HUGH CONWAY STOUT. Continued from 1st pnae.) exactly gonrniaiiris they Hired tholr fixsl conked to a turn. Most bacheigrs'who have turned forty exhibit the same likine. The 1 alliens took a trrtyit deal ot trouiile about tlirirraisiiie, ami existed to be rewarded by fludin? everytlimir, from the Rait to the salmon, as It should lie. NmpIi a matter as a hnnltirarti'd jmlato ail but unknown at their table and would luve format tlie sub-Ji-ct for a court of inquiry, and, if utcded, a revision ul KiU'In'ii uteiis.iis. At ttii ir rclined dinner i; rtics it was un derstood that after a certain time of grnee no one was tu be waited for. It was their theory that keeping several irui its wr.ifiu; for one lucirunl was a breach of puliteue.'W. There were unkind people who said that the Druthers would break this rule for a lord They wronged our friends. They would cave waited tor no one under the rank of a duks or at lonst a mnrqni. - bo that when Wliittuker litivlmr struck the resonant gong and an proclaimed that lunch was ready, ten minutes passed liv without Beatrice's resiKinding to its hosj iiiblc sum mons, It is no wonder that Horace and lit r- nert bean to look grave. The soup was on the table; Whlttaker was waiting his mas ters command, lie, who from long associa lion, reit the situation as much as they did looked absolutely sympathetic. Althoudi he had no reason to suppose her stone deaf he ventured to suggest that Miss Clauson had not heard the inner. . The beauty of the 'i'.ilbert's character was that politeness invariably triumphed over principle. PunrtualirJ was ' "re the prin ciple i it was outr.yi d ' t foTe-.t for while to submit Horace forbade a repeated sum mons, and they actually waited another five minn before they td'iit Vliiftakei.ta in rjolre for Miss Clauson. Whlttaker rejiorted that Miss Clauson, the nurse, and the little boy had gone out immediately after break fast and had not yet returned. "Thou the nurserj dinner will be spoiled too," said Horace sadly, as he seated himself and ladled out tlie soup. Horace with his kind li&irt felt for any one who was doomed to suffer from a spoiled dinner. After a solemn lunch the brothers waited for a while in the tliiiiiist-rooni. They ex pected every moment that lieatrice would appear. They did not of course mean to scold hor, but were prepared to say a few words of mild remonstrance; to show her, in fact, how the bad example of unpunetuality must demoralize tin establishment. But as Beatrice did not appear the well meant little lecture they were tacitly prepar ing turned Into open expressions of wonder as to why lier morning ramble should be so protracted. 1'ti'hajis she had gone some where to lunch.. 1'erhaps something had hannened. Just as they had replied this last stage of supposition, Whittaker bTuught In a telegram. It w.ts from lieatrice jjnd sent from Oxford Circus. We are in London ttrau do not be uneasy; will write to night. They were greatly surprised, and marvel k'd on wlnterran.eoMl(l she have gone to London? No doubt it?as all right. She had most likely gone to her father's. Per haps Sir Maingay was ill. Beatrice might have intercepted a Uilegmm and impulsively started off at once. B it why take the child mid the nurse? Why There, they were unable to make head or tail of 'he matter so could only wait for the morning's post, "Beatrice might have been more explicit," RtiUI Horace, looking at tlie telegram once hnore. "Vos," said