99 63 JL 9 Bfsjfc : 00 b i CO 89 . , LOST ON THE PLAINS. A Narrow Escape from a Horrible Death. During the,, summer of 1882 an emi grant with a wife and two small children, arrived at a point on the ltepublican river, in Colorado, about 100 miles south of Julesburg, on the C. P. B. K. on their way to Oregon. On inquiring as to the nearest and best route to Julesburg, they were told that there was a near0route leading almost directly north, though it was seldom traveled on e account of scarcity of water. Yet they were as sured that thero would be no difficulty in-keeping the road, as there had been considerable travel that way during the season. By thus diverging from the old traveled route, they would be enabled to cut off some 75 miles of the distance. For the first half day they experienced no trouble in following the trail. Soon, however,' they emerged upon a vast sandy waste, where not the slightest trace of the road could be seen, owing to the wind having shifted the sand. The emi grants' small keg of water having al ready become exhausted, and the day being very hot and sultry, they soon be gan to feel the pangs of thirst. The in tense heat reflected from the parching sand at times became almost suffocating. Observing iu the distance a series of hills or mounds rising from 30 to 40 feet above the level waste, they hoped to find water near them. Urging their jaded team to make all. possible speed, they ar rived at the delusive goal at dusk. But what was their dismay to find those hills to be but a vast pile of sand. Verily, the promontories or tue desert. Here they were compelled to camp for the nignt witnout a drop 01 water or sprig of grass for their gaunted mules. Early on the following morning they resumed the weary march, taking a cir cuitous route in order to avoid the sand embankments. Towards noon the sun was again pouring down its burning rays with unmitigated fierceness. Surely this was the very abomination of deso lation. Not a vestige of vegetation E&&KPbe seen. Not a bird or an animal of any description nothing, save rattle snakes, their frightful rattle the only sound that distnrbed the awful silence. Night again cast its mantle of gloom over the God-forsaken land, and seemed but a fore-runner of their impending doom. Thus another miserable night is passed, the excruoiating panga of (.tout now be coming almost unbearably the pitiful moans of the children toeing almost heart-rending to the parents, as their constant cry in their delirous dreams was "Water! Water!" With renewed hopes, as the morning dawned, the famishing mulus were again harnessed to the wagon. But they were so exhausted that after going a short distance they had to be unhitched. Then the father, leaving wife and children be hind, took a spade and struck out to prospect for water. Should he find any indications of the preoiouS fluid? Though scarcely able himself to drag one foot after the other, he finally sue ceeded in reaching the summit of a ridge commanding a view of the country far ahead. With infinite delight he saw not , piore" than tvo miles away vast herds of horses and cajte grazing near the banks 01 a stream iringeu wren green grass, The very sight infused ilbvAlife within hira. With a thankful heart he hastened eP oarry the joyful news to his family. With the utmost difficulty they finally reached the blissful goal, having been morettian two days and nights without Tri drop "at trater. The parties to this ex perience nov live near Heppuer. K. STOCK BRANDS. , Subscribers to the Gazette can have their brand&n Wished free of charge by sending tbt?fcsin. Adkins, C. It. X on right shoulder, horses; jV on right side, cattle. Brown, Isa Horses IB 011 fight thigh; cattle, same on right hip. Barton, Wm. llorses, J B on right thigh ; cattleggime on right hip. Cuuinghame, W. B., Newton Ranch. Horses, N with figure 2 under it on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip and thigh, left ear square cut. Cox & English Cattle, S3 with E in center.. Cason, J. P. Horses, C on left stifle; oattle, TC connected on left hip, 3 du laps on neck. Douglass, W.N. Cattle, R Don rigM ide, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, i; D on left hip. French, A. D. Horses, A F on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, up per bit in left ear, Flrenoe, S. P. Horses, Fon righf shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh. , ' ' , Gay, Henrv. GAY on left shoulder. Gilmore, S. W. Cajole, upper slope off each ear, wattle right side of neck, J Q on right hip; horses, circle dot on left shoulder. Jones, J. II. Horses