Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, February 21, 1884, Image 3

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Land Filings Free, and Proving Vp at the
Same Price.
For the past four months the editor of the Ga
zette has had all the tools with which to do laud
filing and proving up, but he has never adver
tised the fact, as it would be interfering with
others and outside of his legitimate printing
business. But now that a little ring of Heppner
land agent have combined to ruin the little busi
ness the publisher of the Gazette has worked to
build up, we will proceed to carrjr the war
into the government dirt department. The ring
is charging $2.5(1 for filings and $10 for proving
up, over and above the fees to be sent to the dis
ctrict land office. Now, to make a stand-off on the
Treoie-out game the ring is trying to come on us,.
we will Uo filing nnQproving-up ffce of all
charge except cost of advertising and the fees
that have to be sent to the district land office.
Thus, the pre-emption proof that has been cost
ing you $18.50 all told, can now be had at the Ga
zette office at actual cost, $8.50, and yon can
make a pre-emption filing for f 3;2o. We take
this step not because we love the settlers more
but because we love the ringsters less, lleturn
ing good for evil might be al! right for some old
fossil who had no paper bills to pay, but with
us it is played out.
Local and General.
gMr. T. L. Johnston in absent on a visit
to our distant county seat.
L)i2f'"ili(Kaa!t Proving-rp free of
charge lit theTrantifiS
Died Feb. 21, at the residence of
Hansom Hart, Mrs. S. Lalaude.
When you want to insure your proper
ty against fireball at the Gazettk office.
hinooks may come and Chinooks
may go, but LeezfiQi haware store
runs right along forever.
SetUt4!m4yuwKaa. orjnmmje a me instrument, du huwi im
ovinff tSdoue fctfTiK"m& suddenly remembered, that he had
tiroving up
L. W. Darling, at Lone Iiook
The? only place ki Heppner to get an
litjjt of furniture is at the warerooms
JffVWWWi, on May street.
Oscar Minor and Taylor Dodson cut
.and put up several tons of ice this week,
ana lonnu n nicues iuiuk.w
Independent, and must say it is one of
the neatest papers ever printed.
About 500 pounds of alfalfa tteed can
"lie bought at loss than its cost below, at
the store of J. L. Morrow & Son.
We regret to learn that Wm. Penland
is quite ill, and. that some of the chil
dren off wWttyen VfA. Kirk and
WmHouston are also sick.
The balanoe of a large stock of cloaks
v ill be closed out at cost for the next
fifteen days at the store of-J. L. Morrow
A Son.
In whom, 'twirt monkey, man aud
mink, do all the men of science think
is found at last the mw-iing link? The
Great Salt-Nominated.
Now is the mild winter of our content,
for we know that good overcoats can be
CSbohUt low .pri'Qt J. L. Morrow &
There must have been sone sneaking
0 IJSttf noss going on when .Tiffin Hendryx
found it necessary J') tell Ed Bishop t it
.he was "aVl n KtlSliest."
Mr. O.OlV. rnett is imvOr(HSS
barber shop iu the Mutloc building,
nnd is fully equippeo meet the waut-j
jfcif hitjusiamird. Give him a oall.
Mr. P. C7r5c)rg, who has boen absent
making some extensive improvements on
his ranch down the creek, is again be
hind the show-Cjuse iu his jewelry store.
jet the winterbt oi?n or shut, flau-
vel tmderweunuu oe c.wnioriat)ie,0mi
it. irt p.f.T. Ti. TVfnrmw Ar
0 0 Son's. 1
Unci John Locknane, who lias been
out iu the hills tending sheep; became
.almost snow-bhnd during the recent
storm, and had to come to town to have
Jus eyes doctored.
When you wantft good rig to go any
C Ji saddle-horse, or wanto feed
""- yuttr Team when you come to town, re
member that iNelse Jones lias the only
Jivery stable in Heppner.
"Here comes Romej Here comes
llomeo!" and he is satisfied with the
world, having hatWiis stovepipe and
l.ousehoLl iron woiks repaired by Mr.
llornorV. J. Leezr'a tinsmith.
