& e e 32: e o e 0ic 03 CO o o 0 ffFfffr 8$ 000 111 1 it 13 POSTPONING PROCEEDINGS. "I came to tell you this morning that you might as well stop them proceedings in chancery for a bill of divorce," said a soft-eyed thing 09 about twenty-seven years old, as she came into a Laramie lawyer's i office. ; :' ; "Decided to live together as man and wife again, hey V" "No, not that-not that! You see, Obadiah strolled away to Leadville two years ago, and kind of givene and the kids the gjand e shake. Sinceot hen I've been rnst oozcftjg fcjuo niy gentle, unobsirusive o manner to make a stake. 1 I've- wrote to him occasionally whenever eIhad leisure, and kind of rounded hinrp for not chipping m with his assessment, butie never repre sented. That kind of irritated me, and I asked you last veek to get mo a divwrce. If I paidall flie as sessments myself I thoughtvrould be no more than squre to get all the dividends. But this nfbraing I got news from Leadville that has chanced mv notion little about Hie divorce. ' , , "Went you some moneys did lie?" ".Mo, not mat. He didn t even write to me; but I got a papeVwith a big blue mark around a piece in it, which conveys the intelligence that Obadiah was hung there on .the 10th by request! It seems that 1 he got to jumping lots and stealing O horses between meals, and people got down oDhim. Then he salted n claim over 011 Buckskin, and sold it for $40,000 to a tenderfoot from away down East. He made several ilowery breaks like that, and the popular feeling seemed more or less turned against him. Several weeks ago ObadSah stole a pair of mules from a man who belonged to .Kokoma, and uejct night went back to get a' neck-yoke and monkev- wrench that belongitW4eivasenW' undclmpjyned to run into a jmssle . of vigilantes ltxikm for a job. They took Obadial over to a tall,' limfibr tree, and let him stand on a, bronco ponjplugSunder the lowest limb, while they tied a clothesline around his windpipe. Obajdjah told them that he was not much of a bare-back rider, and he didn't knowwhether he could do the trick r not. They slid the clothesline over the limb and lijjt the bronco a lick witffii quirt. The bronco was a high-life plug, andd hail been raised in luxury,' So he got mad when they hit hiin, and lit out some. , That left Obadiah in aggood deal of suspense. He wiggled aroinul nlittle anil got ( barrassed, a1?d didn't seem to ki tten; know what to do with his minds for a wle. Then he becaiufc more calm aiul composed in his manner, and the crowd-madaji present of him to th.e coi'onerP 1 0 wrote to the authorities to send me his $ieck book. and.a.statement of Obadiah's bank account, end whatever you're out on this divorce hooraw will be all right; understand, I'd rather let the vigilantes fix up my law business than to die of old'nge waiting for chancery anyhow. That's the kind of a grief-stricken rolipram!" A duko captured last NeAember 1 (fixiganSHl.s i the Neighborhood of Trapani, Sicily, was- released after i days' captivity on payment of roransom oAtf$,(RK). His fam ily never -e.vpocted to see him again, as he was advanced in years, very obese and afflicted with a ner- us malady. llie treatment which -1 LP r.oo.p.i.v-e.d f if uiwthe. brigands, 4kugh0by no means pleasant, has effectually cured Mm. The J5uke relates that on the night vJien he Was taken he wasOput 11 librsvbajk ndomade to ride