Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, October 27, 1887, Image 4

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A. Story of Man. WaknnM ami WnniAn'i
Cruelly, with Several Moral.
DM you notice that mnnT askisJ a leaning
pawnbroker of a friend who chanced to In in
tiia shop. "Poor fellow, my heart bleeds for
liiin. Ho luu Juxt left bis wedding ring witb
mo tbo last tie whicb bound bim to happier
dnT3. His is a Bail story."
"I dij not observe hiin pnrtira'arly," said
lb Kentlemui adilresieil. "Who is ln.T
"Ha is tbe hiwbaml of a well known
nctreas," replied (lie pawnbroker wilh some
warmth; "uud be In tiie victim of intolerable
, cruelty. Would yon bclL-ve It, tbe woman
vrbo tut a few short months r;o swore to
cliarisb and protect him now aloluto!y re
furie3 to contribute mors than tJ5 a wtwk
to bis support. You seem incredulous, but I
assure you It is true."
"Who is the rnant"
"His name is Brockliolit O'Flynn. and lie .8
tut) husband ot Miss lit. Kliuo, Lho burlesque
A cry of horror escaped the gentleman's
"My old friend O'Flynn I" ho exclaimed.
"Is it possible that ho bus onto to this!
Btrnnga that I did not iwognizo biin,"
"Ah, sorrow and privation hve altered
him greatly."
"1 must hasten and ovcrttiko him; perliaj
something may bo (louo era it i ; too lata."
Bo saying, tbo gentleman hastened from
1'ie shop and in a few moments had overtaken
tno unhappy num.
"Erockbolst," he said, gently, "what Is all
this I hear? You reduced to poverty; you,
wnose wifo could gratify your every wiu!"
"I kuow not how you have lcurued my sad
story, doar boy," said O'Flynn. brokenly,
"but it is true. I have borne Jill patiently,
nncomphilnlngly, for her sako; for I tliiiink
from tbo thought of exposing hr to the cen
i sure ot tbe wiirld. This n. .'"ICig I pawned
my last article of jewelry, our w-w-w-wed-.
iug ring," mid the unfortunate man burst
Into bittur teal's.
"Chcor up, cheer up!" c lod hw friend. "All
will yet be welL I will see her mid lutei'Cedo
for you."
"You you do not think," asked O'Flynn In
tremulotvt tones, "that slio would have the
h'jart to require me, who hnvo been so deli
cately reined, to to workf"
"iio, no, not tliatr-not that," replied bis
companion, shudileringly. "Bho is not capable
Of such baseness."
"You have given mo now hopo," exclaimed
O'Flynn, "and now let us stop into yon
latrple room, and I will Bet 'em up.
jJOd enough."
"It U useless to say any mom, Mr. Mngln
fiis; $ per woek and bis board are all I will
dMow my husband."
The woman who uttered those words In a
rolit, hard tone of voire was Miss St. Elmo,
tiie actress; the orsoii addressed, the friend
of Orockholst O'Flynn, to whom the reader
has already beeu introduced.
"Come with iuo, then," said Maglnnis,
"Wherer donmnded til's woman.
"JJo matter; come. I would touch you d
useful lesson."
IiMleNce Miss St Elmo followed him from
tho ffue. llo led her too narrow, dingy
street In oneof the lower wards of the city,
aud finally paused liefore a building upon
which was painted in large letters, "THE
"We have reached our destination," he said.
"Be attentive and you will gain much by this
mouiing'ssiJerleiieo. Come,"
Cae followed him up six fligbbiof stairs and
Into a small, dingy room, wlmro, ut a desk,
linlf buried in exchanges and MBS., sat a jialo,
baggard sum. Hu did not observe their en
trance, for he was writing at the rate of 100
words per uiliiuta.
"Copy I" howled a phenomenally dirty boy,
fashing Into the room.
"Groat Scott I" shrieked the editor, for, as
the taktnted reader lias already gutfssed, he
traaoueuf the 'fraternity. "I've got to have
two columns ready in fifteen minutes, and I
haven't got a stickful yet. Jim, get some, ice
and lie it on my forehead, and then send out
the prowler. Quick I"
"Wot) is this wretched being, and wbut Is
b doing!" demanded Miss St. Elmo.
"lie la a Journalist, and ho Is working," re
plied. Mnglunls. "This Is work, mid this Is
what you will drivo O'Flynn tor"
"No, no," shuddered the woman, "I did not
know what I was doing. I was mad, mailT
"Now you'ro shouting. You wih give him
an order for your entire salary every Monday"
hi the future!"
"Yes, yes."
"Oood oiiough. Now let us got out of this."
Miss Bt. Elmo never forgot that ten min
utes' visit to The Hurler olll ; and today
there Is not a husband in New York who is
I pportpd in greater luxury than Iirockholst
O'Flynn. Tid liits.
Conliln't n Kntlroljr Well.
Visitor Ito Flossie) Aud how in the baby
today, F1ossht
Flossie Mamma thinks ho Is a little better.
Visitor Then he is not much bettcrf
Flossie No, nia'ain. Ho couldn't le very
much better, you know, liecnuse ho is such a
little bit of a baby, Kxchongo,
A poor old fellow who hail grown as deaf
as tlfty posts said the other dayi
"How funny it is: I Mill see plenty of hand
organs in the street, but they never seem to
ilay." Judge.
llu! Lookout for George.
Mrs. Hayseed (whose son is at college)
Goorge writes that lie is taking fencin' lessons.
Mr. Hayseed I'm glad o' that. I'll set him
a diggiu' post holes when bo gits home. New
York Bun.
Fore of Habit.
Fireman Hurry upl There Isn't a mo
ment to spare!
BUe Oh, diwrt Must I go out this way!
Do tell me, u.a, if niy hat is on straight!