The lower stnge now runs every day
direct betweeifl Heppner and Alkali,
without swinging away otf around llock-
ville and Blalocland will soon "(k'-u
nhorter route th;)h via SinnotrS.
"Is it a sin," asked a IIfi"pner girl of
her cruijrotlier, "for uuMo feal f?eas-
lire when a gentleman says I am hand
some?" "It is, my sister," he replies,
gravely: "we should never delight ia
Dave Ilerren fS) officially informed
Squire Mallory that if ho ever did any
more business with him it woiJd have to
)o in black and white, and there could
jiHver again he any "word of honor" busi
ness alniut it. q
As Queen Margaret would say, gji'he
mutual confereuoe that my mind nr.th
had, by day, by night; waking and iu
my dreams; is that I would fence a big
pasture and, x?t all my nails, spikes, eto.
,t W. J. L&zer."
Mr. .7. I. Uenrflrl ling oouneuied to
raxe tno tnainuesss botuer or imvimr a
''"""",VV- :C3Ci,B,;'W
itfi, (iiui i intM'uu ib Lki L'c it'ba ui (ill-
paid work for him, it will be a gre.it
oonveuience to his neighbors.
Silas French was over Saturday from
jiis lvoch creek slweprauch, and dropped
in ou tho Gazettk to leave the financial
pomplimeuts of Joseph Kouig, who
wauted to renew his subscription, al
though it nau not yet expired. T'' "un mm
Twelve miles northwest of reiiik'Wpr" '5 t ! 5(";
a young man named GWsojSlvSfvillod I k'"'w usel1 to ,,e
hist Saturday while blasting out a well,
He was on top and looked in as the
blast went oh. A rock cut uiT his chin,
aud ho fell hendlong down the well.
William Warren, Oscar Miuor rnul
Johu Heudryx retur.icd Friday f;"gi
their hunt in the Wall creek cmutrv.
They had quite r cold-time, but brought
home u big load of deer, the animals
having killed themselves in trying tQ es-
f rtpe.
Along about the fro:it end of this
week, Hoppuer weather Wiia rather cold,
aud there was about 1-t inches of snow
on the ground. Most stockmen got up
-vhat stock they could gather, nnd fed
fcfor a few days. Ijueaday morning the
welcome Chinook wind commenced
Mowing, and at present writing, Thurs
dav, the snow has mostly disappeared
from tho0 hills, and the thermometer
tands ut i.'fSibove.
The best commentators have agreed '
that Shakespererfunnedtthe secondaud
W.t c.wuc a-,,1 ( ntvara thov
ever had came fVom the had ware Vor
of W. J. Leezer.
Born In Judge Dntton's barn, across
the creek, Feb. 18, to the daughter of
Sim Heed's old Autocrat, a son to the
two-year-old colt Jim Munkers used to
have running near the inilrrace. Auto
crat and Polecat doing well, but as
usual the Judge is very muchCexcited.
A grand sleighing party took in the
town Tuesday, consisting of Jim Fuller
and wife, Park Oarrigues and wife aSd
Mrs. Norman Kelly. The sleighing was
good and the horses free, but up the road
ajsudden lurch carfed a seat to give
way, piliug uiie ladies in a soft snow
bank. f Born-Ji IIftpner, Feb. 20, kPUfe,
wife of VV. IT Elmore, a ten-pound son.'
Although he has traveled a great deal
and engaged iu many enterprises, the
father regards tSis latest exploit of
handing his name down to posterity as
the most important he has as yet become
interested in..
If Johnny Maddock wants his copy of
last Friday's Oregonian he can find it
pigeon-holed at the Gazette office. We
do wish the Heppner postmaster would
quit putting other people's mail into oar
box. We have too much work to do to
run a free 'delivery route, and dou't want
everybody's mail stuck iu our box.
Squire Waj;en Clark has laid down
his loads of legal lore, and will here
after devote himself to exclusively earn
iirffflbis bread by the sweat of his saw.
