THE GAZETTE-. ' iKPPNKiCTHt'iWUAY, APRIL 12, '8rt Now cuTiicss f ) tlio f.'Diit a Btory of blsu:ktn:iLl, opjirea'Soil and bribery iin poseil (in the liquor raca of DuMuines, by tlu-er oonatiiblos, Pieros, l'otta unil Hiiuiiltou, who nro now boiug trioil on these charges. These men would ponuoo dowu oil druggists aud other liquor dealers, arrest them, causing a great deal of expense in hiring a lawyer, etc., when frequently the stats bad no ithuw of a case ugainat the alledged of fenders. Some on payment of Tarious sums of money, were allwwed to sell liquor without molestation, but ths liquor men set a trap for these fellows into which they niaely walked. Twen ty different charges are preferred, but they make a (weeping denial and allege that lb.3 crookedness is with tho prose cuting attorney. The railroad comniittae, who are so liciting subscriptions to the right of way fund, are tolerably successful so far, but there are many who will be di rectly and indirectly benefitted who have not as yet subscribed a dollar. The time when the report of tho committee shall be made to the 0. 11. & N. a ra Krds the rejection or acceptance of their proposal fast approaches, aud uu luss tho amount is made up, of course the offer can not be aocepteJ. Remem ber friends, that this is as liberal a prop osition as wo will ever got, and as all parties agree that a railroad is neoded, let us make to have this a sure thing, without any moro parleying. The railroad people evidently mean business, and it is now our duty to reciprocate the notion. Gr.AND Master Workman Powderly now makes kuown t the 500,000 mem bers of the Knights of Labor that iu the future they must expect amelioration of their condition through education of their families, aud that strikes against corporations backed up by hard cash are useless. Had this advice been given to the members of that order some time ago, it would have been wealth iu the coffers of thousands of families. ti'ins and the speedy passage of the Iliv er and Harbor bill uuw ponding in con gress. XI L P.esolred, That we demand of tho general government the speedy com pletion of the locks at tho Cascades uud the immediate construction of bcks at The Dalles, on the Columbia river, and euuicieat appropriations therefor, and that we favor the state, as far as is in its power, shall make such improvements at or around these points as will, until the completion of the locks, aeoommo date the commerce of the country. OTIIKR BESOIiUTIONS. Every resolution of tho platform was graeted with hearty applause, and it was unanimously adopted without a dissent ing vote. The Clackamas county delegation pre sented a resolution favoring no exemp tions for indebtedness, except S3U0, which was laid ou the table by a consid erable majority. A special resolution urging the appro priation of 500,000 for improvements at tho bar at the ni'iuih of the Columbia, and setting fortli a statement of facts which showed the urgent necessity to our commerce of such au expenditure, was reported by the committee with a favorable recommendation, and was adopted. A special resolution favoring the nom ination of judges and prosecuting attor ney iu Multuomah by the enmity con vention of that county, instead of by the state delegation, was adopted. FAULTLESS! rf-Nature it faultiest and to it that noble discovery, continuing on.y Na- it is a benefit to the human race. Kk.fc.fuf VOUTH, HliALTH, VIGOR by the use of Pfunder'8 Oregon Blood Purifier. Ouicc and Complete Cure of all Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It .............. Bllu ...