o THE GAZETTE. BOUNDARIES. "e have considerable to growl about in regard to the way our county and precinct lines are de fined, or rnther the way they are not dolined. It is almost impossi ble to tell from the meager infor mation officially furnished within three or four miles of where lines run. It is to be hoped that our representatives in the next legisla i. ' . -n t.., ,.,. .,.,..,.., lure win imvw uui uumici- ries legil)ly defined The commis sioners defined the lines ns they understood them according to the old statute, but if the statute would designate regular section and town ship lines instead of watershed ridges, it would be much more sat isfactory. Our people who are interested in the matter of precinct boundaries should petition the county court about these matters in time to have lines satisfactorily denned before the November election. Always let the proposed boundaries run on ""--. i'truiiiiivii.!ip liiiesjnnd nvoid Ktich terms as "the waters of this t-reek," or tMe ''middle of the cen ter of that ri'er." Such terms as those niny suit lawyers, who al- M1M&a&s delight in going round Kobin Hood's barn to stateheir ca&s, but onlyerve to mislead us common folks when we want to find out just where we are. Petition in time ami make yourselves heard. WASHINGTON LETTER: Washington, Mny 2G. Editor Gazette: Within one week of the assembling of the na tional convPTifinn rniinlilipnnu m as much in the dark as to their probable candidate as they were a year ago. fact, those fy),wlnJ republicans have heretofore looked agvihe best posted and most gener affy correct in their prognostica tions are now entirely at sea, and have nonunions to offers to prob able policies or candidates. There the ticket to bo nominated, but an entire want of faith in their own judgment ps to candidates. The fact is that there are so many good men to choose from, so liftny con tingencies that may ariseHo move men, even up to the last mment, that those who have made it'ia- iions us lar-seeing aim wise in meir day and generation fear to spoil their reputations by giving a sign or wonl, and now look wise, smile blajich and shake their heads, as imrrh as to say, "We could tell, but dare not;" but name a candidate they will not. , "Wliio thin s .the ensa with re publicans, with democrats it is as certain as that the convention of July 8 assembles that unless Gov. Tihlen positively and emphatically refuses to permit tho use of his name, the "old ticket" will be unanimously nominated. It is equully evident that if he with draws his name positively Payne, of Ohio, or 1 los well V. Flower, of New York, will be nominated, with chances largely in favor of the lat ter. Not only so as to candidates, but it is equally clear as if wi'.en already that the democratic party will take posiffuTTTjii the tariff as near to a free trade basis as it is possible to go, and that the opin ions of Carlisle, Morrison, Hurd, 1 Kirsheiiner and Vox on this ques tion will be made the live issue of the campaign. The rejrtdfiean party can look to meet the "old ticket," or whom it may dietatQ and a platform' of tariff reform. There are some democrats here, jjowever, who believe that before the 8th of July next lien Butler Wlljie able to scoop in the nomi nation of tho democratic national convention. A. W C. The Wool growers convention at ChiengOgdenounced free trade as falJieious and impracticable. In tho county election of'2 the number of votes cast in lfeppifer was 