( ) THE GAZETTE. HEPFSEK, THOKSDAY, APRIL 15, '88 Republican Committeb Repobt. The following is tke platform adopted at the republican county convention, held in Heppner April 4th: We, the republicans of Morrow county in -convention assembled, believing in the fair and unqualified principles of the republican party aa cnuuiRted ii the national and state conventions of the past quarter of a centnry, and that the future prosperity of the cenntry depends upon the party which has brought the peace and pleuty which our country en jyB; and that the democrat party has shown itself iucampeteut, during the past threa years, to keep the ship of state clear of trusts, monopolies anil multitudinous leagues formed for self aggrandizement und the oppresnion of the farmer, the mechanic ami the com mon laborer. Therefore, be it resolved, I. That it is an eternal prinoipal of right that the voice of the people shall rule the nation. II- That the right of a free and fair ballot shall be guaranteed to every citi zen of the United States, white or black, north or south. III. That there is a great disparage ment existing in representation in the congress of the TJuitea States when in some states 32,000 votes elect but one congressman, while in other states the same number of votes elect live congress men, and that our national legislature should provide means to rumedy this. IV. That we are opposed to faction rule, and that it should be frowned down by all good people from the meetings of onr pvimuneu up to national conventions, und that every effort should be put for ward to place in nomination for the diff erent offices in our county, state and national conventions, such persons as shall be the choice of the peoplo and not of the different factions. V. 'That we strongly favor the unity of principle, and desire to avoid every thing that will oagendor sectional strife. VI. That we are in favor of ooutrol ling the liquor traffic in such a manner lis will reform the drunkard und biiug peace to his home, and giving the poor inebriate a chance to saver himself from the vices that koep bimscK and family in depredation and poverty. VII. That we are opposed to a hori zontal reduction of the tariff and that vo hereby exprcaa our open opposition to the taking off, or even reduction of the tariff ou wool, as recorurueuded by the president ot the United States, feel ing thnt it will cause a loss to the sheep (.-rowers of this and other wool producing states, that will result iu the destruction of one of the greatest industries ou this l'acifio slope. VIII. That we feel that the presi dent has dne the peoplo of the Colum bia river basin n groat injury iu pocket ing the river and harbor appropriation bill for the improvement of the Columbia river, thereby deluyiug open transporta tion of the products o this inland em pire, and causing a great loss in the price, of tho products of our labor that lire shipped to tho coast. IX. That we recommend to onr con gressmen to persist in their utmost en (ieavm'S for the forfeiture uf the lands in Oregon held by tbo Northern Pacific Itailroad company and which are unearn ed, and should be restored to tho gov ernment for settlement. I). C. Ely, Ktuphun LatjAkde, E. B. Stanton, Com. Pea-mi og J. Q. Adams. The tolling of the bell on Saturday afternoon, March 81. announced to the citizens of Arling ton t hat J nines Qniney Adams had pass ed away. His illness was of shnrt dura tion. A man not over strong, bis health was considered good, and his lcnte of life as promising as the nverage, but dis ease took a strong hold upon him and death claimed another victim. Mr. Ad ams was a native of 'Wisconsin, where liis early life was ppont. Me studied law at Sheboygan, V.'ia., and was admit ted to the bar iu his native slate. His life among the people of Arlington was one without blemish. A lawyer of sound judgment as well as a cultivated nund his practice w;is steadily increasing, and life held for him a measure full of suc cess. Ili? nxo was 87 years. Ho leaves n wile and three children, desolate at his loss. The friends of the family offer their sympathy at this great bereave ment, but realize how little can be said or done to alleviate so groat a sorrow. Lrlinytun Times. Marbti-.h. At the Jackson Housf, March 1H8H, Charles 41. Charlton and Misa Mnniio MoOnrty, liecorder Lnckey (ifiiciating. Charley is wtdl known