'A Th peopl nf Gouger Neck and a'.l othe? Important pines are notified that the Ouzet ii ibe boss. On tDoueanrl acres of cotton will lie planted in Montgomery county, Kuu.. alone thia year. Will Leslie, a former well known resi dent of thia plaoe, and who tat Ijelierod to bate been drowned in tlio Columbia a few yearn age, is now with rMmer 4 Key, the well known type founders, of f Fan Frnncisoo. He in married, end i preapering. W. V. Statesman. The Italiana who reoenllv Ciime t Vnllula. were appHiaully tent out here to werk ou aome new railroad, but by whom, we oannot lenrn, and now bein disappointed in ln;linj; employment, they are in rliatreei, and no doubt will become a burden to the aeveral coun ties, lenjr before Christmas trees are in nand. ir. W. Journal.. Tb boilers of the steamer Bob Henry, on Elk river, nenr Clmrles tuwii, S. G, blew up on the I7th. A FHKK AM) EASY. Vet lie Italeil Hi Own luciily Willi rW.rity. The Jfiuth of the Sulfen of Zan zibar in a bad thing for British in flneica on the ennt coast of Africn, and may causa friction with Oer iii any, which has been vary active in those regonn of lata. The Sul tan years ago hnd a misunder standing with England -about tha alaTa trade, and narrowly miased having hi-) palacw brought tumb ling about him by shells from British men-of-war nm-Lornl in his own harbor. Later ha saw tha error of his ways, and, winking at tinman traffic, took no overt art in it. His physicians and the commander-in-chief of hia queer nrmy were Euglithmon, and lis Whb fond of giving dinnora in what bin ehiof was pleased to style English fashion. He would freely lend liorses'and carriages to officers of British men-of-war, and Ilia hum blest mid-tilupinen waa alwuya anre of a good tima whon ashore at Zanzibar, The Sultan must hav died rich, for ha enjoyed an iucouia of over a millirn dollara a year, and used to lot hia idle war ships on hire as freight steamers. He also mads a good thing out of the religious fervor of hia subjects by coveying from Zanzibar to Jed dah in his own staniers tho pil grims bound for holy Mecca. The Sultan was a freo-aud-easy sort of Mussulman himself, but he didn't allow tha new-fungled Eu ropean doctnno of liberty of con science to apply to members of his own family. One of his sis ters managed to elope with a tier man employed in a merchant' oflice nt $20 a week. She became a Christian, and was left a widow allium t destitute. Over and over ftRiiin the poor Princes np plisd for help to her royal brother but ha refused either to soo her or to forgive her. Xciv Yuvk Sun. TIIE WALLA ll'J,,.1 WAII WAlI Perpetrated by the only, and not-foi gotten J. Wash-board Jted ington, has at Inst reached the Hfippner hills. Among oth.tr fn wiliar features, wo recognize the Pulled hog, which is the fuvorito breed of our fellow townsman, Judge Pulton, Cutuionth John and the howling coyote, looming up in their accustomed prominence. All who apply early to this "dirt sharp" receive the usual pumpkin rebate, "no stairs to climb." Arlington Meat Market. Beef, Pork, Fish, Sausage, Etc. Varn?y & rutnun A rliiiiiton ( )r, ) Will) tll ttiUl is. i n. l. ihi-j will fi d v r-"l ' f-p.i-MHI thul will 1 1 ut, UiiH tlifiit Iroir 1 T htir home aMl fiiin. !'. iiuhi mo l.rj' d-d -i-1 f'r tv m: lut icit t wn. invj l-no ami i an now 'tsVIi vtrnl hntirfwl dollar a im.-tli. It 14 ihwy for una to uiak i bud lip w.iia. par .hy. .,i'. -ll!. u. r.t'i-r ax. y'"it:B truld; capilaJ not nwwliil; w aian yau. No ai.WMl aHHi "'fi: ). rAdr. cnnd.i it n wx 1 an uy "tin. rtt -ia t onw f" t li;HUlll&fa. Aadr. M 'II A V I'.ntiu id, M'lillP. 