C3 O 0 e The Art of gfirglarjr. "Nftvor kill a man save in self-defense; get caught rutlirr than drop if man," was the prudent motto of a cel ebrated cracksman. "It is only the tyro or llie bungler who flourishes re volvers and quickly ajpeals to the bludgeon." n "What inike prima quality in your business?" "Nerve nothing else." "What is the best method?" "lioldnixs. Many a job have I done rijrht before the eyes of people; done it just as thouifh it was the relar thing, and I vfVis just where I oiiirht to be. 1 have had my pal taking things out of a house when a couple of cops were yjjkino-div. and I stood with a pencil in my hand kiH'pin t:tl!y of the things. 'J hey thought it was ail rijrltt, as I looked Jjil't at them. I tell you a per son wants to keep pi$(f"'ctly cool, and know what he is doing, and what he is going to do, eveiy lime. "The risjlil kind of men are somehow lacking. They are either too timid or too rough. It wants a fine man. a real Damascus blade, to do a neat job. There are plenty of opportunities, if there were only the men to liil them. But I was speaking of chances. The people are asleep; yon are awake. They are timid; m are perfectly cool. You know j;ist wlint to do. You know just what tnry will do if they wake up. They don't know how many are in the bouse, or where you are. Most people are cowards ill the night. Without any odds jou could get tho best of thciunbnl in the night, with the bug bear Hid tho reality of a burglar in tho house-Jid they have spent all ttas years of their lives in vgiSkiiig tipi dreadful fellow in their imaginations in such a plight, a man's house is like a foreign land l9li!iu, atihe is 7t-Jpy$S feet stranger to the situation in his own homo." "Then yoti trust most to bewilder nnt and fear?" O, wo tlon'tfViQpooil j"b moans gXj8i and (fihigSftn without stir ring things up. If it comes to the worst, then the dread and fear and con fusion which wo cause all help us. and sometimes the more fuss there i tho easier wo get off." ' How do you feel when you are alone in a house at midnight running such terrible risks?" "There, now, you hnve got as ranch nonsense into that question as they do. In the first place, mid- is not the usual hour when a luTfso is worked. Things nro not so quiet generally as they are at two hours later. And then, if it were mid night, what of it? Midnight, except to cowards, is not different from any oth er, only as it is a great den safer fo te . 1 : i. .. . I : .. l o i. y nivu ii. Aiuuc in a iiutisur ll is"wlittle shaft? nt limes, l, generally safe enoui-ut that isn't the way a house is generally worked. There should be two, and three tire better. Terrible risks? Wo don't think of it in that light. There is something al ways fascinating in t,ln risk, and it isn't considered objection ablo. What do wo think? How io we feel? Now, look here, there isn't much time nor occasion for thinking and feeling out side tho jb to be (lone. Your senti mental chaps don't waaL to be prowl ing about nights on aurif these deli cate rackets. Tho man who is going to stop in a bedroom of a strange house at 2 o clock at night to consult his feelings had bettor keep out of