His advertising card appears in the Ga
zette to-day, and when you want any
kind of a building tweeted you will find
the squire ready to take the contract.
A Portland man worked a long while
at making a bass viol or bull fiddlejaud
at last straightened himself up antfpro-
i.i a . i - i n 1 1
leu uis gaie-poi on me msiue w mo ju-
strumeut, and when he tried to play, of
course the tune stuck in its throat.
Very sad. 9
The railway mail service mu' be get
ting very vigilant. We recently made
the error of directing a paper to Silver
ton, N. Y., instead of Silverton, Ogn.and
the paper was actually returned,
we wish that these oilieials would hunt?
up about a cord of Standards, Orego
nians, Argonauts, Saientifio Americans
and Chicago papeis which havo been
senjgto the Gazette and ne'& reached
Ed. Gazette: The spring orlj will
long he remembered as an epoch
of calamity in the history oE Hepp
ner and vicinity, from the fact
that one of the most viilianous
schemes of fraud ever perpetrat
ed on the duplicity of the ljgj'plo was
conceived by au oiliciaLnppoiuted by the
'Mli'&e of our Staf-e'overnmont, un
der t:ie supposition tnat ne wcuut su:
sorve the interest of our people. About
the first of April last, intense excitement
was cr-.JftO0this community by a re
port eurnlVftid to the effect that the
bun! grant, donated b the N. P. 11. H.
do. hmLrcvertod Iwcktothe government.
i w9ffmrce or tiv wnatautnor-
- J the rumor emanated 110 one seemed
Bishop, Notary Puba, can toll vis from
whence this report originated. Certain
it is that congress was not aware of the
fact that said land had been declared
.n for settlement as the property of
the public domain. Certain it, is that
our neighboring towns of Pendleton,
Vepi411 and the district land oifiee at
La Grande w(x-pit aware of this im
portant fistt. It has been vMLfpercd that
said notory public had occSffiou to make
a trip to The Dallcsukst pirtvious to the
hind excitement. And it has been
strongly suspected that he had a private
consultation with the distjiit land
agents at that place. And thWthui a
little scheme was formulated tf,ioh
the people. Under the circumstances a
more Auspicious time for such a specula
tion could not have beca selectod, ow
ing to thifact that forWhme timo this
land question had boen agitating the
minds of the people here, as there
were many holding railroad land, and
ardently hoping that it would go back to
the government, that they might file
pre-emption and homestead rights on the
same. Thus we 3ee that it needed but
the lightest toucWif the ball to sot it
?oing with th'jfHvclt
looity of nu electric
i.eS TheM-sult was that Ed. R.
Bishoji's office was crowd'iAsvith ruen
eager to riio to secure tiseirMrnd. Aud
t!e product of the wliole is that Mr.
Bisliop camo out with a well rilled purse,
to the detriment of tlHcummonwealth.
But we shall leave for the people to de
cide as 1 1 whether or not they have been
dofiaindcd iu paying the land agent
teesL CVt-MiiN.
How to Make Cand.r
Thin book gives full directions for ntaVn? all
kindu of plain and fancy candy. Tii" recipe3 for
maliiiiff carami'ls, chocolalo drops, French mixed
and all other kinds of c.mdica cor.tainrd in this
book are the sam as uned by tho loading city
confectioners. Any ona can have these candies
at homo at loss than one-third ths usu.U cost.
Sent poKtvaUl to anyone eerdii.g at once the
names of iiftcon married ladies and 30 cent in
postal noto, or H iwpi'tit ht&raps. Address.
KSTKK Pi'BLJSUlNT? (' SJ, 8S & 8Sli, Os-
- WTr!rBl(K - k, liochesta N. Y.
They've Moved Out.
