Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 31, 1888, Image 2

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itsfy anyone. If you area demuorat your
purtj is reprosi iiteil quite well. If iu
HEPPXEBj C HUES DA 7, MA f 81, '8S ,','""r )0Ktnt u pcwj oi tue repui
I nvau ni i j' , in tir-i i , L mu itu uiu
iMidiiiu von desire iu remain in
For8nprem6jm.p U)KI)
Por Presidential klaotun,,
WM. dfts.
('. W. FuJluu.
For Prosecuting Attoriiaa;
1 irll ...uantnii7r.! T. It. Howard. ahiT-
iff: U L. Andrews, clerk; J. B. Kly unit T. Arni
a'.roi g. ooiuiiriiwiitiiore; A. M. liuun, treaaurer;
H. H. iilaanitml. niiwinn Jess Martin, nrvny.
or:J, H.btMiley, scliool Bupt. ami Dr. Aran,
position lo fl.ip ei(hr tray, my friend
.tlr I'enlnud, if nut badly &dti.-el, will
do as little hr.rm as anyone. However.
the party inane does not srein to he ut
ali bitter Lore to-day, and I preauiuethat
the disposition tu iuctiou dny will be to
vote lor tbe one most likely to aerve tbe
interests of the oouuty best. If in your
judgment you have a more anpuble man
than myself, elect him, and 1 shall s.1
ways co-operto with him just as hearti
ly, quite br cordially rh I shall expect
him to with myself should I be elected.
Notira ia harahy gi-.en tliat there ia anoiley. r.t
liai.U in th.t Tirahur v tt i'-trrow county lu pty
the folloa-intt (iaaa-ribad warruila. (o-wit: -
tfrriea. I K, ffiatured.
ForCorM.,joi)NM oKUUN
Var Prnaacniinn Attorney.
J. L. Story.
Lea Hnwall. rapreaentatWs: Tom Morion aher.
jft: Joa WilKmim, cicrk; .1. A. Tlii'innaon ai,n T.
J. Brown. coinmiaBiontra: 0,-u. NolK trt'iiMint; :
J. J. McGae, naaaaaor; (;. B. t 'ram. a-linol autifr
intendaut; Juliai KeiUiloy, surveyor; A.J.SI.olio
This column is devo'ed to t! e inter
ests of democraoy. and we are not re
sponsible for any thing that may app :.r
in it.
The linn. E. L. Appleuate spoke here
last Saturday evening. Hi speooh
I mainly omiHistsd in ridicule aud iilmse
of the demooratio partv, and had bill
little good argument in it, althonh hia
illustrations Wore quite hmn.irnuii. Ho
tried to deU.io the pocsiiion of th il:iuo
oratio party, but forgot to dufine his-twn
party, lie forgot to explain why it was
the republican claimed' in their nation-
A BOARD of trade will bs oraniwd in l platform of WW, th it they favore 1 a
ft fp wpp't" reviwioii ui law uiijunti uutl uiiriit'muillf
Hoppnej fha courso of
and the mttter oi n rail t.i L nig Croek,
Haystack, Camp Wats.in ail Oanynu
City will than be considored, and the
funis raise! for tluir imniiiute oou
stritetion. It is tho intention to have
tur.fT lawn, and bi.d proved false to tbiir
promises and were lot opposing any
tarilf reduction. He failed to explain
why it was that the republican tat
invention of Orecon w ao much un
der the control of the O. It. & N. Co. that
thoy dared not say a word about opeuini;
tin roali ready for t:m by this fall. I np tbe Columbia rirer, a matter of vital
Uappner will then be in a position t
fttmisli supplies to that larjo a i I pros
perom oountry, an 1 will oT.tr in luce
ruents to warrant u largj trajj from taut
section. It is hops! that soni3 as. i:t
Bnoa will bi giT)i tr tills anferpriss by
settlers ovor tho bill, an 1 w.i h iye every
assurance that they are ai m nil inter
ested in this as w arc.
h'nme Plain Tulk to Ihe Puint.
