THE GAZETTE. EPPNEK.TUm:yOAV. MAI 21. '8't Local and General. Count Soisip. Fot the next 30 dnys. Minor, Dodsmi & Co. will pay 00 cento in cash tor Morrow connty scrip. Bbixo Ox Yocn Scrip. C. M. Mallory at the city drug sture is paying the Ijiglu-Ht mm ket prioe iu cash tor Morrow county scrip. Hoksts iob SAI.R. I hare a band of from one to two hundred flteok horses fur sale, at 337.50 a bond. Call on me at Heppner, Or. E. L. Matlock. CiiCBUED To Death. Ou Saturday Darius Monrehouae, residing in Uma tilla oounty just across the line, oame to. to town with a four horse team for a load of chopped feed. Ho was accom panied by two yotintf men named Sail ing and Lynch. While returning home iu (lie evening, and when within 300 yards of Mr. Moorehouae's place, the three men began "skylarkiu" and scufll ing on the wagon, and Mr. Moorehouse lost his hulauoe and fell under the wheols. Before the team oould be stop ped one of tho wheels passed over him iu the regiou of the .abdomen. The wagon was loadod with a tou ami a hrdf of chop. The injured man ws carried to his homo, where he died in 80 min utes. Decoased was 4H years old, and was well and favorably known in Uma tilla and Walla Walla oouutiea, where he lias resided fur many years. He leaTps n wife and Beveral children well provid ed for. The funorul tools place to-dy at the Sailing cemetery. Walla W'aia Statesman. BnowNKD Near Gklii-o. - tiist Wed nesday moniitig about 10 o'clock Mr. E. V. Krause, remiimg at Omo, was drowned under the following cirenmstan oes: He and three others had been fish ing by means of nets, and gelling down the river near the falls, three jumped on Duora and began pulling the liat up stream by means of n rope, Mr. Krause staying in the boat which wis half full of water to keep it from hitting the rocks. They had proceeeed some dis tance, when tho bout capsized and Mr Krause was thrown into lh water. He was swept down by the swiftness of the current, and was only seen once after wards. Mr. Krauze leaves a wife and tivo children, uud has resided at Celilo for a number of years. Tinwe-Houit-tainenr. New RkttTjEIW. The appreciation in value of land ahmg willow creek has been so rapid that sumc of the railroad contractors are Cling homesteads, e'e, odou trains open for settlement, or whero titles are duhject to contest, liight cf way is probably tho most valu able rrop which will be raised for some time, henoe the railroaders ore cnreful to select quarter sections upon which large diimages mo growing. On lower Willow creek, the O. B. & N. now hold deeds fur the rife-lit of way from former claimants over land upon which the railroaders hiive filed so some one be Miles the O. It. N. may have to pur chase right-of-w ay to ninko good then deads. Rct 'km TJi'.- The celestial r.s well as the wild, western cow-boy, likes the fun t riding a cayuse at full speed down our streets, which are wide enough for a lace-conise. but our city dads have lotif. since made it an object to see that this rai t waa carried on out side of the onrporntiim. China Louie came down from Hardin.iu last Tuesday iu a very short suace of time; ruiiair Im Imrsa into town at a lively rate. Marshall Loelt nano requested his presence before, his honor, Kecorder Hulierk, where he hus tled out $10 to pay for his fun, New linuxa. A recent ciculnr from the general land offioe gives the follow ing U4w ruling in reference to making final proofs: "Heretofore final proofs in homestead, pre-emption ami commuted homesteads were taken before the judge, or, in his absence, th clerk of any dis trict court. Hereafter only final home stead proofs will be allowed to be taken before such judge or clerk, and tho n tiees of intention to make such proof must specifiy whether such is a cummn ted 1-osaestead or otherwise." Good News. Just read the insido of the sheet and then take the trouble to inspect Frank Bros, implement ad., not far off from the adventures of alleppner rancher, all of which will bo found on tin outside. Loezer & Thompson is the firm that deal3 iu tliose reliable goads. Their name shmild appear in connection with the ad., and will be looked after in our next issue. Will Thkt CetjEbkatk.