t e9 s o o J I THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 1884. SETTLERS, ATTENTION" I Laad Filings Tree, and Proving Up at the O Kane Price. For the past four month the editor of the G A kttx has had all the tools with which to do land filing and proving np, but he has never adver tised the fact, aa it would be interfering with other and outside of hi legitimate printing business. But now that a little ring of Hoppner land agents have combined to ruin the little busi iiea the publisher of the Gactettb has worked to build up, we will proceed to carry the war into the government dirt departmeSotr-The ring is charging $2.50 for filings and $10 for proving np, over and above the fees to be sent to the die triet land oHice. Now, to make a stand-off on the f rease-out game the ring ia trying to come on us, we will do filing and proving-up free of all haige except cost of advertising and the fees tliat have to be sent to the district land office. Thus, the pre-emption proof that haa been cost ing you $18.50 all told, can now be had at the Ga IBTTI office at actual cost, $8.50, and you can make a pre-emption filing for $3,25. We take this step not because we love the settlers more but because we love the ringstere less. Return ing pood for evil might be al! right for some old fossil who had no paper bills to pay, but with n it is played out. Local and General. Smoke Theodore's I. C. U. . DiedNear Eoho, Feb. 23d, Mrs. g. I. . IiiHle. Land Filings and Proving-Up free of charge at the GAZETTEtoffi.ee. Hon. J. L. Morrow has been suffering from a severe cold the past week. When you want anything in the stove or hardware line, call at W. J. Leezer's. Mr. G. W. Wright has been over to Vinson this weektattending court in a land oontest case. When you want to insure vour proper ty against fire, call at the GSzettk office. Chinooka may come and Chinooks may go, but Leezer's hardware store runs right along forever. In San Franoisoo Eastern Oregon wool is quoted at 14(a 18?; in Boston it has boon sold this week at 26c. Kettlers who want surveying, filing or proving up done should call on Judge L. W. Darling, at Lone Rock. J The only place in Heppner to get an outfit of furniture is at fchp j-arerooms of Joe Creedon, on May stTSet; Born Feb. 21st, to the wife of Walter Kennedy, a-daughter. On the 7th inst,, to the wife of IJoou Mulkey, a son Andy Stevenson was in town last Friday, and did not forget to call in and renew his subscription to the Gazette. Smith BurcH calledinfcn us last Fri day, looking fat and hearty, and says tiheep are in the same condition up his way. As spring approaches, get your garden, field and ilowewt.aeds.of both California and Oregon raising, at J. L. Morrow & Son's. We are glad to announce that the people mentioned last week as having touches of fever are now rapidly recov ering. Spring surely must be at hand, for E. JJordyke's balil-haired dog is hopping Around like the self-uorainated oandidate for county clerk. Harry Jones wns over from Butter reek Tuesday, and says his sheep are doing fine. He lost none at all during the recent storm. Abe Wells has made up a load of posts &pnd portholes aud started for his Black lions ranch to t5ke some more of it in out of the hot sun. ,,,nr' j Heppner weather is now mild aud f upring-like sun shining, roosters crow ing, grass growing, stook fattening ?nd boys playing base ball. Mr. W. M. Estes has rented Tom Ayer's building, formerly occupied by A. M. Gunn, and will immediately reennie blaoksmithing in town. Married Feb. 22, 1884, at the resi dence of Mrs. Bounds, near Wells Springs, by Rev. Isa Brown, Mr. F. M. Rounds and Miss Nancy J. Stirritt. We have to thank the Pendleton E. O. man for sending us a valuable literary ar ticle on berry patches, which we shall publish as soon as Hy-time rolls around. Is it a fair shake for the county to charge saloon men a license and then al low a lot of little "drug stores" to do a saloon usuiess without paying any license? The newest thiug in Heppner is that Messrs. Hope & Johnson are now turn ing out .flooring and finishing stuff at their horse-power mill at the lower end of town. Doctors disagree in many things, but all common-sense people agree that the best way to cure a cold room is to put in h good stove which has been bought of