As the republican candidal for rep
rosentalive has not g ine over the coun
ty in a gonernl oanvass with others who
have been speakinjr in each precinct,
many uf tho more remit setth-ra in Mor
row county may bo unacquainted with
him and bis vit-va, ho below wo give in
brief Mr. Fell's addrefs at the Lexing
ton meeting last Saturday, as taken by a
Until last evening I had not anticipa
ted an onp tr. unity of m e in tho citi
ai'iia of Morrow oonnty in company with
my polilii al competitor, owing to a ne
cessity oi bciri),' at Arling'on to attend
the wool business iu which I om en
gaged this being the shipping season.
Concerning the statemont that I had
loi i forcoJ to reco"iiizj the IndepenJ
iiit party, I will pn y that it is a faet that
1 iftrfnay I would recognize no such po
iitins! party - and don't now. It is
inerely a local faction. Tho distinction
in no particular oousefjiicnco, and
having ouoe given my reasons for not
joining in tho general oanvas, I presume
tho fact that 1 have not, is one of no se
rious importance. However, as I am
hero to-day, 1 take pleasure ill accepting
the oourtuHy extended, ami while I am
no stump spiaker, I place myself square
ly before you, that you may know my
ex id position, as I desire no one to
vote for ma as a recourse between a "per
haps and a may be-so." I have been
vigorously curried and groomed bv the
independent representative by proxy.
Mr. Dunbar, in his speeches, and am
ready to run in this campaign. 1 want
to run cither as a man or u liorso; 1
have not the gait of a kangaroo.
With all due resprut to tlioso who
have the joined tho independents, I do
sue to say, I am running upon the
Mlraight republican ticket, and am dis
Psud to miiko no pledgos not iu confor
mity with the party platform and usages.
In reply to Mr. I'enlund'H repiescnla
tive will say, yes, I shall doubtlessly,
il (looted, "go Into caucus," anil suppiit
the republican caucus nominee, howev
er objectionable l.y may be to mo per
sonally. I do not, expect to revolution
i.o the system. In Morrow county only
lias it become proper to go into caucus
oi convention, I hereby pledging one's
nilf to abide by its decision, aud then ir
licnlan, bolt for a new faction.
As year representative 1 should desire
to H" iron li om piedgis or obligations of
a special olniincter, or any other than
the ;;oiu'ral obligation to do civ duty as
my conscience and judgineut might die
tale. If I wished to iioeoinpliNli r.nv
thing in the way of legislation, 1 certain
ly should not iiutagonizo myself wild
a d faction in Ihu legislature nmiaoen
sanly. One man can prevent the pas
sage of a bill more easily than ten men
oaimnRsit. With Mr. IVnlaud's nnti
Dolph miiuifesUi pasted upon the walls
of tin house of ropresonlutivas, he will
never aceoiniiliiih anything. His n sited
of mo to place myself on reoord for or
agaimt liolpli. If I oau't speak to make
signs like this (This is Mr. J'enlnnd's
printed pledge not to vote for JMIph
but lor any other peoples' man, whatev
er that may mean). Mr. Dolph is by no
niesns my choice for eonator. There arc
olhers whoee mimes will doubtlessly be
pn senled ill lh republican caucus. 1
am quite sure I shall oppose Mr. Dolph's
nomination, believing that others oan
serve the interests of the peoplo butter
than Mr. Dolph. 1 think I could, bv
Toting against him ia tlw oausus, be far
more instrumental in preventing his
election I linn would au independent sit
ting outside, nlono iu the cold. Howev
er, I shall doubtlessly stuud by my par
ty, concerning the vote lor hi nit 'r. No
"i"1 ""an reasonably sluto posilivelv wlint
B-tion the., : a couf-id r advisabie. If
joii can not trust me without au irou
clud pledge, do not vote for me.