-- The day fast approaches when the great American bird will airbus feathers in the breeze, laden with the odor of blossoming sage brush, but so far, the patriotic citizens of Heppner liavo made no preparations for that event. It is suggested that the people of this town have a meeting as soon as convenient, and make the neces sary arrangements to celebrate iu a be coming manner. DiHSArpnAimD. A gentleman just from the vicinity of Birch creek says that tho Dutchman who so mysteriously disappeared from McCamhridges's hotel last January has not yet turned up to claim the two horses that he left. No trace of him haB been discovered, and the case is now as inexplicable as that, of the sheep herder Lange on Lost river. H uoii Jxiver Xews-Miuei: Located Is Idaho. Our old friend Martin Anderson, writes us that he is now located at Mountain Homo, Idaho, and that he desired the sheet Bent to )um at that plaoe. Martin usually finds employment in the Heppner coun try, but this season finds him in an niither section. He will return this fall, and spend the winter with us. Killing On Slatfu Cheek. While on Slater creek, near Boise City, Idaho. J. A. Dailey shot and instantly killed Tom Bker. The killing was evidently done in self defence, as Baker had tried to cut Dailey, and failing in this was about to draw his pistol, when the latter shot him dead. Going To Willow,. Jim Dodoon was nt the print shop last Monday, and in formed us that he was on his way to Willowa where ho will go into the cattle business. Mr. iJodsou was formerly in business at Arlington, but sold out last fall. w . Back Again.-F. E. Wilirmrtb, who has been acting in the capacity of Ga zette tramp, is back sgain with tanned features, and feeling like a pugilists?) On his trip, be took in Fossil, Lone Bock, Rawdog and several other impor tant places. Fire At PiLorsz. Fire at Palonse oity, W. T., on the 18th. burned 8200, 000 worth of property, on whiob there was 870,000 insurance. The bnrut dis trict covers seven blooks. Then Up. At John Bidgeway's ranch, in Road canyon, one sorrel horse, about 10 or 12 years old, branded J K on left shoulder. U. T. Kidgewav. Cash Mallory returned from Portland last Monday. E. A. Kramer was over from his ranch last Tuesday. Chaa. Long came down from the mountains the first of the week. Capt. Homer McFarland was up from Lexingtou Tuesday. Bon Parker was in Heppner last week, and called on the sheet while here. The Kearney orew finished shearing Chus. Elder's baud last Saturday. Cass Matlock, of Pendleton, is in Denver, Colo , attending tho races. The Supreme Lodg". K of P., convenes at Cincinnati, June 13ih. Frank Rodgers is about laid out with a larno back. It is n clear that Hayman will not stand good tor the lint. W. B. Cunniughnme will find his dun pony at Jim Jones' stable. O. E. t'r.rnworth was down from the Hardman country last Friday. Our subscription list baa renched the W)i) mark and is still w huopiug 'er up, Eli. Patrick Foley is in Portland replen ishing his etock of wagon maker's sup plies. Os Mitchell was up from bis ranch last week, and while iu town cailed on the shop. The Northtrcxt out in its May number with a good send-off for Port land. JoeKefler stiil rtmains the boss epriuk ler man. Th struct are at all times ,n a splendid condition. J. S. McDonald, of Portland, ws in to'vn tbis week, looking hftor our mer chants stuck of tine cigars and callous J. L. Beyurer and family, of Eight Mite, were ia Heppner yestwJay. Mr. Beymer is "tie f the most auuocssf ul farmers iu tout section. Why should tlio breath n? moi tal be bad? Simpy because they do not go down to Dock. Vaughn's i,sid have their teeth filled. Remember there will bo rprvices at the M. E. church, south, mxt Suudny morning and evening, Hoiiry Raaiuiu officiating. Bell Griffin, Ada Minor. Elbry fj-.ra?