Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 31, 1888, Image 3

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Local and General.
CoCNTT 8HUF. Tor tha next 80 davi.
Minor, Dodwn ft Co. will pa; SO cents
in cask for Morrow connty perip.
BfiiM Oh YockScmp.-C. II. Mallory
St the city draff Btoro is paying the
highest market price ia cash fur Morrow
county sorip.
TTill Morrow is now in Portland.
W. E. Ellis is attending ceurt at The
A. S. Tower was in Heppner last
E. OftTe showed rip in Ileppim last
Walt Kiclmrdson caine in last ifon
day from shearing.
Sam Tesd is now in town after a con
siderable siege of herding.
Geo. and Johnny Oates were OTer
from Haystack last week.
A. M. Webb is hack from Idaho, where
ha has been livin j since last fall.
Fat Quaiil looms up as a protection
democrat and a strong Blaise man.
Dee Matlock came over from his But
ter creek ranch the first of the week.
Mr. Wm. Dent, representinc C. H.
Dodd Co., was in Hoppner over Huu
day. B. A. Ilunsakcr and family, who reside
out in Spring hollow, are ia Uoppuer,
pandiag a tew days.
The muurps are now going after the
inhabitants of. Hwppner, who have not
r.lready bad that malady.
Chan. Eoyse is owt from Book creek
4itteuding teaoher's examination. Mr.
'Koyse is tenclring that vicinity.
A. H. Tysotfa new wisdmill works
very well, and be will unro plenty of
water f r hi lots on IWlingtoa bill.
Miss tVie Jffiles, of Hardman, cama
flown is$. Monday to assist in the teach
er's eiamination which iMgsin yesterday.
Mrs. Blacliman and family started
;.'6i:terday for Boisp, Idaho, where they
vill spoud the smuiner visitiDg relatives
iud friends.
The trcos are growing Guel.v around
town, rpffiudJesa of the dry weatjjer.
J'j. Minor's shrubbery, that he Bet out
tally this spring, look.swell.
The Gakkndtlle Sentinal, regard
loss of being burned out, conies to the
Srout in good shape. It will soon be on
4ts feet again, on readable a paper as
n. Basmus is contemplating a trip to
Palestine next year. We wiil here say
that it ia Palestine, of holy land no
toriety, thnt is the object of his visit, and
tint Palestine, 111.
Noil VasDnyn will shortly establish
n general merchandise business in
Heppner. Mr. YanDoyn is a rustling
business man, and will be a valuable
addition to our town.
J. O. Williams, of the noted and pro
ductive Spring hoUow, was in town last
week. Jim feels more enthusiastic over
the agricultural outlook, thajj the Dat-uned-out
wool business.
S. N. Morgan and Mr. Saling, or
Haud Hollow, passed through town last
Thursday, enroute to the McDnfly
ttprings." Mr. Morgan will look np some
cattle range over the hill sojuewhore.
Job Williams has been under the
weather for about a week. He was com
pelled to give up the county canvass for
a time, but u looking utter the voter
ull the same, whenever they are bo iu
diporeet as to oome to town.
Ocorge Hahn and Mr. Price, jolly fel
lows wiw don't travel for tlieir health,
but the former to represent Porter,
Hleaaingsr & Co., and thy latter Adels
i'or & lii iinrieiistciu, a gnu Frajujsco tea
iiOtise, were in Heppner lust week.
t"jdo Johnny Bock nana has been
sending ;l P.V of the Umstiv bwk. to
old Koutucry fur a long time, and has
ieen anxiously looking in return for the
Winchester beatonrat. Uncle John has
Jjegiui to think that it nover will come.
While Joe Keffer was repairing the
coupling of his sprinkler .'net Monday,
the boxsefi became restless m'd backed
the wagan over him from wbhib ho m
.oeived mao very severe bruises but
breaking no bom s. It was a yarrow
.escae Inmi being killed.
Bigmouth Joe, e "rent tillionin of any
white man who wiU joad him down with
plenty of hog and whiskey, passed
through town Tuesday. Tha bold rav
;KC8 of time have not materially altered
ids featurea, but his checkered calico
thirt has not fared so well.
Dock Taughu aud .Gov. Ron left last
Thursday for th Miidia fork oountry
in be absent some teu days. D ick is
the lawful, legitimate and otherwise
legality ijualilie.1 agent of the gazet
while on this trip. Somewhat later.
iov. got back Inst Tuesday, and ro
jxirts iJook still digging up tooth nurk
jmd snbsoribsrs over the mountains.
