Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, December 03, 1885, Image 4

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Hill Ny.'s Calm anil Impartial Kevlew
v of m Gore Loving King;.
Boston CH jIx?.
O-wje m was lxjrn Iu E l-Wanl June 4,
17. and ran for ki.ij iu 17). He was a
on of Frederick. IYinc-a of Wales, and halJ
the oUii of king fr sixty years.
He was a natural bom king and su;cMd"d
hi granlfatliT Ooorgc II. Ixxik as ymi
vrill a.lown the Ion;; p9 of English his
tory and you will not fa I to notice the
scarcity of self-made kings. How few of
Itacin were poor boys and bad to skin alunj
f r years with no mony, no influential
friends and no fun. Ah, litJo doci the
English king know of hard tune an 1 rarry
ing two or llir-"i barrels of water fi?a tired
elephant in cider U"t be may get into tua
afternoon performance witbout momy.
Whea he guts lired of being prireo, all he
bas to do is just to be king all dnv at good
wngas, and then at night take off hU bi,:h
priced crown, ban; it up ou the hat-rack,
put on a soft lint and take In the town.
Abovt to take in the town.
George IIl"qtiit being prince at the age of
2J years and began to hold down the English
throne. He wotild retrrn along for a few
yoars, taking it kind of quiet, and then all
at once he would declare war and pick out
some people to go abroad and lenvo their
skeletons on some foroign fehore. That was
George's favorite amusement. He got up
the Spanish war in two years after he
clome tha throne; than ho had an American
revolution, a Fr.iueh revolution, an Irish
rebellion and a Napoleonic w ar. Ho dearly
loved carnage if it could be prepared on a
foroign strand. George al wnys wanted im
ported carnage even if it eaine bi;;hor. It
v as in 1705 and early in George r.)i that
tbo American sttimp act paisod th3 legisla
ture and the Goddoss of Liberty began to
kick over the dasltboard.
George was different from most Enjlifb
kings morally. When he sp.it on his hand
andgraspcd the soeptor he took his scruples
v 1th him right onto the throne. He was
p it talked sboufJhalf so much as other kings
Wore or since his tinmNmo o'clock mini
tiwoys found George in ba.1, with his soepter
finder the window sash, so that he could
pave plenty of fresh air. As it got along
toward 6 o'olooic he would call the hired
girl, tell her to spread a linen lap-robe ou
the throne till morning, issue a royal uk ose
directing bar to turn out the cut, and In-
tier behind the royal rtova in the council
chamber, then he would wind the clock and
fOtire. Early In the morning George would
bo op and dressed, have all his chores done,
and the Uirono dusted off ready tor another
hard days reign.
George III is the party referred to in the
declaration of independence as the present
ting of Great "Britain, and of whom many
bittor personal remarks werd made by Amer
ican nftrrtntji On, flits ita ha iri.tnr
Oaurge warn not highly eeu'emeu. If he
had come over here to spend the rammer
with friends in Boston, during the days of
the stamp act excitement, ha could! have
gone home packed in ice, no doubt, and
tdth a Swiss sunsot under each eye.
George's mind was always a little on the
1 his, and in 1810 be went crazy for the fifth
Mine. Always before that he had gone
right ahead with his nign,"whetbr he was
fry or not, but with the fifth attack of
Insanity, coupled with suggestion of the
t rain and blind staggers, it was docided to
tie hint up in the barn and let some one else
leiirn awhile. The bidtoriun says that blind
ness suoceeded this attack, and in 1N.I1 the
tVince of Wales became regent
George III diel at Windsor in 1820 witi.
the consent of a joint committee of both
bouses of congress, nt the age of 83 years,
lis mads the kingmt run as king, without
stopping for feed or water, of any monarch
in Euel 8h history, fiiity years is a long
time to lie a monarch and look under the
bed $ury night for a Nihilist loaded with a
To b a monarch and look under the Ovd
erery night-,
cut-glasi txiniband Paris green. Bixty years
' qulrr TrfrWI '"Jorkyt'.c.-,,, . M.i'..
in hope mfc on ttj r;gut side politically
air the lime.
George was of an inventive turn of mind,
and nsbd Ui be moukcyitig with some kind
of a patent evenings after he hiul poeled his
royal robes. Most of bis putenU related to
land, however, and some of the most suo
Cussful soil In Massachusetts was patented
by George.
He was always try'ng torn scheme to
make pila of money easy, so that he
wouldn't -have to work; but he died poor
and ctriV at lait, in EngHud. He wai not
very smart, but he attended to Imsiness all
the time, and did not get up much of a rep
utation as a moral leper. He said that as
King ox itreat unuitu au.i general supriu
ten lent of Cork h did uot aim to fliake
UHicli unise, bat he desired to attract uni
versal attention by bein; so moral that he
would be regarded aa ea-ontric by other
crowned bsads. Bill Nye.
What It J lulled.
Chicago Trfbune.1
"Ton don't nnwn to say that you wish
your wife would turn into a pillar of saltf
'N.,t my . -t.lv lint "
"Hut whall"
"1 wish she wasn't quite so peppery.
