9 a CO CD 9 e oe 9 e X 9 ex 9 A THE GAZETTE. IlllVPSER, THURSDAY, MAR. 6, 1884. Local and General. Hmoke Theodore's I. C. U. Died-In Heppner, Feb.829, Geo. Eid, aged 39 yeara. Pete Eisen started by Monday's stage on a trip to Portland. Land Filings and Proving-Up free ofj charge at the Uazette ofliee. Born In Heppner, Maroh 5, to the wife ot 11. 11. Hallock, a son. The time to retire is when the old tire is worn out, says W. M. Estes. Our old friend, Felix Johnson, of But ter creek, gave us a call to-day. At Eagle City, Idaho, the sun shines for all, but only an hour per day. Isear Alkali a considerable acreage is being turned up for spring griiin. ' When you want anything in the stove or hardware line, call at W. J. Lieezer s, When you want to insure your proper ty against lire, call at the Gazette office. At Walla Walla McCalley & Son have f)ominencodto rebuild their btanuard ' At Alknluthe.ejiterprising citizens are moving in tiie matter of establishing water works. Henrv Johnson has built a very neat picket fence around the residence of p . Tom Matlock. Mr. J. B. Natter has been making gar den this week, and already has lettuce above ground. A set of laud plats just received at the Gazette office. Cuill and pick out your government dirt. Henry Blackman is expecting his father from the East, and together they will visit Portland. Any sheepman who wants j cash ad vance on his wool, can get it of Christy A Wise, ot Portland. Over the garden wall or rather over the Heppner mill race a flying boot-jack after a big thoinas cat. W Yorky Delavan, the srmling stage- il"t'i'fr o'tloiH'o't'.&is now located in business at Pilot Rock. A building boom will soon strike Al kali, aud the coming season will be the liveliest ever had there, While hunting near The Dalles last Thursday Jolmuia Miohelbach fell and v as killed by his own gun. The. Fell has returned from his visit to Illinois, and resumed his position in J. L, Morrow & Son's store. Settlers who want surveying, filing or proving up done should callju Judge L. W. Darling, at Lone Rock. Fifty head of stall-fed beef cattle were recently driven across the Cascades to (Seattle over ten feet of snow. O The only place in Heppner to get an outfit of furniture is at the warerooms f Joe Creedon, on M ly street. Mr, E. Nordyke last Sunday felt the unpleasant feeling of feeling his big, heavy stallion step on his foot. By the tran-miisuim of scarlet fever in . letter from Fprt Klamath ssreral chil dren have died at Walia Waiia. We regret to learn that Mrs. WT. P. Elmore has been very ill this week, und Rope to soon hear of her recovery. Hoppner's beautifu weather has turned off cooler; thermometer at freez ing; Higns of a small dab of snow. " Bill Ayers was over from Butter creek this week. The tttouk and crop outlooks over there are perfectly satisfactory. Already have the duck-covefed wagons 4jf emigrant and new settlers began to nWi through the streets of Heppner. Ben French and l ieorge Clark are put ting in quite a patch of spring gram on the Frank Madduok ranch, above town. As spring approaches, got your garden, field. aud flowers seeds, of bath California and Oregon raisiug, at J. L. Morrow fc bon's, Henry Tadbcrj.' was up this week from bis Rhea creek ranch. He lost about 50 heep this winter, but it was on account of old age. No sheepman or rancher should be without reading matter and good litera ture when he can get it bo cheap at Minor & Dodson's. Alfrt?f ,?)fif brother to T. W. Ayers, has arived from Iowa and taken a line body of government laud over in the Butter creek country. What shall the harvest be? Well, it depends. Frinstauee.'if you want a har vest of good eookiflg, get your cook etove of W. J. Leezer. About .TO Chinamen are now building, ot Umatilla, several