Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, April 05, 1888, Image 2

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The 8e:il fisheries of Eehring sen have
' caused venturesome sealers to seek tbat
territory tar tlieir fiel.l of operations,
with a full knowledge of tbo faot tbat
the Alaska Fur company claims full con
trol of thosn proEtiible wr.ters through
a ltase given to tliem by tbe U. S. sev
eral years Ago. The letu,e waa given
when Botitwell, uf Masa., vrr.s secretary
of the Treasury, and was evidently in
tended to only inoludo tbo ooast within
three miles o' land, but all bis succes
sors down to and including Mr. Manning
and Fan-child, have helJ. that their
olaim to the entire American portion of
the Bearing sea wns valid and have sus
tain this decision by ordering revenue
ciutere to sieao all sealers not in tbo em
ploy'of the Fur company, and following
their vocations in these waters. A large
fleet of sealers nre preparing to leave
Victoria, B. C, nud Ban Francisco for
these fishing grounds, uud if canyht
there is no doubt but tbo vessels with
the cargoes will be forfeited, although
there seems to be but little law for such
proonednre. The owners of sealing craft
on the Paoifio coast have petitioned, and
'have been referred from one department
to another until they have grown tired.
The Alaska ollloials favor the Fur com
pany, as they aro too discreet to quarrel
with them.
DcitiNCi the recent snow storm in the
eaot, a groat deal of troublu was experi
enced with the different boating devices
used for warming oars, and about the on
ly kind that was in tha least satisfactory
was the oommon stove. Wo know from
personal experience tbat tbeao pipe
heating apparatus aro a f ruud iu exces
sive cold weather, and it i really better
to tiike ohanccs of being burned up in a
wreok than to be frozen to death by one
of these patent heaters. Tbe improved
form of stoves, properly secured, has
proved, in every instance, to be perfeotly
safe, and if there is thought to bo dan
ger in the above, it would appear that
in this great era of invention some one
would hit upon a stove beater tbat will
not scatter fire, and with extinguishing
devices that would immediately put out
fire in case of an accident to tbe coach.
Mn. Stkotheh M. STonir.jr.A.anit, of In
diana, has been appointed commUnioner
of the general land ofiloe, vice A. J.
Sparks, resigned. Mr. Htoekalngor was
bom and raised in Indiana, and is a self
made man. He owes his position in life
to his own toil and industry. Ho was
for two terms a member ot the Indiana
Htuto senate, and a rneiubor ot tbo forty
seventh and forty-eighth contji'CHH. Ho
was appointed deputy commissioner of
the land oflioe about two years ago, und
ex-Sooretary Lamar, now Justice Lamar,
of the Supremo court, stated that Lio was
n...pi,-i,t ...i p..;n...i .f....t.
lioservauts. The homo of Mr. Htock
alagor is at Corydon, Indiana, where ho
has resided for many yoars. His many
: friends will rejoice to hoar of his uuo-
...., ..,,1 I!,. ,lm..nn, ,.f T, ,1 1 1 ! mill
nodatibt fool complimented in one ot
her advocates being honored with such
-flhigh and important position.
The first instance of a United Ktates
grand jury finding a criminal indict
ment for violation of tbo iutcr-state
commerce law occurred nt Itismark, Da
kota, a few days ago. Win. Sanderson,
an agent for tbo Northern I'aoiflo nt Val
ley Oity, was bound over on complaint
of Kdgar W. Wylio for refusing to fur
nish oars to Wylio for the shipment of
grain last October, although vaiioUH
other parties were furnished with curs
at that time. Tlie oaso is now on trial,
and tho proceedings will bet watched
with groat interest. A criminal indict
ment is a weapon tbat shippers have rot
made use of in prevent inn - disor'niiua-"
tion on the part of ruilroads and their
agents. The SandorHon case will there
fore mark a precedent of rent iuipor
tauoe. In cwtTiiiBuriNo; to tbo right of way
fund, every citizen of Morrow county
should consider the direct bonelltu de
rived therefrom. What one is uotually
worth cute no figure in this matter. 01
all seotiuiu ot Morrow county that will
bo benefitted by a railroad, in the farm
jug portion. Tha value of their farm
will be inoroased because of the prox
imity to market, and this market will be
of groat value to them as a place to
ruadily dispose ot all their products.
