Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, April 12, 1888, Image 4

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One of the grenUst library Hi
of the season is the s
ry of "Baby
Bunting; or the Alpliubetof Love,"
by Laura Jeun Libbcy, which is
ut present being published in t1 e
columns of The New Yok Fami
ly Story Fai-lr. The pnper con
taining the opening chapters of this
Vonderfufly popular romance ap
peared on the nev3 stand this
morning. The tremendous rush
for that number by the young la
dies of the town bliows clearly that
the publishers have struck a bo
nanza. The Family Story Fa per
is for sale by all news-dealers, or
will be sent to any address four
moulds, postage free, f.jr $1.00.
Norman L.
ier, 21
and 20 Yancletvuter Street, New
. ..111. CD-
On account of dry woather and
country beiug over stocked, grass
is poor in this section. Stock ore
hardly holding their own.
E. M. Ilawley commenced school
at the McBee school house to-day.
Will HalJey is at home sick.
Eobert Ilallny expects to start out
peddling tinware etc., in a few days.
T!l(5 Devil Fih DpsrnVil by lingo
Tgnot a more tenacious nonsler than
malaria, whether it fakes tho form of
chills and fever, bilious romittnnt, aync
oi,k(! or dumb (iKHB. Like tlie octopus
ill the story it i!nsps the vict im in its
tuntnoulic, r.rd folds him closer and
closer in a borri! le embrace. Attacked
with Hosteller's .Stomach iittern, how
ever, it, gradually relaxes its tremendn
oua grip, limilly abandons it, and the
quondam sull'ercr, liberated at lust, re
joices in tho Hcnto of mv, bcni freedom,
engendered by tho realoratiun of com
plete health. Dyuriensin. too. end : eon.
stipution, those old und remorselbsa en
emies of the human family, give ground
and are (inaliy driron from Iho CM hv
this Napoleon of remedies, tho (neatest.
tlio purest lu tho f.iuiily p!iiinnaeo'.riii.
Klieumatism sneemnbs to it, so do kid
ney troubles. Tho nerves, when over
strained, regain (nietud and vior by
its aid, and Iho ability to rest traiiipiilly
and cat with zest aro itierensoj by it.
Jleaort to it in tiuiD an. I' avoid unneces
sary Buffering.
A Keat Puni.icATioN. -Tho loading
feature of the Ore.rlo.nd Mmtthli fur Die
present ynr will bo illustrated itoerip
tive Articles.
Without tho Orcrlaiitl Monthly, it is
impossible to keep in'onued upon the
Te:,on roes mid frrov. tn or the Pacific Coast.
J'ho mapnzino iscBsoatial to tho home
i ker and invester.
To lovers of literal lire, tho Overhaul
oiu'ru each month the best product of
11 group of new anil brilliant writers, .lis
.plorma of Western adventure, Indian
-i udies, and l'ioiieer sketi hea cover the
onriro riini.:e or Western hie, from min
ing camp days to Ihe living pri'sent. Its
iliturary reviews, editorials, and poems
rank with the nest of TCaslei-u work.
if you wish to aid the growth n't til"
Fiieitio (l.ihHt, frntanriheTirllw Opurlmrf
jiniaii:;. i imu per yi
eojiy twuiity live cents.
ar. One saaiilu
IIniiiiifs.s anil llouiih.
Are imiiortnnt problems, Ihe former
dependin;,' greatly on the bitter. IOvery
ono in familiar with the healihv proper
t'es of fruit, and no one pun jifi'ord to be
hkiIi ami niiwrablo ivhilo the plennimt
(iiilifoniin eoneeiitrnted liipiid fruit rem-
uuy, nyritp or V W, tuny be hud of the
onierpriHinjj Uru,Winl, U. Ivi. MalJor
A panknye. mioiiiilti ami n J.alf frnni
lli'iitinr tiu Malm fork, contaiiiina npnir
of aliiH'a, ti puif of iiiittuaa, loiikiii; jjl.vt
two Iiiixph Iliiiu.'-iriiui nailn, r.ml mjiluI of
litiPt) tlii't-iiil. Tin) same can l.o l.ail at
thin cillioo by proving' aiiporty and p,.
nig eliar;;,)3. J
Oomo into tliu Hcpimor Cazelti' filio
K you want to liny Wr.mU or IhiikIIvh o
.olil ptiporn. Kulworibo for liin nhoi't nnd
yon will liuil it is vory Piihlnm a olr.tn
KI!l:!ili'KB BA1.K.
Nuticn i
r"llVKiv,. ,:, ii!-,l:.i.,.! I ,.;,..
lit iiui inmt ,i I II,., ( ;,, n, ,.,.,
it" "I I irivroii f,n-1, ( 'ouni, ,,f llmiil
iiiii ilirt-rlf,! mi, ilt l i ,,.i i , I. n,,,,,, ,,
if thpSm
lit, llll'l In n
.jlHltfini'nt I
I III' ill h lln
i'ii i n il ,',,:,1 cat,.,,.,! j m, P,lllrt
m : , '.""."'": " i"', in Linn' i,i
.... mi,, i,. i I, n Mi.'ni,,,,-, ,;,n,.m i,i,.. , ,
"I II' "Mil ! In 1,1 Mi.rkV. Vll.il, Inn-.. If.
IUI'1 II.'I1M1., (1,',1,'i.n HllV.'H llnrniwl,,,,!'
tor III,' mh:
ill lhnliili..ln.l i.i'il i,m..l.n
I ,i-. iu,l .mm, I, ,l!n..',.lial,., v.it t t:, r,f
' fflW WIT. IK tllirtj-l'iu'llt ,1 ku,;
""" 'l-lllnl, vvll.'l'.'.iK, hj j,,,,.IH'llt it
wii- .irilrn-iliin.lnajinls,! m, ,, f,,,!w . ,,'l
H-iril.-a 1,,;,! ,.M) ,, ,,l t, :,. ,. siw 1. ,.r . .,
"j "f it K W. J. in M, r,,w iniily. i'ii',.:
I'llfl, I will, i-ll (tin
I'lmait tnal ::!
