.4 STJiAKCH DISAPPEARANCE--! ,f. .V. ,S. I.nnrjt, Who Came Up Mixnimj ! LoM liiver lat January, Still ur. I'nhnuivn tyuiintitiiWhat the Man rnjs Who took up kin Stuck, - j Charles N. Motley, who resides oar the sink of Little Lost liiver. arrived in Ilailey yesterday. lie is the man who, about the 2ith or 2oth of last January started out to take provisions to Lange, who was at Burnett's cabin with 1200 head of sheep. He says he was three days making 20 miles, iu conse quence of the bad traveling. Ai that timo he did not know thr missing man's name, but learned it afterward to be Lange, as it wa: stamped on a bos found in tin cabin occupied by Lange, and let ters were afterwards received ut Arco for J. M. S. Lange. On reaching Mr. Lange's place, Motley found a cabin about 10x12 containing sheep b.jth dead and alive. With another man lie re moved the dead sheep, and be neath them fouud the misbiiif man's blankets, cooking utensils, a small sack of coflee, a can of bak ing powder, n tack of s tit about 40 pounds; a pot of banns, cooked, a razor, a letter written in German and o rubber stamp, which were nil the -effects fonnd, except a shepherd dog and about GOO head of sheep, of which about UCiO now remain. It appeared that the sheep crowded into the cabin at night, where some died. The result was that a perfect charnal-hou ;e ex isted. The coyotes were attracted to the spot in hundreds, an 1 every morning five or six sheep w 're found so torn and mutilated that they soon died. Mr. Motley took the stock up under the astray law, and will sell them according to its provisions. Without his action in the case they must have perished even to the lant one. The missing man has never beon heard of, although diligent search was made in the winter, and since the snow disappeared, Motley himself put in a day look. mg up ami ilown tho rivor iind I over the neighboring country. Some think he started out for .as sistance during the extreme cdid weather, and died from hjouih before ho could roach his destina tion. This is tho most plausablo explanation advanced uniona; the life in tho neighborhood. Huilry A('IC.s'-il)(T. L:ite last fall Mr. Lauga passed Mr. Martin's, of Merlin P. O., Alluras Co., Idaho, with a band of l. t'iO hfcwd of , i-:he!). He told Mr, iMartiu that he was from Uma ViV.'Uv ('o., u,;t,far from Heppner. CWS: 1UBII0X8. Those sf our l.uly readers who ivduld 'liki1! to have an elegant, 'nti; ipnclviige (if extra fine, As sorted llibl)ons( by mail), in differ, eiit wnllh'i iu:d all tiie latest fasti. i'hiikIiIo shadefi; adajited for lion i!t Hfrings, NiH-kw t,-ir, t-'earfs, 'Trimming for II its Dmisc-i, 15 ys, I '.iney Work, ct.i., can get an aston ishing hi; lmiv.'.iiii, owing to the rei'tMil fiiibirrtof a liirgo hIioIohhI, l!ibl)on M'luui'iH'tu-iiig Co., bo sending only 2.1 cents (i.laiiipsj to tho address we give below. As a surlul offer, this house will give tloiihle the amount of nnv other linn in America if you will smul th" iiunics ami l O. 'address of trn newly married Indies when ordering and mention this paper. No pieces less than ona yard in 1'iugth. Satisfaction is guaranted, or money cheerfully refunded. Three packages for tit) cents. Ad dress, London ISiiuion Aof-Xty, Jkhsev City, N. J. VC)MH;;: nH in Ihm-. f'tnns. hai nro .or I n in ii ii iitTiuiKl r.KllliVU- ' I iu' "I") UI.1 m nwtn( ir..!i:n'l .. ; l 11 i. mill v.-V r'l'i li.nl. .in -wliil . liv ii I l' VniS y, u j .i iiiMH wliiT l't 1 if') ni. In I rc . ii !,- '-.T. ( lintl .1 i,,.t riv. .iMir.i.i. Mii.no . u.i.1,1 ..,,r.) u, iuKlo da l 1'HHfn by llnoml r..i tuvn- .uo iiv.' i.iinl.) iy.m" J-'j in a Kiiiyln dny j htlKlUl'rW b LK. "j irrifil ( 'oti: I uf tin- Statu oft lregon, fr mnlv. i Iti llir .In ir V. H'niih, ptn'i.ti1 . m i uf jii.ui'j r. i'.i... . t IT "' :V'-T 1 I , .l.lhl f . ii", f"i iu-T! Mrirnl, H. Tim , ii-.i.i .d i . 