I f THE GAZETTE si i iiu'1'MER.THCIWDAY, AUG. 18, '87. Local and General. ATTENTION ALL! The reliable firm of Heppner & Black- aaa is in the field to do business on le gitimate rivnoiples. For variety and fi68llenoe of merchandise no firm in Ihastern Oregon can ncdersell us. To fcash customers we will meet oonipeti Ftiou, which will be of advantage to all lose buyers. We maintain that we sell floods at railroad pricf-s, freight added. I'.piivK. s.ues anu small profits is our I motto. In order to make room to en ; able us to remove to our elegant and ; aostly brick building we will make sweeping redactions in all onr lines of goods. Thanking tLe pnblio for cast ; efevors and hoping fer a liberal continu ance of the same, w are, respectfully, Heppkkb & Blackmam. Girl Wanted To da general housework in a moderate-sized family. Good wages and l per manent plaeo. Apply for information at this office. Born Ou Rhea c reck Sunday, to the wife of C. A. Rhea, a son. At biB ranob in Jones canyon Ed Kil oup is baring a seforespell of illness. Cash Mallory has just added a eomtnoJ dious extension to his drug atots build ing it - , Born-IfcT i,iuV of W.J " th.Bl lcb ' a i on wnoaof nature whole worldfrltin, what does one toi of oolio make it? Teaohers who need monthly report cards can find them all ready-printed at the Gazette shop. Up the creek W. K. JJewman has built a big barn for Toraiftlotfiillough at the mouth of East fork. Jim Dodson, of Arliugton, has been visiting old time neighbors iu the Hepp lier bills the past week. Grouse are reported fat, tender andl thick around Uncle John Lacknaue's ranch below Caldwell grade. At the old Gassy Smith ferry oa the North fork of the iutiam Linn county ia paying 74UU for a bridge. A girl baby was added to the popula tion of Clarke's oanyon this week, Dr. Shipley being in attendance. Silas Goff has bought the Sells ranch, on the CheHuimnis, iu the Wullowa country, und will take sheep there. Marriage licences hnve been issued to J. II. liidgoway and Emily McFerrin; Geo. Mauslield and Francis Leyde. ThwVa a laud that is hotter than this, f'hnre the wlckotl folka when they dio; nd they'll biuk i mure bliHtur th' bilmi, "We shull inoltJ! this sBSt"1 ty Mu9 The finder of a dog (foliar with "Old Jack" engravwl oi the plate Will be re warded by returning it to the Gazet shop. A Boise City wife-beating brute was fined $5 and oosts, then went home and beat her again, and was fined $00 and costs. 1'erry Oiler, the veteran horseraiser of the Heppner hills, was in town Tuesday shaking hands with hundreds of old til lioums. Forgetting that it is fly-time, the Ore goniau thoughtlessly asks: "What is the watte with a butoher shop at Sell wCf" While at the Joe Teal springs Geo. Harrington went out to Tom McCarty's tiheepcurnp and they killed a bear and four deer. 9 The North Dakota territorial fair of fers 850 rfard to any oouple consent ing to be married before the crowd iu the main hail. Dock tihobe is about to build a new residence ou his garden tract near Eman uel riordyke's,fchere he has quite an or chard growing. Several chunks of pig-iron have beert, brought into the lleppuer hills for tin? purpose of starting a strain of swing that Will stand a hard winter. As will be seen by his professional card on first page, F. J. Hallock is pre pared to issue fire insurance polioies in several first-class compap- In Judith basin, Mon. son, formerly ( Heppnei, bead of cattle last week by t. which they licked from tha vats. Iu a flighty moment an amiable mar ried woman west of Heppner shied a stovelifter at her husband, saying thai she tho'ht he needed iron in his blood. Hundreds of tons of goof wheat hoy have been delivered in Goldeudale the last two weeks at 7 a tou. No stock should Co hungry next winter when hay is so cheap. Jako Cohn