Movino AiiONd. There are now es
tablished botween Heppner and Lexing
lin, some eight or nine camps, and the
railioad grading is progrctsiug rapidly.
With the number of teams and men at
work on tho line, it wjlj be finished long
In-fore Jan. hit, IShp, by wbieu timo 4he
the 0. B. & N. Co have agreed to have
the line oomptatsd. The question of
right of nay is now about settled,.excopt
ju a few instances. It is .indeed ifortu
iinte for the people of Morrow county,
who are the identical folks on whom thh
,right of way bnrden rests, that Arling
ton ranches were cot numerous. Had
uoh beon the case, it is a toown fact
hat four national banks would not have
afforded capital euoogb to have paid al
leged damages to these valuable (?) ag
ricultural lauds.
Not is the Show Boshiesb. The
front of the Gajtette shop has long been
n favorite place to paste wp all sorts af
posters, which would have led an unsus
iiectiug stranger to imagine that it was
he headquarters for a dime museum.
All we ever had ta show in that line was
a very poor representation of a printer's
satnuio majesty, a mule-power press and
n hand-carved soap-box. and in order
that tha public may get justice in this
matter, our considerate landlord, Nat
ter, has had all these beautiful, enticing
iack-knifa lithographs torn off, and a fine
iat of paint applied thereon. With a
sign in glowing letters, it is now thought
that strangers will be able to find the
Lome raBoh of tha only Gazet.
Association. The
Heppner building association will short-
jy commence uie erecnuu wi iwt u
lib hmUinirs and K. of P. hall. The
jontraot will be let at an early data.
WnnMK fob Sale. I have a band of
fm nneto two hundred stock horses
for sale, at 637.D0 a bead. Call on me at
iieppser, ur. - " 1
Vor Kale.
A dwelling in Heppner; contains five
largo rooms; isceueu anu pnicu, no.
i i :w tnnnAainn a sniAll orchard
hot.iil hoor soma fruit this year and
.1 -Xl,l- 'n.na IlMnrtV MDltlril
ns two lots. A good bargain may be
Cn.vi,LExaES thb World. A citizen
of the towo was passing a corral a few
days ago in the neichlx rbood of Hard
man, where John English was Backing
wool at a lively rata, and Li. Vox was
engagod in furnishing that article as no
one but a War-uD "striker is able to do.
They both Claim to wear the belt in their
respective oooupatious, and they no
doubt ought to be allowed to do bo, as
they are tha only two men in the colony
who np to data have taoklod a baud of
dUUU sheep with do other help.
Good Bot. Charley Jones' wife is
now at Pendleton Tiaiting relatives, and
we would suggest to her that she need
not be uucasy in regard to Chas., as he
now sings in his sleep, "What a fiierd
we have in Jeans." This indicates, of
course, rectitude of conduct that is the
envv of his rntire circle of trioutte.
Awm Hot. Tho I wt few days have
been extrmely warm for May. For
mortal man, ir woman either, to t com
pelled to labor S'.ieU weather as this is a
burning disgrace, but it stands ac n mod
est though forcible reminder that we
folks ara still supposed to mat la our
gxnb by the porspintion ol qui Wob
stchan Curebeuds.
For. .Tii;ti:b or tub P;et!. 7. E.
Wilmarth announce that ho is a oandi-
dato for justice cf tho poaee for Hepp
ner precinct, on tho republican tioket.
This candidate is not used to running
for r.fCc?, so the opposition will please
not giv him too b ird a ohase, on ac
count of his not being i;i good training.
Bai.t,ocks Cot nr. M. 0. Srarr ws
arrested Monday an.l fined 310 and
costs for using obwoim and alm-iva
language. After Mr. Starr lial been
finod ho swore out a warnmt against
Mr. Strong for the mm" olfne, and af
ter a short trial Mr. Strong was dis
charged and the coals ta.ft'd tigsiiiil the
prostoiitiug witness.
B.fiK AoaiS. John and Jul" Hayes
are back from Idaho, having arrived
last Suuilav. They report that Idnho's
sagebrush plains ara dry vary dry, as
no rain has fallen for a-rnie timv It is a
fair sheep country, but the 1 -ss mf -vnol
by ooihing in ooatii:t wiib tlissigciirnsh
is great.