Hint bedroom. The man who proposes to cuter tjiis profession wants to run slow on the thinking and feeling Yn, espe cially when on duty." - Advertising for a Wife. A good story reaches us from Milan. A young nobleman of this city, of mar riageable age, and master of a fortune of $ 1,000 a year, not, long ago canto ho conclusion that it was time for him to look out for a wife. His pursuits in life not being of the most strenuous character, he had leisure to combine amusement with research. According ly he advertised his want in a MiIanese newspaper, requesting that vcry an swer to the advertisement m'gj be accompaniod by tho portrait of tho la.ly who replied. A collateral result l of this notice was that two or three of the best photographic artists of the eilf had more work on their hands than they could attend to. The direct result was sixty-live letters, with as many maidenly countenances as would furjiish a good-si.ed .album. Tho an swers were in some cases accompanied by parental -rtiticatiw, setting forth in touching language the charms and virtues of the daughters. lCnibarised by a choice of such unexpected variety and desirous to gratify that sense of l humor which even tho serious nature of his quest could not ticuress, the young man replied to each V? his cor respondents that, before coming to a fjinl decision, a personal, not exactly interview, but inspection, would bo of advantage. To each of the ladies, of course without tho knowledge of the others, ho sent a ticket for'in orchdHra stall in the Scala theater, announcing that he himself would be in a particular box, the number and situation of which lie stated. A few evenings later tho theater-goitiy public of Milan were perplexed to explain tho ajqQrnnce ) of one of thcjwv)f stalls in that im mense lmiUrS5jT A long liile of beau ties, in toilets of extreme elegance, un broken by a single black coat, was ob served. Furtively and with trepida- O tion, did each damsel from time to time raise her opera-glass to that box tho cynosure of many bright eyes in which tho graceful youth reposed. Suspiciously and with darkened brow did each damsel turn to the long lilo of nor neignuors aim wonuer n"no mag- netism which drew each class to tiie central post. Hy and by tiio audience, 0 to whom some hint of tl secret had icahcu om, oegau 10 give auiuoie signs. that they cnjoytH tho joke. Ihe spc ,adie laughter of the UieaLcr increase the confusiim of tiitryouiig ladies, and tho contagion of fun turned the spora dic mirth into a general roar. At this point our Milaneso correspondent drops a veil over tho scene, concluding his narrative with the trumpet call, 'Daughters of Kve, revenge! I ques tion if tlir t young man will get married in Milan. q Tlio Into Mrs. ("Iinrlotto PiiTet, who kept a funums tov bouse in Now York, bviiuoatlied fS.lXK) to tho Typograph ical L'niou ot tiint city. Tiie lypos con sitltT it ono of tho '"fattest"" of "fat takos." Jlrs. PitlV-fc also loft $3.0 to tho Nowslniys' Homo, 3.tXX) to the Jewish VUlow4' anil Orphans' Homo, auil J.UOJ to tho Charity Hospital, o Hit ojato is valuoil at 4"X),tX,0, and ' go?sto her ili'soomlants, ja Colonel Miehaol