2Si). This time the total vote cast is 411. The Ileppner precinct has been reduced considerably in mOi since the Int election by lmv "j; new precincts set off from it. O'hese figures give nn inkling in re gard to tho way our country is set tling up. The residents of that part of Wnsco county between Hock creek and Lost Valley, are very tired of having to go so far to their county 0 seat at. The Dalles. They would be better pleased if their territory could be joined to our new county. The county oliue should properly follow the range line between townships 20 and 21 from the di- vhyngriik'e bgtwen Lone Hock and LostYalley, north to the Co lumbia river, with the county Beat at Heppner. Tho Hepublionn NationsI Con ve'nfifm is now meeting in Chicago, with l?laine head and shoulders nlxtve the other candidates. His estimated strength foots up to SWO, with Arthur next nt 273. The other big dogs with brass collars nro Logim, Edmunds, O'esham and Phil (rflieridan. Little Phil may turn out to be the diose one, as they expect him to re-kfdle tjj,? old camp-fires and get a bigXce of the Irish vote-, which been lost to the part)- since the war. The Democratic Convention will meet also at Chicago but not until the 0th of Julv. The republican party in this vi cinity has been split wide open by the .starting in our midst of the shysters' handorgan, the "patent outside" fraud. At the last elec tion that party compared favorably with the democratic in numbers; but decent republicans herenow prefer being known as democrats or independents rather than utiil iate with the sneaks and imbeciles who manage to exist by hanging on to the "machine." Those who furnish the funds need not take anybody's word for it. Let thein look at the figures. NEWS NOTES. Mot Rock will celebrate the Fourth. Decoration day was generally observed. La Grande is to have machine and car shops. A iiN'ojOOO fire occurred in Tort land last Thursday. A steamer is to be built to run on the upper Chehalis. There are loOO bales of wool wnxehouHed at. The Dalles.. Church strawberry festivals are now ripe but not in Heppner. The people of Walla Walla are on the warpath for horsiaeves. Hops ten feet high is the boast of growers at Chirnacum, W. T. Considerable corn has been planted in the vicinity of Miflon. The population of Ireland is 3, 000,000 less than it was forty years ago. The late rains in Polk county beat down much of the growing grain. Indians are taking their annual swim to cure their scab at Medial lake, W. T. .l1! telegrnpW wirs lmve i?p?w reached Eagle, Cieur jYlene min ing district. Many laborers are leaving Eagle City, Ltour it Aleno, for want of employment. igvants per week is settling in the Big Bend country. There are 18,000 more women than men in Boston. Tho hub is evidently hard up foi felloes. The government has sold more than 2OO,OO0,0OO worth of the public lands in eighty years. Packers well skilled in the busi ness command from 0 to 125 per month at the Ceeur d'Alene mines. Last ye?lr there were 1517 mur ders in the United b'tates, SKI legal executions and 118 men were lyijched. There nro YmtwiMMi twoiityrfive and thirty logging camps in opera tion on the Skagit river and its tributaries. Snake river gravel beds are said to (jputain large pinntitjps of gold. One claim sol$ two weeks ago for 82700, and a lfirtiovof another for!?2000. Matters are becoming tropical for the horse and cattle thieves in Union eouniu. gjliere is a large band of their