until next morn- when the brigands skipped at i warehouse. Tft&re he remained the first day, and wrote, at his cap tors' dictation, a letter to his fam ily asking them tojsend the above named ransom. In the evening the journey was resumed, and ..as the ruin was tullhig in torroutu, iVie was clad in some tarpaulin aiul a sack was placed ier his head to protect him. The second night the party reached an abandoned shed, where the Dukejvas left, with a guard outside the door. The third night the journey was continued nud ended at the place destined beforehand for theDuke'sJ concealment He had.to enter thfe retreat on hands and knees, hole into a euhtrrifnean grotto. Here he remained for 30 'da 1 iri l 1 1 1 1 cjvunwii any ngiu, lying on a bundle of straw, which was never changed. His food consisted of bread and cheese ami water. The brigands left him ftkme? only re turning to bring food. By the light of n lamp, which was lowered from alKve, they forced him to write other pressing letters to his family and dictated what he should say. His family, to obtain his re lease, used their utmost influence to prevent the military authorities from pursuiug the brigands until the ransom had -been safely paid Rixd received. MINOR & DODSON, Grocery and Variety Store, MAIN STREET, We Keep in Stocf a f nil line of . Gocerjps, Provisions, Stationery, Fancy Goods, French and American Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and ) other Fruits in season, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Cutlery, Fishings ' O Tackle, Guns, Pistols and Cartridges. FRANKLIN SQUARE AND SEASIDE LIBRARIES. . BOUND BOOKS BY vlnl-tf. THEBESfi' AUTHORS. . ii y, ; 3 M E W E H Y, C I 00 ' J. B.1 'NATTER; Prop'r, Mafri Street, 8 )M.fNFl?iaa'URER Of- Lager Beer," Ale and forfer, IJamilies Furnished .with Bottled ' j j Lunches of All OYSTEBS, AEDINES California, Limburgeh Parties ifi the country must w wllbe charged. J.,0? DODSON, ritorniETon of Th Alkali Livery, O WEST MA1XH&, e My Terms a i'o Reasonable. 9 O ftoc-k lfUSCiiain 01 the liest Uualitv v IJoppiiow IHoTirmg- Mill," II'. B. V UN I NG II A M E Prop., Maniifaclurs rd Soil Baker s s Best XXX F lour, Middlings, Shorts r.sli IVicea for Y'liont. Flour it ill he cn-haixed for i per lillfSIII'l. Barley cliojiftfd for 1-7 per hundred jiouiuh. Poi'ly poii mis of corn meal ici$ be yircn corn. NEW FURNITURE STORE! P. J. CllMIDOX Has opened up 011 May Street a Large and Complete Stock of Fur- niture, Consisting of BEADSTEADS, SPRING 15EDS, MATRESSES, LOOK-ING GLASSES, o "Which he will sell K3GO ec: J OP, WORK DOMJ XEA TL Oiklinij; Done Jo Order. 'HIE . aGazeltfJob Office! Is prepared to do Printing nt Heppner prices," freight added. It is not the only office in Eastern Oregon, nor can it do the best work in Eastern Oregon. Pgit it can tlo nil kinds of ordinary T!xik nnd Job Printing at fair and liv- iuhj ihwh. j. 011 II O Francisco, but if you can also semi there for yo,ur halooanBticescjvheiia youiteePs nave twins or triplets. (. D. Saddle and Ilai'iiess Makei, If ' ! i Muuitfum-T,. . -o Keeps oonsaafly on hand a full fwsormenf of . llamas, nridlen. Whiiw, Saddles, Collars. &c.t In hort Trythin in my liu. AU work in my lina mnJo to order, nnd from the bert 8iita Crui and Stockton loatlwr. KErAIELNG DONE SUBSTANTIALLY AND WITH TASTE. HEPPXER, OREGON. o Heppner, Oregon, Beer on Short Notice. Kinds: AND . LOBSTERS AXD Swiss Cheese. return empty kegs, dt $10 apiece Feed . and fSaJe Stable, fmmoLI, OREGOxP Ijflt in My Care 1 Will be Well Attended To. lient i-n J? Ml HM and For Sale. V A O ' VM. OVERHOLTZEL ei as Self-Iiaising Graham, Cracked-JJTheat, and Bran, Etc. Q All Orders Tromiitlr Attended to. qml it l-at id flic rate of 36 pounds ft a for 06 lion nds CHAIRS, TABLES. WASH STANDS, riCTURE FRAMES, BUREAUS, at Reasonable Prices. V A XD WITH DISPATCH. a can get your ". 