large boats, with which they expect to begin mining the bars of the Columbia river. Isa Brown, of Well Springs, was up Inst Saturday, and Bays his section of country is pregressiug favorably. Spring gardening is going on down there. Messrs. Richardson & Patton are now running the barber shop next to Geo. hwnggat't's, and when you visit their 0Qbho you are sure to get good work. NW York oapitid has been offered to the O. R & N. Co. at three per cent, to Complete th Baker City branch to a con nection with the Oregon Short Line. Think of the friends over there at the head of Eight Mile, who are fencing up jots of government dirt, having got their nails, spikes and wire at V. J. Leezer's. Just as we began to think that the new town of Flettville was making rapid strides of progress, we are sorry to note the fact that its postolliee has been dis Barnum's great white elephant hyn for next season will be "just as Sia urn nun, without one flea." Bishop and Paine's song will be "Just as we were, without one office." Mr. Settler, before you put vour busi ness in the hands of Squire Mrdlory, go and ask J hive Herreu, Charlie Cochran or Jim Munkers what their experience was with Lin). Julius Keitldey now has bis Justice of the Peace office ruuniug in the office of tht old Frank Maddock store. When yon waut legal business done correctly, call on Juliu. Souire Mallory thinks the Gazette bus lied about him. We hope this is not o. But if jt is, the paper ought to be prosecuted, and there is plenty of libel law in the country. Mr. C. E, Fell ha been transplanting a lot of his young poplar trees this week. When things get to growing, hewill bave the handsomest rvsukuc and roan.li in thi etio. Joe Cannon was up this week from his extensive ranch near Ella. The crpJ outiooK in mat reon is entirely satis factory. When you want a good rig to go any where, or a saddle-horse, or want to feed your team whep you come to town, re member that Nelse Jones has the only livery stable in Heppner. If anyone finds a buggy whip and hal ter in the road between town aiFp the Willow Creek sawmill, they will please leave them with W. A. Kirk, Win. Hous- ti5n1Joratt"he Gazette office. Geo. Tice, of tjiefirm of Hamilton & Tice, was sevefeiy'kicked in the groin by a spirited horse last Saturday, but his many friends will be glad to learn that he is now all right again. " Mr. W. M. Estes, the well-known blacksmith, has opened up again in Tom Ayer's building, next to E. Nordyke's, Bud is now prepared to do horses'hoeing and plow-work at short notice. Xlf you want to get stoasvfinaidly, hunt up the solf-nommttfetf tieste who wants to be county clerk. If you want to merely get a good, clean face shave, go to (Jt. V. (Jornett s barber shop. If the foreman of the Gazette office had had sheet-iron pans at the rink Sat urday evening he wouldn't have had to blush so when the hidies laughed ai hjs f?dl.-The'5loth was sev'efely'iiijured. Joe Thomas, one of the proprietors of two extensive mercantile establishments in Marion comity, visited HeppiTer this week, and dropped in to the Gazette office to renew an acquaintance of years ftK- . You can doyour land-filing and prov-ing-up free of charge at the Gazette office, and you can get anything you need iu the line of groceries, canned goods, oigars, tobaccos, outlery, ettSf at Minor & Dodson's. XThere is no law against a man making afool or himself, so go and pay from 2.50 to 810 to some of the Heppner King landsharks for filiug and proving up while you can get it done for nothing at the Gazette office. The Portland Oregouian is showing up a big scheme whereby the people have been swindled out of millions of aores under the swamp laud act, and that pa per proifiises to give a hot chase to Hen Owens and other