there, and ngninM, thenijg)eople are waging a re lentless war. Eighteen thousand sheep were driven through linker City a few days ago, and ''0,000 more will fol low next week, destined for Wy oming. They were purchased in Umatilla county. The Northern Pacific, PnYTa cific and O. 11, & N. have entered into Rn agreement whereby freights are carried from OmGha to Jorthmd andhjjv;-mediate points tor the sanBnTTas charged from St. Paul. C3POo .O . efiul'SC Sll'CH. Bud W ill in k1 i am will sell his band of marcs -mid colts next Saturday, com mcnuiiiK nt 10 a. m. Mr. Mel'hail, the inwtioiieer, bIho sol 1 a bunch of sevoff bond of the Wuybrinht horses, marcs and culls, for n totalof $'2i3. A bnniif eleven bead were sold nt sheriff'tCWe on Monday. They were small marex and yearlings, and brought a total of $mJHl 1. T T ' ..... 1 0 iur. ti. ji . t'Hson a liana oi norses were onereti at auction mis weeK, Due Lmtaors seemed son roe. Lack of the circulating medium was the principal cause of this, for moKt people have recently found money a little too tight to invest in horses. Mr. Olson's band comprised some ill) bead of good average Rtoek horses, mares, colts, ycurliiiRS and two- year-olds, nnd tbpy were finally sold at private sale to Nelse Jones at lJ.JS.a0 per bead, yearlings and U)vard, sucking colts thrown in. The total was jf)5(K), terms one-third cash, balance on one year's time. Kelse started with the band Wednesday morning for the Malheur country, where he will consolidate them with his other horses. 02 Tlx l.ulins Kirm in Alkali. CVflin, McFarlaud A Co., have by fair dealing, low prices and 8 large and well aolevted stock of goods, established a good trade. They carry, in skx-k dry goods, groceries, harii-"3Ye. cr(kery, glassware, woodouware, saddlerU and harness, wall paper, shingles, doors and windows, paints, oils, sulphur, lmfb and cemiut, barb wire, chop feed, tlour etc. i by the carloadWhe new Milliard h"llow iron axle wagon ( warranted I, Cjpwu, Singer and New Home sewing luacnes, fine clothing, hats, ladies' dolmansuiress ami fancy giflnls a specialty. -'asj a 1, vauees nuulo on W(H1 consignetl through them to lie sold. Parties wishing tiriluiy or self farms, hurses, cattle or sleep- write to tlirm. ) A;w, Wasco Co., Or., 1SS4. j .0 . B. For Kivitfliters. r reiguters ani snippers will notp the fact that the river end of the Castle ijloek and Heppner road, w here the sanr, has been rather troublesome, has beenc. hor- ongmy s;ige brushed by tlui citizeis of (. astle hock, and is now in good condi tion for travel. W. H. Heebkv A7C0. jFree land-llliu at the 0.uet2 oflioe. THE LLUCTIO. Heppner Frecinct Slaughters OKI Man Mallorj', BLTJES BPiO. BEUXDAGE! And Routs the Rotten Ring. Morrow. Cox, Bnnliep, Martin And tlie Rest nf tlie (i(Hil 3lrn ai Klrrted. HIT THE SLICKEAR BEEFBAKEEL And roste the riirlohwd Pivkted Pork Tub. Tho returns of Heppner precinct show the following result: For Supreme Judge L. Flinn, B., 192; W. W. Thayer, D., 1151; domocratio majority, 59. For Congress B. Hermann, E., 190; John Mvers, 1., 24ti; dem. maj., 50. For judge Sixth Dist. M. L. Olm- stead, It., 227; W. W. Walker, U, 207; rep. maj., 20. Dist. Attorney-C. W. Parrish, R., 215; M. D. lUitlont, 1)., 2B1; dem. rain.. Hi. Itepreseutntives -H. (1 (rav. U F. A. ViVent, K., lfffr'j'L.I.rT: l.i V T).,i 3U5; L. B. Cox, U, 27t; J. B. Eddy, piu 10, l; ij. Asiipaugn, pinto, 1; dem. maj.. 292, Sheriff -Wm. IMartR., 184 Kester, D., 