'h tin, iMili!r--'i ,-ir ,! .. ii I'. (',--. n, d.-r inlati.' Uy vlrtii- nf ,..v.-,-' i'.i r.V'W'i 'on i i'i (', i!nn,. i i n. M"7 K. Chhihi, I -d, l'lvirlc iu", M trull H. 'l'hinn n. Kr-mk t 'itfou nml mI ii"it ut law rf ud in-lied (nl of llie Miri .in I',.. Ill, ,Uv ..f Mil.., 1-V4. ill flV 'I' nf ll. i.i i.i lift ; .ii .! i.ft In c- !. t-. "H v.f; i.i titfi, in n',"; -ri t .'(i.l ("i n 1 ii. ! up i ;i!niVf plr'iili'l, mm- I J:t ii 'inniu'l,-!' (i.i.stri h. .i.'.ft.-r in.'Uliu.ui!. ! I i.'.'eti.i ism t!v "-'ill ! th 'ulmwi'et ile:rib-j .... ..n.lx rii . ..u,li h i.r i-f . .... :i,rli.,il i,ii.-.: ti-r ;,nd ,,i nnr,l; ivm mnr nf 'I-' -.in:,i:.v -f i ' : -. -i ;- : .r hi ..'.ili.i ,i, l-i-.i-,,.l..p 1 m-iili. ut r:i"in '-i r:wi ni.d t.i. ni, tli iint ut- i.M.m .ii,. ,h-i ,.M i,.,r t r -,f im.-t-; ', ln it, t i.i ii !..,- I -mili.. i." r tf", ).; w.li .'M ,.f.;..l Vr..: S-.f-,r-, ...., U,.,l. ..... i it. nuu:ile iu il'n'iiiT ,i,.,,Y. t, , -i-iii,. A ml I jiitiiiii, inr i ill uy 01 .lUlie, I. At I'i.. Si",- r.f ;.,':. t I'. M. (.( nUl -.lay, at ' i , in, ,rt Iiom!1 tl-i.tr in !,,p'i,i, (,'-iLi..i,, .(,!!! .Ula -I. n, put, he nMnl'on , Mi.-1, x:.,.,t t.'.,-r f.,r in t.bi ,!,,. .uu, of 7:1.''W in,i r-l Hit 1 , i- . n... ,,.r ;l-'UUUI ,v -ne- Mrel, l, w,l f. s a Uwn-: '. te ami ' ,t.' f.M.tl ...in. :, ,.! .1, -, l ,f .., ,,,-t. Kdmi', ,,, I .i'.R,-5:-.Ui cilh ..'.Ki it'nlmi,.-,, -iii licri'Ui. i ,,,, , ,l - v, 'ii'1' . . ! . N , i.f M,,rmwoo:,!r, tlr. ... ,.,..,,.,, . ,. ,n. I - - -, Ii-.i Olt fort Hiibujuh -1 liiive! l.l'l.l ;niinH ,,r limlx-r l.m,U. kii'iwn iih i the IhiUiU Uill.v uu,l l Hiiliuaur .l.mii. U1M Ikli lii'la.,, HIM llnri'liy Mnri,ml i,t.in,,r eit-i In," tin:1 ir n'.T ;...i,l , I a M will iiroMUji;- l!t,.;iit., 'tho full rx' j Kii V. M Xvv. I.. 1. MIMII :,!. ( 1 m. Absolutely Pure. Thii po v'-T ncv.T ?;,rimi, A jnarrel of p-jrlt.y .transl li ,iwi wtnl"t-r!r.i rs.. Morn mionomicH ban tliq 'trdiruiry kind, luvt riiunol tie Mt.M i joml'miliou will, tl,, itiui I il mlr uf low ie. witfUt, ultmi 'jr (.hoMt-luit- .iowI",,. Kor.r, Nl. in cans. KulfAl. iukiKo HOWIlKl: CO., tli-Wl 1 Wnll Mtrwl, N. 1 1XTEEK! I7.VC TO LADIES. Our lady renders can hardly full to have their attention culled now to the latest combination of im provements in that most useful o! domestic implements, the "sewing machine." As we understand it, n machine for family use should first meet all these requirements: It should be simple in its mechanism; it should run easily; it should do n .vide range of work; it should be as nearly lioiiioless as possible; ii should bo light, handsome, dura ble, and ns cheap as is consistent with excellence throughout. These conditions the "Light Itiinning Now Home" certainly meet.';. It lias also several very important and useful attachments and "notions" of its own, which go far to make good its claims to populur favor. The "New Homo" specially re commends itself to purchasers on account of its superior mechanic al construction, eaue of rimuuge- jm ,t ftnil roasonabln price. Over j half a million have boen sold iu the iast throe years, all of which are Kivin? universal satialnction 1 his unrivaled inacli ne is naanu7 .factuivd bv the NEW HOML HEWINC1 MACHINMi CO., Or Ruga, Mass., and 28 Uuion Kquare, New-York. Arlington Met Market. B p Fish, Sausas'c. Etc. Varncy & I'litiium Arlington Or. DON'T DRINK Aiijlhiiijf bill the PnrftL ami ISest. which etiu ulwnya bo (oniiil r.t the The Lexington s a. la O o ;isr ! Hrst Class Cigars. A Y.vxn nml WvA Table for the W'm. Li. Koott, ..Till . i 1 M I! I I M I 111' n D'V,!' i)lril I I . ..... I', l 1 r. 1. K.1 CV (TI . Vt'f 'oVV'ci.irH. (lood Uailx and I'lHty nf umher. NO'L'k'K OK IN'TUN'V'ION. I :-d ("'r- ; ft,.. M .T n- llV N"1 ' d "-'ii H ' n ! (l' 1 d 'in l-'i'i ''' ' H1' e.l I.V.'i'i. i'iv -i hi n'.Hiiii.?. ti. i''t' uf !ii J e''i' iit (,,,, .ul hrr.i.e ln.