swamp angel?. And now Wood Munkers, our old part ner down to Salem, has become the father of another little girl baby. Wood is now muolfniore of a family man than when lit was getting up beef steers in the Heppner Hills nine years ago. "Jjpt me hide myself in thee!" said a maru his well. And it did. And when ho got iu aud got his clothes wet, ho concluded that a pump would be of more service in there than he was, so he wont aud bought a good one-at W. J. Leezer's. L' Bishop, isn't it about time you were springiug auotlier railroad lanu-uiing racket on the people.1' Herd in the set tlers and sraudle them out of S'2.50 a head over arru above the land office fees. Or can't you work the same game t"vToe? XWell, Bishop, how are you getting j;ng witli your freeze-out game? And Joes it make you feel aayjlder to boar the heavy responsibility of being pTirt owner in tue uttjo patont outside uwu- rag you are pleased to oall a newspaper? Jim Dodiou, the well-known livery man of Alkali, came up to Hejpuer Sat urday wiui one ii his liaulis loadou with passengers. Jim has a complete stable at Alkali, aud makes a speoialty of feed ing Heppner teams nud taking passen gers anywhere. Henry Simons who hij been running Crocket Kirk's lieep all wiuter, isHlHoon going over to explore the Malheur coun try. Aud we wish we could go with him, for when a fellow is in the mountains with Henry he is sure to feast on plenty of veniaou aud. elk. H. H. Clarke, the wool man, started Thursday night by Nelse Jones' Echo buggy line for his pleasant home at Alameda, Cal., taking the thoroughbred pup "Davy" along with him. If Davy falls overboard it will save Clarky's fam ily lots of futiira trouble. There are a number of hostile men in town, lliev are liostiia because tuk r. .... ...... .... I!.,?" Squire Mallory's subpoenas were made out for. the wrong date. The squire ought to pay their extra hotel bills. Dave Herren and Governor Ilea made a buggy trip to Alkali last week, return ing home on Saturday. They branched off through the buuehgraas hills and the Shuttler Flat conutry, aud noticed on every hand signs f stlement and a promising outlook for ooming crops. Our old friend, W. S. Metcalf, "down to Bosting," has made us a generous offer to furnish sinews of war to tight the corrupt little Heppner ring. Thanks, Billy, but we have four aores of hogs rapidly ripening iu the Heppner Hills, and they will soon be fit for market. Wait till we blow them in. Iu the velocipede race last Saturday night in Matlock's Hall, there were four eutries Charlie Wylaud, Win. Ottman, Harry Phillips and Harry Keyte. The two latter gentlemen shortly withdrew, and Charlie Wylaud won, making the three miles ior ti minutes, Mr. Ottman being ouly I,1 j laps behind. Tom Ayers has received a letter from a nephew in Iowa, telling him about big snow storms aud thermometers away be low zero. As Tom walks up the street and sees his cattle basking in the sun shine and cropping green grass on his hillside pasture, he must realize that the .Heppner Hills are a little ahead of Iowa. Kirk & Houston's Willow Creek Steam Sawmill started up last week and turned out enough lumber to build a dwelling house near the mill for Bill Houston. Just as soon as things cau be got in proper shape the mill will start iu on the season's work, and the people of Hepp ner and surrounding country can theu get the lumber they so much needu o "TbeCWomau'n riiyniriiw." A common sn ipeUioal work for ImiUpo only, Fully answers all quoHtior.s Yihieh modesty prs fonts a&kiuir runle (. Syria-inn. (Jived chuwd nr.il ymiUm of nil dious of the nx, ith tive care for eucb in plsin Uatfuiwce, written by liuluw ho Imve miUt thee liicMftope a lift stmly. A plain talk in dvlinute laiikuatto which every woiiiH'i. oiuik slid old. f!iou!J ivad. It in reconi-niemi-tl, by eiuiuent lady hyu-ian an a nafe yuide for the jex. Hur.d-nricly Ivurd a:id iIIuh tmteil, Sent ptwtixud for fl. fluff Addrwe the Koi'HKTI Pi ULISHI.NH Co., 32, 33 4 3i-. tht bum block, Kocheoter, N. . Attention. Tax. Payers. The first of April is tear at hand when State and county taxea will become de linquent. After that date per centum will be added to all unpaid taxes nud i other cost mav be ex poo ted. 4 W. W aktp.