252; dem. maj., OS. Clerk-J. 1'. Bushee, R.,228; J. P. J. 31. iiagar, 20u: rep. maj., zi. Treasurer- N. Hciulryx, R., 193; G. w. wemi, v., 242; dem. maj., 9. County Judge H. J. Beau, R., 21G; T. J. Ln)r, I)., 21(5. Comity Commissioners -J. H. Koontz, R., 182; J. Pnebstel, R., 2; J. L. Fuller, L)., 810; J. J. Bumgardner, D., 252; Ben St'inton, pinto, 7; dem. maj., 427. School Snpt. John Kdmgton, D., 20i; Arnold, 2; dera. mni., 202. Surveyor- B. L. Burr, R., 183; WT. T. Chalk, V.. 21M; dem. maj., 40. Assessor - W. M. Stallord, R., 199; C. P. Davis, D., 2.'Sfi; dem. maj., 87. Coroner W. C. McKay, R., 202; J. B. Lindsey, D., 228; Dutch John, stag ticket, 1; dem. maj., 25. Jurfes-A. Mallory, R., 184; E. A. BruuMge, R., 01; A. J. Shohe, 1)., 205; J. Keithley,D.,3UN; Jim Neville, 1; dem. maj., 379. Constables -O. W. Harrington, R., 212; CI I v . 1 I T- ill,". Ill T - t 1 D 215: Fid Richard" "c, . agam.-t it, n.-t it, 321; majority against it, 2G'J. AT KATHY.. The election at Dairy preciuot passed off very quietly and a light vote was cast. A number of voters belonging over there came to Heppner to vote, thus lWig their right to a voice in precinct otlhrers. Co-aud Morrow led for legislature, Mr. Dennis was elected justice of tho peace and r raiiK n mmurst constable. AT CA.HTLE ROCK There were 38 votes cast, ns follows: Myers, hi; Hermann, 17; Thaver, Hi; Flyiin, 17; Walker, Mi; Olmstead, 17; Olill'ord, Hi; Famuli, 17; Morro".v, 17; Cos, 20; Cray, it; Vinceut, 14; Lucy, 16; Bean, 14, Fuller, 20; Baumgardner, 15; Koontz, 14; Kester, 14; Martin, lti; lin ger, 12; Bushee, 17; Webb, 15, Hendrvx, 14; Kdmgton, 21; Davis, (; Stafford, 14; Chalk, 17;' Burr, 18; Lindsay, lti; McKay, 14. l'or jiiHtioa ot the puce C T. jiite, 9; J. H. Forsyth, 2; Jack Landis, 1; C. P. Rutherford, 1. For con stableSam Elriok, 9; Roy Forsyth (de pot mold, 1; J. Landis (river gang), 1; Mike Fitzgerald (pugilist ticket), 1. AT CKi: ,y.sT END. In the precincts oi Meadows, Foster, Upper Butter creek, Alta, Umatilla, Ad ams, Centerville, Weston, Vansycle, Le na, Mountain, Milton, Scotts and Men cham, the vote is about as follows: Cox Oil, Morrow G15, Vincent 518, (lay 2'.M, Kddv 582, Ashpnugh J&0, Kpstef C-13, Martin 978, Hagar (115, BusheeTrS, Webb (!!, Hendryx 816, Lucy R(I, Bean 529, Koontz 84(1, Stanton SaiSTBumgurt filo, Fuller 523. In Pendleton Yh&ent will beat Cox about 60, and Mr. Morrow something like 30. On the outcome, however, Morrow aud Cox will bent Vin cent about 200. Mr. Morrow is oliourse ahead of his ticket, aud Cox still stands well up in most precincts. Vincent got rive votes in Weston, ami six in Milton. Mr. Morrow got 54 in Weston and Cox 44. Cox got 73 in Milton anil Mr. Mor row ill. Morrow nnd Cox, the peophiAiV uiiiiiiit'iuim, uio wimoutii'tnu j eiei;ietl, ami the same may be said of Bushee, Martin and Hendryx. But, sad to say, Dutch John is beat. At Lena 39 votes u-cre cast. Tlie gen eral results foot up very close together, but Bushee, Martin, Cox and Morrow are ahead. 