W.J. Leezer. O "In all my travels," said a Heppner nan, "the red-hottest time I ever bad tuu sitting alongside of a red-hot stove on a cold night, and the stove was fur nished by . J. Lieezer. a When you want a good rig to go any where, or a saddle-horse, or want to feed your team when you oome toCtown, re member that Nelse Jones Las the onjy livery stable in Heppner. If anyone finds a buggy whip and hal ter iu the road betweeu towu and the Willow OreekJsawmill, they will please leave them with W. A. Kirk, Wm. Hous ton, or at the Gazette office. Frank Munkers and Zeph Davis have both returned from their trips to Web foot, and Will Gilmore is down to River Ranch, near Alkali. His many friends Jiope to see him up to Heppuer soon. Down in Webfoot coyotes and panthers ire coming down into the foothills for food with which to take the wrinkles on't" of their vests after a hard winter, aud they "bow a marked preference tor mut ton. Notice to Mariners When ayou are nailing up the road in a spring hack look out for a bad washout just above Jim Seville's house, and bear up the gulch four points to the sou-east-nrd of the fence. Cattle and sheep who do their grazing near Walla Walla valley are in fine con dition. So are oattlemeu and sheepmen in the Heppner Hills who feed ou the groceries, canned fruits, etc., dished out by Minor & lXnlson. When ft maa feels too high np to enter a saloon and take a drink alongside of ordinary American citkens, how sick does he have to be in order to getca Wuk of whisk "as medicine" at a Heppner "drug glore?" Mr. E. H. Clarke, representing the wool house of Christy &. Wise, returned i to Heppner Tuesday evening from his : upper countrv trip. Having interviewed 1 mosteof our wool-growers, he will leave for California Fridsy morning. A sheepman says that he haa managed to pass away the long winter evenings very comfortably iu his cabin, he having laid in a good stock of reading matter and a can of coal oil, all of whioh he got at the extensive establishment of Minor & Dodson. It seems that some relatives of the ring don't like the truths the GaesTTE is telling on the riegsters. No doubt they would like to have the little Gazettb lie down on its little stomach and let the ring walk over it aud freeze it out without ever making a kick. And perhaps the little GazETTK don't care a cuss what they like or what they don't like. Mr. Cuninghame's fine bay horse branded JIM led to his old range near Echo three other horses. An adveitise ment in the Gazttb led to their recovery, but it was found that Jim had so severe ly out himself on a wire fenoe that he was unable to travel home. A horse that would leave the good grass onVEnglish Flat might expect to get cut. Squire Mallory, what was that little story you told us last summer ubout Paine confessing judgment in a case in vonr little oourt ami then miinc tn Pendleton and swearing he didn't do so, and youjjhaving to send over an affi davit that he was another? And is this the same Paine whose ring you have joined to help freeze out the Gazette? While digging a well at his ranch up in Willingham canyon, Bud Willingham dug out a lot of deer bones in a good state of preservation, and $i feet below the surface. Whether the oanyon filled up 18 feet eft? top of the dead deer, or whether the deer burrowed down and buried himself 18 feet deep, so the dogs wouldn't bite him, is a question tor some professor of geology. We received this week a call from Master Hepp. Blakman, one of the brightest little boys that this or any other -town ever produced. 'Although but 22 months old, he can recite the touching Jiack and Jill and" Yankee Doodle stories, and imitate the lengthy laughs that Claud Herren and Frank Natter make when they go around to play with him. It seems that when the Lord shuts one doonihe opens another, for Nelse Mag nuson has agreed to give the Gazette editor a job as chambermaid in the livery stable and to lead blind horses to watS just as soon as fh ring gets us froze out. It is a great consolation to know this, for it puts us beyond the danger of im itating Hireling Hallock's example of living on the bread of relatives. Bishop, is it true, as a correspondent of the Gazette assertedalast week, that you knowingly swindled the people on the railroad land question? li it