Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 24, 1888, Image 2

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For f!onRrfl,
For Supreme J adttc,
W. P. f.OHD.
Fur Presidential Li.?c'oin,
ItOiil liT MrT.EAN,
('. W. Fnltuu.
For Proaecutintr Attorney,
XV. li. KJ.I.IN.
T. E. Fell. renwDtntin; T. !(. Howard, alinr
ilT: C. U Amirewa, clerk; J. II. Fly u; H '1. Aim
(ttronir. commiM.iiriic-r: A. M. (jiii-u, trenHuri"-;
H. H. GliiHf.rd, assescMr: .Jeaau Martin, ai;rve)
or; J, H. Ulunloy, buliooi Supt. mid Dr. Acorn,
"deixockatic state ticket.
For Confrrese,
For Supreme J hush.
For Prpaidontiol Kltctorf,
For Propornl inK Attorney,
J. I,. Story.
I.e HowhII, reprHiwi'tntive- Tom Morgan ahpr
ifl: Joo XVilli.'iii:!-, cliuk; J. A. Titompnof and T.
J. Hr.iwit, ooiiiiniwioi'.era; (joo. NohJo, treasurer;
J.J. MKiol-, r,j(..,or; C. H. (nine, acbool anpor
inti.ilerit; Juhub Keitiilny, aurvejor; A.J. Shobo
curonor, .
Tun Yorlt'own and Vesuvius, two
new vessels for the United Kta'es navy
write launched at Philadelphia, on April
2-th. The Nenrotnryof tho Navy with
a large number of tjur-Hti were present,
having beon brought frilm Washington
by a special train. The Yorktown, the
larger of the two vessels, is linarmored,
2.11 feel lonff, 30 fort wide, and with a
mean draught of 14 feet. She measures
1,700 tons. The Vesuvius is built of
steel, 21G feet ling, 2S' fiet wido and
with S,1 feet mean draught. She is 11!.
feet longer than the Yorktown ami only
a little ox'er two-thirds her width, and
measures 7C0 tons. They urn both pro
polled by twin screws. The hitter vessel
is to be armed with the Zolinaki torpedo
gun, wbiou is described as follows;
Tho accuracy and efficiency of the
weapon oan be judged of from the
record. lint while that trial, successful
ns it proved, was cieoiited with an eight
inch guu, the new vessel is to carry
three guns of sixteen inch cali er.
Vastly greater deatruntive ponero will
be developed by them. They will throw
projectiles each containing nix hundred
pounds of explosive gelatine a distanco
ef ox'er a mile. The guns me Is bo oap
ublo of maintnining u rate of dkiohurge
of two projectiles per unintitn.
The threit lubes are to be placad for
xvard in the ship, thoir e;ids projuoliug
above the duck xvell forward while their
breeches are down in the hold. They
are to be set at a fixed nngle of 10 degrees.
Tho inngo is to be adjusted by varying
the amount of air admitted. The eight
inch projuotile has reached n dentruo
tive range of one milo with about tho
name elevation. The rango will undoubt
edly be much groater with tho larger
projectile. All the details of the load
ing and discharging mechanism are to
lie as perfect, and automatic as possible.
Within tho hold are stowed a quantity of
heavy tuboa to contain the coinpresHod
In firiiv? practice, the distance of
tint mark roust be estimated and the dis
charge valve set accordingly. The ves
sel is then turned until the gun points
to the m irk, when the projectile is dis
charged. Hhotild the vessel bo rolling,
the dischnrgo must take place whn she
is on nn even keel, the artillerist wait
ing his time. The pitching will tend to
Iter the range, hut owing to tho high
trajectory tho effnet will bo far loss than
in ordinary gun practice. An inclina
tion of over 4 dagrees, duo to pitching,
is not looked for in ordinary sea.