-, Sh.riff. UEPFXEE DEMOCRATIC CUB. TTvppvttj- March 1. 'M- The Democratic Club of'Heppner met at Matlock's Hall March 1st, and per fected their organization. The commit tee nriDointed to frame a constitution for theOclub, made the following report, which was unanimously adopted: The object of this club is to promote the success of reform in the federal and State governments, and by sound states manship, houesfy'andOeconomy, reduce the burdens of the people, not only of the nation, but also of our State nd oounty. . Upon this issue we cordially invite tue oo-operation of all democrats, reform republicans, and all of our fellow-citi-z?us, of whatever party organization, who are earnest and willing in this crisis of our national and lojal affairs, to join with us in this work. The object of this club is to unite the efforts of the people of this community in the further anoe of our comraon interests, both na tional and local. The officers of this club shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and an executive oommittee to be composed of the cresident and ten members to be elected by the members of the olub.v..mj Democratic" party, hereby enroll our names as members of this club. J. L. Morrow, J. W. Hilmore, A. J. Bhobe, Pat CJuaid, J . li. Spernr, Ed. V. Harbin, T. W. Ayers, K. O. Sloan, I). W. Kirk, P. Potlerton, Wm. Mitcholl, J. (i. Mad.lock, W. J. lUcAtee, ,T. H. Straight, IS. L. .Matlock, G. W. Wricht, Xhos. Morgan, J. M. Haht, 3.V. Kirk, W. K. Theodore, Wm. Huxhen, Joseph ( recdon, A. 8. Welle, (!. E. Hiuton, 1. il. Lnatlierman, ("has. McHeo, J. 1j. Fuller, J. II. Gentry, J. H. Btiimlo, (. W.Rea. The club then proceeded to elect the following officers: resident, A. J, Shobe; Vice-President, J. L. Morrow; Seorotary, G. W. Wright; Corresponding S'jcretf5ry, G. W. Rea; Treasurer, J. J3. Spefry; and an Exeoutive Committee composed of the following gentlemen Thos. Morgan, J. L. Fuller, Williaft J. MoAtee, E. G. Sloan, T. W. Aver?, G,W. Swaggart, A. S. Wells, J. L. Mor row, W. E. Theodore, Ed. L. Matlock and the President. The President appointed k finance committe aud also a committee on by laws. It was resolved and ordered by the olub that copies of the committees re port be circulated throughout the pre cinct and published for the information of the people. The club adjourned to meet next Sat urday, Maroh 8th, at 2 o'cloolifc.M. at Matlock's Hall. A. J. Shobk, Preaident. G. W. Alright, Secretary. &YVX AT NEWTlrW KANClf. Last Sunday was a beautiful day. The sun shone bright and warm, the grass sprang up on the hills, the birds sang, f nd everything iu nature wore a cheer ful oountenauco. It was a day when peoplo go out doors and feel the foun tains of youth springing up anew within them. And while people iu crowded cities were attomliuu divine servioes in crowded churohos, a number of residents of Heppner accepted the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Cuninghame to spend the day amidst the beauty aud freshness of nature at the extensive Newton Kaifth, four miles from town. Among those who went out were Mr. and ilrs. W. P. Button, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Black man and Master llepp, Will Morrow, SanjjCarmaok, CasliRyohard and Fred Hallock. Among other things, the hosts had prepared a little