-lp-t of t t!epnr, tireijrm, ., Uf I : ' t I ,S,r, -rt: r KiiV, f ,r,l.. H" n inif fn liMiritf wi,,ii-.ii tn pri. llltiviiiii . ,,. j v "MM W. tiorr ;- , J.?., '.J. ) v; i " ' " - ' .. ... , . NlHith V 1.. l'K.V'1 IO. iUi.i !". f'-dlo. uf 1 l ilil ri ifW will V m irt- ly j,i,kn.r Mrr,,w ,.,. ,., nf 111 ".,. Ii-.f,,,-,-;!,,, Or., "ii fnl otiH nt llepn .-r, . A M',-.'-. .,,!'I(,.N:'.': "j" -'"rihi.S V i, w. T,. I 'n.;'..,w. ,i, -,i , -.,., '.ii'.., m: - li.iil. : d t.tuh.tte u';... MU," "t ','-T ..'.'.i', ..... I" Mi lil -ru CHAS. M. JOXiii' Hwppner Barber Shop '. i .. ' ' In tl !' . -' -"' Matlock Bufldfxg, Main tit., Hepmci. i l.ow tun.ilip ot kHo, Sbi:poMt aud Hnir c'.it iu tin' litest atyl. of the art. Oregon Railway am NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO ViAYfirdJUNi:. ;. eavieK fetcnn.'-teP S ).:f, r..itia:.d, i;t li uutt Jiigl't, tit follo-jr,; rtrnnifr. j JftT. lr.Klli ------- - Vri.ltr 'uium!i'R i Tu,;:nr..r t-ilp of ( 'lt forum. . Siil.it riiar. . . . h'-Kjii ------- -! Vi't!i!isid;iy ., ultiti'biu IHuminy . . tatKOf Culiftirltia -' i'tiuri'i'.iy liv.i! Moiulav M,.y jtc.ti, .ij (. ur r:ilii .ilunviiliy .:r.;,i, i i 'nturtl.-i.v ihimbia I'.Vcdi.dny .. itilf nf ( ulifurnift. :ii:;il;-? -r ,,'r.n .. ' Pliiir,.lf,y 'liiiinl'in Mnr.dr.v . . . . , 'nty 'A Ciililvriuft, ..lridtiy ro PORTLAND M.r-d.;u;2 if.-?. ,6Bti 8jar Btrvet Wharf, Hr.n rrHtiuiu-o, ut V A. II. in.Utw: SttttlllT. i '!uiibia 'TinirnHay . . '.UtK uf t alif jfitiii.. MaijiJ.vy.. . . rr2in (KruIiiT 'oltmibia j TucfiMiiy. . , tHt of liforr.i'i.. :fc'rtr;iiT. . . Jrntfon ;Vd: c. iia;: 'oluaibia ISiiimIh' '.Uiv of (,'aJifnrma. .J'i Lurf'triiT.. roi;nn j Woii-Jry.'. . . MKy Juno nin:bin jrrioiiy 1 tato if California.. jTa'-vin;' i " rcnr( S:itiin'ltiy I " 'oh;nihi W(In)fduy. . ' itnt'Mtf Ciilifuruia.. 'hijcIhv ' " r'K(in 'Tlmrctitiy. , . . ' " 'oIhiuMh 'Mond.-iy, . . '.;t:Iy rii.1 eompHiiy tcwwmi tlio rii'.hi cw.r.jt' nrs or HniUn Uav. t AT 113 OF I'AH!A:JE ,'.1N('M' I J I N.'i MKALF AND KkTi'HR, Ctthin. $13 CO; HteerittfC, IWutui Trip, . limited, - . ' No froifjl t will bfi rnooivpd on mornipir rf pail, injf.oxcpt fruit n nd vnutuJes, and (Iu'mo wil :io. ho tyKMi a'lfr 0 A. M. - OKHt'KH. Him f rnnrifcr. Ofnoral Ofiieo. No 10, Murkot Ktroct: 'i'ictenf. Oiric-. 1 nnd U .Unnt !I(i:iitry nrt. A(fpi!t. (inoilnil, JVrkintt A Co. Vnrunvid Tii'kK OiJlce, Kirni mid Onk Klruntir.' W. U. UOliCO.MH. a. h. MAXWK.U,, tit-awul MniiPKi-r. tt. P. &. i A. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. KEVER, OUT OF ORDER. If youdesirotopurohnHPaicwing1 mnchlne, ask our flsront at your place for tonus and Srlcos. If you cannot find our npont, writo fjpTCttonom-uatitfldmsatu you IxjJow unm;d. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORANCE,MASS. chicaoo - UNION BQUARE.N.Y.- ILL. u t i iMTii n a TEX. CTLOUia.WO.. iru wjll wh '3NFBAHQCfl.Cl AgeniH at liojipncr, Or. ' It it u- ror-ft'iiiiontzi-d 1 h world in t lift hint liii If ecn rriilury. N"t lfnrt amouc t ii tt u'frimrM f iiii'ntir. frn'rrfnH in H method and 8yMm uf work tlit Kin bi pcrfcnutil till nvcr tin-. ..ui.u j vui.r.nit iiiK tin vii'kf rn fitiui their Immjiok, lHy nnv om cn do tho wuj-k; imIIi'- hct; tni k ohl; n- ttpnetit nhility rrfinircd. t npitnl nci nitfl'd; yttu nrw mulvd fi"rt. Cut ; Li out nnl i. turn it to iih ud wn will M!ii.viu t'rit,ou:t'tliiej ot cnvit valce unci iiiiptjiiijid tu von. tl at wi! utitrt yon in hioii tirt!n, H'liieli wii! Iii'irjr you ii morn iiiOTiiy rinltt Uivay. tiirtn anjttii m nlr " in tl. world, (i'liml ontfu tnw Addrr-d Truo & Co. Autfiita. M.iiim. NOTICE OF iNTi'-MTlON IiiiirlOmentTWDan.'f., Or.. April 2. 'W. Notice in hr-h ui vrit t!mt 1 1 f'tliow; n in. nrutrd tottl'.