The Yorktown having no prejooling
keel on her bottom, bilge keels are pro
vided, one on each side. These are de
signed to counteract any undiio tenden
cy to rolling. Unr bow, which is
strengthf urd iu'ernally, projects forward
below the water line, so us to form an
ellicient ram. The stem is ndoniod
with quite nn elaborate carving in place
of n figurehead, and near the top, direct
ly iu tho line of the stern, an ominous
opening appears, from whence it is pro
posed tu eject torpedoes The stern over
hangs the rudder to such nn extent us to
appear quite ungrgooful when out of
witter. The Secretary of the Navy litis
taken a great interest in the construc
tion of these formidable war ships, which
would destroy a whole Hoot of ordinary
gui boats.
Huri'Nitn is literally unprotected
ngiiinnt lire, ami it would seem tho right
thing to take naming at tho fata of
(loldendale and l'alonse city and make
preparations for some protection, A
reservoir on either the Nelse Jones'
place or tho lliilhvlt property would
gix'e enough pressure to put out I'n es, by
tnking water directly from the mains.
Tho water could be raised to the reser
voir by a III) horse power engine, placed
at n xvell down by the oreek. This
would not only furnish water for fire
purposes, but would assist to beautify
town property, by affording water for
front yards, during tho dry season
If the corporation is not wealthy enough
to do t his, there are a number of eiti
zens xvho hare capital, that oould put
in wutvr works, and it would he a pay
ing invest.. unit, us such an enterprise
would be liberally patronized by both
the city and individuals.
It is claimed that the spirtu slist fraud
now on trial in Now York, Miss Diss
I'o Bar, was at one time a resident of
Hslina, Kansas. It is an exceedingly
chilly day when Kansas fail to appear
conspicuously before tho public gener
ally, however, the Suntlower iipars
more oreditublv than in this instance.
The woolen manufacturers decline to
piirohnsa wool except for immediate
needs, prices have declined three cents
and they expect a considerable further
decliue when tho Mills tariff bill goes
inU operation, if Congress is successful
in passing H with the tariT knocked ofl
from rool.
The political fever in this eeotionisj
uotr nt the top notch, nnd earnest dtn
oornts nnd republicans tire taking each
other's opinion on the preset. political
issu"a. Bji after all it is only a nait?h
b:rly, friendly talk, which will he decid
ed nt the coming presidential election.
The coming campaign has been proph
esied to be one of intense excitement.
There is no good retaon for nnj thing of
tho kind, end we hope to Bee the next
president elected as quietly as that
great event demands.
Born. To the wife of Andrew Keaney,
May lit, a boy.
The dioulh end crop prospects are
making many Jong faces down tins way.
Dr. Lewis broke his arm over again
lest, week, and is new confined to his
room again.
We learn that the P.hea P.ros. and
Jirrmy f'ecil left Castle P.ock Sntuiday
ritu tneir cattle fur the llig hvuii com:
W. E Bawker has rented the Lex
ington feed Mable and took posession
Monday morning.
Tom A vers was in town Tuesday on
right-of-way business.
Johnnie Ayers stopped in town Tues-
daj while en route to Arlington.
Dr. Fell informs us hat the members
of J. C. Thompson's family who have
been very low xith lung fever, nro now
Dunbar left this morning fo accompany
O. W. Wright on his stumping tour.
They will dvocatu the independent
cause ond perforate Mr. Wright's deruo-orat-'c
Tlae Mnir boys have moved in town
this week, preparatory to working n
the railroad. They have a one mile con
tract, instead of three, as istated in last
week's Gazettu. We midoruf and they
receive nine cents n yard for dirt and
eighty cents fur rock.
Tlios. Renney has moved his band of
2'I(J horses down on the Mart liichard
son range near the sand, having bought
a half interest in Mart's range and water
Jo. -Jo.
Weather very dry, and the wind blow
ing alm"t constantly. Some of the
farmers are gutting very much discour
aged. Pasture on the range is short, and as
nearly nil of the springs are fenced in,
the cattle have to go quite a dibtunce
sometimes to get water.