programme of foot and horso races to stir up the spring en thusiasm of the guests. In a 100-yard race between Ji. C. Bar clay and J. M. Warden tho former won by a soratch. Mr. W. B. Cuninghame on his horse Dan and Mr. B. A. Cuninghame on foot, ran a 70-yard race, the mounted gentle man coming out ahead. In a two-mile race between Jack Ayles .and J. M. Warden, the former came out winner by 150 yards. Mr. W. B. Cuninghame caflS'tn ahead of his brother, B. A., in a 200-yard horse race. In a handicap 100-yard racnearly all the gentlemen ran, Mr. B. A. Cuuing hamo winniug A grand raoe in which every horst3 in tho outfit took part, was won by Mr. Cuninghame's Bulger horse, rode by Cash Bychard. Among the contestants was the Happy Jack mare, who was beaten by George Swaggart's roan mare last fall. She gave the others a CO-yard start. Although getting along iu years, Bulger is still a mighty good old horse, and oomes in with his head and tail up, Four years ago it was nothing unusual for Newhall to lope him from Long Creek to 'Canyon City before breakfast. Last Sunday 'wlso won iu a race with Nelse Jones' Drftty mare. The ladies exercised their leap year privileges by matching their respective husbands in foot races, C. M. Mallory against Henry Blackman, the former winning, and Judge Dutton ag.ftist V. B. CuuinKuanie, the latter winning. These gentlemen ran well, but well but well, it is a sad fact that they would never make a living at foot-racing. In other foot races Will Morrow beat Fred Hallock by. feet, and B. A. Cun inghame beat Jack Ay W one yard. In a luO-ynrd foot race beTween K. C. Ea clay and W. B. Cuninghame, the latter carried a sack of wheat on his Buoulder, took 55 yards startfnd won by a iterate l.w Mr. B. A. CuniuL-iiame did some hirh jumpiug, and seeiSed agile enough ti spring over anything. Mr. Wm. C. Hosea son was not in his usual trim for foot raoiug, but he and Mrs. Cuninghame en tertained the company with some very enjoyable singing. An appetizing colla tion was served to the guests, all of whom seemed to eujoy the day im mensely, e Pioneer Hotel Kor Sale, !w4 offer for sale the Pioneer Hotel property, with 11 furniture Bnd fixtures complete. The house is centrally located in Heppner, aud doing a good business. Apply to or address, Chas. E, Hiuton, Heppner Oregon, Tho Housewife. A P-Pu'.ar domoi.tic jonrnal for American hoius, will be sent for one jear free to every lady who will send at once the names and address of 10 married lad ies. and Sn cents in Btam ps for post atre. lUvi paper for either young or old house, keepers in exintence. This ofter is made only ti secure names to whom to send sample copies as we know every lady who once sews TllK Horse, wire will subscribe, for it. lJeailar price 1 1) peywr. AJrawC'fBI Uotsiwirm. l!oti,,r. ine unoersignea, ueiieving it nerw dashing i entinand Hunt, the broncho ntter. were ary to'orga'nize foPthe protection o'our I'"-8-"9.- Si,istat",1i' bu B"8T?,tMr; Putnam and ,r, j i. i. .i n . Miss Daisy hdmunds, and Mr. Charles Nichols, a uitu uikiimu umi no lutcicata ii iiie -isiting gentleman leiBffre fro"r3 "Tl?a Hu FROSI LONE KQCK. Feb. 2, "84. Ed. Gazetti. The mellow, sunny weather baa made it possible for the youtha of Lone Rock U have a good time out.)or, and for the nast few aaya a oontinual (ramfelof town-hall lias boon go. "", ooiyauiourninx wnen ttie erening rroata Uj" V1.8 sanies of freeze-out and nevon-up more reeable. Kv. H. B. Lane, of Heppner, preached at the clKHilhoiise laet Bucday, telliiift the boys what Wl"d bappon if they didn't mend their ways. 1 rof. Kennedy, of Khea creek, turned a night among hm friends here. The Professor was an. rvite V? ',"tt t se httle niece. Mr. Perry Shoulder, of Kiirht Mile, registered at the Hotel Kobinson last