-r tilcil uotii'H of )nn intouliou to nmLo fiiij! proof iu miptiort ofliin iluim. Hud lluit ;U !,-oif will hn nmdn liffoni tha noicity elu k (if Morrow i'ou ut y, Or,, u! Iltippii.tr, Or, on Jutui li, viz: Frank P. Vtnujhn, D H y.(2. for l.ofi t 2 and tbu K l NV ' l.v Tpa K. 112b 1. W. M. ; ll..MiiiHi;-i i)o Following witnexpn tn nr;vt hin ! rontir.-iotiF nmid'-nw upon., and cu'livation of, I hitid !a:ui, vViu-y ileh.-o, Ki;iiu HtTPton X,un fiirk-nn and John AltstoU, al of Kitiht Milfi, Morrow county. Oreioj, I W-'i'i F. A Mo Wok lti, Hcsibtor. AN OPPORTUNITY EICH WORTH io secure this cun free: .nil' HI illl HI -L3 1 nnr.-llir immiii.ui,ii I'. (1, A .lilrw (ifi'iyru W.jWJ M'miMiinii it Ihiiuit In voup imiinv to tS1 ;,.l,u,,. .fnlilMinit,,!,-,,,,..,,,,. fl , im mihimbi, ihi.I n.I.t i-t-n.t f.l II I'SO.X (UN I AiK'Y. tt-i I'huri-b HI., N. V. fTri.i, . I V WJMlll'IPM. v. issued IM die it and Sept., XjN1'01 7TrtH-r. .it in ;n oncy- cloivdta of UPfMl infer. S m at tun lei K.i who pi.. ch;B the luxuries or t: ueocssu ;.ea ut I'M. U 9 oan clothe you ntul la-nii.h. jcv. with pll th.! ueoonstuy and urrt'jC'sierj appliances to rtac, w;'.r. t.,.ii. , rlc p, eat, flnh, hti'it, work, ro to enurt. h, or. stay, ut uon,., ana in various siboa, iylt and quMmitios. Ju.it lit;uro out whiH is roouirod totVall the:0 t!unri COWFORTAtlLY. and you can meke a mtr estimate ot tho vnlno of tho ltUYJ3HS I OUIDK, which will be sent upon j reoolpt of 10 oentH to py poatare, MONTGOMERY.VVARD A CO. Michigan. Avenuo. Chicago, IU. j I.him! (t SivriT1 IHlon.Or.. 'i. . j N.ir, t.s noiVKfKH 1 n tnt lln' i'tiil'ovinf;-ri-i,n,i J , Nell ,er .lim P,i- o n mk ii hik totem ton 1 ,1 ut ike ! k.-...; I ru 1 ; nuppit. , ..t I.i.- l:,.:i;, .niu ! li,s i vtit- ! . 'Vi'l .,1 ..I,- n l'f.r,-t!i" ce-ii".j ud;e ot . 1 1 '.r -w. -i.tj t'-.,u : ttpi,.-!', iM-., i n ju; .f:ftfi (I. lid 1 !.!, fr,r ;:, . . o,; -tv,.u. Tp a . V. .v. :.i.a - S Ni. 4 .v-.'. fp . . b J4 1 , '.. V fie i.i,t;e. iti.1 tvil" r; ; o .o. .t. m pt 11- U '..li..ie..;-i il--t,.' u,. ;.. d -ill t(.'"i el, -n-a .... o. . A. li. ,l'i..kv.r, V V. S . ? i . V n. ii;;rni 10 1. r. tu :niti it. nil -1 ;(u p. t r. i;..( I . v . ileitO.M.H. Hei;lt i u.I 1, ti in - "ti-., I. IV THE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION "CROOKSTONP Will nmko the genson ot 18S8 nt tlift NEWTON RANCH at the follow ing terms: TOIXSLT.E, $35. BY SEASON, $'25. SINGLE LEAP, 10. In Lota of Five Mares by the Season. 8100. Will t::ko nil in'opcf cure to preyont ncciJents, but will not be respon- in any way. PLDIGEEE AND DESCIUPTION : CROOKSTON Was for.loil April 3.1, 18$ i, --rosorded in the Ch-iles. l'llo fstud book of Groat Britain and black points, one T,hito hind foot end whito slripp in face. . Imported, direct from Scotland (Yule of Clyde), by W. 13. Cnninghnme & Co. in the fall of 1387. He is considered by good j wipes to be one of the LiL'iiest class Etdltions civ ir. period DESCIUPTION: Crookston is on splendid limbs or.d fi'et; f.hort 2lHt of Deceriil-K-r, lbb7, VM) pounds. Pasture wii!)) furnished free for tho first 10 Jays end a'torw ;rd i: the rate of $2.00 a'niout-h, Pasture well stocked with grass and -ate-Crookston may be Been rt Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, Mondny ni.; Tuesday; nt Jim Farrier's stable, Lexington, Wednende.y and Tlnr day and at the Newtou llnnch Friday, Saturday and Sunday of eaei week during th season of 1833. - W. B. CUNINGHAME A CO., Heppner, Oregon. Heppner City Brewer) '!