-TO- SAN FRANCISCO MARCH, 1S8S. Leaving Steamship Wharf, Portland, ut 12 raid nit'lif. as follows: otcamer. Day. Oregon .Saluiday.... Columbia ITursduy Kioto of California. . I Friday . Oregon I Monday Columbia - Tliursduy... State of California -;Smulay . . Omfion -jWednesilay. Columbia iKaturiioy.... Blnte of California.. ITuoMbiy OroKon j Friday TO Leaven Upeur Street Wi arf. rl;ui Franc A. M. i.b follow: rjtoamer. Day. Columbia iiiiliiv.. Htateot Cal;foiuia..;,lo!!uay. F (J VR TXEN MI ST A KES. An exchange gives what bas been termed "the fourteen mis takes of life" whic'.i ere as follows: ' It is a great mistake to Bet up cur own judgment of right and wrong and judge people according ly; to measure the enjoyment of others by your own ; to expect uni formity of opinion iu the world; to lojk for judgmont and experi ence in youth; to endeavor to mold all dispositions alike; not to yield to immaterial trifles; to look 'or perfection iu our own acthns; to worry oui selves and others wi h what cannot be remedied; not to alleviate all thnt neods alleviation as far as lies in our power; not to E ake allowancas'.for thejlnfiimaties of otheis; to consider everythi: g impossible that we cannot perform ; j J,"!,, t believe only what our finite minds can grasp; to expect to be able to understand even thing. The greatest of mistakes is to live for the time aloue when any mo ment may launch us hit'., eternity." Tile Devil Fish Described by Htigci Ih not s more tenacious monster tuan malaria, wbetlicr it tnkea the form of enms and fever, bilioi remiffant, ngr.e oako or dumb nuie. Like tli octopus in the story it clasps the victim in its tentutmlfo, an;l folds him closer niul clorer in a horrb e embmco. Attacked with HostfiWm'B Kt,-,in,-.i, inn.,. i. . evtr.ttgrsdnallyrcJaxes'its trVmcnd: .' DEEP iiJW oueg-.p, finally Abandons it, an.l the SlL : y,w A- K i.lnm ...ir l.'I .1 . I linn rI'U ...1. ...'. : . ., -i v.uaui ouiieiei, nuerateu at ianr,, re joices iu the sense of new born freodor, ei condered by tha mtonition of con, p ete health. Dyspepsia, too. nndj onn- ninmuuu, luosp ok an i tei orae .eh en emies or tne human fnmilv, pive ground and are finals driven from the field by this Napoleon of remedies, tlio greaiei't, 'the purest in the family pharmacopeia, lileumatisra Eiinoumbs to it, o do l-id-noy troubles. The ncrvcB, when ovi r elruiiied, retrain quietude ui;d vieror by lie aid. and tho ability to rout tranquilly and sat with zest are inc-rowiod by it iu ubw anitj ovoid unueoes- tury suiionug. Oregon Railway a d ' The Clydesdale stallion NAVIGATION CO JUDGE LAWSON, Dcto. PORTLAND. MAIICH VihS. Important to CI ' 1 f 1 r I- P" :eaers. Date. (dluinbifi WutH of Cul.fornm. Oregon , (Vihimhift HiM.j of CiiUfoiniii, Or ('kod ('olum'w, . t 1 mm titty . . . .Wt,J:.,H.y. . ;!'.Uf-H!t; . 'i'lU'liiiiJ'.. .. .jKruify .Mojiditv , iTiju. stiuy . . . . Tlio company rHt'rvfHthtj Xn e!iunsuttu!f;m- HAUitf OK PASHA rK, INTI.ODINO MEALS AND BUl.THH, (nbin,$1f,00; Htiwrn:, &.w rt;uaU Trip, un limited, No freight will ho rer-ojvod on mrt'i!ifr of finil ij.jf.exficnt fruit und v.'t'.'iulJH. and iJ1(,yy ViJJ ritJt hp t.-itcfc-M Hflcrt) A. M LiOFl' K'Ky. Hmi Fiancico, Co'tnrfi! (V'iv.o, No l,.ifarkftHtret.h 'J'ick.-t (Ma., I ,ul 11 rf.tut, g.miHrv Htrf'trt. AtrmifH, lir-o(J;i.il. P-Tkiim .V ( 'n. ,1V.rtVll;I,,'J',irli:'i Kix-Ht iiu-i (dk Blr.-ctK. W. lI. fULl OMfl. A. L.MAXWJ.1,1,, (icuenii .V-umfTcr. (. !. & T. A. WONIHiKS rxisf in ti.i.u- jciiim, lut (in si,r- fion. I'h'jun who nvt in ni.wJ of i.rr.fiinh'. i,.r,- plojinsuL. find work Hint nr., ihnu, nilivh-e jiUiom,. Hl.ouiu Riojiiw K'-nd :)iHii iiddrfert to Hal ton A (. o., t oi'liuinj, M;ti::n, ficd ncalw frip, full iniurtnalKin how tiilior mx, nil am ram rrmi jjrt to pi-r day m.ii upwurda wlir- ver tiioyiivc. Yu an; Muriel frm. Capital unt re. ou:rco. Sr-mti iiv miiiin.,urA i. .. Ml t K i J xj,,W A 1 1 ....... I V J ll' " ttJ W3LI f?TA!,'D AT OLLCR k wiinairs house ranch, At the following torm'j: TO INHUllK, . $85, liY THK KKASOX, . 