J with shade over it on left shoulder. Address llardman. Johnson, Felix. Circle Ton right hip, cattle; same on left stillle for horses. Kirk, J. C -Horses, 17 on either flank. Cattle, same on right side. Lyon, J. J. Horses, M with bar under it on right shoulder. O Mallory, Chas. P. Horses, 7C on left ' thigh. Mason, Jos. Cattle, JM connected, upper crop iu each ear, dulap on throat; horses, JM. on left shoulder. Address Pettysville. McClaren, D. G. Figuru5 on each shoulder for horses. CattleVM'2 on hip. Nordyke, E. Horses, circle 7 ou lef thigh. Cattle, same on left hip. Oiler, P. Horses, IX) connected on left 8l?oulder Address Lono Rock, Pettvs, A. C Horses, diamond F on left shoulder; cattle, two J's inverted and connected on left hip, upper slope left ear, split in right, wattle ou inside of right fore leg, near knee. Rogers, Cass. Oattle, 7 on left hip or thigh; ear mark, crop on right and under slope on left. Horses, 7 on left hip. Rector, J. W. Horses, JO on lef shoulder. 0 Stalter, D. B. Horses and cattle -7-on left thigh. Sperry, E. G. Cattle, W C on left hip, ' crop off right and nnderbit in left ear dulap; horses, W C on left shoulder. Wallace, Cbarles.W on right thigh, hole in left ear, cattle. W on righf fthoulder, some same on left shoulder for horses. Willingllam, J. W. Horses, BUD on left flank. Walbridge, Wm. Horses, UL ou left shoulder. o O L BIG 'RTOCTION IN PRICES ! o The Old-Established House of J. L: Morrow & Son! . . HAVE MARKED 'DOWN HEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF General MerclsswM&ke, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c Etc Etc. NEW FURNITURE' sf&RE! O 0 e a H. J. CEEEDON, Has opened up on Main Street a Large and Complete Stock of Fur- nituee, Consisting of BEADSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABE& SPRING BEDS, WASH STANDS, MATRESSES, PICTURE JTUms, LOOKING-GLASSES, BUREAUS, Which he II sell at Reasonable Prices. . Frovintr ud done free of charge at tho (i AZETTKvVtllCe. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Owic at La Gbandc. Or.. ) a Jan. 22, 14. Notice is hereby givTm that the fulloing amed settler hue riled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in rapport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Deputy County Clerk at Heppner, Or., on March 8, lb4. via: 11'. E. IfyJery, Commuted homestead No..'.' for the 8 H 8W 4 NW SW and 8W WW V, 8ec. 6, Tp 4 B, K27E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uion, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Walter Cunady, Tony Mulkev. Jot ph Kotfer. Freeman Greene, all ot 1BJ.. ,S JOB WORK DONE NEATLY AND WITH DISPATCH. . Gilding Done to Order. jorvvarding We have determined to do business on the Cash System, or 90 days' time, and to make it an object f our customers to assist us in abolish ing the old, high-priced long-credit way of doing business, we have made the most astonish ing Reduction in Prices ever mde by any House in Eastern Oregon, or anywhere else. In fact, we have made Sweeping Reductions ! All sund, and confidently assert that we can sell you goods cheaper than any other house in Eastern Oregon. Call and inspect our Stock, anl get prices. e NO MORE BIG PIECES! J. L. Morrow & Son, ! CornerMay Main St., Heppner, Oregon. H. HE H HE jST, and Commission Merchant, H. W. DwtOHT. Regitr. )dhaleb GENERAL MERCHANDISE, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OfEce at La Orande. Or., Jan. 28, 'S4. Notice is hereby (riven that the followiiiir named settler has filed notice of Mb intontion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before K. W. Far row, Notary Fublio at Pendleton, Or., on Marc'u 10, vis: Ezra II. rti.on, D. S. No. 8J4. for the BW M SK H SE ! Sec. H, NW M NK and NE U. NW Sec.Si.Tp 5 8, K 81, E, W. M. lie names the following wit niwKra to nrove his continuous residence upon. and cultivation of. said land, viz: W. B. Bolin, James Huston, Walter Boynton, A. A. Boyntou. aU of AUm, Or. 45-50 H. W. UwioaT, Kegister. Castle Rock, Oregok. $6 Keeps on Hand a General Stock of NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at L Grande Orenni, ) Jan.M, ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. W. Far row, Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on March 10, lM, vu: i Vnarlcs v inson. D. S. No. 82-25, for the N V, NE 4 See. 22, and W 4 NW H Sec. 28, Tp 5 S. K 81 E. He names the follrtvinf witnesses to prove his continuous resi- nceupon ana cultivation ot, said lanu, vii: . B. Bolin, Jnmes Huston, Walter lioyuton, A. A. Boyntou, all of Alba, Ot. Soisk 45-00 Jt. VV. DW1KM, Ite(flitr. Staple