Sunday. The gentle man oarue here strictly on business, and left next morning. Mixs Daisy Edmnnda, the former efficient Kahler Unsin schoolteacher, will no longer teach the young idsa hsw to shoot, having invested in a band of cattle to be driven to the Bolona Hills as soon as the weather will permit her to have a domicile erected on that range. . The Long creek whiskey crossed the mourtains in safety, and ere this the wants of suffering humanity over there are relieved. The beauty and chivalry of Haystack gathered to commemorate the birthday of our country's Paw. The gay cavalcade tiled round 1) 'Arey's corral, athwart the sage flat and along the worm fence to the residence of Jud;e Charles ('. Mas iker, where the company was met by that Honor able gentleman and his gracious consort. But few minutes were occupied in social conversa tion, as no sooner had the ladios stowed away their wraps and touched up their bangs in the bed-room, than Mr. Ept Ramsby called partners for a quadrille. Mr. William Kahler, a visiting erchant from Haw Dog, led a petite corn-cob ana mists va ba with Miss Itlatuiia Apperson, hlled the set. whioh was put in motion by Honors all! from Mr. i'pt Kamby, to the tune of the Arkansaw traveler that floated from the violin of Prof. Italph Fink. All the Haystack raonde was present excepting MroJhn Dee Hunsaker, who has not entirely re covrd from his latest accident, and Postmaster Carl Wagner, who, on account of important official duties, remained at home, though his brother and sister were (present. The golden dignity of tho post-omce is mixed with much alloy. Several little Misses marred the even tenor of enjoyment by throwing water around, to the detriment of the gentlemen's best panta. Little girls can't always refrain from mischief. When they grow older they will know it's naughty to do this. Cakas. FROM ADAMSV1LLE. '6b. 27, '84. Kd. Gazette: Thinking a few lines from this burg might bo acceptable, I will write them. The weather is rino, aud mud plenty, and it looks like spring had connlo stay a while. We have a splendid school here, wHo!i will be out in three weeks, with an attendaTfre of SO pu pils. Mrs. Bloekman is teacher. The dance on Washington's birthday was a grand success, there being 130 persns present, and over fifty numbers given out. Uncle ( lark Adkins discoursed sweet mnsio while 80 persons tripped the light fantastic toe from ti o'clock p. II. until 11 the 23d. Wo have a'debatigg society organized, with reg ular meeting every Tuesday evening. The next subject is Resolved, That railroads are detrimen tal to the people jf the United Slates. We also have spelling school every Friday night, ao you see we have a good ti4me generally. The,iiBTyts of our town were never brighter than at present. HusinesB is good for the times. 8. W. Miles is doing a good business at A. Royse's old stand. J. (iray has bought the blacksmith shop, and I hear the ring of the hammer on the anvil, llrown enn still be found dealing out spiritual comfort t the weary traveler, and you will find V. A. Stephens, of the Adamsville Hotel, ready to supply the wants of the hungry. There will bo considerable building here us soon ns we can get lumber. There is a show for us to get a long-needed road from the mountains to Alkali. The viewers commenced on fhe lower end yesterday. The health of the peoplo is good. Btiv-k paseed through the winter tip top. the loss of" heep bo ing veuklight. There is a good deal of complaint alwntTl y epizootic amoni? the horses, J. (iray having lost one, with another about to die, and J. Adams loot one of hie. ROUSTABOUT. One on thn (iniette, Souire Mallory now says he has one on tho Ga- ?.iTT,ffcid we don't know but what he's about irtrrect. We recently printed an estray notice