1 J I4 I4 1 ..d-. of ( . in - ftx-ui- rn.,fv hv tl c-o' dr if u-n-t;. Tho who r 'n nwe't f rrri a.tH m ploiutHnt. and irk tunl enn buu U. liv R at h iiuj iio .lJ ai O' c -ad llivr n I J " 1 -!( . Co . lvrtNad. Mni- m d r fr. M I H-iw illir Nr, aL -". cum arr TV 11 Kirn a frew$S to :t yr da nan u,'fr-U r v ir tbryHvo. .iH'."t") ,,,,f' tfu toi a. Alt mr AbaoSutcIy Pi: This powder ww Tarien, A marvel of parity, j trwmlli aid whf.!-mie. More eccmMiiioiU 1 xhnn fbt ordinary In i-di. and cannot Im wtul ir I .olilio:, w?tJ thM in- l!Ud- :-.f lowtt-4. I ki .trdinirv In. lI. i.iiri C.'innftt tin mUl 1 T, wuiffht. alnra or phonr-im-.H nn'-dnni. i.u.0OM. i U$ Wall Stn't, Y. 1 INTEMFHTHiG TO LADIES. Our laily rcarlcrs enn Lnrdljr fr.il to liavo their nltention cnlleil now to the lutest ct lubiimtion of im- provenieiitu in Unit most useful of domestic implement!), tbo "wewing nincliine." As we iiudtTtitand it, n nincliine fV.r r r T i j i T v kl-milil firt. niml J ' I all tlicse ronuirpincnts: It s hira i i bs simple in its incclitiui:irn; it slionld run cjiHily; it shuuld do a wide range of work; it should bo us nearly noiseless as possible; it should 1m light, hftinlsome, duni blp, mid iib chenp ns is oonsiutent with eicftllonce throughout. These conditiona the "Light Banning Now Home" certainly inceU. It iniH iiIko severnl very iinportant nnd useful iittachmpnts and "notions" of its own, which go fur to make good its claims to popular favor. The "New Homo" ppecially rc oommondri itself to purchasers on scoouut of its superior mechanic al construction, ease of manage ment and reasonable price. Ovui' half n million hava baon sold in tho Inst throe yearn, nil of which are giving universal satisiactioii. This uunv'.led machine isliwnnn- factmvd bv the NEV HOME 8ICWIN0 MACHINE CO.. Or ange, Mass., and 28 Union Hmmre, New York. DON'T DRINK Anything lint tlin Pnront nml BhI, which ecn nlivays he fonnJ nt tha The Lexington S A. I j O O IsT ! First Class Cifars. A I!iili;nl inul I'oul T.il)lf for th Amutioimuit of (iiieKld. El li. Mkf.i.h. Wm. O. HcoTr. low Greek kini Meeks & Scott, Proii'ii'ti:rB. 8ixton miln'i from Iloppiior. l?onli ninl l'li' ii t v of Lum'xir. Gon.1 Th Bt7YT3RS' CTOTDH la laaueil Haicli Rn'.l Bept., I pncli yntir. It is an eucy 3olop:Mli.t of ueftful inl'or f mntion trr p'.l who jr- uiiti'ia tho lii;;tjr!ifi or llto Iiec.ianil of lilt. Uo can olotho you inul laniifih yen with nil tho nocr.aitiy nr.tl uiinocasaai-y opplianeoi to rnUj.wuU, tianco, aioop, cut, fluh. hunt, work, i;o to chmoh, or atay at homo, p.mi ill vitrioua aiKoii, styles and quantities, Junt Uruio oul what in roqiurotl to Ua) ill thoao thinga COMFORTflBLT. nd you on mnka a lair oatlnmteol tlio value of tfcj 11UYE3B' OUIUH, which will b aont upon raoolpt of 10 cmita to pny pnau-ro, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Mlchlnnu Aronue, UhiPajo,!!!. Till'. OULUT Tronscor.ti lentnl Ru:te at j i n ) ,1 I'.li IV AC An m 1 UK III I k l im t I A V I -l i I ' V. 1 J . - -VIA lillii ('liP-wle t 'riiiri, ncif ( 'ompb'ti if, mnA' ii,, i! tl.r .-..?-. iu-tt itnyi.-i-- . Tlio l'miiiK Cur l.ino. The Direct K ut( N.. n,.!,i. V . -t nt Tmim. t.inr. e.il iS.itea io t. wii:,-..:o .ill p ''uts Ivist. Tuvila an., I to l Tr.ittii Uli.t I'ointi' llTDinrlmut tho K.iai :i i,t . ..ilthi'..at.. Thniu'h 1'iiitmtii h ir i'w.iiii cfpii" Csrs. 11. t'r.vt.iiui.s ..:i M.fil i.t iiuv.uu.0. I l iii.sl Hviuiul 1 'asv'iivrr" . curi'ful im 1 ii l mitkxn inisSukr, hu: lio Bitro Ui t.ito tho sonr.ii-.iiN r.U'inc iiau.ko.u- And aoo t!it your lioltnt rM vin 111 ir line, St I'mii o- Miiineni to nvoi, oliiinkri'8 ni scruiua ilflnyfl ocohaioueu liy olhi-r '"li'.'