THE GAZETTE. HEmiER, THURSDAY, APEIL 5, '88. Council Proceedings. Council call ed to order by Mayor Blnt-kmiui. Roll called and nil present except S. P. Oar riguei. Iu the absence of Recorder HhI lock. Councilman Swinburne wna ap pointed to act for the session. Minutes of last meeting read and approved, after ihieli the following bills were allowed: J. D. Lockuane, $50; J. B. Natter, $07; J. B. Sperry, 815.33; judeej and clerks f election, $2 each- -total S10. Bond of marshal read and accejjtcd. The rules of order were amended and a com mittee on ordinances composed of Coun cilmen Garrigues, Natter and MoAtee appointed. A motion was carried for the mayor te appoint a chairman to act in the absence of the mayor. Council man Swinburne appointed. Meeting ad journed. A Railroad Mora The O. It. & N. R R. has agreed t build a branch road to Heppner by January 1st, 1889, leaving the main line at The Willows, provided the citizens of Morrow county will in sure them the right of way and depot grounds. This plan lms tbe fiiyoruble opinion of ths majority of our citizens, who are now hard at work to get every thing in such condition that nothing will prevent the railroad company from beginning work immediately. TIiib looks like business, and has the appear ance of bringing about the result that has been the desire of every live citizen nf-Morrow ennntv that tit bringing a a railroad to Heppner. '-'-'-BiAi.fc) .-lrs. J. Pyle, her son, Johff Hum and one James Heiry, have been arrested for setting (ire to the Au rora hotel, at Walla Wnlln. Mrs. Nan cy Lnndis and Wm. Click have also been , arcested for burning the Landis board iris house. -'The examination shows that riUI. K..n..a.l tlia l.,.li.O,rf llOTIHA nr.fl fllllf Mrs. Landis naw him start the fire. The examination of Mrs.. Pyle. Hum and HefTy has not as yet taken place, and nothing is known ef the testimony that implicates them in Betting fire to the Aurora. Eepi-bltcan Nominations.- At the republican county convention yesterday, the following were placed in nomina tion: C. L. Andrews, clerk; T. R. How ard, sheriff, T. E. Fell, representative; J. H. Stnnlev, school superintendent; A. M.-Onnn, treasurer; Dr. Aiken, cn-o-nor: H. H. GlasRford, assessor; J. B. Ely end T. Armstrong commissioners and Jerry Nunan, surveyor. The delegates to the state convention are W. 1). McAl ister. D. C. Ely, T. E. Fell, A. H. Tyson and E. R. Bishop. Shkep Shearing. Next Monday mor ning, at the mouth of Eight Mile, the sheep-shearing season of 1888 will be duly inaugurated by the crew of "hundred-strikers" that has been for tho past few years engineered by Capt. George Bitters and Lieut. Johnnie Hinton. The first bonds shorn nt this point w ill be the wether bands owned by the Rhea brothers, after which other bauds of candidates for the mutton market will be brought in in such numbers as to keep the swift-shifting shears iu motion until the stook bands are ready to be re lieved of their winter ooat Damaoes will ee Light. Thoron Fell wbs at The Dalles Monday, prepar ing right of way maps for our 0. R. A N. branch. It is ascertained that the last survey locates the Willow creek lino up on land for whieh but, light damages will be demanded. Upon several sec tions the lino will run for some miles over pnblio commons and unclaimed 11. It laud. -A Worthy JSnTebprisb. T. w. yers is building a large reservoir at tho Don aldson spring and putting pipes to tho same, preparatory to furnishing the town with water. This is a worthy en terprise, and Mr. Aynr will no doubt bo patronized liberally by our citizens. The vfnll is sufficient to be of great ussistanco to the business portion of the town in case of fire, if the supply is great enough. ' H. & C. R. T. Co. Meeting. At the annual meeting of tho Heppner ft Castle Rock Telegraph company, the old board of directors was re-elected, consisting of J. L. Morrow, Frank Kellogg, M. C. Mo lioiigall, T. V. Avers and Henry Blaok mnn. T. W. Avers was elected presi dent, M, C. MeDougall, vioe-preaident and T. E. Fell general manager. A div iaend was deolared ef 81.47 to the share. Stabbed to Death. Wm. Ross, the well knovn stcckmau of Pilot Rock, was stabbed on the range in Spring Hollow, near Pilot Rock, last Sunday, by Fred erick Noble. He only lived a short time, dying nu Monday morning. No ble claims the killing waB done iu sell defense. Hrre Killed. Wra. Rush lost one of his best horses last Wednesday out on the Wan. McAtoo ranch. Jas. Fristoe, who was plowing fur Mr. Rush, had his hat blown off against the horses, caus ing them to become unmanageable, and getting loose from him they ran into a tenoe near by with the result just stated. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. ' Whereas: It has pleased the Sn .preme Graud. Chancellor of the Universe to take from her earthly house the wife ! jf Brother E. R. Swinburne, therefore, ' bo it Jtemlred, That we the memborsof Do lio Lodge, No. 20, K. of P., do give to onr bereaved brother our tendorest sym pathy in this, his hour of trouble. ,. Rcmlved, That while we know that 'Human sympainycan uutuem me wouuu made upon the heart by death, we in dulge tbe hope that our words of com fort and condolence may at least lighten the load of sorrow and smooth the path way of trouble. Menolved, That a oopy of the resolu tions be placed in full upon the minutes of our lodge, a cepy be handed to Broth er E. R. Swinburne and a copy be given to The Hsppxeb Gazette for publica tion. M. C. MoDougall, Henry Blackuah, W. R. Ellis, Com. JUNIPER ITEM3. March 31, '88. Join Hardin made a trip to the moun tains the first of the week. He reports the road very good as far Meeks & Scott's mill. . , J. C. Thompson and T. Owens visited the county seat to-day. The railroad fever has strnck this ...1 r.9 ia noun tv raHir fnroihlv. Ev erybody seems willing to give the riht of way. , , , T in Tjivinfrtnn S.ltlirdaV. but heard very little political talk. The re publican primary did not produee much enthusiasm for the "good old party." I am inclined t think there was no meeting. Pnrties are very independent in this part of the county. Lee Pxwell and family have moved to Hnntsville, W. T. Mr. Furnell has closed bis school at Wells Springs, and will work this sum mer for a St. Lonis publishing company. Mr. F. is an excellent solicitor, and did a big business for the same house last summer. SL- Geo. Wm. Wright is having his resi dence repainted. Mayor Blackmnn has gone on a busi ness trip to Idaho. Charley Jones has been trying his new lpwn-mower on Phil (John's head. Will Mallory went np to Pendleton last week to dispose of some horses. Nat Yeats is now able to be around after a serious illness nt several weeks. The neighboring prooiucts showed up quite largely at the convention yester day. Mrs. W. P. Button has sufficiently re covered from her reoent illness as to be able to be up. Jas. Talbot now takes the agricultural paper known as the Heppneb Gazette, and is happy. Mrs. Warren started for Portland yes terday to purchase her spring stock of millinery goods. We notioed Pross Thompson and G. W. McHargue, of Hnton creek, on our streets Saturday. J. F. Comptou, special agent of the New York Life iusurauue company, is with us this week. Miss Etta Minor returned home Fri day after an nbseuae of six mouths vis iting relatives iu Nebraska. Henry RasmiiB will conduct services morning and evening next Sunday nt the South Methodixt church. Kirk & Youggron have rearranged their storeroom and are constantly re ceiving largo quantities of goods. Owing to lack of space, some of our correspondence is orowded out this week, but will appear iu our next issue. Chas. Windham, of Arlington, was here the first of the week iu the interest of his merchant tailoring establishment. A brand new comet will shortly make its appearanoe in the heavens, and will bo visible about 5 o'clock in the morn ing. Gai'iigues & Rodgers have bought the planing and chop mill of J. A. W.Coffey, aud are prepared to attend customers at the old etaud. License to wed has been issued since our last report to Mary Hoakins and Thoi. Hoakius; Minnie Summers aud Jos. L. Gibson. Goo. Noble has beautified his proper ty ou lower Main tstroet by grading his yard and putting out trees on the out side ct the walk. Chas. P.oyso, who-attended school at Heppuer a year ago, has been ailending college