. After lie Hm (ions.
ycr aptHtite is delicate, .
, She cauuot eat today ;
i But are ber la the pantry
Wheu tcr beau has gone awny.
llostoo Courier.
Ah Expert iu One ltr.incli.
The old gentleman had just profiled a
young cailet fiMin the front entraiK-e, and as
he went back Into the bouse he smiled grimly
end murmured: "I ain't much of a society
man, no ways. I never learned to dance the
geriuan, but I'll lie doggone.l if Ir in't'wny
up when it contra to wuhiiii' tbo military."
Merchant Traveler.
IWtdrlico uf llevu I.otc.
Augtistus And wiiat did sh?sny wheu she
got niy note asking to tie released from the
Lawyer Bhe said she'd tie compelled to
bring a suit ugauist you for breach of protu
Ise. Augustus How that girl doea love met
TidBi:. - ,
Something Surprising
JifMM . mi L
Daughter There is only one thing more
astonishing than the readiness witb whi b
Ned gave up tobacco when he became en
gaged. Mothrr What Is that astonishing thing?
Daughter Tbe rapidity with which be
took it up again as soon as we wore married.
Texas Bif tings.
Oaa a la Donnm
' Col. "Fat Donan" seen great possibilities
In natural gas. Hear him sling adjivtivee
about it: "With a sewor sized main run into
the national Capitol and smaller pijies into all
our state houses, court rooms, city balls and
editorial sanctums, every shaft and spindle
and loom, every cogwheel, trip hammfr and
hand organ, every buzz saw, wbeiit corner
elevator, scissor grinder, whirligig and merry
go round in our peerless, four ocean washed
empire of liberty can bo run witbout cost,
free crratia for nothimr wibhout a cent. "-tNaw
wYork Tribuni.
An Arlstoerntle Pnfr.
"I tell you, I've moved in mighty swell
society," said the boastful traveling man.
"I've met tbe Cleveland and the Whitueys
and all of 'em."
"I've moved in some pretty tony society
myself," remarked the quiet looking men to
whom the remark was addressed. "I was in
troduced to the Siamese twins."
"The Siamese twiml You don't call them
swell people, do you?"
"Why, yes. At all events, you can't deny
that they were well connected." Merchant
Baby's First Wonts.
Omaha Dame Your baby sataa
bright for his age.
Kansas Mother Oh, he's lust as smart as
they make 'em.
"Can he say papa and mamma yet!"
"No, be ain't learned that, but yon lust
ought to hear him lisp 'weal estate.' "
Omaha World.
Inside Point
"I oo," said a friend to the editor of a
Dakota dally, "that you call these papers yrn
are-printlng nsw the second edition how dn
they differ from those you were running off
half an hour ago?"
"We stopped and oiled the press," and t!io
Journalist reached for the lever again.
Dakota DolL
Happy Again.
The buttercups nod to the breezes of morn,
The hillsides with daisies are hoary.
They say dandelions tho meadons adorn,
Aud blooincth the sweet morning glory.
The wild bee Is humming In sweet rural nook?,
VTiere wavoth the red tufted clover.
And the hiisbaud goes round with delight in his
For the dayB of houso cleaning are over.
Jjosti-o Courier.
t .. t ..... : (...,- t: i
in em" (f imi nun iin iifiniri ( e-tji m-i, m
lit l'onn(jr of Morrow, ami buitt of Oregon.
J. II. ForHj th, riamtm,
JoHPph Rino, dofoiifliint.
To Jom'ph llinc, t,he nbitvn-nnmrtl dofondant :
In tlu- name of tlm Htnte of Oregon
Yuii nre linreby rtMinirrd to iioiionr before tlio
urultTfiitTtifMl, h justice tf tln pcjii-o for lho trt-ciin-t
afort-HHid, on the l-th day of NovfmUor,
lMT.fit 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of wtid day, ut
Uie otnee ot mmt jum icr', in Hm preeiinu., to hii
swor tlm nhovH-intniod plr.uitiff inn civil action
founder) njion an account for 'oodn sold and de
livered, wild for IiohpI. Tin' defoiidaat will take
nntHtothat if lie fail to answer the comolaint
herein hm atove required, tiie plaint ttT will tke
judgment Hurauiht loin tor ire Hint or f.iz,m mux
nitoKwt an nraved for ia the coiriDlnint hetviu.
and plamtitV's costH ntid (HfllmrMene utf to he tax
ed, it apiKM.rinjt that irnonat service of mim
mn cuit not ho hart on defendant, thin mimmonH
is puhlished by order of A. J. Hhobe, Kkm., jiih
tipH of the nonce for Hennnor ncinct. Hlorrow
county, Oregon, made at hin oihco aforetnttd, on
tlio'JUh day of epteiiiler, IfsS7.
A. J. HHOilE.
2JUS-42 J ust ice of the Peace.
Notice is Itprcby divert that nndr and by virtue
of an execution Untied out of the Connly court of
thi state of On-won for the county of Mjirmw,
and to me dircteil and delivftrwl. uiMtn a iu(tr-
meut renilerwi aud entered in m'ul court on the
lltli da of July. in favor of 1 he A. 1 llo
tidina Comottnv. n)aintift. and auainst . K.
rbell and hn. McHe). ilefendantM. for tiie Mini
of 1 Ibn.", ld coin, and aUornej h feeH and
orstf, together with HI per vt nt. per annum
intiTmit and nccruin coHtf. I have levied upon
and will sell ut public nut lion,
On Saturday, the 2'Mh day of October,
J.S7-7, at 2 o'clock P. .3..