Mr. M. J. Swift has moved to the
mountains. He expects to curry on the
shingle making business.
Shoep shearers aro still busy. Quite
n number of bands have buou removed
to the mountains.
Hubert Halley is located at Lone
Rock. He is iu the tin-ware business,
and his wife has u fancy store.
Wm. Halley attended the prohibition
convention lit Hoppnor. He spoke of the
ladies of lleppner being interested in
this cause. This speaks very highly of
those ladies.
The Sabbath sohool at Eight Mile
Center held their annual meeting, first
Sabbath in May, mid clouted tho follow
ing officers: Mrs. Ashbaugh, supt.; Mrs.
Isaac Knighlen, asst., supt. ; Miss Cora
Stanton, sect.; F. Knighton, troasurer;
M. Ashbaugh, librarian.
The mumps have gone through Esq.,
Jones' family, the Esq. himself being
tho last one to take them. He is conval
escent. ,
A good preacher at Eight Milo Center
would be welcome, one that would come
according to promise. We have been so
frequently disappointed by promises
being made and not fullfillod that we
are getting discouraged. Antoixhtte.
Since tho departure of "Josiah's sister-in-law,"
titers has not been very many
letters fiom our midst, to your worthy
paper, so 1 will for the first time in three
years take up the pen in behalf of Eight
The grain generally, speaking, looks
well and a few of tho gardeus aro begin
inf to look better since the few warm
day's' but we ure sadly in need of a gooa
.Sunday thern was morning nnd even
ing service at ''Eight Milo Center," the
Kev. lteasoner preached and a very good
rensoiier he proved too. He will have
regular appointments hereafter and will
preach once a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Coney will start for the
Big P.en.l country the latter part of this
week. Wo are sorry indeed to lose
snob interesting neighbors.
O. L. Sweeney 1ms gone to Arlington
by xvay of Trail fork xvhere his sheep are
being sheared.
The interesting J. A. McMorris paid
Eight Mile n Hying visit recently. He
iH getting over a great deal of the conn
try in his own behalf, 1 believe, ns he is
one of the candidates (or school
supt. of Gilliam county. Should ho be
elected, they will have a very efficient
man nnd one that xvill xvork up school
EJniu M. Ilawley, teacher of tho
Me Bee school, will give n picnic soon,
and the people are generally invited to
come nnd bring their baskets well filled
xvith good things. Jvhy.
Ad.'iiti.m! Hheap M e u .
I xvill pasture bucks at my ranch on
the head of Middle fork of liiiek creek;
xvill gather from the i an gee at shearing
titoo mul .lilt th..m .1 ,,K. I.I I i I
make general delivery between the mid-!
die and hod of letol.er im.l f.,- .,! I
bucks not accounted for. Terms, 81. h)
per head tor the season. Addicts,
Ja:i s Hams,
I.M' tSMitl.
A dwelling in lie; pner; contains five
large room -; is ceiled and p.;percd; has
nt'.u onott oiiiioatiou, n small oreiiaru t
that will near some rruit this year and
good stable. Corner pr iperty compris
ing two lots. A good bargain mav be
hud by applying to J. W. Moriiow.
I hnx-e opened a well-appointed tailor
ing eathht.inieiit in my new bond
ing on .May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cue
torn mr. I pan.'H from 7 to Ji5 beat
goods iu the market.
A. AnnnnAMiU'K.
flannliiuH unit lleitllh.
Are important problem, the former
depending greatly on the latter. Every
one is familiar with the henlthv propeV
ties f fruit, and no one can aft'ord to bo
sick and miserable while the pleasnut
California oonceutrated liquid fruit rem
edy, Syrup of Figs, may be had of the
enterprising druggiat,' V. hi. Mallory,
SrHAYKi).-From the range, one fon
year old mare, dark bay, branded cross
inside cirole on left shoulder. A liberal
reward will be given for her return to
mo at IJei'Oni r. .PC. IUt.t.
This column is devoted to the inter
ests of the rep ililioan p irty, and we are
not responsi tie for anything that may
appear in L.