Mr. Ilnnbar desires mn to pledge my
self against the caucus system. His an
tipathy for Ciiucas or convention ia easi
ly uudeislood. Ilia political career has,
accord ing lo his statement, l axn peculi
arly unfortunate. Thy a ole bis bills
or nullified bis proposed hiws bv lark
nig on aiiii'iidineiils. Vet, be posilivelv
asserta that Mr. I'eiilnud js bound b'v
wnaines-iys. I would HUggt tint M-
'!if.r ran not ulwnvs have
upon which to speak 'for Mr,
lino iin"-e ivuo are lainiiiar wnli my op
ponent's good liuaiin s;; sense w ill scarce
ly bebero that lie will allow one who has
mane a legislative tailor to "bind him"
importance to every republican and dem
ocrat in Eastern Oregon. He failed to
explain why it was that tho leadership of
the grand old republican party had
pnsjed nit tbe hands of railroads, cor
p rations, manufacturers and railroad
uitorneys and that these things oan not
be much longer hidden from the thou
sands of honest, toiling repnblicaus,
wholhis year having au eyo to their
owu interests, nro going to vote for a
party which hud tho nerve to declare
against corporations and in favor of an
open Columbia river, viz.: th d.-inoorat
P'rty. He was not oon'Out to let lion.
h 3. H n iiioksi 1 , in his honorod
fcitive, but liaule l lnm over the coals al
1 'ging that the- ex-vice president did the
proper thing by going oil and dying.
This kind of argument was unjustifiable
iu Mr. Applegate as no matter what n
man may entertain against tho living it
is generally oousidorsd hsathonish and
uncivilized to publicly traduce the dead.
republican farmers and laborers will
probably vote the domooretio tioket this
year as many of them say that tho re
publican party has now passed into the
hands of tbe rnilrnads, manufacturers,
corporations and the rich, and is under
tbe leadership if railroad attorneys, like
Senators ,1. N. Dolph, J. H. Mitchell and
liolund Staufordj who of cotirso are not
iu sympathy with tho farmer and the
poor laboring man. For instaneo, th.
republican state convention of Oregon
dured not raise a voice iu their platform
iu favor of opening np the Columbia
river. On that question they r a ednotl
spi nk for fear of tho O. It. ft N. l;o., who l
still, like leaches, suck the lire blood'
frem the finances tf Ense n Oregon
Tho democratic state platform, how
ever, spoke loud and bold in its demand
for an open Columbia river and cheap
transportation, and Hon. John M. Gear
in, democratic nominee for congross, au
Eastern Oregon beru candidate, asliH
the suffrage of Eastern Oregon farmeis
pledging himself to work for their in-'
toresis, and not do like Hon. Hinger
Hermann, who has sat like a log for four
years in oougress and introduced bills
but never passes any. EarmeiK, look
out for your own interests.
Some parlies who have no intlueiioo or
no regard for the triitu are now engaged
ill writing dirty articles and circulating
malicious reports about Tom Morgan.
It is a strange faet that, although he lia
beeu a citizen of this section for years.
wo now begin lo lind out that Ibis Inm
ost, upright cilien is nnylbing bu.
siuaro. The o is n ithing but f.dsehood
and prejudice iu .t. His popularilv is
more thai! w ns cs peeled, tun 1 the "staL
in the back" act is supposed to bo tin
thing that will defeat him. lint it will
all go for naught, as will ho bhovrn on
I iino 1.
0. 0. Ctane, our candidate for school
superintendent, holds a life diploma for
teaching both fniia this state and from
California, where he taught for ten years.
He is teaching now, ami has thoivjfon
boeu unable lo lniikc any canvass.
All who know him testify to bis abili
ly, mural uprightness i n t lidelily to du
ty. lie " ill make a I ig i ly coiiipetJUl
and fa t f I ollieer.
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N. H. ito ititnrofit will ho pnid on Uia above-
naianu lone from tho datoor linn notice.
(IHfl. NOHI.H.
Treasurer Morrow Countv.
iv.iwi .a ly ami. ivis.
Land BnainEss. Come to the Gazette
shop and have your proving up started
oy u sneeb mai wisnea yon prosperiiy.
regardless of your pohtioal, religious,
etc., proolivities. Tho clerk and judge
live right hero ut Heppner, and it is al
together more convenient. I'.iily Mor
row is ready to .take vour filings, and
will do the biwiuess in first-class shape.
Stated.- May Hi, from Skinner ork,
a dark chestnut sorrel horse, bve-wsokt,
bald fane and three white feet, branded
() on left shoulder. When last board o!
was in the head of Siind Hollow; 85 re
ward for his return to Jonos' stable, or
the same amount for informetion lead-
iug to bis recovery. W. M. Do.tak.
