Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, August 18, 1887, Image 2

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0 ill
twilight Thoughts in the Tall Timber.
"All aboard for the mountains!"
1 he driver cracked has wuip, me a4
horses sprung into a trot, and the
huge farm wagon gave a sudden
larch which caused two or three
members of the party to perform
Buddeu and uot over-graceful ef
forts to maintain a sitting position.
A laugh and a shriek from tho la
dies, a hurrah from the srentlemeu,
and we were off for a whole week's
picnio in tho Blue mountains. Af
ter toiling up sundry hills and
rattlitfg down tho same
Now passing some out-of-the-way
ranch, stopping to quench our
thirst at some wayside spring,
laughing, jesting, singing, we at
110011 stupped to discuss our first
meal iu the open air. Before it
AfflsTfTifbhed distant mutterings of
thunder warned us of the approach
of a storm. The horses were has
tily housed in a stable belonging
to some English gentlemen at
whose place we Lad stopped to
mi . ) i 11
"noon Aue canvas wa. Htyeicn-
edrer the wa;:n whtttrTai took
refngo in the house, whose propri
etors kindly tendored their hospi
tality for the night. The rain
ioon eamo down in torrents accom
panied by spiteful little gusts of
wind that sent the dust through ia
broken pane of glass into my eyes
as I sat near the window trying to
while the tedious hours away by
reading a story by that charming
authoress Ilhoda Broughtou.
Morninor broke clear and warm
and we were soon on the road, and
hy 10 o'clock reached the timber.
Uh, how sweet the
How grateful the sight of the
green wood. It seemed to carry
us baok a whole decade to the
home 'ff our childhood in the
midnt'oljust such a forest, part of
which had been cleared away to
rtfive room for the waving grain
liolds and apple orchard. As 1
closo nvy eyes and listen to the
"souhina" of tho pines and
breatho'tlie subtle perfume, I can
almost ipersuade myself that it is
home or.d mvself a child agaiH
and at night lying awake to look
up at the countless stars which op
I pear to bo only a little above tho
. tops of the huge trees whose sou,
weird music at length charmed me
into forgetfulness.
The next few days were full of
pleasures hunting huckleberries
Fishing in tho silent pools that
yielded up the speckled mountain
trout to swell our bill of fare; gath
ering mosses and ferns which had
to be .tUrown-awny upon refilling
homo because of their crushed and
ruined condition. After several
day3 spent thus we reluctautly
turnod our faces homeward, cast
ing many longing glances back
Ward as we left the green trees
and grateful shade behind and
with no incident worth mentioning,
reached home to take up again the
cares and burdens of every-day
life to be men and women again
aud not the boys and girls we had
played to be while in the mourn
tains. Bested, refreshed, a little
nearer to God, I think, from the
closor -.communion with fmture.
which is only a manifestation of
Himself; stronger, better, with
bettor appreciation of our homes
and the comforts of civilization
ami with a strong determination
to go to the mountains again next
year, and to all you who dwell in
regions where there is no timber
we say "go ye and do likewise."
A Train Goes Through a I'ridge
In Illinois,
Mtuniing Mm. Women and Chililmi.
Hurrible Scenes.
Near Cbatewortb, '111., Wednesday
niilit, an excursion train ori its way to
Niagara falls weut through a burning
bridge, resulting in a fearful loss of life
and limb. The train wag running a mile
a mimte when it suddenly shot onto a
bridge across ft dry ravine. The bridge
liffu been hurtling some time, having been
fired, it is thought, from burniug brush
near by. The first engine passed over
nil right, but the other was completely
wrecked, together with ten coaches and
baggage can. Engineer AlcCliutoek
Two firemen and the other engineer es
caping serious injury. The ten ears
were piled on top of the two engines, be
ing telescoped and piled across and on
top of each other. It is miraoulous haw
any one escaped, as the coaches and en
gines do not ocoupy over two lengths of
the track. In one coaoh not a person
escaped. In another only a lady.
The night was pitch dark and raining.