-gart, Lcnnie Warmoth Bud Gertrude Bishop eaoh remembered uj witii a nice bquet last week. We now receivo "Tho- Tnnneniean" a weekly pappr, published at Newburg, Tun. Good paper, and nofoiionsly dem ocratic, which it has a right to bo. Jackaon Fleck was over from Saud Hollow yesterday, and ciates that his crop prospect is good, and that ouoinoie shower will briDg it out alright. Why should the toe-nail of mortal be oold? Shakespeare. Dug up by "Red." iu the "Wall Wall," and traslated mio plain every day United States. Mr. A. Taylor, father of Mrs. Fuller, returned last Saturday after an absenoe ef several mouths in California ard the Wililumetto valley. L. Farmer, of Eight Mile, who had the misfortune to break both bonea of the left, arm near tho wrist, last fall, had it broken over again abont two weeks ago while bieaking oolta. Sigmend Baer arrived at, Heppner last week, and is now with the old firm of Heppner fc Blackmail. We congratu late tli at house ou the addition to their force of such a pleasant gentlemau. The Columbia Chronicle claims that Dayton, W. T , has more g'iod water power than any other town in the ter., except Spokane Falls, and cannot un derstood why feme of it U not utilized. Never skip the advertisements when reading a newspaper. They show just what live busiueRS men are about,-and every one whe has trading to do will find that it pays to trade with those who advertiss. By honk r crook or ntViorwise. we raked up the first issue of the Gazette, and r.s the old files are not in the shop, wo appreciate it. We take notice of the fact that it was then as it is now, a sort of an agricultural sheet. Heppner has prettier girls, handsomer voung men and finer lot of old bachelors than any town of its size in Or. a state ment we are able to prove. There in not n town in the State that dares knock this from Heppuer's shoulder. IVtor .1. Donnelly, who is better known as "Peter the Poet," has retired from journalism nt Long Creek. Peter makes ft he'.ler three-card monte sharp than anything else he ever tried. Mr. Hallock and her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Dntton, left last Friday for the Willamette Taller. Mrs. FTallnok will spend the summer there, but Mrs. Dnt ton will start for Vermont in a short tiirn, where sho will spend a few months visiting relatives. Mr. Ha-ry L. Kevte and Henry Work man, of Lexington, called on ns last Fridav. Mr. Kevte worked in this office under "Red's" administration, and on the above mentioned occasion threw in a handful of doad matter, just to see how it would go. Joe Williams. Thes. Morgan, Geo. Win. Wright, C. L. Andrews, Thos. TInwnrd and Geo. Harrangton went out to look nfter the political sitnaticn of Morrow oountv last Tuesday. The can vnss betran on tbnt dav at 11 o'clock, at Matternon sohool house The last three gentleman went out to Hardman. Following are the names of the re nently elected officers of the Grand Lodsie of Knights of Pythias of Wnsh ington Ter., in session last week at Col fax: Oliver Hall, Colfax, G. C: John Forbes. Tneoma G. V. Ct H. S. Young, Walla Walla. G. P.: D. J. Coleman. Wnlla Walla, G. M. of E.: J. C Halla- bangh, Lewiston, G. M. nt A.; J. F, Beardlev, Taooma. G. I. G.; M. D, Smith, Spokane Falls, G. O. G. The grand jury brought in indiot- ments of murder in the first degree against Mary Pyle, John Hum, her Hon and James Hefiler, her former book keeper and night watch. This oase is now on trial at Walla Walla, and great interest ia manifested in the matter, large crowds attending conrt eaoh day. Later. The jury after 15 hours delib eration found defendents, Mrs. Pyle and Hum, guilty as charged in indictments. Thb Verdict. Children's oarriaces are en indispensable article in a family, and that being the verdict n the Ameri can people, oall at Kirk & Yonngprrea's and get one at cost for cash. Coma early and get the choice. Republican Talk. Hon. E. L. Ap plognte spoke to a considerable sprinkle of our citizens at the court house, last Saturday evening. Mr. Applegate ia a pioneer from woy bnok, and believee in looking np the tariff iaaues in the same manner. Give rr Awat. The kids in town have a lndge and they are going to put the n. a. brand on Ben. Rutherford. ex- Fast Potential pizeerinctnm of the Shin ing Red Light, for giving away the pass word and grip wh?u he was rolling the Atlas. Ihe Uutario Attn. Look Oct Fob Breaker I have 1,400 acres of timber Innds, known ru the Dntch Billy and Caplinger places, and all persons are hereby warned against cutting timber off of said lands as I will prosecute them to the full ex tent of the la-v. F.. R. S'-vTsTiirmrB. Sold Oct.