Therefore it is reasonable to suppose
that those who will reoeive the greatest
benefit from the railroud wilt bo willing
to stand thoir share iu sootiriui' it with
in tho borders of our oounty.
Thrue aro a fw things wo nre com
pelled to ask of our correspondents; 1st,
writo plainly, and bo careful not to
plaoe lines too oloso together. Second,
do not write on both sides of the paper.
Third, it you are net known to the edi
tor, sign your name mid state what "nom
de plume" you winh used. If you do not
ubaervo rules 1 und 2 the editor will
have to copy your communication, it it
appears, nud ho has not t he time to do
it. A strict ouuiplianoo with rule !) will
keep your manuscript out of tho waste
basket. CojtsTBOi'TioM ot tha "Willow creek
railroad to lleppner will not only cause
an expenditure et a couple of hundred
thousand dollars in this seotion for
teamsters' and graders' work, beef, camp
supplies, ete., but will Add to tho tuxa
lie property of Morrow oounty some
thing over halt A million ns a direct in
vestment by tho O. K. A N Co. This
should materially reduce tbe raUs of
Tue expression of our forefnthers to
tho effect that "the political pot has be
gun to boil" ha reoently lxon metamor
phosed into "the political sen lias begun
to ronr" and "the political oayitw line be
gun to buck," and since innovation ot
mir time honored expreat .ion is in order,
this sheet informs its readers that "tho
political Chinook bus begun to blow."
The following are the prices paid in
bos Angeles, Cal: Barley hay is worth
SUper ton; alfalfa. $11; lings, 6 cents
a pound, gross; potatoes, $1.23 a cental;
apples, fl a cental; chickens, S3 a doz
en; eggs, 30 cents; butter, CO couts per
pound; stock horseH, from 8175 to 2.30;
cows, Z'jO to 8110; wood, 810 to $12 per
cord; coal 8'20 to jfiSU per ton; oranges
retail at 10 cents a dozen, choice; cli
mate, nil a suoker will pay.
March 27: A severe storm of snow
nrl sleet still continues in the east
John Barnes and James Hupp, of Logims-
port, 1 nd., have linen arresteil for pass
ing eoiirrterfeit $.i silver certificates
Josef Hoffman, the boy pianist, is nlpout
to return to Germany The smallpox
is creating quite an excit Miient in Brook
lyn, N. Y The K'ale National bank of
ltaleigli, N. 0., has failed. The direct
ors believe tho president and cashier
have absconde-l with a largo portion of
the funds Tweiity-tio oonviotii, at
Birmingham, Ala., mutinied, and in the
revolt two negro convicts 7ere killed
E. F. Willmau, formerly editor of the
L"advillo Herald, commit ed Hiiioido at
Halt Lake, Utah The democrats of
New Jersey favor Hill for president
Mrs. r.acbel Jackson Kakford, niece of
General Jackson, died at Kau Antonio,
Tex., to-day Local option dues not
work in Linoola county, PakoU A
grand jury at Texarkaua, Ark., returned
110 indictments Kx-I'resident James
I'unlJtner. of the Uausville National
Bank of N. Y., has given himself up to
tho authorities.... B. A. Hall, of fit. Al
bann, Vt., has been arrested for bigamy.
. . . .Tho"reinaii of Him Anderson, aaed
70, who was killed by a tramp, near Har
ding, Neb., were brought ino Atchison,
Kans., to-day.... The 87000 bar of bul
lion stolen from messengers of the Vul
turo mine, in Arizona, has been recov
ered, and one of the robbers shot in re.
uniting arrest A 2 year old daughter
of Win. More, of Chioo, Cal , was
drowned in a wash-boiler containing
thrco inches of water Little Goodwin
Thatcher, of (Jannndaigua, N. Y., aged 8
years, puicmiy saved a companion irom
drowning who had fallen through the
ice Charles Johnson murdoi'B Oscar
Williams at a danco near Albany, Ga. . . ,
OougrcHU appropriates $501)0 to defray
the expenses of the funeral of Chief Jus
tice Waito Tho Servian prime minis
ter cries to pow&ii the lung of rtervia
Snow j3 interfering with tho running of
trains in .Dakota, Minnesota and Wis
cousin John N. Campbell, of Newport,
ivy., uelraudou tlie Ann Arbor university,
of Mich., by forged letters of credit...".