Four hundred exoursionists from Peoria,
Camton.aEuraka aud other places, many
rt ttif.ni wmII lfn.m-n ftmrl liiirl.lv ruunu.,
ea throughout central lllunais, wea-M
ubonrd. The shrieks and jrouns of J
,ides. r.i
Every timbr beam represented
The aliove organization met lit Odd
Fellows' hall Saturday evening arVJ--ata
muttered into the service of the state bfl
Col. Savior. The commissioned and
non-commissioned officers and privates
oil the roll are as follows:
Wm. TVBrren, Cuptaiu. C. N. Clark,
1st heut. P. O. Borg, 2d lieu
Otis Patterson 1st sergt, F. Rogers,
2d sergt. O. W. Harrington 3d sergt.
W. J. JilfiAtee 4th sergt. i". ynairt Oth
sergt. Geo. Noble paymaster. A. Santa
armorer. L. McAWe drummer.
C L Andrews,
W J Frenoh,
D F Garrigues,
M 1) Havninn,
F M Kooutz,
M C McDougull,
J W Rasmus,
L J Sbaner,
A Wells,
A M Wobb,
Ijeon Logan,
Harry Warren,
C R Keithley,
0 A BrowD,
James V Fisher,
F M Sanders,
C P Mallory,
Wm Cantwell,
J H Fell,
I) A Herren,
B A Hunsaker,
Thos Morgan,
R Neville,
W H Saver,
N S Whetstone,
W 0 Howison,
Walter Fell.
Frank Shipley,
E Nordyke,
T W Avers, Jr
Dave McAtee.
JAW Hall, '
J A W Coffee,
('has M Jones.
Up with the birrln in the parly morning
The df-wjrop glows like a prfH-inn xein;
Bemtiful tint m the hkyareiinwiiini:. m 'mm
lint Khs'a nevrsmomwil to 1 ,,i ff tiTi'mT
i.'i;-men are winiiiiRthir bnnkfiu-t piirK ;'
St." miict rot I l-rer. tu mint not wait:
For wont!- t.'mt m oi.arp aul I.k.ks that ar urJr
i re what men s ve when ihe me:.l sue late.
1 Houdf are turmnp,
over mm anil tr;
Bi.il in-n. in tfe Phurmru::
hh yieid to (hm.
Oh, alnrimip ro
it (he C(HiUl h
Bnt hnre Hre II
Those thini?
r world id iilh-u Hie wine.f benniv
If nlie could hnl ?an:;d drink it in:
Bat ili.'aiire. I.esayj, mu-t wi.it fur duty
Nigkvted wurs it committed biu.
I Tli-tby jjrowK hot ind her hnndp prow weary
r- CV. foi an hour to cool her h-wil
Out with the birdt and winds o heory!
Hot site mttM m dinner and m -kf htr bread
Tho hnsy men ui- hay-hVd wo' king
If tiieysaw her nttia ,th idle hand.
Would think her laty ai&fall her hirkinu,
And she ui'Teroxjld uSkeliein andei-siand.
They do not kno thtt the heart within her
Hungers for beaity Rnd things Bubluns,
They only know rim they wiuit tiieir dinner,
Plenty of H alfl jt on time.
And after the swef in and chamii s and bak
m. mt dinner diihf tin all pnt by,
8he.mtand se,p7iUKh her h. ad ia aching,
aw iiuiD lul oujjer anu cnoras ruws bika.
like Cun.itry.
hart, editor of the Gol-
has been making a
f Trdu't lako, in tho
d jots down the
0 rushed human frame or a broken bone.
Tho air was tilled with the cries of
wounded and the shrieks of those about
to die, the groans of men, the screams ot
women united made an nppnlliug sound.
Above all could bjj heard the agonizing
cries of children. In some instances they
layjsinned alongside of their dead par
ents. There was another terrible dan
ger yet to be rcet. The bridge was still
burning and the wrecken cars were ly
ing around the fiercely burning embers.
Everywhere in the wreck were wounded
and unhurt men, women and children.