in this vicinity, and is now serving his sec ond term as town marshal, and is a young man of exemplary character mid .sterling qualities of heart and mind, and is certain to bring to a glad fruition the plans of the young couple for a bright future, assisted as he will baby his bride who is one of Piineville's fairest daugh ters. We commend the young couple on their respective choice and say that tly could not have done better. Wo join a large circle ot friends in wishing that their future may become n glad reality of Ihn fondest dreams f the present, and that the buiisIiiuo of love and affec tion may light them over life's rugged nvad. Print' cillc. Xcwx. Miss MoCarty is well known in this vicinity, and this sheet extends congratulations. fira-D it Along. There nro quiti a number of subscribers living iu other sections who receive this sheet regularly mid ore indebted from one to four years Our friends here at home know our needs and f oourso will come to the as sistance of the printer, but these sub scribers living in other parts, and not knowiug uf the dilapidated state of onr finances, are hereby kindly requested to pay up. We bought these accounts with the outfit, snd want some return on the investDioct, besides it takes hard cash to get around regularly every Thursday. Committed to Jail. Sirs. Pyle, John Hum and James Heffly, nocused of ar son and murder, have been committed to jail without bail at Walla A' alia, to await the notion of the grand jury. W. S. Clink, accused of burning the Landis boarding house, is hid in the sum of 553,5" 0. The evidence against thos par ties is of the most damaging character, pnd they will no doubt be made to suffer the full penalty of the law fur their liiendish work- Mitchell's March. Ths Senator Mitchell march is the name of a new piece of piano music, composed by Mr. Julias Acller. of Kansas City. We had the pleasure of making the acqnamtanoe f Mr. AUier lasi winter, ana leei .uigniy nratified to learn that his production iB appreciated. He is a brotner-iu-law of fciol Jiursu, or rortiana. Oeoakize the Band. Heppner's oor net band should be reorganized as soon ns possible, as the season of their use fulness fust approaches. It is much better to pav home talent for musio than to be oompelled to depend on. our neigh bors for such entertainment. Mossy to Loan. F. O. Bncknum is psepared to loan money on improved farms, on 3. 5 and 7 years time at a low rate of interest. Call on him at Heppner Pick Howard is now ranching for Will Morrow. May, daughter of 6. A. Huusaker, is sick with pneumonia. A. Abrahamsick's baby has been quite sick but is getting better. The little son of Mr. F. M. Fickard is siok with the whooping cough. Mrs. Pan Horner returned last Fri day from a weeks' visit ou Eight Mile. Mrs. W. R. Ellis is visiting friends in Walla Walla where she formerly resided. Jas. Adkins, one of Morrew Bounty's solid oitizens, called on ns last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hunsnker oame in Monday from their ranch in Spring Hol low. Rev. C. P. Bailey will proaoh at the Baptist church nest Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. Mrs. Webb, the mother of Mrs. W. B, Ellis, whe has been ailing for some time, is much worse. John Pascoe, of Fremont Neb., arrived in Heppner last Friday for the purpose of buying sheep. J. B. Sporry will stop his roller mill in a short time, as the supply of wheat is about exhausted. F. J. Knepper, the genial representa tive of Zsn tiros., I'oi tiuud, was with us the first of the week. Born In Black Horse on Maroh 31st, to the wife of W. B. Straight, an 8 1-2 pound daughter. J. A. W. Coffey is now clerking for B. A. Hunsakor. John is up to the stand ard wherever you put him. The Hoppner poat-oflioo building has received a fresh coat of paint from the artistic brush of 11. A. Ford. Miss Cora Abshier, of Rookport, Ind., a frieud nud sohooi-mate of Miss lilla Thomua, arrived iu Heppner last .Uouduy. John and Henry Rasmus left Monday for Blalook, ou a visit to their brother and family, whom they have not seen for five years. Pan Staller pnrchsed this week a fine Clydesdale stallion from Elliott Bros., paying therefor 1,0(10. He is throe years eld and a beauty. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will hold a gospel temperance meeting at tho Baptist church on Suaday evening, to which ull are invited. Geo. Stewart has just returned from Colorado, w here he has spout the winter. He thinks of returning iu a short time and remaining till fall. The many friinds of Frank Maddook will be pained to learu that he is now very low with heetio fever, and that his recovery is very doubtful. The wood company h.vrc Solas sii er eight hundred cords of wood dotvu in the Maddook pa&tnre, having finished their drive the latter part ef last weok. Tho polilioal skillet was simmering lust week, no one denies it, but we are afraid tho political jackass is kicking since the republioau county couventiwii. George Bitters had his carl kicked to pieces last Thursday ou Main street, by a wild-tyed cayuse mare. A fine lot of kindling wood can uow he had reasona ble. T. M. Elliott, of the firm of Elliott Bros., is now m Hcppuer with soma hue horses. He will no doubt be liberally patronized by our enterprising stock men. Farmers are naeding rain iu this Bva- tion to insure good crops the oomiur season. A few good showers duriug this month means prosperity lor Marrow county. F. O. Bucknnm arrived iu Hoppner last Saturday nud has located a loau ofl- ice here, making his headquarters at the present with t. J. liallock, next door ua- ziSTTB shop. A Sunday eohool was organized last Sunday at tho Sand Hillow school house. Ihe organization will be kept up duriug the summer months, and all are invited to attend. Hugh Fields came up from Brownss ville last week to look after his interest iu Easteru Oregon. Mr. Fields reports a smaller uuiouut of rain iu the valley the past winter thnn usual. Cnpt. Homer McFarland was up from Lexington last Monday, und made this office a call. Mr. Mci'arland is in at tendance to the convention of 0. A. U-. off icers hold iu Portland this week. If yon want to snbssribe for any of tho leading periodicals or newspapers, oail at tho Gazette shop. We only charge publishers prioes, and it will save you the cost of a money ordor. We are raking iu new subseribers right along, but there are more of our oitizens who should patronize tne home paper. It deals fairly with the poor as well as the rich, and likes to see everyone pros per. Joe Keflor, our sprinkler man, is keep ing the dust down in line shape. It is unusually dry this year for so early in the seasou, and Joe deserves a great deal of credit for the manner in which he is doing his work. Miss Ella Thomas, onr efficient pri mary teacher of last year, is visiting her brother near Castto Book. Miss Thom as will teach tho B intermediate depart ment of tbo Heppner schools the oom- mg year. Thefirst number of the Oregon Blade, a republican paper published at Baker City by E. G. Uursh, has made its appear auee at our editorial desk, and it seems to be a formidable weapon vigorously and ably handled. May success attend the sheet. A couple of veteran tom-oats held a consultatiou out on our wond shed, the other evening, to the discomfiture of the entire force. Next to the brass band a week old, oomes the thomas cat with his falsetto voiee, either being about as en tertaining as a horse fiddle. A. J. Ceok, of Lena, oame in on us last Thursday as we were inspeotiug the ma chinery of the power press, (operated by the muscle of our athletic- fartmau,) pre paratory to getting out the last issue, made us two dollars richer, and now reg ularly receives the Gazette. Our news summary and a number ef communications are crowded out this week on acoount of having ta publish the finauoiul exhibit of Marrow county. Wo always endeavor to publish all the local newe and general happenings, and should there be a scantiness of the same, we humbly ask to be let down easy this time. Built at Home. The Gazettb has almost entirely discontinued the use of stereotype plates, as we think a better local paper can be got up without them. Liquidation of some stereotye acoount that we have in our possession is now in order. Stuated. From the range, one four year old mare', dark bay, branded cross inside circle on left shoulder. A liberal reward wiU given for her return to meat Heppnrr. J. C. Ball. Mutton Sheep fob Sale. I have 2300 large, fat and sound two and three- year-old wethers for salo. J. W. Blake, Condon, uiiiiam county, uregon. Fob Sale. A No. 1 Shepherd dog who has had three years' experience with sheep. You will find me on Jim Fisher's range, on Black Horse. Wn. Mctu. TUE1FT A.VI) TRADE. Heppner'i