Aliiioujjh the (iAZK'rTK ofiice now lias sin
tmiiK out with loiter paiutixl ou it as bin a set
ter do, we believe we will have to pet Mr. Wil
liams to paint us a bipser one, for quite often a
young man comee tmlirinR in, looks around, stam
mers, says he not into the wronn house, and goes
.it. Oh, no, jouhk man. you didn't eet into the
-ou trot into the one you
t one. We know that
this must lie the idiT.tical building, for people
have told u of Ktv-irR our d'-St :ttin ou the
doorstop ci.ld uinhts when the building was not
a prii't-shoi5irfnm that fact alor.o we think
Wool Acctiey,
Christy Sf Wisp, the well-known wool
house of S;vn Francisco have estab
lished an aceucy in the East for the sale
of wool. This will be j great benefit to
thii;it,-ons of this rir:o as shippers will
have the option of sending t.i San Fran
cisco or bv the Northern Pacific Eail-
road direct to Boston whenever the i
highest prices rule. Christy & Wise
have written their agents at Alkali, Cof
fin, McFarland & Co., to make cash ad
vances on this year's wool to anyone
wishing it at the regular rate of inter
est, ten per cent, per Biinum. Address:
Coffin, Mi'Fablaxp A Co.,
Feb. HV1SS4. Alkali, Ogn.
Feb. 9 'Si.
uuiu uno umu iso iv.. -------
y your numerous readers, I send tuem
There -will ha a tri-weeklv mail from
here to Blalok commencing on the 16th
Mr. Landers and his sister, Mrs. Tow
ell, from Eugene City, moved here re
cently with the intention of remaining
Mr. O. O. Rowland has been appointed
notary public for this precinct.
Mr. Fry, an enterprising merchant
from Alkali, was "doing the city" one
day this week.
There are petitions being circulated
and numerously signed for mail routes
from here to Adamsville and Fossil.
Mr. Flett, our enterprising merchant,
will, as soon ryiie weather permits,
build a larse fiio3omraodioTfPbuildiDg
nnd increase his present stock of (roods
to meetibe demands of the surrounding
- r.---
country-. f 1
Messrs. Ladd k Turner will run a tri
weekly stage from here to Blalook, com
mencing on the 10th inst.
There is a great deal of government
land in this section of the country as yet
vaoant. Parties desirous of securing
good homes will find a better open
ing. We are coneuient to timber, ht.vn
plenty of water, and good soil, tlju
affording opportunities which are unsur
passed anywhere ia Eastern Oregon to
those seeking homes in the far west
homes that nature has adorned with all
that is necessary to transform into beau
tiful domiciles without laboring under
the disadvantages usually met with in
new countries. Emigrants and otlujr
parties seeking homes aj e almost dany
arriving, notwithstanding the inclem
ency of the weatftr. Nomeo.
In Fnct, Several Asuertlons.
Wa aHort tliat H. Hiralins Halloek, also culled
Bishop's lieKgnr, has oollocted money from men
ui tlii town under the false pretense of rendering
a certain value id return, which value"he never
rendered; therefore it follows thtit tiie said Hirc
lin x is a dead bent who lias not as much principle
as a codfish, and lucks only the 6a;id to cany out
tjnstincls of a sneak thief.
We assert that there are people in this com
munrty Who regard IM Bishop as a sneaking
schemer who lacks the tiu- principles of a man.
We do not assert that he was ever in a peniten
tiary as a horso-thief. but we do assertjLhat there
are men who consider 8)rse-thier no worse
tlma a man who would wheedle llftplo into tbe
belief that hlirss on railroad lands were (jood
jast for the sake of robbing them of fto local
fees. $ .
There is a hbel luin this State which protects
even such things as Halloek and liishop when
they are lied about. Ai.d if they think anything
the Gazstte has said about them is untrue, they
can get the majesty of the Slato law to swoop
down on the Gazette, and ijwo don't prove
verythiirfc wo br.w snM u'oout them, and more
too, v.'e are tlio bijjgost liar on seven secti ).:s (f
t:gjor:mieut dirt.
l'ohit for l'ettii'oi'dtcin.
As a eeqnt-1 to the ifa we recently pnbUshrd
headi'd "Point for Publishers," wo now fiivo a
Point for PettifojjKera, which may mnko pejJ.)
llai'k that i'ttlifotwoi- ruiiio (ig's ngjjUiOTO
much about law as a Iior doe:? .lOoSTfvrTO. .
