r 'A 4 H i - 1 SIXTH .YEAK. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1838. NO. 271. U l-'ii THE GAZETTE H902D rtKT THPRSDAT AVTEEXOUf. BS OTIS- PATTEU30N, U J2.00per juar, l.ferjii? laostus. tO.J5 tor (tree eimUis: in aiirajiW. Il Mid for at tke Mi.tralion of lime. a year aill be eliargid, U.-I X. I 1- ..' 1 - OREGON OFFICIALS. r.fjvornor Bee. f Stale TwiHirar fc..r.t. I. ..I mrtto'i S. Pc-.royei ....U.-W: UB.id. .v 0. W. Wt-.b. K. B. M.loj. : t. H. Uird. ' W. B. tlii-. iu(U eet!i District v:..v- letriot Allorflny aoasow cotjxtt: &:".:.v: Treasnrw i 'v B'ltn 4wo.SuiA J'Bib;W Curatior A.r.r.!or. KtPP.fl TOVa OFFICERS. . Ilenrv r.Uifil.nifl-. Mayor. i),e,:,;..,...,....:K.. h.B'V"'-V X&tioriicd W.J. IrtA'ee. - ,, I.urtlrr fiOOIElt DIRECTORY. Pone Lodw ." , uieeu HPT TlicdlivnY.-innirnt , M.r. c!n-, p. I. O. O. I-'. Hull imjoumin r-tli CM inc. ci.rrlial'j irir i t- t.i "';'' JS. It. Pwixianst, K. of 11. H. O. W. KAitanorea, C. C. billow l,o,l... No. S5 Id. P- F; iceets fvrj Wellies ik' ' Visiting I.ro purs u :. V. 7i;coax. K'.c Soc y. " !!.. fwFlWli.h Pee. No. I- O. O. V. meets .:.rt r-rth nUirdajr of each A Wuirira, lire. Ki-e.'y ll-vpncr I.ocJ-n. Ki. W A. F. A A VV murj lir.-i iuU:iir.i 8..1 lul l.' M. of ,i-u BorJi. K,..I;a,LUMafiu-.-. Will. A. KlM.STtary. IiiIKYMU.K. .ii.l,, I.mlv. No. K. 1. O.O. r. ptwyii of mut;Lg. llhlliKK unii".. .j J. J. MCii.i.t. K.W. MildK.lt. ,. : iliM Bh.kh lif sr. 1 i Xo. ! Unnhnm. Wfc..;" ; . - )!!. V.'. A IiICHF.T, Phvsickui and Surgeon TIT-Ff'SEK, OREGON. OITice oti Maio K'.roet, niiauivrti Ca- y-rrrv yl'op. W. K. KLLl'S. . A I tor it o v -: t -1' ''r Ava ls' otary - - iiEPr:-ov,;t orecion. iVowifinj Attorney for Seventh Ju- tlicial District. Will yi'M prwil'i l Initial '; '"i ''Nil all tHSMi'is ei.ini-.lc.l to lint. X: L. FOX, FU. C. Weill? CLASi 01 6970 "...ejiiJ tlni!in jir-.'tt t-i i1'm; bjH.li ..men GEO. WIUOHT, ATTORNEY AT UW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OppotUi Oaxctie Offiei, Ueppner. IAS t K1L1SH3. rmtf"l Sntrioe. P.-Ji'le J Keorauoe. I,o:.t.e niwle coUect.or.e Vruuiptly utlertli-d HJ. H. B. LE I'KVRF,, Professional Herder of Bucks and Billifijoais' low a.?e ...VIZ.. ...... fi-.ui t ho rutiE-t nl .fi.r: H I'll Ollt IV" uUfi fwr. aim iuiK'B tt OtitOoor. jlr Zrt.7rrr ant ?Vu C;.: fs a Head. City Meat Market, Norvin si'je main srr.Esx. iieitsj-b. lieept on Arena' a full supply of Fresh and Vorn'A Reef and Po Frmh Xut Ion, Sir.isii'jc, Tripe, i"(-'. r. E. WXTOS, MOFRIKTOR. CaJifornie, Oregon and Idaho STAGE COMPANY. J. B. litenejr, Supt. Arlinston Btiwe Wotm .. ' arrivrs llcpiirr, if) P M.I Pendleton leaven arrives A. M r! P. U- Fare to Arlington, - - 9i00 Fare to Pendleton, - 5X0. Freight 2 cents per pmiri'?, ED. It. BlriHOf, At.'T.. Hoppncr, Os'D First National Bank 07 HErrSEIt, C. A. RHEA. HUGH FIKMIfl. lrkid"Dt. Viee.PrerJent. J. O. Miuldoel; Cnthier. TransaoU a Geueral Banhiuj Buaittess. KXC IL.VN'G 0 alj i.art6 tl'.e o.-U Bought and Sold, OAli ti&niiKwrle "t oil points 7i. OUR PREMIUMS ' . rw sin mtictscn' WEEKLY CALL m sam muctsco MORNING CALL x PRnirvi ion ta PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. , ff Tie SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY C'itt -lgbaDdHiBeelght-iNopwr. It Mi orerr Tbursdap, aod cobUIds all of th fa portaut pew of tlie wnk, gleaoed from vry quart pr of the globe, complete up ta date of paWJeatlea. It contaiua kiterestloc aptelal : carreaiMMuleiiM Icem all ef fce prlnetpaJ ilHil " of tlie world aod a raat araooot of the bent aeiecwd and atifluol nAra( literature, la ' farnltbes the latemt aod aoAt rollablo flnancfat hows and market quotatlo9t nud glrw anoelal aiteotloa to bortlettlturil and affrieaKaral dowi, aad li In every respect a ftnt-olaita family aftppr, appeal I nf to the loterost of every men atr of the kowebold. rery Bubecrfter to TB WEHKLT CALL get a HANDSOME NEW MAP Of California and Nevfida Deanllfulr printed In colon, fchowlog Tery rnUroa'.l, poitofllce aud town la (be citato, wllk ' IhIHm uf topulattod, etc THIS WtLKLT CALL will oootaln fuU ro port of the PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. THE HORNING CALL ' tiTn leacBS A mm) b lira metropolitan dally. II has lb LAtA K81' uikoulation awl Is recojroiaM M Mix the LKADINU XIWSPAPUB of Hi roctfle coast. LrEher of the Above paperi w wlrl teud poeield ae premium od tecefbl 4 . the fallowls; wUcrlptltra crlOM !,r tbe ttm hluetlgoi .!'