-Don't forget that there i now a first olnsa bakery in town, where yeu can get fresh bread, pies, cakes and all that is usually kept in a first class bakery. Having bought out my partner and by mutual Consent dissolved part nership with him, I will hereafter oon duct the busiuess alone. All debts due the former partnership will be oollocted by me and I will pay all the debts dne by the firm as I have came to stay, and I hope the people of the town wiil give me their patronage. Cmii3 Kraoss. Wor.KS Well. Farmers in olden times, had very few oouveuienoiea to assist them iu the routine of farm duties, but in this day numerous inven tions have made farming n pleasure. We would call attention, particularly, to tho hay und grain stacker, of A. N. Wal lace, who is manufacturing this labor saving contrivance. It will also remove nets from header beads. Call on him at Heppner. Von will find him at the Pio' Di'er hotel. Bio Rusn. Put your money where it will do you the most good by buyiug your goods of Hager. Just openieg up a fine line of ladies, misses and obil drens shoes at prices thnt will astonish yon, also a splendid line of boots nod bhoes for men aad boys. Buttuns reset on all shoes purchased from me free of charge, with a new process button mathino. Artistic Work. Painting a house properly is a job that takes a good baud with the brush, and Wash Williams is the man that oim do that work for yon in the highest lino of artistic art. Paper hanging and inside work, a apooialty. .Satisfation guaranteed, or o charges made. Stiiated. A 3 year-old bay mare, star iu face, n hite hind feet, branded half ciroio N onleft shoulder. Ranged last year with Cy Beuuott's horses. A liber al reward will be paid for her return to Jim Junes' stable, Heppuer, or at my ranch. W. R. Newman. Confcumiitiou Snrely Currd. To ma Editor Pie ise inform yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases liavo been permanently eured. I shall be glad to send two buttles of my reme dy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office adress. Respect fully, T. A. Sleeum' M. C, 181 Pearl St., New York. Syrnp Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Franaiaoo, Ciil , is nature's own true laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of C. M. Mallory, druggist, Hep pner, at 50 cents or $1 a bottlo. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to clonae the system, to act ou the liver, kidneya and bowels gently yet thoroughly, to dispel head aches, colds and fevers, to cure couata patiou, indigestiou and kindred ills. Fine Cabpets. Mrs. John Willing- hame is prepared to weave carpets at all times, having a splendid old-fashioned loom, such as we used to seo iu our boy hood days, and the knows how to use it. Those wanting a good rag carpet will do well to call on her at tneir residence below Johnny Elder's place. That Highway of Nations, The broad Atlautio, is ever a stormy thoroughfare. Yet blow the winds ever so fiercely, and ride the wavcB ever bo loltily, seamen must man the good ships, tourists will brave the passage, and com mercial travelers aud buyers must visit the centers of foreign trade and manufac ture. That atrocious malady, sea-sickness, together with colicky paius and much inward uneasiness is often endured when Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters would have fortified the voyager agaiust them. Sea captains, and ia fact all old salts and veteran travelers are acquainted with the protective value f thia estima ble preventative and remedy, and are rarely unprovided with it. Emigrants to the fur west should use it ns n safe guard against malaria. Seek the aid of tho Bitters for dyspepsia, osnstipation, liver complaint, kidnoy troubles and all ailments that impair the harmonious and vigorous action of the vital powers. Noiica to TiaCQKrta.