Herbert, "she had nine words to spare." "Ti'grams are one of the peslsof modem life," continued Horace. "People dash oil :thes6 ill-worded, unpiiiicluated phrases in sstemVrf a proper letter. No one cau write a deecnt letter now." who had the gift of writing pecu liarly well-constructed and elegant, if rather too Imiirthy epistle felt keenly on the tend encyof the age to conduct its correspondence by means of short, snapping senteiiets after the Manner of, Mr. Mordlu's rjyle of talking. "IJiopo she will he back soon." suhj Her bert. "Kiaiiij comes to us Ilia day aUvr to morrow." ' "He is in good health now, isn't he?" "rplendld, 1 believe." ' "Then I think ve4can give hlin tlie '53 this . tine the '47 is growing low." This was not meanness. It was but the - eautlon a wise man exercises over his cellar. Besides, who could complain of the delicate , graduation? 1&8 is a lino wine, many pro ,fcrittolM7. Beatrice's promised letter came in the morning. Horaco readjt lirst 1 1 is face was B perfect blank.' He read P again before he handed it to the anxious Herbert, w ho, al though he saw from his brother's face that something strange had happened, was for once unable to make the slightest guess at the truthj Hdro is Beatrice letter: "My very dear tinclcs, I should be un grateful for the kindness you have shown me If 1 left vou in any anxiety a moment longer than 1 could help. I sent you a tele- pram V'sterdav afternoon to show you Uat no evil nan iietanen nie. "I scarcely know what to sav to vou. I can at present offer no excuse for what I am about to do. lean give no explanation. When I came to Ilu.lewood House 1 hoped to be able to make it my home for so long as you would keep inc. Now, I find, I am forced to leave you and make a home of my tt own. Moreover, I am forced for a while at least to keep silence' as to where that homo maybe. At this moment I have not even determined It will, however, bo out of En gland. 1 cannot even tell you why this must i bo so. Will you ever forgive me? Please do'not tear on my account. I nm prowing old and can well take euro 'of my self : besides M s. Miller will be with me, ulso llarrv, so that I shall not be dull. "If 1 cannot promise to tell you where I am', I will at least let you hear from me now and then. Please, oh, picasc. do not try and trace me, but i" endeavor lo thin ' kinulv of your loving hut unhappy niece, P.katuk k." "What dis s it mean, llaber.?'' said Hor ace in sepulchral tones. "What can it mean?'' echoed Herbert. They sat stal ing at one another and feel ing that such an unlooked-lor catastrophe had never before happened since tlie world Yir'trntl!.-!!;1"' ladies and gelitle Jninds, of'ml tliat'a VelVlm-if Tiian should be, to be guilty of such an esca p:ule. It was awful, perfi .-I iy awful They read (he letter again and again, dis cussed the meaning of sentem . s, even of Words; bet this analysing process helped them nothing. So they (timed to nvvnvder In a new light Beatrice herself as they knew her or fancied tVy knew lit r. . Although neither of (he Taiberfr, had ever felt the tender passion it was thought by many that if either wei'.at lacked. Herbert would be the victim. A widow anxious to re-enter the holy estate of matrimony would nave directed her attention to the volllu'er man as being of a more malleable material than the elder. There win, imUvil, a vague tradition tloating about (hat Herbert had once upon a time looked ralher tenderly iiv on some young ladv, and that had not Hor ace with praiseworthy scllisliuess. promptly Interfered anil nipHii the a Hair in the bud, he, Ilotaee, miglit now be living in solirvde v ith all the cares of Il.iy.lev,..,!,,,,,,. on his shoulders. Soil was Hei?ei( who first nj'proiiclie.l the puzzle frum the romantic eitle. . "Voikdon't think." he said, "that HeatrU. coulil have any anyiuirurtiinateattachiu t of which we shni;ld6have disapnroved?''