(,,,. relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and puts fresh energy into the system by makine Nwr, llicli til 1. fakeil mllme rivl.i ...,. 2s a fannol be beat as a preventative oidiscaHc! bold and used everywhere. i a bottle, 6 for 5. Majou Gsneiial Tumi? is about to be placed on the retired list on account of poor health. PROCEEDINGS Vf the Demuerutle Stale Convention The democratic state convention, held at Pendleton on the 3d and 'tth inst., ntado the following nominations: John M. Gamin, of Multuomah, Kepreseuta- tive to congrohs; tlon. John Ihirnett, of liouton, fur kinprenio jud'jo; M. H. ilell- liinn, J. Jt. .Kelly, ,1. V. Miller, T. J. lilae.k, Henry Klipp'M and Nnpolnon Da vis were dented dulogates to tho dtimo erati"! nntional oonvention to bo held at St. J.nn.H. W. 11. Ellinger, of Multno miih, V. K. lUlyeu, of Linn, and E. It. tikipworth, of Umatilla, wore elected as presidential electors. The st'ita ceutrul ooiiiniittoe was organized for the coming viMir- mi') HiiHiu t,lt, niinilinr .T. W. Mor row was selected lor Morrow county. J . Ii. Story, of Tho Dalles, was nominat ed for prosecuting attorney of the sev enth Judicial district. The plalform for the coming campaign is us follows: Tho democracy of (he slate of Oregon, ui convention assembled, declare ils le nity to the great nation, il organization of w Inch it iti n part, and asks the ro apeetful attention of tho peoplo of the state to its statement of national aud lo cal polities: I. Kesolved, That wo heartily endorse President Cleveland, who by ti i h capabil ity and fearless honesty, and ii.lnlily to tho trust reposed in him, has illustrated the principle that this is a government of, for and by the people, and one pledged to guarantee equal rights to all, and give special privileges to none. II. Kesolved, That we approve the present faithful and ellieiout deuiimrali': .htntp udministralion. III. Unsolved, That wo most earn estly and unqualifiedly endorse tho poli cy of I nrilT revision, and n reduction ef the surplus revenue to the needs of (lie government, economically administered, as set forth in tho president's last annual message to congress. Wo believe that such a revision is dictated by sound pol icy, and that unnecessary tnxationis un just taxation and oppression, aud publio revenuo should, ns fur as possible, be de rived from taxes levied upon the luxuries ralhor than npou Hie necessities of life. IV. Kesolved, That wo demand the forfeiture of all unearned land grants, mid that the public domain be held as a saerod trust for homes for our rapidly in creasing population. And we commend and approve tho president's message iu regard to Oregon vngou road grants, lately sent to congress. V. Kesolved, That proper public policy looking to the future security of the country, requires that the govern ment keep all its pledges to the sol diers of the Union in ils various wars, and that tho pension roll of the Kepub lie be jealously guaided as a roll of hon or, without visiting upon the people bunions equal to the maintenance of a htanding army, exhausting of Hie resour ces of the taxpayers, which may bo needed for future defense. VI. Kesolved, That as a free people, enjoying; tho blessings of liberty in 11 government of the peoplo, wo denounce the policy of tho English government in its administration oT Irish atl'airs; and that we oxteud ou behalf of the democ racy of Oregon our earnest sympathy willi (.iladsttmo and Parnell in their eff orts to secure home rule and laud reform for tho people of Ireland. VII. Kesolved, That wo endorse the ealutory policy of tho national ndminis trti"U iu restricting corporations to the privileges aud prolits to nhich they are