0 AT PORTLAND. The total vote cast in Portland on Monday was 6.556. The count was not complete on latest advices, but the indi cations are that tho republicans have carried the city. The Oregonian claims the state for the republicans by 1500. The Standard says Myers will contest the electiou on account of wholesale frauds in Portland. AT ALKALI. The number of votes cast at Alkali was 144. Republican by small majority. eo e " (iinilhurst. During the prevalence of tho thunder storm Monday the people of McKimiey creek were treated to a genuine cloud burst. The water fell for about half an hour as it was never known to fall since Noah's time, washing away soil and do ing considerable damage to growing crops. Geo. Gray's tine crop of grain was just about completely ruined, and some of his out-buildings were washed away. One end of the abuttment of the Rhea creek bridge has been undermined and the foundations impaired. Mr. Gray's garden was entirely washed away, ami a lot of fencintvand the smokehouse and cellar with all the family provisions were carried away, and the turkeys and ohiekeus went down the creek and were drowned. Mr. Gray wag over to Dairy as judge of election at the time, anil Mrs. Gray had no thought of danger un til she saw the w ater rushing over her porch. She had to wnde through deep water to the barn and burh ground. The main force of tffe watfiassed close to the bouse, but not close enough to affect it. Mr. Gray's band of sheep also hiid a narrow escape from being swept awav. The herder usually brought them up tlie creek bottom in the eajjly evening, but ou this occasion he w;R bringing them home along the hillside, nnd hail not quite reached the lvittom when the tor rent swept past The honse on the old Clay Myers place, near the mouth of McKini.ey creek, was swept away and torn to pieces. Pfrniaiifiitlv IxicateiJ. Prs. J. G. Taylor nnd G. S. Snrinir. dentist, have dwiiltd to permanently j .vci7 in iii-'jmi-i iv'i iur (iitx'tlic iil dontistry. with nflice next dixir to G. W. nglit law 01111.. lirst-cli-.ss. All work warranted Wool C.rowiv Jleetins:. It is likely there fill be n large gath ering of sheepmen in town next Satur day, the 7th, to attend the organization of a Wool Growers' Association, as it is becoming generallvealized that indi vidual effort to obtain such advantage as the importance of the industry en titles it, are with es9 efleot than if by Arsons repres(Iltlnif 8 Uody pledged to muniiu KUiKt. ia aimost every por tion of tlie country wiere wo(,l is an im portant product, there are associations for the promoti'.u f common interests, giving especial attention to infectious diseases, transpojijiion and sale of wool. There is certain l4 occasion for some such work here. Tilj it in a wav in suring harmonious action nud united effort in the director of conditions es sential to prosperity of the business. The call for a meetiijf is signed by those who represent in oir,ership over '210.000 sheep these residi ju our immediate vicinity. If all juffn, they will cer tainly constitute a orco which can, if they choose, nocomrfch much. Tu lleppne. fierr.haiitK. Tlie niorchants .?Hcipuer and all others who have air; good or freight brought from belowire respectfully no tified that the O. R.Js N. Co. has raised the rate to Alkali oife-shipped goods to 90 cents per 100 pnnds, thtis putting Alkali and Castle In k on exactly the sa-ie footing, and doing injustice to neither place. Weshall be triad to I lmni!'e.Ji-""" ' VjwMo Rock. will y-vo nn tmsiTlw eiidrusiSS U cmr? care our best Bttewmt. W.H. HebresA Co. Castle Rock, June 2, '8 In the Fie!tl 'Hie careful attfntii if our many reiulers on LowersiiVillow, Rick and oth er creeks, and in tlie vicinity of Alkali, is called to the new advertisement of that enterprising and progressive firm, Coflin, McFarlaud & Co., of Alkali, win. nreQflering big bargains in tie way of wagons and agricultural maehinry," be sides general merchandise. Call Ju the firm, or send for their pricelist. 