writes baok that lie found Koine City as beautiful as ever on Us return home. His many friends iu Heppner hope be will visit tlfBffl again nsxt ycr. At Woodstock, Saturday, the county judge sont U. 8. Senator Kiddle bnroor to iail for five dnvs for contempt of court, and a crowd of Kiddie's frienura released him. The Cox & English horses, shipped to Illinois last year, have become general favorites in that section, and made it fashionable for people to say "tough as an Oregon horse." The fish commissioner says he is goif g8no you about if you eaten sui fSoa this mouth or next, but you can catch all the oauued salmon you want at the usual price. W. W. Goauey's lease on the old Jim Sperry ranoh having expired, h this .ck moves to sne ha bought oa Dry " w'ck creek, below the John 9 v ok- 1V6 dip Tom Matlock has returned from his extended tour tothe eastern racetracks. Near Milton five head f Charlie Bess- erer's horses working in the harvest field for Mr. Gerking, were poisoned bgdrink- luii water pauneu in oiu nsn uarrtsis. Bolle Daugherlf whs over this weok from his fertile springwater ranch np ouuer orees. viui Dnclt buildings go ing up, shade trees growing up and im provements on every hand, the Hepp ner townsite looks different from what it did in '62, when Bolle passed here on his way to the Granite creek mines. It oasts a sun? sum of money to spend a summer in Saratoga. During the reg ulnr season the hotels consider that they are doing a losing business if ther ohartre less than $5 a day for a single room and board. Some of their cottage suits which consist of a parlor and two or three bedrooms, are rented at 8250 a week. The oavalry saddle used in theTJnitod States army is pronounced by the mili tary men or Europe to be the most bungling and cumbersome applianoe in use. In the United States it is nnnnt. d a very nice little arrangement, full f lightness, handy books and straps, though not much account for a bucking horse. It is sometimes quite aniuaincr. anva the Taooma Ledger, to see th r't u umber of Indian canoe oars and pad dles whioh tourists bring from Alaska ns old Indian relics. A old Al.iska pioneer says: "The most of those paddles ara made and painted by Chinamen in San Francisco, shipped to Alaska points and HioUsmfoBdian relics, brought down to f'Hhinn the steamers and anrrixil Ot UlUtM HR'" note from Walla Union: We'd nwuay nwning a curious sight was no ticed on Min street bridge. A n.nnber of Umatilla squaws were driving a num ber of ponies into town, and in the rear of the procession of sore-eyed and sore backed oayusoH, ore two Indian maid ens, each attired in calico slips, riding steeds astraddle. Each held over her head a gaudy satin pnrfsol, rich in ivory handle and fringed lace. They attract ed muoh attention. Bine Mountain Bear Ranch. The eastern tourist and sight-seer should come to Heppner town und rig sut for a trip through tho wonderfully weird John Day country. Among other things he will find, away up on the Mid dle fork of the John Day above the mouth of Big creek, a patch of brush called Hawkins flat. A very extensive patch it is. It covers the whole river bottom from benoh to bench and baok to bench again. Brush thick? Yes. Try to work your passage through on ahorse or even afoot and see if the hawthorn, choke-cherry and elder-berry bushes haven't tangled things up pretty thor oughly. If you succeed in getting a short distance you will have to take the back track. If you try to fallow along The easteru edge of the jungle the jagged rooks will sorely skin your horse's legs. The best way to get through is to take right up the river ohnnnel where it is generally wadable. Here Mr. Hawkins once started a bear ranch. Several acres ot bears were put in, Bud they thrived fairly Will till the neighbors' hogs crowdedWi upon