Auolpmis Molz, ot K:ikili,'li, JN. U., was
mil rue red and his body . thrown on the
railroad track. .Barton M.. Mills had
bin eyo put out by an English sparrow
at Omaha, Neb. The bird was lighting
another sparrow at the time of tho acci
dent. . . . bounder Franklin, of Hopkins
ville, Ivy., was terribly beaten by a Ne
gro named Chas. Tildeu Loiiibert
Tree, of Chicago, U. .'i Minister to Bel
gium, will ii bo r 1 1 y tcudor his resigna
tion on account of press of blisiness... .
Mrs. Thompson, wile of K. W. Thomp
son, ex-secretary of the navy, died at
Terra J I auto, lnd., yeaterdav . . . .The
rivers Elba and Vistula overllow their
banks in Germany. Many villages aro
completely ruined Two earthipiake
shocks were felt at Tokio, Japan, on the
1st of March. ...M. Debessops, tit tiie
I'aniuna canal, has secured more money
for tho enterprise. . . .Tilt German Crown
L'riuce is preparing to travel for his
health ... :'lticli gold ore has been dia
covered near Ottawa, Canada, in the
Mipiusing district Amarmh H. Brad-
ner, a former banker of Danville, N. Y.,
died yesterday iu tho penitentiary at Au
burn, N. V., where ho was sent for taking
iM"00 from a woman idler the bank had
become insolvent b. A. Maphcl, while
enrouto to Creston, town, was duped out
of 3HS.") by confidence men Jim John
son, Bob hitsoii anil Henry Alison,
Negroes, are found to be the parties who
murdered John ilolmnn at Arrnn, Ala.,
last December. Jnliusou and Whitsou
have been arrested .... E. b. .Brookson,
an ex-conductor, has beou arrested for
embezzling fluids belonging to the 1'ull-
man Car Co., ami tho Chicago & Alton
It: 11': . . . Dr. J. li. Zangerie, of 'Virginia
City, Nov., has been Onrrentod for con
cealing casus of smallpox The people
have suud the bondsmen of John V.
McCarthy fur IO,0"t).' Hois now serv
ing u live year sentence in tho peniten
tiary liul'ii.T Ford shot nnii killed
himself at Virginia City, Nev.-
Mil roll 2H:" T. I'. Cooper, of Jackson,
Tcnn., uged IS, has become insane from
overwork in the Union J'aeilio railroad
ollioe at Walto bake, Utah. ." .Clans
Spreckles is lighting tho sugar trust.'. . .
Hubert, a 7 year old son of (Simon U. be
vy, of Columbus, Mo., had 'his leg, torn
from the knee joint, and in not expected
to livo . . . . Miss Nollii) Mobood, of Bos
ton, fell dead in tho ball-room Oscar
Burton, of Moberly, Mo., was killed by a
falling tree. ... A brakeniau named S!e
veiis was killed by tho cars at Anna, 111.
....Tho sehooner Lizzie Derby run
ashore at Foit Point, near S m Frnncis
oo, und was badly damaged. .. .John
Carter was killed at Modesto, Cal., by
the ears. . . .The strong box of tho steam
er Premier was robbed last night, at Ta-
oonm, of 81010 llattie Woolstoin, of
Los Angeles, is now on trial for the mur
der of Dr. 0. N. llarlun, formerly of
Danville, lnd George Crane, a noto
rious cracksman, escaped from the San
Francisco jail to-day. .. .James Guiiler,
of Saenunentci, Cal., shot himself this
March lit!: Tho V. S. maii-ot war, Lan
caster, has not been heaul from tor souio
time.... t he secoiut trial otjncotiijlinrp,
will begin at New York Monday .... Will.