at Walla Walla aud will teach at Dry Fork this spring. Ed. Olliver was arrested last Monday night for druuk aud disorderly conduet, and was asked to contribute $5 end oosts, whioh he did. Frank Benge. of Rhea creek, has just returned from Dayton, W. T., where ho was recently married. The Gazette ex tends congratulations. Fred Sherman was over from his But tor creek ranch last Saturday, and re ports that his increase of lambs is great er this spring than usual. Aunt Julia Fuller started for tho east yesterday iu response to a telegram re questing her presence at the bedside of a sick broiher, who ib very low. The Northwest Magazine people nrc preparing au article ou Poitlaiid, willi illustrations, whieh will be published in an early number of their periodical. The trespass ense of Sawyer vs Jonr-s has leen appealed to the Circuit court. This promises to be an interesting oase, as it is the lint of the kind in this sec tion. E. G. SL'jOum has taken a position with J. M. linger. Joiinuie linger, who has rustled sugar aud calico for Mr. Ha gr for the past year, is now with Ed. Matlock. W. R. Casey's team became frightened lust Saturday near Minor, Do.lson & Co.'s, and but for tho assistance of by standers, a serious runaway would have been the result Henry Rasmus and wife made a trip over to Hurdm.m last Saturday, return ing the first of the neek. Mr. Rusmns is now preaching regularly to hU sev eral congregations. C. M. Jones has enoiosd his property with a ueat iron fence in lieu of (he oi l board structure that has served as a har rier for the voracious town cow. Char ley uow has one of the neatest places in Heppuer. The Methodist people organized their Sunday school last Sunday, with C. M. Mallory, superintendent, C. A. Browu, secretary, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues, organist. Miss ilolmau, librarian and A. H. Tyson chorister. Tho building formerly occupied by Heppuer & Blackmail is uow beiug thor oughly renovated aud repaiuted. Heppuei s store buimings are not long empty, whioh is an evidence of thrift aud prosperity. While raising the spire of the Catholic church last Thursday, Henry Johnson received quite a severe injury to the left, side of his face by being struck by fall ing timbers, rendering him unable for work for a few days. A horrible butchery of Chinamen, on Snake river, is being investigated. Some 30 were murdered where they were eu gagod in miuiug, and should tbe perpre trators of this crime be ascertained, they should receive the full benefit of tho law. . The Elliott brothers will be here on Friday, April Gth, with a fine lot of young Clydesdale stallions whioh they wish to sell, or will trade for working or wild horBes. These stallions are rising 3 and 4 years old, and weigh from 1500 to 1800 pounds. The Catholic officials will hold a fair in the opera house ou the 7th, 8th and 9tb of May, for the purpose of liquidat ing the present indebtedness. See ad. elsewhere. We also take pleasure in calling attention to the new ad. of Mrs. S. P. Garrigues, which appears iu this issue. Arthur Daley is preparing to build a fine house out on his ranch. The boys say that Arthur is about to leave the state of bachelorhood for that of matri mony, but he emphatically denies the same. We admit that Mr. Daley is a man of his w erd, but on such a question as this the best of them will not stand fire. . Don't borrow your neighbor's paper, but rake up 82 and subscribe for the Gazette, nu agricultural sheet that has uo society column, but will give you the worth of your money in local news. Tow string dispatches received regular ly fiom neighboring districts, relating vividly the happenings of thoir respet ive localities. ' So Reward. Strayed from A. M. Gunu's ranch, on Eight Mile, one brown horse with white stripe down his nose. 15 hands high, weight, 1100; branded with half circle over 7 on left shoulder and circle T on left flank. Deliver at Houston's mill or at A. M. Gunu's Heppner. Wm. Houston. CrtooKSTOJJ The celebrated stallion, "Crookston," will be at Jim Jones' sta ble, Heppner, ou Monday aud Tuesday, at Jim Farrier's stable, Lexington, ou Wednesday and Thursday and at the Newton