Happiness and Health.
Are important problems, the former
lepending greatly on the latter. Every
me is familiar with the bealthv proper
ties of fruit, and uo one can afford to be
sick and miserable hi!o the pleasant
Oaufornia concentrated liquid fruit rem
cdy, Syrup of Figs, mav be bail of Hit
entjrprising druggist, C. M. Mallory,
This column is devoted to the inter
osts of the republican p irty, mid wo are
iiot"ros.'ojisjble for aiiyliiiiig that nmj
appear in it,' - .. ,
Look republicans of Morrow sonnl.V!
Will you, eon you submit to such an iu
dignity upeti one of your most faithful
otlieiala? The independents have plan
ed upon their ticket the dem. nominee
.1 1 1. Slorv, in order to defeat W. li.
Eliis. Will you be bulldozed and whip
ped tutu line in such a manner? He
publicans of lbs north eud of the coun
ty, look well to your interests. W. 11
ICIlis should get every one of your voles.
Sea that your tickets are right.
Si'ltAYKii on Sr. ii, km. - Two dunniarea,
0 yeara old, bnimled 'Jl on left 11 mk a
qua Tier e re'e el u Id ou left shoulder, 7
oonnertiid with K on right shoulder and
hip and loft ear split. Two bay mares.
Id and (! years old reflectively, same
brands ns above. One chestnut s.irrol.
H years old, same brands as ah ive; the
last three marcs Lad sucking coils when
they went nwny, last fall. Tw bay
borne colls. 'J years old, branded quarter
circle shield ou left shoulder, and one
sorrel mare, 2 years old, branded same
as last two horses. One dark chestnut
sorrel mare branded same as above, and
2 yours old. One sorrel linrse, four
white feet and bald face, branded lit on
left l ink. Oca bay lioi.se, 0 veins old.
the floor I ''r inded three small circl s on left
lVnhiud, 811 111 " ir and H connected ou left sli
ue, w untier w u. yne sorrel liorse. !l
years old, bald face, two white hind feet
and branded quarter-circle shield, for-
At tli-i earnest S'tiieitation of the Mem
ocrntic Campaign Committee, I have
consented to speak on the political is
sues ot the present lime at tho follow-ing-named
pb.ces and dates iu Morrow
county, vij:
MnllcHtin precinct (school house ,
I'liesdny, May 'J'i. at 11 o'clock A. M.
Hiirdman. Tuesday, May 22, at 7
o'clock I'. M.
Drv Fork (( tooscberry'l, Wodnesdav,
May 2:i, at ! 1'. M.
Eight Mile Centre seliool house, on
Thursdav, Mav 21. at V. M
lone, Eridny, May 25, at 1 T. M.
Lcaington, .Saturday, May 26, it 1
t'. M.
Cecil, Mondav, Mav 2, at 1 P. M.
Ella, Tumdny, May , at 1 P. M.
Alpine, Wednesday, Mav HO, at 1 P.M.
Pine City, Thursday, Miiy 31, at 1 P.
Lena. Friday, Juno 1, nt 1 P. M.
Heppner, Saturday, June 2, nt 1 P. M.
The different party nominee are re
spectfully invited to meet me at said
places and dates, and I trust to see ev
eryone, republicans, democrats and in
dependents, in eaoh precinct present at
sa ill dates. The republican and inde
pendent nominees for representative are
hereby respectfully challenged to dis
cuss with meat said dales and places
the political issues between tho two
great parties. 1
Oho, Wm. Wkkiht.
To TnphI'KN'dknt Voters'. Citizens of
Morrow eou 11 ty who favor an independ
ent ticket id the county eleotion next
lu ne, are hereby potiUed to nsfeuible in
( heir respective precincts on Suturd:!,!
Anril, 7th, 1S88, to elect delegates to B
county convention to be held in Heppner,
on Saturday, April 21st. The represen
tation of each precinct has been estab
lished on the basis ot the vote cast" for
Lexington in .lime, S8li as follows:
Heppner 4; Lexington ti; Alpine 4; Eight
Mile 4; Duirvville 2; lone 4; Ijna 2; Ce
cil 8 j Welle Springs 8: Pine City 2; Dry
Fork 2; Castle Hock 2. As a basis of
this action tbe Independent Central
Committee believe that as the precinct
are at present bounded we are not fairly
ropreaented in our county conventions.