. Thrimiih l'.iniL'iiiiit Sipepinc Cnra rill on rotfiilur eTPreHa triiins full U'litfth o hn Itc.tlii fi.e. Limem rutea. IJ ucR rut tiuii. fiVnrrn V'jWrr of th Vvm)i ;'. .W. i. !!';.n.';iiij;l,ll rot t :of, ( ri H. A. D. CH v 'MiT'tN'. CHA3. M. JONES' Heppner PJarber Shop ! In tl.-e Mullock Building, Main SI., Ifrpimcr. ' now turning out Skave, h.-uaioo and Hair, cut? in Ui(t h'.Jiwt ntjis of the nrt. Oregon Railway and NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO MAY hjA JUNE, 18M. r.T" Ltuviug liteiiimfhii) Wharf. Portia;. d, Bt 12 W;d l.ijiht, im follows Pay. .'Friday Muy t olumhia I'ISk day Htflt of California.. Satanta?.. Oroifuu ------- -;Vfdio;fduj'. t olumhia (Hunday . . , Stutti of California -.Tiiursouy... I niu M onday .... Vlii,rvii ----- - Kr tiny s,!tt,f f c- Uf r,,iH -j'i'aftwirty O";"" : ? " ' wniii." a ! n nun. -unj , u'1111'".' 1,1 M nia. ifmotluT (ren !TI;nr.dny. Colli tn hia . . . IHoi.day .. . KtitU- of Ctiliioriiia.Ji' ritif.y (Irt'Hoi) Tueisdiiy. . . .Tniy TO PORTLAND MYar.d J UN 12 L oatch Spear Bt t Vi'l.nrf. Men Kr:i-":iBco. at 10 A. ii. hh t'-L'ttw: Dm. Ealo. CfihiinM.1 Tli':rndhy. ,. MtaU f California. , ."do u nay Oregon Vntiny CvjIu in bin 1 m stif.y , , . . Stnttf of .'jdifora:.. Hr-.Und-iy.... Or ison .' -:d-, idi-y. Columbiw r-'uiidr' fitrt ot t'uliforriia. t tiu:xdr,y .. . Oroiron iMondu; 1 : i.-rnt, HUta (if CUitoruia. .iTuwly . . . . ()n-U'Ti jH.ituni.ij- 'oliinib.n VfcinBflay. Ofptfon jTlir.rwloy Columbia I.Vomli'.r. .. July Die ccniiauy reaorvus Hie rihl to cliai'KHliLeaol orn or h'.ai!in Iiayw. UATK3 OF PASH KOK, , 1 S( I.U DIMj MliAI.8 AND lil !'l HW, Cabin. S'.OfO; Bloorao, i'a.t'J; lUufltlTrip, mi lilnitcd, isu.oo. No freight will hf rppcivwl on mort.irp pf iiiff. exctiol frtat a..d rfu"tabliru, m:ii ll.rj r.ill isut b t:in after f li. M. OFTll 'KH. Han Kranciacn, fionornl Offiw, No. 10. Mkrkot Htrant; Tii kc.t llllicc, 1 a- (i 11 Mori firiprv strowt. Aapla. Gnmlnll Pprkii'H A Co. Portluird TinkotOffipo, First and lak StruPta. W. li. ilOl.COMIl. a. L. MAXW1-LI., Hpnaral Maimnpr. (I. P. T. A. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you doBiro to purolioso a sewing: mnchlne, uii nnrni-fnt. nt Tour ulnco fur tcrins ana rioen. ir you cannot iinu our nirm wi-ue : irect to noarctf t addrowa to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.OfHNGE,MKS. CMICAQO ILL. a untuN buusKt.n.i;- uw.tft, 3T; LOUtS.MO. '3HrRAHl0.CilJ.. Agents at Heppner, Or. NUT1UK OF LNTKYilON. av.A OiTiw at La (iranflc, ().,.- priltt.'W. Ndlioo in linr-'hy yivon tluit tli" fiiliovviiijr-iuuiicvl j'-tl'i-r hftH file. i:t.ticn ut i'it ntiun to mnlu Uunl proof in Ui)ort of bin tiiiim, and tliiil -fii: yioof will bn iii..tio lifif.nv i'ut: ouii-riy jiMi,-; ol Marrow rnnr.ty, in'ti'Ji'-f,r Ms ab!iH! l of'H v ih" clurk cif Haul count y, at Hrp;.ijiHr, 0:t"i;oi:, 01. ilny 'J?, lh?:8, vin: GWiT'ivtf Vinson, !Id. for tho H E '4 fco. Tp. 2 8. R 123 K, ,V. Mit iiNniari III? rittluwh'tC M'itiir'p't to irnvp h ifiutihit Mif n(tLdncw npot;, ai d ouliivuiti'ii . Ha;d l ind. viz: Win, A. D'.mlnm, J. R. VIi'noii. Kit Il.iyort and Jaim.'ri larnuii, nil o," I:i;i, Or-'im, iift-i't) ilK.vilV IJlNffiFIVKT. KmriHliT. r i i H n ii rt'voiuliuiiiied linn lll'wunro 7'hix' 111 1 I II liki) prr.nwa i H rt.it h.'Kl rt'voiuhuiiiied thf Htimii;: d mui wvma:ii m woi li ti.at win Ik jierfoi'mM h1! ov-r tim .vti'itry wi'hi'iu si-nrR'. tuff Hi t wn'riei-.- fntn' iht'if J(l'ip, I'ny liboml. tnv omriiii do ili" w irk: !';il.or mm; ynunt ur .lid; no Hppcial ability ri'.nri-tl. l..iilal nttl ii-' d.d: you nr ai.iittrd t'ut (hi1 out nnd re. turn ii l.i vim -i id wn rviii i-oiidyou freo, o:ni(luiiK .r t,Tpat Tc.tiitt and inipnrtaii''-; in yon, int will r'tiu't you in ltti.' nrs-, wlueli will brinu joii ii noro money ris'lit ntvay, than anytdtfUT !