Yt hole lives could be saved n tuey could
be gotten out, but whose death was most
certain if the twisted wood of the broken
And to fight the fire there was not a drop
of water, aud only some 50 able-bodied
men who hftd still prosenoe or miml and
nerve enough to do their duty. All th
railway disasters of this country were
surpassed. The train was composed of
six sleeping eoacues, six Hay coaeues
armchair carsjjnd three baggage cars,
ItTnis carryiu!S',lliU pasaeugers.
It lacked just tive minutes ot midnight.
Tiwn in the ditch lay the second engine
Engineer McClintock was dead and Fire
man Applecate badly injured. On top oi
each other, like child's card house after
he has swept his hand, conies the six da)
ooaches. They are telescoped as cari
never were before, and three of them
were pressed into just enough space foi
one. The smoker had been mounted oil
its trucks and crushed through the cai
ahead of it crushing the woodwork adi
iike tinder anil resting on top of the
seats, while every passenger iu the from
car lny dead and dyuig uudnrnoatli
But four people came out of that out
alive. On top of the seoond car lay tht
third. The only light wus tho light o
the buruimr bridge and with so much oi
its aid about 50 uninjured men wont t
work to subdue the Humes. For fou:
hours they
And for four hours victory hung i;
the balance. Earth was the only weapo,
wiOi-wtiisli the itro ooalfl be"foilght, An"
there was no pick or shovel to dig it up
no basket or barrel to carry it in, so the
desperately dug their fiagers down ii
the earth, which a long drouth had bak
ed as bard as stone, and heaped the pre
cioushandfuls thus hardly won upoi
the CTioroachiug flamts, and with thi?
earthwork, built handful by handful,
they kept baok the fire. While this w-as
going on the other brave men crept un
derneath the wrecked cars beneath tht
fire and the wooden bars whiuh hold
pristjpers so many precious lives, am"
with pieces of boards sometimes in theii
hands beat back the flames when the)
Hashed alongside of some unfortunate
who was pinned down by a beam, ami
looked as if his death by fire looked cer
tain. While the tight was thus going on
the ears of the workers were filled witl.
Kates on Wnnl.
A dispatch from Washington to
Oregonian says: Aycrs & Fell, of Ca"
Ue Kock and Arlington, Oregon, tvool
JIM commission mereliuntH, oomplam
in.1; '-.v, ijj-
tion company seoretly, and without th'
ten days' notice required by the inter
state commerce act, put in effect a new
classification and greatly increased tar
iff, which oauses front loss to petition
ers, their eastern correspondents, wool
producers and dealers generally, .barge
iiuantities ot wool, it is saitl, liavo been
bargained for and purchased at prices
which would not have boen pani nail,
flight rates been known. The new
classification makes no distinction be
tween wool in sacks and in bales, which
operates, it is oharged, as a discrimina
tion against petitioners presses.
The new tann is said to bear date of
May 15, aud purports to go into effect
May 25, but as a matter of fact it is
charged that the tariff was not printed
till May 23, aud was uot pittied or in any
way made known to shippers until June
ConiplrjrBntg plaij the amount of
their iW.mge at H55UUU. They petition
for rtW'esa. This complaint is accompa
nied by a petition bearing the signature
of 37 firms and individuals, each control-
lingbetween UK) and 1WX) sheep, asking
for speedy aotinn upon, the complaint.
declaring thoir familiarity with the facts
set forth, und their opinion that discrim
inations are disadvantageous to the en
tire wool growing interest of Eastern
Ou tlio Warpath.
Dispatches from Colorado sny that
the White river Utes are again in war
paint. The lBt grnud jury indicted two
Celorow bucks for horse stealing, lhree
r four davs since Sheriff Kendall with
a small posse of men started fojg tho
White river country to arrest tha tw
bucks, who with a number of this band
if rer gade ludians, were camped in the
vieinny of Meeker, close to the scene of
tho Meiker massacre of 1M71). This
morning a Conner Trom there arrived m
town with a gMpiiaitiou from the mayor
iif Meeker on the mayor of Gieuwood
Sprints for arms and ammunition. Scv
oral men with about 41)
itarted at once. The cot
that tho sheriff and poRse i
Indian oninp nnd (intruir
Ir'ow ciSuI Oolorow.