Enterpriaiag Citizens Who Lay thalr Vim Before the World. For barley go to W. A. Kirk at the furniture store. When you go to Arl ington Btop with Billy Theodore, at the Sanford house. If you want to get riob sow alfalfa. You oan get it and every other kind of seed at Minor, Podson & Co's. Leezer & Thompson will in a few days reoeive a large addition to their stock of hardware, nails, cto. Pr. John Rasmus, professional tooth puller aud mouth fixer. All kinds of dentistry done neatly. A second ear-load of barb wire will reach M., P. & Co. this week. Ben Hunsaker has just received a large stock of sheep shears, oil stones, rope, carpenter's tools and all kinds of shelf hardware, which can be bought oheap for cash. Ed R. Bishop sells no intoxicating beverages, but has as fine a steck of liquors for medicinal purposes as oan be found iu the city. The Farmers' and Merchants' insuranoe oompany, of Albany, Orego, will give you a square deal, see ad. in anomer oolumn. Po you want the finest brand of flour? Sperry oan furnish it. Pi you want mill feed in any quanity? Sperry can accommodate you. Give him a call. Hunt him up. You oan find hair curlers, agricultural hardware, calf hi abbs and clothes pins at Leezer & Thompson'. Remember the place to get a good ci gar is of O. M. Mallory at the City drug store. Mat Lichtenthal is constantly receiving summer goods. Go to him for ladies and children shoes. If you need money, you can get it of F. O. Buoknum at a low rate of interest. Hunsaker has just got iu a lot of tin ware direct from Chicago. Just look at those retiuned dish pans and be convinc ed. When man gets so that he oan't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chillblains or the toothache. Pr. Vaughan, tho dentist, is a sure euro for the latter. The best family remedy is undoubt edly Pfuader's Oregon Blood Puririor. Harmless, it accomplishes relief where many other raediciues failed to do so. It may bo safely given to the infant as well as the adult. When your teeth get so that you oan't eat anything harder than musli dig up Pr. Vaughau aud have him make you a uew set. Po not forget that G. W. Wright Esq. is advancing money on wool for Kosh l.wil Bros. Reading dime novels is a bad practice, but if you like good literature you will find it at Ed It. Bishop's. Stationery, school hooks, and etn. can be procured at the same place at bottom prices. Every one who has a house should have it insured, and nothing is ahead of the Farmers' and Merohants' Insurance company of Albany, Oregon, for that protection. Gazette nover breaks faith. Minor, Podsou & Co. are getting in an immense stock of goods which they are selling at prices so lew that it would as tonish yon. The springtime is coming, and with it the usual amount of blood disorders. lake time by tho forelock and cleanse your system with a bottle of Casoara Bitters, to bo had of 0. M. Mallory, at the City drug stare. Price, $1.00 per uettie. Teamsters, Farmers, sheepmen, and norsemen, when you wnnt work done. remember Billie Ruark, tho craok boree- shoea and job-worker. Farmers aud everyone else 1 Come to this olhce and get for 35 cents, the Amer ieau Settler's Gnido, a popular exposi tion of the public hind svstom of the U S. of America. Yon cannot afford to be without it, It may save you untold la bor nud money by its valuable informs tion. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extrnot the same in a sciontitio manner. It is a fact nokuowlcdgod by all "art organists," both of Europe nud America that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in tone, and quickest in response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. All kiuds ot ready-made goods and fine oustom work at Mat Liohtenthal's boot aud ehoe store, at reasonable rates, and repairing a speoialty. Rustle an those Him". All parties having guns belonging to the state of Oregon are requested to bring them to me at Heppner. It will save trouble and expense to attend to this matter immediately. Those who do not will be prosecuted. " Wm. Wabbkn, Capt. Co. E 3d Reg't, O. N. G. tor Sale. A dn oiling iu Heppner; contains five large rooms ; is ceiled aud papered ; has good brick foundation, a small orchard that will bear some fruit this year and good stable. Corner property compris ing two lots. A good bargain may be had by applying to J. W. Mokrow. Strayed. A dark