BatiafMctorv Keaulta?
rlerical-looking gentlemen (to boy) My
little man, can you direct me to the camp
ni.'tiu I
Lutle boy (in great haste) Yessir. It's
joat on de odder side of de bill.
lleulleuian Ah, thanks. I suppose the
atteudaace is large and the result satis
factory f
Little boy (with cntbiniasm) Tesslr, de
ruh Is wery satisfactory. Me fadler
tapped a kag o' beer j wt outside de grinm's,
an' sold it in lest'n an hour. Pm goua' fsr
au otider ka '
pi ' jfi 7 "
F &5 k s W "
Free fr jlnUsst Jfaictics a rut J'vijon.
a r
AT Dt.V'Hm A j II XitM.
LTK.tK.?i. Via!
f K Ma;r.'Jti5
P Cures Sheumatism, Hcuralnis,
Ain Ita'l.a-k r.jcl-wS. TwilwfUr,
tub CNtiara A. tohU.uk khi,thKe.iiu.
Ffi'U Yard at lrfxiii!;tiin.
I have opened np my feed yard at Lex
ington, and am now folly prepared to
feed and stitltle all tbe horses that may
coma. I'ieuty of haj ,-,b'raiu and careful
attention. I Tux CnoiT.
Fino stock of frSit nans, lard-cans and
njki'ids of cans at Leezer & Brings'.
$'jri Reward Strayed or Stolen.
From seven miles east of Weston, two
sorrel geldings branded two lmrs on left
shoulder and O on top of It on rilit
shoulder (Itndio's brand on John Day).
They are ahuiit 1-t hands high, light-sorrel
iu color, one has giuall white spot iu
forehead. Six years old and slightly
harness-marked. Deliver to Kev. K. CI.
Oglesby, Weston. J. B. Cuajibehlain.
-Vdealers in(-
Hardware, Tiiiwp, Stoves, Ranges, Cullcry,
Keep Constnutly
:::::: STOVES ::
11" "
Nails of ATI Rinds, Iron and Wooden rumps, and Eolts of Ajj
Sizes. O
)aoent foe(
The Celebrated Bufor Plow. m
The Gilmore 'Hofise
Pirst-class accommodations and convenient to
railroad station.
Heppner City Brewery.
''TlLrlYKiiTcTiiTnlirclinsod IU6 latest Brewing Appnrntus and
utenmln, I hiii eiiftViled with my cold soft-water upring,
ray doep, cooj btotie-cellnr nud the fresh, pure
atiiiowtjkei'e of the Heppner Kills, to offer
my customers a
At reasonable wholesale and retail rates.
Lunches of All Kinds
Tarties in the country must rJ'ina empty kega, or !?G p.piece
will bo charged.
J. B. NATTER, Proprietor.
Saddle and Harness Taker,
Main Street,
Keeps oonily on Laud a full assortment of
Harney, Bridles, Whips, Saddles, Collars S.,
. In short eTerythinit in mj line. All work in my line made to ord.T, and from the best Santa
C'nu and BtockUin leather.
0 .
piM !ip?a atka
p I UfflV t tmigue coaled white or
eovried with a brown fur ; pni:i in the back, sides,
or joint often tnixtsken fur Kheum-ti-m ; sonr
stomach ; Lisa of appetite ; sometimes nausea
and waterbrcuih, or indigestion; flatulency 2nd
acid eructations; bnwek alternately costive and
lax; hvadiictie; loss of memory, with a painful
tensatkm of having failed to d.) something whi.-lt
ought to hr.v.; been dor: flfbllity J low spirits;
a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyea;
a dry cousrt ; fever ; rculessness ; the urine is scanty
and high-cclured, and, if allowed to starrfl, deposits
a sediment.
Is (pwrally usetl in the Swth to mroifc tht
TorpM Liver to healthy action.
It acts with extraordinary cCicacy en the
Const I pntlnn, K'lioti.icsii,
Sick Headache, Jaundice.
V' 'ollc.
Menial Ieprer.lon( Itovrol CumtlaintA.
j:tc., i:tc, i-ic.
Endorsed by the use of 7 Mill ion of Bottles, as
For Clillttreo, for Adulta. and for the Aged.
J. h. zeilTsT& CO.,
Ileppuer, Lone llock and Antelope
Stage Line!
Sigeiust & Glasco, PKoriUETor.s.
Leave Heppuer at 6:30 a. m. Fridays.
Leave Antelope Tuesday noous.
Carryinp; the U. S. mails, passengers
and p.iekaKes.
a Full Stock of
SHELF IT ATM nv A in'. sr-i
Best Brands of Cigars.
Alkali, Oregon.
fffiOIgp D5SEAS2
Artcna Ward 'a fllnon.
Iu jrn Word IiJuJsJ me a pa of i4mia
Doa to lux perforoajce, IrauieJ in his own
C Admit :
; . to Re..ervHl B-ats :
kOt. JitjuiliS. LL. D., :
'.m -T, A:sD KBItNDS. !