Gen. Jackson on the constitutionality
and inditpensibility of the protection et
Amercau industry, frjm his second annu
al mestage lf . Second American
Statesman, page
Tho power to impose duties npon im
ports originally belonged to the several
states. The right to adjust these duties,
with a view to the encourageraor.t of
domestic industry, is so ooropletely iden
tical with that power, that it is difficult
to soppose the existence of the one with
out th" other. The slates have dele
gated their w hole authority over imports
to the general government, without lim
itation or restriction, saving the x-ery in
considerable reservation relation to the
inspection laws. This authority hnx-ing
thus entirely passed from the states, the
right to exercise it for tho purpose of
protection does not exist in these: Riid
consequently, if it bo not posessed by
tho general government, it must be ex
tinct. Our political system would thns
present the anomaly of a people stripped
of the right to foster their on industry,
and to connteraot the most selfish and
distrnctive policy which might he adopt
ed by foreign nations. This surely can
not be the case; this indispensibie pow
er, thus surrendered by the states must
lie within the scope of one authority en
the subject, expressly delegated to Con
gress. In this conclusion I am confirm
ed, as will by the opinions of Presidents
Washington. Jefferson, Madisou and
Monroe, who have repeatedly recoin
menJod this right under the constitu
tion, ns by the uniform practice of Con
gress, the continued acquiescence of the
states, and the goneral understanding of
the people.
Wn.L Nor Sfkak. Theroa Fell was
up from Arlington Monday, and was
generally interviewed by wool men and
politicians. To tho former, he eays;
"Prospects for any advance over present
low prices are not brilliant. The tariff
agitation causes buyers to confine their
operations within the limit ef possible
tree trade basis, pending definite settle
ment of that which will govern values
in the future." There is such a close nn
nlogy between wool and politics, that he
discussed them interchangably. In re
ply to an inquiry if he was going to
make a political canvass he said: "No,
I believe I can be of more service to the
people of Morrow county at present, by
looking utter our interests in railroad
matters, and attending to business upon
the wool platform at Arlington, than 1
can by stumping around over tho coun
ty, haran uing the people concerning
that whioh they understand quite as
well, if not betlor than I do."
W. It. Ellis, candidate for district
attorney, has served in that oapaeity two
terms, ono appointive, and has given tin
iversal satisfaction. He is icspectod by
both parties for his integrity and capa
bility, ss not n word has ever been utter
ed to his detrement. He li"es in Mor
row county, is one of ns, and has nlwavp
looked nfter the interests of the Rah!
county. Could yon do bhttnr tlmn re
elect, such a capable man to tho oflloo he
seeks: And when tho June election
dawns upon us. the entire district will be
found to hnvo voiced the sentiments of
the good people of Morrow.
This column is devnted to the inter
ests of democracy, and we are not re
sponsible for any thing that may appear
in it.
Tom Morgan will run n t.frong race
for sheriff in our June election. Hit.
friends will see that he is properly sup
ported. One of the moiit efficient constables
I'eppner precinct ever had. was Thoncas
Morgan, He in a man who nbiden by
the laws, mid expects others to do the
same. This is the man who is before
you this year for sheriff of Morrow conn
ly. H'o?7i' for him, Tall: for him, Vote
for him, and then you xvill have dene
your duty.
Tom Morgnn is now going the rounds
xvith the "stump speakers." It is safe
to sav that he will make many votes on
this trip.
At the earnest solicitation of the Dem
ocratic Campuign Committee, I have
consented to speak on the political is
sues of the present lime at tho follow
ing-named places and dates m Morrow
county, viz:
Matteson precinct (school house),
Tuesday, May 22, nt 11 o'clock A. M.
Ilarrtmnn, I uesday, ilay 22, at 7
o'clock P. M.
Drv Fork (Goosebeiry), Wednesday,
May 'A at 1 P. M.