(.) - Having, purchased the latent Brewing Apparatus and ututisils, I am enabled with my cold soi'l-water hpring, my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pnra ! atmosphere of the. Heppner liiils,- to offer my eu.itoiiier a , SUPERIOR "QUALITY OF BEER -, -4.1 At rensotjuble wholsbrJe and retail rates. Lunches of all Kinds . . ... AND THE - - Parties in the country must return empty keg?, or $0 npieca will be charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. ' 9 B B Front, First and Vine WHCLISALE v .AND Solo Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for Uie i BUCKEYE REAPER . AND . WiOWER. s Xhp?e Machines are too well known to necdeommeut. Thounanda of Farmer hnvo tscu Hiom and speak of them with praise. They aro the only Harvesting Machines t-iat will give entire aalUfaotlon to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW JV100EL UiBRATIfJG THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Kflectlvo nnd Buccoaaful Comblnntlon for Threchlng and Ckanlnj Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYt STEEL . FRAfwiE TWINE- BINDERS, k Th foal lira that dlnimulsli thlsTwIne-Blndor l tho LIzhlncMol DrHft.combmca within r.tiaiH-illnai j-Ktronglh nntl IHiraWHty. The nindor lof the Aprlcbj-pattorn, the only renlly RiiMesul nne yet known. Wo have two style, the Ktovator Hinilor and tho lMntform Binder K,th oxeellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. T,AliSa'WJISE-. Buoeriov Drills and Se.dera, -'.Msj' I Hftt!h Birbed Wlro. MJtxt2t i Ban pas CI2CULAB3. M nor, Dodson & Co. i THS BE8T , " spring mm, mm AND- a . n ,- J"T C J 1 fJ AK f-T rl,5- - WaJ. W J J T&gmmmik&sk ' THe BEST ' Kft. FARM WAGON 2N Th'e MARKET Send for Catalogue and Price List , rfiSH Bros. RACJNE. . n. a. 1 1 ::;kcr Lo. Irebnul. Color, Dark Buy, with to the Liutcil States. r Dark Buy, stnnds 175 hands high back and well set. Weighed, on the 1 Best Brands of Gears. Portlan'lr Or, DEALER IN 3 Bchuttler Farm Wagono, Doere Plows, Deere Bulky Plowi, Cook &, Co.'i Oar yiogea, Phaotons and Top Dnggiea, Tour Spring Mountain Wagon, Buckboards, Corbin Dlso ers, Agents at Wagon Ca WIS. -Agent i ai Hcppr.er C!af EsjS? isF 0 JL L i A i tf.-i 5 !- M v. 'tfK Fii -i.itf. -hit.-i ..i-n;rMi it... 1 it : a tr-v. ' , j- h &mJ&fm2$JC- QTsTLri &i r ri MACHINE Earrows, Hodges-Haines Sa.d 'Xf'y3lJ y ' 1 'iDti,KJ 'JUOKUVX ovas.ik i;v li-rx ff- Po T f eSiil, languid, low-spirited, 1H Jy, and JndvscTilwihly misrublc, both physi cal iy and nitnrally; ewtwriencfl a enso of fullurf or bloatinif nfK-r uatinff, or of "gon: nw," or emptiness of Rromach In tho morn Inff, tonuo coati'd, Tl(tcr or bad taste in mou?a. irrerulnr appotito, dfztneHSt frequent hpadicnes, tjJuri'Cd oyosifr'nt, Hunt ins ppeoks " before the eyes, nervous proKtrntiuit f?r ex haustion, hrftjihility of teinpei', hot flush", alt?runtirr with chill? euutiona, sharp, bitiutf, trnnstent p:iiuu hero and there, cold left, dio-shiess after meals, wakefuj.-:t3, or diatnibed and imret'i cabins sleep, cotibtu Indtiflut ibrtbio feoliufr of dread, or of impenJ Insr calcmity? If you have all, or any consMeraWe number of tlie syinptonia, you are etift'erttirr from that liior.t coininou of American muladlos Bilious DySfx psiii, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The moro coirtplicated your diacaco hoa become, tlto greater tho number and diversity of aymp toms. No nmttr'r whut ftnwn it 1ms reached, Ir. IIer ojioldon fflcdienl Uiscovory Will Buhduo tt, it" taken aocordinsr to dirfc tions for a reasMimMu length of time. If not cured, complications multiply und Consinnp tion of the Luiifrs, SUiti Diseases, Heart Iis'i'.se, Hhournntipin, ividney Dieeaao, or otlier Rrave nwladios aro rjuiLo liiiblo tosf't in and, soonor -r later, induco a fatal t.erniitmtion. Br. Jtioreo' Ooldou ITlcdlcnl Dis covery acts powerfully upon tho Liver, nnd throiifch th.it tfroat bhMd-purii"ying orpnn, clennsfstho system of all Mood-tainia and lui puritics, from whatever eniifa arteiuj-;. It is en 1 1 filly ellicaeious in acting upon the Kid-nej-g, nnd other exert'tory organs, clcnnslnjr, elrt'uirtheninjr, and bcaling their diseases. As en apjietizinif, reetorativo tonic, it promotea digest