'v innil LfrJfUl you semi it there your mules have SMITH, . . Alkali, Or 'cyojj. ' "VV. J. LEEZEE 1PAIX STREET, -)dealek Stoves, fin ware, VgL'icultural o -)also oe j HOES, RAKES, GRIND STONES, , C? AUGURS, SAWS, HORSE SHOES, HARROW TEETH, BIRD CAGES, q LANTERNS AND TISTOLS. Nails of AlloKinds, IrQi and Wooden Sizes. O -) AGENT 1 FOK(- The Celebrated A FULL LINEO0F w D. H A. -0)BEALEPv IN(- Genera? MeRafidise of All Keeps CtSistantly on 1)R1 GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HATS, .t CAPS, BOOTS A'SHOCS, HARDWARE & CROCICERl?lToTIONS. -)Also Ayent C. H. Dodd& Go.'s -)&b o o cP ETC- o Celebrated Schuttler O O O wSl Which I 0 made Cash Advances Sacks Furnished CbCash AtPances Made on Consignments of "Wool, Sheep Pelts,QDeef Hides and jEO. W.AOUKG, ",.ri;IinJ 1ST CQQBO O 000 StockmelT, Farmers, and -:o:- TOUNG & Alkali, - Beg leave to call your attention to GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Complete in every dej)artment If 0 what you We are Agenhfor Koshland Bros., and IJBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON GUAKANTEEP. IIEPPXER, OREGOS IX (- Iiiixlonieiiti has(- o o Pumps, and Bolts of All Clipper Plow. SHELF HAIilVAIiE. RREN; H Kinds. 8 Hand a Full Line of1 0 for( Cuffefy, Agficultural Jflnchhicn', 9 THE( - Wagon CO o Furnish at Portland Prices, Frc'ujld Added. on C9 Wool, and Wool at Lowest Rates. Ueer okins. W. A. KODKEY. T I O K the Public Generally! RODKEY, Or'fii, their hH-ge gnd choice stock of - you do not see want, ask for it "We ha-e got it. Commission Merchants, Graders Packers. CONSIGNMENTS. BEST ATTENTION rr.oMrr deix'rns. NOTICE OF INTENTION. land Ottic-e at The Dalle. Or.. The "M. Notiw'18 hereby ieya thnt the followinu-liainHcl settler hiw tiled uotirwof tiia intenUon to muko fiiml unif in mipport of hi claim, and that wmi proof will be made before ii. W. Hindoo, No tary at Heiipner, Or., on Feb. 8, lyjtt, viz: H'. H'. Dickermtn, Pre-emption No. '2730, for the SW 4 See. II, Tp 1 8, K 2j K. He name the following vitiuM'n to prove his continuous residence UJ.on. hi.i cul tivation of. Raid land, viz: Henry ferltim, rtmco McAHytor, H. Perkins, M. Perkuis, all of l'ett) villiW; mutilla Co., Or. 41-4t K. L. SMITtI, KodiMer. O NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Okkh e at The DalKs, ) Jan. 4. 1hs. ' Notice in hereby kivcu that the following named nettler has tiled notice of his intention ti make final proof in support of hia claim, ni.il thata said prixif will e made before A. Mnllor), Notary at Heppner, Cr., on Feb. a, ltH4, vit: Oscar-H. Bonlen, Pre-emption No. 2121, for the 8K Si See. 8(1, Tp 1 N, K 2I K. He niimes the followiiiK witnesses to prove his continuous residence iiism, and culti vation of, snid land, viz: t'lias. Wallace, Klishu Winslow. T. AnnsLrniifr, K. Henderson, all of Heppner, Umutillin'o., t)r. 12-47 Ffc L. Smith, ReRister. . . JB O NOTICE OF INTENTION. O Land Office at Tuts Dam.es. 0r Jan. 4, 1NK4. f Not ice ie hereby iriven that the followiuK-nami'd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before K. 11. Sanderson, No tary at Fossil, Or., on Fob. 21? 