145 Itcnaiil, A reward of 45 will be paid for the recovery of three mares two sorrels branded shield S on left shoulder, about seven years old; one bay mare, five years old, branded with cross on right shoul der; or $15 will be pnid for either one. S. P. Gaurioues. Hows Wmited. I have about 25 mares with yearlings miming on the range, and I will paj $2.50 per head to anyone who will get them up and deliver them, or any of them, at are bramtedtliaiiioiiU S on left shoulder, principally, while a few are branded 7S on left shoulder and 7UP ou left shoulder. The yearlings have not yet been branded. I want thorn up ns soon as possible, so get in and ride. April 3, '84 Henry Wade. Itiuii li For Sale. A fine ranch Kitnutcd within stvon mites nf Hniipner in offered for mile. It rontninM 4H!I Here, 4(Oof which arelpvel and tilllillie. bulanee yood KraH hmd on liiliside. and embrace"" ii Itoinestomt, timberculture nnd railroad qimrter. A No. 1 Htock ninche, urwhicli lTHKHieiid of nlieen can be kept for six mcithn of the yisar. tiofflfc sprini; and well, '2u ncre in cnlt ivittion. 21" Here fenced, kix acrew in Kri'vinR treeN. Will sell re liminiHhmont for $:i(JU lmniire at Uazettf oniee. f l"kT I" for thi workiiiK cliw". Bend 10 VIVJl centH fur ro1HKe, and we will mail yon free, a royal, valuable box of sample ifoorlrt that will put you in Uih way of makinp more money in a few diyt" than you ever thought pnMHibie at any bnfir.i'C. Cnpitnl not required. We will-Ktnrt yon. HrX' work all tlie time or in Bpiiri. ;i .tilj.Viie work ih uni verwillv adapted to both tcx'H.j-ennK and old. You can eanily earn from fMl cent h to 5 every evening. That all who want work may tost tho btiwineHH, we make thia unpHrailehid oiler; to all who are not wtjl aatistied wo will aend $ l to pay for the trouble of writing uh. Full particular, direc tions, etc., aeni free. Fortunes will lamade by thoe who tfive their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure, lton't delay. Htart now. Address Ktinso.n- A Co., Portland, Maine, HEITNEU LUMSER. YARD I have established a Lumber Yard in Heppner, Opposite tlie School house, Whme I will kcp nn Imnd a full mipply nf First - Class. Lumber ! - FROM ccaxWbTS CAMS LL, 0 K'here the virgin fnrpst nr.d HoI-rt timbfr in nw being tapped for tho tirt time. JeC 1). Kii-k. V ) 1 T V ? Hfml nix rents fur ptwtiiKP. box of Kimds which wiii lifli ynu to more money rijnt nwity than anything cle in this workl. All, of cithor Hex, snnrt it from firnt lioir. Tli hromi mad to forhi!:vtponn htsfort the wcrkrrt, Hhsoliit'': -'!rf. Ai oiioo addroH, Tu k A t o., Aiiiutn, Maine. ti;i-l' Established lsot. NO TATENT NO PAY! o PATENTS Obtained for Mechanical Device, Coinimuudd, Designs ar.d Ijibcls. AH preliminary examinations rh to pnttii(:d)il ity of invontioiiM, Fn-H. Our "(hiide for obtain ing PatentH," ia BenjE everywhere. Add rets, LOUIS BAGGER & CO., Solicitors tif Patents, WASHINGTON, 1). C. A(iE VrV w-antfd for The IiiviHof all 1 Li tiiw Prfrtnientf of the 'I. M. 1'he largest, handsomo-r. ht Umk ever sold for lesa than twice or price. Tfe fami-nt teliirir book in America. linim-uHe protitu to rttentn. All intUi(rfTit iHople w,u,t jt. Any ojie can become a sueccMHfuI aeiit. Turin free. Hai.i.ett IliMHi t o., Purtland, Maine. (W-1' L A I) IKS! A chuii't' line OI Alillincrv Goods ! Will l SOLI) CHEAr -a Fur tluNText Thirty Days MRS. J. E. IIASKINS, W,st .ldi't Street, OPPOSITE THE JORDON HOUSE. AL.KALI. OGX. Call and See for Yourselves i.