& O 3 e 5 ee. o JL 3S L 0 L i It ? : t i 0 & e O SLICKEARS. Nver rule a thin horse bareback. It you do, you'll find out why you hadn't ought to. "ienManagerdMaguire wanted toffongage Artemus Ward for a lecturing tour he telegraphed : "What will you take for twenty nights in California?" And Ward Otelegraphed back: "Brandy and water " O "Why did you take your boy away from my school?" asked a teacher of an old negro. "Wall I tell ver. I heard de white folks say dat de nigger was in need ob higher education, and I sent my boy upsnoieiill Buffalo bones are being shipped from Montana to the East. The shin bones are hard and durable, - and are used as knife-handles. In other cases the whole skeletons are er$ and come out as a fine fertil izer. "I understood you to say your charge for Bervice would bo Ugh," complained the client, whA0his lawyer handed him tremendous bill." "I believe Mn my fee (S3) would be nominal," was the reply. "but " "Oh, I see," inteimupted' thechenj, "phenomenak "Mother," said a slang.j Hepp neboyat.the tnble when company was present, "thi.Outtgr is 0. Iv., butBthebre'ad is N. G.fand. ought tougetitliei Bf" "J-ust- heoiwhini,' ' ex.clai'me'dtliefond mothe; "heis such rwbeautiful Latin-scholar that P dont' pretend ts under-stand a wordjlie sajis-!" Ia a Walla Walla bor.rdingj house one of the. boarders 'present:- ed-theook with a. large hair ring as.a gift "A ring- made of j;ouiv hair!" cril the astonished cook. "O, no. Jofiphine, the.y arr yours, and .r liave picked them outo& th'e BoupstRfit you have cooked for ud dur-ing tne past tnree months, said, the boarder. An l'a'dy- writesito knowTimv is the be.st way to preserve a piano. The best way to-preserve the piano is hi o.it. it. in iiihWa'h tnkf out. flip ''ivo ntil JurrT-lm iiiovfe 111111 tliAv are about half done. The make a- syrup of. sugar and pour it over th'eeqte'cesy .after vhich they can be p.uteup ini can or jars. T-'ianoes preserved' this wa will kep all winter. Avwell-known clergyman at Wad la' WaMa' entertained a brother lerg.y.man, anfUaskPhim to stay all night At dusk the guest stepped, jjito an ndioininiaroom. wher$ tne cleisgymanJsi wife mis-. took him foe her husband and. ba'tfgedJrimiover the heacfe with a Biftre, r'emar.bing: "Uake that far askingthe ugly -wretch, t sta.y all. nighr BIG IIMN IN PRICES ! o The Old-Established House of v J.L.lVfcrrow&Son! el O MINOR & DODSON, Grocery and Variety Store, MAIN STREET, .... HEPPNER, OREGON. (o) We Keep in Stocfc a Full Line of 0 Goceries, Provisions, Stationery, Fancy Gootfe,00 Q French and American Candies, Oranges, Lemons, bananas and other Fruits in season, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar aifll Cigarette Holders, Cufiery, Fishing Tackle, Aluns? Pistols and Cartridges. FRANKLIN SQUARE AND SEASIDE LIBRARIES. BOUND BOOKS BY vlnl-tf. THE BEST AUTHORS. e c T Y J. B. Main Street, - B R !E W ID H Y 9 NATTER, Prop'r - - - Hcppncr, Oregon. -MANUFACTURER OI- MA.RIv3ill3 DOWIsl THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF Lager Beer, Ale and Porter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . o Lcd Offic nt Th Dalle. Or., Jan. 10, 'Fl, Notice in hereby kitpq that the fullowiotca named wtller ha filed notice of his intention to make tinnl pnxif in mipport of his claim, ani that Mid proof will b made before lieo. H. KnaRKf, CJerk of Court at Vorail, Or., on Kcb. 2.', 1SM4, tii: Ed. B. Smith, Pre-emption No. 2Wft, for the SW SW i See. 8. N H NK f Sec. 4, Tp J S, li 21 E; SW SK U Sec. SI, Tp B 8, K 21 K. He mm the followii- witoesiiea to pmre bin continuous residence upon, and cultiration of, said land, riz: Sam'l Lamberson, Muhlon Hall, Caleb Anw, H. T. Keni, nil of Fossil, Wasco Co., Or. 4-l K. LstjftMtepsier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OtKce at The Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 'M. Notice is hereby uriven that the fnllowiriic numed settler has tiled notice of his intention t make final proof in siiriort of his claim, ar.d that said priMif will lie nuide bef.re t. W. Hish op. Notary at lloppncr, Or., on Feb. 23, 1881, viz: E. RSicinburHt, Pre-emption No. 2VIS1. for the F 4 SK ' 8W li 8K U Se. 2!, NK H XK h Sec. 27. Tp S, K 2G 1 He names the following' wnnwn to prrve his continuous residenco npn, and cultivation of, said land, vi: John ilemlrix, T, 8. JohiiBton, F. Ureene, J. 8. Ketird, Hepruer, Cniiitillit Co., Or. t. L. Smith, Itogistur. ST(H-h BKAXDS. Sabsiliera to.tliei(t;AOTTTKi cunt have their, brnnds nnbliHliedfreoiofcliBr'ge Vy 'Bcii'dinx:tlipuiiu. Aill?iil3;.0. 1. jon r.iVt-lit shouKlen? lio.r.ses.;. AV on ripht skle o'nttle. (laniuglSamef W, B., Newton Kancb. lrpjs'esf N Wiith fignre2 under itoiul'eW' lfouitler. ' Cuttle; siuno oiyluM bip and1 tbiK'b, left eaj square cut.C-' . Cox & Euglisb-Cattlc, C with E in ' center. (jf Vson, J. P. Horses, C on left Htitte-; cattle, TO oounetited on left bip, 3 du-lftiis-onineok. DouKlftHs, JV l: r Cattle,.mi!).,o.mriKbfc Htdet 8WHliiiw.fork im 0(UibVea;' bLr,s'es, gii; i) on loft nip French, A. J rsen, Atl" on leW on. lttftBlTil;; up' Horses, K on- r.iyh F on right bip: or horseisircle dotann o lock' ses. oo Hbotildor? cu pcnt in left ear. , Florence, H. 1'. shoulder; cattle, thinb. lhy, Heury.- OAY.on left uhouldr r. (lilmoraeJ. . Cuttle, tipper, (dope o(T each 0, wuttle riybtnide of neck, J (J on nirht but: horseS?a;ircle dotann left shoulder. Harbin, K.(gk' combined on left shoulder.- Joues, J. H. Horses ,1 with shade over it on left shoulder. Address Hivrdnwti. Johnson, Felix. Circle Ton ripht bij, cattle; kiuo on left stiltle for horses. Kirk, J. C. Horses, 17 on eiher flunk. Cuttle, same on right side. Lyon, J. J. Horses, M with bar under it on ritfbt shouldei. q ' Q Mallory, Cha8. P. Hoi", 7C on leff thigh. Mason, Jos. - Cuttle, JM connected, tviHr otti lu nori ear, dulnp ou tliront; horaca, jil on left shoulder. Address l'ettysville. . McClaren, D. O. Figure 5 on euch ebouldor for hordes. Cattle, M'2 on bip. Nordyke, E. Horses, circle 7 on lef? tbiKh. Cattle, same on left bip. tller, P. Horses, PO connected on loft shoulder. Address Lono Kek. l'ettys, A. C Horses, diamond P on left shoulder; cattle, two J's iuvetted nud connected ou left hip, tipper slope left ear, split in riht, wuttlo on inside of rielit fore 'ejf, near knee. 9 liiers, Cass.- Cattle. 