1SX4, viz: Join Lake if, Pre-emntCri NojCIIA. for ! N u HW 1. sk 1. SW U Sec. 21, arm NK h NW U Sec. 2S, t,,s 8. n 2a He names the following witiusses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, viz: JosrWIi Frizzell. J.J. Ijikey, Amos Stack, H. B. Hubbill, alKf Fossil, Wasco, Co., Or. 42-17 E. L. Smith.. Uptristor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Ia (i ninde, Or., Dec. HI. VS. Ni.ticn ia linrMbv vivtm tttf tu frillf.uritii.- named settler has filed notice of his intention to moke final proof in suonort of his claim, and that said proof will be made liefore A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Feb. l.i, 1MM. viz: John Gvhrrriti; D. 8. No. mo. for the NE IS, and S 1 i SE 4 and KW h 8K 4 SecSlS, Tp 4 S, It 27 E. He names the following witnesses to piSVe his Cfi"flntinuouwresidence upon, npdAcnlti)rmoii of. l ii a ii 1 ll 11 IT IViimi U e sniti iana, viz: onrmie, nRii, n. . nui, iiaiayeu to 1'enland, James l.vloms, lieppner, Dr. NOIJCE OF INTENTION. Ijird Office at The Dalles, Or.. Jan. 10, 'Hi. Notice is hereby Riven that the followinK nigned settler has filed notice of his intention to n;a!e final proof in support of his claim, ami that said prmif will be made before (ieo. 11. KuatfKs, Clerk of Court at Fossil, Or., on Feb. 2, 1W1. via Ed. B. Smith, Pre-emption No. 2(W, for the NW U NW U Sec. it. N INK 4 Sec. 4. Tp 7 H. H 21 E; KW U SK ' S"C. 34, Tp H S, H 'ft E. He names the fWllowiiiK witneHses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Kinn'l liambcrson, Mahlon Hall, Caleb Ames, H. T. Hem, all of Fossil, Wasco Co., Or. 3-18 E. 1j. Smith. Itcirister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijmff OHice at The Dalles, Or., Jan. I, V4. Notice is hereby uiven that the followinf iiHimd settler has tiled notice of his intention t' make final proof in support of his claim, and that said rri'of will be made before A. .Mallory, Nolary at Heppner, Or., on Feb. 20, 11, viz: A. J. Borden, a Pre-emption No. 2.VJSI, for the N 'i SW !4 SF 't SW ' Sec. Hit. Tp 1 N, I! 211 E. Ho names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi- dence uponffnid cultivation of, se:d lai tL viz: Chas. Wallace, Elislia Wiiislcjjv, T. Ann-iront.'. HobtSHonderson, all of Heppner. Umatilla Co., Or. 12-47 E.L. Smith, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 rd OHi.'o at Thp Dnll.'s, Or., Jnn. H, 'Ml. Notiro ih herpty ivn thnt tin folluwitii? nHiuwi Mtttler liart hifNj'iiot i(;o uf hi iiitpntioil to mnku tiiml primf in hut iort of hit claim, Hml that Hitid proof ti ill ho innilw hefurcWO, W. liinli 011, Notary at Hppimer, Or., on Yvb. at, 1MHI, vi: E. R. Sirinbin-iic, I'n'-cnijition No. 2Wi7. for Hi- K 'i HK SW ' 1 SK '1 Son. J-ikNK U NK li See. !. Tp ;t SI ;J I '. Ho mimes il followiiia wiliiscs to pSTTlfSCSI coptiiMiouH riwidciico uMn, mil ciillivntion of, HiiliWigsel, viz: John 'isglijfJtjT. S. JoIiiihIoii, K. (iiTcnc, J. S. liwinl, lli'iirnt r, Unwitillii Co., Or. 10. Ij. Smith, Htn;istir. - Nwl'ICE OF INTENTION. Land limn axThk I),t.i ks. Or., ) . . Lin. vikm. t" Notion iw IiitbIiv itivi'll tlwit the folmwii c-mmicil wttler lm filnl notirn of liinf