. i im i ss to be joqJ Uut d one of w dies. :
. Tuo Vs:.er h0 takes it up will l:
. sup.-rs3j&l. aod a more CutuicrvaUve :
. man eppo,ntej in his plara. - :
: ARTEltrrS WAKD. '.
The la;t tima I Qjel this pass recurs to mo
as i write. Th ..irrht iq
raow, sia-.h an 1 borjal blasts. Within tbe
hall was crowJc I, and the roar that went
up npoa each of tha well-worn wit icis.ni
comnetjl vr.tta hu "Pan-.ramio Cjmiaen-
tar" wa- q.ilt diabohcal.
oee.njma at tin door, Artermw poin'ed
over riis lett shojliL-e. which I un lcr
stood wa3 an lavhatioa to sfep behind the
enrtain. He was near that point in th
loct.ure wjere the m ion in the p.inorams
be-ins to wobblo. I kaew what was com
ing. Tao enat.c luminary for a fe w aocoruls
spun around liks a top, displaying Its f rui'
quorWrs with a ramdiy that would have
(lone creJit to the novea moouj of Saiura.
Thun with aa olistiuats yaw it assumed a
posiuoa uevsr seen in the CiJestial hemis
phere, and stoprvd. Arlamiu had boaa
watchin;! It with a countona'Jro exprcsiva
Of prof ouadt annoyance. When tiie thin'
caawd its evolution; hi s'la icod at tae audi
ence as if aKking Jtbjir sympathy, and ex
plained "that lie wus na a.-Hi.Uiut abort that
Uight and woidd blibiired to solicit the in
dulgence of his tth w-.llo K-. i.,
moon." With thJJ;ii' disappeared, anl by
the tuns I gor rou,i tho wiagj he was s;t
tinpat a table hoflnag a bottle of raw spirits
and one glass. AfUir tbe hospitalities of the
occasion had beoa distieni he related to
ms"a long and circumstantial account of an
incident that occurrad the night before at
BprinKfla.d. As thi occupied some ton vniu
ures, the congregation, which had become
quite uproarious, was quictod from time to
time by his kn' citing with a haaimjr on the
machinery and j"iiing the disobedient
moon witifa string attached to it Bomg
thus rostd and refreshed, he turnod to tbe
plat (inn and tluishel his lecture, to the
bounJle-M satisfaction of his bearers.
MaHsachusetU I'mgresa,
Mnwachusetts seems to do more toward
pitting tho country into trouble and out of
it than any of her slsfe"n. She gives ua the
Pur. Ian as an offset to that row she got us
into with England about a hundred years
ago over some tea that iras Jfjmped in her
harbor. She certainly does well in the slug
ging roil yacht buildi:j line, and wa think,
s g J3l Americans, that the Puritan iE going;
to distinguish herself. She is handicapped
witha name that is enough to hold anything
back. A fast Puritan I
Were the Puritans In charge of affairs to
day they would have the owners of the
yacht publicly whipped for Indglgin-j in
such frivolous practloo and probably burn
the boat as a witch.
Origin of Hpflcetiaa.
lllaTpcr's Uaiar.l
Detroit Pininieroial AiWertlsor
"Philander,"' fid a pretty gud to hat
ita ful lienu, "I wiHh you'd tie this ribbon
at my throtc 1 can't see how to do it with
out a glr.n." Of toario, I'll only he too
prlad to, ' he sail, anl at once grappSfi (he
strings. Altor an umtioceful effort ot five
minutes, during wai h he jot as red as a
brick house and perjpire 1 liie a pitcher of
icewator on a July window. Ill, he stam
mered: "I I don't think I can tie a ro
spectahla knot, Mij Mary." "'Supposo,
Philander," she whupered, with a pretty
little blush, "suppowyou call in a preacher
to assist" Like the nnvei ling of a Ixuiuti
ful mystery the situition nnfoklsd itself to
Philander, and he f better now.
Tlia Yruiiff Idea.
lHarr's Bazar.)
Freddy had boon ropoaiedly told he must
not ask people (or iionay. One duy he m t
Mr. Williams, wbo could never resist an ap
peal from the small boy.
"Mr. Williams," said Freddy, "do you
ever give five centses to little boys what
don't ask for 'eiuf
He got the money,
Tha l'.lnlit Man Tnrn Vp.
Foreign Exchange. J
A man went into tbe country lust SHmdny
for a walk. He carried h'S overcoat on his
arm, but, 8ndinjr it burdensome, hung; it on
a fence. Taking a card from his pocket ho
wrote: "Do nut fcjtieb. this coat; infectod
with smallpix." He came back two hours
lator and fnund the card, up n which was
written, underneath his warning. "Tcaiiits
for tje coat; I've hwi the smallpox."
Wliere lfrnnranoe Is III 1m.
ThllaiVlphia Pr-.1
An Iowa jude has dtcdil that a man Is
in duty bound to toll his wife wbtre ha
spends the evening when he is a way from
hum This decision is all right to a cert un
extant, bi. suppow thj man dnesu't kno 1
Pattlnj His Foot In It.
(AlbinT Arjin.