Tliompm, wlio no snttlenly disappeaieil from Washing n ton some years a;:, turiijj up asaprao ticiu lawyer in lUinohiiu. WILLARD HERREX. W. IT. HERREN & CASTLE ROCK, mOREGOX, Forwarding and Commission )AXD D HALE KB IN( f General Merchandise. )A GENTS FOR The Shuttlcr Wagons, also for the Improved John Deere Gang, Sulky and O Walking Plows. We keep Constantly on Hand a Complete Stock of Agricultural Implemertpjand Farm Machinery Which we nreablo to Sell O PRICES THAT DEFY' COMPETITION, And on Terms to Suit tho Turchaser. AT jxj Bassbccf Wire Fencing Material a Specialty to ffltueff K!lfyM 1 ' V fiEPPNER FLOURING MILL! U-. B. CUMXGITE ACO.,'frpr's. Manufacture Bakers' Best XKX Flour, Shorts, Bran! Self-Kuisjjig GraJiiim, Cracked-'Wlicat, Middlings, BtC. O Pkesknt Five barrels of Flour or over, &t.C0 per barrel, net Under live burrffli.OO per barrel, cash. C3 & Accounts Rexdehed Monthly. Ihest Cash Ffccs Paid for Wheat, Flouv will be exchanged for per bushel. , Jiai h ji vlopii'l for 1-7 por hinitlrrrf pounds. Forty pound of earn meal uill be yivrn for 50 pounds of com. C I T Y J. B. Main Street, - 13 - f .l.v O Lager Beer, Ale and Porter. Families runiihfiwl with lnittleil Lunches of SAEDIXES OYSTfKS, L'ALIFOKM.V, JjIMliniGER LlMIilllCElt rirties in the comitrJD must will be charged. NEWJODEL. 4t.C(il. WITH SHEL EJECTOR. MADE IN BEST MANNER and of BESf Material . WESTERN OFFICE, 73 STATE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. I WKl. Armory ILION. N. Y. J. C. DODSON, PBOrHIETOR OF The ?lkali Livery, WEST MA IX ST., yly Terms are l(asonablo. iStoc-k Re It Hay ami Grain of the tnst Quality G. D. o e Saddle and 1 Iarnef- Mtn'n Street, -O O Keeps oniiAfaufly on Ilaniess, Uridles. Wliips. SacRlles. 0llars. vt, In short pwything in my line. All work in my line made to order, and from the best Soijta ('nit and SttK-lcttm leather. KErAIKIXG DONE SUBSTANTIALLY AND Willi TASTE, o JNO. B. STUMP. GO., Merchants, O 9 CwWawi'0 WV. OVEl!ilOLTZEB, Supt. and Soli Fi$ps: All Orders Promptly Attended to. iiood nhetd at ihe rate of 3" iioimds t n W 111 XI Y 9 NATTER, Prop'r, 9. - I Ieppncr, Oregon 13eer on Short Notice. Kinds: All LOIISTEES ("lIEESK. AND rotuni empty kegu, or SlO apiece - SSK SURE TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I SOLE ACE NTS FOR REMINGTON & SONS. Vv VV VV . . I .Still I 1. .'.. II. I 111! SI II 13 n 1,11 SP0RT1&3 ARMS & AiVIMJHmOH, 231 fit 233 BROADWAY. Feed and Sale Stable, ALKALI, OtJGOX. 0 in jTv Cavo Will be Welltteiulea To. Kept in Full Stock ami 0vtl0 SMITH, Nlaker, rpo iti:ait, ureijon. v hand a full aa.rfmcn of The 0?dost Established ' J. L. Morn J ft DE.VLI o G GENERAL 11 (SO Goo Sifld at L3 Serins, 00 day? Int. 10 per AGENT Staver&Walke o o AGRICULTURAL Thrcslrs, io THE S ts icle ba k c 1 i g-0 1 L,g IlauksKlc. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK AND GET TRICES. L. Mrrow & Son, )ltjiVrii'iir'' O Comer May and Main Y w. j. i, in )IAL STREET, )deai,eu Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, A ti'riciill ural (9 -)al.so HOES, RAKKS, (ililXD STONES, USB A1'T'IJ AUOUllST SAWS, HOUSK SHOES, JLUiliOW TEETH, BII1JJ ('.i:S, LANTERN'S AND TISTOLS. Nails of All Kinds, ron and Wooden Sizes. ) AGENT The CklkmAtkd A FULL LINE OF Bakery and Restaurant, W, . E. TlIEODOliE, J'liOl-li, . (Opfpftfifc Xvlst Jones Livery Slahle), Alain Street, .... I Icppr Board Mm livlhc -o Fresh Bread, Cakes riiUSH OYSTEliS, FliESII BUTTER, FRESH CANDIES, FRlvSII ORANGES, FRESH LEMONS, FRESH NUTS. largo Stock of all Kinds a1?d Varieties of Canned Fruit ami Canned Meats Always on HamL o THE BE ST BRAXDS OF CIGARS KELT. A -o ot ConT.i: o 0.ND O Co o e O 8 o O ar 0 St. iiiz it n UEPPXER, O OREGON ix(- CO Implement s. jus(- and Units of All o roit( Cli LOW. SHELF HARDWARE. o r. Dav. Week or Slon nd Pies Every Day, '0 Lunches' at OURS. I THIS GREAT STREXGTHEXIXGaREMWY AND NERVE TONIC nll of ovtr twenty yean of jtnu-licnl t'X Hrieiice hy h Thor niKlily Q n a I i ti ed iruiliiatp FltysitiiHi sf m nf the iiiiffitt iilicil onlk'Kt of It l-OSITIVKT YtTRKS-. Servoim witt I'liynirarf l t- b i t i t y. St'iniiial A'wikntff, Spfrmator- iii il .Hi lf ihll r-BBM' mra. imnoTency. rrnm J lalttri li.t-rt, TT riW-tlnf la toVHiwnsitiTCllt'tw of tuo (Mirtt!, Kutney nnd Hlndiler ('omplmntt, lm I lurifit't of tliM Hlott Hint Diseitsti of the hkin. It pkhm KNTi-T sTtips ull unimturHl weiiki-n-"nti dniiim nnm thn ny-item, !iowevtr tlify ot'onr, .rvvwitiriK itivoluntury st'niinnl lottt, l-'tiii- Tit ir it dream-, Hniiiial 1 with the urine, or .vlnle nt 8toil, etc., so destructive tt mintt unit tody, and cures ail the evil eflets of youthful htiliMs himI excesses roftonnt? Kxl'Hiistett Vitali ty, ynxunl DiM-line and Lows of Manhot d, how ver pompticatfMl. A thorough as Wfll p permnnent cureard ctm-l'-tc restonition to perfect Healtli. Strcntfth and 'ifjor of MiiiiImwkI iw atisoiutely Kuarnnleed hy ttii justly celt-brnted ai'd rt!iable (ireat Hemedy. 'rice. $2 ."iti r bottle, tr live lint ties for ?H). lent upttn receipt of price, or C. . !.. to any iid Iri. secure from observation and strictly pri at.v by DR. C. I). 8ALF1KM, No. 21ti Kearny Sircn't, San Francisco, Cal. TUI VI, noTTLK FliKE. Sufficient to show itn merit will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his symptoms and t'(mmiltntions(?.rtctly confidential, by letter or itt ofliee, fn. Kttr the convenience of pntionts nrd in order to nee u re perfect secrecy, I have atloptetl a private mIiUomh under whieh all liaekane are forWHItitt. 1845. I For the nitrated Eand-Booi i arm ac4 liaraen. iso pages. l0 lllimtrnllon ind n hrnutinil Cakrfd Plat Dl' Flowein, tells 1'htift When Mint Blow t. piaut and 1. mil or iii!ornmtun invnlunhlf to all o covet- pontage. Illtistrnted Novelty T.l.t, ro.i., r run, ri. .it, K. Mailed Free. GARDEN 20 packets choicfl F'n'.vpr Spch (our t$lfftion in sludin? Wll.ti fi.UihKX t i YA S (n mixture oi l(X) varieties of Flower r'eeiliM, for 9-1.00. A' VEGETABLE GAlSEN FOR $1.00. 2n nkt. rholre Vegetable Eceds (our ie'.rction iDcluding t)U'a Amorlmn Wonilfr lor $1. BOTH the nbovn for ?l.?r. Gardener's ITani Hook telling you huw to grow them, bent Frtt wiU orders. I B. K. KLISS & SONS, 34 Barclay St., New-Yofk. JDR.LIEBIG vt 1J JjV Ti . .j 400 Gearyttt., San Francisco, Cal. i ry m CC Condurtod hy ualir.ffl IMivf!