( in liiu world. Or-'snd onti (im. AJdrcm 1'nu- ; Co., VuiOlHlii, Maine. KO TICK i F IN TICS HON. liar.dOlHcom Kn (Jrand-. Or., April 9, 'M. Notion is liori'tiy ffiven tluil lti fnllowii.d niMn'-d iiitbr Lan iiU-tl rmtii'o ul hi1- inti'iitioii tc itmk nim! prtwif i: fiip:irt of liio rlaini, ami :liiil rtn:d proof w.ll l e nutdf -tufon tki rtv.mty indtfifid VlorrirW rornly, Or,, or in inn ahwiit't IWnrp tiici "IitU of wtiid comm. Hi Mi'p;i:iiT, Or, on May jH. viz: lUitiuH (r. NcChtri'H, Md. l-s. for it. N S NK H Stf. is l, 'v NW Kfp. Si nnd aV 1 1 r W Rtc. 'JW. Tp 2 H, U 'Ji K W. M. Hmnii'v tlic fo!ifwin;T wKnKHfH ti prove Iiih I'oniinuoi! r,rtidl'no npoii. t.u-1 fidiivutlori f, pmA Ui'd, viz: Win. H. KliMi, A. rv Itnrcli, KliMm U;ttti,iiti and Fniali W. UobertH. nil of H;MtuT, t r, NO'llOK (K tM'fiN'I'iO.S. Co'umutod itoii.tM ;id. J p- n lu .li .-i.. Or., A I li:1 ; lilmvi i ini'd 'r;- dp-: oM-".' jf 1 i (- fi- n to po;n. n'i- d nut ti al iir tn min-'ci his uM i) n tlin pa d proof wiil be . dc b.noft' lie t'oai.il fU r i i-f ' -vn. i:u. . th.. ,.t li i-o- nor Or., n M tv W. istn. via: lid. 3n :r i'.i v a::.i v.y v s:: sw. i, Tp it 8, 1 "5 P. w. M ' -t iii lhfo lowi it wilnt'r.-- o pr Tt hin o i sid.ju- up "i, ul.i.u.'U 'f, v.idNMi m: W, H ' ii nti ni'. ,1 ini'V i1mui- , John Wrt'i oat I e ii" Hpd.ii i. nl ' '-' M 1 'r J .7-. F. M o : o. If-' '-v. N-TtrK K N t' . i ltN l,'indO,fi.M.n. T.io !fi'to.. fir., Apri T N" .i i-.-'r ; 'h-r iV f ''lo-inn ,i;'iuh1 -..'ill"!- iiiin .11. si iio'.K" T ' : ' i t. n pd n'of in supoori or'm i"nm, .: At.il oroo? n-il' In iomi" Imfoit. t'i.' t.f.t, V or M .no.. .v.Ui.tj U.' a. il'ppn'r. Or. . J ,iir ..v.S, via: i 'jrtp. f.- ! 1 :n,ti i .ind t:..-1 ',. l'p t :v 'v V :t 'V. li 'I 'Hi ',.! loW lllJ Witll""'' ' hi -ont;n; tis rni.'roir tioou, nnd otiitiwiLnu of. ail 'uid. vl;. s't'.-v ,tH, LliMi f'ts iton Jn'Mri ttiv't'n I. In- v .on, nil of K:r!' Mi". Mo. row niMv Pn-pm. V M 'IHts vi.n. li.v.tmt.r. joonnr. (('(( sVtTallil tint !oi-.i.n. i i-1" t ' 1 ' r" i.lh'p. THE IMPOni'l.D Ci,i'JJli.SDALE STALLIOX "CROCKSTON!" Will make the Beanon of 18S8 at I he NEWTON RANCH nt the follow ing terms: TO INSURE, BY SEASON, 823. SINGLE LEAP, 10. In Lots of Five Mares by the Season. $109. Will take all proper care to prevent accidants, but will not bo respon- iu any way. PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION : CROOKSTON Wiw foaled April 3,1, 1834, -recorded in the Clydes dale stud book of Great Britain and Ireland. Color, Dark Bay, with black points, one white hind foot and white stripe in face. Imported, direct from Scotland (Vale of Clyde), by W. B. Cnninghame & Co. in the fall of 1SB7. He is considered by good judges to be -one of the highest class stallions ever imported to the United Slates. DESCRIPTION: Cvookstun is a Dark Bay, stands 17J hands high on splendid limbs and feet; short back aud well set. Weighed, ou the 21st of December, 1887, 1900 pounds. Pasture will bo furnibhed free for the first 10 days and afterward al tho rate of $2.00 a month, Pasture Well stocked with grass and water. Crookstou may be seen at Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, Monday and Tuesday; at Jim Furrier's stable, Lexington, Wednesday aud Thurs day and at the Newton Ranch Friday, Saturday cud Sunday of each week duriug the season of 188S. W. B. CUNINGHAME & CO., Heppnnr, Oregon. Heppner City Brewery. Having purchased the latest Brewing Apparatus and utnsi!s, I am enabled with my cold soft-water spring, my deep, cool stone cellar and tho freah, pure atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to