2; tSINULK LEAP, . . l(i. In lots of live mitres, by the jjcukou, Pasture will bo furr.ishi d fiw?. We will Hike all pr.i.r care to preTont acci UHnta. but will ho rt'Kponwihh. for liotlf. Mures wnt fnini u lii.tanrp will bo put in a mature wi unite frum other huma, ou gooj Krs;, ad wulcr. PKDKJHME AND DKaCP.IPTKJN. .JIJW1K l.AYVrJIJN.-I'oalnl Juno 4. 18S3. lio oorucd in Viil. V11L ClidoMlule Bluil Hoot of (rtiU lintiiin and lrrlai.d. Coltir, bay, with black p., mis; litilB white on left hind foot. . Hi-cd by puiicim licid, of Sriiidriyliiil, Minim, lurl.nid. Siro. Lonach.4T() Vol.1. Dam, Hollo of HllildtlyhiU, 2ki,VoL VI. Biro of dam. Knookdnn. 441. Vol. 1. J CIKIH LAWSUN wu importtd frnm Hiuh j.om. wi i Mii jo v, doner. 1M;, by Johho Mar- TT'n 1 11 I 1 QOO I. 4!, "T n:; r oil Collins, Colorado. Bold to Porry Ullor . IT ill make the 60aa0n of Lb-Si Ut tllO . Ill lUUUUt. IBHil. ,,,,1.,,,.., iwrit,' -,t,i,. r.o,. .-. i...:-,.. i 1UR terui; Ptauda aixteon hmida bih, on f.plon(iid hliort lireba and ifrand foot. He in consiuond bv mpo nonccd jndiioatobo nue of t!:6 bunt draft Mel iona in Anierioa. and vvwi sold at a Ions prioo to his 1)10,101.1 owner. ,li:sar. H.ahrih. FortCo!!iii, (!olorado. yrVsOlM if If THE l:ViruitXKU UL.iL'i'.rtiJAi-ifi jsTaLLION CROOKSTOiN! ,WTOX EANCH at the follow- OLI.KR 4 WPKillT. 11AI1DMAN, OREGON. Wion lias revolutionized tho irvorld in tho kwt half cci: Cfntury. Wol lemt araoiijit the woiipra o f i;i?eative profjresH ii a method nd r.V,lt..m llf worL- fliut ,-nn Ku performed nil ovtr the country iitlioiit 6part it: the workt-rs from their tinmen, l!iiV libernl; a.'iv oiuicatj do tlio v.nrk; either fax: yoanj? or old; no Hpocit'l nhility miuirfd. ( apitnl not iiMediti: you nie Btnrtnd free. Cut thin oiitiiLd ro turn it to ub aitd wo will hciuI you free, riontfthijiK of profit VKluy Hd iniportnituo tn yon, timt will sttut you in Kuniiifc-B, which will bni u you in u.orn laonoy riji.t nny, than iitiytlniiu t4av in tho -A-orid. Grundoutfifc free, Addns True i Co., TriE Cleveland Bay Stallion DUKE OF SCARBORO TO INSUltE, 35. BY SEASON, 82.5. SINGLE LEAP, 10. In Lots of five Mares by tho Season. 8100. Will take all proper care to prevent accidents, but will hot be reepon- in any way. PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION : CROOKSTON Was foaled April 3J, 133 L rocordeil in tho OlyiU dale stud book of Great Britain nnd Ireland. Color, Dark Bay, with black points, one white hind foot and white stripe in face. Imported direct from Scotland (Valoof Clyde), by W. li. Cniiiufrliame & Co. in the fall of 1S87. He is considered bv good iudjios to bo one of the highest chias stallions ever importod to the United States. DESCRIPTION: Crookston is a Dark Bv. stands 17 hsinls ! on splendid limbs and feet; short back and well set. Weighed, on tl 21st of December, 1887, 1000 ponnda. Pasture will be furnished freo for the first 10 days and afterward at the rate of 82.00 a month, Pasture well stocked with crass and v.ate V,r. B. CUNINGHAME & CO., Heppner, Oregon. . , The Original VfCCS itxi it eWQl.Sk PILLS. l;uc(inlo.l an a 1IVKR fll.E. Itneii not SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKE. ' Rowaro of Imitations, containing Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for Ur. Pierce's Pellets, viikrli aro iiitio Sugur-uoutcd Pills, or Anti bilious (Jranules. Kclnir. Purely Vesretable, Ir. Pleree's Pellets operate without diaturbanee to the svstem, diet, or occupation. Put up In plans viaia. hermetically staled. Always fresh and reliable. They are u gentle laxative or an active purgative, according to sizo of dose. SI EMS, CTIilRns JSealache, UiKr.iiiees, Co3iutlpa tloti, J d i getiti on. IKilioiia Attacks, ana !I deraiiffemeutH of tho Htomaeh and boivelH, aro promptly relieved ana permanent v cured by the u.e of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant (iirsnllvo Pellets. Iji