ion and nutrition, thereby building up b'th ttosh and strMiKth. In malarial districts, tins ivondv-rl'iil medfeino has jyclned great celebrity iu curing l'ever and Ague, Cbilln and 1'ever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Or. Pierce's Goldou lUtdlcal Dis covery ALL ISUOSiS, from a common Illotch, or Eruption, to tho worst Scrofula, 8ilt-rheum, ".Fever-sores," Scaly or HoiiRh Sltin, in short; all diseases caused by bad blood aro comjuered by this ( powerful, purify! n?r, nnd invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heul under iu benign influence. Especially has it mani fested its potency fn curing Totter, Eczema, firysipelaa, U-iils Carbuncles. Pore Eyes. Scrof iiioiis Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "White Swelliugf," CJoitro, or Thick Neck, and Enlrirped fihvnda. Send ten cents in fiumps for a largo 'J'reatiso, with colored plaiea, on Skin Discuses, or (lie sumo nmount for a Treatise ou Sosotwloua Affections. 11 FQK T3-SE SLaC3 IS TiSE LIFE." Thnroulilv olefin so it bytislnjr Dr. Pierce' fjioUlesi fereiHaal Dineovory, and (ronS dle-epthm, a f:iir skin, inioyimt sptrilp, vital EtfcngrLu and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, T-hlch is Sfcio7i:la oJ?io Imy, nnvs'ri r.nd t-'nrcd by liiis cmt:dy, if taken iu tho earlier bgc? of the diseniie. Trom iis mar velous posv.' over this terribly fatal disease, wl:ei first ofl't-.HC!f this now woi-ld-iameii rer.i edrtothopubi'u, Or. Tierce thought seriour.ly of' Citllinrr It hlb !!oksttmption Cltm:," l!it Dhe.udonrd that nsr-t.' as too l-ertrictivo far a m-dicino which, from its wonderful com Mnution of tonic, or Btropk.ning, Hllcrativc. or hlood-clefinsinpr, nutl-biiloa, pectoral, and nutritive propertieK, is unctjuu'cd, cot only as a veiucd.r Tor ConKiimptiou, tMt for fdl ;hroiitc Wincascs of tho Liver, Bteod, and Lungs. Tnv Wcnk tiungs, Spitttng of TJlood, Short ness of Iln'uth, Chronic asal Catarrh, Hron chilis, Asthma, Sovcro Coughs, and kindred affections, It is an enicient remedy. Sold bv Druggiata, ufc $1.00. or Kix Bottles for $.fl"0. v" Send ten cont in stnmps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary fasdisal Issocialicii, G63 Main St., BUFFALO, N. V. Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, "Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Thoy prod ice rcsrnlr.r, nitarnl ?roc nutloim. never gi'ipe oa interfere with inily buMinc. Asafumlly meutciue, iliey eliould be in every h(jU9o2tu4iir S SOLD KVEltV WUEKi l 1 Ma -ySMiz ifv-'.a Y Finer: RittTrd LPAMICeVB'S rttVOSQ TOWlfl v ithour. dt'laT. A rare liu.Utroiiil fi.i.ipmjul uiat mi; wht-n allSf f-ila. V, vtcn't Jtbc'ttc-iof Con-rh.w ak L'lttgf. .V.t!im 1,'j.l!.-"-l-.i.n, Iii-rant Pjuii. r.hiu-tinii. Inuuht for ithoumfiiu'iii, Kemtvlr Wcnten: nail jviiiii ami -ii-arUors o tite StotitMKi and JU'wuia. ucc. c Di-baauu. Tkm rLt. tttm-'taivt 'vntu'lf turC;riis, Ba'ii-m. cr .u-U pi. Kii.iie ; rontrorb tn ihiH.f i, .N :rr NtHVt T0f!u removes all consequences of foilj and exe; rnw the enern, cour,wt nd i,mr of yoQUtu Cure wrtknero of mind nad body. Nerroae lhth:y. Brtnal 1-jh-iqMioti, lyi?t Monhoo.!. te. A al&rt Ciee, BAXtB B.it. CO-. Bus fluff-ic-. .v y. mm --TJ . m y c. m 1 i 1 !yVV 1 : Great i ASS 3 1 : I B9 . V . K3 2S SSI .-"'x i,-,: : SB a 1 STOCK XlR.-i?iH. While for Xtep ?vxir ndttttirti-n raid np rou yon litt p Mur l'ini:d in fnc vt hiip. AlUu. t II, A'fttnivii!4 liuritturddp IT side wc na left nhonlder; cuttle, tJiit vn left liih Adk'i:s, C 1 litwH, X 'n "i;ht (shoulder; cat. th. (V tm r'lif P;de. Aotaiiu, J J - llui.'-ei", JA connected on left f'ftr.k; ruitie, fKiteoii h-ft hip. H;,-trKifm, Uiry.-i'inle, lf , M t tiio Kiitifrr. Je-y iletlcl h pnnfTiH'.- l!lekn?yn. (ie:., iii(ja,i, - Jttrr f if.; left i-Loui'lrr; chttle, .ftn;ti un f i V t hJi-mMff. Jit.