them. Along the river bars you can see the fresh tracks ot the surviving bears, and their feet are well developed. They feast and fatten on the abouuding hawes and choke-cheyies and keep hid awny iu the junjfie. If you camp here to get a lide you will find Bttle feed for your horses. Sheep have'Sfn there and stayed over night. The Long creek road Btrikes Mr. Hawk ins' bear ranch at its upper end. Look out for bears while the bellwether growls. Fatal KitniEB l.uw. " A sbootiiur a3Vy occurred cn Vessoy oreok, a branch of Upper, Ochoco, noar the residence of Honry Kadle, Wednes day morning, which resulted fatally to one of the parties. Two or three stories are afloat about the origin of the affair, but the one gen erally believed is as follows: Wm. Turner was herding for Linville, and he Turner and Linville's son were moving the sheep from oue range to another, when Connett interfered and began throwing stones at the flock. The head er, protested, as a matter of oflfiRe, whereupon Connett drew a rolver and fired ot Turner, the ball striking him, in the left breast below the nipple and passing entirely through the body.? At this junoture youug Lluvillo rushed up and struck Connett on the head with a revolver, felling him to the ground. As soon as Connett got jmi he raru awav. TTl F . Jl i -.1 . ""l lurner inna at noou oi i noou ofthe same day lit was, shot, living but a few hours. Oon- uett was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Combs the same day the trouble occur red and brought to town. ifcThe preliminary examination whioh was held on Thursday developed a case of self defense on the part of Connett, and the prisoner was discharged. It was shown by evidence that the herder, Turner, drew a revolver on Connett, ithout cause or provocation, and Con nett, acting in self defense, drew his pis tol and fired, a . . 0- Jnwrt Interests. A oorresponSenf of the Or(pnian re ports excellent results infighting currant worms with whale oil soap applied with a whi.sk broom. Enrh worm is clubbed over the head with the heavyh!fudle of tho broom, then covered with soap, and finally ijjinskliyr the fjjeo among the neighbor's currant trees. A pair of elm leaf beetles showed up in Heppner this week and are now in uaii in b picRls bottle. They have been IN IDAHO. Lire in the Lonely Lst Elver Eeiioa. Mrs. Dmiwavvwrio hns Jwea visiting upr son s t..LTauuu inlTOh!7 Writes as follows ta the Orcgonian: Imagine mi oval shaped valley, with a visible area of tea oy twenty miles in width and in length, settled down iu a sink iu the mountains at an altitude of 5000 feet above the sea level, with a swift, crooked and tree-bordered river of crystal writer through its center, with numerous small or streams coming down from the rug ged mountain sidt and merrily seeking the river; their courses marked by rows of alder bushes, lookiug from a distance as straight as arrows and greener than the ooean. All around the valley the mountains rise in sharply defined, and deeply rerrated ridges, wind-riven at their summits, timber olad in the middle. and grass covered at the bases, and you win nave a Dircis eye view of that por- wuu ui mo jjoki river vauev wnicu sur rounds our Idaho home. Upon obtain ing a nearer view you will see that the surfaoe of the virgin earth is covered with sagebrush t a pale green color and wonderfully nniform outline. Looking closer you will see a velvet carpet of bunohgrass growing luxuriantly under and among the sage, with now and theu a stool of cactus reminding vou if you walk carelessly that it is there. Dotted at intervals on the Dnniway ranah are the primitive cabins of the border, the ene in which I sit as I scrib ble this being nestled close to the beau tifully fringed and merrily ringing waters of Alder oreek. This oreek. unon which the