Fob Const TiH Mr. M D. Haycian
authorizes this sheet to state that ho is
a candidate for constable of Heppner
Havmaa has live ! in this oomnnnity for
years, and it would be safe to say that if
elected hs would make a good officer.
Not muoh doing in this n!g!i'u-h i id
Rt present, which has caused qnito a
number to laave for the mountains and
Tha monotony of the neighborhood
was brokun last Friday by a lively polit
ical meeting. From the looks of the
rloor when we met there on Sunday for
Sabbath so'nool one would infer that
they were not tempornte in the use of
tobacco, whatever else they woy be tem
perate in.
Mr. Leo Howell visited Eight Mile
last week. He mw the guest of Mr. A.
Ashbaugh and others while in the neigh
borhood, and tools in tho politioal meet
ing. Bov. Roasoner wiil preach at Eight
Mile Center on Sunday, June 3, nt 11
o'clock in til? morning and at 8 iu the
evening, ttubbuth suiioo! at II) o'clock.
Mat 27, '8S.
Tim wind is high and dry, and tho dust
equally if not moro so.
S 'me of tha grain in tls sacii m is de
termined to be in fashion and is taking
on "Mikado tint." However, some of the
farmers say they will hava a very fair
yield of grain evcu if we do not have
rain very soon.
All of the young people and somo of
the older ones are anticipating a fiae
time at Mr. Hawloy's school picnic nelit
Saturday on Bhea oreek.
Joe Hives has gone to the mountains
whore his sheep nro spending their sum
mer vacation iu pleasant pursuit of the
pea-vins (lint grows done up to the base
of the bluff that makes the border shiv
er whilohis whole frame recoils in horror
aromjil tin geatlor slop9 of the hill when
he wants to get on top of it,
Tom Ingraliam mid his brother went
Qshing on the Middle fork of Roik crock
Thursday, and caught eighty-five fine
orer half of then) measuring nine
ana tea inches.
Case Tuqua finished shearing his
shoep Friu.' y.
Charlie AnJ'irson is unable to be
about on ucooimt of a oarbunclo on his
Soma of the peopla of this neighbor
hood, we are sorry to say, are loaviug.
J. S. Jngraham and bis son lorn will go
with J. L. Colwoll and family to Ve-
mtoiiie. V. T .' Thy will probaoly re
turn this fall, but Mr. Colwell will mate
bis home thsre. Jdut.
Editor Gazette: I desire that you
publisn this article ia the Gazette this
week to inform tbo voters anu taxpayers
of Morrow oounty, thai the Buaobgrnss
Blade, published in the last issue (in the
independent column of mud-slinging
falsehoods,) one notorious lie in-rel-tiou
to the action ot the ' Morrow
County court on ooonty roads miming
into Heppner and Lexington. The ed
itor or author of the garbled, unfair, un
just and untruthful statement hat-no ev
idence, ton udatmu or authority, from
the reoords and papers on nle in toe
clerk a ojlice, (nere is not Uie least loun
datum to attack the County court,
any other officer holding ottioe iu tW(
oounty with partiality lur Heppner ajW
prejudice against lvoxing'on, ana Ui
man who wrote that arUaJo must hava
known that he was writing a campaign
he fur the purpose of misleading the un
informed voters of tire baoch groes set
tlements. And I now say that the- road
laws of this state, the petitions, notices
and affidavits on file within the last two
years, and the testimony of the two com
missioners, Andrew Buod and Wm.
Douglass and also the attorneys in the
road cases for the last two years, will
bear mo out to assert that it is a malic
ious -lie to catch votes for the independ
ents. Wm. Mitchell,
May 20, 1888. Co. Judge.
Worth Kkowixu. That Alloook'a po
rous plasters are the highest result ot
medical science and skill, and in ingre
dients and method have never been
equaled. That they are the original and
genuine porous plasters upon whose
reputation imitators trade. That All
cook's porous plasters never fail to per
form their remedial work quickly and
effectually. That for weak back, rheu
matism, sciatica, colds, Inug trouble, kid
ney difficulties, malaria, dyspepsia, liver
and stomach atlections, strains and an
local Daius. thev are invaluable. That
when you buy Allceok's porous plasters
you obtain the bast plasters made.