itauch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of each week during the season of 183. W. B. Ccnikoiiahi. THRIFT AN! TRADE. Heppner' EnterprisinE Citizen Who I.y tueir itKm m'lum ,uo n uiiu. . For barley go to W. A. Kirk at the furniture store. When you go to Arlington stop with Billy Theodore, at the Sanford house. If you waut to get rich sow alfalfa. You can get it and every other kind of seed at Minor, Dodson & Go's. Leezer Si Thompson will iu a few days receive a large addition to their stock of hardware, nails, eto. Dr. John Rasmus, professional troth puller and mouth fixer. All kinds of dentistry done neatly. " A second car-load of barb wire will reach M., D. 4: Co. this week. Ben Huusaker has just received a, large stock of sheep shears, oil stones rope, carpenter's tools aud all kinds of shelf hardware, which can be bought cheap for cash. Go to E. R. Bishop for purses, perfum ery and toilet soap. The Farmers' and Merchants' insurance compauy, of Albany. Oregon, will give yon a square deal. See ad. iu another oolumn. Do you waut the finest brand of flour? Sperry oan furnish it. Do you want mill feed in any quanity? Sperry oau ncoommodate you. Give him a oall. Hunt him up. Y'ou oan find hair ourlers, agricultural hardware, calf blabbs aud clothes pins at Leezer & Thompson's. Remember the place to get a good oi gar is of C. M. Mallory at the City drug store. . Mat Lichtenthnl is constantly receiving summer goods. Go to him for ladies and children shoes. Cash paid for county scrip at Minor, Dodson Sz Co's. Huusaker has just got in a lot of tin ware direct from Chicago. Just look at those retiuned dish pans and be couviuo ed. When man gets so that he can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chillblains or the toothache. Dr. Vanghan, the dentist, is a sure cure for the latter. A full stock of Diamond Dyes for sale at Ed li. Bishop's. When your teeth get so thnt you oan't eat anything harder than mush dig up Dr. Vanghau and have him make you a new set. Do net forget that G. W. Wright Esq. is advancing inouey ou wool for Kosh lund Bros. Every one who has a bouse should have it insured, and nothing is ahead of the Farmors' and Meroliauts' Insurance company of Albany, Oregon, tor that protection. Minor, Dodson & Co. are getting iu an immense stock of goods which they are selling at price3 so li.w that it would as tonish you. The springtime is coming, and with it the usual amount of blood disorders. Take time by the forelock and oleause your system with a bottle of Cascara Bitters, to be had of C. M. Mallory, at the City drug stare. Prioe, S1.00 per bottle. Teamsters, Farmers, sheepmen, and horsemen, when you want work done, remember Billie Ruark, tho crack horse shoea and job-worker. Farmers aud everyone else I Corne to this office aud get for 35 oonts, the Amer ican Settler's Guide, a popular exposi tion of the public land system of tbe U. S. of America. You cannot afford to be without it, It may save you untold la bor and money by its valuable informa tie n, Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract tho same iu a scientific manner. It is a fact Roknowlodgod by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is the Bweetest veiced, most human toned, least reedy iu toue, and quickest in response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. All kinds of ready-made goods and fine custom work at Mat Lichtenthal's boot and shoe store, at rcasomiblo rates, and repairing a specialty. Attention! Sheep Men. I will pasture bucks at my ranch on the head of Middle fork of Rock creek; will gather from the ranges at shearing time and dip them July 1st. I will make general delivery between the mid dle and lust of October and pay for all bucks not accounted for. Terms, $1.10 per head for tho season. Address, James Hams, Hardman. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by tho California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal., is nature's own true laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had ofC. M. Mallory, oruggist, Heppuer, at 50 cents or 81 a bottle. It is the most pleasaut, prompt and effective remedy known, to clenuae the system, to act on the liver, kidueys aud bowels gently yet thoroughly, to dispel headaches, oolds aud fevers, to oure ceustipation, indiges tion and Einureu ills. Rnxtle up those (tuns. All parties having guns belonging to the state of Oregon are requeued to bring them to me at Heppner. It will aye trouble and expense to attend to this matter immediately. Those who do not will be prosecuted. Wm. Warren, Capt. Co. E 3d Reg't, O. N. G. or Sale. A dwelling in Heppner; contains five large rooms; is ceiled and papered; has good brick foundation, a small orchard that will bear some fruit this year and good stable. Corner property compris iai; two lots. A good bargain may be had by applying to J. W. Morrow. Strayed. Strayed from my range in Clark's can yon, one strawberry roau maro, foiiryears old. Branded -S- on the left stifle and SEE on left shoulder. $10 reward will be given for her return to my ranob or to Heppuer. M. H. Dkiskell. Come up aud Settle. All those indebted to mo mvxt settle up at once, aud uo delny as I need money. A. M. Ouun. Tailoring. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment iu my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants from 87 to C15 best goods in the market. A. Abdaiumsick. For Sale. 32(1 acres of deeded land and a timber culture, situated between Frank Gilliam's and Silas right's in Spring Hollow, llhea Creel:, Morrow county, Oregon, (ioo.l watt r nu enoh rpuirter section, and the best spring in the country at the home. Call on me at my place or add rest we nt Heppner. Y C Kkini.s-oek. LcrEKB. Y. U HmKit.n Im tiio on ly dry lumber in t h comity, r.t Hs Kock creek pnwmi'1. Will deliver ii Heppner as che :p as the cheape st. Stkated. From tbe range, one four year old mare, dark bay, branded cross inside circle on left shoulder. A liberal reward will be given for her return to me at Heppnrr. J. C. Ball. DEMOCRATIC CALL. The adjourned meeting of the Demo cratic Central Committee was held iu Heppner March 13th, 1888. The basis of representation was fixed atone for every 25, and fraction of 13 and over, and one delegate-at-large. Pre cincts are entitled to the following rep resentation: Alpine, 8; Dairy, S; Ceoil, 3; Castle Rock, 1: Dry Fork. 1; Eight Mile, 2; Heppner, 14; lone 3; Lexington, 3; Le na, 3; Pine City, 1; Wells Springs, 2; Mattesou, I. The primaries will be held at the reg ular voting place of each precinot, on Saturday, April 28, 1888. The County Convention will be held at Heppuer, Saturday, May 5, 1883. The following persons were duly elect ed delegates to the State Convention: E. G. Soerry, C. A. EUea, Kit Hayes and J. W. Morrow. J. B SPERRY, Chairman. To Independent Voters. Citizens of Morrow county who favor an independ ent tioket nt the county election next June, are hereby notified to assemble in their respective precincts on Saturday, April, 7th, 1888, to eleot delegates to a county convention to be held in Heppner, on Saturday, April 21st. Tbe represen tation of each precinct has been estab lished on the baais of the vote cast' for Lexington in Jnue, 1888 as follows: Heppner 4; Lexington 6; Alpine 4; Eight Mile 4; Dairyville 2; lone 4; Lena 2; Ce cil 3; Wells Springs 3; Pine City 2; Dry Fork 2; Castle Rock 2. As a baais of this action the ludependeut Central Committee believe that as the precincts are at present bounsJsSiJ we are not fairly represented iu our county conventions. By brder of " ' ' " J. F. Brewer, Ch'man Independent Co. Central Com. Crushed Biu'ky.for Sale. I now have for sale at my planing and chop mill in Heppner a quantity of crushed barley that is the best thing out in the way of mill feed. J. W. Coffey. Advances upon Wool. Ayers ac reu win mane auvuuoes upon wool for delivery and sale at Arlington. Mrs. Warren Has Jusi Received a nice lot of goods from ihe erst, and will go below immediatly and purchase a complele stock of MILLINERY ! Which will be sold cheap. For Sale! SIX BULLS From Thoroughbred GALLOWAY Bull and Graded Cows, which we will sell cheap. Call on us at thfl Morgan Rang 1 1 At the bead of Sand Jfillow; or address us at Jtioppnoi, Oregon. MORGAN BROS. Timber Culture Seed AND TI1EISB This year I have presorved my