7 on left bip or thi'li; ear mark, crop on rihtnnd uuder slope ou left. Horses, 7 on left bip. Iteetor, J. . Horse, JO ou Ml shoulder. Stalter, D. B. - Horses and cnttlo -7-.n left thigh. tSljejry, E. U. - Cattle, AV C on left bip, cropotf right and nnderbit in left ear - dnbip; horses,' W C on left shoulder. Wullnoe, Charles. W on right thigh, hole iu left ear, cattle. W on righf shouldert some same on left shoulder for borses. Willingham, J. W. norses, BUD on left flank. Walhridfo, Wm. Horses, UL on left shoulder. A nrst-class tinsmith k 4j repairing nt W. J, Leezer's. 3U O O0 General r I lothing,. Bwots and. Shoes, Ete., Etc. Wehave'deteijmineiU ti.clo business.oin the Cash System', or90tla.ys- time, and to make it an object fois our. customeiafcte assist us in abelish- iif the old-, high-priceu long-cedit way of doing bunesa-w.e;haye made the niOFStonish- ingReduction in-P-r-ices ever made by any II'ousein Easterf? Oregn, oranyw.hero else. In J fact, w.e have made Sv,vee,piii-g Ilechictions .ll round, and confidently assert that we can sell you gowda cheaper than anypther hous in Easteiai Qiiegen. Call and inject our Families Furnished with Uottled Eeer fynches of Kinds: on Short Xotieo. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.ai;d Office at The Pnllea, Or., ) Jan. 21, f Notice is hereby Riven that thMfolluwiri named sottler has tiled notice of his TKtentjon tc nmko final proof in support of his claim, anri that said proof will be mmle b,-fore Philip lt. Paine, Notary at Heppner, Or., uu 31urch S, 16H, vix: W. R. Neirman, IV-t-iri.tlini Ku. t..T tl.M N V. K. R..p. V. T,. t rs, lb Jl t.. tie namuM llie ioiiuwiur wuits t OYSTERS, SARDINES O OAND LOBfS GAEI-F0K-XIA, Ll-M'BCRGEIiAXD SWISS CllEERE. . Parties in tlfe cuntr.wmusf?return empty kegs, or $10 apiece w-ill-b'e charged. J. C. DOlfeON, PBOrRIETOK OP AlkaU Livery, Eced and Sale WESTmiAIN ST., &LKALI, OREGON. ly Terms aQ Stab) e, imvM hin continuous rwitlwiet uimjii. nnd cuhi- of Ella. Uuiatillu county. Or. Vj E. L. Smitu, Ueitor. Cunnon, 44-19 J; Reasonale. 'took Ijelt in My Care Wfllbo iVell Attended To. Hay and (rain-of the. Best Quality Kept iiT Full Stock and For Sale. Stock, andet prices. m: B. CUNI$3HAME, Prop., 1 o tiring Mill, xNO MORE BIG PRICES! Corner J. L. Morrow & Son, . St., Hrpgfier, Oregon. May and Main P V W'M. UVEjiHOLTZEr 0 9 0sasnss93S9:geSS Maiinfnctnra ai:d Soil Q Baker's Ifcst XX.X Middlings; IMonr, Self-RaisiGrahani, ings, Shorts and JSian, Etc. Cracked-"Wheat, W. J . I j a: K Z E I I UAlSTRBHT, I.N(- lEPPNER, OR EG OS -HAW' 1 m-ware, Cutlery )ALSO H.9( HishVst Ciiab Prices Ptiid for Wheat. All Orderwrromptly Attended to. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Sand Ofkice at La Gbandk, Ou., ) Jan.'JtlhS. ( Notice in hereby Riven that t following. naniVd !ettler hax tiled notice of hie intention to make final proof in enpport of hi" claim, ai.d that aid proof will bo made before Deputy I'ounty Qik uflieppner, Cr., on March 8, 1!SI, II. E. Uulr.ry, I'onnntit! d homestend So. ar(i7, for the S'JSW U NW 'i 8V 'a and SW H Nt Sec. fl. Tp 4 f, It'JiE. He names the follofiWr witneea to Drove his continuous roeidenceWon, and cnlti vat'on of, tiftj bind. Tiy.: Walter Caimd', Mulkey, Josnih Kotter, rreemnn Orcene, HeppiuTjJJr. IS-TiO y Jl. W. Dwuuit. Itetrinter. Tony nil of Xot NOTICE OF INTENTION. d Office at Iji (irande, Or., Jnn. afi, "M. d notice of his intention to Iff hereby ttiven that the followii.tr- named settlor has hl make timd proof in support of his claim, ar.d that said proof will be mudn before h. n. r ar row, Notary l'ublic at l'eudleton. Or., on March 10, lMl. vii: Ezra II. YhiHOK, I). 