. The IiAZKTTE nud WpofcT- with mnp one yenr $2.75', (iA kettk and Daily Morning. Call ono year, C.00 PETER 0. BORG, ITrPFxan, Obbqos -DSliR IK Watches and Clocks, Jewelry," Etc. G OiD -'-P-K-XS, Amethyst, Cameo and Diamond Cold Riii, Gold and Silver v M'ukhes. , . -t-AKI) All utlior articles usually kept in a Jew elrf Store. RE PA 1R1XG A SPECA TAT, AND ALL WORK WAR RANTED. STOKK uppoeit Minor, DoiHoa & Co'a May SI. When I ay Cvur. I tnnt mean merely to Stop them tor a time, and then have them re turn seal n. I mka.v A BAMCAX. CI KB. I have made the discus of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, AlUeloit(ttidT. I warrant my remedy to Or he the vrorst eases. Because otners have failed 1 s ee reason furnotnowreceiviDKaenre. Send at onee for a treatise and Fkk k Bottu of mv I TFAT.T.iBLE Kkmedt. Give Eipress and Post Offloe. It costs you nothing lor a trial, and It will oure you.-Addrees H. C. ROOT. M. C, 183 PtARi St., NewYK . rt.ontNciE. FLOREKCS 1 FLOUBXOy EROTIIKI'.S, STOCKRAISERS! braarfrd.ind eur-mnrked its shown aboTe. i ;.. M, ''ftitlifim. Ilmalill Lnd ttutoc.otjtie3. We will, pay r- ws-pi ?or arrest una eouiotiou 01 ny ponoa J. W. MORROW HAS Money to Loan On Real Estate iu Morrow County, at a cheaper rata of inter cut than any loan agani can offer both for finr-.l proof aud oa patent. Inquire before negotiating else where, hud B5fa lots of coin by so doing. Apply to J. W. Morrow, Office on May Street, Heppnsr. Say, Sheepmen ! CHRISTY&AVISE ' -THE - WOOL Comraiion Merchants Are bow in th Csld to Make Cash Advances! Offiao: J.Mr. JiuilJinc 23 Waahintjlon Street, Portland, Ogn. ARTHUR SNim-L PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! N,-it tt First KationM Bank, HEPPNEIt, : : ORKGON. Watches, A, Clocks, j3 WHtcheti Claaiiod, Mftimtprtngit Fitted Goods , $!.r.o. ii.w. All work guaranteed for one year. Defore you Build Your ?3V S3i 1 11 TYS0N,.M -PliACTICAL- ARCHITECT STAIR BUILDING, Of any !dnd dssirotl iioatly. exaoatad. Ha will uh o Eurnish on Short Notice, Any style of stair material, such as Newl?, Angle-Posts, Rails, Ealns tern, Etc., in Walnut, AkIi, Spanish Cedar, Piodwmd, Etc. W ho also has a very largo Doors. Sash." Mouldings And CEDAR SHINGLES Constantly Kept on Hand. All thinps in his iine will be furnished at the , LOWEST CASH, PRIg.E.S ! . ; Oillce nnU Wftreroom fit the corner of Main and Canyon Struts. Toa will also find a full line of liis goods for tsule ftt Kirk k Younggren'a furniture store. CHA. E. WOLTKliTOS, Presiilwit. J. W.CCif:i;E, Iruteuror. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., OF ALBANY, O IUCG ON. Capital Stock, $300,000, Paid up in Cash, $60,000. A Square Company Managed by Square s- . Men. FRANK-" pROTHERS Farm, Mill" and Farm and Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carts, n-o-aaiais BtTUXUdrs, em- Double ndS M7a tato on hand at all LaBelle and KasMord Wagons. Buford's Gang, Sulty And Walking Plows. Caford'8 Biding and Walliicg , Cultlrators. Havana Press Drills. McSherry Drag or Shoe Drill JlcSherry Seeders and Drills. Thomas Hey Rake, loyal Sc'.Minmp Hay Halio Tietor GrladlDif Xl5-Zas Harrows, (all slei). Hollow Tooth narrows. Our Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue mailed frro to any address. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., (S3 and 6o Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. lt:i:zer Thompson agents at heppnek. Coninmrnix olio'led. Inf'irmiHon rjh.tU'j ft COOPER'S Sheep Dipping -Powdc IS VSED CN 50 MILU&S SOEEP ANNUALLY. j ' '.'IT 18 A COLD WATER DIP AXD IS THE Cheapest, Safest and Best" CURE ER SCAB. ' 0 It lias been Iu .se half a century and applied to more sheep than are now existing on the earth. Suell, Heitahu fc Woodard, Wholesale Agents, Portlnnd, Or. Koshlaiid Bro&. Fortlaud.