-. "How could such a thing be xssii.le'." 'Ve thought such n thing as her leaving Us like (his an impossibility." wThis argument Impres-1 Horace. He thought tlie matter carefully over. "No," he saiil. with theairof a judge givingadeeishm, "il is iniKssibie. She has given no signs of such thing. She hius stH'iiirti (uite happy nd eoufented. Hit appetite has, I think, been vwy roh1." "Yes, very good," saiti Hertn-rt llVNTIKCKD NEIt WEEK. Hff If it diwen't raia. RUST LI SG i:Ats. All over the Eastern Oregon country you can hear wonderful tales about the thievery and cun ning of the wuodrat. lie id gen erally a tine, large fat fellow who packs oS spoons, friniLstones and anything else he finds prowling around by night Sitting on the sidewalk in front of the ileppner & Ulackmuu new brick bunday evening were a lot of old resident ers who ought to have been at church. But cs free America does not make sermon-lifcteniug compulsory, they preferred to teli woodrat whoppers. Old Geo. Gar rett, better known as Cayust George, took the iloor and went on to say: " the CO'b I was a young er rii an than I am now, and actu ally clerked in a store in a Blue mountain mining town which is now deserted. Wo took eggs and all kind s of truck in exchange, and that is vhere the trouble started. Every i; loruing our eggs would be missing ; a few would be found on the floor where they had evidently been d ropped by some prowler. We sua )ected thieves, and set a watch, e Uikmg one U:ght in a (vlufie we could see ever f tiling mat war, going on without incurring thevdangr of disco-ver f. Well, one night on my watch, ai )out an ,'iour after closing, I heard i squeaking auid scamper ing and then saw an army of rats, of all siz es, come from their holes. The eggs : had been placed in the part of an old-fashioned beam scales, w" bich couldn't be reached by crawl ing, as the sides of the scale-pan were too slippery. JNo' w, you . noedn t smile gentlemen! e re co: anug to the tougn part, but I'm ; oreparcd with atlidavits. I'D. be b K'ssed if those fellows did u't jui up on the counter and run alouf' tho scale, lheuoneold felli jw hu uped his back up under the scale -pan and another fol low jumpt id up, and a third and four th rat followed until they had a py ramid reaching to the level of the eggs. One gray-haired old enstt Hirer, who seemed to be a vet eran in illainy, climbed up on the t p, rn n and took out an egg betw L is paws and passed it dowu by L ii mates to tho counter. In tir at wr. ,y he emptied the pan, and 8 print, pug down to the counter he cui ight t;n egg between his two front paws ; and rolled over on his back. Th s little fellows caught his t,i il in their teeth and dragged the pi izzle & thief down to the end - . . , t ,i 111 i of thi cou, atGr. Anotner niu oi rats w as fo rmed and the egg tlv rei nove. J to the floor, where the perfor mam so was. repeated until all the ha leB 1 lad been stocked up, By wo i-kin; j all night they would steal o ur e Hire stocu ana