 SO 1 LSI 1;" 10 54 20 I i i!2 10 ill 7 IV 10 211 0, IW lii0,r.04l 22: 1450 25 Hi 20 27 0 5s"i 130 80 ;8 51 25 42 10(h) 18 27 21 2;! 7 070 258 1 1 i I f I I I I I 1 I ! W.i021'2IWi fi 22 25SS 10 27 1 ".2."m!4 25;iii tOililSilll! to 12 10 li!24 6 -Ml' 7127,10; 8 8 2 30 D, 4 2' 8. !llK 1 j I 1 1 1 I I i 1 I I I 47ost;W'2(ia 7 1027 40 17':W lV.27'l22 "",11x1,1,11 u 11 1:1 11 10 i 11 ii ti H.J, ! ' 1 I M I M I ! I ! 23Ji 8it ,'fi';2i;,ll 14 fi 21 15 H7 CJ !520 413 HH lit 1 15 11 10 77 15 11 17 17 ti H5i aa ::2S.lfi 4 fi 21 15 :i7 -lot 1:1 (.vv ii'i I . ' I 1 li I I II i. 8, 4 2 20 10: I 2! 1 f) 1S('J I I , I ! ! I ! I I 88 ti'12! 1'Ui 27li.sno;2:t27 is i.Vis 15 i:vi5 r m 1 112 51 83 15 4 0 0 47 28 ! 2 ' 10 2 .'02 207 Weara no.v Di.ily lioceiving Largo Invoices of NEW DRESS GOODS! In all the latest shades and fa'urics and our counters ARE PILED HIGH! "With the Choicest Productions oE tho Manufacturers, and the bust news to all is that they are CJIJCA.PIC1! TI 1 A.1NT ISVIEK. We have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our goods, and are satisfied that our Dress Goods Stock will com prise the liestas well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be fore in Ileppner. Can't you give 113 a call soou for tho pur pose of LOOKING This Stock and seeing our Pretty and pride iu showing you waat we have got. hetuor you are ready to buy or not, you are ALWAYS WELCOME At our store, and will sea ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, i FINE Of Cable Cord Ginghiiuia, Cliambrays, ic, and as this stock sells out so fast that we can not hardly get goods last enough to keep any variety on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit. ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. MINOR, DODSON & CO,, MAY W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & -DEALERS IN HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wooci and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. MA IX STREET, II! I l if- I:!). JUSIIOP. IVopriotor. Io the Leezsr it Thompson Building, Maiu Street, Heppner. DEALEJl IX Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars, Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti cles, Perfumery, Notions, Etc., Etc. KM- ESTTrescriplions Carefully Compounded, Day or Night, and Esre cial attention paid to family recipes. MAT LICHTENTHAL'S 3oot and Shoe Store. Having just received a largo Boots nnd Shoos, I nin now prepared line at fair prices. I will continue to do custom Shop enlaigetl and refitted good. j. m; hager, DEALBB JN General Merch a ndise. AGKNT FOn sta;v3i:r & walkir's Agricultural Machinery, all kinds ot Farm Implements, Wagons, Etc., HK.rrxrp.. S; v::i. - May 1'., ana Stiinucr Turk, bnlil fnn" niul tlinv white fvt, bnunloil O on l.'ft ahmililor. Vlin last lwanl ef was in t!it heud of Sau.l Hulliiw; 5 re- w,ml tvr liis retuni t Jones' stable, or thi fi'iiie miKiunt tr information lfiul i:itr tu lis recovery, V. M. Urxci.'E to Wool ilr.owBKS Those d firing to coliii;u their wtnil to Isnno !ros. .V ( of Huston, 0111 (irw from seveu to ton cent per pound npon it nt 7 per wilt, isterest. Freiirlit to liatoD, pei Vfi. Fell. THROUGH .. , h; r " Things? We shall take pleasure your frioiuU the re also. rn S'iT.EET, HEPPNEE, OKEGON I C. THOMPSON THOMPSON. IIEPPXER, OREGON ' n Hi u "8 l-OH ' and complete stock of Srst-dae to furnish any article iu that work and repairing, as usual. throughout. New front and new OREGON L I B E It T Y MEAT MARKET, H"mi. J. tit AT BR, Proprietor. yt:Fsn tir.v.r. vvvtvh ash pokk con- bk3iA ud pork MUsAtf. hsu,t cnw., 'te. Sew Rd Frviut, MHiu street, Uvpptwr. ITU For SiLt Two bouses gad lots in Huppner. UokkI wtor and Que looation. Apply it Gazctte shop. The new firm of B. A. HUNSAKER & Co., Are at tho old stand on MAIN STREET, DEALING IX Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granie warc, Pumps, Gaspipc, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR !?iv 1 w y. 1 VaffniN k'n mo Oi MUKViW Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En gines and Portable Sawmills, Just A large assortment Lamps, Fancy Goods, Are constantly roseiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a Bkillful manner. MAUDOCK CORNER, H. McFARLAND & CO., LEXINGTON, OREGON. Are still in the field with a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes And Everything else that is usually found in a lirst-clsss GENERAL Establishment. For Pure Drugs and MeJioines cull cu GEO. W. HARRIS, .AT CITY DRUG STORE, Lcxnton, Oregon, Where yon will fin.l tho Gaeit stoo'i of D -usta in JI jrrow oonaty, onnsistins of a Froi'a Kfcoak of Druse, Patent Medicines, Toilet Artidos, Choice Perfum.ory, Na tions, School Books, Stationery, Puiuts, Oils, Glass, Putty and A fine line ot Tobacco and Cigars. The Finest Brands of Wiuss and Liquors for Medical Purposes, AI vaj'B iu fjtock. Physicians Prescriptions Compuuded Day or Night. Sperry's New Holler Mills! Capacity 70 Barrels J, B. SPERRY, Proprietor, Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. DAVID WALSH. WALSH Arise to Proclaim k THEY ARE PREPARED To dish you up anything that you want in the line of Groceries, Confectionery Can ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys, Etc. Both Sides of Main Street. Henonar. zFri Bread Always on Hani: Eg-Qysters in all Stvles at all Hours., HARRINGTON & CO., DEALERS IN I TIariiess, Whixs, Sjurs, i Etc. -t i THE CELEBRATED Heppner Conntantly AKST MAIN fcTElKT, HEPPJSl!.K, rJinmmnn mwm nun vmun nun liivuiio unu In of Crockery, Glassware, P2tc HEPPNER. MERCHANDISE TilE. o JEFF JONES. & JONES! Astonishins h I' Saddles' on t;aiij. ft That HEITEK