-. J Sold wholRalo by Wnsco Ware UptlCallhouse Co., The Dalles, Or., and retniled by all merchants'. Ranch roit Sale. 320 acrr,'. fenrad; prood boute. etirra!, eto. Fine runuitiK wtitor. Call at Gazette shop and get a bargnin. House Tlease Call on and BUILDER! . ,-v-,.r Stock aud V anoty 01 Brackets. J. O. VTaiTSMAM. J. K. Kj,BKllKTIft Yioe-P midgut. Seerctary rnd Mas W. II. Kakmow, Asciitaxit Seereuvry. I I IMPLEMENT Dairy Machinery, ALLGOOD3 ef the Best Clas3 AND Warranted ! timoa a Complcto Lino of Walter A. Woods Beapors, Mowers and Binders. Hodges Doable Draper Header. Gaar, Scott & Ca. Separators and Farm, Engines. C. & O. Cooper & Co.'s Saw Jlills and Engines. Star Wind Hills & Force Pumps. Charna. Ciller Mir.. Hay and Keot Cotten, Planet, Jr., Gar dt a Drills b CulllTatom. Dlmr.ond Tooth Cultivators, Ac Fen no Brothers &Chi!ds, WOOL Commission M c r cli a n t s, BOSTON, MASS. Liberal Advances Made. rr.ibr"i hy nutil nr Itlerjrcph. 1 27 SIQXA Ff i,'. , Wo received fj copy ' of th "Oregon Stte Weather Pievievf and Agricultural Beport" last week, from which w publish the introductory: With this issue, of C000 oopies, begins the "Oregon Stat Weather ReTiew and Agricultural Beport." Its col urns will lie devoted to in formation respecting tlie olimato of Oregon find the condition and prospects of crops. To the outsida '.world Oregon is known by hardly more than its name, aud now wd will endeavor, through thia medium, to make clear to those Who ore not "Oregonians" that here we hav a climate and soil equaled by few aections of tha couutry, and infer ior to none. The "Review" is supported by the advertising, and is furnished free of charge to co-operating ob servers, and to others in Oregon who are interested iu the advance ment of the weather service of the stat.; and it iB also distributed, gratuitously, to all emigrants seeL- iug' information in regard to the climato of Oregon. The success of. the publication depends on the aid rendered by those in Oregon interested in me teorological work, and who desire to see the climatology of the state published. Voluntary observers are therefore wanted iu every county of the state. Reports on temperature.and rainfall are especi ally desired. Data covering past years is of the utmost importance. Any ono having record of the weather, will confer a great favor by informing us of tin fact, and then nrangemenjts will b made to collect aud publish Uie infor mation. As the "Review" will be issued monthly, aud will reach and be read by thousands, many of whoui will emigrate to the state, it is of tlie utmost importance to every county to present i fc'itherd$ta and crop records for the informa tion of the intending settler. Health of people, plants, etc., depends on the climate. It is therefore of the groutost impor tauce to the coining immigrant to know the climate. Ho, by a hearty co-operation from all sections, this paper will be enabled to pre sent to its readers a concise state ment of the actual weather condi tions Drevailinsr in Oregon the vear round. Peuidos the actual record of the current weather, and Ublusof the past climatic infor mation of interest on general me teorological matters. --njrtr " CIRCC'LAH TOOtlSEnVERS. Tho following circular was sent out to all of the known weather observers in Oregon. Ho to give it wider distribution, and perhaps reach soma who are interested in this work, it is here published do-oneration is required from schools, academies, colleges, physi cians, agriculturists, and from r!1 who are interested in publishing statistics relative to our climate, Skixai- Hkuvice, 17. S. Ahmy, ) Office ok the Ojw.uveu, J Roseburg, Or., April 28, 1888. Sin: I have the honor to infoim you that arrangements have been made by which a monthly paper duvoted to the interests of the ''Oregon Weather Service," will be published. The edition will onsist of 0000 copies monthly, and will be distributed free of charge. The paper will include, besides tho monthly table and bulletin of the Oregon Weather Service, orig inal articles or reports on ths lo cal climatio condition, the. soil, etc., condition of crops; also, from