- -Notice is here by given tbat tba Morraw county board of exaruiuera, begi'ining at noon on May 30, 1S8. at the court bouse in Heppner, will hold a public examination of all pnrtiea desiring to obtain taaober'a cer tificates for Marrow aounty. J. H. Staxlbt, School Supt. Ton SatjE. 320 acres of deeded land and n timber culture, situated between Frank Gilliam'! and Silas Wright's in Spring Hollovr, Rhea Creek, Morrow oonnty, Oregon. Good water on eaoh quarter section, and the beat spring in the country at the house. Call on me at my place or address mo at Heppner. W. C. HBIMIhUB. Notice. I have about 200 small ac counts on my bftoks vbich must be set tled at once or they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Im mediate attention to these will aave costs. Respectfully, C. M. Malloet. Nw Laundrt. Absrat tht first of May we will open a new laundry in the building next below Jim Jones' livery stable, on the east side of Main street, Heppner A full stock of Japanese silk goeds and lacquered are will also be kept on hand. Kiau & Wo Kbb. Fob Sale. 5500 head of stook shaep. Said sheep last yonr sheared 7 pounds of wool perhead; are free from scab and in excellent condition. Will be ready for delivery immediately after shearing, about May 15. For further particulars call on or address W. S. Thomisok. Fossil, Gilliam Comity, Or. CITY BAKERY, Will supply you with fresh bread and buns every morning, ALSO With A Good Variety of Cakes. Wedding Cakes A Specialty. Boston Bak(d Drum aval Brou n Bread Every Sunday Morning io Order. Fine Lunch Room. Opposite Minor Dodson & Co s. Oiiisl Kram?. THRIFT AND TRADE. Heppuer's EnterprinJiis Citlsi Who Ley their Wares Btfore the World. Drop in and tee Hager'i new summer hats. Cbeapl Cheap! When you go to Arliegton stop with Billy Theodore, at the San ford house. Just arrived at C. M. Mallory's City drug store, a fine line of staple and fancy stationery. Call and examine. If you want to get rich sow alfalfa. Yon can get it aad every other kind of seed at Minor, Dodaon & Co'a. Leeaer A Thompson will in a few days receive a large addition to their stock of hardware, nails, etc. Hunsaker &. Co.. can Ct yon ont with a substantial wagon or a fine hack. They sell thera cheap, and it Will pay you to call on them before purchasing lie where. They handle Fish Bros.' wagons, and they are reliable goods. Choice candies, nuts, eta., in immense quantities at Ed. R. Bishop's, fine wines for medicinal aad aaoramental purposes can be had at the same place. Dr. John Rasmus, professional tooth puller and mouth fixer. All kinds of dentistry done neatly. A second ear-load of barb wire will reaoh M., D. A Co. thia week. The Farmers' and Merohanta' insurance eompany, of Albany, Oregon, will give you a square deal. See ad. in another column. Cash paid fnr county scrip at Minor, Dodsoa k Co'a. Do you want the finest brand of flour? Sperry oan furnish it. "Yon are looking well, my friend." O! yes, I drink soda water frori that im mense fonntaiu down at Ed. Bishop's drugstore." Fine crockery, neatjlampe, chaap tin ware, ard everything pertaining to a well-regulated hardware and tin shop will be found at Hunsaker & Co'a. People do not ask any longer what is thia Oregon Blood Purifier, for they know it by its reputation as being the best liver regulator aud blood oleanaer in existenoe. Do you want mill feed in any quanity? Sperry can acoorarnodate you. Oive him a enll. Hunt him np. You oan find hair curlers, agricultural hardware, calf blabbs and clothes pinB at Loczer & Thnmpaon'a. Remember the place to get a good ci gar ia of C. M. Mallory at the City drug store. Mat Lichtenthal ia constantly recoiving summer goods. Go to him for ladies and children shoos. When man gets so that he ean't apeak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chillblains or the toothache. Dr. Vaugban, the dentist, is a sure cure for the latter. When your teeth get so that yon ean't eat anything harder than mush dig up Dr. Vaugban and have him make you a new set. Everv one who hna a house should have it insured, and nothing is ahead of the Farmers' and MerohaDte' Iisarance company ef Albany, Oregon, for that protection. Minor, Dodson & Co. are getting in aa immense stock of goods which they are selling at prices ao low that it would as tonish von. Teamsters, Farmers, sheepmen, and horsemen, when you want work done, remember Bilhe Ruark, the crack horse aboea and job-worker. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a aoieDtifio manner. It is a fact acknowledged by all "art organists." both of Euvope and Amerioa that the "Estey" ia the sweetest voioed, most human toned, least reedy in tone, and quickest in response to toueh of any organ manufactured in the world. All kinds of ready-made goods and fine oustom work at Mat Liohten trial's boot and euee store, at reasonable rates, and repairing a specialty. tt Advances upon Wnel. Avers & Fell will make advitnoes upon wool for delivery and sale at Arlington. LIBEKIY MEAT MARKET, Hj. J. McATEB, Proprietor. RVAf( BEEP, HOTTON AND POllK CO F nUiniiy on kjad 5t reasonHttln prions; also bkLMfra and pork sausaks, ssad chssss, etc. blbd Fxa.t, Main street, Uteinier. ITS CALL ON Jons Davidson, AT TUB BELV ED ER E SALOON Opposite Livery Htable. Heppner, : : : Oregon. At this favorite resort will always be found the best brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIQAHS. A. FIRBT-CLArtS BILLIARD tABLK for tUo amuiment or g otstt. Koshland Bros,. Wool Commission Afsreianfs. Estsblished 1863 Si N Front St., 410 Saoramento St. , Portland. Baa Francisco. Cash Advanced or WOOL. Geo. Wm, Wright, Agent, Heppner. FRED J. HALLOCK, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTS The Home Mutual, Old California, Royal Norwich-Union & Lanca shire, State, of Salem, German American, North British & Mer cantile and London & Lancashire, REPRESENTING $75,000,000 CAPI TAL. ALSO Washington Life In surance Company, of New York. Office, next door to Gazette offioe. FAULTLESS! Nature U faultless sad to ! that noble ditceverjr, eontinalax oaiy Na ture's own rsmpdisa, "The" 3 It IS S benefit ta the human rarm it h l." , i , YOUTH, HEALTH, V1COK by the use of PFUNDER'e Orfoon Blood Purifier. Ouick end Complete Cure of sll Diseases at the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and puts Iresh energy into the system by making New, Kieh Ulood. Take it in time, rirlit now. as it cannot be beat as a preventative of disease. Sold snd used everywhere. i a bottle, 6 lor j MON E Y ! TO LOAN On Improved Farms In Morrow and Umatilla Coun ties nt Lowest Rates NO DELAY In Furnishing Funds. Apply to: F. O. Bucknum, Hoppner, OR E. W. FARROW, PENDLETON, CB. CALLAHAN'S NEWRESTAURANT Is prepared to give meals at all hours, DAY OR NIGHT! :o : You will find my plaas next door to B. A. Hunsaker k Co., in the Old Bank Building MAIN STREET HEPPNER. Settlers, Attention ! Yon will save time, money and trouble by consulting W. MORROW Flats of vaoant lands obtained. Filings and entry papers prepared. Correo tions of erroneous entries seourcd. Cen ters initiated, conduoted and defend ed. Deeds and mortgages drawn. MONEY LOANED On entered lands. Consultation, by mail or iu parson, strictly confidential. Unusual Facilities For prompt and successful prosesntion of all kinds of laad business. J. W. Morrow. Office on May street, Heppner, Or. AYERS & FELL, Wool Commission MJilRCIrl AT S, Hepresontiag T. W. HALL & Co., Chicsgo. FENNO BROS & CHILD, Boston. - AT Arlington, Castle Rock and Echo. BHKKn'rTB BALK. In the Circnit Court of tho (State of Orogon, for Morrow county. Jiuniw W. Hinith, plaintiff, ts. Msry E. Casein, widow i.'f Jurat P. ('uson, deftsHl. Charles Cs son, Walter Canon, John Casoo, Haruh H. Thom as formerly Harsh M. Cason. Frank Cnson anil Ada Hay ( ason, ohiMren and heirs ut law of said JaiMuu H. Ciumn. defendants. lly virtne of an execution ieened out of the ahoro noun in ice aooTe onuwi ou in mi uoj iriu imw in favor of the above ulsintirf. cum. rsandiiis me to soil tho lands hereinafter defibrih- mi. Ui satiitfy the sums hereinimer meniionen, i AiA in nhniiinflu u, snitl execution on the Stb day'of Msy, 18HS, levy upon the following describ ed lands: The south half of the north-west quarter and the north-west quarter of the north-wnet quarter of section 7. in townehiii 1 south, of rRDue 21 east ...1 ,1,1, nnrLh-essL auartor of the Borlliaetiiuar. ter of section 12 in townehie 1 south, of range 21 east: all of said hereinbefore described lends be ing situate iu Morrow eoanty, Oregon. And 1 W1' Boiiilay, the JIth dT of June, 18, Atthe hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court bouse door in Jieppner. Oregon, soil said lends at public aostion to the highest bidder for rash, toeatisty the sum of tl3.Ml and inter. est thereon at 10 pur cent, per cent, per annual rinre Msrch 20. 