which, in connectioruH-ith a cow's ear, the printer ran up a;iinst a woroHie eouiln't make out, but thought it looked as much like "cropped" ns any thing else, so he sot up that word. Since then the siiuire has been telling around that he wrote it "flipped," und told us he was positive he did. for so it appeared in the aflidavit. We were will'h? to bet him the little print-shop against tl.9 profit of his lard business for the next week, but the old gentleman dill, not want to bet. But we showed him by his own paper that he did NOT write the word "lopped. However, ha deciph ered the hyerogliphics to mean the word "drop ped," and claims that meant the same as lopped, and wns a common expression among cattle men. May bo so, squire, maybe so. We don't inow much about the slickear business. Perhaps you're right. You know you don't write a very good fist, anyway, and a printer is liable to set up slopped, or cropped, or popped whon you mean dropped. BiK Frog, Small Puddle. Mr. P. L. Paine is a great lawyer. lie wonted a man named Bennett arrested the other day and got an aged citizen to swenr to a criminal infor mation he (Paine) had written out. The valuable legal document was tnkon before Squire Mallory, who found that what Paine iXlegod to be a crime was no crime at all under our statutes, so Pair.e failed to get the warrant issued. Paine is a high np old lawyer, isn't he, (), my countrymen! Wouldn't he make a bully old district attorney? He couldn't get up an indictment that would hold n man for robbing buds nests without a license. B le outtht to have conferred upon him the honorary title of the Haldheaded barrister of the Heppner Hills." It is a sad sight to see Pro. Paine wasting his eastern energy on legal labors while there are so many poeiholos to be dug hi tills country. How to Make Candy. This book gives full directions for making all kinds of plain and fancy candy. The recipes for making caramels, chocolate drops, French mixed and all other kinds of candies contained ii this book ore the same os used by the loading city confectioners. Any one can have theso candies at home at. h-ss than one-third the usual cost. HHiit pnstraid to anyone sending Ht once the names of fifteen married ladies and "l cents in postal note, or IS two cent stamps. Address. docilKSTKB Pubmnhino Co., SJ, S3 & 334, Os tium Klurk, Rochester, N.. ED. MCIUKDSON. E. T. PATTOS. RICHARDSON & PATTON, The Boss Barbers, i Next door to Swaggart's Saloon, Heppner, .... Oregon. CHAMPOOINO and l)yeinga Specialty. Satis faction (iuuranleod. W, M, ESTES, Now rjlaoiksmitli Fphop, Main Styef, Heppner, (Opposite W. J. Leezer's Hardware SioiV., I am now prepared to, ilo all kiml of work 111 my line AT REASONABLE RATES. Ilorse-Shoeing ami Plow-Work a Spe cialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CITY HOTEL Bl, pioi;e Vjes, Liquors & Cigars. 5QNOP. & HALL, Trop'a. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . 1-and Office at The Dallf s, Or.. Feb. 2. 'R4. Notice is hereby given that the followiLg named settler has riled notice of his imsntion to make hnal proof in suj port of his claim, ai d t'iat siid proof will be made before ii. W, Wright. Notary at Heppner, Or., an April li, 14, via: Robert MeClary, I je-emption No. 2068. for the SE H Beo. 24. 1 p 1 Hji"lE. He names the following witnesses to his continuiis residence upon, and ciuti n of, said Ifahd. viz: A. 8. Hainea. B. J. ting. Geo. V. Todd. W. E. Junkins, all uf Mile, t'n-ittilla ' ., Or. o- . L.9tt. Reiser. nty on tne noor, ana miss Jiva Bnaver and HjCTOT IlaPPrrER. Alkali. 9 Tho Old Established House ot HEPPNER & Denier GE-NERAL MEKCHANDISE. Sole Agents for Heppner, and Vicinity j Celebrated Knapp, Burrell & Co's. Agricultural Implements. Commission and Forwarding Merchants. A FULL LINE OF SHEEP MENS" SUPPLIES YERI CHEAP & T T T T : ', ,t-l AS Mm PELTS Heppner, Umatilla Co. 