- j elans aud burseous ng&ar Urad- rr . rTThoOldeiit Spelallidt fj mi no LnlLua MiiU'S, v-aose liji:- W cd aud ttiua mcdlrlnn. lnsi.i,- Pi'EEpyand pekmamkktcuiil:; of ail Private, Chronic and Ism oua Diseases Alfcctions of tho It lood 9 Mk1nf K.Itlncs-Q IKladder, IjrupUoni, IJl ern, 4 id fiores, AuHlinrj f tbe fUlnisda, Hore Moutti, I hroat hone I'Kln, porjiir. ncntly ;ured ami eradicated from , t'to pystrm for llf , NERVOUS mr mo. IHitruru, Smi- inttl Lo89f, Sejcual Jccy, matt at ana I'.ujsicul yctiL irssf I'ailinff Homorjf, Wcttfc l'-lfB, blunted JJeretopment, ImjM-dimrtitB to Xlnrritiyr, etc., from excesses or youth ful foli if s, or any twtfAc, speedily, safely and privately cured, 1"ounBr Sffldille-Affed mn! Old men, and all who need ined! :.! .klil find m-u-.- ffmu.t tlift oM Luropciin J'ln slclnn nt once. Hlj eiilnioLi costs nothing, ami n:;:ysavo future tnlsi-ry iiiid tthamo. Wiien liicunvcnlont to visit tho fit v for trcatmt'nt, incJIt'lncs can be sent every w hero liy c:;prrss tren from obncri-atiftn. It Is nt'lf Oovldent tliat a plnateian who Rivenliln whole atten tion to a cla. .i t r dl.ser.Kts attain great aklU, .nil iihysicians throughout the coiuiiry, knowing lids, rrcqitently rrt'ominrnd diflicult ouseB to tliu Ohleut Sperlitllftt hy Jm every known rood remedy is used , HwDoctor'i Ajo and jxprrlenre uiaRe Ids oimiion ot supreme im'inrmnrft d Ef-ThoMi who call sro no on hut tho DnrtnrJ Consultations fire and (acredlv t oatltleiitlulk Cnsea which Have faded in oDufnlutf relict cl;jr. vdicre especially otiriteU. Female diseases sue CMsfiilljr treated. The Ifoetor will attrce to forfdt ftl.OOO for a case undertak&u, not cured. CMl or write. Uour.'i: Daily, from 9 A, w. to4 r. jr., 6 to 8 evening; hundajs, IO to lit only. Hkm FOR THB 8AMTAIIIKT UU1PK TO iiKALTH; SKKT Iiike, Address above. a Dit. nemo's - j "v t-mTerfnl Geraiau InvigoraCorX rmmuiently prevents all Unnatural Losses from 1 lie system, tones tho nerves, strengthens the inus: clei, cliecks the waste, Invigorates tho iole sy.:-t-ni. end restores the afflicted to Health and I!:u);)iue.HS, 'i'he reaton so many cannot gel cured tif Sminat Wsitknett, Lott of Manhood, etc., is owoifj to a compli cation, called PJiOX'j'ATOlillliEA with JIWER A E THE a I A , which retjuim peculiar treatment. Dr. livbiu' Jnrinorafor u th& only pottttve cur for VllUSTATOHKURA, with peculiar tivenal Treat went, used at the LI ED Id b-tSVENUAHY, k'rlre of Iivlgoratr, SW- 'ase of Six T"!tlcs,$I0. ent to any addresa. corered securtiy from observation. ft Most powerful eleetrtr brltWree to patlents. 1 TO PROVK THB WONDKUFUL I'OW KUOl the Of, VIUOUATUR A Rottle tiven er Sent Free. Cogitation f rco aud nrivale. C:Si oi address JLIKItlO DNPEMIART, . ' 4tn tioary Street, San r'rancicco, Ca!. Private Entrance, 45 Mason Street, four blocks p (irary Htreet from Kearny, Jlaiu ntrauce through J Jl.IICUSttl owns, - on, jMINTIK (Sl'KClAMST AM) UHADI ATK) X. 11 Kenmy Shi-pt. Sim Ki'iuiciwo, Cal., TKIfATS ALL Vliroia'c, Sjwiul and Private DimtxPH With Wonderful BacrpfcH. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY failinir criin ! JKBIMTY, KP -VS3 Jl-XIHUHTED ViTAJ.ITY, i hi SKMI N AL WkKNKSH, KliM VnhIUIK., l,iisf at u rer y fjiri AAaW sucli as loas of Memory, -VVv-R UisHitud... N.K-tnrne Km ipions. Aversion to Society, DinmesH of Vis ion, Noises in the Head, the vital thud passing unobserved in the urine, and ot her i sense tliat lend to insv rly and dcntlia lr. M'nrw who ih ailernlnr Priyielnn. fJeaditate of the riiiveisity t Pennsylvntna. will Birree Nt forfeit 8,")MI for a case of this kind the Vital Hestonitive Hinder (us ss-'ihl advi-e rind treatment will not cure, or for anything im pure or injurious found in it. Ir. .Mintle in-als h 1 1 Private I)inksks St'' khnvtli-y wiT'iofr Mkhct hy. f'onMiltntion Free. Thoro'iah ex aminatton rihI advice, inrlndinganalsisof urine, Pkicf. ok Vital-Hestomtive. I .Vialwttile, or four timet the quantity,..'!; sent to any ad drMtij. upon receipt of price, or C. ( l )., w-ure fnim observation ui p rival name if dewtp-d, by r. A. V.. ltiitie, 11 Kearny t reet, San Knui cisco, ( al. Send for pamphlet aud st of ques tions. O SAMPLE BOTTLE Fit EE. Will be sent t anyone applyintf b letter, statin? syuiptoms, khi and hgk Strict awrccy in regard to all huMii(ea tmnK.ff ions. LKE, Washingand Ironing, ut) Cent a Dozen. HElTNEi:, OREGON. I And have on handS when yota want to plant vf' ftT l-JJ illttll""!. IMPIITKNCY M: V -W Jr' ' iff 1'H )TTiH!ttlli!M, i'H Jf'-.'ri vIC .'? nilj-Hin. nl nil f h- tiTri. L youthful folliwaiilra, VTiAi-T'iCVJ'' tww. iti ni (iOVKRNMKXT MKT. Don't forgot to remember that yon : 1 ... 9 Abap.rA at OCim lilt 'l lMUt7 lirr vi t j . .... u..i.tui Vii Ail it UAJinur. iniint-, iirffuvii can thus unve S'2.50 uito tilings and $10 on proving-up. A toWubip laid out us fullowtt: North. 6 5 4 3 2 1 o car- 7 8 9 1 11 12 Schtioli I 18 17 16 15 14 13 J Lund. r 19 20 21 22 23 24 i 31) 2'J 23 27 20 25 ; fciolio.il : 31 32 33 34 35 3t! 1 I rd. buUlll. A Bection in 1 mile wjare, or (14(1 acren. township in I) milt'H wjujire. Manhood Restored ! Hy uiiiK the (irent Vitnlizer, the Kin of nil UetitrutiveH. Q DK. ARl-RNlfllY & CO'S THE KING OF AIJ. KNOWN HEMEIUKH! It fs hcyniMl n (linilt the most relfnhle. nneft nd I'ci'tmtionit 'I'tinio t tln h i,riHtUO i V oi mmi .h' of Unth ni'K"h Knuytii, It aelH tlirtH'tly Mm (lie uervoitB t)tem. it reHt4ire dt'bilUHUd funi--tioiiK itf tlie principnl ori-itiiH of tl-,e tiody ni.tl ni; HurpiiBned ami Nervine. It in a powertui, peina nent m:d determined Aphrodisiac, It in tin Altenitive and Aperient of exoelient fine quality. It relieves weokntt ard pniiiMinthe kidies; it prevents losset from the hjstem fnmi inmattiritl cnuHes; it cures frontal headache, pitnide-s on lU face, loss of memory, relaxed coi.dition ot tl.e nervous system, indiesiion. muit stoniHch, dtn letes. and all urinarv trmillts. TIiokm u-lm ln.v-4. ! failed toohlinna cure shonid imniecjjau ly ivit I the Vitalier a trial. It is the Kiejr of all. lL haw never faihd in a siiKl ease, 'ihe eompini) 1 will pay for a case it will not cure, no matter whet iter ciinpiieated or not. Ihe comhumtion of the Vitalize!' is such that it curw Imth sininli and complicated ciises. 