At tbo conrtbnnse dKir hi thetown of Hepnnor,
Morrow county, nnd State of Oregon, all llie
rijrht . title and iutereHt wltish titt miid K, K. Itell
ai d t'ha Mclfc-e. defendantH, had on or after the
7th day of July, 17, in or to tho follow iiiK-div
MCniMHI prVHllWM, HVWlt:
Iot so von (7). in ltlock sixteen f HU. in tb town
f Lexinuton, Morntw county, and btate of
Terms of sale: Oaidi in hnnd.
Puled at ITeppnvr, Oregon, this 'Jrtth day of
September, lt.
T. H. HOW Aim,
Sheriff of Morrow 1 'otutty, Oregon,
The (Jj.evelaxd Bay Stallion
will btand at
ol' f.r wiiiiiiin imnch,
At the fulUminu ternw:
TO IN'sriiK. .,. . fr..
In lttj of five Witio-H, by tlte Meaxon, $l.Hl.
Pusture will b furnished fre.
We will tJtke all tniHT oire to prevent acci
dent, but will Ik nvMwtimlbte for none.
M ireieiit from a distHiic will ! put in a itna
tnre defarnte fnitil olhtir liorMfi, uu Rood Kniaa
oiul watiT.
Dl'KE OF St'AItHOHO. -Imirt.Hlfrom Knu
latnl in Octolvr, In". ty .It1.! Marrtn, Fort i ol
liim, Colonuh. 80I1I to l'erry Oiler, of LaHtern
ilretfon, in Auiift, tKrt.
Duke of rn-Rrlxiro wa.mred liy I'rince fieorife;
tlain hy ItanHomie; Rraml ilnm by t 'hampion.
Peibirree niawnni in Vol. VIII, hivrliuid llay
Stmt liook of LiiKiand.
llewription. Duke of rVarlxiro wa two yir
ohl 111 the frin of IK; in ft ixwntifut (lark twty,
.mull tar in firehel; Rtanitr wist.vn hantU lutrh
on clivtn. tint bw. ft'ui welirlieU in (TtwHi tlth,
when two year 0I1U lltit Kiuiftn.
Thin amuinl in mmplv of tho all punioae
honM of KnKlanil. the heikutifnl action in hnrnew
of which ha nrwtl much nttet.tioti abroad.
Jkssk H kkih, I'ikrt Collins, Colo.
OLI.KU 4 W UltillT.
The HeHner On.A niakm the most
'onifortnblo traveling bntle and the besl
bustle fur jteuortd all-work ptirpfBes.
A fresh sttjck of lho latt gtjlos in
Indict' mid misses' shoes and slippers ar
rived Tuesday at Mat Laebtenthttls.
Newspapei.-i " from all parts of the
country can now l- IwntKht at th Oa
lette siiop at four hiU a bundle; good
to .end or lm oabins.
mm mmmm
"I have used Simmons Liver
Ki'Kulator for many yearn, hnv
mode it my only J'amlly
iUxileine. My mother befdre
ma was very partial to It. It is
a giife, gowi and relinblo medi
cine for any disorder of the
fvtem, nnd if used in ttmo is
a ffi'nlt protvtttivv of Kirkiirna,
I ottn reeoruniend it to my
iVienls, and shall contiuuo to
do so.
"P.ev. James IT. Rollins,
- Pastor SI. .Church, So. Faii-fleld,Va."
altcayn keeping Simmon Liver
Uejulator in the house.
"I have found Simmons Liver
'..nlator tho nest family mod-ii-'.ne
I cvor usod for nnythlnat
tlit may hnppon. have used it
in Jntliycation, fvlr, DtarrhcLH,
7;ii'ioMim"M,and fouud it to re
lievo immediately. After eat
iiiKS hearty supjir-r, if, on troir.ft
to bod. I take atxiut a teasjioon
fal, I neviT fuel tho cffocU of
tue snppnr eaton.
"Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga."
IIss our Z Stamp on fffof Wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Proprietors,
'r.;e, 81.00. THVLJfUELVUlA, PA.
Northern" Pacific R. R,
Pulimnn PuIhch HWpintf CtirH, MMirnitieent Tiny
K oU'hfw liner H.lei)ant r.inimiu ni(;Hpiui
Cars with liertlm Krte of Cliuruu,
Oregon and Washington to ZVims East
The Only Trims-Continental Line Hiiiming
Fastest Time Ever Made from the Coast
OTSlt tue
NoiiTHEitN Pacific Eailroad!
To Sionx City, Council lilntTs, St. Jonepli, Atchi
son, Leavenworth, lvannas t lty, tiurhng.
t4in, Qnincy,
And all Points throughout tho East null Houth
east, via
9 Emigrant Sleeping Cars!
Are huuled on Itewuliir Kxpnw Tniins over en
tiro length of the
Northern TACinc Eailroad !
Lnnve Portland nt 3 P. M. dfdly; nrrivout Min
nennnlitt or St. Paul at noon, fourth day.
Connection! made At Kt. Pant hih! Minneapolis
aim all pomtH l.nnt noul hand KoutheaHt.
Train leave Portland 11:15 o'clock A. M. nr-
nva at New Taciwna ti::to P. M.. C()inectinir witl
(). It. A N. Co's boats for all jjoinH en Puet
fien'l Western Piissermr Aent,
Ticket Otfice, No. 2 WaxliiiiKtou St., Portland.
Of tiie pertpe, nntar'ieS nutr otlicrs
should remember that f(o"k ot eff;
blanks, notes, mortgnns, iIooiIh, etc., can
lio louiid at the (Jazkttk oltu-e, Bnil nny
blank required can be printed to ordei
nt snort notice.
A copy of the timber-cultnre law, with
nil the questions asked settlers and wit
nesses when they prove up, will he Beiit
to any address for zo cents, com or
stamps. By beine posted on these mat
ters settlers may save themselves nmcli
trouble and expense. Address Gazett
offico, Heppner, Oregon.