I!y order of ' J. F. Brewer
'"h'ni.'in Independent Co. Central Com
Takks Vr -At John ltidgewnv'-'"ir-li,
in Itoed ounyou, one sorre
horse, about If) or 12 years old. branded
I K on left shoulder, 'l'. F. Hhkikwat
inven that the followinit
.0,1 nolioa ill Ioh iiileiilum t
!,,.,( 0"i,. iT.,- 1)M,.
NollCM ix i.-r,,
namod eoltiavhaa hlo
inskuniml proof m fnnnort of hi ,-1-om. nl
thai (Ue siiitl i.r.mfwiti h i itii Ii. ht-f,ro the
tv t'N'r.k of Myri-,vw county, at tloppner.Or .
on July it. .S. vu :
Jon A Coi.mns,
TVS USUI fr Ilia NW l See. II, Tp I H. R W 1 ,
W M.
M" nainoa J)je lollowincc wtUu'Kac to jrevo liif
euniiun'U! eaaidoiH'e upon, aud cult.vutiou of
a-t'.l 1'iiut. vi:
U. K Wntfa. Mirnni S'liilh, Trail, Mutli
ew ajtd -Jafjca Miiir. all of I .xiionon. Or.
JllJi F. A. MclloNVI.li. Ileireter
tuer,y ranged in Clark's canvon: S," re
in action, simply because he is nilhout ' ,vilri' Psr ho d wijl be paid for thoir re
nie spacniodie rhetorical gift which I turn to my ranch on bight Mile, or i
truly admire in the gentleman who has ! '"' reward will be paid (or informa
put the candidate through a catechism i lo-'ding to their reeaverv.
r pobtienl faith. I 0. IiKItrfON
AsUi tho six townships, I opposed I "
dismemberment or tho county once in I Tailoi-im.
the "third" house, and will say this,! I have oneued a well-appointed tailor-
should 1 be m the first, there woulu be , iug esti,oli,i,;lient in my new build-
no nin;e ill enr weHrri co mty line. j ing qi Miiy street, and am now renularlv aeitlw l.a tit.sl nMire of hia intention to maka
in opening up a new county each per. receiving new goods and will make oils'- n""' nr""' ""i""w rlaim.and lhataaid
i i! i i . " ll,'k.,' the goods in the market. , t. Isvs. via: '
111 tie Jii lity which 1 possess may benefit , A. AkabVS10K. ,ofni Ihpuu.
Tpl STaAvrn-me one taur
erou, motive, but tor u,B ,eaou that all " , , ,, ? J" " ? 1 "-- h f"llowiB--rtoee. to pm hia
our intenst.s are conimou. year old uinre. d . k bay. branded erots eontian-m, r.iara). uws. and citiiTation of.
iuoi.ir uni-ir ou u- i RiiuiiiLinr, a. uovrni m mn.,,
reward wlllbe gi' cn for her return to ' ryh-ar, I. N. "Bajej-, Innia Siallane aad
,.l ll.,n r f n... , P. t iininchania. allof Hperner, Or.
most Jleppnrr. J. t. Pai.i,. i;, F. A. M iionaip, Rfpittor
lind Oftlee at The Halloa Or.. Mav 7. 'W.
Noliia i ho-..hy tfivon that I lie followina-vamri
We are now Daily Keoeiving Large Invoices of
In nil the latest shades and fabrics and our counters
With the Choicest Productions of the Manufacturers, aud the
best news to all is that they are
We have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our
goodn, and are satisfied tlint our Dress Goods Stock will com
prise the JBestns well as the C'heiipest Goods that were ever shown be
fore iu Heppner. Can't you give us a call soon for the pur
pose of
This Stock nod seeing our Pretty Things? We shall take pleasure
and pride in shewing you what we have got Whether you
are ready to buy or not, you are
, At our store, and will see your friends the i e also.