'i his is wwirn to a jintc- o pnir CQwill iseTTikei! tieal f xpunence ot .tti years. i)r. A, a auaranti-e a iK'rmanent cure m every cae uinler their treat nieiit ai d special advice. Time re(uimi is from I to a months, tmittuent. If the tf rent ' italizer fails, tlie nmney paid for tho remedy will be refunded or Hu forfeited. Cull or write for our "OUmtvhI ions on Mnidioed" w hih will enhle the sutlereto answer the nec-OHf-ary questioT at swlhat each can have the proper remedy forwanlrd ituhie for his Special t nse. Consultation Kree Confident inl, Trice of the yrent Vitalizrr. or six Hot ties in Case, -WuHieieiit to Cure Mot ( 'ases sunt by fcxpress on ltece)t of Trioe, or C. . 1. LADS Q -jju ff en nf from diseases peculiar to their sexf fi uJuilile aid nrd sp edy chit lit:iiiied. Our r e niate Monthly lJills are unsurpassed as u n-Kula-tor. Sent on receipt of price. f lt.U'. Ir. Aheitiethy Co.. lif iil Market St., C(U' ner Ninth, San Frtincin'o. Cain. i V 'T:ike llarl.et and Valencia Street Dummy Cubic Cai-s from the Ferry, Ac. rV Ir. SRI XX KY. No. II Kearny Street, SAN 1-NClSCO, CAf,., TrcntK All Chi-onic and Sjiociul Ihfrt-'r. YOUN(l MEX, n) MAY HK SUFFKItlN(4 MIOMTHKa effects of youthful follies or indiscret ionS w will do well to avail themselves of this, the great est boon yer laiil at thealtjtrof sutleriiiK human ity. ilt. Scinnky will guarantee to forfeit ."h HI for every case of seminal wcnkiif-s or private dis-enf-eof any kind or character which he under takes and rails to cure. MIDlLE-AGED MEN. There are many at the aire of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladdery often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation ai.d a weakness of thesys teni in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy aedi ment will often be found, and sometimes am nil particles of albumen will appear, or its color will hi of n tlnn milkirdi hue. uKitin ehanKinu to u dark and torpid appearance, 'lhere are many men who die of this diilieulty, iKiiomnt of tho cause, which is the second" stneof seminal weak ness, lip. H. will Kiiantntee a perfect run in all such eases and a healthy restoration of the Kenito urii ary organs, Omce hours 1(1 to 4 aid tl to 8 ; Sundays, from It) to II A.m. V;;sultal ion fret. Thorough ex amination and irnvice, 5. Call on ormhlresa lUenxxET & co., No. 11 Kearny Street, Han Francisco, Cal. DR. ALLJN'H) PR1 YA TK DISPEXSARY, 2fi,;j Kearny St., San Francisco, (. kmt miltshkt) for tiif hrikntikh? and sl'kfut Cuke of Chronic, Nkhvou and Si'kcial 7E EXPERT SPECIALIST. i t. . ... ... . I I u 1 " ','J' . A regular wntduated l'hjsi-ian ai:d Surgeon, lucatedat Howdoin Colieeeand Hie IliiiverKitv of Michigan. Ho has devoted a lifetime itLmjX. in acknowlfcjjLgaUo tho most expert in Ida HieciinrMn the l'acilic ( 'oast. YOUN( MEN And MlPDIifc-AHFl) MKN, win) nro anfferinR fi((in the etlects nf Youthful Indiscretions or ! x eesst's in main rer years, Nkmvoph and Huyhm; u., IikbiIjIty, Imfotkncy, Loht Manhood, con fusion of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to swiety, deHMi:dejjcy, pimples on the face, loss of energy and niepr)ry, frequency of nrirntiiiK, etc. lie member, that by a combination of vkof.tauI.e RK.MKDIKH of greHt curative power, the Jioctor hiiHsoarranired his treatment that