Real estate mortuntres, chtitlel mort
entres, warranty deeds, ouit-ehiira deeds,
promissory notes, etc., are kept on sale
at tue Iiazkttk ollice and are also ill
out, with notary acknowledgements, at
fair rates.
Disease Cnrei flontlettfi.
A Tt!nMn D1MvrT fur ttntplvlng 1BiirntliB ( th ho- ff
Ml s;ttin. Klortriellj m1 !H)tBfll.m CtiUl4 E
mm ntnr ueioro mr uuu lue Bieiu
Wewnirfifio warfare a gainst Thyirl(vn or the
mndloal fialornil v (ffnerally. Their npnere uf use
fulneK5 is lai-tfe nnd v.e aesir to alrt tbem In fur
nihinsr auxiliary meant lor curing Che sick. The
honest physician occupies a high place Id jmlillc
eateem ami denervMilv eo, Uk. While our Appli
ances are not a panacea, for evry ill, they are what
wp claim fort bem ami will afford aspoetly cureoft
entlmea after uMKllcluea havtjfollod to glvorelitf.
IJ rl PNFTIf1 INSQLrSforcoIdfeetandbatl
mMuiibl lU cnculaiion. 91 pe r pair by malt
tend tiie of Rho worn. & nd for uirculnrs.
mMUnk I Iv bin, Rpitiliit-tT wr-.ttn, etc. f'rirc 93
perpatr. fi-ml measuro of wrist. Bond for circular.
MllfiVCTin ANKLETS for lame and weak
or anitie. (scrul
nets, ( aiaria. etc. t'rtce i by mall. Sund tor
niMVItlbllU tivt'ly cum hctatic rheumatiiim.
tip dinati. etc. J'rico J'i. 8rnd aiae of waUtand
h g at hip. fit nd for circulars.
mMURkllU trouhl' il wilti nt-rvoim headache,
r.curaiiria or catarrh, will (five relief iinmftli.itcly.
Vrtco 9& eaob. bvud tiie of hat woru. Head for
MIRVPTIn fNM CAP for rheumatism In
mAUAbl tho kiico ie a tio.tlivs cure, it til
ixluce lho sweMfiifr and rentore to natural 3ix
immediately. I'rh-H 9? each by in all. Send lw of
kne. 8cnf for circulars.
MAGNETiS !r,V?,. Z7lW:z
lunirs. Tliry prevent and core coM. rhcumatlNm,
neuralgia, pneumonia, throat trouble and ca
tarrh Price tic&a for vircutars with WtU
moaiala. MAGNETIC
beoelH to ekxutloniitts. public tweakers and slnir
era. Thy itrenKthen tho vocal conls and prevent
uetrwM' M. wim mr ciruuiar rnoc eaca oj
mail. 8uud size of nock.
varirofie Ttnn.
These IcH-cin hare acouired tint
veraal praise for tlmir niftiical iualitios, and for
the ease with which they arw worn. Price 3ea h
by mall. Bond stie of kg around calf and aokia.
Bend for circular.
mMUntllU ly allfviaua li:unset:on, conafi-
Ktion, Kinney ana liver trouble jitirkly nunovos
ckache pfH-uhar to ladles, and Imparta wnmier
ful vigor to tbe whole body, rersonc of fiedentarv
habttaand impaired Dtfvou power will rind them
a valuable companion. Price f2 each by mail poafr
paid. Send for circular.
IfiAUntllW m-n will p.-.-mvely curetlttfol
lowiiia diwaava without tn-dicine Pam in thr
back. atad or lintba, nervoua debility, lumbago,
(reneral dehjlicv, rheumatism, partly!. n-uritfia.
ecialiea. dtHtaaea of the kidneys, torpid liver, m-jo-Inal
fraliun. Impoteocy, hrart dia, dyntvp
sla, indi(cetion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Con
sultation free, price of Ke't. with Magnetic In
etlen.fiO. S-nd nien-ture of wabt and i of ho
wara Send for cu-culara.
rneumum. iicuimji, nt-Tvcus eihait-txm, nya
perla or with disea.-e ot t'ic hvttr. kuiivB, head
ache Of cold feet, lame hack fAliii ..f tho ..nib
leiicorrfai wa. chronic inflnnii'iatioti of t he womb- an
abdrminal beit and a pairof Man -n hoot B,.tt'r.
Ifs have no suieriopi in the rv!nf and cure of Hl
these compiainta. They cany a powerful rrs
iwiic force U the neat of the ti:.ir- Pri.-i- of Hell
with Magnetic Koot Haltf rt. W. 8'nt by ex proas
(.'. O. !., and eiamination allowed, or bv rnvi on
receipt f prira. In orderinic, send o.uaure of
waisi and sise of shoe.
KAGKET13 McZn9?s
Chronic rtieuinutlt-m. pout. lumt.40. paralyii
bronehlM. Itiiiir !iss-e, and ot ir Crnipt.isr.t..
which baffle the nkili of our b-?t pln!cian.. Pn c
fat) each wih tnole. mta-uie ot cli"t or
bust and waist. Persons hung at a ui-tam-e ..
can not conJilt us in icr-., n !d Kive a rla--Statement
of their difnnittes l"Her snd wc
will deaitrnate tl,e kind of Appliance tr-TiiiTd in
each to effect afiir-. h. nd jin r aitiir.-v, f r
tbe "New iH-parturptn Me!i--.tt Troatii-rrtt V Jj
out w.-lietne' with thUMin4s of t. .ri-n-fals
The Un trnetir (iarments art- ad.iptetl U all a.-a.
are worn over the u'u!Te'..ili. in it iy;'o thf
bo-iy like the many rviriu.ic n-.. ele, tr:c hu'al.-u:p
adt-rtisHt ex ten: iv. -ly . aft, j taken tf
atnurht. TUev lvii;t their rH)wer forever aol are
worn at all aoiui of liiu year.
trfhMer dircrt thftxiirh yoir t-t- PhviiH-n
nerai torv lcaier, ut Uirouh Uu pubi!.:kr of Um
HAS. fjf. DODD & (O.
pardware, Iron, teel,
sno FARm niRmnmY.