bay mare 15 U hands high, weight 1M), 9 years eld and branded C with M on the inside on left shoulder. A two-year-old stallion, with a little white un face and feet, branded C nith M on the iuside or. left shoulder. A sorrel mare, 9 years old, a little white ou face and feet, branded half moon, P with a on the inside and U with M on the inside, all on left shoulder. A blood bay two year-old mare branded (J with M on the inside ou left shoalder. Sup posed to bo iu the vicinity of Alkali cant you, on the Umatilla river. A reward o- 85 per head will be paid for information leading to their reaovery. Address me at Heppner. Chas. E. Milleu. Fob Sale. 320 acres of deeded land and a timber culture, situated between Frank Gilliam's and Silas Wright's in Spring Hollow, Rhea Creek, Morrow county, Oregon. Good water en each quarter section, aud the best spring in the country at the house. Call on me at my place or address me at Heppner. W. C. Reininoeb. Stbated. One four year old bay mare, branded U B on the left shoulder, white in face and on one or two feet. Supposed to range in the vicinity ot Sand Hollow; $5 reward will be paid for her delivery at Jas. Jones' stable at Heppner. Lisub VTatkixs. Ranoh fob Sale. 320 acres, fenced; good home, oorral. eto. Fine running water. Call at Gazettb shop aud get a bargain. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.-.T-cl (rfctT1 Dllc. Or.. Marr h tt. ' No! if i hsTAl'ir crimn tup.I lliv fol Wwlitu-named chIt Iuim t.'ivil uotii: rf hit ititnmton to niako up.h! f.KMif in Mi. iiit m his rli.ini, anl thnt Mud proof will lw ir-'id befen Ihe joHy of Morrow coiuily, 'Jr., at llppimur. Dr., uu Ui; 1, IS, tu: JumfH If. IntUeop, Hd is-;-.', for rh HK UK. '4 rtac. s. (liE 'INE H auriKtt '( UK ', (W 17. 'I n I H. U 21 E, W M. lla nmn tlie fojjowniff witnetuio to orovo hi contitiuou r,ul!iic 111011, and cidlivatioo of, iMtiil laud, vile: M. H. tfwerirg and H. E. Warraii, of Eiglit Mile, dr., and Jacob lutuitf ana jaeOD Jouaaou, of Go-jaberry, OreiroD. M-l H. A. McDokald. Regular. PEMOCRATIC CALL. The adiourned meeting of the Pemo- oratio Central Committee was held iu Heppner Maroh 13th, 1888. The basis of representation was fixed at one for every 25, and fraction of 13 and over, and one delegnte-at-large. Pre cincts are entitled to tho following rep resentation: Alpine, 8; Pairy, 8: Ooil, 3; Castle Rook, 1: Pry Fork, 1; Eight Mile, 2; Heppner, U; lone 3; Lexington, 8; Le na, 8; Pine City, 1; Wells Springs, 2; Matteson, 1. The primaries will be hold at the reg ular voting place of each preoinot, on Saturday, April 28, 1888. The County Convention will be held at Heppner, Saturday, May 5,1888. The following persons were duly elect ed delegates to the State Convention: E. O. Hoerry, C. A. RheB, Kit Hayes and J. W. Morrow. . J. B SPERRY, Chairman. To Independent Votebs. Citizens of Morrow county who favor an independ ent tioket at the county election next June, are hereby notified to assemble in their respeohve preomcts on Saturday, Anril. 7th. 1888. to elect delegates to a county convention to be heldin Heppner, on Saturday, April 21st. The represen tation ot each precinct Has been estab lished on the basis of the vote oast' for Lexington in June, 1886 as follows: Hoppner 4; Lexington 6; Alpine 4; Eight Mile 4; Pairyville 2; lone 4; Lena 2; Ce cil 3; Wells Springs 8; Pine City 2; Pry Fork 2; Castle Rock 2. As a basis of this action the Independent Central Committee believe that as the preoincts are at present bonmlHl we are not fairly represented in oarJS-Oty conventions. By order of J. F. Brewer, Ch'inan Independent Co, Central Com. Advances upon Wool. Avers i Fell will make advnnoes upon wool for delivery and sale at Arlington. Mrs. Warren Has Just Received a nice loi of goods from ihe ec.st, and will go below immediaUy and purchase a complete stock of MILLINERY! Which will be sold cheap. AYERS & FELL, Wool Commission MERCHA'TS, Representing T. W. HALL & Co., Chicago. FENNO BROS ACHILP, Boston. If ittUUU -AT- Arlington, CbbUs Rock and Echo. LADIES' HA All of the Latl Ladies' Fir On Thursday, . FriL 5th, 6th Frank Brothers A Special InviiaF Of Heppnor an GRAND OPENING i MRS. s. r IDEAJLBiaa 123 Farm,- Milled Dairy Machinery, Farm and Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carta, Double and Single PIP?? AND HORSE GOODS We have on hand at all LaBclle and Rnshford Wagons. Duford'g Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows. Buford's Elding and Walking Cultivators. Havana Press Brills. McSherry Drag or Shoe DrilL XcSherry Seeders and Drills. Thomas Ha j Rake. Royal Self-Damp Hay Bate. Victor Grinding Mills. Zlj-ZufC Harrow (all steel). Hollow Tooth yarrows. CSaiaSA.AaW.AaaAsAa yvvvvvvyvvvvyvWwmmvwvwwvwn Our Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue mailed free to any address. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., 63 sad 60 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. PR. W. A. EICHEY, Physician and Surgeon HEPPNER, - - - OREGON, rtrt Office on Main Street, next door to Ga zette shep. FREP J. HALLOCK, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTS The Home Mutual, Old California, Royal Norwich-Union & Lanca shire, State, of Salem, German American, North British & Mer cantile and London & Lancashire, REPRESENTING- $75,000,060 CAPI TAL. ALSO Washington Life In surance Company,, of New York. Office, next door to Gnaette offioe. Say, Sheepmen ! CHRISTY & WISE -THE- Are now in the field to Make Cash Advances' Office: Ainsworth Bank Building, Third Street, Portland, Oregon. Settlers, Attention ! You will save time, money anil trouble by consulting J. W. MORROW ! : o : Plats of vacant lands obtained. Filings aud eutry papers prepared. Correc tions of erroneous entries seoured. Con tests initiated, conducted and defend ed. Poeds and mortgages drawn. MONEY LOANED On entered lands. Consultation, by mail or in porson, strictly confidential. Unusual Facilities For prompt and successful proaeoution ot all kinds ot land business. J. W. Morrow. Office on May street, Heppner, Or. IU I! .ril and 7th. Implement Go., IALL GOODS oftha Best Class AND Warranted! times a Complete lane of Walter A. Woods BeapenJ Mowers and Binders. Hodges Doable Draper He Gaar, Scott & Co. Separatd and Farm Engines. C. & G. Cooper & Co.'s Saw en t Engines. Star Wind Hills & Force IV ChnniH. Cider MIT Hay and Boot Cnlters, Planet, Jr., Gar den Drill, an Cultivator. . Diamond Tooth Cnltlratorn, c HENRT HEPPNEB, Arlington. PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead ! The Old-Established House of HEPPNER& BLAGKMAN! DEALERS IN i General Merchandise; CONTINUES TO- AT ll'LOVVEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Our Stock will be found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place 8-.IN THE lRONT EANK1 Aud in the future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue to be the Leading House in the Heppner Country ! Our facilities for doing business tablishmeut in We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convinoe each and all as to the full and oomplete stock we at all times carry. Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Largo and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives aa better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity for the Celebrated Baiii W agon, AND Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements.' HIDES AND TELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. HENRY IIEPP.NEK, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of II. & B., Arlington. font ! , JJUUfll AND DON'T FORGET, THAT C. M. MALLQEY AT THE CITY HEPPNER, Konps the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in Ms Line in Morrow Connty. ... , ., ...-. . . Comprising Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medietues, and Toi-, let Goods of Every Description. Also Points, Oils, Varniskes, Glass, Putty, Etc., Etc. i He makes a specialty of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medioiaal Purposes. Best Brands Domestic and Imported Cigars. Candy, Nuts, Chewing Gum, Etc. Prices reasonable. Terms, Cash. ' Prescriptions aeourataly compounded, day and night, and special attention paid to orders from the country. A GRAND Will be il I) A. JL V the Catholic Church. iTirKzunrwill be opened by HON. HENRY BLACKMANv Mayor of Heppner. Any Contributions for the Bazaar will be thankfully received by the Secretary, or by any of tho Commit tee or by Rex. Father Mercior. - DAVID WALSH, SECRETARY. HENRI BLACK MAU, Heppner. THE are unexcelled by any mercantile the Northwest 1 1W, Bead, Real! IlfttUj BIZARRE ? held in the HOUSE ! : OREGON, Vedneaday, the 7th, 8th and 9th. days of tunas ior tne liquidation 01 ice aeDi on :o :- if you want money. Jr-y 1! 0