ranches depd fpF jheir fertility, is juat now endiugf out wli IrrtKiUii... "') through fields, orchards and garden, fructifyftig the volcanic Soil and color ing the luxuriant Tegetation they visit with the deepest, brightest and most vivid shades of green and gold. Eude rail fences suyound the fields and cab ins and form a long, wide lane in front of thejyard, 'past w"ftioh the Blaokfoot and Challis stfge drives daily; and at frequent intervals the ships of the des ert sail noisily by, their motiai' er being the twelve-mule teams tharr flrag them along in tandem fashion, joined one behind the other in twos and threes. How it is possible for one lon driver to manage trom twelve to Bistoen mules bitched to three wagons, each loaded with many tons of merchandise, I'm sure I cannot tell. But one man does often manaf(0 such an outfit, dofhg his own rudo oooking wherever aight overtakes Bfili, and sleeping aear his tethered ani- mifls on the ground. Very shaggy, bronzed and travelworn lire these mule teers, audiKoeediugly SgSaf ul they are when at tGSir modest reqfiB the lenely women in the rancher oablis giva them loaves of moraiug bread of their own baking, for whioh they refuse the proffer of pay. The summer climate in this valley is simply perfect. The long, delightful daysre dry, breezy and bracing, and the light, limpid nights are like ether. Although there is no rain upon which to depend for crops, there are frequent eleotric storms in the mountains, where the pyrotechnio display ot the heavens 's grand beyond description. There is just enough distanoe between the ranch ers and the storms to instil sarety from the lightning flashes; and the thuudsr at such times is sublimely interesting, being too far away to cause alarm, and just uear enough ac hand to be awe inspiring. We have.ijiHt had snty) aj, storm, in which suihnrrairrroll luvthe valley to settle the dust and wash the whale face of nature as clean as a newly bathed infant. Thenjtthe black clouds rolled away and hid Themselves in the mouutain gorges, the lightning streaked out of sight, the thunder died away in low, muttering growls that soon ceased altogether, and the tieldt and gardocg rsiresneu uy tue suowert are more in tensely green and sparkling than ever. But my reader must not tl jnk thero are uo drawbar-ks to all these accompani ments of Vfture, for there are. THRIFT AM TRAlffc. Herpaer a Enterprisins Titian; Wi Lay tlieir Warn Befure the World. Look Out for Fire. On Thursday a German named Saltz mau, who lives up near tie Narrows south of Silvortou, lost his cabin which oanght fire owring his absence mroui log heap about 4u yards trom the houso, says the Appeal. Saltzman was a jewel er, aud there were several watches from Silverton parties in the wreok. Marshal Marchbank's fine ten wheel, Bide snap potent rotary gold repeater was twisted into various grotesque shapes by the ho locaust. Several other tickers shared the same fate. Mr. Saltzman is a poor man And twols his loss severe.lv. All bis .SAI'fiold Areofs tcere destroyed. The cabm and barn of Mr. W. lv Smith up on Silver oreek was also consumed by tire last weok, together with all his hay und tools. A (ilanderel Horses. In parts of Montana the fatal disease of glanders is prevalent fymg horses, and over 500 he id are nowMjuarantmed. The spread of the disease is due to the faot that by a previous incumbent in the of-t-9 olMC'terii.anan the affection was termed nasal gleet. Tho disease was thus allowed to get a foothold whioh is proviuc most dangerous to tto horse in terests. Wl ere tils case is well deiiuVJi the ijiimal i killed, and where any doubt exists the aaimal is quarantined tn awnit HAvelnnmnt. lie red to the Smithsonian institute a dollar and six bits and costs. 