"Tho oiler thj burlesque acfrew erows
the higher she kicks," says Th Chrittian at
Work. Good grsci.a'i! How i.i a relig
lous editor ever losri!j!-sE?S:t!i
ObJeU to a rhrl-tfun flctkAiid.
fBonton Olobe 1 !
I Taxfl, tho .-heist, having tonted reFfoB PRIVTINO OP KVi:i!Y DESTRIPTION
Iiions his wife has sued for in?orca.
(. u-, his comanlics in bacouihif a "oi i
Pliippprs. Take Notice.
VTe are noxv better than ever prepared
to handle all freight and merchandise
consigned to our care, having ample
room in our lanje warehouse for iU full
protectKin af-rt.il whid and weather.
Vie civs prompt attention to all forward
ing and commiRsiun business at Alkali,
Eeppnar's natural shipping point.
When yon order pomls or marbinerv in
Portland, San Francisco or the East,
have them uiarhed care of H. & E.,
Alkali. Hkfpnek & Blackmak.
Farmora anil Stork men.
Any reader of the Gazette who sends
: n8 wiH receive the W iliamette Farmer
i '1,r whole year Leave your orders
at Gazettb office. Or any one who is a
! subscribco the GAZErrB eau have the
Gazettis and Farmer for 84- the regular
price being St .00 for thein both. This
offer is good for 60 days.
Of tiie per.ee, notaries and others
should romemlier ihat a stock of legal
blanks, notes, mortgages, deeds, eto., can
be found at the Gazette office, and any
blank rcqnired can be printed to order
at short notice.
Tlio Gazette office now contains n
large fire-proof unto in which to stow
nway laml-papers mid other valuable
.... r..rK to remember that yon
euu file or prove up ou your land at
Tire (Jazmtk olKce, Heppner, nud
ninlte a big saving on the operation.
A township is laid out as follows:
6 5 4 3 2 1
7 8 9 10 11 12
18 17 16 15 U 13 K1
S Land. r
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25
31 32 33 34 35 36
Asecfon is 1 mile sipmre, orV40 actea. A
townstup is 6 miles fcnuaro.
Grab early and avoid the rush.
Oregofl Railway and
Navigation Co.
RteRmejwill sail from Tortlai'd for San Fran.
Clievt-t-ve (lays, iu:d commencing 8ept. 1,
from Hhii Francisco for Portland every live days,
leaving Ainsworth dock. Portland, at midnight,
and Spear street wlyrf, B:in Fronaiaco, ut 1(1 L u.
Pnr.serger Tnun leaves Alkali r all poi.s
west ut 1 :SH a.m.
Pussnnger Train leaves Portland at S P. M.,
urriving at Alkali at 11:32 p. M.
pjisseimers for point on the N. P. It. H. change
cars at Wuliula Junction.
Pullman Palace Dmwing Kooni Blooping Cars
between PorJ.and and St. Paul.
C. H.
Pbescoit, V-uiHiier. m
J NO. J. TlYRNE, MoiW"
(ioiiT Pa-fnenifer find Ticket Agent.
John Hkuviob, Afnt, Alkali.
Lnnd Offine nt 1 Gmnrfn, Or., NoV. 5, '5.
Ntitict' im hnrfby give n thit the lloit-naincd
pettier ih.s hied Tioti-jg of Mh intention U mnke
fin.tl proof in PiippoiTof Inn clcim. and thatwud
procf will bfAiade before J. W. lt'dinrton. No
tary Tnblic at Heppuer, t)r., on Due. 1H, 1885, viz:
Fmnls H. Snow,
D. R. No. for tho HK Beef i. Tp S south, It
27, K. W. M. He nameH the following witneHPPH
to provo hm eoiititmoiis rrfidence niton, and
cultivation of fluid land, viz &m, NevillH, J), H.
Htnlter, J. T. Turks, it. H. Wiuteon, all of iJepp.
ncr, Oregon. A
1HH-13 8. O. Bwackhameb. Tegiflter.
Land Office at ThtI tiff's, Or., Nov. 5, VS.
Notion is hereby given b.at the following-named
netller has ftl-ni hi niee of intention to makn
final pniof in support of hip claim, and thnt said
proof will be madu lnfore the County Judge of
ftlorrow Co,, Or., at H-'ppner, Or., on Dec, ID,
1885, via:
Washinqton Williams
Hd No. 1972, for the Nli X Hen. 8, Tp t 8, U 25 K,
VV. M. He names the following witnoHnen to
provTf his con tm uouh renidcnce upon, and cul
tivation of. Raid land, viz: W.J. fileAtee. lavid
McAt NelBP MagnuHen, John Jjockanne, all of
HepprM", Oit'gon.
i;iH-w i!.. L. yMITH, Iteprieter.
Land Office at Lb (i mndo Or., Nov. 10, 'RS.