offer D' y customers a SUPERIOR DUALITY OF BEER ! At reasonable wholesale and retail rates. Lunches of all Kinds AND the Best Brands of Clears. Parties in the country must return empty kegs, or $G apiece will bo charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. Front, First and Vine Sis., Portland Or. WHOLc8ALE DEALERO IN HARD- j IRON, WARE; mSS' STEEL AND S FARJVI.IViACHIWERY. Sole Agsnts for Orc;on, Washington find Northern Idaho for tho i BUCKEYE REAPER . AND . MOWER, i- These MachlnnH aro oo well known to need corr.mtmt. Tliousunds of Farmers hava n tliora aud apeak of thorn with praise. Thoy ar the only Ilan estlng Machine that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most K.Tcctiva and Saccessful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ovor Connlrnctcd. -t BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME . TWINE- BINDERS, f rhefnalilros that dlstinsulah thlsTwlne-lllnder IsthelJshtnewiot Tiraft, combined within Ex traoi dinary Strength and Durability. Tho Hinder Isotho Appleby pattern, the only really suwusftil one yet known. We have two styles, tha Klovalor Hinder and tho Platform Binder both escsllenk both recommended by hundred of patrons. VI I NOR, l)0D ;ON Co. -THE BEST . i. -C!k SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES -AND- ROTD OARTS Ml m m Send for Catalogue and Price List Josh Bros. Wagon Co., RACJNE. WIS. li. A. 'IIiuvcm' & Co. Atitir :;t llc pr.ci Bohuttler Farm Wegons, DeorePlowa, Deere Bulky Tlows, Cook ft Co.'a Oar. riages, Phsetona and Top Buggies, Pour Spring Mount ain Wagons, Buokboards, Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Disc Harrows, Hodgoa-Haiuo3 Ho ad era, II.t'Bh Earbod Wire. S3ID FOR CI2GULAS3. AgKNTS AT HKfl'NKK IH THE MARKET , Tho Original i?&Wo LIVER Initialed a a IIVER PI Elf- Bwii Bt KriiHi, (rE lLLLl.T A SOrtK. CMALLE9T, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKC Tlowarcof Imitations, enntnininfr Foi3onot: MtiK'rula. AIh'hj'R aflk for Ir. Pirrco'e Pclk'ts, which am kttio SLiiar-couUd PiJis, or Anti bilinus (iranni. Ut'.liis I'tirolv VcarfiJable. Dr. Pierce's Pfllt'ts upuiuto without tlieiurbnnc to the ( systum, diet, or occupation. Put up in pinna i vjiil s, UurmoticaJly scalid. Always ficeh and j rdmhli. Thfy aro r jrentlo laxutivo, or au - active purgative, uccunun to size 01 aoau. Bilious Headache, :ion 1iij1koi1oii tfilioun AtiackH, and .ill dornnpenioitt of tho Nlomaclt and bn'.t-eN, are promptly rnltoi-rMl nnil TWrtiunpntlv curM. Iy the iiflcof Ir. llorce's Plcosniit PuiTfallve Pellets. In e.xplnnntion of the rcmoditil power of thoao Pellfta over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfujly be eaid tlmt their action upon the system is uuiver fiiil, not a gland or tissue e-nping their sana tive influence. Sold by drujrtfists, for 25 cfti'8 a vi.U. Man it fact u red at tiie Chemical Lab oratory Of WOltLD'B DlSPEN'SAHT MEDICAT AsifOCiATiON, No. 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. sv rrx.'j- j v.. i.i i..- rtx.- isfiii'ii'M uyiiH iiiii'i M i tit 'i ii r ' ;i era of Rr. Kage's Cnlarrlt $ $ Keincdy, for a ciifie of t atari Ii ia (he Head which they cannot cure. SYIPTOTTS Off CATAHRSf.