scarcely leave , a tr. ice except where they droppt, d ai egg and spattered tfce floor." . ' EVERY ONE SPEAKS WELL OF IT. I locheater, N. Y., March 13, '80. For i nany veais I have been tronbfSd ith evere pains in the back of my head nd nec the pain being so sevese at timi -s that . I w as nearly insane, and my friemli i feared tSiat I would be. Lumps as larj :e ss a liitkory-nnt, would swell up on my forehea d and neck. I tried many differu nt kindii of medicines and physi cians, but none teemed to reach my caa'e, until I comnie nci'd the use of Dr. l'ar dee's i .lneuma,tic Remedy, and before I had u 3l it four .3ays, tho pain left my neck al id shouldtrrs and went to my hips and lin die. I co; itimfeSl faking the rem edy, a nil the di. tease seemed to work downw anl, but there was but little pain. I am Ht ..ill usiu;; tl- u remedy, and I feel conridf mt it will intirely cure me ; for I am a o much betlier and sti.mger than I have t en lor years, l cuwrlully rec onjmtl nd it to all. Very retted ftillv vonrs, wits. ruiiKiiPi whea'Ton. it 110 Mt. Hope Avenue, i 1 i Sworn Statement fr mi o TV 'ell-lnown Jn div'uluat. Lockport, N. Y. A sl orttimo.nito I was atllicted will rhemm (.timn bo baiijy that 1 could not move. My hainds und limbs were all Bwollei . One leg was so Siidly swollen that 1 1 mrst tha ski.i. The Sheriff of our Countj advised me to trv Dr. 1'ardee's Kheuu tatie Keniedy, ami bought we a bottle. After ti king t lie remedy one day 1 felt n slieved a.fld in less than two weeks I was n ble to go to work and have not felt rheunn itism since. Three bottles cured me, am i I recommend it to all who are Builerin g from riaeuraatism. CHAS. KOBILLARD. fc-'uhscri bed and sworn to before nie this 5 ji dav of Junr, 1883. M. j. 'J'OKKLL, Notary' Tublic. rvemeif'i ' ana - i.i xiv-a't.IVi Yexib't per boti ie; nix bottles, Tardoe Medicine Co., Kochester, N. Y. Any Newspaper . Or mafLfazine published in tho world cnu be subscribesl for nt the Gazette of fice, ffep puer. You can subserilio fo any of them nt t'li lowest net cash pnli lisher's n.te. and net some for even less than the regular jate. No extra charge whatever. ssjikE " I unhesitatingly add my testimony to the great bene fits to le deriverl from Sim mons Liver Tabulator. I wa3 affiicted for several years with disordered Liver, 'iiich resulted in a severe attack of Jaundice. I had good medical attendance, but it failed to restore me to the enjoyment of my for mer health. I then tried the most renowned physi cians of Louisville, Ky., but all to no purpose, where upon I was induced to try Simmons Liver Eegulator. I found immediate benefit from its use, and it ulti mately restored me to the full enjoyment of health." A. H. Shirley, Richmond, Ky "I most cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any disease caused by a disarranged state ot the , T..'Tor" XV T. ftj Jiansa3 Oity, Mo. Jas. J. 1 kOEEr.TX. J. R. SlMONiS ROBERTS & SIMONS, Blacksmiths and Farriers, rt-:twenGazotte oSco and Matlock's Corner, Hefner. All Work Done with Dispatch, in a Workmanlike Manner, and at Ijottotii Prices. hlorse-shoeirg, Plough-sharperang and Repaftiifgof Agricultural Machinery lCal Xntice. To whom it may concern. All per sons are hereby warned not to negotiate a note, given by me, tho undersigned, in fnvor of lavis Sons, Walla YalI, White sowiiij,' machine aeeuts. FlirOKlUCK t'liI MP Al.le, Skilled and A Specialty. Experienced Assistants Constantly Employed 