-r.pett. i 'y- IlorM-n, IJ jii !-,(. chouliler. lienpe. C A H on Ml ihonidr; oiir-niMf'k, of cut if. crop oil HLd yplit in left iLlt upperhaiv crop ott rifhi. Hnnvr. ,1 C TJorprf. circle C wrlli dot in c-.Ti ter Mi Ipft h'!U Cattln. tan.e. (JeyiT. i. Lura Horn' !. hex fjrEr.d hi; cuttle, wiine, Witlj plil in wit t-nr. lirp, I. (J.-linntntt, r" Ji uu Ml Loti "t tie. MFtrn- on I eft Lip. iliiffii, T. 1., Lcin Jlfit-V. llfiten o . OT.dff U'd orer on rftiit Kltoiilt'er. l-Hrton.Vr" IlenwiB.J B in right tlij.li; rta'it.p, e-iiif mi r'jth lip tplil in c-nrh car. Ctikr A. J., Lena lIornn, M)n ripl:t i!mrj-i f. ritio, fasipon r;ht hiy; ear mark etzib ufT k'ft nr. 4 itnlit in ritji;! . Cnrnn, K Y- H.m., sc mi Ivp Cviiwi'ord, 3. S.-KrTss JhC conrett-'T fl'i if tl!lle. ...... wiih u- Te'iiitdsr it mi (l:e.:d.I , ts:tl-;v. same oil Vij' Ld Mitpti, .MPS vt-.v vtp m ere, (t:r A Erfi.H. Han.iri.t..tl3l C wit cdi.tr: liciiHC-t?. ( , u Joft "iffr. , , t'a-on..l F Ilm-nec, Von ht: Zv. -a!!ie,C. ,:(twewrted on U-U hii, S rti.!iii "n I. Dutbir. fc'ol A b'ontj. iloek.'Me cr e!i 1 noma K willi h:ir ucr it on it... 'tctdtf 1 -; W tit. K i.j. lih hips. DmudeHP, 51 ('htt'tj, R P on tight aid, svrai-Itiw-ioi !r in rm-h vnvi hsituvn. li 1) on left Lip. (' 1'nclifh, E C Hatiinitin t atrk on right hip: hornet no ms on rifcht Hh'Mihlcr. r leek, .lat ktmn. I ernes, "it' cur r noted oa riglit ft.oidiinr: eoiilo. nuie on riglit hip.. Far mailt, liolo in riht brd crop o(T h-ft. 'r-irk. C A, AriiiigUin- Hoi uo, (J F on lutt siioiil.d.-r: cattle. C K on lwft hip, crop t-flf left enr. Floret-ce. L A Cat lie, IF mi rift hi hip; horr,!, F tih hnr urder on ri-rht houldr. Fell, I F -Home. J: with half-ciiclt nboTo nntl bf low on It-ft hin. rioreiKf, fi Is rTorrip", F ou right lionliir catih. F on tig!-i hip or thiph. Arninr .r,'-, .1. C , otr r.-T ftiih bar nndt-r it en Jf.ft ;.. i..ui t ; tittt; luit.e n.itu i.d Irlt hi',). tlay. irrry f?AT or. left chnuldpr. Gohic, Frnkliorsei., 7 Feu ivlt niifie; ratt3. sumo on Hfiht hip. iluuw-.k'!'-. H L norwffi, l ou It'fi bhotilder: eat tli, Unii h-ft bip, Jlumphrejs, W. Hnrdman IIcrieD, II or. left finnk. I In yes, i M Tfo' wincuhui on left nhecldr cr.irlc. itnnji en riht hip, Jon. J li, Ilardnian Ilnrses, J with nhndo orer il on li-ft hlnmleer, J'duifor, Filix !! ers on. circle T on left still, cattle, w.aie on richt hip, under half ciop in iig. Ki"d split in left cur. Kirk, i T liorsei. fill on left thcuMori atitt CO on If ft hip. Kirk, J C II 6 rut: p, 17 on eitKor fiank; cnttld .' on riylit nide. Lf.rrior.. I(f!-.mnft ITerfifB, V, Ti or lr.ft hip, Iy i-, ,1 H, J-cna -ilort'Ch', P with on r ll en h-ft fhonlder, J.enthenTiun, I) IT- Uorwcf. 0 on lft shoulder, ealtle, vn!ic 01. left hip, nop -ft riht tttr, kwnl low fork in l"ft. Millp-. C K, Kcrsc- C triih m on jurlde en Itft hmi.'d--r. Morgtie, H --Kovren, MJ en U ft i-hoaMer cat tit', nuin? 01; :cft liip. 4- McCnn.ber. ."'y-- A, Atwr-cci-I't icrf, M with bkrorer on ri;.'i t filumluVr. Morgan, Th -I'orsfh, circle T or Icfl hhm l-d-rHiil lt th-f.h; cut tie, on iy.M ihijii. Miti.licil. .h tar, Pettjiivillc -Iloririe, 77 on right hir: cuti l". 77 on riftht side. Mi'i'on, Jon. Fi ttvillfCrtlIe. J5T renrfcUd. npt;r crop in r-ach ear, duh;p 01 tl.ri.-j.t; l dm, J M on h-ft sl'i n!ilir, McCIaion, I1 Korwi), Fi(;nrs I", on etth fil onl der: rut tie. V".in hip. M(loiuttld, 11 ilut'scs, IU) connrctcti on loft phon'rirr. Neftl, ArrTrew. ini'd V.( k- ITcrKcr AK rta l;rc(ed i'i. h-l't (.,;ei)i(i(r; ci.tile f: tr.c or Loth I'i d Mfvr;er. I'.fin-s K villi l.Uf 1 ind oi-fr1i jjii left hun!drr. .Nonl-ke, (-Horn;, omde 7 on Joft tlfil Pt 0. same on !: fi hip, itr. Fury. Jot.,. I,r- -70 or. It ft aI.o.V,r 1. Tt?, Ji.i-., 1 ice ( ity.-Iiurfcefc h on k-tt lup k-w c!