Oazktte had a bill r.;i:a;.st the estato of the late
E. ?. Vr'i'.ile. Tiie bill was sworn Uimd present
ed to the administrator, ('. S. Wul U subse-q-.iently
cnrrie to thofice ai.d sa'd ilmt a oertair.
party bal informed liiin that the deceased had
stopped all advertisinj; two months before the
b'll eaid he d-d. We not only showed him by the
r!(f:''noiy had bet.-n luii t hi;r., but
shoiriinnimt the advertising hsd baaH'ontin
uedbut not charg -d for) two weeks uerthe ex
ecutor had ord-jred it stopped. Then he said that
.inj-.vay, he wi,'Ui,D pay for the advorliHinK
that had bo-fi done aitor t lie death of the de
ceased; th.'..ino hat.idvised him not to, read
the law to him, and showed him that he couui
Nor pay it. Via put the bill into the hands of
CtovtQor Rea for collection, v.ith instructions to
title if necessary. And judjiirg froiigjhe Jjint
Jlr. Kea came arourd ai d handed an Hie fall
amount of tiie b;l4)neit day, we conclude Vlmt
PettifoKser Paiue'B lop.d advice was not consid
ered valuable e:;ou?li to warrant the extra ei
liense a rait would attacho it. A man some-
tini08(j.tH li by reiudiatii;:O0:(Q.dv1Q3
lr.R 1:U ai'.d following the advice ot a shystor,
and sometimes he d n't.
Kristian Kom;liieiifi.
Squire Mallory wrote a li ttcr to the Gazette
oltioe, iu which, in alluding to Pair.o, heus,xi such
Gft'ce ,'SJir'H-si')!,fl as "despicable pui.py," "jj,''
riious f.!didorer," "wUiniiiK ard barkins ol a
pottifonKing cur," etc. While, tho eaniro may he
correct in thua talcing Paine's msure, stiil,
these are rather unchristian terniw to i used by
an old niaiQiLo must know that in the course of
nature it cannot be long bi fore he in brought into
court to answer before the God he professes to
believe in. By tho way, it is bcin;urumori-d (hat
the squire's relijfiou is very s.hal.ov, r.r.d one con
sistent christian gentleman goes so far as to s.iy
he will get up a".d leave the cliuroh the next time
the squire is allowed to lend i prayer. Instead
of leaving he ought to g;t in ar.d pray like the
dovil for the eld man, for he certainly neods it if
half the stories told about his inconsistencies lire
truo. Perhaps the squire has "forgotten" that he
ever wrote the letter referred to above. If he ull
como around some day when wa have time, e
will show him tho original oopy. but he mom
have witnesses along to jog his memory after
wards, for alone he might "forgDt" tho matter
very shortly.
Bad' Tasle.
The local lode of an honorable Order rccf:
gave an entertainment iu Heppner which was
largely attended by invited gnosis. Among those
giiet-U there was certainly as mach general intelli
gence as could be scar.xl up iu any audience of
the same si:e anywhere. On the programme us
a very ordinary song, whone point, if there wus
any point to it, could be readily grasped l v a
four-year-old child. And yet a c.'Qp.-; Or
named Paine, temporarily clothed with a little
brief presiding authority, had to reflect upon the
intelligence of thejiudience by trying to explain
the whole Bong liofore it was su;;g. Sir. Pel'.y
Paine, may think that because he was diagced liji
in a two-cent ckI fish country ljick liast, tiiat r
one in the H,"pnor Hills behidea himself can u
d"rstai.d a little song or anything else, but in tl
it seems there ant people who differ w Ih hit"
I P,t t i f ogwrs who wish to wd rouiea of ta
paixT to fiierds in too l.!at can iret them b
v a -.pen at ten cento each. Call early and avA.
the rush. J
"The Woman's Physician."