(llX -kt h.iui. '.. outfil freo. Par CvtW al,im... .-.. Nonck. npitiJ not r- i ijmreft. lifH.ier if vna wont liuwiie at whieli t either w's voupu or ""id. enn make ' "?U"r oil ti- time tb ; ; "iiej. rn. r,,r iflmvu.iw ' o., I'urllaud. Slaint. t"-1 1 THE BEST IN I Cliampion Reapers and Moavcf?! THOMAS SULKY HAY U A. IvKS ! EE BUFFALO PITTS EE- ChalleiKieiv Thresher ! TT OREGON BAIN ustly called j The Wheels." The Leading Wagfff that has stood 'the severest test on this coast for 30 years. prices' Greatly reduced Bun a Good Iirh'itbh Machine W'orlltlciw one. We sell (ill of ihe aboee ri'jht here in i rT1rr f (i bower ia'asas&sswfefeet0. had aiii where in Eastern Oreijon or Washington Territory. Send for I'rice List. N, McFAllLAND tfe CO. ALKALI,0Vasco E. A'. THOMAS. 0 0S K. ST. TII'OMAS As o I WlfoLEKALE AND ItETAIL DEALEltS Gen era 1 Me r c fi anil i s e , ALKAkl! We aro Now OnGi ofl!TcTOMTr--Commoclious Stores OREGDIST, ' And are Treiiared to Furuisli Goods in any Quantities and at the VERY LOWEST RATES! Do Not Fail to Call on Get the Benefit of M. V. HARRISON, ALKALI. JOBBER AND RETAIL DEALER IN Heavy, Shelf and ' All Kinds ofCarj)euteri' a or C33 HaiSHHU AUt MAJjLKI.li, NO. 1 CUMHKulSW FLJirS, I HUN AM) 1AD John Deerpiows, Schuttler Wagons, Etc. Hkitner Soft Soap Factory! (Sometimes called the Hard Times Shop), BIGHEAD EISH HOIT, FETTI F(X1G ER PAIN and D. B. HAL OCK, I'igureheads, Stoolpigeous and Greasecookern. i WE BRAY FOR ALL! a Sike other quack concerns, it gives altove life-like pictures of its roustabouts. Having itsjillow furnished and wires pulled by tricksters Ijuiw, this concern is now prepared to cinch wttlers on railroad land-filirttf, to blow hot or cold, or to try the freeze-out racket on any man who dares try to build up a little bn uesR for himself. Ntcs shaved to lied rock, aud all kinds of sneaking done. THE WORLD &,TIGEREr- 0 hnpiovcd II E AJJER!" 'J j1 Best Wagon on Q""'lP for a Loiccr Price fain o CoTmty, OREGON. J. A. THOMAS. SON in : Oponing in o Us when I; Alkali and 0 Our Low Prices Builders' Hardware, and Blacksmiths' Tools, ' PIPE, WAGONS ! HAliD WUOIJ I.UMHKR, LEATHKH AND RCIinER RRLT3, 0 1KO.N AND STEEli, HUCKEYE M OWE II ,D REAPER, S9-A7 e ' Srttle Cp. C Being desirous of conducting my bimi news ou more ot a onsh basis, 1 would respectfully request all person indebted to the Heppner Livery and Feed Stable to call and settle their acoounts without delay. Mat 5, Nelsk Jones. CD CCD' CD O mmr r. .UlOllk) If yuu want to keep yonr 8hep clean and free from scab, nm tho MATTHEWS Tobacco Extract, Which has an Established Reputatiungf1MW and ia the CHAMPION DIP OF THE COAST t It in Perfectly Pure, and one or two trials will.convinoe yon of itt Huperiority. For Male in 1 and 2 gallon van by BISSINGER S CO, FOHTLAXI), OHEfiOX, AND BY C9 1 ugeno A v y , Me Agmit, Nn. Ml Snninme St., Ban Francisco, SHEEP AND WOOL Commission Merchant. All kinds of slicnrinR tmpplics on hand at thrt Ijowert Market Itattw; (toiiMtant imwliawer of f it, 8heep and ljaftbt at nular market prioet. ti24i. o In WillametWalle FOlt SALE Or Trade for Sheep. 8 r?.rfe??N?. 1 fftiod farm nf 3(K1 acron, ncrcH in cultivation, K"d h"UKt and twrn, etc., Indited three miles mm Brownnville and 18 mill rtim Albnnj Linn cimnty, Oreiron, r Hale nr cath, or will trade it nr nhw-p. The nurniw-RanK railroad nitin tlimni:h the land. Apply to me on Skinner Fork, or address me at Heppner. 