1HHS, and $.5 attorney's fees and t'K 20 costs and disbursements of said suit, and the nceruing costs and dishnrseaieuls herein. V.. ii T K. HOWARD. Hherifl of Morrow connty, Or. Heppnsr, Oregon, May 7, ISbS. NOTICE OF INTENTION I H OSVaatThe Dulles Or.. Marl. 'IS. HatiM, is herebv airoD that the following -named settlor ha filed notice of bis intention to make a.l nr..r in soDoort of hie claim, sod that said miof will be maae oeroreme county juuge oi Uorrowcountr.Ogn.nt lieopnsr, Or., an June 2, IMS, til: Hd 191. for the 8 BK i Bee. 34. Tp I H, R 21 u .rA N 'l NK ! hrc. l. I p t n, ii zt a, vv . n. I! mimes the following witnesses to nrove his continuous resilience upon, and ealtirav A II.' Honker. A. W. Hnlinr. Wm. Ingram and J. H. Ingrahain, all of Kmhl Mile, Or. K. A. MoIJomi.D. Register. NOTICE OK INTENTION. r.,.,i (VT,.. .1 The Dnlles. Or.. Mer i. '88. M,.,u i hnrehv irivsn tlmt the followuig siuikI settler lias filed notice cf hie inUsition to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of Horrow oonnty, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 10, lBWt, tix: Silventer'S. A'irk, n R si w. for the H E U See. 24, Tp 2 H, R 2S K, w if tie names the following witnesses to pros. kl.i,niieiiniu residence upon, and cultivation "'j.nvdKw.',io!phl)ln. ft, W. U.rrin,. tm. eo. Noble, all "f Heppner, Or. . 2fX; K. A, McKnssM). Regular, mtmliM n de R-slggsil H'll,.l'ii7.ii;Tj'.fTifiyai Graded and Baled HENRY HEPPNER, Arlington, PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead ! The. Old-Established House of HEPPNER& BLACKM AN!' -DEALERS IN General Merchandise,. CONTINUES TO- -AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES l Our Stock will be found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place W- TT TT-Tir, And in the future, as in the past, to be Leading Houso in the Our facilities for doing business are tablishmsnt in - :o4o We guarantee to all our Customers Dealing. An inspection of our each and all as to the full and complete stock we at all times carry. Owing to the steady increase in our aud Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, wLich gives us better facilities than ever before enjoyed, Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity -FOR Celobrated Knapp, Burrell &. Co.'s HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OB TRADE. HENRY HEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of II. Si B., Arlington. Look, Look, Look! AND DON'T FORGET, THAT M. MALLORY c. AT THE CITIfM HEPPNER, Keops the Largest and Boat Selected Stock of Good a in Ilia Line ia Morrow uoutny. UompriBiuf? Pare Drugs and ChemicalH, Patent Medicines, and Toi- lut GoimU of Every Description, Putty, Etc., Etc. lie makes a specialty of I'nro Purposes. Best Brands Domestic Candy, Xuts, Chewing uum, JMo. trices reasonable, terms, uasn. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and pecial attention paid to orders from the j. i Of Heppiior aud A Special nvitation THE STOCK OF SPUING LADIES' 1 1 ATS AND FANCY GOODS! All of the Latest Styles and Paterns, at I I f MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES' Ladies' Furnishing Goods Store, I am Closing Out my Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Shoes AT COST. HENRY BLACK MAS,' Heppner. THE - TT-RO'TSr'T HANK we shall endeavor to continue the Heppner Country i unexcelled by any mercantile it- the Northwest! !- Courteous Treatment and Fair establishment will oonvinoe business we have built a Large THE- 33 ai n -AND "W" agon, Agricultural Implements,- tod, 1W, Real! IllJGSTOIlE. OREGON. Alao Paints, Oils, Yamialies, Glass, Wines and Jjiquora for MtMlltinal and Imported Cigars. country. to the Lai Vicinity to Examine