isn't, you'd better be getting in and suing the Gazette for libel. Squire Mallory would be only too glad to put the grindjjtones of his little (in-justice shop toCpluig for your protection if he could see his foes loom ng up in the dim distance. About the. funuiest thing that hap pened this week was Pat Quaid trying to roust Sam Cormack out of his warm bed at 5 o'clock a. m. Pat tapped on the window and said "Get up, Sam! There's a big fire down the street!" And Sam yawned and said "A-l-1 r-i-g-h-t, Pat, I'll get up when the fire reaches this build ing." And Plt went off, thinking Sam must bo durued sleeply to lay abed so late. Whcu a fellow sees a dog crawl out from under every fthed and barn and the whole band go to yelpingsat his cayuse, he begins to think that when the officers! of (Sffal emmty shall take their-seata by virtue of the govemor.'s appointment, there ought to be a town dog-catcher among them. Aud Hireling Hallock oUglit to have'the job by virtue of his distinguished services on the tented field of beggary. The little ring of Heppju?er land sharks can draw the flattering unction to their little souls that-the Gazettb office did considerable free filing this week, thereby saving many dollars t3 the set tlers (iiuessjb the time the ringsters get the Gazette's little printing business froze out it will also have their little land business pretty well froze out. Just wait till we get time to plaster this. country with posters. That was a freHh and startling news item published by Bishop's Hard Times Shout a "new" express agent. Very "new" indeed appointed only four mouths ago. But as only prominent citizens aud responsible men can get such fearfnlly-importaut offices, and the express company could get no free ad vertising anywhere else,) perhaps Bish op's sheet was started just for the pur sue of publishing such an important item. What with doing the begging 'act for Bishop's Hard Times and run ning a back-room illegitimate saloon, Hireling Hallock must be kept very busy. Wonder if there are any more "drug stores" in Heppner who are trying to freeze out the saloons by corrahng the business the saloons pay a license to do? If there are, they had bet ter beware, for so efficient an official as Squire Mallory migltj give them away to the grand jury, even though they were run by his own relatives. He would say: "Let justice be done, though my court house fall!" . An Apology! A retraction, an explanation, or whatever you might call it: Left week we said that Paine used bad tasto in Explaining a eoug before it was sung. Since then a respected friend of the Gazette has informed ns that hb requested Paine to make the explanation. We are sorry. w a v he made such a request, for although we know full well that Hxrwould never intend to reflect on the intelligence of the audience, the fact re mains that the explanation itself was a reflec tion on the intelligence of the audience, al though thore'might have been no such intent. Probably a majority of the audience thought, and think yet, that Paine took a mean advantage of hi position just to get in a personal dig at a perwn who wo present as an invited guest. Evan in the wigwam of the savrge no advan tage italTnn of an enemy whea he is present aa an invited gueat. Car of Thanks. We hereby tender our sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors who s kind ly assisted us during our recent affliction. Stephkn Lauv-nds, Timber 8.-d. Etc. I now have on band and ready for sale Timber Culture Seed of several varie ties, alsw Fruit Trees, Tlanta, Etc. a e. ithh. FROM CASTLE ROCK. .Feb. 54. 'M. Ed. Gusrn: We have been minus the mails for some four dam now. on account of wah-out ; on the railroad both east and west of tnistpiao, consequently our UAirm naa raiieu u -r in ita usual form, and we miss it muchly. The Chinook has come, and aaw, and con queredthe snow. And now thing are as thy should be. We have been having a free terry here for some time, the river being frozen over eo that horse and teams have crossed over very frequently. I notice quite an amount of freight in our de pot for Heppner, and one team loading for your enterprising townsman, W. 1. Leeaer. The peo ple surely appreciate him, as I have aeen acres of stoves and hardware shipped from here for him this winter. The