Trott I
13 v V
toy viimu
,1 1 a wees or iwo.i
quite the style for
a week or two for
ountai.is during the
n is eir'.aituy an m-
praotice. if
lall brnak tho mouot-
onj of housekeepi, and probably save
a doctor e bill, ltt ill oe healthy to
both body and mi. to leave the cares
of home and busuti behind, to drink
the fine mountaineer, feast the eyes on
waving trees, greejerua aud beautiful
wild Mowers, tje is on the gurgling
melodies of rippg brooks and the
stouiaii on fresh tut and tender grouse.
.no maer ii you iget a uiue dirty anu
sunburnt. The sburu will wear oil
tud the dirt you h wash off. Upon
your return joiiul enter upon the
routine duties ot ) with more zest, and
will have had a feasant trip to thiuk
about. It will pun a hundred differ
ent ways. f
Mncu of tbo'gjiionr of the famoup
Ico Caves iu thit-giou of Trout lake
seems to be dispearing, if indeed i;
was ever more vderful thau it is at
present, aud we se reason to believt
hat it was. lhitsa of finding perpet
ual ice from ten 1 twenty feet below
the surface of thri'ound, is of course a
thing of wondered we presume that
early in the spni before any of the ice
uas melted, it is deed a grand sigaut.
But nt this timeiide frum the ice thai
covers the floor i ;i few icicles hang
ing from the cei?, aud a pyramid foui
or five foet higfthere the water hat
been dripping rough from overhead,
md the uatnraiterest that always at
taches to an imnse cave in the ground.
there is to us ming very inspiring in
the sight.
The White Hbon river is about the
ize of the Biglickitat, mid it has e
ailkv white nmrnnoe, aud almost its
cnuro source ees roaring aim puoiune
down over theiks between the almost
perpeudionlar Us, and for grauduui
far surpasses a;hing we saw.
Red fir predcuatus in the timber, bu'
we saw large aunts of white fir, som
yew, tiiir.arackjne maple, soft nuipl.
with leaves a f . broad, dog wood and
undergrowth aery descriptiun.
The falls of 9 White Salmon, just
above the bnd are a beautiful sight.
lomn of the finest fii
our lot t
Missing Mointitre.
This has been a dry season in Easters
Oregon, and it has retarded prosperity,
but the outlook for the agriculturist in
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and the southern
part of Miohigau and Wisconsin is
gloomy in the extreme. These localities
have been for months subject to a visi
tation of drouth for which a parallel can
not be found in many years. Imriug
tho past few weeks this state of things
has been intensified in the district men
tioned, and much injury to growing crops
has resulted. The destruction is not
uniform though. Where crops were
planted late in the season, the owners
will probably not realize the cost of
planting. Of necessary feed for live
stock there will be an appalling dearth,
and prices of milk, meat, butter, cheese
and other farm products may be export
ed to rise to an unpreceded height. The
effect for a year to come will be felt in
all quarters, in trade aud business, as
well as in agricultural districts. The
railroads win leel it; the grain will not
be there to ship, neither will fattened
stock be there to haul to the central mar
kets. Already farmers are disposing of
herds of half fattened swine, and even
horses aud oows are being disposed of at
25 per oent of their ordinary value. A
large burdea will fall upon the shoulders
of the people next year.
IndiKpeiiMilile to the Toilet
Darby's Prophylactic Fluid cures ohaf
ing, eruptions and inflamation of all
kinds; euros inflamed or sore eyes; re
lieves pains from bites or stings of in
sects and sore feet: destfovs all taint of
ipeispiruiion or VG'.7.V.-.yn -vM -r.itn.tbe.
and..'ir.Mj),Y, Jnrt .m. t sed as a dentifrice
it purities the breath; preserves the teeth
and oures toothache; sore gums aud
canker. A little of the Fluid in the
water used iu bathing is very refreshing
and especially beneficial to tho Sick.