0 for g3 O O Q B O 0 o G From shore to shore w pulled our oar, but found nowhere a better stock of nails, hardware,$itc., than at Palterson .snuiiaaKera iiappner Hardware Em pen urn. The native anna of the onMnh , ecui imsicx, out when. tiy ara, C. 31. Mallory's drug store is th place to get uiuctmug kj cure mem. Thse sleepless nights, made misera ble by a tooth that ache Iik a i,.ufe. iug heart, can be turned into season of rest and peace by a visit to Dr. YaugbH iuo ueuus onioe jn Porter's druir store. - ' , The careful oompoundini? o. nreRcrin. tious aud the sale of fresh twli-in.. choice cigars, perfumery, e'a, are made specialties at S. Porter' drug store. s No man can run a ranch to anv ad vantage without farming implements, tope, nails, bird cage and a clothes horse, and he should not frrgel ta r member that he oan get all these at the big hardware store of Lezer ic Thomp son. School books and stationer at Minor. Dodson & Co's. All kinds of readv-mdA nnJi fine custom work at Mat Liohtenthal's boot and shoe store, at and repairing a specialty. Love in a oottage ia all tnrr wall Vin it you uon t nBv s good oookstove " ;t. :t :t ui i .... "in ii, u ii mule w eo un the srjie stack. Get the stove at Pattern xlunsaker s. . l. .. iTtueTbl IN THE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS. A Sheepherder Strikes Oil and a New-Fan-gled Candle. Of Geo. Brooks, who went from Heppner to Montana with Sam Carmaek aad herded for him a long time, has return ed. He says he li't Knm'a i-unh spring ana went prospecting in the wild Big Horn mountains He didn't find muoh mineral, but claims that he did make a good oil strike, and that he is koing to return to it after he makes a stake herding. He says that his pros pect is in a pool in a hldeu aud wild gully of the Big Hrrn mountains. The pool is sunk in solid rock, is circular iu form, is about 100 feet in eiroumferenoe waters of an unfathomable depth, aud is Covered with a sheet of oil, Unbroken aad nearly pure, to a thinlrnAi nf nD..i iix inches. The oil is rapidlv generated from the pool deaths. th m..,f;v above the six iuoh level being carried off .v,uBu -uuiraum onneas in til 9 pool's j D4UI a I U UDIIMLKIIIilT rail 1t11l. I rpi , , . . " "J "HUM3H. k1" nvuieis ran into an enormous nnv. jty in the earth, which yawns apparently bottomless, class at hand But thia 'oil pool has also oil fish. These fish are in .upe no iinnse the eel family, and have a decided advantage over their w-eau water prototypes m slippery ohar aalartattna. TW "'"K 1-1(11 llMll IB Hbnbt Heppnbb, Arlington. Uepputtr. 'Km '2ys in the Lead! -:o:- The Pioneer and Oldest-Establishel House -OF very tl.'U . , , - sunn ovn uuo uunoi liiio a'l UOOIS HUu shoes ever shown in Heppner. Ladies' French kid hand sewed, floxible sola a specialty. J. he weather can't get to warm hut what Cash Mallory'g ioe-Jid soda water willffset it. Justices, sheriffs and constables mm now find a full stock of the new style summons blanks at the f azette oifioe. At J. S. Porter's dru store all thn popular syrups are ready to flavor vnnr Arctic soda water. r or firearms and immanitioa po in Minor. Dodson & Co'l. Mat Liohtenthal kepb the onlv n. cial stock of boots, shoestud slippers in town, ana ue can suiv aii',astes. Minor, Dodson k Co. a buying Mor row cotmty scrip and j);3ng the hiuh. est market price either i cash or goods. The Umatilla Indians emplain to tlm government mat tne agetou their ranch is too insultingly overbfring to be bear able, and the men wtiotppomted him might have seen that in (le first plaoe, P. O. Skoya and Wm. ill were arroat. ed near Desolation Wbilitealing cattle. cme ot tne oattie naa un killed, and the men were engaged ir'ierkmg" the meat. They had burnedie head, bones anu ume, -i 1 uuTein movement and darts to and fro .u ui native ou with an almost incon ceivable velocity. As the oil fish moves i leaves a luminous wave and after nightfall the surfaoe of the pool preseuts the brilliant appsarsnoe of a never end ing flame wave-. Th fish -n. aught with a lioofe and line aad never nt. of'c.ndle.nBlf 'fa'.f. 