!t.lll, ,l'i, ,.r A....II A 1.
At ll,nl,,,, j'vi,'k ,., !, i ',i,u;i
inn, I nl in., iiiinii ,im ,,,r ; ,
t.n ,.i .:, , ." ':. , :- " '
i,i I' ". " ".' "' "' " 1,1'OTO' 1 l.-ivi a in an,
, ! i i ;"i ,"r"l"'r' l WIN, tr
im, lull,,. i,,,,t :,a,l I I'i,!,, ,. f,lr ,.., ir
..n.l..!...,.r,H ...h.,l,Wl., ,, i ',
ion f h..I i'K",'i:la, . , all '
Hull in:,, ... . i o... T. II. lll.'VV.Mtll, til
11,1 ., I M i .i,l"ri!l, li,',iw. la-iioi.v, tlioi.n.
Jl.it, nl M irali U l. t ,si,
ii;.'.KUAU' -A!.h
of II, I. I
iMlint iitii'haiint tana ur.hu
i,u i ,i,n .a a 1 . u r t . vv i-oii"! v. I In .,,a
If 101 , .liivr ai.,'!i. A. p. ,.,;:,
. Mil.'li,' I i.i.!- ,, .,.,1 ...' .. .
II, Hull ,111 I
1 loll. ' .1,
o.'iM.:,,,',! V, . A. Kirk, n'l ailiaa ,,f ,!, ,.Mi ;
mill, I . 1. an,, ,, iinar, M. ,1. h,ai. fcmdi,11, ,
t i.'iM'l ,al ,..:, , laM.,,, I'.),,.,,,, ,.
,:l ha !,. I , ,, ,. . f(l, . t
. li ill ,
; I'll
.'I ,
f II,,
' mil ,..m' it, H,.
anv oi, i;. ty, f.
Siillll'ilaj . I!n i n;, ,lv nf A jii'il, A. ). ti;.-..,
nt MoVloak A. M.nf nii.l ,l,i, t ,l,,, l.iji,.,.,
m.,t l,'"t l.i,l. . r for ,',,-). :, il. i!,-. inl.a.LY ,
.,1,1 11111,,,,-w in una (,, ,,, t',,n,,v,j,i., ,,.., ...a, ,
tvnl i'i'.ia. t,i-',i a TI" .1 1 ' I , ,,f S..a I-
ofU2iK. u.M,tc,;:'- '"'wVa k'l'r
,. M.I.PI'MN,
, ... '""r.l-iniof,w!at,.-t ,.ni,l n,,:,,,:-,
I'nli'il at ,ii.i.r,.r. Oivia-a. M.-avl, n,
- jt
1'ivm V,
Hull ai,,l (lrml,.,! C nvt, whi. li wo will
(toll ohoap. i 'all cu i;a at tho
Morgan .RaxcI I
At lit.'
lti'iul of S.iiiil loil,iw; or nj.trosa
ltn i.i lli'JO'i'.or, C'rivu.
MO .j AN 13 11 OS.
Ori.gon Railway and
Leuvinn Steanishji W'lutrf, IVrt'ai.cl, ut l'
et earner.
Columbia Moi-dfiy j April
ht.-.t it i utiuniKi.. 1' riuiij ,
Orcyun jTuewiiiy
('(tltiiiihia ----- -S;itiini)y.. .. .
State of ('nlitoruia -jWiiinebiluy..
Dp Vn - -Sunday
( '(i!iitiiiii;i I'Jturdfiy
HUte of ( til'u'orni'i.. iM-mil'iy
Orftfon ------ --'Frid.iy Mny
mu rn :.ia II uvn y . . ,
Lttv(!ti8iJf.'ar fcjtruf't V.'liiirf, Hun V rauciico, at
A. 'A. --ir ff-Hu-.:
Sink' of ('ultforuiit
( 'oilirnltifi
HOilK ui California.
Mot i!;.y
I'ufMjiiy. . . .
Onou ;
I 'aliiiiil'ia !
NlHlo of (.'kllL,JIH,ll. .tWVci
Oit'ynn '. 1 S n i, d
Colli ITllji.i 'Tlp'jo
Tim company r"Mi'rvi'Kthu rii:!:l to cli;
t I'l'a OI' ril'.ilJJ! 1Hy.
fiibiii. gldflOj Stcuniuu, :..; iknnd Trin, un-
nniiua, j.io.U').
No fri-iirht will ho mr-fivi d on rr.orninff of Kail
inn. f'xecot fruit m il vo.-etubioH, and llifsti will
not bi taken nflHrit A. M.
rj()l''Mt'l.S. S;in Joii!;ai'.ro. (iunr-rnl Onf. No.
lil. Market Htrcet; Ti.-ki.-i O'ha , 117 , 1 it ?,jont-HOim-ry
stref,t. Aki;!., (iooiinll, rcikiim A Co.
I'or'Jarnl '1'iclo't OiUfu, i'irht III:,'! Ok Ktri'etK
W. 1!. liOLCOMIt. A. L.MAXWKI.b.
(,t!nt.n.l ,;;iiia;;i'r. O. F. &. 'I'. A.
Daily to
Council IJJnfft. Kansas City, St. Paul
Minneapolis, Cbics,'o,
Walla AValla, Spokane Falls
iSau i''ranoisco, Astoria aud I'ortlaml
Every Fifth Day.