Eight Mile Centre prhonl house, on
Thursday, May 24, nt 1 P. M.
lone, Friiiax, May 2.t, at 1 P. M.
Lexington, Saturday, May 20, at 1
P. 1X1.
Cecil, Mondav, Mav 28, at 1 P. M.
Elln. Tuesday, May 211, at 1 P. M.
Alpine. Wednesday. May 80, nt 1 P.M.
Pine City, Thursday, May 31, at 1 P.
Lena, Friday, June 1, at 1 P. M.
Heppner, Saturday, June 2, at 1 P. M.
The different party nominees are re
spectfully invited to meet me nt said
places and dates, and I trust to son ev
eryone, republicans, democrats and in
dependents, in each precinct present at
said dates. The lepuhlioan and inde
pendent nominees for representative are
hereby re-ipect fully challenged to dis
cuss wilh mo at said dates and places
the political name between the two
great parties.
flrio. Wm. Wkuiht.
To Ikubpknukst Votehs. --Citizens of
Morrow eounty who favor an independ
ent ticket at the county election next
June, are hereby notified to assemble in
their resi'totive prcoiuets on Saturday,
April, 7th, UMX. to elect delegates to n
county convention to tie held in Uoppner,
on Saturday, April 2 1st. The reprHaen
tation of each precinct has been estab
lished on the biisis of tha vote cast for
Lexington in June, lSf. as follows:
Heppner 4; Lexington t; Alpine 4; Eight
Mils 4; Dairyville 2; tone 4; Iteuu 2; Ce
cil 3; Welis Spiiugs .1; Pine City 2; Dry
F..rk 2; Castle- Kock 2. As a b:4i,is uf
this action the Independent Central
Committee believe that as the preciuctp
are at piesent bounded we are not fairly
represented iu our Couuty conventions.
I'.y order of J. F. Brewer,
Ch'mau Independent Co. Central Com.
I.nnd OtKoe t 1 ji t.rHiul, Or.. M:i 17, 'as.
None,, it htuvl'V Kiu.i. (t,.it tiio loll.'w iitt--numt'd
Ht'tllrr ha t-.li .l r tic of In int. ntion to
anil mnke tiol )n-,Mf in n.(ort of tiin clitini,
and tlial wed pi.K.f wili i.e load., bwfore P.e oouiil
t) ju.lt:,- ot Mortnw .'.no'ty. Or., or, in Id t.lv.
-en.'.- e.'foro th.. cI.tV of atiuU'ountj at Htw.uwr
Or., on July iud. Ivs, tii;
.V A .-tiVoicoi.
ltd. Nn S.iMs. tor U.a s XV l two. Tp. I N. It.
r, i-:. xv. u
It." n;m.s tlie following witnaaea t eroje tea
ciioiiuoua rtw.id.Mira upon, and cudivauon f.
rs.,d hind, .via:
C. M.t.i.i j. Ai-to-e Or. IV-tt.lc Jackson. Jorria
HiiM, nf (Jallow.i. Or. K. 1tt,oti, ol Alntna.Or
'--" Iikski Kl.NKrttRl'. livKOOrr
y v UU u u yyuuu vi i
Ve are uow Daily Receiving Large Invoices of
In all the latest shades nnd fabrics r.tid our counters
With tha Choicest Prod act ions
best nexvs to all
We have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our
goods, and are satisfied that our Dress Goods Stock will com
prise the Best as well na the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be
fore in Heppner. Can't you give us a call gooii for the pur
pose of
This Stock anda seeing our Pretty Things? We shall take pleasure
and pride in shoxving you xvhat xve have got. Whether you
are ready to buv or not, you are
At our store, and xvill see your friends the e also.
I U UWl lilt V. 1J1
i nntniimn
LN .IN' ,
Of Cable Cord Ginghanm, Chambrays, &c, and as this stock-sells
out so fust i hut we can not hardly get f;oodB fast enough to keep any
variety on ! and, we advise you to give it an early visit.