3. COOK. - COOK & GOSS, J. T. GOSS. Manufacturers of the VICTOR WIND"' MILL! Vancouver. W. T. 5ERNAIUV 1 f "VliJ saxiis I.v T1U4L. USE. AXD EVEIiroXE VUY THE BEST AAD , -AXD EXgiWSE. H ' PLEASED AFTER SAVE THOU BLE GREAT OVERLAXD ROUTE! Northern Pacific R. R THE ONLY LINE ltCNNINS Pullmnti l'lilace Hlecpiim Cars. Miwdficent Day CoiU'lun mid KlcKiint KmiKtsnt t51cyiBg ('urs witU liurt.lis Frue u Charge, ; FUOM Oregon, and Washington to Points East VIA ST. TAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. The Only Trims-Continental Lino Running. PALACE DlNINd CAUS mraila75c. Faxtext Time Ever Made f rom the Coast OVKU THK - NoRTnEitN Pacific Railroad! To ijiimx ('ity, Council HlnffB. St. JokpiiIi, Atchi a boil, Lnuvuuwofth. KaltBiiM City, Hiuliiig O ton, Q'lincy, ST. LOUIS AXD CHICAGO! And all Points tJdvmRlmut the East ami South 'S'eubt. via ST. rATJL AND MINNEAPOLIS. Emigrant Sleeping Cars! Aro hauli'd on K"Kular Kxpnwi Trains over en tire loiinth of the NoiiTiiEKN Pacific Haileoad! I,eave Porllarii at 3 P. M. d:'ily. arrive at Mia nciipolin or St. Paul at minn, fourth hiy. ( 'onnuciinns inadu at St. Paul and Mi'iueupolin und all points East South and Houlheast. TACIFIC DIVISION. Train leave Portland 11:45 o'clock A. M. nr rivo al Nnw Tacoina B:3U P. M., connecting with (). il. ft N. Co's boats for all points on Pnnot Hound. A. I). CHAHLTON, flpp'l Wentern PaKsenuer Acent. Ticket Office. No. 2 Washington St., Portland. Te are the lo niannfaotnrefs of the Victor PumpitiK VHnd Mil for tlie Pneifie Coast, lhis ni il.w Bn.W to the w.nts of ranchmen, raUroad.s, village, suburb n ho'dKea, lawns, dinnes, brickyards, irriatin, etc. ' J Before you 1 a windmill .r take the aKeney for one we ask von to consider ;ts pomta of meriMhat you may he convinced it always gives satisfaction. It needs no mechanic to keep or set .it in order. "u 13 WiirrSnte.1 mt to blow down unless other substantial b,iildiu;-s nre disabled- to be rerfectly wfcrpjn.fltinj; to run with less wind and ontl.,Ht anv other mill in' the market: equal toy otber, aud superior to iMjjIce and sleet does not daumge enl semltbitniiU to respousiblo parties on 30 days' trial; pumps mid fixtures always or i hand, eom,:leto or bhipped ready for putting up, and towers erecti d at lowt possible prices. fan lownt. Send for cirflujai'imd price lint, for we know we can please you. COOK & GOSS. Land lor Sale. Settlers in search of homes can seoure some bargains by calling at the Otizotte uflice. llenmirr. You can set denied randies or ri'linquitlinients on pood claims for very little more then the eost of the improvements. It is cheaper to pay $10 or SCO for n good claim than' to spend $100 chapsaim,' from one end f the country to the other to iitid probiibjly a poor, unimproved plaeo lympr entin out doors. Oue pine seme fcnMu cm be bun. The CLYDESDALE STALL ON JUDGE LAWSON, WILL STAND AT CLLFJ: k WRillliTo IIOIIjE RIMII, At the following tenu: TO INSVliE, - J:13. 11V THE StVSON, - 21. SINliLE U'.AP, . . 10. In lots of tive mariH, by l!u wason, '.l. Paslum will bp furr,i,.htHl fr.-. We will t.ik 'Bll proper oiptn prevent acci donis. itut will be rt-H'ii-il.i. for uooe. M:.r.i writ from a ilistmv wiil bo pet in a pn-iurH somite, from illier hoiMV, on kikkI 'nusn aml.ier. rKDIGUEi; AM) DESCHIPTION. JUlXiE LWV.SON.