't? as the Ibe appetite to any great extent, '"b H"u reuuees its nesh to a pan of J. It is good for Durnosea nf iiinn'.. lion. PlanH a'",: iiuwuwariia in ru. '.eptaol- prepared for the purpose, the u end jHWrmted. and tho i t u .1, , ' ' wii vuruu 11US obtained illuminates th out with a glow as brilliaat na it i. convenient and unique. The water of ihe poolfrather cold immediately be low the oil surface, but rr row a 1-. . n greater depths ara penetrated. An egg lilaoed in a small. waW ,-!, ?, u -i jT j . aeP,n of 130 feet vnou iinra in tour minutes. But icmu scarce around there to Bisut with. HEFPNER & BLACKMAN! . Till i T TlTin ca General Merehafidise, CONTINUES TO 8 . . SELL FI RST-CLASS ' GOODS ! AT THE I (321 18 expen- loVest Ult0CkWl be fnimr PnrriM L b... vvyjiiii. u JCVCTj espectand we shall always cndeaVbr to retain our placb P I'M" Tt-rTT7 -m-TA--rr44 ! And in the future ii the pa8t, we shall ehcionTot io continue to be the lading House in the Heppner gentry! Our facilities for doing Msines are levelled iy ahy faomhtile tabhBhment in the Northwest! We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatinenl and Pair' dealing. An inspection of onr Pstnl.Hor. at . . each and all as to the full and coUe f POSSIBLE PRICES ! - USEFUL AND USELESS. AgHeppner I,ady Lectores her Sisters " Sewinir and 8n.K F1NE,ARGE CKS. Some Extra-ilnc Sheop tArrive in thn Heppner HI The well-known Baldwsheth-rdhfh luvaiou vi ii xJ uiirtiiv, ij m. UUUUtv, Will have a well-seleoted banif fine Sonh- isu merino oucks lor inreppner mark et this season. The sheare all large none anu irame, ana urvnsa Dreaders in every respect. Mr, Lrcoy, one of sue pHrtuerH, win ue io;eppner with the bucks early in Octot prepared tu sell at very reasonable n and on easv i ul 1 . turius. oueepweu nuutsire to get goou siook to improve r Dands advised to reserve iheir rg until Dainwin rancn oucas anana ari amined. Tbey can well )d exs, tion, und w boBji'aq These sheep are raised from the fin imnorted animals tAat can he obtained. and the blood is renewed every othe are the ex mi . a Heppner, Aug. 13. xue Americans, as a pewle, are noted ..,i iinu iHKenuity anu i making most out of tbeifbibor. Yet the T. immense amount of work annually per u.iuou uy luoni mot does not pay. Some years ago I was struck by the bright ulna nf a n-mln. n. i i ...... ..... no to true eoonomy. He ppie to save halt burned lum "u HCff iwn or mnrn tmafK. 1 .U.ui agam, tnus avoiding the pur chase of new ones. He fnrrt tw man oould earn the ri.,if i 1 A' . r-wv.ninDini WICKS in less time at any.ttkftr work. s i . . ?r . . WWBEfflB " out- mg was noi worththe waste of bodily tissue and who nnt unro rerer to another matter: ui Ul U1V BOUUamtflllrW lllva l: that she ma havtli pieoes them together aimiii. A ?eW.V and arvancsmont in thia .. i ..,.w, uuv mu.T ate uiirHiiinfi at great a no.t A f . i i"rr- : " - iu a lououi mir two quiltft4 wejp on exhibition, one having ')Wf he othej lljBSaJ rece.. In this there isT too muoh labor fnr tho 1.- l . , Life is too short td StieUd rtnv. -,oi,o evyn months and years in making dbnilt! Aix-re are peome m nm wnrU i... i rro-ttnwoF imagine thev hr ,mi wouiu advise them to try a hand xsut tney are the last to try such I even m TbWe i edI' vnnr withimt fail. serouloan tasks. Baidwin J;'hep & Land Co., In articles of common clothing there Successors to Van Xloun Bros. & Co io muoh of life'Qjcious timu - uuu.iuu. a. iuvb lor me Deautirul is Ho I Tillers of tint Soil I immenduble. A man with mnob mon Grain sacks ! Harvest suppliefJ ,'u mB pocket would hardly be safe