. 3r
Notice to 'Wool Ghoweks- Those do
siring to oonsign tbeir woo) tq Fenno
Bros. & Cbilds, ot Boston, an draw
from seven to ten oents per pound noon
it at six per cent, interest. Freight to
Works - Wju.Ii. Parmem in oldaa
times, had very few ooavanienoiaa to
assist tbeua in tha routine of (arm
duties, but ia thin day numerous inven
tions have made farming n pleasure.
We would oall attention, partioularly, to
the hay and grain slacker, of A. N. Wal
lace, who is manufacturing this labor-
saving contrivance. It will also remove
nets from header beads. Call on him at
Heppner. You will find him at the l'io
nssr iwtol.
Bia Rush. Pat your money where it
will do you the most good by buying
your goods or linger. Just opeuisg up
a Sue line of ladies, misses and ohil
drens shoes at prices that will astonish
yon, also a splendid line of boots and
shoes fur men and boys. Buttons rosot
on all shoes purchased from ma free of
charge, with a new prooaas button
Abtistio Work. Painting a house
properly is a job that takes a good hand
with the brush, and Wash Williams is
the man that can do that work for you
in the highest line of artistic art. Paper
hanging and inside work, a speoialty.
&atisfation guaranteed, or bo charges
Sieatbd.- A 8 year-old bay mare, star
in faoo, white bind feet, branded half
oirolo N onleft shoulder. Banged last
year with Cy Bennett's horses. A liber
al reward will be paid for her return to
Jim Joues' stable, Heppner, or at my
ranch. W. B. Nawius.
Con&nmption Surely Cured.
To the Editor Pie iso inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for tho above named disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy free to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send me their
express and post office adress. Respect
fully, T. A. Slooum' M. 0, IHl Pearl St.,
New York.
Syrop Kigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Company, San Fruneisco,
Cal , is nature's own true laxative.
This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may
be had of C. M. Mallory, druggist, Hep
pner, at 50 cents or 1 a bottle. It is
the most pleasant, prompt and effective
remedy known, to dense the svstem, to
act on the liver, kidneys and bowels
gently yet thoroughly, to dispel head
aches, colds and fevers, to cure coustu-
pation, indigestion and kindred ills.
Ftxb CiJtriTH. Mrs. Johu Willing
hanie is prepared to weave caTpots nt all
times, baviug a splendid old-fashioned
loom, such as we used to see in our boy
hood days, and sho knows how to use it.
ill iso wanting a good rag aarpet will do
well to call on her at their reeidonoe
below Johnny Elder's place.
Tltat Highway of Nntiow.
Tho broad Atlantic, is ever a stormy
thoroughfare. Yet blow the winds ever
so fiercely, and ride the waves ever so
loltily, seamen mnst man tho goodships,
tourists will brave the passago, and com
mercial travelers and buyers must visit
the centers of foreign trade and manufac
ture. That atrocious malady, sea-fiiok-ness,
together with colicky pains and
much inward uneasiness is often endured
when Hostett?r's Stomach Bitters would
have fortified the voyager against them.
Sea captains, and iu fact all old salts
and veteran travelers are acquainted
with the protective value of this estima
ble preventative and romedy, and are
rarely unprovided with it. Emigrants
to the far west should use it as a safe
guard against, malaria. Soak, the aid of
the Bitters for dyspepsia, oonstipntion,
liver complaint, kidney troubles and nil
ailments that impair tho harmonious
and vigorous action of tb vital powers.
Notice to Teachhrs.- -Notioo is hore
by given that the Morrow county board
of examiners, begiuning at noon on May
31), 1S8S, at the oourt house in Heppner,
will hold a public examination of all
parties desiring ta obtain teacher's cer
tificates for Morrow county.
J. H. Stanley, School Supt.
Fon SatjE. 320 noros of deeded land
and a timber culture, situated between
Frank Gilliam's and Silas Wright's ia
Spring Hollow, Ilhoa Creek, llorrow
county, Oregon. Good water on eaah
quarter soction, and the best spring in
tue country at tne bouse. Ua.ll on me
at my place or address mo at Heppner.
W. C. Bkinihoer.
Notice I have about 200 small ac
counts on my books whioh must be set
tled at once or they will be placed in the
hands of an nttorney for collection. Im
mediate attention to these will save
ooste. Bespectfully, C. M. Maliqrt.
New Laundry. About the first of
May we will open a now laundry in the
building next below Jim Jones' livery
.(able, on the east side of Main street,
Heppner A full stock o Japanese silk
goads a.'d lacquered " are will also be
kept on band. Kiam & Wo Kie.