explanation of tho remedial power or thrse Pellets over so great a variety of diHeuses, it may truthfully be said that their notion upon tho systeia Is univer sal, not a Kiaiid or tissuo escaping their sana tive iiilluenoe. Sold by druggists, for 25 cents a vud. Manufactured at tho Chemical Lab oratory Of Vv'OHLD'S DlSPENSAHY MUDICAl, Association, No. tW3 Slain St., lluffaio, N. y. V.'ILL STAND AT Oi? I;TLNTIOiJ. A Neat Publication. The leading feature of the VreriundMonlkh fur ihe preaent year will bo Illustrated Descrip tive Articles. Witiiout the Oro lnnd Monthly, it is impossible to keop informed upon the resources and growth of the Pacific Const. Xhn magazine is essential to tho homo seeker and invester. To lovers of lileniture, the Overhaul ul'c, eacn moiiiii mo heut product of Kroup ot new ana brilliant writers. Ih t oiios oi tveslern adveiituro, Indian twiuies, nnu rioneer sketchou cover the , niugo or western life, from min ok camp uays lo tlio living present. Its literary reviews, editorials, and pooms ...... nnu uo uohi, ot iiiusioni work. If you w.eh to aid the growth of the i in uic uonst, subaenbo for the VverUtnd copy twenty tivo conts. We aro now prepnred to furnish our -xeauers a yearly Hiibpcription of the -a!i lrauoii.00 Call mid tho Uki-pn. -tlASSKTTB for S2.70, or the K!U1 F in K)isno Daily Call and the Ukvvhbh U . 't' ). Iu cithor ease S , Wo ttm ouhI, in nilvanco in order o fflako this sort of n proposil in. A a, hi" did map otOuliforuitt and K.vada . Happiness niul lloallli. Aro important problem?, tho dopendiua fc'ieatly on tho lattor. one is familiar with tho healthy '. n vo ir U. I 111 li ...... o- . i . , ;!, i ""i iiiuiru III 00 wok and miserable while the pleaaunt "O.tyn pof iiKa, nmy bo had of tl,,. .HoppnT J'Wit, 0. M. Ma!u!r;'. Pound. Apaolte,i,oiuil0 and n half fi-lm Heppner on Hal,,, forlc, cmtaioin,; n P " f Bl oes, a pair of mittens, lookins class Wo boxes Hunwrmu nan's, an, la I , f cn hread. Tho sun e t an Lo l ad h ii:d Office lit I.n Crnmlo. Or., Wart h !i, '88. iNutlooia hortbv eive,, il... r..n. Dii:n,.,l I null lor ban filed notice of hi intention 'lo ....... p.ooi in auppon ot Ins cliuui, and o lo-lr , f " . , ' " rieroro 1. 10 connly ,Or.,i. William Cv.rli-i.ijhi, Da 8322 forUo KK f-V. niul 8 4 NK 'f Soo IS and HV, l HE V4 K..C. 12, '1 p 1 S, -.V K, W M Ma names tho following wiluiwoa lo prove hi con iiiuoim ri.i,lUouoo upon, und cultivation of aiiiil land, viz; J jj l;iiribijO, I) (' tinrdano, A Cooloy and J Hall, all of Uidgo, Or koii. ilKHHY IllMKII '.KT, ReRiattr. -.KOTICli 01' IXTENTIUiN Land Olh'co at Tho Dulles. Or., yh. 2!) 'SI No ioo 1 Imrohv i.i uin 1 1,,,, , I,., f. .1 ; , o,. oieo ItOIICO Ol (OS IPtOI, Oil I tioor win oo nniilo liuforo Ihoooimly cleric of il ittiS i "z- WJ'.isr, Uroiji.il, on April Chft.rlfn tf. 7f.'.n oj. m rm. f-rrt,nK.iNvVMaiiti! B'O- 7, Jp 4, S. li ' li. W. li. lli namoi the rollowin witnMnm I" prove hi conlimioiiH reMiionco upon, unci cultivation of mud la '.1, vi: H.Nol,., ,; ft. Inralmia, P. 0, Kuqua uml U. 11. C ilila, all uf 15i,nt Mile. () .o -un M A. MuUonai.p, Kecisler. OLLEPt fl'li illl i 'hi lUXCl, At tho followinc; torms: TO INKUIiR, . . jar,. PY '1'llii SHAHON, - 25. (SINGLE LEAP, - . w. In lotfl of five morns, by the ser.aon, S'.'ll, Pii.lnro will bo furniahed free. Wo will tako all propur care to prctnnt acci dellla. but will ho reap.n.aiblo for none. Mart will from a distance will ho put jl a una- o-p.uniu iiomocncr OOr.:fcrt, on jooci griLsa DESrlUPTIC-m A.NO rUDIUKEF. Ill Kl f)V SCAimflPfl ...T ,.i. liiia, t oloraito. Bold lo Peiry Oiler, iif Laworil v... ,-.., in ni.Kusi., iwa. DU'CO Of SlOlll l.ro ulrrd 1- ll-l 11 v.... ,.,.,.,.; K'.ieo OE.il i;y I liaimnwn. led.sroo npmaio m Vol. Vlll, Ucvolai.d Bay Wad book of Lotrloud. Dsacriplion. iJuko of Hcarbnro it as Iwo v.