demand for lumber still continues at tbia point, and Daniels 4eHerren seem to be doing a lively business. Mr. Daniels, I am sorry to say, is considerably under the weather at present, bnj juit what is the matter with him I am unable to say, there tnjing different opinions given, but the most popular one is that it was too much gooee hunt. Moral: If you get a good chance for ex ercise, don't take too much. The C'higars have met but once in council since my last, owing to the absence of our efficient sec retary, Mike Fittgerald, who haa been spending a week on Butter creek and vioinity, yet just what should take the gay and festive Mike to Butter creek every two weeks is a subject that will be .. . . , . . ' . , ' d.sOTsaed by The Clugare.at0the,r next.r meeting. A working-train with a heavy force of men luw just arrived, and the railroad will be in running order by morning, and by noon to-morrow the regular trains will be runuinir and then we will be happy. The river has taken a sudden rise, and the roar ing and rasping of the heavy ice gives indication of a complete break-up, which will end our skat ing for this winter, and we are all sorry, but still, we have had a very nice and pleasant winter? and will gladly welcome the green grass and the springtime, gentle Annie1. It was a close call for some of our citizens for fire wotxl the last cold spell, and there was quite a trail m;uie down to the Biwanh wood ' on the river-bank. The Siwashes are not good specula tors, or they Would have been on to that racket But now the ground is bare and we can all pick np chips which will do us until the June rise, and then we will each and every one have a boat and will catch more wood and fenoe-pouta and poet-holea and rails than all the peoplerom hers to Heppner can use. and we will furnish them all they want in exchange for butter, and eggs, and garden Base and such truck. Oil, we will all be rich and happy yet, and don't you forget it. We don't frekzk out worth a cent, and the sooner everyone who wants a little office find this out the better it will be for them. Lknotht. 9 i The Hen Is Off the Nest. Bound the spew-gag! Blow the fish-horn ! Hit the slick-ear beef-barrel! The dung-hill has labored and brought forth half a dishrag. In other words the rotten egg that Bantam Bishop hiw been setting on has hatched out a tick half breed chicken called the Weakly Times. Let the people take notice that from the first it is a fraud on the name of newspaper. Its instigators have half of it printed by Palmer it Boy, in Portland, aud then try to palm it off on unsuspecting rela tives as a home production. The Oazktt may be a small sliest, but every line of what little there ia tJjSj has alwuys been priiwwd in Hepp. nor, although it took all the paper's ea'ruingn to pay debts and running expenses. The polit ical roustabouts running the Hard Times say they are not socking office, and' think if thej were it would be no diHgrace. Oh. noif they're not seeking office! O-h, no! WeTl'the disgrace would be to the offico, and to the people who would vote to put such petty schemers as they are into an office. And these schemers curnn that there is no mercenary motive in their half breed pa Kir scheme. Well, now, there must be a very big corruption fund behind anything you fallows will do without a mercenary motive. Bettor take some of that fund and pay off some of the old baby act debts. We will bet any man $10 thnt inside of SOtdays we will have the( pleasure of publishing over Hallock's signature a notice announcing the suspension of the Heppner Timos. Bishop, look out howsyou ride that division horse. Keoollect that men have tuk'en trips to the penitentiary for riding other meu's horses. 9 An Kfflrie'nt Offlrial. Iiast week the Oazkttc published two sum monses. They were made out in the usual form by 8uire Mallory, and printed just as he had written them. After they had been published it 'was discovered that the squire had put in the name of Charles, instead of Nathan McRee, thus citing anan to answer a suit where no suit had been brought against him, and scattering broad cast an impression anything but favorable to a man's financial standing. Thus injuring a man's reputation may seem a very trivial matter to the squire and hia relativgf, but if Mr. McBee saw fit, he could make it a little more senous than thy squire would want it. No doubt Squire Mallory has made many ordinary American citicen pay fines for less offences than he himself has bean guilty of in this cne. Terhaps the squire may think it is pretty sharp practice to join a ring to help freeise out the GAZHTg, but before election day rolls around we will convince some of the people that he is no longer fit to hold an office of trust or honor, and ought to be polit ically laid away on the shelf. No Hab Got, How Can? Th'9 Portland Oregonian, taking ita own exps. riem.