A common sense medical work for lailie on'y
Fully answers all qaestioiis which modesly pre
vents Rkii.g jumaSphysiciau. (iiros cautes and
symit4u of all diseases of the ,x, with twi
tive cure for each iu plain langmige. written bj
laities who have made these diseases a life study
A plain talk in delicate language, which ertir;
woman, young and old. should read. It is reoon
mended by eminent lady physicians as a
guide for the sex. Handsomely bound and illut
tnacl. Sent iXMtpaid for $1.00. Addrs Ui.
Bxx HEsncH rrnusunxo To., 2, S3 A S'i,. U
burn Hiock. KochiKter. N. t,
A Few Plnin (-.,,:.,,,
The governor of North Carolina said
to me governor of South CarolinS-M'o.
recently Saidto the Portlan d ( )reminian
'Aufwer a few )lain questions." And
tbe Portland paper answered them.
Sow the Heppner Gazette savs to tbe
New lork Herald: "Answer afew plain
questions," as follows: Why does a dog
run sidewise? Who do some cows give
muk when others do not, while both are
etiwg the same kind of bunchgrass?
Why don't a hen lav eggs when eggs are
nwa neeilf If to morrow will be yes
terday tfre day after to-morrow, vhat
effect will a BudifPirChinook wind have
on the next year's lambs of a barebelly
shp? Auswer on the installment plan
-ti worth per mouth.
Stopping a Paper.
Several good citizens have come to xia
and told us tough tales illustrating the
hypocrisy of the old fossil we mentioned
last week as having stopped his paper,
L11" ".Mvejio space to wasje on himj
, 1 . i . i-" r I
wuuiwo gave mm a free seuTl-oli-ioTl
was ifflhecause he had merelv stoDned
his copy of the paper, but because, true
to his nature, he had previously oome
sucking around after free puffs. A man
certainly has a right to order his copy of
a paper st-opn-jd whenever he sees fit, but
when he doe n't act white in the matter
he can ex pott tt get showed up. This
I'.Mln olul-. niins to act on the Rauure
rrflfjPV?erybody, and it expects the same
tiitmeut iu return.
JFartiifrship Notice,
otioe is hereby given that Mr. Fhil.
leppner has been admitted into part
Muhip in the Alkali House of Heppner
iBlaokman. Heppneb & Blackmas.
Akali, Jan. 1, 1884.
j Xoseer Wanted.
We want a logger right a.way to take a
Mntraet to haul to our mill from 5(X),(KH)
'n 800.000 feet of logs which are already
:iit. KtBK & lious-rjw,
i Successors to S. P. (Orrifi
llonnner .1 Barber Sim
1 -
I In th A
S'Mlock Build if ci$osite P. 0. Borg's
i Jewelry Store,
I now turning out Shaven, Shampoos and Hair
cuts in the highest style of the art.
Choice Wines, Liquors & Cigars.
MINOR & HALL, Trop's.
Seeds! Seeds!
Miller Bros.,
109 Second" Street, Portland,
For Timber-Cultures on baud.
o o
Send for Cn't-alog83.
iiffition this papor. t3-"7
In Justice's Court for the Precinct of Heppner,
County of Umatilla. HUdo of ()reu-"m
)-,viii A. Herren, plaintiff, V8 t has. McBeerue-
r.l''Mu' Ti.Ure. the abnvo-nanied defendant:
In the nanie of the Ntate of Oregon, you are here
by n-iiuir.'d to appear before the unclenigneil, a
Justice of thcl'eaco. for the precinct aforesaid,
il. lHhl. at 10 o'clock. A. M.
of said day, at tho olHce of said Justice, inlaid
......i-im-t to answer the above-named plaintiif in
.. ,.;.mI action. The dflfondant will take notice
.1..., :r i.,f..il to answer the complaint herein.
the plaintiO will take jilgm-jjwigaiiist hiinfor
i-ii k) and for plain tin s dislwreements oWhis
Chen m.d'T my hand this 15ili dcy of Febru-
A. Wai.i.oky,
O Tliis summons is published once n week for six
consecutive wee-KH, ny onier uairu rt-oixuo jn.
f A . Mallorv Justice of the PeaciWor said
Precinct of Heppner, County of I'matilla, Htate
of Or'-gon. . (f; W. Rev,
i- ,;i Plaintiffs Attorney.