Sol Agents for Oregon
Siuglo, Double, nrTrtnle Fvrr
tttoi? '
lion, u?AiA4ir
hjfi ain
K - At'-i "A 4 A'- ! VkiV a
The fact that over 5H.0X) Pecre SulUys are lr
ttie trutti of what we claim lor tins implement, m rara 11 im: ira-ui i-ri,
WtttklnPlow cuttlnir ROctiliic inelies liu l 3-'t poundsaxluulanitt ; tliti
Deere Mulky l'low cut H) cubic iuclics with only uu ucluul
Urart of 'Ari pounds.
rmckejre Seeders, Superior Grain Prills, Superior SecJem.
o latest Improved Implement for sowing summer fallow. Tiie most complete, uud
bUccpMKlul tiHil for this purposo In ui. We also have a full linn of l!n:ri;li's. car
rluge,l'littOiouii,.Mouutaiu Wajjons, l'lalfjrm uud other Spriug eiiiclus.
Lawrenoo&CIiapiu'8Sprlru;-Tmth Harrow,
runillll .tlllih, Jl.onii uaiwu , iu, ciu
Minor, Djodson & Co.
S. COOIi."
Manufacturers of the
Vancouver, W. T.
- :o:
rnojrpt.xxnR TN r;.SK AND
KM .
We are tlio wile manufacturers of the Tiotor rttmpitiH Wind Mill fur lho Pacific
Coast. This mill is muted to the wants
houses, lawns, dairies, brickyards, irriKtititfi etc.
Before you liny a windmill or take the agency for one we ask yon to consider its
points of merit, that you may bo convinced it always gives satisfaction. It needs
no mechanic to keep or set it in order.
Warranted not to Blow down unless other substantial buildings are difmlHen; to
be perfectly self-regulating; to ruu with less wind and outlast any other mill in the
market; equal to tiny other, and superior to many. Ice f.ud sleet does not damage,
its parts. ... .. , .
We will send this mill to responsible parties on ti nays trial; pumps nnci nxinres
always on baud, tanks complete or shipped ready for putting np, and towers
erected at lowest possible iiriees.
Bond for circular and pncoTlsf, mr we
To 8 2 3 g .2
W't! ', , VV' 'I'll s 5
Jvviiifrfi'-,i thm o !- S3 12
SKWW "1- as
::JzVi 1 s h - .s 1 5 1
AfW 2f nth yv'UA sSs2a;.2
' ' 3 aj3 - 5
J 3 - s a
Hepptier City Brewery.
Having purchased Ihe latest Brewing Appnratus nnd
utensils, I am enabled with my cold soft-water spring,
my deep, cool stone-collar end the fresh, pure ' '
atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to otfer
my customers a
At reasonable wholesale aud retail rates.
Lunches of All Kinds
Best Branclsof .Cigars.
Tarties in the country must return empty kegs, or SG apiece
will bo charged.
J. B. NATTER, f roprietor.
and 7aaliinstoa for
m rmhia anrl pnmn fin nmr nhnliitn norftMV
m or wpn them work cauuoteuy
tueir pmise.
actual uo tcwliiy, ! ftuliilpnt evidence ot
Doere Ilarniw.-i, Scivutlllc 1'eed Mills, 1'ticltlo
Agents at Heppner.
J. T. GOS,
of ranchmen, railroads, villages, suburban
Know we cat) pienso you.
CLLEK t mm l!l)l!.E RANCH,
At tiie fll(iwinit terni:
TO 1NSVKK, - 15.,
InTot of five mare, by the fostm, $10.
r:itnnwtll In fnrnilnd fr.'O.
W vi i'.l take 11 pn'ptT CHreto prevent acci
dent, but will le n't-tKir.;t.le for t'oue.
Starts, wr.t fnm a itiMHr.rc w 111 t;o put tin r.
lilure w'i'(in;te from i-tlter liortA-t, un tzmni
n's umi wtitt-r.
Jt'lMiK I -AWSON. Fiwleil Jon. Re.
oord.Ht in Vtil. Vltl. t'l.vt?"iiite tud l.'Htk of
HrHt ltritnili tuut lr,-l:j:tl. t olcr, tmy, with
blin k pninK: little white on left liiml f(Kt.
H-et by lmuan Keict, of HiMiiittyltill, Micirs.
Titrlaml. Sin', Lonucli. llo, Vol. 1. Dhid, llelle
of Mniicljjliill. is:;!. Vol. M. Sire of dun,
Kmwk,l,,n. 411, Vol. 1.
Jl lMiK I.AWStiN w:i iniporteil from Iliuh-liunlt-
of Srotliiml in O-IoIht. 1Ks.-. by J.Ht. Har
rirf. Fort Collirm, C'ulonttiti. bold to Ferry Oiler,
in A uuuet. Itwi.
lNcription. - Jnilue Iwson is b briirht hay:
stfuitU ftixteeu btliitU hiKh, oil splelMbl, lunt
lilubH and jfranit feet, lie in ron.-ltlerei by expe.
rient'e! jmlte' to be one of the bent draft fctal-
lioni in Amerua, ana wtu hokl nt a limit priw U
his pni-ent owner. Jwsi It irius.
Fort Colliuti. Colorado.
Will Tell.
The fine Enislioh Draft Stallion,
Will Stand nt
Oiler & flit's
HOltSE HANf 'H, at the following ti-rnm:
TO 1N8U1' - - $;to.