-e as a text, advises the Gazkttk to get out such a good paper that the freeze-out clique will wor.der how it ever cam to think its sheet was wanted. No doubt this is good advice, kindly meant. But the Oregonian should remember that it had capital with which to make improve ments. TheGAZKTTi has no capital, and it takes more than wind tofpay for paper, labor, and im provement. Our Portland friends should re member that we only had 80 cents when we struck tbia town last spring, and we had to pay $L75 ont of that for staging our (rant through fromjAlkali. How much did wa hare left to tackle $1M0 worth of debts? THE TIMES rCBLISHING CO. A LIAR. It Manipulators, E. R. Bishop, P. L. Paine and H. U. Hallock are All Liar. The above proprietors of the so-called news paper branded rue weesay limes nara our. m bold-faced type the assertion that they have the finest job printing outfit in Eastern Oregon. And now the Gazbtti makes the bald-headed aak. tion that they are plain, unvarnished liars. From Franc, Mr. Jacob Bacher, a cousin to Dan Stalter, ar rived in Heppner last Friday, thus ending a lon( journey of five weeks from Strasbourg, via New York and the Northern Pacific He consider this a much finer climate than hi native Alsace- Lorraine, where cold summer have caused poor crops ami hard times for the nest ten tears. Al- thnncrh Mp UowhAr cannnt ur.tlr m w.trH fif Fn nt word "trork." and has already tackled ita though b meant Duainee. The Housewife. A popular domestic journal fo Amencaa home, will be sent foifconegyear free to every lady who will send at one the name and add res of 10 married ladies, and BO cent in stamp for post age. Best paper for either young or old house keepers in existence. This offer is msde only to secure name to whom to send sample copies, as we know every lady who once see Thb Hojzi win will subscribe for it. IWular price il-OJ peyw. Addr, Til Hfrceiwirm. Rocheww'. FRO BLACK HORSE. Feb. 45. -W. j Muw Id Tibbett. of Heppaer, is vtsituig friends in this virinitv. lliaa Anni ia)i mu returned home from Heppner, where she hat bean going to school this winter The number of sheep lost during the twoest torm in this vioinity is as follows: Jim Hager. 7; John Ambrowt. ; Fisher, J; White & Uq, . Total for our hard winter, 17. The springing forth of thS grass and the bud ding of the flowers, the song of the merry bird tell forth the coming of the queenly spring with all her beauty and loveliness. Welcome, spring! ou have gladdened our hearts. The stare, too, re twinkling in the sky, the moon rising In the distance, throwing ita beautiful raya of light over the dark earth altogether making us feel comfortable and happy. Every now and then we hear the dismal howl of the coyote, and the hoot of the night-ow makes us feel a little lonely and wakes us from our reverie. This ia leap year, but the girls do not aeem to be making very good headway, aa one said she would go to her grave unmarried before she would pro Poee, for she would be sure to get a No. That will never do, girlsfou must be bolder. Us boys run the risk of you saying no ail the time. Leap year only comes once every four years, so put ou bold front, roll up your sleeve, and walk in. Kaso. How to Make Candy. This book gives full directions for making all Kinds or. plain ana ianay candy, me reoipes lor OBramob,, ehooolBte dropl,, Fr9neb nix and airuthor kinds of candies contained in this book are the name aa uaed by the leading city confectioners. Anyone can have these candie at home at lees than one-third the usual cost. Sent C08t paid to anyone sending at once the name of fifteen married ladies and SO cents tn postal note, or 18 two coat stamps. Address, Rochestkb Ptjblihhiho Co., 13, S A Oe burn Block, Rochester, N. Y. Corruption Funds. Well-informed oitizens of Heppner say that political corruption funds hare been received in Heppner for the purpose of carrying this and of the county in the internet of office-seekers call ing themselves republicans. Let the people of the Heppner Hills remember that they were bid r in and sold out before by Pendleton politicians and other outMidftncksters, and let the people sue that these triv intern, aided by Bishop, Paine or any other pntfj politicians temporarily camp ing in Heppner, do not succeed in dupeing them again under new disguise. 