and Joe Hopkins have been loiiud guil
ty of murdering line lliomas at Clay
ton, Ga. . . . Kittie Vv'alkor, a young lady
20 years of age, was terribly burned at
Jackson, Mieh . . . .John Merita, aged till,
was shot and killed at t rauktort, Ken.,
by h.a son John, aged 20. . . .The 12 year
old son of John Deitz shot and killed
his father's slayer at Cailiuville, 111
There is a great rain stoiin raging iu
Alabama. .. .The mikado of Japan has
ordered the suppression of all papers
i xpi essieg conli nipt id his government.
loscph tloll'imin, uu old seltler of
Mount Carroll, 111., was choked to death
while eating by swallowing his false
teeth Deputy Marshal W. D. Post
and Dvputy Poole, of Boston, have been
indicted by the grand jury for making
illegal and excessive fees in the marshal's
ollice . . . . Two Negroes were kiilnd at
Spanish Camp, Tex., at the recent scene
of Negro murders. Hangers have been
called on to assist too nulhoiil'es. . . .
Henry Wilson nud Ollivor Gritlitii en
gaged in a quarrel with a policeman at
Cadova, Cal., and in the melee that fol
lowed, Wilson and tlrittith were killed.
... .The robbers of tho Vulture mine
messengers have been captured Au
insane man, A. It. Allysworth, kills sev
eral persons with a revolver at Waterloo,
Neb., and was hunselt fatally shot before
be was arrested. .. .Archie Stokes, a
Colorado convict, was shot and killed at
Birmingham, Ala. Auother oouvict was
badly wounded at the same time Mrs.
H. Price, of Clinton, Ky., hue been sen
tenced for life for being an nceompliee
in the murder of Sberill Vfiutler last
winter The sitebmen of the "Q"'
road have joined the strikers, and tbe
railroad outlook is gloomy as ever
The trustees ot the N. Y. sucar trust
have declared a dividend of 2!o per cent,
on the capital stock ... .Owen Grittim
and Charles Yuuug, two thieves of Ma
rian, lnd., w ho escabed from jail a few
days ag", have be re captured C.illa-
len P.olinson. colored, cut his wife's
throat at N. Y. City Dr. Pierz, ot
bong Island City, N. Y. suicided to-day.
. . . . A hre at the corner ot Peoria and
bake streets, Chicago, caused the loss
8100,000 worth of property A-fire at
Aurora burned a building recently tilted
up for "(J" n ilroad hands. Loss $20" ,-
010; supposed to be nn incendiary
U. S. express company has leased the
Central railroad of New Jersey, for a
term of live years ... .John Matthews,
one of the Bald Knobbers on trial at
Springli'eld.Mo., has been convicted
An explosion occurred iu a shaft at Rich
Hill Mo., killing several persons Al
bert S. Brandt, of Grand Hapids, Mich.,
bus been arrested for making counter
feit dollars Albert J.lurrish, a farmer
of Kearney, Neb., shot his wife dead and
fatally wounded Thus. Patterson, his
farm hand .... Wesley Warren shot Wil
lio Jaok with a pistol at Butte, Mont.
Both boys were about 12 years of age. . .
The Bteam-'r Canonburg has been
wrecked at Nantucket, causing a loss of
9100,000 Green Humphreys shot and
seriously wounded his wife, at Warren
town, Mo Magistrate Welsh, Jasper
Wiaard, Jesse Jancy and Thomas M.
Shaw have been arrested for murdering
Thos. McNair tome time ago Isaac
Reeves, of Newark, N. J., committed su
icide to-dav by hanging Anderson
Duff is now on trial for killing John
.Stewart (ooth colored), at Bloumington,
H1....J. S. Moilit died to-day at Fort
Scott, Kr.ua., from an overdose of laud
anum Calvin Tyson was thrown
from a horse and killed at Or.inesville,
Tex Mrs. Bertha Stanley, tho east
ern coiilidence operator, who swindled a
number of Jewish residents of Sail Fran
cisco, has been arrested at San Antonio.