Groceries, Wool-sacks, Twine, Etc. Agent for C. H. Dodd & Co's Farming Implements, and the Albina Lumber ing Company. SHIP GOODS, Care of W. II. II., CASTLE BOCK, OR. Cash Advances made on Consignments of Wool, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides and Deer bkins. MINOR & DODSON, Grocery and Variety Store," MAIN STEEET, HEPPNER, OREGON. We Keep in Stoo.t a Full Lne of Goceries. Provisions, Stationery, Fancy Goods, French and Aisierican Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other Fruits in season, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols and Cartridges. FRWIiim SQUARE AND SEASIDE LIBRARIES. BlN 'BOOKS BY vlnl-tf. THE BEST AUTHORS. CITY .B IT T? W. J. L E E Z E E MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, Q OREO ON -) DEALER IN(- Stoves, Tinwctre,' Cutlery, A grienj. tural Implements. -)also has(- HOES, BAKES, G1HND STONES, AUGUBS, SAWS, HOBSE SHOES, HABEOW TEETH0BIED CAGEfl, LANTEENS AND PISTOLS. Nails of All Kinds, Iron and "Wooden Pumps, and Bolts of All Sizes. -)aoext foe(- The Celebrated Clipper Plow. full line of shelf hardware. The Farmer's Journal. Fanners desiring a first-class family ' "and agricultural n-eekly paper will find thai the Willamette Farmer tills the bill. We can furnish the Famur end Gazettb ' 6t $40a year lor both, usual prig go. tf a GEO. W. VOUXO. W. A. ROD KEY. 9 .ATTENTI Stockmen, Farmers, and the Public Generally! :o:- of- YOUNG & RODKEY, Alkali, - Oi'n, Beg leave to call your attention to their large and choice stock G E i E R-;-yreii-B: Complete in every department. If you do not see o . what you want, ask for it "We have cot it c O We arc Agents for Koshland Bros., Commission Merchants, Graders and Packers. LIBERAL CASS ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. BEST ATTENTION GUAEANTEEP. FBOMTT BETTBNS. e o a . J. B. NATTER, Prop'r, Main Street, - - - - Heppner, Oregon. -MANUFACTURER OF L'aer Beer, Ale and Porter. o Families OTHERS, Furnished vith Bottled Beer Lunches of Ml Kinds: SARDINES AND on Short Notice. LOBSTERS California, Limburoer and Swiss Cheese. Parties m the country must return empty kegs, or 51U apiece will be charged. J. C. DODSON, PROPEIETOB OP The Alkali Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, 0 " WEST MAIN ST., ALKALI, OREGON. My Terms are lleasonable. Stock Left in My Care Will be Well Attended To. Hay and Graft of the Best Quality Kept in Full Stock and For Sale. a . . . THE Gazette Job Office! Is prepared to do Printing at Heppner prices, freight added. It is not the only office in Eastern Oregon, nor can it do the best work in Eastern Oregon. But it can do all kinds of ordinary Book and Job Printing at fair and liv ing rates. You can get your printing done cheaper in San Francisco, but if you send it there you can also send there for your local notices when your steers have twins or your mules have triplets. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dnlles, Or., . mm Feb.4,lh8t. j nnmed nuttier Iirh tiled notife of liia intention to nmke final urimf in Biippoit of hi claim, iii.it that said proof will be inudo before. Pailip I . .Fame, iNotary at .Heppner, Ur., on aiurcn 1, listn, viz: Camuus n . Rfjcrictrd, PrfMmption No. 80S4, for the NE Sec. 8 Tp S 8, u r.. ne names i,np toiiowihk wiuiwna u prove bin continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, waid land, viz: T. Ij. Johiiaton, r. J. Hallocfc, Wm. Overhuttzvr, J. M. Warden, oil of Heppner. llretton. Saddle Main Street, G. D. SMITH, and Harness Maker, Alkali, Oregon. Keeps consfanfly on hand a full assortment of '' Harness. Bridles, Whips, Saddles, Collars. &o., In ehort everythinut in my line. All work in my line made to order, and from the beet Santa Crux and Stockton leather. REPAIKISG DOSE SUBSTANTIALLY AND WITH TASTE. NOTICE OF INTENT. Land Office tit The Dalles, Or., Feb. 4, 'U. fiticu w li..r..Kv tri unn llint tiie ff il Inwitii'- named Bettler has tiled notie of his intoutiottio make final proof iu support of Lis cpiim, and that said pntrwill be made before g. W. iJ'rih op, Notary at Heppner, Or., on March 21, 1N134, viz: A. Spencer, tr Pre-emption No.2Wl, for tho M? See. 22, Tp 5 h, H 2ti K. lie names the followii'it witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, mid l.vul, viz: John llwdrix, K, h.. Hw-inburne, T. h. Johnston, J. iiaird, ail cf Hoinmer, Umatilla t o., Or. 4t-51 K. L. HxiTa. Heisistur. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Land Office st The Dallee.Or., Feb. 4, '84. Notice is hereby ttiven that the follovrh.tf namcd settler has riled notice of his intention tc make tinal proof in support of his claim, ai.d that said proof will lie made before L. W. Dar ling, Notary at Lone llock, Or., on March 22, li84. viz: Joseph Whyt?, Pre-emption No. 347, for the H SW U 8o. ill Tp 4 S, K 23 JO, and K 4 NW W Sc. 8, Tp 5 8, 11 2H K. He names the following witnesses to prova his continuous residouee uptn, aril crdt ivatiop. of, said land, viz: S. B. Westett. Oiho Ward, ot Lone Hock, Wasco Co., Or.; 11. ('. Matney, John (ioss, of Lost Valley, Wasco Co., Or. 4ti-M E. L. Smith, ReRi'ster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Office at The Didlos Or., Feb. 7, 'M. Notice is hereby jriven that the followiMf nnmed settler has tiled notice of his intention to. make final proof in suppor t of his claim. ai.d tliat "aid proof will be made before A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on March, il, lHiii, viz: S. A. Rodman, Pre-emption No. !! !, fotie R H NW 'i Sec. 12, 8 i NE 4 Sec 11, 'l'p 5 8, H 25 K. He uamm th following witnemot- to prove his continnousjL'ii dence npon, and cultivation of, s:ud htrii, vfD. N, Uardinaii, Allen Hoyse, Wm. Mm, par. itnara Munwir, all of ibirdman, Umatilla county, Or, 47-52 E. L. Smith, Hejjister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IjA? D OmOI AT A HltANDK, On,, fet., Win. Notice is hereby iven tliat the followino'- named settler has filed notice of his intontion to make tir.al proof iu support of hi claim, ai'.d that said proof will bo made before 0. W. Bish op. Notary Public at Heppuer, Or., ou March 21, 1SH4, viz: Wm. F. Brvwn, D. S. No. 8S4, for the NW 4 Sec. S, Tp 2 S, U 27 E, W. M. i!e names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, atd culti vation of. said land, viz: Oscar Tibbet. John Gentry, Charles McBee, John White, all of Hepp ner, Or. 47-52 H. W. Dwiuht Ilegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, OrM Feb. 5, 'R4. Notice ishereliy (riven that the foliowinir-iHimed settler has filed notice of hiB intention to make filial proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before ii. W. Hishop, No tary at Heppner, Or., on March 21, 18H4, viz: fyJohn Hook, Pre-emption. 21WSS. for the WBE!4 SK M UK H Hoc, 7, M H HW U Bee. HI, Tp 5 8, R 26 E. He naniMj the followins; witnesses to prove bi'i eontinmms residence upon, and oultivution of , A said land, viz: Howard Morris, Hyron Bennett. A.J.Thompson, of Hurdman; J. H. Foil, of Heppner, Umatilla county, Or. 47-52 EL. Bmith. Heitistor. . In Justice's Court for the Precinct ot Heppner, County of Umatilla, Htate of Oregon. David A. Horren, plaintiff, va Nathan Mellee, do fendant. To Nathan McBee, the above-named defendant; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear before the undersigned, Justice of the Peace, for the precinct aforesaid, on the 5th day of April, 184, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of aaid day, at the oiiioo of said Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above-named plaintiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notic that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will tako judgment against him for f 2H.50, and for plaintiff's disburaemeiita o this, action. (Jiven under my hand this lflth day of FebrUi- -, ary, 1HH4. A. Mammky, hf.al Justice of the Peace. 1'his summons is published once a week for six consecutive weeks, by order dated February Is, l.sj, of A. Mallory, Justice of the Peace for said Precinct of Heppner, County of Umatilla, btato of Oregon. ii. W. Hea, -54 Plaintiff Attorney, 8LMM0XSI. In Justice's Conrt for the Precinct of Heppner, County of Umatilla, Ftnte of Oregon. Heppner Blackmun, plaintiffs, v Nathan Mc Ji, defendant. To Nathan McBee, the above-named defendant: In the name of the Mate of Oregon, you are here by requirtd to appear before the undersigned, n Justice of the Peace for the precinct aforesaid ou April 5th, 1HH4. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the office of said Justice, in said precinct, to an swer the above-named plaintiffs in a civil action The defendant will take notice that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take judgment against him for 2X.13, and for plaintiff's disbursements of this action. Given under my hand this 18th dny of Kebrtu ary. lJt. A. Mallory, Ik;lJ ... Justice of the Pence. This summons ig put.hshed once a ... six consecutive weeks, hy order dated February itvt. or a. aiaiiory, Jnsticeof the Peace, for County of Umatilla, ii. W. Hea, Plaintiff's Attorney. 1H, the Precinct of Heppner, State ot uregon. 454 Book and job printing of all kiada Gazett office. at 3 9l n