Lot not the geod people of Hep
ner towu think for a moment that their
fire aud water questions are settled.
They are important issues, and will con
tinue to intrude themselves until they
are settled in some way. JJieie ques
tions should be fully discussed from all
points of tho oompaus, all parties keep-
mg iu view the bald-headed, common
sense fact that something should be
dono and some course marked out to in
sure the safety ef the town. The fire
fiend shows n mercy when he does
oomo, but a good supply of water and
lire apparatus toud to make hira a little
less of a ruthless destroyer. If a full
estsupply of running water for all purposes
cannot be had, let the matter of dlggiug
ft few big fire cisterns be looked into.
Lioonted in the business center of the
city they mightjjte the means of saving
the whols works when fierce names
were getting a start. Nothing will ever
be doue until Boiiiething is done, aud a
start shorhl besSlo before a tire gets
the advautago of the town's preseut de
fenceless position.
A l'ublic Necessity.
Tho question of giving the John Day
and Loug erwik settlers a short aud di
rect road to Ileppner, and at the same
time opening up to settlement theexten
sive scope of country iu the southeastern
part of Morrow county, is getting into
proper eliape to soon beoume a reality.
It will dijfelop much territory that is
novild and unused, will create a great
ileal of taxable pnierty, will furnish
homes for many people, and will be pro
ductive of good all around. The Hepp
ner board of trade is now giving the
matter its proper attention, aud the
county court will take action aj,its next
session, Sept. 5. The proposed road is a
public ueuessity, and is bound to be put
through. .
lVath of a rionr.
O. II. TTallook, a pioneer of the ITcpp
ner country, died at his home in Hep
ner Monday. He was (3 years of age
and a native of Now York state!3 The
ii!sdtlf laBsSsi6sd: ulor the
auspices of the Heppner Masauio lodge,
and was largely attondui by friends aud
Men, the anguished entreaties of thosf
whose death seemed certain unless tht
terrible blaze eould be extinguished, and
the cries of those too badly hurt to careS
in what manner tho end were brought
about the sooner they were out of pain,
was touching. Many of them dng xi
the earth with their hands, reckless ol
the blood streaming out from their bro
ken finger nails, heaping it up in litth
mounds, while all the time came the
heartrending cries: "for (rod's sake don't
let us burn to death!" But finally the
victory was won.
After four hours of endeavor and as itf
last spark died away a light oame up in
the east to tube its place and dawn came
on a scene of horror. V hile the tight
had been going, men hud been dying
and there were uot so many wouuded to
take out of the wreck as'there had been
four hours before. Iu the meniitimi
tho oountry had been aroused. Help
had come from vhatsworta, iorest and
Piper City. As tho dead were laid
alongside of each other out in the corn
field there wero ready hands to take
them to Chat-sworth, while some of the
wounded wero takeu to Piper City.
Was the awful pile of the doad, while
the wouuded numbers four yhwa that
number. The full n timber of the dead
can't be told for days. The town of
Chatsworth whs turned into a morgue.
The towu hall, the engine house and de
pot were all full of dead bodies, while
every house iu tha little village had its
quota of the wounded. There were over
100 corpses lying in the extemporized
dead house. Every man and womau
wore turned into amateur but zealous
nurses. Over in the lumber yard the
noise of hammers and saws rar.g out in
jp!biiatt:tiftflhd the busy carpenters were
To carry to their homes the dead bodiea
of the excursionists who 12 hours before
had left their homes full of pleasurable
expectations of the enjoyments they were
going to have during the vacation begun.
Mothers, hnsbauds, brothers, sisters,
wives, children, tearfully inspected each
face as it was uncovered, and sighed as
the features were unknown to them, or
eried out in ancuish when the well
known face, mangled, bnt yet recogniza
ble, was nuoovered. The entire capaci
ty of the village was taxed, and kind
hearted women druve in for miles around
to give their gentle aid to the sufferers.