-ars old in tl.o 6irum of ifihilj is u be mi if,. i,lt,'h,.v Unal oroof in aui.ti.irt of 1, ,'l,i.V,;';i,l , I ,',rt,c''"': !'".'''" Il!ili Heppner City Brewery ' -o ' Having purchased the latest Brewing Appr.n utotisils, I am enabled with tay cold su't-Wiiter and W H '.-"il. former 13 very - proper- IT, W 1 f H'in'ii .tin.'-o.':, Ituiich For .Male. ouiiwt"in. OM"!b' rrE..r under acres uhe NOTICE Ob' I-NTiihTiON. Land OffiVontTho Dalles. Or., March :3 INolico in hnreby Kivon (hat the folluvjm..-.' aoUJcr lia,i tiled oclioe ol nio lnie,,ii,,i, to' Unal proof in Hi.p;ioit of hi ;..l..im. mu! , proof ivi.l ho miele bm'oro ll.o ind -e of comil,, Or., at ik-ppi.t,,, Or., ou .un viz: 1 " James S. Insi-tvp, , ,r.' VV"" tt ME "'' n, the R k m t: an. NW k NK Hoc. U, Tpl S, It -l K V ,;1 ' lit. namoHtli t I'ollo.ym wli,,H.w, ,.r,,n i,;u -.; t;:,;; vf.::': ' "!IU ""i"t"j" It! . II. N.fl!-ill . I I J I,' O' Milr, Or., and .fa.-ol, Vo:o.V ,',',! j, of 0,;oH'.!j,,r,y, i.)r...'oii. I A. DluUoNAi.n, Itcyiaior. KOTK'E Oi'' IN TENTION. Land (Hlico al 'I'l.o D-dloii. Or-, jinrpM " jOll00 is l.oiei.y (!i VC11 1 1 ,,C. Ul.. HktaW sotllor has filed notice el Ins ii.leiitlon w m;:k anal proof in onpport of Ws claim, m. tb-.iMr. proof will bo inailo before tie. ceiii.cy i. ,.. o .-, mo, i.-oiiuiy, cjr. at in ppne"-, ll ill-ll, viz: Am ililS'lli, forll.i S, It -a K, W. M lloumnoa the following r.i 1 11 .' .wo." to provo Id, ooMinnous roMilonoouiaoj, toa unitiv.-.tipci of smd lai d, iz; ' 1 It. Enfoii, (ioni'iro Hoi,ion. William V, p,,,, and J. O. M..KBK, all of lio,,.,.l,,:,,.v, V,,., U'" t. . Mi'Donalo, Rtwla'j.,. -..rc, ...in io.yi oo in iroon nnw i v....,,. iu e.iir, old, ItOV poimUa. i.ns i.nnnal h. a aainplo of the all purpose liorno ot J.ni,-lund. tho beautiful notion in liarunsa ot wlucu lu-s atl reeled ao much attention abf ml Jtssii Haiuhs, i'ort Collins, Colo. ' Addrf.sa: OLLKK & WIUC HT, JI liOMAN, OKIKJON. my deep, cool atinosjihere SUPERIOR pure offer stone cellar and the fresh, of the Heripner Hills, to iny customers a QUALITY OF BEER At reasonable wholesale and retail rates, Lunches of till Kinds AND THE Best Brands in the country must return erapty k O f Cic Fattii or o apiece will be chnrcrsd. Blood Will The fine Englii. Draft Stall PRINCE 1 ELL. ,,i:K. II,,., il'i AS ill liunl 0 UT LBER'I ifii U LI'. "OSibK KA.Si '11, at the followii-ir u- 'SO INUCliK, - . i.Q, V,X Tl IK SsCASON, - & BtNf-LK LfAP. - - 111. Ill lets of Bv.) niarrsi, hy tho LOluion, JtiXI. l as'lirc will bo furnished free. Wo will .,., ol ., ... n.... denlH, but will be rahponsiblo for no. o. hi iroin a ctiatancc will be suit in amis. i.arsea, on eoougma.. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. The Ti ioroug i ibkld V A ng: ASM URAI'T DTAI.LION il Importod.y E. jC. English, and now owned W in. the season of 1SS3 tv.'O mil;! at the lolltin'ii.'f' teruu at my raiKili, II u ,l! hes, will stauvl vf ! l or iieppner, TO INSURE, $25. BY SE. au rv-j.umte from oUi; WJiLt.i . Con rath BI.E ilKK'W BAIilC. in v.,. ,i.,r... i. and r,u.:iii,ii ''"'. ." ' '"" i dot- lr,K ..lolhirscnslsa,,? u.l,L,J"'5',"(:,, ."'I'1 I"-1-""1 wan ordoioil (.ii ,,i;..., ' i., ' . . 1,1 JV.i'niliel.t orill mm I ....... ', ' ' i n.'l ill,, i, Tp 1 N, of It 25 WJ :on lc.M,;, K1,.,f a-omIm 1 I v , - n.i,, ,,,, UH, KOTIC10 OI1' INTENTION. ixmil ('.ll'.co at La flriu.il". Or,, Knr. li 5 '(.fl fjelua. II. hereby Kivo.l tlu.l ! I. follmvini;-':.!.!,:'..,! II, .. . . r" 1 '"" '""""- lo n-i.lo. '," ""I'l"11,"1 m" t isllli. ai cl Ihol pioofwill b,. ma.lo liefoi'e ll.o ,'U-rk or Ml uoui:l!,al Uoppuer, Or., on April H, laib, i f 'i NirdicVy, -.'1, 'in il'rt, I, US V. W. M." ""'' fwltowiiiB vviinoss,,,, . p, conliii noils rwndoiK'o upon, m.d cultivate said hind, it-: I I lioiii,s,,ii, P.O. CroasweK, Jli and ( llOa. all t li, .,,,,.,. ., UKSri'.IPDON An'D I'EDtGBKK. PKLV( K '.I. Hi. Iff wi, b. l,i.... lun i .il.SI K Al IU.flT.-A i.r.ove celt, 'oal.,,1 J, !!', t.'