Oil the C.dnmbia, Huako and Willamette
Victoria, Sea! tie, Tacoma,
Olympia, Towuscnd, Whatcom
and Into a.euiale points-
U. IT-iLfioMii. MannirT.
A. j. MAXWr.LL,
Ooh'I PatiB(.'HKr and Ticket Agnnt
John Skrvicic. A-n;t, Arlli)Ktfn
Sl'lA Wtl.NDKHMcxiMiii lliun-
ntfi'H r r.Jii'is, (.ut liii.hur-
l.'.W I'll tu' I III' Wranl. P. fll' inven
tion. Tiiof"1 w'm rin-in ti'iilnf frotiOihlo rnr
ttloyini'iil. in d work llnit nan lifiloiu'whilelivii
ul hum" l.f. nl. I .-it .il.'.'o semi ilifir adiliospi tn Ititt
K'lt .t li., I'lirC'u i. Miiim., ;u. (I rt'cone fifi, full
iiifnr.n.'ifinii h.iw .'iihi-r ncx. r.l! hki'u, Clin onrri
rroni ! tulVj:, pit thy anil iipivririln whi'n'vnr
lli'iyliv. V.oi ;iro Hl;t. toil r iff. (;u,it::l not, r,.
ijiiinHi. Hmiiii liftvtt maili- uvm in u toii;lu day
Ht this wiirli. All nuiiMi'il,
biinil Onii-nn' Tlio Unll.-H. ()i-.. M-irrh 21. TO.
ici in hurt by ri in t liM t ho fol low i i : ijr-r. itit"1
hpII ler haw tiled not w of Iim inlcrtion to w,ui
final pro if in ap 1 1 of his claim, nnd Ih'it na;d
proof will lio uijiiIo bef in fiio county iurk of
Morrow counly, i)wj j, al lii ppiici', Oickuii, i,u
Slay 5, 1;M, viz:
, fur tlio UK H S.'
. 2, 'I'n VI, H
i ai e, v.
Ho liiimiis thn follnvina v.'itfOFfs to prove
tiiw iiiititiiiuwiw ri'fiili'iico up in, unit cnltiviiiina
uf, Hiiiil i.inil, viz:
A. H. WelK Kriiiik tinliln, .J.ilm (li'iilry lmJ
Willi.'. in Oiiinn. nil uf lfi'.n:or. Oicifiui,
iV.'MW T. A. U.'l).iNAi,li. Ili'ei-li'i'.
Lam OGltw lit l.a Oiiimic. O ., T.Tni.'l, S, 'f
o' inn i.-i In riiliy itivi-n that, iim fulinwiia:
iiii'in'ii fii'lller hn,s lii. d natii'ii (' hi., inlMntiaii to
in , :vi tin il iTuiif in sapjiiirt of his i-laini, and
tlinr i-niil tn'iinf will l:,j niailii bafuia tnu 'i.iinl;,
I'Icrk nf Marrow coni'ty, Or., a: lle'timel', Or.,tti
.1iij :., l'3, vii:
I17;;;!Mi C
PS fW for I In. Nli if NK 'i nail f) '
111 nml m '1 Mi ' t in'. I'.', '! , I H, li
' SViv
V. .11
ltd niiilica Inn tiil!iwm; Wl' in',.-.!'., In pi'iivu int.
mat iiHii.a;! ii)t;i,li,iica U,ua, ai.il culiiv.it ion of,
rtniii Iiui. I. vi:
.1 K i:m.lK. I) (' flnril iao, A Cooa'y and J
11,11. nil. if lil.lf!,', Oi'",'.,.,i.
- I'-'ll 11 KM7 I'.tNiat MIT II L'istlT.
I.nnil flllii'i. nt Tim Dallas. Or.. Full. 'IS. VS.
Nat inn in lifi't'liy iitvtm lliai l l,n t'ol loiviiin-i,, tin. 'il
mil , li'r linw Ult'il in, in:., ,,; J,,b n,li:t Ha, l,i nink
llinl I'l'at.f in mi,trt of i,m i fioiii. mu! lli ilnaid
irniif will lin mu. la 1,,'fnr,. 1 1 analy i-laik of
.nor ow I'ounty, ut 11 -i,,. ai r, ltr,';;oii, on Anri
I I, Idas, via:
Clitirl.'s Enin,
1)1 '3 .1. for Pa- K i; :-;w nml li.n N 'J BW j
Sa.'. i. I , I. s. It K, W. M.
II,' II aaas t!..' foil iwila; wit at":.-.. t , provn 111'
oonliiiaoiH rt'iaili' ana ii,t,n, nml intlth atn,a f
Hani In al, vi.:
II. ,..,, n. ,1. R. li uralaini, r. (1, l'miun ma!
(!. II. foil, ml uf K -'a ;i:'i (I I'iam.
OH 1''. A. Ma'.loNAI.O. Ilrs'sar.
lSO'l'ICK (!' IN L'SntIuN.' 7
Land tiilr-ni:trri,ii Pallas. (Ir.. :,i
uli i In n I.i ivnn t hill tlia fo:l
all n.
M.'l i It r h'l-: hl,-, in ,1 iaa of i:is ial .,, un ,
tii-n! I'roaf in Mipptnt ai' Ina (''.aim, aa.i II
tnaof will l,o ma la litaoii. tla- ja.l.' i' of .'.
I'n.mty, Or., at llal taa't, Oi., fnAi'iii'
.iihici .S'. Inxl.np,
11,1 Ik-S. for tl, " m 'i 8K '.i W-v. n, !: K
an.l Ntt i4 , i;, 'i ., I 1! K,
II" lianiaw Ilia fallow oil- wil a,'....'s la i.rava h
raiiiinaaii-t rasi'ti'ina ui,ii, at.it i-i:i!iv;,l iai: ,.f
so i.l laia', vi:
Al. II. Sv.i'l ii'i.-an inal li. K. Wnvi-ai:. ,,f r'ifl'l
Mat, (l,'.,ll':,l .ll.aal. ,i,w mal .lai'.lb Joacia.a,
of li I,: l iy, O.i'.a.a.