Notice is hereby given that the fnllt-wii
named settler has filed notice of hr intention to
make final proof iu support of her claim, and
that said proof will he made before J. W. Ked
ingtou, Notary at Heppner, Or., ou Dec. 2tt, ltiri,
Mary C. Hale,
D. 8. No. R511, for the W '4 N W i NK hi NW
N W U NK h Sec. 24. Tp US. K 27, K. YY. M. She
name tlte following witnesses to prove her oon
tinnous residence npoi,and cultivation of. s:iid
land, viz: D. K, Jayne, J. C. Kail, W. D. Crank,
Frank Hale, all of Heppner, Or,
1HW-44 t. Swackham Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., )
Nov. 17, lH?-r. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
name! wettler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final jtroof in support of his claim, and
thnt said proof will be made brfore J. W, Kod
inirton, NoUuy at Heppner, Or., on Jaiiimrr 9.
Charles W, Fntes.
D. 8. No. SVm. fur the NW Sec. lo, Tp I ??, n
2rt K. W . M
names me roiiowinw witnew
lo prove ins coiitmuouH resnr nee np:i
tivniion of, said land, viz: TowNrwnd
Hfid Mathews.
L. Kimberly, T. K. Wood, L. B. Wood, all of Ac
ton, Or. lolt-44 E. L. Smith, Register.
A boolc of inn riMrpo.
Tliu b Ht book tor an
fitfur to con
no exiierl.
fir itlrii'rwiBfl.
Itc.iiiUiiiifl liaihil iiuwspnpcrHnnd V8limates
of the coat of advertinii.fr. UliPartvertiwr who
wants to spend one dollar, fiii'lt in it the in.
forimtion he requires, inlc fn him who will
invest one hnmlred tliouannri dollars in ad
vcrtiMin(r. a si bi me is Indicated which will
meet his every requirement, or am be made
to do o by tlighi ckar,it) nii arrived at by cor
retponrtenre. 149 ediiions have been ls-ue.l.
Pent. port-pnid. to any addren, for lo cents.
Write to UEO. Y. ItOWfcLL CO.,
(lOBjiruoe St. Printing House Sq ), fcew Vork.
The ni TEna' GFTDK U
tMaed Hutk and Htpufi
i cb yrar. Mr SIS paicra,
y x 11U tnchea,wth over
' 3.SOO Uluatratlona a
whole Picture Gallery.
CIVK8 Wnoleaal Price
direet to txmumre on all groode foi
penonal or family use. Tell, kio w to
order, and give exact eoet of every
thing yon aw, eat, drink, wear, or
haveron wttU. Thee IVVALIAULK
BOOKS contain Information frleaned
from the market of the world. "Wm
will mall a copy FREE to any ad
drea upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
expense of mailing. Let u hear from
yon. Respectfully, '
827 dk 229 Wabash Aveaae, t aiemm 111
2T a? oo U ibuh Aveaaa. hlcan. Hi-
. ,
ex!iiiinm neatness ma nilrti at thej
(IsTette office. UHrs fmra . distance pmmptlr
lAhd Tiling done and arreted.
I w alia Walla People 9 0
Who are branching out and founding
I new homes through the Heppner Hills
j country should keep posted n -what is
I miini? on arnund tlieir nld town bv sub-
sfribing for the Walla Walla Weekly
St-itesuian, published by F. J. Parker at
83 n year. Orders may lie left nt the
Gazette office.
Prove np at Heppner Gazette office.
Ijnnd Office at Thelhllleo. (r40rt. 31. 'M.
Notice is herehy fnveu that the followinir
nml mttler has tiled notice of his intention lo
niHke tir-iil pni-if in supiwirt of his chtim, nd
that anid proof will lie mmle bi'fore H. B. !
Fevre, iulnrj at Lone Hock, Or., on Deo. 11, lKtw,
M. Colby Clnrk,
Prn-emitinn No. 4V.'7, for the SW H EW. 29, Tp 5
S, K U t, W. M. lie imnirs the following wit
neKwH to irive liin conlmiious residence ujhhi,
and rnllivRtiun of. wml land, via: II. (i. Kohin
son, '. L. Sweerey. l'rank Hwfenry. of li4ine
HiH-k.-Ck .; F. H. Hanldinir. of lioct Vullny. Or.
nft-ir K. L. Smith, lh-uistcr.
Land Ofilre at Thp Dalles. Or.. Oct. 50. W.
Notice it hereby uiren thnt thefolhtwiiiK-nained
settler has tilHl notice of his intention to nmire
hnnl proof in aupiiort if hip clriiin. and tlmt said
proof will be made before J. V. Ihslinton. No
tary Public at Heppner, Or., on Dec. 5, lb83, ra:
Jefferson D. Kirk,
rrp-emrtion 23.". for the NW U Sec. 26. Tp 1 S.
H K. VV. M, ile r.amcp the followinp witncaH-w
to prove hiFConttnmms nipiilenct' tiviou. ami col
tipntidn f. Huid hmd. viz: Wm. Dunoiil. W. (4.
HwiHer. Jamett I'wli, W. (i. IcCarty, all of
Heppner, Or. Wi-41 I.. Bmitu. Hosml
l.iml Office nt The Dulles, Or.. Oct. i, !.