Xn t( of five marpH, by tlio $90.
Pant n pp will bp fnn'i-ihcd free.
W e will tnli (ill proper r:tro to rrv(iit hccj
uVntH, but will Itt roponHiblf for noi p.
Miirott spitt from h uintiinrp will hv put in n ii
tnro Hppnmtu from othor liones, on good yruM
ami wntor.
PHINt'K AI.HTliT wrir!i8 U'twfvn tWHl ami
HKXi kuim1 nnd Htmidn 17 IkumIh 1u1i
PIWNCK ALUKiiT.-A brown vi, fonKsl Apr.
10, bv lioynl Hrart; duni. IV t N. lio; a!
Keurt, importnl Marrli, f 'i; dam by WK-hiVs
lionent Tom; Hire, Heart of Uitklv; pirn, tfpitrt of
Oak, No. Un:i KnwUrth stud lxok. Pet No. 2. fdre
Kioif of tiie Yniley, imported iv. ls7,", lip Hired by
Kiiidand'H (ilory; dam. Pet No. 1, by Pluck
Prince, iuiHttHl in 1ST1, bo Kircd by Hrowu
(jwire, bo by C-oiniuoror.
Tuo mas Hknnktt & Co.
OlmiK & WPKiilT,
IndOffieeatTlie Unties, Or., Ort. 15, 1SF7.
Noliee is hereliy Kiven that the foliowintt
nained settler h;iw tih d notice t.f bin intention to
muke filial proof in eitppoi-t of Inn elium. end
lb;t Hiud proof will tie ninde iM'fort the cleik of
.Morrow uounty. Or., at lle;pner, Or, ou Nov.
at, IMhT. vii:
Jnhii. WiUi'Hjham,
D H No. l-m. for th M K 't of the N E li of Se.
-'H, W 'I N W UHd NKHiSW Bee. U. T :: 8,
H at li, W M.
He n.'imeH the foUowinir witiwrr"1 to prove hit
eo.Ttv.inouM rrsuleiice upon, i,iul cmtivatiou of,
dnid bind, vr.;
J. H. Kettjif. J. W. WUliiiKham, Arthur Daly,
Mat UnirheTifiiH of Heppner. ( 'repoti.
i A. MrDo.Ni.B, ltei;inter.
1,iml OtHeent The Dalle, Or., Oet. 13, 'S7.
Notiee in hen.-liy jhven that the folhiwiUK-nanied
settler (me liltil nolii-e of bis intention to make
tinal i-'wtf in !iiiipuit of bit e.laiia, and that ea:d
profif will bo m;utii before tiie j'liVn of Morrow
counly, Or., Dt il"ppuer Oi., ou ov. 20, l.st;j,
John T. Divhenx,
itd loot, for the W i N E t and N K S E U See.
:in, T IS, UWK, W M.
lie r.:iin"t the folhw!iiK witneiwpp to prove bii
eoiitiniinw reidenoe lliion, ae.d cultiv ation of,
riaid land, viz;
A?idr',v Hood, Frd Voppen, John Morelnml.
f'lark .dkinn, nil of Hardman. Oregon.
2111-41 F. A. M.-'Dt in Al.il. Ri-':eter.
Information Wanted
of Wm. Bolte
1 1 ,
Ho wns lust lioiuil from nt Entler
Crt'ck, nenr Hepimer, in Mnroli, l'Hil
Any information of his wluMvahoiitn will
bs thnnkfnlly receivuil by his only rela
tive living, liis sister. Address Ileiniuer
Gazette office, or
720 Turk St., San Franoisoo, Cal.
Yon can jjetyour pro-einutitm elmu'ed
into a hiimestoad nnd liavn your time al
lowed on it by callius at this office.
C A G 0
XIrb nt.tal-.ied a tttandard of excellence wbicl
admltaof no miporlor.
Ib uoutJi:iB every improvement Hint iuvoutfTi
geulua, akP.l '.ud uiouoy can produce.
4-f 5i34r-,i-.ii
Theao excellent Organs aro celebrated for vol
ome, quality of Umo, quick roflpoiifio, vuritityo
combination, itrtifltiodwHiiiD, beauty in flnifib, per
footcouatructiou, making them tbo nit attract
iva, ornamental and domrablo crgantt tut Louiot
achools, churchoe, ludgca, eocittics, etc.
CSE4il AMit FAt llJTII.S,
instruction Books and Piano Sloo!.
Catalogued and Price Llbtan eppUcaUon.n.ii
Ths Chicago Cottage Organ Co
Corner Bfindolph ud iu StrwU,
"I he Btri ERS' criDK la
Ixncd March iid Brjit.,
8' i 1 1 1 V. lnehen.wllli orer
3,500 Illustration! a.
whole rirtore ballrrjr.
GlVrl Wboloale Prlera
tHrrft to rmnumrrl on all nood fol
frmtnnl or hmUr nee. TclU how to
order, and plvea exact cot of f rrry
tlltnc yoa u, eat, drink, war, or
have run wtlto. The IX V ALI A KLK
I1(HK.A eontalm Information cleaned
from the market! of the world. W
will mall a eopr FREE to t...r ail
dreaa uKn receipt of 10 eta. tu defray
expenae or malllnc. It n bt ir (rum
roa. Ueepectfalljr,
til dV 2'f V nbaob Afuia, 1 hicaaa. III.
Lrnl-filinfir trt-cliPRp at the Okwttb
ic Hfppuer.
' 'O
Don't forget to remember that yon 'f
ean file or prove up on jour land t if
Thr Oazvttc ofiiee, Heppner. nnd 4;
make a tu miring on tbe operAion. i
A township is laid ont bs follows:
North. 1
Atx-etion in 1 mile iun, or C40 acre.
towitliip ik ti niili R iuare.