.-'i, i a I1. A. y, PoNM.'a, Ii.'.aihlar.
IN iEaflili.
,1 Oa"llt 1 il li'
I tail laa,.t :a -at
Oraaf -,m'1 t,a in
,,o,in-j.al ;..,.,,.
it. in.', va:
W n"!-,. far tl,-' W '.
Ul. li' 3 ri, I! a. 1 .
lit- rainass tin' fa'.',,
N 'i ami W i , Si'. U S. c
51. . .'a;: W :tat':; ;,'.- tt'ir.'VL' la'
a-i' tiaa, n." ri':,lt.i.vv ui'tni, anil a :lu:.tiau uf,
wail liu.,1, lin:
I' ' l'""ai ,"l, V.r. I.'11'l.swall. Mir.r,".l'l'll'li
aril b' iH os.iulof 11, ia iiar. O.'a.on.
-r'ii-Ct l,t:.Miv ttiM'-.i air, Itt'cist r.
Tim people of O.inor Neck a i.l n't
otlior iiupurtaiit places are uotitieil Ib. t
tlio (ot.-ft is tin' b'.iu.
i WKiGliVS iilii;:E FtANCil,
At tha I,
hY 7 UK RKASON, - 25.
IN( iLfcl I.KAt', - - 10.
In lots of livo ni';ri'f, by tl-e ftenoi:,
P:ist;ir will hp fhrni.-l(l frr-n.
VVywill tr.ki-Hll
)ioiT r;ir tj proTe:;t acci-
d'.nirt. hut wil! ): n
Mar tw:ii frntn
iKUi.iKli' for i:mn
i:cp will he nut m n
panturo M'parau? frum olJ;yr huruc
Ki iao u:id waiiT.
JL-niiiO JAWrfON,- I'VwIfd Juno 4. T!
c(nlf(i in Vol. MIL Ciyuccdale Stmt Jl'iok ol
(ir.'at liritJiin ami irv'uu.il. t'nior, bay, with
bhwk piiiiiVt; litiJp wliitfi on Ml hind fjot.
Hi'-d )y Duncan Ueid, nt Stnidujiii!!, Midn
Tarland. Sir, l.nnarli. 170 Vol.1. Dam, UeMe
of fen: iddjhil I. ,;3Vol. VI. Hii'd of dain,
Kliol-rdnn. Ill, Vol. J.
JUUUK L.X)N wks irr-iiorted from V.K'n
laids of HiVitNind in Ociobcr. Ivr., hy .!- Har
ris, !"o-t tlollii-H, Colorado, rioiti 10 Vt-rty UiJer,
hf Anient, i
I)( s'-ription. - .Tiidee Lr.wson iH a bright hay;
nndf (Utc"n )ai'ds li'sdi, on nplHuiid, Hiiort
liuihrt (ir.tl rand f'--t. He iH confridtTid hy
rini tTt jp.tl:;-s to he out of thn bt.'st draft Ktal
liont in Aoierica, and van r-old at a Ioiik pric? to
his preeeit ownor. Jkssh H un:b,
rort'Colliiis, CuIoMdo.
ouxv. & m;k;ht,
If a p rovolntior-i-ifd t li e
world in iU-i last half
rcntury. Mot jM;i.t anion:
the von.--rn of i r-v"it t c
Ih-o'.'tvhh a mi'ilmii M:d
Hjwti'in of work tiiat can at
performed ail ov"r Iho foiro'.ry vythont bfpiirti'
ii;k th.H workiTs I'linn ti.eir lumifs, P.iy liheial:
anv one cjlh do tli(( work; eiih:-r mp; .voiii'H or
old: no fpecial ainiiiy rf-qttin-il. tap. lid nol
iifi 'h d: y-ti arc- amrted froa, Cut this oiAiiiid ro
tnrn it to tin and w will wr-i.d you froc.sonipjliii!.'.'
of art ut vidiip hml iiiipo:-a:ioH to ytm. that will
utart yt;ii in ht:hinc:;s, whit'li will biii'Kyou it;
iuor trio: :cy ri'l.t riway, than a:iy iiiiT; vim in t lib
world, (irami outii frue. Audrcr-a Truy A Co.,
AuKUt-ta, Tiiaiiio.
The Cluvklanb Bay Stallion
At tlio following turmB:
TO JNSUr.F, - - jau.
HY THJi fciKASON, - ar.
HINllLE LEAP, - - liJ.
In lots of fivo irmi'PH, by the suason, $(J0.
riibturp will bo fimiidhrd fri'C.
W'v will t'd;o all propi'i' care to ptTTnt atrc;
di'n'rJ, b;d will bo reaporsiblB for none.
Marrn Hi-nt froai a ditaiifc v, ill bit put m ,i paf-
turo scparaia rroiuotiitr uore-'j, on gooa gi
uiid wattr.
DUKK OF H('A!!n(i!t-:."Tmn-..rtcd from Ik.ft
land in October, lKs:. tiy J'.Hifj ifarriH, KorL CoU
liiif. t oloraf". hold in t'x'i'ty Oiler, of Kas'.!-r;j
Ori'on, in August, l-h'
Dnku of Scarhoro WiiM n-rnd hv Princp (jponrr:
dam by liartsninii ra:id dam bv Cli.inir.iwn.
'Mliurii. nnni.;irs n Vol. VI If r !..w.bn..l IV-v
Stud Book of L;iid;md.
IVscrtTition. Dn!f( of Sonrboro was .'rvo vo;os
old in tlio spring oi isfj; is a boaittiful ddrb bay.
Minall star i.i fi-rciipad; stands nbrtron haini Jiirh
clean, tint hv.. a'-d woiahed in rood hYuh.