-'llll; bv Ilo.Mil Pirti dxru. Pet U... 5. Kna! !e.i.rl in. polled a.vli, clam bv Welti til's Ponosl ....ni sire, H,artof Oi.lilj: sire. Heart of I .ak, No. iU'S I'm-, .Kl, siud hoeh. P;,t No. '.', sin, h m; of tho Vi'.:1!) , iu.poi ud in 1ST, he sin d l,r Kntir.iids (.:.',; d;,w. l-'ct No. I, by IjVfc l-.p.co, impoH,,l in l,,7l, ho oirrd by Drown I'O.'.-fe-o, he by t oniju.nor. . - , TUOZIAS UOULTT A Co. A.ldrotu: oi.i.r.n ,s wHiKiiT, U A ROMAN. OBPflON. ' i ami ', Mil Ll! li.:.M.v ll.fi.-.ii.M, r. lirm .uiiiio an I styio of Sla-k'J v J.llllnlllls, and ana tlieoco'll fctinli'ma'::."-.! .; l,l!'".l,l".r.,.)''l"iO IheS'.V I. of Sec 'if , ."1. Ill .Ylorrow c liml v I aid jiiibiuunt uiid all ... i. .'y'.'f April. ... .e...,irOI2c .l, P. f. . I). ISSS, ' front, if n, . A 1 : '' aid iliiv. in Ileppne:' , " ""r, .',!':ir ,n I"a of tup. ami i.ii.T,,,. ,, , .,. ' ' .', ' n right to tha hov ilosei ibcd l .'.r: '" '""'"' "".I be.l In, dor ii.m V. - I !!""H . '" 'U'P'iwI lo tli ll.,.t ... -m'i'.ii.oii ami ...... lieori... llavesin on, I properly at publio npo- eash in untisfae- cosls, and cost!. ."". .i. n. n 1 1 w A 1 1 1 i..i D'itad Mar,.), a" "J'" " Murru ". Otegon. i an order Oiegoli, CPA1I1MANS' BALK. of l?!, r. .i;''::T.''!' "'''.'" I'iiu Pursuant t mad , il. . ,, . " ' 'lornivv county. .. - ::: "...loavoi ,11.,.-.. . ,.... ., .erLe:i'wlA''.ll;l','l"M'I Hmiih P il "in mm or M j"'!','" l'f l"" Vla "J ttm "lat..a,,d ,". , ,',, , ' 1 ") ", ll'lindi.m of nmi Iblk . r of,foi.,yh C, bovin, minor; J,. J v r in'-'i'iin or n, , ,i ,.: nor. ..ill .. ,,"' ",:V.1" "d J.,IWi II. Uevlll til I SiltulHlay, ,1,0 i lil, (lf All,,1( A sss JSSfi ."-'"' . .ha l.lU. Biii.i mi,,, , " :., ".r'.fu "J"::1' .." '"hi-si of real ostalo. t, v 'p ,, " ,,. l'"";Wini .l.'s.-nbe,) uf R IS, W. 5 , fliiiiu', "'WSSM- , til. .1. IM.VIN, HKI.H: 1IEVIN. NOTICE OI' IN'TUNTION. March 0. ' I.a-.ilCflicoat La (1 ramie, Or. .....i... in i.oieoy o,VL.,i p. hi ttu, I, ,,,,,,,. ... "i.i. senior has 1,1:,, notice f i,,,,,,,,,,,; ' imik,. f.:,al prool ins,,,,,.,,, I of his Maim andlhct a: 1.1 I'locil Willi.,, ma,!., before l, cnmty j.,,:,,, I Mo. row county, dr., oi ! , his ,:bsc befoie Alhvrt H. n l.d KM for , yi. ,,r SvV S'c. IJ, TpSS. li-.', c, f,i. m .. mm,,, ll.o f , .. his oonlimioiiH I'esidi-Lico of, said land, i iv W. 11. N.nvt.i.'in, ,1. P, Mip k,M W id Voilcea, all of bepi,, ,.r j '' lilMi, ui v fHl'l', ai d W I Wiliiessfs to i U'ou, and cuUiv: N A. Kl , NOTTCK Ol'" IN'l luNJTON I.otoft ma intei t.on tu h he. UiidOIHeoat The pullm. r.. Mau l: m hcioliv KlV.'ll ll.nl till' naiavilu'lllar has hlfal uol.oo of Ins ills elni n ", I ., . l"'"Ul 1,1 U,p.Ht r - .. ,uu ,...oer will ho i ore tin, mmuty ciork of Morrow count llcliwr, Or, un April 2!, Piss, vii:; l!irliioi4 C. .'i.'l"?(i'. Il'l 'ail, fortheSW i. Nil v N Np I . . ' I w.v. '.11, 'I'u a H. II -. II v,- il .mill 's inw .OI,'.viu v il and M. idouoo t.p.,:i, ,.uil lie omit, noons mud iu.,1. V ', 1J1:v ''-'i. O.miusSpillim,,, ,T, and ,l,,,,i 1'i'puv. ail of ll '. , ,,. " F. M 'la.a'i.ii, 'iia'ui to pi. ve llU alii ll M. War, 01 NOTICE OF INTENTION. n.ip.'-iHiNitHi u. m t! Uial Ni i UndOOIint Tlio Dallw. Or.. March '2 nnl imntl ut uiji;.()i-t ,,f ..; lrmf will 1m w.uia bef in I'u H'VAtvi Hart. JT; 27, fur tho BK '4 K. 2, Tp 2, a, If :i) K, W. Mi A. AicDoNAH), linger. Ih'vrnnl'A me i li o li' i'.'i'.(t ritis ii lac , net ; th-'V v i ti .! li.'.'oit',; ,.. ( .'.Vtffllt (mi! i 'ii . iK'i'rii.n. m:!,, l.i, ul tuuMfu i) ,((,;;!Uh i r ':o ttt nsake $ (.... ' ,V , 1 " HI,' lO i.i fit "i uui rmu-uiHr. 4dKt thtir Jiom.in h;iu iiii.i (, In, illlil M'i ;uiw mu, mofHii. li jn wtiitin psr tl -.j'. w Hex, ,M',itf nr 'ttm ti html J ' Pas b mm a All reasonable care will he taken of mares, but will not b for any mishap. ROYAL HEART is 161 handr. Inch nnd weirdis 1 in color, a boautifnl dark dappled bay; a; be furniiilie .1 on application. Jlis yearlia ranch. , 4 years. may now oa 00 po-,1 ee at Is will ; ,5 . tl is offered by tho manufactur ers of Ir. SHge'a Catarrh Remedy, for a case of fjatarrl! in llio Head vviuen tiicy cannot cure. f.Y.li S'TOliIS CP CATAKKH. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the naBiil passaa-os., cllscliarg-es falliiiu from tho head Into the throat, eainotinies profuse, watery, tind acrid, at othci's, thick, tenacious, mucous, pnriiient, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weal; and watery; there is rinphiR: in the otur, deafness. Iiackiiifr or colia-hinir to eleur (.lie tin-out, csticc.'tomtion of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voico 13 chanifed and has a "nasal twang" ; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are Im paired; there is a sensation of dizziness,. with mental depression, a hacking couirh nnd (tcn erai debility. Only a few ot the nbovc-nanicd symptoms uro likely to be present in anyone case. Thousands of eases annually, without lnanlfostinif half of tho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tho irrave, No .liocaiie is so common, more deceptive ami it.inxcrcus, or less understood by physicians. By ha mild, soothluir, and healing properties. Dr. Sicre'3 Catarrh ftemedv cures t-.lie worst cases of Catarrh 'Told In ttie Head," Corysin, and Catarrlinl Xleadnclie. Sold by druirists everywhere; GO cents. "Untoia Agotiy from Ctsiarrl. Prof. W. TlAUSNun, tho famous mesmerist, ef Ithaca, K. Y., writes: "Some ten years airo T sutfered untold airony from chronic nasal cutiirrli. My family physician gave me up as Inciii'iible, and said I must die. My caso was such a bud one, timt. every day, towards sun set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the inoruinjr my cous-lihiir and clearing of mv thront would "Imoaf. strangle 1119. lly the use of Dr. Suite's Catarrh Remedy, in tlu-ce montli3, 1 was a wcli n.an, and the cure has boon permanent." "Constant!? Matvltlnfr mud Spiel ncj." Thomas J. IIushino, Eaq., $902 Pint Street, Sf. Litiis, Mu., writes: " I was a front sufferer from catarrh tor throe years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawkinj etui spitting, nnd for tha last ciifht months could not breathe through tho nostrils. I thought not'ninir could bo dime forme. Luck ily, I was advised f ) try Dr. Snire's Catarrh P.emc.ly. and I am n.-w a well mnn. I believe it to b:i the only suro romedv for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to irivo It, a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." A complete Treatlne on Cutarrh. pivinfr va! unble hints as to clcthinir, diet, and other matters of importance, will bo mailed, post paid to any nddress, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. .Address, World's Ithpotwery Mc liral atmristbs, Ifc. e,j,1 '.Y.in st,-ect -;siTK-.r .T.i. Tr T. STOCK IlltAMls. While jrk cp ;our inbr tlon raid nn ion can keep youi luuni in Irtooi tl,arKe A len, J 11, Adnn. bviIIo horso. o,,,,i.uh .ia wise on left sl uldc; cittla. same on left hip tie, A V on r.rhl side. A.lkuiB, J J-Pones, JA conr.erted on left tan k: rnllic.. sai o. n ii fl hip. Hlmkman, (ieo., llaiilnian Horses, a Csioa loll siiuiuui-r; emtio, same on riuht shoulder ilenuolt Cy- Horses, Ii on left chooldor. l-t.(tn, Mi( A-bou left shooidor: rar-nark of cattle, crop oft and split in left aiid npjorhalf crop oft right. rr Brown .1 C-Horses, circle C with dot in cen tor on left hip; cattle, same. . Buyer. W li. I.ennr Uorsss, boi brand onruht hip; emtio . Mime, with split in each ear. Brown W I, lieua-Homcs, W with bar oyer it or, loft shoulder. Bout. P. O.