Gnib early nnd avoid the rush.
W'hileyon ke..p yonr tiuttvTiption rnid up jrou
am keep your hrniui in free of clime.
Allen, S H. Ailnmnville- llre. doiihle U niile
wise on left sliouliler; rattle, wime on left tup
nuKiun, iiiinten. J, m riKlit Blionltlrr; c.lt-
tie, V on rii-lit tid
Ailkine, J J - Hoteti, JA connoeti-tl ou
onnK; euiue. wimeon left tup.
llennett. ( 'y ll.inra, Hon left honldor.
Henire, Hlr t' A H on left uliouldor: enr inrk
of entile, erop off mid eplit in left upper linlf
crop oft ri)it.
lirown J (' Ilomen. rirele C with dot in cen
wren leu nip; rjliue, Kime.
Doyer. W ti, Iiib- Horw. box hmnd on r'mht
tup; entile, nnme, with plit in encli enr.
Itrown, W J, Lieim llnrHf, W wuli bur over it 1
on left NhoiiMter. ft
Hunt. F. C. HurwM, P B on left nhonlder; cntj f
lie. Milium on if I nip.
Krien.T. Y., lump Rock.-Jforfen o with bnr
under nnd over on richt nhonlder. 4
Itnrton. Wm-ltorKii.,.U!on right lhiKh; fahid,
(mine on nidil hip. ntdit Wfeneli rlfr.
Currin, li 1'- liorses. r. on left ntifle.
t'rHwford, J. lI.-llori.es JH(! connected ou
left stitie.
Criinnxhme, W II, Newton lirmeh-llornei., N
with tiuure 2 m der it on left (.hiuilder; raltln
name on left hip kimI thiuh, left enr npiHre ent..
( ot A I'.iiKliHi, Jimdinmi C'aille, (' with J. in
center; hor". ( b. on left hip.
Chmph, J I'-Hnrsn, (' i, ),,f( Ktiftv- cuttle, T(J
viinnected on left hip, S dul;ipn on limit.
Dm bin. Hoi ,V So.,,., lioelmlle or Artetope
Idti'e K with lr over it ou left Bhouldor; cut
tie, n oi. both bit m.
lliiiiKhert.v, VV li-HorwH, uiiiier'n pirk on left
influx, W M-rttle, R r or riglvt nide, bwhI.
"fit in ie!t enr; horses, li Don let! Iiip.
r.nL'iiHh, , t HHitlinan-('Httl., on ri:M
lni; htintKH Biuue nn ritfi.t rth-MiitttT.
FmnkH, (' A, Arlington Ufimw. (' F nr Uv
1uuUUt; CHttl. C V on U-ft Lip, crp ntf h ft tmr.
Hon-ir, L A ( nttlo, 1,P on riKht tup; Korw,
F with bnr uinim-on rirht honldpr.
Foil, T Kljuntt8. F with half-circle alien and
bduw on left hip.
Flon-iHw. H i'-Horfio!.. F on n'tiht 8honldr
6 5 4 3 2 1 1
7 8 9 10 11 12
I IS 17 I 1G 15 14 13 I"
S ;ljt:tl. f r
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25
ShToTTi :
31 32 33 34 35 35
, Iit-d.
vtu i ii, r un i ihiil nip tr iniKli. a
Full'T, J Ij-- lumen tiud cattle, box brand u t 1
left r4tt.'aUler. I
ay, Hwinr-fM Y on h'ft nhouMer. I '
(iilmoi-H, J W ( ntde, upper wlope off enrhmr,
wnttle riwht mJoof neck, J U un right hip; horn-a, t '
circle dot on left r-lnmhlcr. '
iobh Fratik Horses, 7 Fon left ctifle; outt.o. 1 )
fAtUH on nlit hip.
iltiiiHitker. B A llornp . n l.rt uhMnTtr-
tie, 9 on In ft hip. '
Hntuphn-y;-, J M. Hardman Hormt II on loft
TInyeH, J ST llornes. winpslnMHrtti Uf chnt.lrU.i.-
Cfittln, mnw on riht hip.
UtiRheH, Wm Horner-, WH ronnpHwrf n left
stiHo; cattV', wimo oi stifle and aide, two iliw U
Jonm. J H. nnrdmitn ITornAH J with -rkut..
ovor it on left RhouioVr.
ohiieon. fplix-Horwen. pirrln T ti Uf rUU
cnttlo, NfiniH on riirht hip.niuier half cnip in ttffht
:ii'il spot in It-ft car.
Kirk, J T UorHtw ti!) on loft shoulder: caUte
Hi! on left hip.
Kirk, J ( ilorees. li on etthnr flnnlr- utlU 11
on riwlit si do.
Iai-mmi, rinMnns Tlirrip, U I, on left Jifp.,
J if WIH. J K. ilia Horse- Pttidi ncr- ...
U'ft shonldr.
itwithennan. D FT HnrHon 0 cm lft li..iilLP
cntllo. mnio on left hip, crop oft right cur, -wf-bw
fork in left.
MilllT. K HorMPB C with H on InmrU t.-
Uft fhoniik r.
nlorcniu 8 N -Tlorwu. M i nn Inft .IumMak.
cattle, Hurnf on left hip.
mot unioer, Jim a, AtwofKi Horses, M wrth
hnroviif on rif-Ut Hhonldt-r.
Moriflin. Tl.os Hiimn. rirclA T nn TMft
der n'ld loft thinh; entile, on rivht tl"!,.
Mann Hrun, Urev.y- llniws, pm left nhoaldvr.
ftlttehpll, Owiar. IMtyHville -liorse, 77 ou riht
hip: cutlln, 7 on rijrht nidn,
fllasoii, Jo, fVttysviHe--Cnttln. JM connreter.
nnMrpnp in ench t-ar, didap on throat; horttH.