V.'.'ifii two ycarp old, Uol ponnt!n.
ihlH lift l r'lfll IH ft Wailll) ( of Ifio nil nnronin
horo of Kn.'d'ti d, the bantifi; aclion in hiinnss
of which ha-; all racied :-.o nni.-h al!'-r't;on !)!v::.d.
JiMfjii lf.'.itlUM, t'ol-l Coiling, t'olo.
Ji'jTa;dcil aro those
woo rn.d thin hva.
tti"D in-t; thfcy will
find h-.on,!.;,;. .m
ploMiiHnl tlnit will
r.nl in!.,, tlmn. fr.,7,.
tlH'ir bonifR a"d ramiitprj. Thf proiiltt i:ro hi.-'
'led ;w; for ;vrry j t:it ns( rionf; perno'i, m iov Ijavt
anrl uro !., m.-i'-.inM u.'wviJ hondi-v,l dolli.ra i;
month. It i t;iry for o- o to make fili um! ep
wicdht ppr ii;t;', vii-.) in willim i- work. l:;ill:?r
W"'.'t. yoHtiy iff oils; i'f!MUl not tiO' dcd; wn u ni t
you. No j-f'cinl ability reijirrcd; yon, malcr.
an Ho it im '.veil its Hiiy o"o. Wi'idi (u i;m nl (met
or full r'aiiiciiiftrri." billow S:i.iKon A. ( V.
I'orriaud, iia:m
i'.IX' K TP H.
t'otlc 's 'li
hart , a, Hi nop,,, nit if ml in
ni trntrix of li
aatnti' of V. V.. .I.llikiiia il ,'.m ,,
having cliiltaa a-" '-I ai.l ...a,,...
li I'at'iit li,.. -nan to .no at my rciotli'i'a'o on
ai'li', On ' lii, ,,i to I. ,ii. a, , ai, no
nay, rt ii'iava:, 11,,,-fa, vvit:,," a .
from tlio ilna- m" - v., taiti,',', laaallv vpritivi
Kit l.t
I'i ,MI''- N. A..) L.NKINS, Aiiiniu ,n ai-li
l.'atiil March 2;, .'"'l. IJ.-o. o ,n. Ooi'lit.
A ,o ro
When I sa.y CTRR I tlwnot mean mfrely to
Mop them lor attain, aud then httve them re
turn aaulti. 1 Sims A RADICAL CURB.
I have miJs the disease of .. 1
FITS, EPZLSPS7 or "'' ' A
A life long atiiy. I wAlt"ATrr my remedy to
Cuhk tho woi-hC cases. Hecauso ottiers have
fat If (i la uo reason iornot now receiving a cure.
Beiul at oiioeforatrci'fha anil aFitKi: iiottlb
of my I ifai.liux-r Kkmkdy. uivo Express
ml Fo5t OiTicc. It tMSta you nothing for &
trial, and It will cure you. Address
issued March aud Sept
i each year. It is an ency.
lolopedia of useful infor
rmation for all who pur.
chase the luxuries or tho
necessities of life. We
can clothe you and furnieh you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to rido, walk, dance, sleep,
eut, fitih, hunt work, go to church.
or stay at home and in various eisos, i
styles and quantities. Just figure out
whtU is required to do all those things
COMFORTflGLt. auJ you can mnko a fair 1
estimate of tho value of the BUYERS
GUIDE, which will be sent upon j
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. ;
111-114 Michigan Avoauo, Chicago, 111. I
Will make the season o! 1333 at the NEAYTON PtANCH at tho follow-
ing termi:
. in LoU of 1'ive JIared by the Season. ?100.
AYill take nil proper care to prevent accidents, but will not lo respon-
in tiny way.
CROOKSTON Was foaled April
dale sUnl book of G reat Britain and Ireland.. Color, Dark Bay, with
black points, one white bind foot and white stripe in face. Imported,
direct from Scotland (Yule of Clyde), by AY. B. Ciiiiinghame & Co. iu
the fall of 3887. He is considered by good judges to be one. of the
highest class stallions ever imported to the United States.
DESCRIPTION: Cvookton is a Dark Bay, stands 17J hands high
on splendid iiuibs nnd feet; short buck aud well set. AVeighed, on the
21st of Decostfr, 1887, l'JOO pounds.
Pastiu'e ufe funiisbetl free for the first 10 days and afterward at
the rate of 2.00 a mouth, Pasture well stocked with grass and water.
Crookston m;rybo seen at Jim Jones' stable, Heppner, Monday and
Tuesday; nt Jim Farrier's stable, Lexington, Wednesday and Thurs
day and at the Newton Ranch Friday, Saturday aud Sunday of each
week daring the season of 18SS.
Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner' City Brewery.
' '0
Ilaving pur
uteasil;i l can euaoiea witn
my deep, cool stone cellar and the tresu, pure
atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to
my customers a
At reasonable wholesale r.ud retail rates.
Lunches of all Kinds
and the
Best Brands of Chrars,
Parties in the country must return empty kegs, or SO apiece
will be chargtd.
J. B. NATTER, Prcprie'or.
The Thoroughbred English Draft Stallion
Imported by.JfTC. English, and now
- tho season of 1SS8 at my ranch, two miles south of Heppner,
at the follotvin'? torms:
All rc-aaonable care will Lo taken of mares, but will not be responsible
for any mishap.