In Justice's Court for tlio Precinct ot Heppner.
County of Umatilla, Slate of Oregon,
lle'.pcer .t lilackman, plaiutiffj, vsChas. McBen,
(l.'ilMIO I'il.
'i'nChiis. JlcHrv. tho abovc-namid defendaat
In the rami' of the State of Oregon, yon are here-
rr;Uir"d to appear before tho urdersigwd. a
j-jst'ci- of the Piwo forthe pr 'O net aforesaid, on
oi il Mil, lh at 10 o'clock A. M. of said dny, at
the ofiii -a ol sa.d Jrifttcx, in s:eil precinct, to an.
ii. i,t-,iic,.nniTiHil nhiiiiTitt's in a e vil action
defertlant will take notice tlinl if he fail to
answer the romp a-nt heroin, tlio piainun win
take ittclgment against him for J-Js.lH, and lor
pl-iintift'a disbursements of thin act-on.
Given under my hand this lSlh day of febru-
nry.ls. T A- S1i,.'i''"SI'
iskxl) Justice of the licaco.
fliis summons is published once a week for
six consecutive weeks, by order dated rebruary
IK l"l. of A. Mh;1oi7, Justice of the Peace, for
the Precinct of Heppner, t ounty or L inaiiiia,
State of Oregon. , .ItJ.""' ,
4s.r.a I'lamtift s Attorney.
Taken up ai-d
posted by the nrdersigred, 1)T
iles north of Ilepprer. Umatilla
w about four mi
c ntv. 'reon. one red cow anoui 10 or u J'"
..i.i n.l i.r .. ilf a soolled heiftr now about It)
months old, I nw nraiuitu name "'e
1. ft ear cnipried and undersloiio in right part'all
ii... ,l l ow hrauiltil name c on leiini
iot marked or brandiil. Maid cow aril can
this day appruised
lory. Justice of tl
at the sum of S2S by A. .V!al-
Penre. liated at, tiep; uer,
thiMstdayof Febraan-.l w gnIpLEY,
Hexbt Heppxer,
Tlio Old Established House ot
0 0
Sole Agcats for Beppner, aiad Viein-ity
Celobratecf :B8iin Wagon,
Krfapp, Burra& & Co'apicuUural implements.
Commission and? Forwarding Merchants.
Ship Care of H.
9 Si
- ... .,,tNtTn
Heppner, Umatilla Co.
Wm. Theodore. vov.
(9 M
K'WpBest ot Whiskeys,
:o: Q
The Celebrated
With HamM Filling,
The Finest in Heppner,
A Fine New Billiard Table for the
Amusement of Guests.
Land Office at I -a Grande, Or.. Jan. 4, 'M.
v,;- i h..rol.v oiven that the following.
j ,,!..- i,u. ',!.) notice of his intention to
Wake final proof' in support of his claim, and that
said proof will De mane oeiore mihi a.
Sotio-v Pnblio at Yiinon. Or., on lull, 8, 111,
Wltham . Smith,
r a XT., n-l f..,fl. V li KK. i KW ' NE
...'j VwY. Klj V. K-n. H tn a H. II -H K. W. M.
He names the following witnesws to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Jeese Hanier. Joel Ihrasher. W m.
H. Holiinsou, George ijinviue. an m uimi,
4(fil 11 . . yWiUttlli'-Jtiniri.
t .....1 nrtinnt t.n Grande. Or.. Feb. 4. '84.
v..,; u..,lii-.nrra Unit the following-
numeil si.ttler has hlS notice of his intention to
makelinal prisif in support of his claim
.i ... ...i.i w U he mndfl liefore d
G. W
u-l, Notary 1-ubliu at Heppnor, Ur., up
Slarcli il, viz:
Htemen l-urivr,
1). . r,0. .!. lor llio O" - - .'.,-Vi'
M ,1 UU7 K.U, VII 111 I 1
E W. M. lie names ins luimwum -
to pr.-T- w ' "TZ. Wis iionir. Jamos
7 , ' , -n..nn mull unM UlXin. HI1U CUi-
tivation Ol, wu uui,., "-V, , I, f
Long, l heotlore ArmsiroiiK,
Kcho. Or. II. W. Dwioht. Itegister.