-F.wIihI Juiut 1. lsst. Ke cordod in Vol. VII!. Cl.vd,.lale Stud Hook of (.real Krituin and Iwinnd. Color, bay, with black points; little white on loft hind foot". Hred by Duncan lteid, of SiniJd.vhiil, Tarland. Sire. lmac h. 47tl, Volt.' Dam, helle of Hniuldlii!l, Vol. VI.' Hint of Maui, Knorkdon, 411, Vol. I. JUIHiK LAWSON wn imnortij from Hiirh laiids of Scotland in October. l-.,ri, by .Jesf v t'ar ris. Fort Collins, Colorado. Sold to l'v ry OUrr, in AuKost. IksS. ' Description. -Jude I.awson is a hrislit bav; stands sixteen Iciiids hit-h, on spicn.lid, short limbs and rfniiid f.H't. lie is corij-idered ty csjh rionced judi:4's to be iioh of the b"t lituft stal lions in Aiuencii, and was solo al h toot' price to bis present owner. jKMsKllAltms, . , , Fort Collins, Coloravio. Address: OLLF.K WKJfiHT. - vh.m;dman4.-7ET" fel -fof Infants and Children. sm aaummm mt iifiw-miiw mm "CMtortaisirdl adapted toehildren that I CMtort mres Colle, ConrtinmlAr,, IrocoramenditsupenortoanrpraicripUon I So;ir titomach, Diarrhnea, Ertwtatien, lutows K me." IX A. Archeu, M D 1 Worms, siy sleep, and iiruuiotes dl- UiaordSt,.Ur0oklyu,N,T. WtttS'Sjuriou. medication. Tia Cwiiua Coupuit, IK! Fulton Btreet, N, T. .0 r . .'Blood Will 'j The fi.,e F.uslis)rnft Stitl'ion PRINCE ALBERT Will Stand at Oiler t6 Wifs HOUSE RANCH, nt the MlowmA,,. TO INSUliK, . .W $..-5 HV THE SEASON, . -i" SINtiLE LEAT In lots ofcfmi niaros, by tho I astlire will be f,trp,,'l..ul t vv n-;n i.. i o . ,b ,V I., t vi i. . pro;r ear,, to prevent ucci. eat from ft distance will l.c p'i i,i a oas. noises, on good (,'rass GOVE.KSMEXT MKT. TVl't f,,Sot ,lv,. 1, can nie or iimve up on vour lanj i, T . , ... . xoE uazf.tte omee, Jieppuer. nni make a big saving on the operation J a uvwusuip is iui.t out ae follows : .North. il 18 17 19 20 30 31 2!) Sth.i 1G 10 21 28 33 15 34 11 14 1 12 t, 13 23 2G 24 Soutl . A vetion in 1 mitn ,n are, or WO acti township is t) miles sunan. Grab early and avuid the nir.h. Nilvocil Laiul-filinff dirt-chei,p nt the Gazkitb. oflico. lieppuer. STOCK lllllMis, v nie yon keep j-mr subset iption paid on: keep your brand in tree clmrire. an . n. -innisvuie- II, - s,. double H sid,. tv; yot.v wise on left shoylder; cattle. .me oh rt l, ( It -Horses, t .. . S .,.. i.j. ' ' tie, A V oo riirht side. Ailkme Hank: u , ne.,..r 4 or"- eft. .4 10. i season, $!). im and Mares Kjire separate from olhe. aud water. r.KHCKIPTION A.D PKIUfiliKK pou'iilsend blends 17 liimiK 1,1, .i, n'YY- A,'',i't;1;- "A '"-n coll.'foalcd Apr. i, ' " i.'"'-''1 a- Ho,,,! i .. -. -i. ' "m by Wflchnr ,W Nl V , ''v."'''""'?'., Hrtof kliioin l's l4l.,l.'?V.!'l.0rt, . hcsiro-l f- i",;., ", "y mack . ..... ....,, ,,,, ,,, lu, BlrlK1 t H lieoriie, be by l omiueror. Address: 'Iiiomas Hk.nxjtt 4 Co. OM.Elt ,V WIIlfi'HT, HAltDMAN. 0lt!YlO. ither to lind prowibfiy plaeo lyinpr entirely ice witlr a Cil1' .J 3 hoiiEuj for i-J. f Hepper City Brewery. i Job printing of every clesnription cuted at the Gazette office. . A ..Vr.n1- n V,M lVn4. nv..l.tJ ladies' and misses' shoes snd slipjiu ' rived Tuesday nt Mat Lichtenthals, Leal estate mortgages, chattel V gapes, warranty deeds, quit-olaim k promissory notes, etc., are kept on ut the (tazettu office, and are also fi out, with notary acknowledgements fair rates. Ranches for sale, but no money loan at the Gazette shop. Land claims with furnished cabins ready built ean lie bought at Gazette a cheaper than yu oau hunt tuem lJaviv;pnreli!isod the ltitcst Brewing AfTnrni.ns utcis, I oui enabled with my cold soft-water sprim' JT -V col stone-col Inr ruul the fresh, pure1 ' n ilio Ki-ppiicp HIIL to or , I iny customers a I SUPERIOR. QUALITY OF BEER At. reasonably wholesnle aud retail rates. Lunches of 11 Kinds 7 . Best Brands of Cigars. Parties iir tho country must return empty kegs, or.SG iJJ'iece will be charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. Tir.E Cleveland Llvy Stallio'n DUKE OF SUM WILL STAND AT I v Uwim''"" c Mil At the following tonne TO INSIUUK. '- . $:t5. KY THK BEAHO.N, . a."