Notice is lierebv piven tlutt the followinfr
ranied settler has hied notice of !sis intention tc
mnke final proof in purport of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before J. V. ltcd
inioii, Notary lit Heppuer, Or., on December 5,
IStj, viz:
Walter M. Kirk,
Prn-emrtion No. 4178, for Die NW W Ree. 81. Tp
1 8, It 31 K, W. M. lie names the following wit
nesHea to prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, vis: Wm. Durand.
V. O. SweeOer. James Ijeech, W.ft. Met 'arty, all
of Heppner, Or. StMl E. L. Smith, liegislrr.
Lard Office at The Dnllea. Or.. Oct. 2S, '85.
Notiee ia hert'lij'gLiven that the following-named
settlor has tiled nico of his int'ion to mnke
final proof in supportof his clniirr: mid thnt'said
proof will be made b?fore H. H. le Kevre, Notary
at Lone KiKk, Or., on Dec. 11, lHfti, vis:
Frank A. Stceeney, 9
UaPrej-mption No.2l. for the NE NW H two.
H V7, VgL, SW nud SK NW t Sec. 22, Tp 6 8, R
-fill, vV . M. He names the following witnessep
to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, vis: M. O. Clarke, (too. W.
Hoone, Htulie H. Clarke, of Lost Valley, Or.; Joh.
i. MoGee, of liardiuan, Or.
l.W-41 K. L. Rmith, ReKister.
Notice is liorpTiy mven thnt the folldwirm-
nHined BwtllBr ImHhttj notice til his in trillion to
mnke liintl prMf ijj nupport tf Win chtim, unci
tjj-it taid prt(f will he made before J. W.
Hniinton, Notary Public Rt Hevnier, Or., ou
Deo. 5, 1885, viz: w
Stoles Kirlc,
To commute homrptodJ No. 1111. t'nr the NE i
Heo. 2t. Tp 1 S. It 2ti KVV. . He i.amoa tl?e fol
lowing witnv'SHpR to y;rove his contuiuouN tohi-
aonce nion. una cniTiiiion or. 8;ud imid, viz
Wm. Dunind. W. O. KwTetner.
Chan. McBw, (J.
Smith. Reffiter.
McCnrty, ail of Heppner, Or.
135-41 IL L
Land Offiee at The Dalles. Or., Oct. 20. "85.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias filed notice of her intention to make
final proof in support of hor claim, and that said
proof will be made before W. W. Kennedy, No
tary Public at KoKsil, Or., tm Dec. 21, loMS, via:
Jawpf Johvxov,
PA-mption No. 2t)22, for the W K SW U Sec. 14.
and N H NW Bbo. 28, Tp 7 8, It 21 K. W. M.
If) lftimes the following witiiesHt- to prnvo his
continjijnir? rt:side;icvupon, mid cultivation of,
said lafd, viz: Wi W C)?lhy, A. J. Oglenby,
Wnyrie iiamiltnii, llalph Hamilton, all of FtaiHiJ,
Or. 18J-4-4 E. U HMITH, IlAt-r.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Nov. 4, '85.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named nettler has tiled notice of his intention to
imike final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Hcd
ii.gton, Ivtury at Heppner, Or., on Dec. Hi,
Christopher C. SfaytJei,,
Pre-emption No. for the NK of See. 8. Tp
4 H, It 25 fc, W. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous renidnm- ii,
and cnJtivation of, snid hind, viz: John Jeins,
Shannon (Jraham, J. W. Aildtxtt, W. Mcllee, all
of Kight ilile, Or.
1S8-4; K. L. Smith. Register.
3?asd Office at The Dalles, Or,, Nov. 4, '85.
Notice is hereby given that the foliowing
nnmed settler has film notice of his intention to
mmte final proof in support of his claim, and
that, said proof will be made before J. W. Ked
ington. Notary nt Heppner, Or., on December IM,
lW'i, via:
Frank S. Fairhnmt,
Pre-emption No. 2433. for the SK Sec. 28,Tp4 8
It 25 K, W. M. He names tiie following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, via: K. H. Cox, H. H. Glass
ford, II. Munjar, Jolm Hfidley, all of Hardman,
Or. 138-43 K. L. Smith, UegiHtr.
U. 8. Land Office The Dulles, Or., Nov. 23,
Complaint having been entered at this oi'ice by
Jacob!). Ambrose against Geo. It. H. Hnrd. for
abandoning his homestead entry No. 18H4. dated
Dec. 10, ls&, upon the M 4 NK it, K V HN1 8e.
S2. Tp 1 8, R lirt E. in Morrow county, Oregon,
with a view to the cancellation of snid entry; the
said parties nre hereby snmmoiied to apiwir
at this olhce on the Hth day of January, JKHil, at 1
o'clock 1. M when a decision will lie rendered,
to respond and furnish teetimony concerning
said alleged abandonment. J. V. Keftington,
Notary nt Heppner, is authorized to take depo
sitions in above ca.se on Jan. 2, IHsti, at 10 A. M.
K. Li. fcsMlTH, Register.
C. N. TnnBNBtTRY, Receivor. 14(Wl
Land Office at The DhIIos. Or., Nov. IS, '85.
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settler hat filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said pre of will be nmue beforo J. W. Rcdingtou.