Lanb Office at Ths Dali.f.s 0b., )
r tea. 11, l-11- .
Noticn i? hereby giYP'i Tai tub. iim..-...K-
l-J . -.. . ..n :
named settler ha.
make final proof in aupport of his e - aim, nut
that laid pr.K.f wiU be madeMore T. E. Kramel
Aary W Ella, Or., on March W. 14, viz:
n uiier ij. Jii-CT,
Pre-emption No. 27'.. for the N V, NE Mi NW
C fee? ill. Tp i N. R 25 E. He names the f low
hiawitneUte to prove bis contintious residence
nnon andcultivation of, said land, viz: Coleman
ChapnuurJohn Mills. 'John Vancleve. Chaa.
Hub.n. all of Ella, Or. y
Laxd Office at THDATAgj. Or,
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of hi. intention io nui
ftimt orK,f in supiKn or nis -pii', - v r
, rm.f will be made befor Kei;ter and. Ke
Eeiver The DhIU-s. (ir., on March tl, 1M4, viz:
J'tvjttnn Looiieu.
Hornet end No. UW. for the K ',4 HE H NW M SE
LKWHNK ". TP 3 S- " E' ,len8,DO"
.7 . ii tr, nmvA his continuou
me iiimmiint - - ... .
residence uti, and cultivation of mid I land,
riz: Sarford ( lark. Hiram lark, bU-phen I
if,J Wm Penland. all. of Hepprjer. LmsriHa
Or. 17-5J E. L. B.hitu1 Rnwv
Hjekbt Blackmam,
fe 13 AlknlL
1 Alkali, Wasco Co.
All kinds of
kept constantly on hand.
"We have recently received a large
and complete Btock ot
Which we will sell at lent pou.
Bible figures.
Give us a call.
Castle Rock.
New Livery, Feed and
Sale Stable,
R. B. HOOD, Trop'r.
Horses Bought and Sold on Com
Terms Boasonable.
Stook Shipped to any part of the Coun-g
try an uruereu.
Land Office Iinds.Or., Jan.Si, 'U.
Notice is hereby given tWt the. following-,
named s-ler has tM notice of hi. intention tn
make final pr,K.f in
that said proof will l lngde bofore H. w. Hn,.
J vT, ,nX P,.blic at HSpuner, Or., on Match K
lH, viz: n 0 r ,t
D. 8. No. live, for the N NE and N 4 NW H
Hec 8. TP 1 8, K 27 E, W. M . He namee the fo -
lngwitnesseH ui pro v..... - -- -ee
uiKm. and cultivation of, said land, ,
Jowph Arbuckle. Wm. ljunoeloru, w..v.w.
W m. VVamer, an oi xieiiiiiii-r,
45.511 11. W. DwiaiiT. Register.
OLasp OFntm at Tbb Dam.eh. I
Jan.4,K4. .(
Notice i hereby given that the foH.win
named settler ha. file4 tiotioe of hi. Ivii t
make final proof in upirtof hi. clfci w, J'",'
mid prK f wiU be madn b. rore A. MalUry,
NWaty at Hewner, Or. on Feb. '4 "
(Mew It. Evviivn,
Pre-emption No-. 2t!J, for the HE . Be. m, Tp 1 1
N KWK. Heoaaieetlio foUowing witneeses to
nrovuhis ouatinuon. rosidenoe upon, and eulu
Vatton of, said land, viz: ('liae. W allace, E i.ha
Winslow. T. Armstrong, K. Hendontra, aU or
MrncT. CmatiU. Co.. iir.
9 9 S 99s!
o o