8. No. K2. for the SW ' SK 4 SK H 8W 't Sec. 14, NW U NK U and NK ' NW ' Sec.23.Tp 5 8, K 31, E, W. He name the followiiiR wit nesses to prove his continuous reideiu;(upnn, and cultivation of, said lgfed. vii: W. W Holin, 1 Jiiiues Huston, Walter liifnun, A. A. Hoynton, all of Alba, Or. 4WII H. W. DwictiT, IieKister. NO'CE OF INTENTION. Km d OHioe at l.a fiiarde tti-cign. Jau.'JK, !M. )' Notice is hereby (riven that the followiwJ named settler has tiled notice of his intoution to mske tiiiHl pniof in su"iort of his claim, snd thatsaid PAWv2j!f, W. Far row. Notary I'ubfieotrciTfaeUiji, Or., on March 111, ISM, viz: 9 1). S. SUL.S225, for the .T'.i NK 4 H.c. ai d W 'i NWtfJSiT. St. Tp H. ft SI E. lrHii:es tl:n followolv witnesses to prove his c!Wmnoiis r-s:-deiiceupon i d I'lilliv.ition of, sa d lai.d, W. Ti. Holin, .Inmes Hustoii, Walter Hoynton, A. A, toyntondl of Alba. Or. ij-M n H. W. Dwisrht, l!eiH-ler. NOTICE OF INTENTION. poiuidn per of Flour trill be exehanyag for good wheal al ihe rate of j'.j ' bushel. e , , , Barley chopped for 1-7 per hundred pound. Forly pounds of corn meal u ill be givenfor 5G pan corn. a nds NEW EUllNITURE STORE! 9 P. J RUE! DON Hon. opened up on May Street a Large aiul Complete Stock of iiiture, ConsiMrig of ur naiiu (I seiner uh nr make tinal proof in Land Otlice ntTlie Dulles. Or., ( Feb. I, IKs). .!T(7rl.'V.r5't7XlJ.BI.li'.r l.,a ti.At, I.. sui;oort of his claim, ai d Hint said proof will be nisde befitre T'nilip I., l'aine.otary at lleppner. Or., on March If, 11, Cnxsius V)'. Ryelumf, 9 Pre-emptimi No. 3it, for the NK Hec.sTpil 8, It 26 E. He ii;ie: the fwllowiiifPtrittiOwa to prove his continuous residence upon, at-il culti vution of, said Innil, viz: T. I, Johnston, F. J. I hillock, Win. Overholtzer, J. M, Wardon, all of llejipner, Oregon. A 4lUd E. E.TbtrTll. Ileist.T. NOTICE OF INTENTION. BEA-USTEADS, SPRING BEDfj, ffri MATBESSBS, IIOESr 1AKES, GRINDS:Es)N'ES-, . . a T 1st tyrrt fi I yiK i. r yvi ri r nt i Tn illiiroW' TtTtl, JUKJJ (JAViEr., LANT.EKNS AND riSli(!)Bt Nail's of All Kind, Iron and Wooden l-iimps-, ad J3wlts-o& Atli Si; ;es. -Ugst i'on(- The Cklk BRATKI) VLHTER line of m: A FULL r LOW. JO CHAIRS, TABLES. WASH STANDS, riCTCRE FRAMES, MK-ING GLASSES, BUREAUS, ETC. AV'hich" hewill sell at Reasonable Prices. o rn'ORltnONE NEATLY AND WITH DISPATCH. Gilding Done to Order. Land OHice at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 4 'P4. Notice is hereby niven that the folhWinit nimied settler has tiled nntice of his intention lr make final proof in support of his claim, ai d thatsaid proof will be mad before ti. W. Ilisli op. Not A at Heppner. Cr.. on ijnreh SI, 1.V-.S, viz: .1. Spencer. l're-eiuption No. i'.4. for the NK Sec. '-!. Tp h, H 2ti K. He names the followii u viitnesM'S t pirove Ins continuous resilience npon, ai u cum. Wvationof, said land, viz: John Hendrlx, K. R. Hwinbiirne, 1. I,. Johnston, J. llaird, all or lleppner, tinatilla I o.. Or. 4ti-Dl K, I.. Smith, lletrister. 90 0 GEO. W. YOUNO. Stockmen, IraiTners, and the Public ! o Generally! -:o:- YOUNG & RODKEY, o O THE Gazette Job OfjceJ els prepared to do PriiSijing at Hmmnor nvinpKurfrnipiit added. It '' is not the only office in Kastem f iromm nr finn it do the best can cto no humo and Job Printing at fair mid hx ;n rntu Vnn can cet vour 111 nifcvo. t 1 tino- rlone chearer in San p Wncisco, but if you send it there you can also gend there for your local notices when your steers have twins or your mules have triplets. a NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 Jind OtKce at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 4, 'hi. Notice, is