Fob Bali. 650o head of stook sheep.
Said sheep last year sheared 7 pounds
of wool per head"; are frei from scab and
in excellent condition. Wiil be ready
for delivery immediately after shearing,
about May 15. For further particulars
call on or address W. 8. Tiiourson.
, . Fossil, Gilliam County, Or.
Wm. J. UeATSQ, Pnrietor.
F .BEaatlv on biwd at iviuonabls onexw; alto
bolosiia aadl pork Mtiws. b4 cliMaa, ate.
few Bad Fmt, llain street, Hepimer. ITS
Will supply you with fresh byatd
and bunts every morning,
With A Good Variety of Cakes.
Wedding Cakes A Specialty.
Bolm Baled Brans mid Brown
ircQil Bvn-y Sundny
3qrivg Order . '
Fine Lunch Room.
Opposite Mlaor Dodsoa I Co'i.
fjif.-l Utivx.
Drop in and see IIagars new summer
hats. Cheap! Cheap!
When von bo to Arlington stop with
iiilly Theodore, at the ban turd nonse.
Just arrived at C. M. Mallory's City
drug store, a fine line of staple and
fancy stationary. Call and examine.
If you want to get rich sow alfalfa.
Yon oan get it nad every other kind of
seed at Minor, JJodsen (vol.
Leezer A Thompson will in a few days
receive a large addition to tbeir stook of
hardware, nails, etc.
Hunsnker & Co., can Ct yon out with
a substantial wagon or a fine hack. They
sell them aheap, and it will pay you to
oall on them before purchasing else
where. They handle Fish Bros.' wagons,
and they are reliable goods.
Choice candies, nuts, etc, in immense
quantities at Kd. B. Bishop's. Fine
nines for medicinal and saoramental
purposes can be had at the same place.
Why should the breath of mortal be
bad? Simpy beoatise they do not go
down to Pock. Vaughn's and
have their teeth tilled.
The Oregon Blaod Purifier is Nature's ,
own remedy, and should be nsed to the i
exclusion of all other oiedioines in all !
diseases ot the stomach, liver and kid- i
neys- Use Oregon Blood Purifier new.
Dr. John Basrons, professional tooth
poller and mouth fixer. All kinds of
dentistry dons neatly.
A second ear-load of barb wire will
ronoli M., Co. thia,week. ; .. .
The Farmers' and Merohants' insurance
oompany, ot Albany. Oregon, will give
yon a square deal, bee ad. in another
Cash paid for county at Minor,
Dodson k Co'a.
Bo you want thefinost brand of flour?
Sparry oan furnish it.
"You are looking well, my friend."
O! yes, I drink soda water from that im
mense fountain down at Ed. Bishop's
drug store."
Fine orookery, neat lamps, cheap tin
ware, and everything pertaining to a
well-regulated hardware and tin shop
will be found at Hunsaker & Co's.
Da you want mill feed iu any quanity?
Sperry oan accommodate you. Give
him a call. Hunt him up.
You can find hair ourlers, agricultural
hardware, calf blabhs and clothes pins
at Leener & Thompson's.
Bemember the place to get a good ci
gar is of C. M. Mallory at the City drng
Lichtonthal has a fine stock of ladies'
and ohildren's shees, fur whioh ho will
sell very aheap ior tho naked cash.
His stook of men's boots and shoes
has no equal in Heppner, and oan be
procured iu like manner as above.
When man gs so that hs onn't speak
pleasant to his wife, lie must have either
the chiilblains or the toothaoho. Dr.
Vaugliau, the dantist.isa sure cure for
the latter.
When your teeth get so that yon ean't
eat anything harder than mush dig np
Dr. Vaughau and have bim make you a
new set. .
Every one who has a house should
have it insured, and nothing is ahead of
the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance
company of Albany, Oregon, for that
Minor, Dodson A Go. are getting in an
immense stook of goods which they are
selling at prices so lew that it would as
tonish you.
Teamsters, Farmers, sheepman, and
horsomeu, when you want work dono,
remember Billie Buark, the oraok horse
shoes and job-worker.
Basmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the sains in a scientific manner.
It is a fact acknowledged by all "art
orgnniiits," both of Europe and Amerioa
that tho "XOstey'1 is the sweetost veiced,
most human toned, least reody iu tone,
and quickest in response tcthuch of any
organ manufactured in the world.