strictly entitled under the law V J II. Kesolved, That wo are iu hearty necord and sympathy with the efforts of tho labeling masses and wsge oarners to ameliorate their condition and establish their rights; uud are in favor of the enactment of such latvi as will best protect their interests. IX. Kesolved, That we favor the amendment to the eoiihtitntiou of the United States providing for the eleetioii of United States eeuatora by a direot Tote of the people. X. lu'sulvtd, That we favor an amendment to the preseut railroad com mission law of this state conferring up on the board of railroad commissioners power to fix and regulate rates for the transportation of freights ou the railroads within the state of Oregon. XI. Kesolved, that we are in favor of opening and improvement of the Colum bia river, and various ports of entry on tho seaboard, so that the commerce of the country may be convoyed without interruption to the market of tho world: and for that purpose wo demaud of the i;wiiiMut liberal apprepnu- Cnnsamptinu Surely furfil. To the Eni roit Pie .so inform your readers mat 1 nave a positive remedy for tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme dy free to auy of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post olliee adress. Kespect fully, T. A. Slooum' M. U, 181 Pearl at., New York. Tailoring. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my now build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from $7 to $15 best goods iu the market. A. Abuaiiamsiok. LcvrrHii. W. L. Houston has the on ly dry lumber in I he county, at his Uock creek sawmill. Will deliver iu Heppner as cheap as the cheapest. Cash naid for eonntv Rerin ut fiti.n. Dodaou & Co's. ' Has Removeci. J. M. Hagor has com pleted the reruovel of his stook of gener al merchandise to the building formerly occupied by Heppner & Blackmail, end is now prepared to sell goods dirt cheap. He has a largo assortment of boots aud shoes, ladies children and misses shoes, in which speoial bargains will be given. Will not bo undersold in any line. Attention! Sheep Men. I will pasture bucks at my ranch on the head of Middlo fork of Kock creek; will gather from the ranges at shearing time aud dip them July 1st. I will make general delivery betweon the mid dle and last of Ootober and pay for all bucks not accounted for. Terms, $1.10 per head for the season. Address, James Hams, Hardinan. Syrnp of Figs Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Franoisoo, Cab, is nature's own true laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of CM. Mallory, uruggist, Heppner, at 50 cents or SI a bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt aud effective remedy kuown, to cleanse the system, to act on the liver, kidneys and bowels gently yet thoroughly, to dispel headaches, colds and fevers, to oure constipation, indiges tion and kindred ills. S3 Kbward. Strayed from A. M. Onun's ranch, on Eight Mile, one brown horse with while Btripe down his nose, 15 hands high, weight, 1100; branded with half oirclo over 7 on left shoulder aud circle T on left flank. Deliver at Houston's mill or at A. M. Gunu's, Heppner. Vm. Houston. Yeare now Daily Receiving Large Invoices of NEW DRESS GOODS! In all the latoei shades and fabrics and our counters '1 "With the Choicerit Productions of the Manufacturers, and the best news to all is that they are CI-IISA-P-lSIl TI I A.2sr EVER. ARE PILED HIGH AYe have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our gooUa, ami are satiBhed that our Uress uoods btock will com prise the iiest as well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be fore in Heppner. Can't you give us a call soon for the pur pose or 1 ! L0 KING THROUGH 71 -i Yesterday was sncu a day as to make one realize that summer is not far dis tant. Ei-Iiibit of Morrow County's Receipts and Expenditures For the Six Months ending March HI, 1888. CLWtK'S STATEMENT. Pomi-Aanufil KVnort. of the Tnnntv f:U,-U nf Mnrrn. 