Notiuy at Heppner, Or., on Dee. 2t), lWw, viz:
WrH Hi:Ul 1.iTt.f XL KW is. W U. Ml.1 U 10
Tp i H. k Vi K, W. M. lie names tho following
witnesses to prove hid continuous residence
M"n. pwltivfiitn of, Kid lnnd, ris: Frank
fnlliiiin. A. K. WriBht, Ohnrles Kirk, of lleppuur;
Frank FarreuB, o Hai'dmnn, Or.
1. L. Smitii, Register.
tiand Office at Th Da lien. Or., Nov. IS, '(tt.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of Win claim, nud that said
proof will bo m.-.de before County Judge of Mor
row Co., at Heppiier. Or., on Iec. iM, 188.1, viz:
Jan,ei L, Love.
HomMtepd No. rjr5. for the NW h Hv. 24. Tp 2
N, R Jo K, W. M. lie naimw the following wiU
nosseK to prove Ins continuous residence mnm,
and cultivRiion of, paid land, viz: lister Mc
Kray, Moh -h Fasjey. of Alpine; Murray Koonti,
Doc KoontK, of Atwood, Or.
l.W-44 K. fi. Smtth. RefTBter.
land Olfice at I Grande. Or.. Nov. 10, '8.
Notice is her-'by givei that thefollowirlg-nHined
"ettler ha filed notice of his itite ition to make
tinal prof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will b niride before J. W. Rulinglon, No
tary at Heppiier, Dr., on Dec. 1"), viz:
Chariest , Stulfz,
D. H. No. 4 for the SW H Hec. l, Tt 2 R. R 27
H, W. M. H names the following witnesses to
prove his ctmtinnons residence upon, and culti
vation of, said lnnd, viz: J. M. Fisher, f). A.
Hiieppnl, Thomas Marlatt, Wen. Marlatt, ail of
1M-U 8. O. 8WA0X3AMKR, ReKiwter.
Ind Office nt Ta Grnrde. t.. Nor. 17. mi.
Notici hereby iriven ti.at the folSowing-namf d
"tih;r hns tiiwl notirv of hi4 irtniion to make
final proof ic stipimit of his claim, a'. d that said
proi wilm madt rK'fore J. W. R'-d:ngtfm,
tarj Public et llei.ner (-.. on Jan. V, l'v3, viz:
hi II - n iiw cicn r . jni'Mrt'iFi,
i;..l,.,., I.' lonrm
DrH. No. fHiiu, for th N l4 NK HK li NK U
cec, t, ip k. i, w.yi, r.e i-ftm- me r'i-
'iSiiiii SafffraMi lif.SW.'i Aft,, tirr,,.. r .,M 711
u. ( ox. H. t. ( i. Mulard 1 react,. tieuMni l,ane,
all i,t H"ppi.t?r. Or.
s. a nn-Es.iniB, r., ;wr.
Sheep lnt.
I have about 150 or 200 mixed sheep
lost somewhere in the Bine montitains,
in the vicinity of Five Mile, or between
there and the North Fork of the John
Day. They left the band about Oct. 1st.
They are branded a red splotch on the
rnmp; lambs not branded but have up
per bit mark iu the ear, ewes in left,
wethers in right I will pay 50 cents per
head for their delivery at my ranch on
V'ig Butter creek, 10 miles above Vin
son. J. L. Gl'LIilf OKD.
A copy of the titulier-cultnre law, with
all the questions asked settlers and wit
nesses when they prove np, will le sent
to any address for 25 cents, coin or
stamps. By leiup; posted on these mat
ters settlers may save themselvessjmuch
trouble and expense. Address Oazuttb
office, Heppner, Oregon.
Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights
Obtained, and all other business in the V. H.
pHtent (Mtice atte?;de,l to for MOl'KKATK FKKK.
( ur oilice is opptusitw tbe U. H. l'at-ent tHliee.
and we can obtain IVitenta in lets time tlian ttiose
remote from Wishirgton.
Heed MODKli 1R DRAWING. We advise ad
to pntentidulity free of ( 'harne; and we make NO
We i-efer here to tbe Postmaster, the tSupt. of
Money Order Dlv.. anil to tiirmls of the U.S.
Fittent OHiee. Ktir circular, advice, terms and
referencyy to acliuU vh&"t in your own JHf (e or
ovuntr. wrile to A. HW & ('(
Opixwitcv PHtnt Ortiw, Wnshinirm, IK C. .
Heppner, - Oregon.
K rands borses a
pliowu here, aUo has
some with diamond
Con shoulders. They
range where gmss is
ffreenest. 1 will oav
, IH5..JIj .fur
' S-PJ? the return of 't rick-
tSZZATneiM pt" n dnrk-lHiV 12-
year-o!d pony branded J on left shoulder, also di-
umoud t': short and chunky.
I have running on
the Morrow county
range a ring-boned
mare that 1 traded
for a one-eyed mare
twists! out ot shitpe
bv a very bad dose
of the epizootic and n. g. to breed. 1 also havo
afewl g'dding cayufies, all of them branded
like th fit above, like that above. Ihey are per
fectly harmless, and don't spoil much good graxs.