'Belvedere" Saloon, Win. K. Theodore. Pro'p. )KEErS ONLY THe( Very Best ol Whiskeys The Celebrated "Get A-way From the Window" CIGARS! With Havana Filling, O The Finest in Heppner. Fine New Billiard Table for Amusement of Guests. the NOTICE OF INTENTION. L Land Office nt La Grande, Or.. Jan. 4, M. dSiotioe in herabv iriven that tlie following. nnmed eettler hm filed notice of bin intention to mnke final proof in support of bin claim, and that eiud proof will be made before John B. vinaon, Notary Public at Vinson. Or., on Feb. 'a. 1S4, Tiz: William J. Smith, D.8. No. 4474, for the N'-i NE HW NE ml NW V. SE Hoc. '24. Tu 1 a. It W E. W. M. hie names the following witneewii I$$9 hi" continuona residence upon, aud cuitivmion of, naidgland, tie: Jense Hamer, Joel lhrnKher, Wm, H. llohinaon, Geore Linville. all of Vinatin, Or. 4ti-Sl n. .uwiOHT, neflrnM-r NOTICE OF INTENTTO w w Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 4, '84. Notice is hereby (rWen that the followinR named aettler has bled noHce of his intention to make final proof ira supportaofhi laim, ai d that said p.-oof will lie made before (i. W, Ilishop. Notary Publipat Henpr.or, Or., on March 21, lot4, iz: Stephen rorter, o 1. B. tiir tne nv nec. ai, ip i nrt i '7 j. WrM? Ire names the follciting wli!i?3Pt ToiToTTrl" a continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, mid land, rii: ( harles Ixmtr, James Louir, Theodora Annetron, Jarris Hurd, all of tctio, Or. 4I-.V4 II. W. DwmHT, Kogister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Oynci at The Dalle, Or., I Feb. 11. 14. ( Nntioa ii hereby a-Sen that the followinc- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make 6nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before T. t Bramel, Notary at Ella, r., on March , 1W4, via: Walter L. Reef, Pre-emption No. 27';. for the N M NE U Jf 4 NW ' Hoc. 2ti. Td 2 N. 14 'i5 E. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove hia continnous residence uixin. and cultivation ot, said land, tiz: ixilemun Chapman, John Mills, John Vancleve, Choa. Hudson, all of Ella, Or. 47-52 E. L. Smith. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Lasd Ornc at Tb Dallfb, Or., Ireb. , llM. ( Notice is hereby given that the following-named sett ler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and, that anid proof will be made befure Hegistcr and IU. eeiver, at The Dalles, Ot on March 81. 18M. vn: Prwfoit Lonneu, HomeWd No. W4, for the E 4 HE i NW H SE H SW NE !n Sec 27, Tp2 8, B W E. He names the following witnenees to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation tf. said land, Sanfor4 4 lark. Htmra t larg, Bteptien la. i i u r,..,l,T.fl all of Heppner, LmorUJa E.. L. 6nra. hri"r. Co., Or. 4T-0, Hftppnw. BLACKMAN, In Bain Wagon, e BOUGHT FOR CASH m TRADE. j Alkali, Wasco Co. New Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, ALKALI, - - gREQOif. K. D. HOOD, Prop'r. -:o:- Horses Bought and Sold on Com miBsion. THE BEST ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSES EEFT IN MY CHARGE. O Tarma Reaannabla. Stock Shipped to any part of the Coun try ss Ordered. HEPPNER BAKERY, Frank Mcnkerh, Proprietor, Next to Odd Fcllowi' 9 Uall, Main St. Fresh Oysters, Fresh Butter, Fresh -Breafi Cakes and Pies Every Day. HOT COFFEE & LUNCHES "t? ALL HOURS. A full Bupplyof Frenh Candiog, N;ats, CannecT Qoodn, etc., cauntnntly on band. Seeds! Seeds! Miller Bros 209 Seoond Street, Portland. Ogn, & CCD 82 A large stock of LOCUST AND BOX ELDER SEEDS For Timber-Culture: on hand, DKAXMBS XX ITVBT XIsTD Of FIELD, FLOWER, 9 , OETABLE, GRASS and CLOVEN SEEDS, ETC, ETC. Sond for Catalogue. Menit'O tola raw. t-T c o Cia 0 o