-Dull. Iicavv hyiuiit!ha, obHtruction of the nasal pasHoV'.'s, fli.a'jhnrj?es fitliintr from tho bead into thu throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, puiuJunt, bloody and putrid; the eyes aro wo;.k and watery; there Is rlnfrinfr in tho cans, deafness, harking- or couirhinj to clear tiie throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scant) from ulcers; the voico Is changed and litis a "nasal twantf"; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are Im paired ; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen eial debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms aro likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of tho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end In tho grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. fiv its miid, soothing, and healing properties. Dr.' Page's Catarrh lein'dy cures the wornt ca-t s or Catarrh Col& in the Head,9 Coi yw., uud CJnlarrliol llendaclic. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. "imtold Agony from Catarrh." Prnf. W. HAUSSPin, tho famous mesmerist, of Vhrii'a, y,Y.t writer: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold ntrony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case wns such a bad one, that every day, towards sun set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the inorninir my coughing and clearing of my throat would nhnost Btranglc mo, Hy the use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." "ronqJaiitly Hawking oud Spitting," Thomas J. Urpmxo, V.n SW pine Street, St. CnuU, f., writes: "I was a great sufferer from catarrh for tliree years. t times I could hardly breathe, and wa? constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight montlis could not brent ho through the nostrils. I thought nothing eou'd he done forme. Luck ily, I was advised 1 1 try Dr. Sage's Cntnrrh Reni'Mlv, and I nm n, wiiwel man. I believo It. to be tho only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one hns only to give it a fair trial to experience fiftuundiiifj results and & permanent cure." A complete Treaties on Catarrh, giving val uable hints aq to clothing, diet, nnd other matters of fmnortmce, will be moiled, pout paid to any address, on receipt of a two-ceut postage stamp. Addvefs, World's Dtiwiifary Meilipj:! Artr.xlztlon, Emlmg Liniment TVinxirAN Mt'STA.sa iammknt currs j- ilfh, nA. 'r, atmra u 3 feia (- 3 m 1? bob Ka fel M wi TnjiftpnoAv ;crtJP,i oiP;sinir El nujimr 4iMaKiKri cvvibjk avaixaK rm . s es. s pa m ki -ra i Halana, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Tbey rro!nco iPTTilar, nntnrjil cvae uatloni, never gripe or interfere w i tit ualty biift-iivcs. Ana fantily nfMlfciue. lUey Hhoiiit! be iu every kio)iebn4tl- rromott'i h luxuriant (rrowtia. Never Fails o Rrslor. Orayi !(,.--- riiir to its Tcutiitiit Kjoior. i'rc --,uurcsTi'pnc(uoai.c aRirlaiunj, V .', '.t r' P t.t-u PARKER'S ClfJCETONIC lurajuablo tor omba. (A.:da. Imvonl iLla4j x&uifJl V 'n-.i. r-.KSl Hi-'! '.' ' H . . -lij.S.Y. l..t.iH BLC.-.-M, Si ;.:;!. ca 2 rt- I ni"W,k .. -j. . P' f:--h "r. :.-,' '' n m. uuip 5 Am A 0 V STOCK BRANDS. Y, hile y"n hnp ycur ;L.erii.tion paid up yra car kerp your braiid in trvf ot chHiKf Alin. ,1 H, Acbimr-ville- lior-. uouLle II sida wit-e on left slnu!dtr; onitle. Hina- en It-ft hip Adk.i ' Ii Dorse. X n right cli-uluor; oat tin, on rijfht fide. AUkiiit-, J J Horn's, JA connected on Uft Cr.iik: en! tie. fame on h fi hip. illHrkiiiuii. Ht-nry.-l'attle, on leit tli Us: y,? Joe lienor pDMure. iJh'iiVnwu, Geo., iiHrdman - I ivo 1 ftft left fhouldi-r: cattle, w.nie on right shouldw. J-tf-nm-it. ( y liorws, H on left houldr. H'M'e. Mrw C A ii on hft elumlder: enr-awk of edit I m, crop oft &i.d m lit in left and upper halt cntp tt riKht. lirewn, J C-ITowos, rirclo C with dot in cen tor on If ft hip: cattle, feame. Hortr. W H, Li:a Horw , box brand on right hip; cattle, wiiup. with spiit in ech mr, Borg. P, (.. Horwe, P Is ou left nhoulrfer; cat t!f, t-rnit- on If ft hip. lim-P.T. F., Ii.ie Rock.