JM on left plionUUr.
McCiai-en, I)(i HorMW, Figure Son wu-h nhonl
der: cuttle. M2 on hip.
Mi:Dorg:ild, H 11 omen, I1D connected a left
Nrel, And row. Lono Rock- Horse AN cor
ueetel on left nliotdder; cuttle wune on both hiim
Newman, W. K.--Hornet) with half eirclo
over it on left shoulder.
Nonljke, K-IIiwp, cirvle 7 on left thigli; oat
tin. name on left hip.
Oiler, Terry, iono Hoek-P 0 on loft nhnn:dor
Pearwn, Jan., Pino ( ity.-Hor' hi! ou left hip
low down.
Parker A GlenHon, Ilardmnn HorwH IP oo
left Khonlder.
I'iper, J. II., Acton Hornf. J K conneetvd on
left Hhonhler; cuttle, kjiuo uu left i.ip. under bit
in each ear.
Hood, Andn w, Hurdn?nn-"HorneR, minarecrow
with qnartvr-cirvk ovw it on left tftitie.
HnimiKiT, t'hriH Horn , l! It rui left rthoulder.
Hector. J W llonww. J(ou left vhouldnr.
liule, It. M.-lt 8 on left hip. Bon's brand
wune lyi'iB on side on rijiht hip.
Ktratrht K.-Hoiw-h hadel J H vn left
litiile; cattl J H on left hii, hwallnw fork in riht
'jar, nnderbit in left.
Bayer, Hobt HorwH, 8 on riht shouldur; cntHa
uare on riht hip and rj on rislit shoulder.
BwukksH. I. Alpine-Horhes, W B on rih
Smith, E. K, Ion Kock-Ilorswi -7- on h'ft
shoulder; cattle name on rilw.
8hobe. l)r A J Horse. I)H on on left hip; cat
lie, winiH on left Hide, wattle on left side of ccek,
ears cut Hhrtrp at point.
Balisbary. .1 W, VinHontattlo, S-yoar-ldti and
over, crop off eaeh ear, 5 on rifjrht hwIo; 2-rear-nl(U
and urder, ewallow-fork in rit car and under
plit in left, 1.7 with 7 above on hip.
KtevonKon, Mm A J t'attlo, b on right hip.
Awnllow-fork in left enr.
Bhelton A. Bon Horr-i. 8 on it sido orer an
on left rthonlder; cattle, Mnineon left hip,
Sperry. K U rattle. W (' on leff hip. cntp off
ritfhl ami nnderbit in left mr.dulap; homos, W U
on left ehuulder.
HwHiaisrt.O W TTorw, 4 on left shooldor;
Htewart, fieo., Hurdiuan Horses circle ton
left shoulder,
call !. 44 on left hi;.
TiiompHon. J A Horses, J on left shonider;
cattle. 2 on h'ft Hhonhler,
Tibbota, 8 T if me, (' on left shoulder.
Tdbots, E E Hurst, VT connected oa lft
Wells, A 8 Horses, 0vo on left tdiouldor; cattle
Wylnnrl, .T H, flanlman Circle (' on left thigh.
Wood want, John HortMh., UP cormeotwi on
left Mhoulder.
Wallace, ( 'harfpfl t'nttle, W on rght thigh, holo
in tert ear: norws n on right shoulder, some
some on h'ft shoulder.
Wren, A A ( tittle, running AA with bar aorosa
ii i ikiii lllr. ij
Warden. J M Horse, rnnning M wtth 4 undsr J
it on left shoulder; cattle, mint on right shoulder, J
half crou off Inrth ears.
Annonnces that it is preparel to make horn
horns i
ins or f
! mort. j
c sni
HTead, pre-emption him! tun'ier-cultnre mings r.
nnsi prooT, t( conduct contests, nintae out u
run, (leeilt. ltmiuiA Tw.tHi titt reetnetitai ete
attend o apy kind of lnncl or notary boMuies. j
Upper Alain street. Heppner,
IJanfiCHficeatTheIslle..0r..Oct !. 't?7, f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tied notice of his intention to oonu l
mute and make final pniof in ho (t port of his
claim, nnd that said prfMf will lis made before i
thecmirdy clerk A M'rrnwoouiity,Ogu,otHepp-
ner. Or., un roer. lit, ifwj?, viz: -f I
Riley P. FtfrhT, j
Hd HI?, for the 8 N W N E i H W i, N W i
h 8 K is Bee. J'i, T 4 8. of U '& K. W. M. 1 1
He nunes the following witnewww to prove
hin continuous rei tierce upon, aiid culti.
tion of. Wild land, via:
V. A. 8t 'Vitib. F. 8. Fnirhnrst, Bart Depuy, H.
H. ilaford. all of Hardinnn. ()ngon.
2k4A r A. McDuNAi-u. Iglstar.
IjandOfHce at The Dalles. Or.. Oct. 1, 7.
Kotics is hereby given that tltj fnUnwiii jr
nnmed sutler haa hied notk of his intention tu
make final proof in nuwort of his claim, nnd
that the 'said Trecf will f m.'wle before the
ciiimtii' jidt;e of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or ,
n Suv. 'Ji, JfJ. viz:
Jithn T. Maryland,
Hd jvu, for the NWlKW'i 8. aft. N H 8 K
. N K 8 W U Bee. 1, T 4 8, K 25 K. W M.
Hn nsmr-tt the fcllowing witneswft to prove his
eontinmnift r.-idt:c uim, untl culttvalioa of,
Sii'd land, viz:
F. Pippin. V. A. Stevens, John Hlley
f'lark Ailkuirj, all of Hard man. Oregon.
X-V.t-44 F. A. iJoNAUi, Hegistsr,