. . . .Constable Morris Ladd, ot San Jose,
is dying of glanders, which he contract
ed from 11 glandered horse about three
weeks age.
The best family remedy is undoubt
edly Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Harmless, it accomplishes relief where
many other medicines failed to do so.
t may be safely given to tho infant as
(veil as the adult.
Ekiiit Minn, March 20.
Very pleasant weather since tho light
snow storm of Friday.
' Some of the fall grain that was
very badly frosted is looking much bet
ter than was expected. -
The ground is getting dry and the
farmers would rejoice to see a good
"lames Allen, who has been suffering
with a sprained back, is again able to be
around. .,
I think .".Tosiah's sister-in-law" wns
uunecessarily ahrnied for fear the Coun
ty Superintendent's reputation would be
injured by a letter "E. M. 0." sent to
tho HitnchjniM -Made, in which Mr.
Stanley's namo was mentioned. The
letter was merely a boast that the peo
ple of Eight Mile Centre had been able
to get along with their schools without a
visit from the County Superintendent.
It mentioned tho fact that a County Su
perintendent had never been' at Eight
Mile, Centre seliool house to visit the
school. 1 know this to be the c:iso. Ov
er four years school has been carried on
and no superintendent ever visited ono
term, so you see merely mentioning that
fact does not mean much. Then the re
njjirks were wound up with this expres
sion:' "That there were voters at Eight
Mile Centre whoso votes would count at
tho election.','...; That remark will not in
juro Mr. Stanley, for if ho proves him
self to be tha right man in the right
place, Eight Mile precinct will vo'o for
liiin. and then ho w ill bo glad their votes
'do count. But enough of this. E. M -0.
should be careful about steppiug 011 tho
toes of .county "ollicers, for sometimes
they wear very. tight boots and if any
one treads on their toes it pinches them
and onuses them tuory out, which brings
their interested friends to their side with
words of nympnthy for the sullerer and a
reprimand for lbs one that tread on their
toes. II.
Consumption Sercly I'lii'ril.
To tub EiiTTon Pie : so, inform your
readers that I havo 11 positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless eases
jiiive. been permanently cured. I shall
bo glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy fivo to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send nie their
express and pokt iitliee adress. Kespect
iully. T. A. Siocum' M. C, ISl Pearl St.,
New i'oik. "
Hthay:!!). A dark bay mare 15'.
hands high, weight 1200, D years eld and
branded C with M on the inside oa left
shoulder. A two-year-old stallion, w ith
a little wdiile on face nnd feet, branded
0 with M oti the inside or. left shoulder.
A sorrel inure, 0 yearn old, a little white
oil face and feet, branded half menu, D
with S on tho inside and 0 with M on
the inside, all on left shoulder. A blood
bay two year-old mare branded C with
M oil tho inside on left shoulder. Sup
posed to bo in tin vicinity of Alkali can
yon, on the Ihnntilln river. A reward of
,1no per head will lie paid for information
leaibng to their recovery. Address me
at lleppner. Cius. E. MiLLtut
F'oit S.UiB. A No. 1 Shepherd dog
ho has had three years' experience
with sheep. You will find me on Jim
Fisher's range, 1111 lilack Horse.
Wm. MtiTii.
Mi rro:r Sum i' n.i: Saix. I have
2.100 largo, fat and sound too and thiee-yenr-old
wethers for sale. ,). VV. B:,.iiF.,
Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon.
K.:;i':i von M.w,::.--o2 I acres, fenced
good hoiii-e, corral, etc. Fiue running
water. Call at Ua.-.kih'u shop and get n
e are now 'prepared to tiirnisii our
readers a y toirly subscription of the
San l'ranei'eo i'uU and the UciTNun
li.vzHTTB tor t2 To, or the San Fran
cisco Ihtilu Cull and tho livx:s-i:u Ga
zr.i'TU lor Si.0'1. In either case we must
have the cash in advance 111 order to
make ties sort of a proposition, A splen
did map of California and Nevada is giv
eu away with each yearly subscription.