All kiuds of ready-made goods and
flue custom work nt Mat Lichtenthal's
boot and shoo store, at reasonable rates,
and repairing a specialty.
. Tub Vemuct. Children s carriages
are an indispensable article in a family,
and that being the verdict ol the Amen
can people, oall at Kirk & Yonnggren's
and get one at cost fgr r,a$h. Come
early and get tho choice.
Advances upon Wool.
Ayers & Fell will make advances upon
wool for delivery and sale at Arlington.
Jons Davidson,
Oppoaito Lirory Btable.
II(.ppn(ir, : : : Ortgoiy.
At this favorite resort will always bs
found the best brands of
for tha ftinustmmit of ttcsts.
Wool Commission
T. W. HALL L Co., Chicago.
Arlington, Caetle Rocjc and Echo.
I.. I.- L
Wool Graded and Baled
Arc still in the field with a ,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes
And Everything else that is usually found in a first-olsss
JVNaturc U bv1c1cm ami so l that
noble dicvry, conttoaiaf eftiy Na
ture') own remedies, TtM'
It is m benefit tm the human rat. Kk,t, UP
YOUTH. HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Quick and Complete Care of all Dieoe
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder aod LNf. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves
Constipation, Dysnepsla and Biliousness, and
Euts fresh ensrf y Into the system by making
w, Binh BIa4. Take it Hi tune, fit ht oow,
as It cannot be beet as a preventative of dtseaee.
Sold ami used every wlkcre. fi a bottle, 6 for
On Improved Farms
In Morrow and Umatilla Coun
ties at
Lowest Rates
In Furnishing Funds.
Apply to:
F. O. Bucknum,
Is prepared to give meals at all
You will fiud my place next door
to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., in the
Old Bank Building,
Settlers, Attention !
Ton will save time, money and trouble
by consul tujtf
Flats of vacant lands obtained. Filings
and entry papers prepared. Correc
tions of erroneous entries secured. Con
tests initiated, conducted and defend
ed. Deeds and mortgages drawn.
On entered landB. Consultation, by
mail or in person, strictly confidential.
Unusual Facilities
For prompt and successful proscoutiou
of all kinds of laud business.
J. W. Morrow.
Qffloe on May street, Heppner, Or.
Insurance Agent,
The Home Mutual, Old
California, Royal Nor
wich-Union & L,anca
shire, State, of Salem,
German American,
North Brit sh & Mer
cantile and London &
Washington Life In
surance Company,
of New York.
Offioc, next door to Qasette offlcn.
Koshland Bros,.
H'ooZ Commitiien Mtrchantt.
. r-EstabHahed 18C3-
31 K Front St., 416 Sacramento Hi.
Ban Francisoo
Cash Advanced or
lif. Wm. Wright, Agent, Heppner.
' . . . J ' 1,1 , I I ' 1 L' i 1 -g
Always in the Lead!-
The Old-Established House of
General Merchandise,
Our Stock will be found Complete in Every
Respect, and we shall always endeavor
to retain our place
And iu the future, as in the past,
to be
Leading House in the
Our facilities for doing business are
tablishment iu
Wo guarantee to all our Customers
Dealing. An inspection of
each and all as to the full and complete stook we at all times carry.
Owing to the steady inorease in our
and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives us
better facilities than ever before enjoyed.
Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity '
FOR the
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.'
Ship Care of II. k 13., Arlington.
Look, Look, Loot!
Keeps the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in his Line in
Morrow County.
Comprising Pare Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, and Toi
let Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, '
Putty, Etc., Etc.
He makes a specialty of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medieinal
Purposes. Best Brands Domestic and Imported Cigars.
Candy, Nuts, Chewing Gum, Etc Prices reasonable. Terms, Cash. :
Prescriptions awuratoly compounded, day and night, and special '
attention paid to orders from the country.
!.-J '-J! J
1 Special rotation
Of Heppner and
- t-AND
All of the Latest Styles and Paterns, at
MRS. S. P.
Ladies' Furnishing Goods Store,
I am Closing Out my Stock of Ladies and
Misses Shoes AT COST.
wa shall endeavor to continue
Heppner Country !
unexcelled by any morcejitfla et
the Noithwost!
Courteous Treatment nnd Fair
our establishment will oonvinoe
business we have built a Largo
T3ain "Wagon,
Agricultural Implements.
to the Ladies
Vicinity to Examine
Read, Read!
I JUston, ? '.'.) per I".1. . vrPi t t ELI .