02 O HARVEY J. HILL. 1). J. THOMPSON, AtiKNT FOlt - OKEGON. TlireitherSf Headers, Self-Binders, Reapers, Mmrers, 0 Ildi Rakes, Grain Drills, riowp, Hai-rows, And evoothinu in the line trf FA3?M JNEACIIINKIiV, Fish Bros. Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Spring Wagons. When you want anything ineJhis lino, call bikI see mo nt A. M. Guiiu's new blacksmith nhoi), Main Street. IX J. THOMPSON. BO TO HORSEMEN. Tlie fine Stallion YOUNG ROB ROY! Will Stand tlie I'l-esent Seamin at my Farm, Near llniilniaii. Yming Rob Hoy is a handsome bay, 5 years old, Bired by Dave (iriersou's Hob Hoy, out ut a tino Hambletonian mare. Terms JKI to insure. All possible care will tie taken to avoid accidents, but no responnibil. ity will be assumed should any occur. J. M. HUMPHREYS. STALLION COLTS FOK SALE. I have ene 3-year-old and three 2-year-old Ben Eoy stonk of Stallion colts for sale. sz-ivj J. M. HUMFHEEYS. HORSES STQLES-ei()0 REWARD. Htolen from my place at Lone Rim-? Waco coiJiljlreKon, on Hnlnrday night, April It), fi, three work liiirww. dencrilx-d aa fullowa: 1 bay home. 5 yearn old, l.'i hand hinh, haddle and col lar marked, a liltle white on one hind foot. 1 ttjiv linrwM 1 vi.iiru ..1,1 ulul l...l.;n.l .!".- mrmmm&"' "- 1 buy hone, 4 years old. 15"4 banda hiKh, balrl face, muinl white on one fore le to the kne and one hind lea white to hock, white jot on riht mde, roaii liuira in mane and tail, shoulder raw from collar. All nrandiil with rowlock upside down on left "moulder. 1 oHer lo a hoed for any Information that will procure the liorpee, and $110 for Hie capture or conviction of the thief oi thieve. '- JOHN MADDKN. NOTICK TIMBER-CULTURE. V. S. Land Office, The Dal lea Or. f ., ... . , April n, 1HH4. f . inmjdBinf haTinu been entered at this office b A. W. Desart. aiiainst 1). M. ritifm. for f,lrU , ''y W.1 J"" Ul 'J'i"'l"er- ulture entry No. Htr iiiii. iiTHiininiy ins:, upon the HE ! See K, Tuwiu.hu I N, H at K, in Umatilln county, Or" with a view to the cancellation of said entry' contestant alWin that said D. M. iSteem hn failed to comply with the timlier-culture law in this that said D. M. Wteem has fail.ni t4 cultivate hve acre! to crop or otherwise dunnir.tlifi second year after Update of said filinK. The ?aid par tie, are he,by notified that teetiraony in the ataive ease will le heard before (ieo. W. Wriirhl T'a ll''ul tl"l""L', '- ,h" 5,h J"I i 5l i i"' 10 click, A. M., concarnin, aaiit t"'iHll"r'- I. Smith, Hi-Kisier. I . N. laiianBDBT, Receiver. aijirj ESTKAY NOTICE. Taken lip by the undersiimivl, living eiijht miles above Ilenoner w:n.. . i. " black mare, four or nve years old. alsiut tifte.,, hands uh no marks or brand, perce.vnble. Ai pri,l at f' by Julius Keithley, JijCe f thB NOTICE OF INTENTION I And Olbce at Tlie Dulles. Or., Ma' rtotice is herebv mven tl.ui tl.. 7 T full 27. 'nr. naiuwl settler has filed notice of his intention i,. lOWILIf. that said proof will he made before L. VV 'l)ar UnK. .Ntr7 at Lone Hock, Or, on July a, ),, mnii niifu oroor In atit.r.,... ... I.;. Stephen Macke, re-eirption No. IVM, fIir the N V. NW LJji: NK Sei-. ia.'i'poS. Ilffit. llHamestlie foil iowinK witnesees to rrove his continuous resi leoce uton. and cvltivation of u.i.1 1-...I eorre hjirle-art. (ieorce Irmrsni. H. H. ! Kmre' rf CI 1 i t iii it i i ;LUpMijHiifiils E c& iiiErrxEK, - - i,. nwei.ey. all of lone llis tr. Wawu ( o., )r. k. I.. Hmiil. H.iriKii'.r. V 9 - n