Tree beed in damp Moss. All Seeds Will Grow. C. E. FELL, - - Heppner, Oq'n. itatioD A Special in Of Heppner and Vicinity to Attend tho GRAND OPENING of LADIES' HATS AND- All of the Latest MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES'. j Ladies' Furnishing Goods Store, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Apri . ' '5th, 6th and 7th. A GRAND Will be L J L 1 I i opjciRA. li ou sic i ; ; HEPPNER, On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th, 8th end 9th days of May, for the purpose of mining funds for the liquidation of the debt on the Catholic Church. The Bazaar will be opened by HON. HENRY BLACKMAN, Mayor of Heppner. : o : Any Contributions fur tho Bauaar will be thankfully received by the Secretary, or by any of the Com mi t t;o or by Iter. Father Mercier. DAVID WALSH, SECRETARY. AYERS & FELL, Wool Commission MERCHA'TS, Representing T. W. HALL & Co , Chicago. FENNO BROS k CHILD, Boston. T -AT- Arlington, Castle Rock and Echo. FRED J. HALLOCK, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTS The Home Mutual, Old California, Royal Norwich-Union & Lanca shire, State, of Salem, German American, North British & Mer cantile and London & Lancashire, REPRESENTING $75,000,000 CAPI TAL. ALSO Washington Life In- surance Company, of New York. Offioe, next door to Gazette offioe. Say, Sheepmen ! CHRISTY & WISE the WOOL Are now in the field to Make Cash Advances! Office: Ainswortli Bnnk Building, Third Street, Portland, Oregon. Settlers, Attention ! You will save time, money and trouble by consulting J. W. MORROW ! :o : Plats of vaoant lands obtained. Filings and entry papers prepared. Correc tions of erroneous entries seoured. Con tests initiated, conducted and defend ed. Deeds and mortgages drawn. MONEY LOANED On entered lands. Consultation, by mail or iu person, strictly confidential, Unusual Facilities For prompt and successful proseoution of all kinds of land business. J. W. Morrow. Office on May street, Heppner, Or. to SPRING MILLINERY! FANCY GOODS! Styles and Paterns, at BIZARRE! held in the OREGON Commission Merchants Ladies HENRY HEPPNER, Arlington. PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead ! : o : The Old-Established House of HEPPNER&BLACKMAN! DEALERS IN ' General Merchandise, CONTINUES TO- j SELL FIRST:CLASS.-GOODS!. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! I! Our Stock will he found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavof to retain our place e" IN IT-IE FRONT RANK! And in the future, as in tbe past, wo shall endeavor to continue to be the .eading House in the Heppner Country ! Our facilities for doing busiuess are tabliuhment in We guarantee to all our Customers Dealing. An inspection of our each and all as to the full and complete stock we at all times carry. Owing to the stendy increase in onr and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives Ui better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity for the Celebrated AND Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s HIDES AND TELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. IIENHY HEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of II. & B., Arlington. Look, Loot Look! AND DON'T FORGET, THAT M. M.A.-L LOR Y, o. HEPPNER, AT THE COT m DRUG STORE, Keeps the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in Wa Line in Morrow uonnty. , Comprising Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, and Toi lot Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Etc.," Etc; , , r, . r . He makes a specialty of Ture Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Best Brands Domestic and Imported Cigars. Candy, Nuts, Chewing Gum, Etc. Prices reasonable. Terms, Cash. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special attention paid to orders from the country. -THE BEST spbiig mm, mm -AMD- Send for Catalogue and Price List Pish Bros. Wagon Co., RACINE. WIS. HENRY BLACK MAN, Heppner. I unexcelled by any mercantile es- the Northwest! Courteous Treatment and Fair establishment will oonvince busiuess we have built a Large Bain Wagon, Agricultural Implements. Read, Read, Real! -THE BEST- FARM wp IN THE MARKET WSSSSSSS OREGOK.