SHELF IIAPvDWAPvE, Bird-Cages, Hope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood
and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc.
Sperry's New Holler Mills!
Capacity 70 Barrels
J, 13. SPERRY, Proprietor.
Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour
and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities
to suit purchasers.
May Strert, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodsvn A Cu.'t Store,
Manufacturers of and Dealara iu
Furniture, Mirrors,
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc.
General Merchandise.
Agricultural Machinery, all kinds ot Farm
Land nf ! fln-.i Or.. Mty !.
Nittii-i' is IcMvLiv Kivfi Hist th fwUow in:-iiMiiitl
Bi'ttlcr litis hittl U'.t linti.'c 'f ii. Trillion to mlt
ti;':.l in rttt,M.rt of hi claim, vul tftut tviitj
proof will In ni;ui( hi'fore the Horfc of Morrow
county, hi Hoppiicr, Or., uc Junu ',ltS, viz:
Sujoh Young,
K. V,
He tho f.iUnwinr witnti( to vro? hi
o t"rinmtiift t-MMuleiioe utHin. and cultivniinn of.
utui Ifviul. viz:
K Coa, K. . Kmm, P. C. Thoiapoo,C. E.
Stnltxl rU till f lUnprpr. Or.
Z'-V' hlCNHT KlNFT. KT, K-fflri1ir.
of the Manufacturers, nnd the
in that they are
I ttt' t
Wagons, Etc.,
! Ijtnd OlTire at CruaiU. Or.. AorH 1!. "US.
Notice in hereby iriven thut t) following
mr.ieil spttlpr hai tiled notir of his irtw tion t
m-.kp fi-al prmif in simpurt if Wis .Rim. arc
tltat mill pruof will lo ruftdv bvfiin the cosniy
iutiiteof Morrow comity. Or., or in hi bnr
ur r:' inrifr oi twill ioui.i) , ai utpriitr
uu May. SI, ix:
Jackson Fleck,
tM. TW. for the K S NW H nnd W H NK k
a Tn 2 H Hfs K. W. M.
li" haidh th followin witnR t profit hit
eontmnouit m-tiJonca upon and eultiTntion of.
snid lann. Tit:
.lohn H. WiShmro. John Ft lard ud John
Clark, of Htppuur, Or., ud Li Day, of Lo.
StVTO Rv!TRtI-t4!tT, Kfitr,
The nexv
1 1
Are at lLo
Hardware, Tinware,
a .
ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, .Nails, and black
smiths' Supplies.
Fish Hi. Wans,
Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En
gines and Portable Sawmills,
:5 iJ-t-v-
A large assortment
Lamps, Fancy Goods,
Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at
tha lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. , .
Boot and Shoe Store.
Having jutst received a large and complete stock of first-class
Boots and Shoes, I am now prepared to famish any article in that
line at fair prices.
I will continue to do custom work and repairing, as usual.
Shop enlarged and refitted throughout. New front and new
ED. BISHOP. Proprietor.
Iu the Leezer & Thompson Building, Main Street, HeppnoT.
DKALKlt is
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars,
Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels,
Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti
cles, Perfumery, Notions,
lite, Etc.
fifeyPrpseiiptiuns Carefully Compounded, Day or Night, nnd Espa
cial attention paid to family recines."8
Will do all kinds of General Blacksmith work and Repairing at A. M
Cunn'a old stand, opposite Jor.es' Livery Stable, Heppner.
1-Iorseshooing a Specialty
Ida i'n ess, "Whips, Spurs,
Arise to. Proclaim i AstonishiDg Fact That
To dish you up anything that you want in
the line of Groceries, Confectionery Can
ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys,
Both Sides of Main Street, Heppner.
iFili Bread Always on Hantz
"0ysters in all Stvles at all Hour?.
firm of
old Btaud on
DEALING IS ....... .
Coppeiware, Granie-
am. f t 1 T t 1
Champion Mowers and
i i s
of Crockery, Glassware,
Heppner hi Store
on bund.