The latest is that two men are under
arrest oharged with setting lire to tho
ooclvb Horn cLuul Oolorow. Jae ul.l lefl
ogade refused to surrender thorn to the
sheriff or allow them to be urrested,
wearing by his forefathers that "we
lieap big Injun; own whole count ?
lamn snerilt; damn law; damn white
man ; ue arrest Injun." They began fir
ing on the sJierilTB men and the lire was
returned, killing one Indian. The In
Jiaus retired to the brush and kept up
tho firing and shooting at every one in
light. They are now gathering thoir
whole band together, which consists of
)0 or 60 warriors. They havo sent to the
igncy for more of these renegades who
will join them if they are not prevented
Trouble of a serious nature is feared, at
Celorow ia threatening destruction and
to go on the warpath.
The latest from the front is that a bat
tle has been fought, five Indians killed,
ind that they ask for a 15-day truce to
pack their wouuded back to the ngeuoy.
lit wJVed t'veh
V I -mT flint ifWir beeu
it'iwu 'LJ't n
Steers Wanted.
Anyone liaviug some three and fonr-
year-old steers Jfs sell can find a cash
customer by applying to the .Newton
Ranch Co., near Heppner.
The Pioneer Hotel,
Mam Street, Heppner, has been re
opened by Mr. Henry Bniith, who will
accommodate guests at the following
rates: Meals, 25 ceuts; beds, 25 aud 50
cents. The house has been refitted aud
refurnished throughout, aud will be
conducted in first-cliiss aaunor.
Heppner iS Illarkiniin's Locals.
Must complete assortment of wall pa
per, borders and ceilinjriiniueuts just
arriving at Heppner & J)lackmn'H.
Chew Heppner k Blackmau's now
brand of big ring. Five pings for two
Whon l?by wm sick, we ve lior Cutorta,
When Bh was Child, she criod for CaAtoria,
When sho became Missj she clung to Castoria,
When ahe had Children, the gare them Castoria,
Planing and Chop Mill
Giant Powder.
A San Francisco dispatch of tho 11th
says: An explosion oourred at tht
works of the Jilukely Giant Powdei
company, located in West Berkeley, op
posite this city, at 1:45 this afternoon.
The shock was of such force ns to severe
ly shake all the large buddings of the
Jity, and to oronto an impresniou that an
earthquake had occurred. The tirtit re
port from tho scene of tha explosion
stated that thirty chinimen employed
about the works hftd b:en killed. As an
illustration of tho foroo of the explosion
it is only Deeessary to mention that
windows were shattered along the entire
battery front of this city, with interven
ing spaces of six miles from the scone ol
the explosion across tho bay. A number
of large panes of glass were broken in
business blocks five blocks from thewat
er front, and the budi;g themselves
were sharply rockod. A seooud explos
ion occurred a few moments after the
first one, caused, as it is supposed, by
the explosion of tho storage house ad
ioiuiug the powder works proper The
foree of the explosion was such as to
destroy temporarily all telegraphic com
munication with the city.
Children Cruelly Crushed. '
Saturday Mr. Jackwith started out- of
Portland, having in his wagon four chil
dren. When about il'j unies out on the
Jefferson streft road he got out of his
wagon, allowing the children to drive,
and walked along with D. M. Gu!t, who
wIJi behind with a loud of bBy. At this
point a fire on the steep hillside was
burning amoug the trees, brush and fall
en logs for the purposo of cleaning the
land. Suddenly and without warning, a
burning tree toppled over and fell in
front of the wagon containing the chil
dren, aud a large limb fell among them,
seriously injuring two of the ooenpnuts
of the wagon. Herbert Humphrey, on
lad of 11 years, was strj,fi across' the
hea.l and several scalp vCjads inflicted.
He was unconscious for several hours.