A cordial invitation is extended to the general
public to let, them alone, so they can increase and
mult-ply bh nature and the law of supply and de
mand intended they should. -.J. V. Rkpinoton.
Has attained a stanilnrd ol oxcellence whlcl
admiteuf no surKirlor.
Ib uontaniB evnrVirunrovement iliac lnveutlvi
gonius, Bklll and uiouoy can produce.
Tbeso excollent Organs are celebrated for vol
nme, quality of tone, quick reenonHe, varioty o
oouibinatlon, artistic ddbign, beauty in flliisb, per
icc!i coiisunioufjn, maKiug mom tnc uiotit anraci
ive, ornamental sud deHirnble crgHiis for Louies
schools, cuurob.es, lodges, societies, eta
IntlrucUon Dookt and Piano Stools.
Catalogues and Price Lists, on applic&tioinij
Ths Chicago Ccttsge Organ Co,
Conitr Eandolph and km Streets,
Agents, Portland, Oregon.
Lor. spinney,
Haa had twenty-live years experience in the
treatment of
Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases
And having thoroughly Droved the merit of hia
Specific Remedies, in tbe treatment and cure of
many thousand cases, he now oftersthem to thoeo
in trouble to cure theuistdves at home.
Dr. BtMNNKYVHjtijie p Gonorrhea.
On. SPlNNI-:,Teritic fr Hvnhilia.
IK. HPINNKY'H Kpecificfcr Hpernmtorrhen.
uk. orimnr.i a opecuic ir Catarrh.
Price of either Homed y. 10 uer case. Rnnt bv
express, packed secure from observation, on re
ceipt of priee.
uiu to iMinu Riiu roynifl iispensary, Mult
nomah Hlock. opposite Piwt Ollice. Write to I)r.
N. 8. Kpinuey, llox 623 Portland, Ongon. 13iMWn
No. 1 1 Krtiniy Stiet, San Francisco, Cl.r
Cltronic, Special and Private Diseases
With Wonderful Succtws.
-W-Wl iJu.it,l Nortun'al
Emir-sions, Aversion to KK'iety, iTimness of Via
ion, Noises in the Head, Ki ceases in drinking
iutoxicfiting liquors, the Vila) tluid issuing un
obKtrveil in tiie nnne. and other diseuwet that
lend to insanity and death.
Dr. Mintie, who im a Reirnlnr Ph Y-dHn,
Graduate ni the t'nfversity of Pennsylvnn!at
will RgrHe to forfait OfotM) fir a catw of thin kind,
the Vital JteMorHttvp I under ins spefriaj ladne
a:.d tniitment) will not cure, or for anything im
pure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mint if treat
MFPurwr. ('oi'-iil(.'ili'ii Free. Thorough ex,
aminntion and advice, including analysis of urinefc
Phk'kop Vital KeMoi-ati v M fnia ImpuIh,
or four times the (pan t it y, $5: ient to any ad
drms upon receipt of prio, or (). O. D.. etrurerl
from ot.mr.ii;ion and in private name if desired,
by Dr. A. E. Vhitie. 1 1 Kearny street, 8an iran
cisco, C'ai. 8jiid for pamphlet and lint of ques
tions. 0
Will he snnt to anyone applying by letter, stating
symptoms, sex and ege. ritrict secrecy iu regard
Maii btiHiness transact form.
Ir. M in tie's Kidi-ev Kemedr Nnhratirnm
ourtw all kir.ds of Kidi'ey and HiadderCompUita..
(joiorrhnw. (ile't, Leueorrhaa. for sale by all
dnicsfift: f 1 a bottle, six hotib for f..
ur. !ir!ii(; s lni nehon 1 uJs urc H,h tet anrl
eheareHt Dyp'T'ia ar d Hdions curb in the nvr
Jt-t. ror naie Ij au uru;giets.
(I T lT1 Hnrd 10 cents iHtAg. and we
I Til1 i - - -
i jt m. y jt m j. will iiimi i on i ree a rovai. in.
J Ji 1 J. w.H nihil joti fr
anble. mmple Uirff g.xefls thut will put you in
j tn way or ,""(JJ: nmre iri'tr.v at oi,oe tliari
tiu.e. ( spitBl l ot r(iiiin.il. .ew,ll stsrt jua.
inimeu!".' j 'iy we fur i.Ltr whn KlHrt at
u,. an.NTi.t jin fnrtlariit Jlnine.
?tt'i'irliTftti!&&:ft m nover-fnilinir cjmm
Stf' Qi-; X NKVU llKHI 1.1 Tf,
l&f-ir 'Ji? l1'""" VlTAIlTt,
jfij' vv Hkminai. W'P.AKNEHK,
i! ''Jj' 1la,,l,,i"l. Imwitknoy,
Mi pr V''J '"f, Pkohtatobbihk. I'h-
A 'V'" rnljm. amlall the tern-
i'?"'?U -'A3- bleell.wl.ofself-al.oee
i;VXV-jfe.'Ci yotiiliful follies and ex.
V-. ." v V,v cwshs in muturcr years.
9 9