..' H1NGLE LliAP. . . . In lots of five marei, by the season, $ iK). I'anre will be fund diod fnie. Wowilltai.e al! raieto prevent Boei- dnt.nt will Ir r,..m,sil,io for Uar, ss.MH fro.viadirli,nc..wliibepo'tinaiiLs. tnra sepamto from oil,r hoi-wy, oa (hhhI and water. " u 8 DESCIUITION AND PEDKJhVK. DUKE OF 'HCAniMiliO.-I.nis.rtmlfmn p, and m Octolwr, Issj. by J-ssh llarris. Enrt l ol Itns. Co'orado. Hi.l.l... .11 1.. ..p ..' Orcvor:, in August, LSsli. Dnke of Hcarlv .ro wan sired by Trinrp Ocorce; dam iy Hartsomie; grand ila:n hv Clu.nipi.m 1 ijl-w aptioars in Vol. Vllf, I luveluiid Hay Stnd '.,ok of LuKland. IWi-ption.-Dnki -of S-arboro was two rears old in the sprinvrof t'l; a beautiful dark hav. amall stiir in foreiieail: sir.rls sixtwn hands hiuh on clean, fiat less. w.l weighed in (food il,.,h, whetl two years old, 1 IOI pounds. J liw ni'l-jjil is a ,.f the all pnrpose h.M. of tl,ar.d. the if ul a.-u.-n in l.cru. of which has attract il so much alieotion ahmiui Jkhss II 1! ins, I'crt Coilins, Colo. iiuiruss: , lho i;f TKHR' Gl'inR l issued tur.h mid fVpt., rn h,r. J(,-!JI liA int lir,M HJi over 3,COO ill iutvnttorvs-a Wliole Pt-ture ;llrj-. tilVyi 1VI4itenl I... ... rtirrce to rnnninrr on all (tomln fm personal or rr.mily us... Tflls oritur, cuil rIvh n.t cost, if cvfry tlilnir you us, ct, il.injt, wsr, .,r lva-c fun wlOl. liii-Mf SIVAI.IJLIII.K HOOKS viiivtalT) lutiiitmiluli girannl from Jvn meikets of tlie world. AVo will mull a tojiy FR1.;k i0 ay ml imi upon rrretjit oi 1(1 , ,. tn Arfrny rxy.i-me nt niu'l.r,c. i.,t u liiar from. yt'i. U.-Mi.'r,illy, MONTCGMERY WARD & CO. lirinrn. W ,f l...u.V": '.' fr. on left shonldor. "", vv tiersiiidp':9' p B on Mt one,,, i. k.,1,op,, Jiock.-Iforsea under and moron riirht l,i.i... name mi left hi,, -...i .i T """miier; l - x. .'.""r.". 'CM , Ciller; horses. ( , ,', "," ',' " 1 "f C wilU 11 in 1 ason. J P -H. ...... T-.. coioieeted on left hin'l , . 8""t'.: ""'tie, TC Willi bur orei- It o with bar abrlo, "inure cut. Dm bin is., l u ""I'son neck. UM... If .....1. 1 " ""' . 1.. I.' , . . ' . . nI or A,ill..... VW ilOll loft Wlt K on lint li jmiu'iHirtv w :.' it Hhonluor. ' llu- JnPr pick on vtt Eairlish. I-. i? il. ..' .1 ".""i 'oft hu.. hi.; horses sa ., '"1 .H n riKht Hu iardra;::v. . . "'. V ' Viiutu a a ..'s'1 "oouiner. shoulder; ..Hltl r v "-"" C P on left Fi..ii..,co l. i , . .. "ll. mill off lefl er. E with bnr'nndor , I .,.on i','"1'1 u'li horses, I'lore'ieo. S 1' ir ... . . cattle. (.',, r;,.i.t ,V. . OU nllt "houldiT hi nr .7 1 VI ' ' l,.r. "i .. , i ." ""i ses aim cat !S;(or:r7u'::l'-f,s,i',"''''''- n . : nil ..' i, mm ,,n v!n, .1. ooie, j-rmik -1 .,tJ , . .... same n riahi hip. J"n """o; cnttm. tl!1i".'.n wi' hip '"II"rs,'H' " "n -1'onloV; ... .;.oo-.'nreys, , M. Ilardu,.,,,-;,,, ""ul "n'lc.ft shonhU,. Huirlies. WniTi.. . .. " title; catlle. sam, . . 'J ." c,nnr'''d on left cattle, liox brand nn ,fl al....,l.l h'.ni.,er slo!,'off each nnr, Ider '" r'h'ht '"'"". 