1 v.f.. u,..- r,,. a i.. o. , 11 nil niiiulM-r i if claims allowed liT the ('0UI1I7 ( 'cmrt of said ( 'oinily, for wlmt allowed, amount of .. .... .., .,,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lYiirrn ion oinnniKliiigauU unpaiU, Irom ths 1st Uu o Uctobar, 1SS7, to t.lin3lnf, day of Mnroh, lsss. bulk inclusive. Otnnor, 1SS7., Nor. " ,. .Pauper ncoonnt .flennriil KxpcnMO ncconnl . Itond nnd Uridyl, account .EtfOtion iiccoiint . ,, . Ktock InHpoctor's account , I ncidcintnl Kxponsn nncoant . JubUuo Court account .Hcliool Hint. account.. Claims Allowed. Warrants Drawn. .$ 23.00 22.00 .llint Ally fee ncoouut 27.W)., B0.I.1., l,2S!l.4fl jr.i.40 itit.m. S7.M 2t"i.fir, 70.(0 March, 1PS7. Octolicr, " . Nov. " ., January " . Jnnunry " .. March " ., ilnmiary " .. March .. Imnirv, " .. March, .. .Jiillllllrv lKH'l Mnrch, " ., .ouiimiy " ., I'Vb'y, " .. 111,,,-cl " Jiiiiuiiry " ,. March " .. r..... t,,i','l. .. " Jiinnnrv .March ' Jminary ' iiiircn March ' ...Jail lice . . l'nrpi.r account ..County heal account fatly fnn). .. " ,Iud-o Hillary uccoont . . Khcriff'a fee account . .u-niiHiircr a Hilary account.. Sr.l.lill.. 2;,n.).. OTMXI.. 3U0.. 75.(10.. .Circuit Court tlxiucjeo account 170.00. . .( icrk a run account .. .General K.xpennf account ... Ilnii'l and llrid-40 account ...Clerk'H fees (jcn.ii-il (I'TncnKiB uccnur.t . . Hoicl ami llrufcf- iiccoiun, . ..Klectimi account I . .Clerk'H fccn accunt.. . . Wtoek I nupcclor'a account... . . lncideiilni account .. Justico Conrl KxpnUHu account ..School Examinations . .County Corouor'a I'epucconnt ..Superintendent of Hchnuls ardnry ucnouut.', . . l5iHt rict Attorney 'e fees ucc.uuit ' fi so.. Jsriiii.. hUlill.. S'.nu.. a:siKi.. lus ro. . 6 00.. (HI. IS 1,2KU8 354,40 BfKl.fsl :i7.s:i SS.05 7(1.00 27.SO 42..W SSUH) 2SO 00 IDIIXI 75 (K) 170 (0 S ,10 2'iS DO Kl DO 27(144 7ailfl ii'3 in S'.ld :.!! tut: 19H15 1:1s lli ...Jail account . . Pauper account . . AiHeHHor'a feeH account ..County Judo balary account. . . Coronor'n account . .Hherill'a fee account "County Court Kxponne account... . .TrriiHurer's Miliary account . .Teticlter'a Ksamiuetlon uocuuot. am ixi., 411 IK) 45 70. . 157 rid ., . . 7 l) etl So fir, 20 74 on SI 37.... l (XI.. .. lain.... MUX) tu 32 125 117 Ill) 35. HI 50 lli 00 IO11IXI 110 (XI 13 (X) 221 31 418 711 IS 10 751X1 HI 50 Total amount of claima allowed and (Ira ;,5i!3.'JO 2dO(H 11 on 411 HI .... 45 70 .... 157 6u 7 on ftliio ... 53 91 74IW SI S7 20(10 1(1 (X) ... I30IXI 64 82 .. 125 7 ... 59 2.5 PS 50 10 (XI ... KXMXl ... l(X)(Xl 13 00 .. 221 31 .. 413 7H IS 10 75 00 SI 511 $ 7.503.HO This Stock and seeing our Pretty Things? We shall take plasure ami priue in showing you what we have got Whether you are ready to buy or not, you are ALWAYS WELCOME At our store, and will see your friends there also. ALSO JCSTlIllI,! FINE LOT Of Cable Cord Ginghams, Charabrays, &c, and as this stock sells out so fast that we can not hardly get goods fast enough to keep any varioty on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit. ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. MINOR, DODSON & CO., MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OEEGON. CllAS. K. WOLTKRTOK, President. J. W.Cumck, Trecsuror. J. O. WaiTHMAir, J. K. Kldkrkiit, Yicfl-Proident. Secretary and Man W. II. Kaymond, Assistant Secretary. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., Ol? ALBANY, OREGOK Capital Stock, $300,000. Paid up in Cash, $60,000, A Square Gompany Managed by Square Men. W. J. LEEZER. 1'. 0. THOMF80N LEEZER & THOMPSON, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, OuiMtnniliiiK Ihipnid ('tnmty Wnrrmi( on tlio Hint day of March, IHWi $13,HH.fi9 KMiiumtt'd liili'rust uutirnod tUotnuu &.'tUH Tutfil untomif of mipnid Counly Warrant $f I.hih.hD HTATK OK OJtKUON, ) a ( -OUNTV OF flhJUHOW. ) 1, Ij. Aiidrowd, C'onnlv 'lork nf Hip CVmnty of Morrow, Bfatc of Ordtfon, lo !i(rt'l)v cprtify tliiit H10 forcjioiun in it tru ittid t'orroct nliitoiiipnt nf tlm nuraltnr nnd nmomit of IllimH lilloWl'd llY HlM i'nillltV ( 'oiirt (if Mlil Cnllnt v tnr thn mi -r itintithn mwliixr n (ha Mt iluv ..f March. ISHS; nil wliill Itrcini'it (tin BHmp iwr nllowcd. nnd Hie mtnint of wurrniitH drawn, nnd t!in hiiu'um! of wnriunuoiuwtnnitiiis' and unpiiiit an Hit tnino uppenr upun the records of my olUee in uiy ulti-iid t-nlody. WiIim'hs my hand mid Hie xeal of Hit) County Cm, it of naid Comdy. thin Kith day rt April A. I), t r-M-l 1H8. C. Jj. A NDI1KWS. Counly Clrk. TltKAMIFilCirS HTATKM ICNT, Sfi'ni-nnniil t:ifnnmnt of tlio County Tri'nhiiror of Slorrow Cmmtv. () for ln mY mnnlln nndiiiKmi Hinlitli day of April, IbKS. AMOUNTS, UKOB1VKD. OKNKRAf, Ft'KIl. To hidiuicnou kitud lut tt'poitS l.lClU o (l-XCH of iNMtt To trial fputt nnd Ouh(.. To li.pinr Iicpiiko I n I'l'ddlcrt liriMisn. . . , To 'ol tax for IH47.... I'o TnactiPiH' tn't initrt., ToTtixosof IM7,coi'i.. ' ' scrip. IIIH.IH ... 1ihm turn ... . '20,110 ... n,7o.-Ji( . . . n.;uiru3 Total.... 18.rIUU srnom, vi'Mi To tmlancn on lutnd Just rn.Hr($ I,H(.7M To itm't rt'CoivcJ on lyin rril.tM To " " biiIi of nslrays 17-TiO I'o " " taxfi of !Sii 'iA: To ' " " 1n7 a.BUfl.iM Total.... fS.fW'.r,? INSTITI'TF FVSIt. Toatnouul 011 Imml nt n'onrtl J.tKl I'o " received fioui Hchod HUporintcinlent. : 7.00 Total .$11.00 AMOITNTH PAID OUT. OKNKH Ij VV Hy ntnint paid on County War rants and interest H.1?0,ltr Hy amount paid Sliitu TreaHurtr. Uy bahuice 011 hiind to dato Totul....$18,08iPl NCHOOT. FrNfl. Hy amount paid on klupt. War- rnntH .$ WiSW liy baluuw on hand to dut 4,itU . r7 t Total... INHTtTt'TK rnvn. Tlj amount paid on Warrant .,.$10 00 Hy balani-v ou hand to date l.(M Total.. ..111.00 HTATK OK OltKdON, ) Cih:hiy or Monnow, t 1. ieo. Nohle. do hei-eliv Certify Hint Ihe foreiniiivr in n trim mid enrreet of ihn amount rn'oivvd. pnid out anil reinninint on bund in Hie Count v Treasury f Hnid County for tlirtwix moil tin ftndiUK on Hit Oh day of April, lS. Witfifnti my liami thin rtth ilav of April, A. 1), w- (iKtl. NOHI.K, County TreaKiinT. yMKHlVi'VS HTATKMKNT. Semi-Aiinual ntnteniont of the amount nf mruey and wnniuil received for tnxH. ami moncv naid to Hie t otintv Treasurer bv tlin Slnn itf of Morrow County, OroKoo, for th nix tnoutha oudinc on tha i'.lh-l day of &larch, A. 1. Ik-vS. TO AMOUNT mCi'SIVKD. October 1S87; cwin and rurrnpy St.ftt Total ivceivwl $ H45.00 lVeemb'T 1H7; in coin and currency fi'i.fJ )tH'wndKr 1sm7; in County WuiralitH 8. HO lotal rcociviMl ( .W.12 January tHM; in coin and enrrnncy $ January issfl; in County Wanuuta Total ncetTwl .$l,0S.V4li Keliruary IK; in coin and currency.... $l,' Kuhruury in County Warrant. ...... .W4.7a Total nvcivd $l,tir'.4a March, ivs; in coin aid enrrcnoy.. $tt,r'W.t'i8 larch INSS; in Cuuuty Warrants a7iiU".I Total roeoivod .$I7.:(7.U) I nv amoi'nts paid to rotrjtTv TRr.sritE:t. November tS87; id eoin and currency. 3S.