:dti:so:riptloint :
1G?5 hanili
in color, a beautiful dark dappled
be fiirnL-iho'l on application. His
P.OYAL HEART May seen every
Heppner. Come and see hi..:.
lU'l' .s,.;ilt:fi- . -Ifi :''.'; 1 i'.itX. -l
-.1 '-:,.'i ,' t l.-i , i. -'
Si!'- " .; i !t .: ,a.av !a iit
' '.',l.'.'.,'IW ' ' V , .'-'':
1" -' I Zt ' "i". ill
j ea1iSl.,.t
3d, 1831, --rficortlwl in the Clydes
Ihe latest Brewing Apparatus and
ray com sots-waier spring,
owned AArm
Hrgho9, will stfiicl
a cn
weighs 1700 pounds. Is
bay; age, 4 years. Pediyree
yearlings may now ba seen at
at Jim Jones' stable iu
Vi'.iS it
'a.T.T 'V.m
1 1
" co c: o
2 Q C
tn ml
I,' rn i m
J ii
Do you fel dull, languid, low-spirited, life
less, and indescribably miserable, both physi
cal and mentally; experience a sense of
fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone
ness," or emptiness of stomach in the morn
ing, tonyue coated, bitter or bad taste in
mouth, irreguhir appetito, dizziness, frequent
hvadiichos, blurrcu eyesight, Wonting specks "
before tha eyes, nervous prostration or ex
Imustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes,
ntcernating with chilly eensntions, eharp,
bitir-g", tmnsient pains hero and there, co'd
feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or
diettirbed and uurcfreshiug Bleep, constant,
imlescribablo fecliuff of dread, or of impend
ing calamity?
If you have alt, or any considerable number
of these symptoms, you are suifering from
thnt most common of American maladies
Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tlio more
complicated your diseHSO has become tho
greater the number and diversity of symp
toms. No matter, what stniro it hna rcat.-hed,
Dr. Plorce'u tiolduit Hlodlcnl Iieeovory
wilt subdno it, if taken according to direc
tions for a reasonable length of time. If not
cured, complications multiply and Consump
tion of tlie Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,
Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave
maljvliea are quite liable to set In and, sooner
or later, imiuo a fatal termination.
Br. Pierce's Uoldeii Itledical Dis
covery nets powerfully upon the Liver, and
through that great blood-purifying organ,
cleanses the system of all blood-taints and im
purities, from whatever cause arising. It is
equally etiieaeious in acting upon tho Kid
neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing,
strengthening, and healing their diseases. As
an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes
digestion and nutrition, thereby building up
both llesh and strength. In malarial districts,
this wonderiul medicine has gained great
celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and
i'evcr, Dumb Ague, and kludred diseases.
Dr. Picrcc'a Golden medical Dis
from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the
worst Scrnfuia. Balt-rhcum, "Fever-sores,"
Scaly or Hough Skin, in short, ail diseases
caused by bad blood are conquered by this
po'.rorful, purifying, and invigorating medi
cino. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under
1(4 benign influence Especially has it mani
fested its potency in curing Tetter, EczeniR,
Krysipelus, iioils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof
ulous Soros and Swellings, Hip-joint Disenso,
"Wbito Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck,
and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in
stamps tor a largo Treatise, with colored
plates, on Skin Diseases, or tho sumo amount
for a Treatise on Scrofulous A flections.
Thoroughly cleanoo It by using Br. PlorcoH
(ii'.!cii ftlelica3 iliscovery, and poi
digestion, a fair ekin, buoyant spirits, vitnl
strength and bodily health will be established.
whioh is Scrofula oft:io LungR. Is arrested
and cured by this eniedy, if taken in the
oarlier stages of tho disease. From its mar
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when first offering this now world-tamed rem
edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriouslv
of calling it bis "Consumption Cphk," but
abandoned that name as too rcntrictivo for
a medicine which, from its wonderful com
bination of Ionic, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood-cleansing, anti-biiious, pectoral, and
nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only
an a remedy for Consumption, but for Siil
Clironiu l3easo9 of the
Liver, BUood, ar.d Lungs.
For 'Wralc Lungs, Spitting of Tllond, Short
neos of Breath, (,'lironic Naanl Catarrh, Jlron.
chitis, Asihraa, Severe Coughs, and liiudred
aueciioiiB, ir, is an emcienc remeay. !
Sold by Drusipsta, at $1.00, or Six Bottles
for $5.00. I
f&" Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's
Doott on consumption. Auarees,
World's Dispensary Msdical Sssccbtion,
6G3 Main St., 2SUITAI.O, N. Y.
Malaria, Diunb Chills,
Fever and Ague, Wind
Colic, Bilioii3 Attacks.
They produce rcsrnlar, natural evae
nationM. never ifc-ine or irilerfere witli
dally biistneMs. At. a rumily mcilioiae.
tiiey BboiiiU be lu every liou-.bolU.-
sou? i:yeiiyviiekb,
l'PfP.K'ii'H ft??0S5? 'fOHSC -tbout dtiey.
A r iiu .u-xiui riiat cut hen a.l(,l--et;a:a.
ft -fi-.t: e-i the 'or.t case:' utVi."Sh-WoU Lunu's Animal,
I.vi tcstii n, Ir.'- r.l I'i.tns, Krau.-ti: ii. lu itinbiu t''.r
i !:r-.ui.at .."iri, jVi-.nif V.VAkr.Hf;!', ami all puus-i Aitd cli
O. uvr cl tLe 8;oi;ifCQ uua HouvU. 1jC. as, truj.
't It' ail 1' 11-.. iMlri'!:S (' )l ifort l.lr t- t 4i VtT tMi'g
NtRVE TOHii; remoye-; all concq'iencea of
tf-l'.y ,11 e,reas; rnefl the -nsTgr,cooni:n ttndvigot
of roath. Onwwe'ikn'wolieicd Mid bly; Nervosa
Lrobilnr, Bpical tiiiHustion, Iist Xianhcod, ntc. A
powerful uerTOati tari-orauw mad renrorailve. pi.rtK.
ulius ire. hY, Fi EXSt. C Uoi UA, btHtdo, X. X.
bs ilS i
Ui last w. tT
Gf bill ri
H tsss. M
1 .Ell! Ecforolakii
1 H 11 M
1 fc. SHSH
ii m li
13 6Jivu3itaj 'jjrjRiJirj o-jvxsaitt MTOixam rj
WhiJp yn keep jour MtUcrii ticn raid Bp joa
Cu. Ktfp jour blm d in tirv ui ti.uiye.