1H ' K. rrar.lmnir. . ..... over it. on left sbi.iilii. s """". J with tbudn ()WNKKH KUlTLIia) WITH TREES, CUT tinKsnndseedof all suitable kinds! KuK- KHrniin-lta, see.1 and ..nlVnm prornr (illtt ,uiJ furnish i) 1 1 MHU 1 II hwil TTo.f. NinM'n years r-, .yu'mor conwfant trei.-ifmw. ST-V W W 1UK fiXpLrieiiOP. r.rr C. 5?bCELL, Ucppncr Nursery, Hctmnrr. Or i ra rn f 9 o Wirf JSH 1 mS i e a M m U oiw, circle Ton left .till.. r naif crop in nirtu i either flank; cuttles IT -Ii.,.... T r . . . . i is. Le,-:n; z":",:'" .""tu.p. Send for 76-Page MENTION TIFWxJ oooy Hin on HtifleanUHjdo, two BJiU JoiiiiMm. t lo ou rifht hip, mult- 1-11. ni 1 I '--.1, J Vl "ii i il-ill fJUO. Jiftmfn, Kfomiup Iinvir! .1 k i lefl slum Ider. ''". V with - over it on low.ierk i", !ef". l"f, l"l'. Wop oil riKl,t cur, Bwal.' IvnllLi-' ,h"V 0 wlh m on. J0id. c.n And'ie'ft'iT:1;!:' ,,n mthw.u 'if: 77 o,i " rii,,: 'il""u-" on rigfc t JlHBOII, J, jj, ,', , tipper crop in P,. , .. . ' . l."t"". ornrptnl, d " rp. OT"?."'"-FiB,,ro Bon eth '- S.hi:.'r.R''lli-il-',l,inectl Wft ftii- -11.,.. kj , ! "oil nip ova- N tie O. N with half ckilu l',r'le 7 "n 1,,ft ferry, Lm,,, ltc.j k 1 11 i..r, f unison, Jim. I'iiinl-ilv u i i ",on wT v down. ".-Hoih hi ou hot hip I'urk..r r 111. - i. iJfnrr,ViH" Arton "Worn - .nn m hut; (!HUii' in riicn mr. IP on uses J K connected , sameuu left hip. under hit 01.1,! . c!f T KICI'T. HA HUMAN, OIlKliPN. XOTlCK-TIMKrJS Cl'LTl UK. Laud Office of Tiie Dailcs, Or., Jnlj S V7 ( ompbiint hav ij.-Is en al ls olfioe by 1-stKar L. Probsf g ainst f.. I,. 1'Uin for failure to jom-'lywiih lawns to timber celtnre elrv No. E 8K i, i:. r,. , ?., ft a y ' i; rminty. Oretron, with a view to ll. caneeil.-,.,oU oei. e .trj-, c.lilr.Uinf nllevrirt that se.:d I'ain has faill io.'.oiplywlh tho law in regard to such lim;s-reiilinre. and allof i,e work be has ever done or c,i ,1 to be done, is to plow nbont iii- ... n-s w nc.'i v:is rp.r.e over II aiiu SU( 11 Tflllnres slilj exi-t hp noreoy SHmmolirs to s.-o. i ..ft 1,:- . .11. Sth diijr of Atumsl. iJ I i.Vi.-.k P e same l,-i,, ,, eide ,, nKla 1, , ' " " Mayor, Kobt-Horsos s. ,, shonillr ' L' A1I"'"-".rc, S 8 on ri,,h Hhobn, Dr A .T Iforses 1)0,,. i i. tlo. same on left si. l .ZZ, . "n,?. .'"f 'P: Bars cut sharp -,t K,V ,l'" ' k, balisbury. J W. Vin..nfi,i . . . over, crop off B....1, n .... .7 . -ir-nifl ntld and under, swallow fork- in I I, ,: '-""r-"l,t' -flit in left, L7 I'd! 7 .1 ""v.':.8""""1 Wevenson, Mr A J ( alii,, M ... w,,llw.rork in left ear ' 8 " naelton it Son 1..-.... o .... .. .. on lefl shoulder; , " on left shoulder. ' UU"lt,' 1,""B W" left shoulder. ' ""'""n-'ioiWB oii.Ib . o nettle, 41 on left hip. J'honirson. .1 A ..- . ..... calllo, 2 on left shoulder ' ''""'lo'i T!K:ij":,1"'-Vl'i'.r. . stifle. uo.iieciea on loft Wells, A 8 -Horse.. i... .u. same. ' " " ' """uiuer; ltio VV viand. J IT Jlnnlnrnn-Cirelo C on !' WoiKlward, John-lloHw,. -Jp W)N, on ridbt hip. I left should. U'.n .. . . . , iinniv- att e, ' l in left i o -'. . w ' '',0 i U.-Li;uoni' e.inceir. ii.: llireo y.'ais SiTo. parlies are on the ok H. II., to r said ul- '! ,- nd f'.inn.di l-..'l failnm T',i;comt:, cir-Ji of ri,r.,-r e,.,i.w ;a k "nthond to tike titimonv i.i ' this" cas t Herj.ner, ti.'ou. on Atwun -I. I s7. at lil'0. --:.-.-') I . A. .V.rDnxitD. 1! Pt or. AVb.'U yon xrant to fi on lr niil;(, U'ipI proof, chII ut I i';.LerUna'rt..,sh(.i. tsiii fht toi; pnixTTN., op rvi r.v r?sci:-4TioN t... La..d U.1U ik- mitil wawauled. t ft s Q m Mm