-Hones 0 witii bur under tii;d over an right hhuu liter. Rr.rton. Wr llortps, J Hun riitht thigh; cuttle," same ou righ jip tplit in each -ar. Cook, A. J.. LtxnIiorwa, W)on riffhthonldcr. Chttle, hamnon r sht hip: car mark square eiop eff left ard Hnlit in right. Ciirrii.'. K - JTorw, on left slifl. OfiTrforil, J. H.- llorts JHC connected on lift oUf.S. . Cmiirghan , W B, Nowton Rnrjch Horwn, N with i'mure U cciir it tm left tdmulder; cuttle, meor l"ft flip flu J hib, left car vquars cnt. Cos A Knglinh. Ilardruan Caille, C with K certr; hornet, CK on lft Sip. Caon. J P-Itert, C on left atifle; cattl,TC comieeted on left hip, 8 dnldp ou neck. lH!bin.Bil & Sonn. liockville or Anteloj Ho rue K with hr over it ou left nhcnhitr; cat tie, i Ul. Loth hip. Dentrlatin, W M Cattle. II D en risht nido, swat-low-foi k in tnrh ear; horses, It D on left lap. Kr.t;bfh. E C Hardinnn--Cattle, 3E on risht hip: horrteK came 011 rifht ahonldtr. rlrtk, Jackfon. ilonetr, IV connected m right phuulder; cattle, wirae on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right cud crop off left. Frank, C A, Arlington Hrnei, C V n left aliuuldcr; cuttle, C F on lft hip, crop off left ir. Klrer.rc, L A Cattle, 1.K on riht hip; horsos, F with bar under on rigid ehonlder. Kll, T J Horws, F with half-circle above and bclnw on left hip. t'hrei:re, H P Horses, on right ahnuldr atlle, F on right hip or thiph. Anr.rtroi p, J. C, eti n Twitk hnr under it mi loft si.ouicir ol bbiHti cntle buuc uu If ft bin. (Jay. H.'nryfi.Ay on Jeff shoulder. Cloblo, Frui k-Korepn, 7 Fon left stifle; CA(i4. Rame on riHtil hip. Dm.sHkkr, Ii - Hnruts, t) on lef t ahoclder; nt tic, t' on left hip. Humphreys, J M Hard man Horses, n on left flank. Unyi'B, J M Horses, wineglass on left ihovldcr cattle, name on ritfM hip. Jni.Fa. J D, Iiardnma Horses, J with shada over it on left nlmulilcr. Jelmsrin, Felix JlciaeB, circle T on left cti6 cnttlo, same on riebt hip, under half crop in ritr uvd t-niit in left wsr. Kirk. J T Dorni'M 60 on loft ahonldsri att GO ..11 lerthip. Kirk, J C HorseB, 17 on either flnnk; tattl on rifiht sitie. Larsen, Honmns Horsea, R L on left kip. lewift, J li, Lena liorsea, 1 with otar it on lti't ahonldw. Liatharman, D n Horses, It on left shoulder, cattle, rsma ou left hip, crop ofl right ewr, awai low fork ii left. Mil'cr, C. K. Horses C with 11 on inalrfa oa lift ehowldcr. Morgan, S N-Hornf-8, W ) on f( fchenldr c;;t( le, bivin on left hip. McCiwnber, Jns A, Atwood Eorsee, M with bar ever on ri.'bt slioulder. Morgan, Thos Horses, circle T or left shorn 1 dr nrd left tliiph; rat tip, 'I on richl tbijfh. Mitchell. Oscar. Pwtysvillo JBorsB,T7 ou right hit-: cKtile. 77 on right side. Mason, Jos, PeUyntille Crtttlo, JM concreted, upper crop in each ear, dulap oe throat; uoims, J At pn loft ehmildnr, iteC'f row, D Q Horses, Figure 5on onah sboul drr: catlla. W2on hip. McDoutald. Ii-JIon ys, IID contiectcd on laft shoulder. Ned, Ardrow, Lone- Er-ek Hersc AN eon nested on lft uhf:uloMr; cnttic Biinift ct; boil, hips Nvmnn. W. :H. Horses W with half eUul oror it on left pbonldw. Nordjke, l.'erfcee. circle 7 on left thigl:; ar.t tl. sam: nn left hip. Oiler, Purry. Lone Hocl -P O on l..-ft shon.rW Pearson, Jtw., Fine City.lluisea ii2uu hft hip low down. I Parker A Gleaaon. Kardrntir Horses IP on ! left shoulder. Piper, J. H., Acton - Hnrecs. JE eonneeUd oa left houidtr; cattle, bnico oh left hip. titdtr bit in erich eer. I IIoocl, Andrew, Hard man Horst-s, square pros with tjunrtifr-ciieib over it on ltt stifle. I iLei.irger, Cliria-Horf.es. C it on left ab?ullAr. ! liector. 3 ioner. .TO ou !t,t slmuiiler. hiil. fl. H.H S on left hip. Son's brand m-.u lyii-g on sKie on rifht hip. 8tr!hL W. Ik. Hf rises t-hdeal J H cn Uft ; ftir!; cut!, .13 011 k-ft hip, swallow fork in right ; rnr, uciictbit ni left. j yjur, V.oA .