A Imi, J ii, Adi,nitiiiit- Lcred-, aoublo H nide
win- hit hl.t.tudei ; tattle, m irv on left hip
Ai ku.K, (' 1. in.ittu;. j, lu r.;ht tLouldor; cat
tle, tii rijdtl Pule,
Auk.i.H, J J l.in-cff, JA conreclrd on left
m k; cHltie. tnn ei n h ft hi p.
Hlackiii(;n, lifuiy.-1 'utile, -R on left iid
BUakman, Geo., Ji aid man Eorws, a Cng on
I li it rn ujucr; caftic, w mo on unlit fchuulUtr.
ht-nuett, t'y HoiffB, b on lelt fliomder.
I lit rj;e, Nib C A li on left hlx uidei : eflr mnrk
I of nittle, ei op ofi ai.d bplii iu Wfiahd uipei half
cu p t ii rit'i.t.
liron. J C ITorpeii. circle C with dot in cen
teron left hip; tattle, hhme.
iiojfr. W G, Lei a - Horn s, t-vx him d on right
hip: ciit'lr. Mime, with ppiii in ti.t-h mr.
lioirr. P. C lioreeB, P B on lctl bhouiflltj CHt
tie, M-n v lift hip.
Uiirn.T. F., Irone Hock. HorpeB o wiUi bar
urider nr.d o.er on rnd.t hltMilui-t.
liHrlon. Wr-iiortew, J Hon r.httliigh; eRitUr,
Bameon rifh lip fiilit in uu-h iht.
Cook, A. J liern HoreeB, W)on right flumlder.
Cuttle, mi'dk-od r ght hip: ear muik cquartj cjop
off h-ft nr.d Hplit iu right.
urrin, il 1- Jlortch, cc on left itiflp.
mv ford, J. H. Korsea J ii C eocneeted on
left ftiiie.
CuniiiKljPTi e, W B, Kowton Kaneb Horsen, N
with tiiiiro U nnd. r it on left shoulder; cittlo,
Hun.e on h ft '.nip itd 'liiKh, left eur fQnnre rut.
Cox & KiiKiieh. liariinmu I aille, C with K
center; hormn. ( J on loft Sip.
Cbkh:. J i' Horw, Con ieft stifle; cattle, TO
oomiert U on left hip, 8 dul.ps on nek. .
Duibin. Sd A Bonn, litickville or -Anteloiio
Horwe K with bsr over it on kit shoulder; cut
tie. ft l.-olh hips.
DouiflBtfR. W HI Cottle, R D on right n:do, tiwai
low-fork in Hch enr; lioitrec, it D on left hip.
Fnglit-h, E C itanlmnn Citttle, yi; on riffl't
hip; horci's Bm on riirltt hhouider,
tleek, Jaekntn. Horne, 7F roi'nectfd on
rii;ht uliouMrr; cattle winie on ril:t thouluer.
liar nu-.rk, hole in right and crop off If ft.
Franks. C A, Arlington Horfew, C F on hft
BhouhUr; cuttle. V F on If ft hip, crop off lelt enr.
Florence, JL A Cattle, J.Fon right hip; borer,
F with bur under on rijrlit nhou!dor.
Full. T E hnriiua. F with hulf-circle above arid
below on left Inp.
Floreree. S P HorBec, F on right shoulder
cuttk, F on ripM hip ortliich.
Fuller, J L ilort-trj ui.d cuttle, box brand on
left shoulder, ,
Guy, Henry GAY on left shoulder.
Gnblo, FtOTik Hor.es, 7 Fon lefttifle; cuttle,
aamo on rigid hip. '
Hu ietiker, B I'orscB, 9 on left shoulder; cat
tie, Uon 1. f l hip.
iiumphrtyw, o ill Iiaidman Horace, H on loft
j Mayes. J M ITornep. wincglasBonleft fclioulder
1 cattle, funic on riulit hio.
Joneh. J li, Hitrdmuu Horses, J wifh shado
over it on left shoulder.
Johnson, Felix l!ornc. circle T on left stifl .
CBttle, Mime on right hip, under half crop in rig'
and uplit in left eur.
Kirk. JT-Horben till on left nhoulder; cnti -CD
on kft lnp.
Kirk, J C Hornes, 17 on cither flank; eattlo
on riht Hide,
J.arHon, lifinus JlnrKeB, R L on left hip.
Lewb., .1 li, Lenu Koruce, P with ovtr it on
left hhouldr r.
Lratlieniian, D FT Hornes, flon left nhoulder
rottlH, wime wn lofi hip, crop ofi right ear, whI-low-fork
in left.
i W'V'-'.'K.-ffwrecH C with m on insido on
left nhoulder.
MpruHii, S N-Horw:s, M ) on left wlwulflcr
c;ittu. same on left hip,
MeCumhor, Jj.f. A, Atwocd-Horees, M witli
bar opr tn nht kIiouIiut.
Morgan. Thou ilor-i H, eircle T on left Phonl
dor at d left thigh; eattln. A on light thigh
Mitrh.'!l, Ofcur. IViijBvilk li,irses,77 on right
hip; CfiUle. li nn nj.ht wide.
linyvp. Job, JViLville Cattle, ,TM crmnwicd
iimmrcrop in eucti eur, duiap on ihi uu; horees,
JM on left shniiJUer.
McChiren, D (j-JlorseP, Figure 5 on eaoh hnl
aer; cattle, ml! on hip.