His sister. May, aged 13 years, was
struck on her spinrd column, ;d her
side and lower limbs paralyzed. It is
feared that the uaralrstj of the vottni'
girl may be permanent, aaJffo render
ed a cripple for life.
A two-week camp-meeting betins to
3iv on Straw fork. $x miltitom Fossil.
1 I I -ji III HI I I J. i , ... i
The wheat market is at a standstill in
San Francisco, "with a downward ten
dency. At alia Walla price suenie to
be down to about 43 cents, cq J
Anion,?the?s, death overtook SeuatoPj
Sargent of California the pat week. I
It is tlught that the above amount
will iiIhuu Cover the loss by the fire nt
Pittsburg. Ta., Friday night. The fire
originated in the carpet store of "L.
Holtzniaii whore a small party of gentle
men were(j)ting in the upholstering de
partment. iiea one of tlitm lighted a t?
grtr and thoughtlessly threw the match
into a wat.te pa pi basket, and in a few
moments the entire room was iu a blaze.
Effort were made to extinguish the
Hames, but the light material burned so
rapidly the lire w us soon beyond control.
of it aud tioitting
nL'lkere are but a few
.-iiilers aUmgthe White Salmon on thai
sip above th. falls; in fact the timber
is enerall Whick that there ib room
fo but few. Vie saw nly one snial.
bud of sheepon the trip, and that was
ofchis side ol the outlet, making it.
wt slowly bward Mt. Adams. Tht
shp are all back six or eight milei
fro the s jtleoents, and so far bb we
ha hoard, peine and, qu't prevail.
lie late frostuipped the wild black
beiy crop this snason, but we noticed a
nu ber of Indians heading for the huck
lebry patch, and we presume they an
notnjmed. Six miles from Gilmor wi
can in sight of Camas prairie, and
froiNoah Chapman's at the head of the
praio to Mr. H. F. Troll's at the foot,
lonisix or Keren miles distant, and
fronoue to two miles wido the country
is o solid meiu'.ow, upon which wild
grass and timothy grow iu profusiA
mill varv hpni ia full
Credit lit Home, Cash Ahroail.
Tt Goldendale Sentinel says: Some
of en merchants are complaining, and
with ausistency, that they are treated
badl.tiy a class of our citizens who
ooniau thera for accommodations when
they live no money, and when they get
a lilt! ready money, instead or paying
up thir bills, which in many instances,
are vry old, vi spending their ready
monejwhere they get their oredit, they
seuu i a way to some loreign estaunsii
ment,flcaii3e tuey can get goods a few
cents nenper; to an establishment that
they Tinld not think of Bskiug for two
cents f credit for two hours. It must
be bono iu mind that our local mer
chant could sell much eliwiper if their
cnst(crH were as prompt m paying
them he cash as they aio iu sending it
to foiign companies. Again, they con
sistesly urge, that while foreign estab
lishnWua may send certain goods to this
entity fur a little Ums price than they
can ifford to sell, it is to the merchants
of til 1( and not to outsiders, that
the 1'jaL'of thin ouuntv appeal when
ft'. or cbintablu 'pursues of Q kinds.
Tlie rigjtthinkiiio porsuu will see that
thera is Kore iu this question than the
more prbi of goods.
Rough and Dressed Lumher, Sh in
tjles, Moldings and all Kinds of
Building Material Constantly on
Chopping Done and Lumber Drowsed on
Short Notioe.
There are no flies on the 'Fact that an
of No. i Hardware
i-rwTival'nu'ar ImilemonihM.
And Everything in that line of Goods
are Kept by
: : : OREGO
Your Goods
w pi e mi; you
gffii Buy .the6 Cheapest!
. -
We have now ou hand a completo stock of staple and fancy goods, which
were bought at lowest possible prices for good goods, aud which we now offer onr
oustomors at bedrock prices. Buying for cash and selling for cash enables us to
u business ou a small margin.
A f-sh stock of grooeries always on band.
Cash Boot and Shoe Store-
Having just received a large nnd complete stock of first-class
Boots and Shoes, I uiu now prepared to f urnieh any article in tnat
line at fair prices.