-Hursas, H on rirht eheuWer; cttJ s'.n;:ro on right hip and H cn rijrht sliamder. Bw!:guri, 1j, Alpine Dorses, tj on riyh choniur. Sa-. Th'.norsc, SAPoa loft hip; cattlo j same ou h.ft Ixp. j IjI.uLi, Ur A J- Horr-cs, DS on on Uft lup; cat 1 tl. sttiiie on Je-ft sid. wotiJa ou hit side of j:iok, I i-ar" n.i e),si p nt j i irt. j Baiisbiiry. .1 Vv. Yir.son Cattle. S-ymwilds nnd I over, crop :tf c:tcit fhr, R on liglittide: 2-yiftr-o-da j :ipl ur:der, ivnllcw-fortc in rrbt car m.d imtiw- hpili 11: iIl, I I Willi t eiiof on r.ip, GtevenMor. Mrs A J Cuftlo. H ,n riol.t Vf:ihV-f(rl; iu lof ftljr. Sh'-'itori A Hun J ti.ref. S on its aide oror an on iff l fclieulder; CfltU.'f. sr.mrf en Jft hip. Hpexry, K (1 Cnttle, V C on letf hio. crop ofl n rlit ai d !u:d?rbit in Jnft ear, dnlapp horsoa, WtJ i.m k'ft siteuld'.T, fiwt.gf.-ft'-t. t WTIovsca, ii or left ehonkWr; Btewiir:, Coo., jlardmuu Hoiaes circi coo left Hiic.nl',or. ttattii., -14 ur. lef; Mo. Th:rapjn. J A Horace, Z on left ehoaliUr CLt'le, 'l on left shoulder. j .i. Ui-j, ST-Hones. C t left shoulder. Tibbyta, li K-Hurscs, VT cortiiuctcd uu ii sldij. Vr.s, A G-IIursH, 9a on l;ft eUouIdor; eriUl san"'0. VfItirJ. J H. Hardman-CiriteCon loftthi,;! Vo. dward, J ului iioraw, UP conneou-l on htft I'ilOl'id'T. V.'alJacw, ( !!iar!er.-Oatt;ie, W at: viirhtthigli, hula m left bfir: bor., VV on Mgtit aLecidor, nu vimaon Itfii ahoRiucr. Wrar. A A (.bttie, i-unniug AA with bar ocroa ou right hip. Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S' SPECIFIC. m iiHd.ii-l,i i'a-ri in Old iiacli. h'ti v -ilLi ?rcrul:iin, VakfDlliT2r, I.fUL;o!vhcra. Udit'thiI LubHilQu. B.-milj.!1, Wruktit-HH, la-pct.-pcy n-'d t.iitTi lo.f i,f .iwer of (;i.rntiT (lr.ran.--in wither c.lliscd ryii;ditrctior. or.(vwr? wtinn. and .-liii-t; ultimciolj-lr.d W Priiiuturi. U!d Auo, latauit. B:f; Taking, :ntl ?OT:anmplion, $1.00 a box vr.ii bi.xH for 3.11. Hert by ip.dil .):i rficf.ir.t of itric. Ftill y:irticuiuM ill pntnlil'.it noiit ftoe t'j urcry B);i'lia'.tt. We Guarantee 6 boxes tenreary ense. For e?ory $5 ordr roceived we n'lid nix hoxit I' Uawrilieu u;iraute to re- After laklng fu'ul tha ro-tney if our Rpeclfic does not affect a rttire. Address a;I commniiicationa to Lb sole iniiTiufaelurer. the MUP.ilAY MKOICINB (XJ.. Khmhbs Cirjr, M ld in Heppner by C. M. UALI.OKX sol agent SILK UIBBOXS. Thosn of our laJy renders wlio ivnulit likfl to hnve nu elegnnt, i.'ifgs pnckfije nf fstrn fine, Ae-H'li-tod Jtii)bout( by nmil), in differ ent uxlilis and nil tiie latest fash ionnbie sbaih-r-; adapted for Bon n t (Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs, Trimming f irHat.s Dresses, Boys, Fancy Work, Av., can get an aston ishing big barauin, owing to tha recent failure of a large wholfaal, Itibhim iloiiufnctiiring Co., b seiuiinu on)v 25 cents (stamps). i to tbe Riklruss we give below. As a special offer, this nous will jrive double the amount of anv other firm in America if yoa will send the nirrifs and P. O. address of t?n vt'H'hi married Indies when, ordering and mention tbis inper. No pieces less thun (i yard ii) length. Sutihf action is guaranted, or money clieirfti!!v refunded. Three packages for t0 ietils. AJ- dress, London Kibbon AoENt'Y, Jkksii Citt. N. J. AI'VISltsTilATRiX' hUTU E, X tiro it horcliy (rivw that (lie vftdttrcirned t&a h-e-i dolv r-l'.atiii a;lmiiiietn'.tri ef the antat o' -Jrthu Harrtt. d"-eried. AH perar.ni havinit civile Ktraina' raid wfite arc required to present th wns o m. Ieira tfj Tr-t!. at How:er, Ut with:ri aix niuLih rtn the date rf thi Belie. nald Ift'A 12, i 1 f.i i i .i i