it will not on ly a fiord immediate relief but permanent cure. HOSPITAL FXPKHIKNCK, (Having been Kurwoon in charge of two leading hospitals! enables me to treat all pn'vale trnuhlcn with excellent results. I wish it distinctly under stood that 1 do not claim to perform iwipossibil ities, or to have miraculous or siVernHtural power. I claim only to be a kkit.i.fiti, and sit cknnkttIj Physician and Hurfen, tuohouuhly in formed in my sper-ialty MHFAHKS OF MAN. 5 All applying tome will receive my honfst opin ion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guarantee a punitive rt'RF in every case I undertake, or forfeit it I, I Dm. Consultation in olliee or by letter thy. and strictly private. Chames moderate. Thorough examination, in cluding chemical and inicroscopit al analysis of urine and advice, .". Oil ire hours, It to daily, l to h evenings; Sunday, 9 to 12 only. Call or ad- ( 1 THMM r DR. AT.T W 't Kenrny Stceet, SaTlT "l tanciwi SCal. P.M. I have a vcLEetableTtiiunoiiimtlie re sult of MANY YKUIS of HOHfint nriu-lwH mtu) hunt study, which under my special advice n K NKTr.R ku!jKI ok mikickkh in the cure of Ixst Jlunlioil PriHlntoiThea, etc. cM-55wn5 NOTiC'K OF INTENTION. Lund OSice at Tln Dull, Or., ) Mny 1.1, lux!. f Notice in IhtpIiv inron tlmf tint follirarioir. ntiincd settler Iihm HIihI m tioi of hia iiil'iitifin tfi make final proof in port of Iiih rlnitri, and tltJtt naiif priHif will Iki ihhiIh Iwfore T. K. HniinH, Notary nt Mia, Or., on June at, lum, n: C. II. UihIhoii, !'ro-emi,tion No. 1774. for tho NW Sit. 12, Ti 1 N, K :'l K. He nami (lie following wttttiwe to prove din eonttnnollH ntdi-itce tipon, aid ftilti vut ton i if. wiiil land, viz: Walter L. Iia. John Mi IN. Witi. .Millin. Wm. iJoimliNon, all of Klla, Luiotilla comity, Or.-Kon. til JC. L. HHITH. Ileirister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.wl Ofliee at Tlie I)h Hi. Or., ) May I "i. Iv4. ( Notice ih liereliy uiven that tlie following, natnil Hetllrr liati tileil notice of hit. intenlifin tir make tinal pnxjf in Kitpix.rt of Idh claim, dmI tliat naif! pnwif will Iw made twfure T. K. llruuiei. Notary at hlla. Or., on June :JJt, 1h1, vizi Clin ton (!. Curt in. Pre-emption No. 2W7. forfc.- HW H. 2, Tp I N. H 2'1 K. He name tlii'iitowintf wittHTit. ti, prove hi. cmttntiiMiM reHidepce Umn, and cnltt vatlon of. wild lai d. W. A. Thorn, tie-i. I'liomaa. Wm. Hollowa Q Kilwanl Holloway. all of Klla. LiiiimilacKUiMj.Onv.il. K. L. HMITH.egiHter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 9 Lasd Orn i at I.t Omxnr. Or.. ) Ai.ril is, 1h4. a Notice w herehy (riven that the folliWum nained wettler lia hleil notice of hia intention make ttnal pro.f in .upixirt of hi claim, ami that naiil pntof will he made lefora J. W. IlKliiiitton. Notary Public at Heppiier, Or., on June H, vtz: I Ml rill Git Hilt, P. H. Xo. .ir, for the K 'i HW Hv. r, and R NW See. T,. 1 p 4 H. It -Si K. W. M. He name, the f'tJJowiiiK 'llliew to prove hi coptii uoim rt-Hid'Ticc iiiHii'. ;.t d ciiliivrfftoti of. hald Intnl. vi Win. frank Wm. Ilniican llol.rt Watltlt I'll' k Hail till i.f Hi i-pfer. I'malilla' o. Or. -'!Jt II. W. I'Wii.lU, Uctinui. e e 0 0 e e