-HornoB, P B on left ihouUor; aat tie. Ban e on left hip. Uriel:, i'. P., Lone Rock. Horses o with bar under and over on riht i-l.otildot. Barton. Wr Horses, J Bon right thiarh: oattia Banieonnph lip ,plit in each ear. Curnn, K V- Horses, al on leftatiflt. loltTfie"d' J' il'"lior""" JHt; onneotiid on Cnnii Khan e, W B, Nnwton Kaneh-IIorewi. N with fiimre 'J nnHor it on left eto.ldor; cmiW sumo on left hij. ami hifh, loft ear tqunre cut. t ox s Liiebsh, Hardmsn Cattle, C with K center; horses. CE on loft Sin. ( ason. J P-HorsM, C on loft Blifle; cattle. TU ooimocted on left hip, dulsns on peek. Urn bui H,i ns. Rockvillo or Antalope 11 cii-se 11 wi Ih bar over it on left shoulder; cat tie, A , both hips. DauKherl', W li-HoiseB, tnir.er'a pick on loft shoulder. Unmrlium. W M-Cnttlo, R P on rirtt stda. ml. low-fork in each ear; horses, H D on left hip. j.iiKhsh, E C Ifsrdmaii ('utile, sl oa riant hip; luireisi same ou rinht shoulder. Hoi k, Jaeksin. Horses, 7E connected on riLmtsnoiiider; cuttlo BBtae on right shoulder. Car mark, hole in rinht und crop oil left. H ranks, C A, ArlinRton Horses, (' on left shoulder; cattle, C F on lofl hip, crop off led eRr. 1 iimn, L A-(.atl le, LP on riant hip; homos, v n ,. ".r n';1,,'r " n"ht "houldar. i -11. I K-Hoiwa. with half-circle abors and bel ,w on left hip.- 1 iorence, W P-Homes. F on right ahouldw ca lie. Fon richt hip or thiRh. (Hilar, J L-ilorse. and cattl- fcs braid oa left shoulder. "iw (ay, Hoiiry-liAV on loft shoulder. Oilniore J 1 Cubit?, upper slopa off sash eai. wattle rinht side of nock, J 0 on right hip; horns, circle dot on left shoulder. ' (iohle, Fror,krllorss, 7 Ton loft stiflo; entfle. same on nsht hip. Ilunsaker, B A -Horses, I on left shoulder; t tie, Hon left Inp Humphreys, J M IlBrdmiin-Eorsoa, H on left Unnk. Hayee. J M Horses. wincglnBson leftshoul cut lie. same cm i-ieht hip. Blaclrniun, Henry.- Cattle, -R on left BiiiiKe, Joe Hector's pasture. Joi.es. J II, Haidinan-HofBes, J witha over it on left shouidtr. Johnson, I'-elix-Ilorses. circle Ton left ,tifl , illlK. CO nr. left lii ft 7;Hi)rkOS 05 n left KhtmJdor; Mtc op V Si- h U'7 CB' 17 " either fiw ki cuttl J 4)IJ'? kt, Kaemus- Horses. R L on loft hip. is, I I.. Lena-Horses. P wild :i ion shouim.r. . Loall erma,,. D H-llorses, 9on left slionlder J&eM:frM,onlft " i."S';ifi:;i2;l,i,r-B". ller'aTeVate1r- SireIe -T, "". ? .l- n. n ' "' " -i4, cj mii niinr iinirh. TII' Bi-ch, Drew hi,7 CHtlbeon Vlm;;o:,J'Wl'"''; Manor, Jos, I'otlisvillo-Ciillla .Til ..j .in. n-itoisos, HD OoT.iKKlted ou loft I.ono Rook- j ro il, p.-i ROYAL HEART May Ileppuer. Come nnd see seen every Saturday at Jim Jones' stable ii hi;::. WM, HUGHES. When I say Crntit I do not mean merely to stop them lor a tlina, and then hav then' re. tarn attain. I mhan A RADICAL CURB. I have made tho disease of . ' E'lTS, EPILEPSY or ' FALLING SICKNESS,' A life long study, t wahrant my remedy to f'UKK tho worst cases. Because others have lai led is no reason fornot, now receiving a cure. Send it once for a treatise and aFKEit IIottlb of my I fpAt.i.iiujt Rkmkdy. Give Expnss snd 1 ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Addresi H.G. ROOT. K3.C, l83PaBLST.,NEWYoniC The BTTTEHS' OPIDE li isaued March and Sept., Seach year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur. ohose the luxuries or the ueoessitios of life. Wa oon olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary applianoea to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to ohurch, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you oan make a lair estimate ot the value of the BuyElia' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 oenta to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. iil-114 Michigan Avenue, Chioago, in. buns, m N nam NOTICF. oy INTENTION. '.h i! s.,ul tn,.! viii tit' !..,.,. i I'm iuv cifiiiuy, Or., ft ilt't i 1nv via; ' in; rut Mr Ui. SiJ 1 1 am.' t!it full CftPliH.lUs ..f,ni , of. Mid land, Qyji 6.000.0OO PEOPLE USE o.M.FERnvctnn. at sdniittod tobstha Ol Vpril "I'-S. IP US, I111K, W.M. Wll't; witnos-ics to lu-ove co uiHi.1, and ouhniiliou Arthur IVdey a;. poaer, Oreium. iiellosAip, 11, tiotc: in f- 1 a.fucti. ' Larnest Seedsman in tHA IM.