iitent ii to iimli tinul proof in support of liu clHini, and th.it wiid proof will lie made before lii,'ister and I'o ceiver, nt Tim Dalliw, Or., on March 3, lM, viz: J'rexton Iahiiicii, HomcKtcnd No. 1M, for thn K ' SK 'i NW ' SW NK '4 Hpc. 27, Tp 2 S, H at K. Hp iiain, the followiiiK witncsHCH to prove his rontimiotin reKidenne noon, and cultivation of, (taid hind, viz: Hnnfoid Clark. Hinun Clark, Stephen I h. IhimIk, Win. l'piihuid, all of Heppner, Umatillit Co., Or. 41-19 K. I. Smith, lieuixter. ft NOTICE OF INTENSION. Lniid Ollice at The Hailed, Or., Jan. 21, 1HH(. '?ve i( named eettler han tiled notice of I'ws intention to make tiiml proof in Kiipport of his clBim, hi rK thatyHaid proof will he niHde before I'liilip J.. l(iii?ii7fNotHr)aiit HeppiieiOOr.oinMuw:li ilsHNl, viz: U llT. R. Neirman, Pre-emption N(St22, for the NK 4 Hns. 2(1, Tp P .V, li 21 li. (e namex the following witnecw to prove hiti conliniious renidence upon, and culti vation of. raid land, viz: (too. Male, Kd. fluff, of l'ottjBville; M. S. Monteitli. of Heppner; J. C. Cannon, of Klla, Umutilla counM. Or. 4i-4. EQj. SMith, I!eKiKter. O NOTICE OF INTENTION. w Land Office at La (Ikandb. Ob.. ) Jan. 22, 1SM4. Notice iH hereby (liven thnt the folhrVlji; naineifciettler him tiled notice of hi intenti(v0 make final proof in mipixirt of hi claim, wfti that Raid proof will fie made before Deputy County Clerk at Heppner, Or., on March H, IhhI, viz: JK. E. II tilery, Commuted houieHtead No. iTitf for the H SW '4 NW !, SW ' and SW ., NW '4 Sec. H, Tp i S, H 27 E. He namen the following witnemiw to prove lutwyiTitinuoiifi rewidence upon, and culti vation otiJiitl land, viz: Walter Canmly, Tonv Mulkey, Jimeph Kofter, Freemn Greene, all VC Heprner, Or. O 4.WH) H. W. DwirtHT, it"fntr. NOTICE (?F INTENTION. I .and Office at Ln (irande. Or., Jan. 2t, Notice in hereby (riven that the followiiiK named nettler haa tiled notice of liiH intention to make linal proof in ftupftort of hit claim, anil thnt mid proof will tie made before li. W. Far row. Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on March 1(1, 1HN4, viz: Ezra II. Viunoti, D. 8. No. S224, for the SW SK i SK i SW i Sec. H, NW !j NKJi mid NK '4 NW Hec.at.Ti 5H, li 31,1AV. MvHe namiK the foliowinir wit- neeneH to prnve hia cortimioun reiideirce noon. and cultivation of, naid land, viz: W. H. Ilolin, Jainea Huxton, Wultr Hoyiiton, A. A. Hoynton, an or Aina, ur. 4,"ioO ItwtOHT. Ih'triHter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard OUiceat La (irai de Orfgf.iO Jan. 2(1, 1M9 ( Notice in hereby eiven that the followinit named Hettler ban hied notice of hid intention to make final proof in Mipport of inn claim. himI that said proof will he made liefore E. W. Far row, rnotaiv Public at Pendleton, Or., on March 10, 1S04, viz: Cliarle Vinson, D. R. No. 8225, foitfhe N 'J NK H"C 22, ard W , N W Sec. 2.1. Tp h H, li HI K. lie luimn I ho following witneeeee to prove bin ciidinnouH resi dence nponOand cultivation of, aaid laril, viz: W. ii. Houn, Jnmeo Itnpton, v alter Uoynton, A. A. Bunion, all of Alba, Or. O 45-5U 11. W. Dwijd, Itef.ter. Th Varniep'lf Jitntnnl. Fanners desirinffOafirst-clttss fdiSl and apricnltnral weekly paper will tintl that the Willamette Furmertllh the hill. We can furniHh the fVirmPcaixKrAzirrri; $4 a year for both, ubuhI price 85, O o O ceo caxpeaxaxi 9 O (0 o G 0 o e 0 5) oeo