time to time, meteorological tables, etc., from all parts of the state. Your f-ariiost co-oporatiou is re quested. Tho papers will bo 'dis tributed by tho immigration board, hence they will reach the coming immigrant. In "order that your locality may have duo adver tisement it i hoped that you will furnish any notes, articlos or ta bles of interest to imxigrunU. Great cure uiut.t be exercised in these reports so that nothing may lis misrepri'sonted. Th) first 'number will be issued about the loth of .May. A rea sonable number of copies will be furnished you on application to me, free of charge. Very respectfully, D. S. Paoue, Signal Corps. Observer in charge if Oregon Weather Service. THE TRVTn SVRE. We take the liberty of inserting an article below taken from the Kansas City Journal It correct-! describes the vicissitudes of Kansas journalism aud illustrates the manner in which misfortunes befall most Kansas' newspapers through tha fair protuisos of pso- ple who want a local paper estab lished but soon kill it by withdraw ing their patronage. A greater part of this article will bold good in other new states. The shdes that lead Kansas in the number of publications of all kinds, are Illinois, New Yorlc and Pennsylvania. Rowell gives this state 084 publications, whilo the actual number is 819. Many of these papers ar mere laud office hand bills, but the greater num ber, nearly all, are legitimate en terprises. Some of them will fail for want of good judgment being not used iu establishing them all. For instance, one paper can be named, printed iu a city of only three houses and fourteen people. Another ia printed in an adjoining county, is printed in another city with only one house and four in habitants. The warm weather will probably dry them up. These papers have been forest i to contend with an evil no cue would dream would ever strike a Kansas town. When tho news paper is to be established promi ses are liberally made, but after a few issues are made and money is needed, the editor realizes how hard it is to pay for rent aud pa pers with only good wishes for collateral. While ho is skirmish ing around, the agent . of a New York; Ciucnnuatti or Now Orleans paper strikes tho town for a write- up, and in about three hours has iu his pocket S!J00 or $100 for a lotter that will never do the town one cent's worth of good, while the homo editor is in deep distress be cause ho cannot raise the $17 nec essary to get his patents out of the express office. Tho lettor in the foreign paper might do good, for it is usually well written, but the sumo paper will contain more against the slute at large than can possibly be said in favor of the one locality written .... il .1. A .. up, Alius mis worn goes on. aii illustrated paper will receive $1000 cash for a villainous cut of a Kansas town, in which the col leges and principal buildings are made to look like soap factories or abandoned brewories, while the uoit issue of that paper will give a front page illustration, gratis, lo cating an Illinois or Georgia cy clone in Kansas and warning peo ple to stay awny. In the meantime the bonis edi tor who writes up Kansas and sends bis papers out gratis, grows poorer and poorer, ami wears jeans clothes that are threadbare and dirty, makes a fight for local real estate man who smoke 25 cent cigars while ho soothes bis feel ings with a cob pipe and "dog leg" smoking tobacco, and filially closes out his office to some other man, who goes through the same mill The rustling real estate agent wonders why his homo paper is so "confounded poor, and never thinks of coiiiir around to the business men and working up subscriptions of 1,000 or 2,000 for the paper that can do the most good. That would not be bun neas. The money must eo to some Eastern fake. OalSU A I'TKIt TUUHTS. "The Now York Senate took a step on Tuesday, which probably fewoftho.se present regarded as serious, in the direction of legisla. tion respecting trusts. It passed, with but one dissenting vote, a bill "to prevent monopolies and combinations intended to restrain trade or to increase the market prico