-irlil. D. ti. FKHRK 4 C0'3 lltiMratrd, Dwrln. ; Vi mm 1 I'rliril SEED i ANNUAL For 183 j iFREg TO ALL i npn.i cants, nnd 1 uui t-rut'nd,i it. ' Invaluable to ull. ?Cordcn,Ffe(UrFiower f D. M. FERR Y&O..D9trcU.Michi I CO CO o -M D ) i i''J ;w v?rVx, - '.v in .:j -'3 0 $ M i i O O ii.) - mBmlmg Lsniingiitl '3 MnxifAN Mi-BTA-c LixiMEfrT cures Pn.ns, fa Old Sokes, Caklzd 1Srlax7s, iai laiiijiatium. Js l.eSk Pi M 5? ' fiS s 1 1 m f . $m I 1 bpgj I1 1 as 1 13 y4V M IS ti ' PJ-SStf JU'Mlu'-'li'I,ainiiilh(.Pok, N.r: fsj Ar ansa B-3 i Vi,?..A 1 Piestratimi. Wikefull,,. KM S? ft lai Un tiM I VnTJ l..worrhi ti A K " & 3 Ri '-' -o'lsumi.tion, ttM V W a i'i Is1 m i Mcliouu shoo'dor. neel, Andrew, I.ono Rook-lTnr im noclcil on nut sin nldcr: nil tie kn,., I....I, i K,tK " w .leaine'oU'hr8' tirde 7 0" l6ft tWK, i IVo's, oP'rry' 'l?1' K?.r-1' O on left shoo.dcr low Si "9" 1 ,lle Ll'J--Horses 1 on ivft kip hii'slKu'iiih-r0'''''''''' Hi"'d"-I-rorsos JP on h Eii A'.'."" -H'"-ws' JKoonneoted on In kin ' " Ume lot u M fV,otfd: A;"''-'. Hardnian-Horscs. squaw oro.a Willi qii-.Tter-cirelo ovsr it on left stifle. niil.u.Eor, t l.r:s- Horses. 0 it on lr, .,1,-,,1.1.. ses. ,10 on left shoulder.' ' on left hi;,. Iv'.,n' V.......1 Bruno ,ym(r Hj,,. riptn ,j'.. " ". alille-'r cles "i1; a 8 ra Ml e!,' :";,:d'; 'i '"...lic.v, folk h, aM i .' -' re ,' n'r'-'-l Vi:-' T'"''s'ifL''" r'"ht ''tenMert Mtib ....i. , jf'ui s-ic loer. . c.ipino i.c.rses, t. a rhebo, Dr A .1 Uorp,, T) ,,p .,n Viy.-rOattln, S-j-ear-oW. and .-.p.it hi ii-it, iji whn , fitovflou bin KuSr,V'L.wT,.':,r 4ion if shouidom left she. nl -i iiumes cirele ecu Cottle, i , llluer. It on loft hin. intiiio.i .1 Alr,...u . . . (tie ''o-i left.V:,., . ' nioaKJar Tihj.ots. (J T -Ilorsos. (- on left holdr iTi,l,btS,L IJ-luirsa, VT conuocted on lo Wl'lIS, A !3--lJnril01i nr? Ir-.fr 1.1. -,.!,.. . .... ntiwuiuuri WIU .T FT Tin-,!. i-i. . W:tt;,i-.r i vitris v on i.t thtjh i 1 . iinij(j,T. ironi:eotiici . VV;;Hhl't( Ciiarlf-H-Cait!. WWH',,l,i.i.:.i ., TP' ! ..rk' IV T-' "r"''"J,ll,HHI8 'I oar; i,orti(-i. V rtmi' on i-'t hou Id?. "W, A A i.j'.tli, tit hin. tc right etouMer, ton.? miir.iiig A A with bar bci-obh Great English Remedy. M UKliA "S SPECIF C -rt. A ?urart(ir-d cnvn fcmll ner.o. ijt-inijiu! V. Ciiivortiai LuBf.itMtlH fiknCSii. lLniJrtW4nfv (Tct'orativH dvniiB in oither six. u;tus'ii hy u,ii,f;retion oroverci ctthm. imt wbii.lt ultimatnlj W t; l rcmaiurti Oid Ae. JiisHiiitT Oft. Soul hy !'Hr Pun -hlet soiiticoe tvaiSrf i Mfiota62y WeGuarnntje 6 box. 'Cure Hoy casa. Tnr tV'.rv S: O.T'O,' r&i iin eci v.-e qoml r,.,x ti;x- and a written g,i:'.iai.l.eo to so Trace Mark. E 'ftf'.or Tikiag. Spot-i Undoes not eftect niinmii.iaUol.s to the sol Tumi ho n.o.icv if oi cere. AJ.i.es'all c lii.itiufattiuv-. tl. e .'.iUlUiAY alEDlC'INE CO.. 1 1 - n , Kansas City. Mo -uM in tlepp.,r hy 0. SI. HALLOliY soleageat THE GREAT seontinental Route J, I rfoern Pacific VIA TEB Malaria, Bumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. They produce rccnlar, natural eTae. lint ions, never sirlpe or interfere wliii lully lmsi.,os. A a family medicine. Uij clioulil bv la etery bouseboliUr Carc-vle Branch, now Completed, nai ' the Shortest, Best and Quickest. T:. Winine Car Line. Tlie Direct Route o Delajs. Pustcat Trains. Low est KabH to Cliicairo and all points East, Ticols sold to all Promi nent I'-miU throuohont the Past ami Soutlieast. iThreui rollma Dra ia; Roam Sleeping Cara KcEcrTatiens can la? secured in advance. tl v V , I , ' 1 ! o o bo o o 0 I ,-- Tl TpTI mi , li W II i V i.fcau. ;, !'-.',: .HAjcver re's to HMtere Om.1 I K 1 I rt t Vcutr sit, I r ! t -N a huiIaiUn f t'l,-. n 'J A JO' Proi-a,... -I lenders j iur toogiu, e jfca, uiwaia van. "'Vara a 1 .-A- -. : . . -. lo Ersst Bound Pas Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be mire to tsle the SOUTHERN TACIFIC KAILBOAD And see that your ticket reads via this ". SI Paul ,.r Mir, nesruilis in f.Toi.1 ebsnws 1.111 strieius delays occasioneii oy other routes. Tbruneb Emiprr.nt fileeping Cars run on rejrolar exDress trains full lenpth ot mie. E. rihj tiee. Lowest rates. Quick est lime. General Gffif. of the Companv, Mo. 2, VcuttingtoH St., Portland, Oregon. A. T). CHAHLTON, Assititiiiit Gsueral ruetiger Agent. K arc 0s ft