We are now Daily Receiving Large Invoices of
In all tlie latest slimles and fabrics nnd our counters
"With the Choicest Productions of the Manufacturers, and the
best news to all is that they are
We havo spent much time and money this spring in selecting our
minds, ami nre satisfied that our Drees Goods Stock will com
prise the Best as well ns the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be
fore in lleppner. Cun't you give us a call soon for the pur
pose of
-Nnturp is far. It I .as anil so U that
nobie discovery, commaiug gn.y Na
r'i own remcJtes, "The"
It isa bt-rietu to thr human race, ktihi' ur1
YOUTH. HEAl.ril, VIGOKhythe use of
PFuDtn-s Orfoon Blood PuRiFttR.
Ou-ck und Compete Cure of all lUseast s of
the Skin, kidneys. Bladder and Liver. U
chetks KheutiiiUism and Mnturia, rclirves
Con.tiimti(n, Dyspepsia ttnd Biliousness, and
nuu fresh energy into the system by makina
Nm , Hit ti li.M..t. Ukeit in lime, ru-tit now
;mt cannot In- heat as a prewntativt ol Misoasf '
SoJd and used everywhere, ft a bottle, 6 101
This Stock nnd seeing our Pretty Things? We shnll take pleasure
, . , - 11 I i. Tl. .1
aua pruie in snowing yon wnai we nave got. iiiicuibi juu
are ready to buy or not, you are
At our store, and will sea your friaa Is there also.
Of Cable Cord Ginghams, Cliambrays, &c, and as this stock sells
out so fast that we can not hardly get goods last enough to Keep any
variety on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit.
rrpsidwit. Yice-Prcidfrit. Secretary Piul Mfm
J. W.Cukk k, TrcKKurer. . W. H. IIaymond, Aseisttuit Secretary.
The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co.
s still at the old stand on Main Street,
Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite-
ware, Pumps, Gas Pipe, Nails, Etc.,
Capital Stock, $300,000.
Paid up in Gash, $60,000.
A Square Company Managed by Square
SHELF HAIiDWAPiE, Bird-Cages, Eope, Nails, Cutlery, "Wood
and Willow "Ware, Granite "Ware, Etc.
Spcrry's New Roller Mills!
1 1 15 PPIST I C R, .-. - OREGON,
Capacity '70 Barrels
J, B. SPERRY, Proprietor. '
o :-
Floiir from best Grades of Wheat, flour
and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities
to suit purchasers.
May' Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co.'s Store,
' Manufacturers of find Dealers iu
Furniture, Mirrors,
Bedding, . Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc.
And is Constantly Receiving NEW GOODS
which he deals out to his customers at .
the latest Fashionable Prices.
Boot and Shoe Store.
Having just received a large and complete stock of first-does
Boots and Shoes, I am now prepared to furnish any article in that
line 'at fair prices.
I will continue to do custom work and repairing, as usual.
Shop enlarged and refitted throughout. New front and new
Re-Opeued . Heppner
JD. BISHOP, Proprietor.
In the Leezer & Thompson Building, Maiu Street, Heppner.
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars,
Sheet Music, Harmonicas, Novels,
Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti-
, cles, Perfumery, Notions, ..
Etc., Etc.
EsSPrescriptions Carefully Compounded, Day or Night, and .Espe
cial attention paid to family recipes.''!
Will do all kinds of General Blacksmith work and Eepoiring at A. M
Gunn's old stand, opposite Jones' Livery Stable, Heppner.
Hopseslioeing a Specialty
Agricultural Machinery, all kinds of Farm
Implements, Wagons, Etc.,
.HKIJ.HsTGTOjN" & co.;
Harness, AVliips, Spurs,
Heppner Saddles!
ConntnnHy on haDd.
Arise to Proclaim the Astonishing Fact That
To dish you up anything that you want in
the line of Groceries, Confectionery Can
ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys,
Both Sides of Main Street, Heppaer.
rays qd Iki-
Oysters in all Styles at all Hours
-Mi mi m