of commodities known as the necrsKitie-i of life. 1 his lull (' clared it to be unlawful for any individual, company or corpora tion to enter into any combination, contract or agreement, express or implied, the purpose of which is to limit or lessen the production, manufacture or sale, ,or to fix or increase the price, of any commod ity known as the necessity of life, including eleven articles specifi cally mentioned. It exempted . from the operation of this provis ion, however, agreements made bj ' and between "natural persons" ; actually engaged in Ihe produc-i tion of any such commodities act ually produced by them. The bill further prohibited combina tions made by directors or stock holders of corporations the effect of which would be to place the control or management of such corporations in the hands of trus tees, with the view of limiting pro duction or fixing prices, making any violation of the provisions of the bill a misdemeanor, subjecting any corporation guilty of the same to the forfeiture of its charter. This thoroughgoing piece of legis lation, we may be sure, would have received an altogether differ ent treatment if anybody thought that there was a chance of its be coming a law. The near approach of adjournment, which, took placa on Friday, rendered the proceed ing a farce. Brudstrcct. IWJ UST VISCMMINA TIOX. Tho question of the discrimina tion agaiutthe trade of the sea board cities by railroads by meaup of through rates to foreign ports was brought before the New York Produce Exchange in February last in a report of n special com milteo appointed to look into the matter. It was thn resolved to appropriate a sum of money to enable the committee on through ' freight discrimination to bring a formal complaiut before the Inter- " stato Commerce Commission, an essential pro-requisite to a demand , for relief from that body. After carefully collecting and sifting its evidence, that committee has now prepared a formal petition and complaint, which has been filed with the commission. The roads, ; of whoso action in the matter of rates compaiut is made, include practically every line doing busi ness in the eaHt. Tho charges made are that tho roads have al lowed to a large number of per sons special rates, rebates and drawbacks by means of underbill ing and other devices, that while schedule rates are charged on freight delivered to consignees in New York for domestic consump tion, the roads charge rates much lower, and even as low as CO per cent thereof, for like and csntempo- uneous service under similar cir- umstances and conditions where the property is delivered to -ves sels and steamship lines for ship- ment to foreign ports nnder through bills of lading .-issued by' the railroads. The matter will ' now be pushed to a conclusion be- fore tho commission. Brndslreet. gTJjiCOBS OH TERRIBLE SUFFERINGS. rorlmps no n Sj iit-sKcil more pli in;; tlt.in 0 H. H. MEIGG man ever wit- iykiil suffer- H. H. MEIGGS, the Great Railroad Contractor of S. ' Arruiica, bona uulngrnph is here mwn ami who writes: nli. Oil liaenccom- n.li-m. It has my luilurMement." An nn exiin'pb During 1S70 and 1871 fire fjousoml ' linrriraiu died from mala ria and rheumatic levers outofourfAouidnrfinl'eru, altiwtcil thither by litrgc wn;;ea paia hy ileitrps who had contractu amount in;: to $i:ifl,0U(l,U00. In this held there after St. .Iiicolm Oil did its good work. Knhl hy DnmjiiU mill Heaters ewiyKkere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., nW.THlOIll'.. MB. . v - . uvwaiilKuam iuu.w l I l I V 8r.il honorable tm. iVlVlll J ploju.ut that will J net take them from their homes ami families, The iirotiu are large .wit ear ) I Miti tire n .uiit ear ) fur every lutliistriou. tiereou. tnaiir UST. low ai&ktiig eev.rnl annureo uoiiu for wi to make ti and ap- ore a ward, nerdiijr, who I. willing- U wore-. nii.ili. ICIther TV 1 f "Kt..lir I pl.Khrtlwn j Fill -x. young or olil; cnnitai not iieeucu; w. you. No spei-ial ability roijiiired; jroa, reader, ; ,-ft.i.lr, it as well ae liny ono. Write to us escs nr fall nariieulaia. AUIrea Ntineon V.e., r'.rtianl, llsirje