(i0 Total pnid to County Trfawtrrr $ S45.rti .Tanunrr 1 in coin nnd currency $ 5Ti.2 January 1W; in Ci'unty Warrant Total paid to County Tnvituirwr $ Ml.12 I h-iinmry ii; m coin and currency ... P.ii.M Kabnmry IS; iu County Warrant I'j.Vfcs Total pnid to County Troaaurer. ( l,();..Vtl 1 Mnnh in roin and currency $ 1,?! 71 j March lStf; in County Warranta i.7S' I Total iaid tu County TrcHaurer 8 l,0M).ts I April 1-; in coin and currency $l!..VH!.rW April lSKi: in County Warrants r. 12 j Total inid to County TrcaMirvr $17 tfTUJo 8l'ATKOKOIiiait)N, M 1. T. K. Howard. Stiariffof -MiidCountv. do hetvhv rcrtifv that tha fonroiiii7 titatciiHMit lit coricat uud true. Wituet my hand thiattth dr.y of Aprd. A. I. 1SS, . Ii. HUrt AUl). MieriB of Morrow Countr. ISKMI-ANNL'AL IS I" M M A U V Statement of the financial condition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, ou tha 1st ilny of April, A. 1. INV. UABIUTIKS. April lt. l1. To Warranta drawn on the Trcaauivr, and vmuiaudiuK and unimid $ 13,811.89 To oKti.naid amount of lntortvit accru al thereon 5Ni.0t Tutiil LiabiliUw il.3GI.VJ BBsontrKS. April Int. IHw. Ily funds in handu of County Treasurer applicable to Hit Itaviuent of Ct.nnty Warmnta $ 3.S72.01 ly wiimntd unpaid currtnt tnxea at-. pliottlt to the (ijiuent of County Warrant 10,fK7.s9 Toiid Slf.svTso AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cnges, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. MAIN STBEET, HEPPNER, OREGON Spef ry's New Roller Mills! I I UPPXKH, - - OEEGON, Ca)acity 70 Barrels J, B. SPERRY, Proprietor. Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers-. KIRK&YOUNGGREN, My Street, Kaarly Opposite Minor, Dottson tt Co.'s Store, UErPSEli, -. OliEGOX. , T Mnnnfacturera of oud Dealers iu Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. . J. M. H A G E R, DEALER IN- General Merchandise. AGENT FOR Agricultural Machinery, all kinds of Farm Implements, Wagons, Etc., UEITNEIS, OREGON B. A. HUNSAKER Is still at tho old stand on Main Street, DEALING IN Hardware, Tinware, Coiterware, Granite ware, Pumps, Gas Pipe, Nails, Etc., And is Constantly Receiving NEW GOODS which he deals out to his customers at the latest Fashionable Prices. JOB-WORK EXECUTED IN A SKILLFUL MANNER. MADDOCK CORNER, - - , HEPPNER, OREGON. - MAT LICHTENTHAL'S - - , - Boot and Shoe Store." Having just received a large aud complete stock of first-ekas Boots and Shoes, I am now prepared to furnish any article in that Iiui at fair prices. I will continue to do custom work and repairing, as ueunl. Shop enlarged and refitted throughout. New front and new goods. Heppner Drug Store X:i. BISIIOP, Proprietor. Iu the Leezer & Thompson Building, Main Street, Heppner. DF.ALEH IX Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars, Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti cles, Perfumery, Notions, Etc., Etc. tfSrPrescriptiotis Carefully Compounded, Day or Night, and Esp cil attention paid to family recipes."! BILLIE RUARK, ttta rvnn tat a mrm nrnTt 1Mb rjUbb rJLALKbM lli Will do all kinds of General Blacksmith work and Bepairicg at A, ll Guun's old stand, opposite Jones' Livery Stable, Heppner. :3:o: IToL'seslioeiiig a Specialty IIA.llRTISrGTOJSr & CO., -DEALERS IN I! I I Tlai-iiess, AVhijxs, SpmTl ', " - j 11 THE CELEBRATED Heppner Saddles! EAST MAIN RTREFT, Conntantlj on hand. HKPPKRR DAVID WALSH. JEFF JONES. WALSH & JONES! nohin ii 1 111 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 HUM INU HlM M V I'fL THEY ARE PREPARED To dish you up anything that you want in the line of Groceries, Confectionery Can, ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys, Etc. Both Side of Main Strt tt Freli Bread ilwavs on Hani - Oysters in oil Styles at all Hours.