in Write fnr nrines. Will huv wtinnt dark place, in oomnanv witli o mnn .Jcho or Coyote, or forward grain at cu'ho Iras no appreciation of the baajiti- Koho, Urego."o rmi wouia not justify the labi indv mv r . -1. a. n,i, Tail..rhjg. a calico dress, and with all the frills and I have opened a wetr-appointed tai.iiounoes Will be a ealioo dress still ing establishment in Mrs. Smith's bu VVitlCMitfkraorexnnaiva n,iA n,-' ing on May street, and am now reguli oasa would be different. Qund goods receiving new goous no wm maae t Bnonia rje well put together. Very fine torn made pants from 87 to $15 I goods are " 4 - -KH- Owing totte steady increase in our business hv jommg Fireproof Stone Warehous which gire. us b6tter facihtxs tlflff evefefore eujoyed. Agents for Heppner and FOR THE Celebrated Bain Tn Sok clhity -AND- gon KhaPp. Burrea & Co's- Agricultural Implements HIDES AND PELtB BOUGHT FQR CASH OR TRADE: o UENRV HEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of H. & B Arlington. goods in the market. OLD FORT A. Abrahamsich. HEKKIETTA. This historical spot on the Umatilla river is now a plnoe of thrift and trade and called Echo. There the immense Henrietta flouring mill if. Conducted by J. H. Koontz, an honored pioneer. He is prepared to pay cash or eiohange Hour for wheat. His warehouse is large snd roomy, and he can handle all the wheat brought in. Mr. Koontz will anro j tfaip wheat for partios who do not wish j to sell af'Echo, and he has now and ! second-hand graiQacks tor sale. NO'tlCE OF'MFJSJNG 7 BftUJtk OF EQUALIZATION. State of Oregon, ) County of Morrow. S8 Notice is hereby given that on the last Monday in August, 1887, the Board of Equalization for Morrow county will meet at the oftioe of he Bounty clerk of said county, for the purpose of examin ing and adjusting, pnblioiy, the assess ment roll; and all persons having busi ness with said hoard are herebv notified to appear at said office in coufSV court hoiis, Hoppner, Oregon, on said data J. M. Shulton, Assessor of Morrow County. &3 G 3 o o 0 '3 0 0 o 4 Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of tba schools of this couuty, the county school snperin tendentfcereof will hold a pubho ex aminatio at Heppner, Or., to begin at nooiJ on Wednesday, August tht 31st, 1SK7. J- H. Stanley, School Sunt., Morrow county, Or. Dated this 26tL day of July, 1SS7. Attention, Ladies! AN IMPOPTANT AriNOUNGEMENT ! On and after this date I will sell goods in my line at Portland Prices. This no catchpenny scheme, nor is it a bluff, ft solid fact Please call and see hiy prices. No trouble to show goods at the Ladies' rtishing GoddsJStore. all is is MRS. S. P. Heppner, June 22, 1887. GAERIGUES; kr.k Ml hi M, HEPPNER, AKD DON'T FORGET, frftA Mf MALLOBlfj Read ,3r Lfiivu uiuiiu. Keeps the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods ia Lk tin&iZ Morrow County. Qranpnsing - Pure Drugs and Chemical Patent Medicines, and Tol et ; Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass,- Putty, Etc., Etc. He makes a specialty of Pure 115 Uf wart 11 be paid f6r tl e reoovery gt a bay mare two years olj, )tanded X SSi right shoulder; no wbittum bef last soen in Hanford canyof iT June. Deliver at Rush brothers, Bhea creek. H. P. Lono. "Wines find Liqaora for Medioinal and Imported Cigars. . Prices reasonable, Terfas, Cash, ndwl, day and nigbt, and wc:aJ )untry. Curios Wanted. I want Indian curiosities, arrow-points, stone idols, stone representations oi birds, fishes, etc.; flint knives, beads, etc., for which liberal prices will be paid. Address. J. H. Haobxt, Portlnrd, Oregon. GUNN'S smith ShoD ' m a G o 63 (53 Ou Timber Land. 2J G O (?) (is) Big Livcrij, ll,ppUrr; t)gh. 0 S oo 0 (S3 O 0 eing Made at Specialty , jies, Plovghs wiH Machinery filed Workmen a CD (? - (g) (8) 9 1 a 0 0 9 o o CP V