hereby (riven that the followinaQQ named settler has tiled notice of his intention t.V' make final proof in support of his claim, ai d that said proof will be nrnde before 1.. W. l'ur liiiK, Notarj-at Ijono Hock, Or., on March 22, lt, viz: . Ji,H,fh Whiic, l're-emption No. 34i, for the 8 H bV ' Hec. 81. Tp t 8. li S K, and V. NW 8ee. rt. Tp 5 8, K K. He namos the fiiuwiiin witnesses to prove his continuons resideWe upon, ard cultivation of, baid land. vi: 8. li. Westcott. Olho Ward, of Ione Bis'k, Wawo Co., Or.: H. (',. Matuey, John (loss, of Lost Valley, Wa-co Co., Or. tti-.'il K 1j. Hmitu, Hnirister. 9 Alkali, Or' Tifl'ilT n.'fi:ii4t jml Psi-it Leg leave to caljejyour atteutionJ,''" GENERAL U" tomplete in every department. what y grids for Koshland Rr n ( prvf!1: t ILt stunt iu writii y to u, or to I. u. i .niif, Lt(ti t,t- m mm . tii .nr unlet! in nop p. cr, Jroj4o..( within yix u;'hhIih from the time roo f , V .i m i i 1 1 n ( i :r. heppner. FfbrnHv4. c are If and LIBERL CASH ADVANCES ON G U ARANTEED. J. AV. REDINGTON, Notary 1'uLlic and Land Airent. ruer Yellowstone Avenno anJ Maiu Street, Heppiur, Ogn. 'IHK lnnrnniB p mies. effected in lieiiiible Com- Saddle Main Street, G. D. SMITH, and Illu-iiess A laker, A Ikali, Oregon. Keeps consanly on hand a full nsaorfment ot nameP8, -j3iij.t--i?, j..--. - . In .hort .vythinK in my line. All work in my b ne made to order, and from the beet 8an.a Cruz and Btockt on leather. REPAIRING DONE SUBSTANTIALLY AND WITH TASTE. N0TICEt)F INTENTION. Land Oflice nt The Dalles Or., Feb., V,,i;,m, id t,,.r.,v irivm llmt ihe fnllowilll. nanii-d lettler has riliHlnotice of hia intention t make final proof in support of hm claim. ai:d Ihat aid proof will he made before A. Mallory, Notary l'ublic at Hcppncr, Or., on March il, 1KM, viz: .S'. .1. Rodman, 1 i. J 1) 5 B, H i' K. Hi liemes w" vi.H4.t. u I. rove ItiH oofif in nous rt-i-. ilenre Ilium. Bill! eultl viillon or, wiio wnii. N. Ilardiimn, Allen Hojse, Wm. Manar. Hiram MmiKor, all of IJardinan. I. miililla county. Dr. 4'-'-' k t''"'r" l'lfstef. lro-mplUni No 8 NK 8ee. ; rollowinir wilm CO NOTICE OF INTENTION. 0 Land Ovrivr. ys L. Oiianpk. o9. ( Keb. 4, P. ,t Notion i hereby riven that the followinB- named settler has tilud notice of his intention to W make final proof in supimrt of his claim, ai'd Ihat said proof will Is? made before (I. W. Midi, op. iVilary 1 UOUC n llt-ppner. w. .o,ii ISSIOiz: D. 8. No. UK.-, I. for theMV U S-i-. . Tp.2 H, It VT K, W. il. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon, and culti vation of. said land, viz: Oscar Tibbet. John Gentry, Charles Mciioc. John White, all of ilepp, ner.Or. 17-W H. W. Dwuuit Kerisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Uml Oflice at The Didl. s, Or., Feb. y 'H. Notiw is hereliy riven that the folowini(.iiamei settler has filed noticeof his intention to make final pnsif in supimrt of hia claim, and that sxid nroof will be iii"de before O. W. liishop. No. Ury at lleppner, r., on Marcb 21, 1KS4, viz: John Himk, Pre-emption No. 2".:t. for the W i 8K HK KK Sec. 7, SW U 8W 'i Sec. 2rt, T 5 8. H M K. HCuame the following witiiesHes to prove bin continuous reaidence iisn, Mid cultivation oft said lnnd4viz: Howard Morris, Hyron HenneU. ,di Ik'""""".; 'UH".r,lmUi J- re"- "t Heppner, Lmatilla county, Or. 47-V.i K. L. Smith. 1'rister. BiMik and job prin'ing of all kirult at I Gazette oflice. Jl