McDonguld, il Horses, HD oonneeted on left
Keel, Ardrew, June Rock-Horrtee A V oon
nerted mi loft niuuuer; cuttle Burae on Loth Mp
N.'wmitn, Y. ;it.rriortiL'H N with UJi cir'el
over il rm left Nhoufdcr.
Nonlyke, K Hcwcw, circlo 7 on left thigl.; eat
lio. mmiic on left hip.
Oiler. 1'en-y. Lot-e Rock V O on left thou. -ier
Perm-n, Jus., 1'iuu City.-iloravs h on kit kip
low down.
Parker Sc Glenson, Hardmun-JIorsea IP on
left whouMer.
Piper, J. II., Acton -UorHcs JK oorneebd on
left hhouider; cattle, utmiu on left hip., usder bit
in aeh e;tr.
hood, Andrew, Hurrlmnn TforpcB, equare crw
with (ncrier-cirrio over it on left stifle.
. tmiinger, Chrm Horse. C J on ieft hnlder.
Hector. J V-iIorH!)S, JO on ieft shoulder.
bide. Jf. S li H on kft hip. Son's broftd
faam lying on bne oi r!gi;t hip.
SJn.jgi.t V. 1 r..rwB hhaded J S on kft
Htiti: cuttle ,1 b on left hip, ev. allow fork in right
ear, Ui d.'rhit in lM't.
Iriiyer, ib.bt-Horsw, S on right felioulder; eaHio
t-fp.n.reor. rii-ht hip a: il H on right nheulder.
t'.wiKtmrt, I., AJpinti Hcrbt a, S S cn risk
Hlmbe, Dr A -T HorMes, DH on riu left hip; cat
tle, Hume on left Fide, wattle on kit cide of i.eyk,
ear;' cut hliurp al point.
Kaiifthury. .1 W, Viuson-Cattle, S-year-oIda (uid
ovtT, eri off eai-h ur, 5 on right s.iie; 2-ywnr-oidi
ai.d niiUHf, Hwidlow-fork in right ear w.d wider-.-tp!il
in left, L7 With 7 abovn oi. hip.
HtivenHui, Mr A J Cattle, b en right hip
swalltw-f!)rk in loft. far.
Hhelto i A K)ii HerHt's. 8 on its eide over an
on left du'iildyr; caitle, suuie on left hip.
Sperry, KG Ch;Gp, W C on leff hip, crop ofi
ligiii ni:d imdrrbit h. ifft ear, duluphoi-Hr.'s, W 0
on left, nhould t.
fcwnggurt. G W Hornes, -ii on left shoulder;
Stewart. Geo,, IJardmun ilorbtjs circle c en
left wli'mlder.
cait le, 41 on left hip.
i ii'iui psoiw j a-Morses, Z on; left ehouldor
cnttk, a on left shoulder.
T,Mc1h, S T Jl'jrhee, C on loft hhtmlder.
f iijljeta, E E Jtotues, VT com.ected on lo
ft ens, A 5-IIorses, eo on le ft shoulder; eatVl
Wyland. J H Hardman-Circlo C on left thigh
voodward. .lohn t!n TMJ ..i
lefi -iiior.JdrT, '
Wuihiee. CharleK CatflB. W mn ni-htlhiU
in left our; liornen. W on pii:ht !niililn. Lmd
.iui) on l(-fi Nh'mlder.
Wrep. A A CaLtio. ronninf AA mitt. 1,n
, on tight hip.
! Great English Remedy.
Iwnde Mitt. A cut'. mil toed cure for all nerrnu
diH.'HHCH, buclt ftb Weak "Memory,
koen of JJrain pnvr. listri.,
liiHt!:ic!ie Pain in tho Back, Ner
T'liiii Prn-ilraiinn, WckeftdlueeH,
Lpticori-meii, Gniven-fil LitMsitudy
Kwmiiial WtiakneKf, Impfttuney.
aiid liooerul Umc of power of the
Gutiorntive Organs iu eitiier uri
eieised by i"dihcretion orovev ex
ertion, and vhieb ul;imutilj lead
to I'renudurij Old Ago, insanity
ar.d consumption, $1.00 a b-x TrndcMart.
i six bvU 'H for S.i.OO. rifinr by
m;tll on rpfitfipt of nrice Foil
1 pHi tienlars in pamphlet ent fieo
I to evory uppliuant.
We Guarantee 6 boxes
to mire any (info. Fr oviry $5
onlor reoiMVCHi we send six biixi
utla written gnunuitse to re Aftot liking.
fund tlm raoroy if our Specific- dopd not effect k
I iitii'i'. A.ldie-H all coinmuiiirutitius to th eol
j manufacturers, tiie
: Said in Kenpaer hy C. M. MALLOW mh anent
i Transcontinental Route
Northern Pacific
Cascade Branch, now Complet'd, mak
ing u nie auorteat, Jient anctUutcleest.
TIip Dining Car T,ine. Tlie Direct Bmte
No Delays. F.istest Trains. Low
pat Kates to Obiengo ond nil points
East. Tir.eta sol.i to all Promt
uaut PdiutH throughout tho
East and Southenst.
Thro'i?!! ruilni'in fin ia; hm Sleep? Cars.
tiCEcnatiens cau be secured iu ajvauoa.
To Kast I3crand I'assengers
Be earpful anj do not make a mistake,
but be eure to take the
And rp that your ticket reads via thin
Hue. ii! Paul or Minneapolii to avaid
cliant'i'e snd tcrioua dulays occaaionel
by oilier ro ntpp.
Tbroneh Kuucrant Sleeping Care run
on renlar fipress truing full length of
line. J3crt!i8 froe. Lowest rates. Quick-t-t
General Office of the Company, No. 2,
Vulasiiington St., Portland, Oregon.
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
Rustle uo C'iOO and subscribe for tha