9 "The Woman's Physician." A common ijense medical work for ladies only. Fully answers all questions which modesty pre vents asking a male physician. Gives canses and symptoms of all diseases of the sex, with posi tive cure for each in plain language, written by ladies who have made these diseases a life study. A plain talk in delicate language which every woman, young and old, should read. It is recom mended by eminent ludy physicians as a safe guide for the sex. Handomely bound and illus trated. Bent postpaid for $1.00. AfMroea the Kooukhtxu Publishing Co., 32, U Oa burn Block, Rochester, N. t. liOpeerVWanted. We want a logger right away to take a oontract to haul to our mill from 500,000 to 800,000 feet of logs whioh are already out. Kirk A Hotjstan, ) Successors to S. P. Qarrigues. G. W.CORNETTS Ileppneifr Uarber Skop In Uis Matlock Building, opposite P. O. Borg'i Jewelry Store, Is now turning out Shaves, Hhampoo and Hair cuts in the highest style of the art. CITY HOTEL BAR, ft Choice Wines, Liquors & Cigars. MINOR A HALL, Prop's. Seeds! Seeds! o MiLLE.if Bros., 209 Second Street, Portland, Ogn. A large stook of LOCUST AND BOX ELDER SEEDS For Timber-Cultures on hand. DkULKRn VK XV1BT I DTD OF FIELD, FLOWER, VEGETABLE, . QRASS and w m ca CLOVER SEEDS, ETC., ETC. Send for Catalogue. Mention this paper. ti-17 SIMMONS. In Justice' Court for the Trecinet of Heppmr, Conntr of Umatilla, Htate of Oregon. Paid A. Herren, plaintiff, ts Nathan McBee, de fendant. To Nathan McRee, the aboTa-named defendant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon, ynu are here by required to appear before the nndersiirned, a Justice of the Peace, for the precinct aforesaid, on the !Hh Aaj of April, 18f4. at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said diir, at the office of said Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above-named plaintiff in civil action. The defendant will tAke notice that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take jndpnent against liim for I28..V), and for plaintiff's disbursements of this sction. (liven under mj hand this lnth da; of Febru ary. ! A. Mallokt, sealJ Justice of the Peace. This summons is published ence a week for six consecutive weeks, br order dated February 1H, 1AH1. of A. NlAllorr. Jnsrice of the Peace for said Precinct of Heppner, Comity of Umatilla, Htate or oroson. tr. w . llKA. Plaintiff's Attorney. SIMMONS. Iu Justice's Court for the Preoinol of Heppner, County of Umatilla. Htate of Oreson. Heppner & Blnckman, plaintiffs, vs Nathan Me, Bee, defendant. To Nathan Mclloe, the above-named defendant) In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are here by required to appear before the undersigned, a Justice ot the fence for the precinct aforesaid, on April fta, 1M44, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aaid day, cat the office of aaid Justice, in said precinct, to an. Kwm the ahove-nsmed plaintiffs in a civil action. The defendant will take notioe that if be fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take Jndg;ment against him for .13, and for plaintiff' disbursements of this action, Given under my hand tbia lath day of Febru ary, 1884. A. Malloby. .iml Justice of the Peace. This summons t published onoe a week for six consecutive weeks, by order dated February It. 1.SA4, of A. Mallory, Justice of the Peace, for the Precinct of Heppner. County of Umatilla, State of Oregon. tt- W. tin, 4M-M Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land, Offioe at La Grand, Or., Jan. J5. ;M. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler baa tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim? and that said proof will be made before (. W. Bish op. Notary )ubUo at Heppner, Or., on Match 8, lt4, via: Overton J. Mulkey, D. 8. No. 4fl02. for the NSNEi and N U NW H bee. 8. Tn IS HK V W. M. He namrn the fol lowing witnesses to prove hia continuous resi- aenceupon, and enlUvation of. satd una. vn Joseph Ar buckle, Wm. Luneeford, W. J.('ndy, Wm. Walker,,,aiW.f H.rrmT, Or. M0 1 H. W. Dw7tt. Ketnrter. Hbxht Reppxer, Aikali. The Old Established l-lousu ot HEPPNEK& IX-nlein In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. o . a Sole Agents for Heppner, and Vidnitf FOR THE Celpbratod I3sfiii Wagon,. Knapp, Burrell & Co's. AgricuTtural I moments. Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Ship Car of H. A B., Alkali '?fuLLUNE"0F SHEEP MENS' SlfrTLlES VERT CHEAP H11JES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. Heppner, Umatilla Co. j Alkali, Wasco Co. Belvedkri? Saloon, Wm. E. Theodore, Prdp. JKKKP8 05LT THB( Very Best ot Whiskers, :o: The Celebrated "Get Away From the Wisdow" CIGARS! With Havana Filling, " The Fivctt in llffpner. A Fin A'ftP Billiard TabU for tM Aiuemf nt of Gvet$. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at I Grande, Or., J an . 4 , 'M. Notice is herebjr given that the following, named sottler has filed notice of his intention t make final proof in support of his claim, and thai said proof will be mane before John 8. Vinson, Notary Public at Vinson. Or., on Feb. 28, ISM, vi: William J. Smith, D.8. No. 4474, for the N 4. NK HW NR and N W H. BK C Boo. S4, Tp I H, B 29 K. W. M. He name the foilowintt witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jease Hamer, Joel Thrasher, Wm, H. liobinson, Iteorire Linville. all of Vinson, Or, 46-51 H. W. Dwioht, Ke;istT. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Qr Feb. 4, 'M. Notice is hereby given that the following. mit uHlar hna hind notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aodj that said proof wiu tie maae neiore . " , Bishop. Notary Public- at Heppner, Or,, oo March '41, m, vis: Stenhen Porter, D. B. No, 4307. for the 8W Hoc. 20, Tp 1 N, R 2J K, W. M, He name the following witnesse t prove hi continuous residence lujKn, and cul. tivation.of, said land, ni: t harle Jng, Jamee Long, Th'eodore Armstrong, Jarvi Hurd, all of Kcho, Or, 4-OJ u. v . uwiiibt, negisir. "NOTICE OF INTENTION . ldlJCDiOmOATTHDAIlJM,OR) Feb. 11, 1W4. Not in is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Bnal.prooi IU support oi nis oiaim, anu that aaid proof will be made before T, E. lirumol, Notary at Hia, Ur., on Murcn zn, via; Walter L. lie. PpuKintiMi No. 27ft). for the N NK K X "4 N W L. Hw, '.in Tn N. R 25 E. He name the follow- ing witnesses to prove hU'cotitiuuous residence upon, and cultivation oi, sam uinu, vis: v oirru Chapman, John Mills, John Vaucieve. i nas, Hudxon, all of Ella, Or. . . . . 7-M K. L. Smith. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . 3L07ricnTTHpA.J;S.Or. r"VQr IB 11 Ll J Kuril t4int , eitle? ha filed notice of hi lnteution to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said prool will no rniiuo uviuiw " ' -"- -v ceiver. at TheSDallee. Or., on March 21, 18h4, rut rrenon iamwb. nm.td No. J049. for the E H HE H NW H 8E V HW H NK Sec. 27, Tp 2 8. R 28.K. He names the following witnesses to prove hia ecmtinuous remdnno upon, ana nun y l.-J IT n PuluJ. mil of Hprner, Imatilla Oc. Ot. 47- t- h. Ficrrm. Hfitr Hewht Black, . lleppnsr. BLACKMAN, la U M mOR ! ! All kinjhupf o ROUGH andeDRESSED LUM Castle Rock Lumber Co. BER SHINGLES, ETC., , kept constantly on hand. LVe have recently received a large and complete stock of 'FIRST - CLASS L VM Ji K R, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, ETC., 9 Which w;e will sell at lorToet po- Bible figures. Give us a call. DANIELS A HERREN, Castle Rock. New Livery, Feed ancfe Sale Stable, ALKALI, OR EG OX. R. R. HOOD, Prop'r. :o:- Horsos Bought and Sold on Com- c mission. TEE BEST ATTENTION OIVE TO IIOESEH IjEFT IN MY CHARGE. Term Reasonable. Stock Shipped to ony part of th Conn , jj try tin Ordered. , J , . , HEITNEK 154KEEY, Frank Munkers, Proprietor, ytxt to Odd Fellow1 Hall, Main St. Fresh Oysters, Freah Bntter, Freshread, Cakes and Pie Every Day. HOT COFFEE fc LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. A fi) mipry ot Freh Candies Nat, Canned Good? etc., constantly on hand- o o 3k