- " Furlun- ' U lea run, JTrirtUiiP.n-I!c:c IF rn. hfl Bhiinlu r. Fip.r. J. JcT. A Hon -lfnrws. JF ccn cct. d oa I'.'ft Hliouhiur; v'-ttj'" etuue m: Jft Up, ui Vit ir. t-ffch ''f-.r. Komi. Ain;t'o7. K-rilia. 'i-K r.ffi. Rour.ie ('.'osi witli fp:M tfii-'.in'k ijvoi' it " lofi t(it.:e. l(('!::rptr, Chri liurfirs, C i ni left bl:cnMr . J'c:LMr. J W ttort. JO tti 1-ifi . i 'm,dr. Ihiio. I!. S. K H on 1-ft hip. fc-ui 'b hrundj sain 1 !.. (.Ti f"Ii--oi fiyl 1, hip. Vw ois's h hai f-d .1 M e.n &ft e.av, u. d':ihit ir: loii. L.At-r. Hob'. -IT-jmcH. H or rlrht dourer: cHJc '.jUMc-iii rii,'hi hipar-cl ti on lifht -hiuJoVr. rt'.r.i.;Vii'i. 1., Alpu:c. Hoi.-ra, F. fci tu riK, frliOiiii.'; r. tin op. Tl o, 'lo B A T on It.ft hip; c-utUt C::i:h? .kj rU i'.-hobft. 11 r A 3 1 !i;wr,t', J'fi t.n en h'ft iJr; ci-- r.itifr. wr.itio on loft fcide cf lk-.v tc:s r:il sharp ni ihdirbury .1 W, 'iijfOUCiiti le. S-yefir-tdda nftd ov:', ere;; olT i-il; f I, c-7i lilit fj.it.:; V:-;t.:T.oJi.i,l m.v !i:-.e.'.M'. 1 T.-d;i'V.vf.-;-k iu ngi.i car aud under i; 1-fl, 1 -;:i'. ? .ri',i- ot. i.ip. v..fTej!o!U Mr A C'aiti, ti on right hip, IVCil'-Vr-fn'l; Ift tT'. Slii Ifo'i i' H-ir-l-i'Mrf, 8 on iff fide orrrtui tni ifjfl y!i(;;.lder; cni.l; .ii)tu on I-ft hip, )i:Ji;.,, iC t.i ' 'n'i,1. V C on It.ff i i j. . crcp o(l li'it Kt d ucd,rb;t in left i:ai , tUilupi-irhfc, VV tJ oil i-'f uf'o-jid-.T. f.iv.-hfi'sari. ii V; - IS'j.rH'w, U on Jt-i ahotiidorj Sivwj.-t. (iito.. liuiyjijiflu ii'jjtcis cliciu dun rt should r. ul., -i-; oa It ft b'p. l":i..;-!ipu'i, J A-M'CHfi. S on Itft flut-U'tttr 2 :.n ft, r mohJui-i. ri:Vi.i.i. i: T lioft'B. C-nr !fl nhonitkr. I'iijic, c. j; -tjo:ivic, 'il' cut. r.ec:td oa in :V S Ilorrt'is. ...'0 on left shonZd'f: wittl W.!-.'.d, If. I-d-: CireJ.- C on 1-ft t Udgi -iiurs-c-, oori!it''ict on Csttht. V." : rtsiht thil., hoi VY nr. l-at sKt.-uidt.-r, eOitiP k'f, .h:r. i'i;aj. Ci-av't SjP'iJ ' I' ll H'iifll. Wren. A A C;;uit:. .'Ar.z AX wi -Htiillilh p. neuv. 'PKCIFIC. c A (".uu ai:1 "odi'iir for all v-rt oim jfii'.-r-iX '..u-c. nn'''i i: v ciA Memi-j.7, fvli-'.'V l-rft-'if J'riin noy-er, f-tir!, !r'H' il.di-ch t ain in the heck, Nei- jw.y x yimiJ or,tl.i(1.:oni y-uUfiiikiri,, t' "" l-':n',orih''e.. Ui:iTtr;U LrnmIuou oid uei: tul lo of pnwsi'of ll-fl (ierionjliv-.- tlri;uai in eitln-r w-x et'.iiixl 'jj-ii!uijsri' ior orovert-X" 'M'n'i. cad rii'cd; uhisnp.t'-Ir kbd tu IVoiiiaturu Old Ag, ln.Htr.iiy ta, i'L.OO n bt.s Tru5a SiMVa. on r)i.'3iVit of pne pH''tic;jiai(i iu p;irv'i.'hlite U avtry aijliL-ant. WeGuaraiites 6 Vi rrnro R"ij' e::!f. For r-y-ry ij? ore : ivc 'ied wc t'.hd nit box a:,d a Wiiiien taarruitM) to rf- AftcrTakia. fn'.d iha rnnt!ry :f onr Sp'iifi- doMt not lvt h, cur.-. Adir.'4 nil coy)muiU-.:ttions to tl folo ni.u:uf.(cti!rr. titt Ml) KAY MK13JCIVK CO.. Kni!---.! City, Ko Sold u: Jlcppntr 1.;- C. U. MALJ.OUX ftoi-? agent TfTE GREAT ' '1 ranscontinental Routs R A 1 l.j i : vj1 v u ; m t::t! CitttMle ll:cnch. nose Cw.vh-tetl. mat-. I '?!;, 1.' Shorted, Hcut and Quicker!. The Ihiiiiitr Car Line. The Direct Hmtte ' No Ot-iii. . F.nt'. st Tr; i-i. I,"v-c-i Katw to t'!:iu ,.') mi,! u!i t,.-ii:t. T--;ot -ii. 1 t., r.ll Vn.n.-i- ' i..::t I'o-i'-.s !!.r.;is:or.t tiie L::,r J-.'ratlirin:!. i':;'3'! piiiv.!! !;! i;i itera Skcp'i! C:rs. . Ii.'S,ji--,,-.ti;,!: !;e seenrpu iri aiivir,ce. To Ka.t H ni;d Pmaeiiprei'si . F.- C'-.-fw! r.ti.l -! tv! uii.ho ri v.jsh!';.. b.i: s;:i- I.i t.:l,f the XOETHEIiX rAClFIC IIAIIXOAD And eoo tit.tt your tioket jp 1 via this f line. St P;mi or 3Iir,up.,))i,lirt to avniii . clini.ties ami siTioag tlplayB oecasioueil liy otuer rontf . Throncli Ijtiiiirnnt Sloepine Curs ruts ( on re'iliir ptiriigii trniua full leuifth of : line. BwrtiM'rre. Lmveal rates. Quick- , tt timo. Central Cff, ,.f (He Company, .Vo. 2 Wmhiujtini.t.. Portland, Vreguu. "' a! 3. ClIAKLTON. A-::sti:;;. I'isetifc--T Agon. 11 boxes Nl ft v- v. I