I will continue to do custom work and repairing, aa usual.
J. A. W. Coffey,
A full Assortment of
Watches, Clocks and
Main St. HeppTier, Ogn.
lWZ done.
SHELF HAEDWAJIE, Bird-Cngee, Hope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood
and Willow "Ware, Granite Ware, Etc.
(Succeesors to OTIS PATTERSON
J. B.
year Condoii.
5jMvnnns Cobb, Jr., writes ns follows
t) the Arlingtoa Times: The harvest is
ahout over, hands s'.n ce. Many have
left, staking work abroad, aud so left
few to do the work at home. Hay is
nearly a'l bought np at a higher price
than that of last y fr. The spring crop
is much poorer th .n expected. Potatoes
are not good in some localities, on ao
ontit of tho late frosts. There is a gen
eral complaint of timlier seeds not com
ing up this season: trees will no in de
ma'id. Nothing much can be done with
hay as long as the heavy wind blows, and
stacks in.t protected are diminishing,
Hon. O. II. predict a very culd winter,
"an old cow killer.'' Stockmen general
ly are preparing fur it as tl ere is more
money iu hay than in hid' nn.Jspeitsso 1
Tin's Mill haa hven Enhir-jeil und Tin-pnn-ed.
and trill be still further
enlarged in the near future.
The Flour and Feed manufactured
will be of the best possible quality, and
warranted in e'.vry respect.
Flour and Millfeed is nw on sale in
quantities to suit purchasers.
Pumps, Gas Pipe,
Nails, Etc., Etc,
i ' j.
S. Pouter,
Dim :
: : Pkopmetok
In the Leeezer tt Thompson Luildivg, Mctin Street, Iltppner.
Say, Sheepmen !
The Wahinetn V.'ilt.
The n-irtality tirnn,' the very - young
nn 1 very old, in Washington has b
very great ana mti ennauceu ny uie i.-r-
isjri'i'ijii,iMs,'' lnf 'l,nr weeks. The
tvn hiiucumb 'ifiwi'st, for out of a
lis-t of eight denths in one dny -vti Ai'JWe
were infsnts n:nlcr one tear. IhsTe ""'
no prospect of relief, either, for the jiin
continues to shine with iiualmted vigor
and the frequent showers brins no
change of trriperiihire. Under sfjj a
ftress i it iiupusaibid not to talk about
the weather. eta A
0 W O O L !
wsM Malts
Are now in the field to
Make Cash Advances
rLprcf-eiiteil oy
Minor, Dodson & Co.
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Cigars,
Sheet Music, Harmonicas, iovels,
Shoulder Braces Toilet Arti- 0
cles, Perfujncry, Notions,
etc., etc. O
Prpsrriptions Carefully Compoundod, Dny or Night, and Enpecial
Attention Paid to Family Koeipes. 1
Iufseiirance and all -kinds of Land
Business at Hcpp. Gazette Shop!
Save your Snhtfavee from the Destroying Angel Inf kerping vir Projierty well
InKiired. 1 ou can t njjora ro an orneru-we. mr niirn uunn jnTr
Tetent the Oregon lire and Marine, thelltrmbvry-lJrrmen and ottwr firii-
jftns worth
Z7mi Street
Bank Building,
l'ori.jnd, Orcgvn.
T. 9-
rtrtHft. pn-nipU"n and tiinhwr-culturi bliiir
fe'tnl proof. tor.rtidact einti. nikwot moru
,uM, diwdii, Ihuim, n'V. iwrrwmnt. tc. ami
niAnii In nv iind "3m.il ur Duuri bujtiKii.
I- tt. J3. n....
A Ciir-limit of Fine Htallloui. ,
Jesse Harris will be in the Lone KoJj
country with a car-load of Clydesdales
and Clvoland Bay utalliona. alxjuttlif
last of March. Persone wishing to buy
these fine stallioreioan apply atSSSHer k
n ritjm s iiorou miitu.
ems isa si