O Cn lo Cord Ginghams, Chamtirnys, Ac, and as this stock sells
t o fn ;t that we can not hardly get goods fast enough to keep any
ri '- " hand, we advise you to give it an early yisit.
SHELF HARDWABE, Bird-Cages, Pope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood
aud Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc.
Sperry's New Roller Mills!
iliiipp:ni:r, - - ouegon.
Ca)acity 70 Barrels
J, B, SPERRY, Proprietor.
: o :-
Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour
and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities
to suit purchasers.'
Ha J Street, Snarly Oppoiite Minor, Dodson i& Co.'l Store, '
-Muiifapturers of wid J)oalors ia
Furnitl'rk, Mirrors,
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc.
- :o:-
J.tM; H A G E R,
' I'Eil-EI! IN-
General Merchandise.
Agricultural Machinery, all kinds ot Farm
Implements, Wagons, Etc.,
Thr new firm of
Are at the old 3tsnd on
Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granie
ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, 'Nails, ind Black
smiths' Supplies.
Fish Bros. Wagons, Champion Mowers and
. Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En:
gines . and . Portable Sawmills,
Just In
A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware,,
Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc.
Ar constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at
the lowest prices. Job-work executed iu a skillful manner.
Boot and Shoe Store.
Having just received a largo and complete stock of firti-clasa
Boots aud Shoes, I am uow prepared to furnish any article in' that
line at fair prices.
i I will continue to do custom work and repairing, as usual.
Shop enlarged and twitted throughout. New front and new
goods. '
I . a
.-!- ul J'JllJO..Ji?
ED. BISHOP. Proprietor.
In the Leenar .fe Thompson Building, Main Btreet, Heppner.
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars,
Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels,
Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti
cles, Perfumery, Notions,
lite, Etc.
SsaT'Presoiiptioi) Carefully Compounded, Day or Night, and Espa
cial attention paid to family recipes. "M
Will Jo all kinds of General Blaoksmith work and 1'epairing Rt A. M
Gumi's old etand, oppojrjte Jouet' Livery Stable, Heppcer,
norHe.shoeiiig a Specialty
JL ii
I JMe.
Heppner , Saddles!
Cpntantly on laml.
i. n...j . ji i i i
1 1' ml 1 1 1 r I'll ' 'I 111 Til A 1(
niwi iu iiuu
( iiiu)iuiii( your I'lnuca, tliera
iiHii'UBt iirintitT nf Hiinhlntys In
Om nt ! i Oravl... (Ir., M IS, 'as. i
t,-l 'S hV,v eivt.ri II. at l. . f.,1 l.,n It. '
at'ttlar hna Hi.sl Ui. lutti.-i- uf i., trillion tt makn
uuai row in snimori ,tf ma flarn. at-il thtt aaul
liroof will a matla h-fr ihrrUfk t l Morrow
county, at Upppnar , Or., on June SUMS. :
.m I'ouiljf.
1? ' a,N' 7l79' f'r 'ht E- W Tp' ' B"
H.' nimpi t'i f.tllowirtt wHnata to prow h:
ro-nminii ra..t.not npnu, ami cultivation uf,
H.. ItUltl, T
.i t."1.'. B- A'. '' C Thompaou, C
Stilltr nil a.. . I llci.p. ar, Or.
- '-'5 lb: a HrnAir. Kciat.
C. E.
Sot.n Oct.- dm't forget that tlnr is
nowa first oliisa bckrry in town, herr
yarn enn get fresh lireatl, pii. onks and
nil lb;it is mim!l kt'nt in a first obi a
bakery. Ilnvinir bontlit out my partner j
ami dv mutiiHl eonsent diaaolred part
uoraliip with him. I will hereafter oon
rliiet the business alone. All debts dne
the former partnership will be colleoted
by me nnd I will pay all the debts dna
by the firm as I have came to stay, and I
hope the people of the town will (five
me their patronise. Chris Kravss.
Look tnl fur the Ortieilc.
ami uiu MUUlMlUg
To dish you up anything that you want in,
the line of Groceries, Confectioner- Can
ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys,
JJa.ll Sides of MMo Street, Iappner.
hill Bread Always on Hand
Oysters jn all Stvles at all Hour?