.1 o C3 O 'q o 0 THE GAZETTE. HEPPNEK, THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 1884. PEOPLE'S PLATFORM. Prominent planks, ia the Ga zette platform will be to make a living by legitimate business, to T)av 100 cents on the dollar, to sit down on self -nominated candidates, to support principles and men as i against parties and iHlitics, to ad vocate right as ngninst wrong, to give the devil his due, ami to give him hell when he deserves ii This 13 a platform that any honest man can afford to stand on.. Those who don't want to stand on it can jump off. There is no law against a man making a fool of himself, so be one if you want to, by letting petty politicians herd you along party trails, as other sheep are herded. Then go and read the declaration of independence. A POLITICAL DISLWAG. Against honest business eoinper titioli 'the GAZETTE has Wthiug to say. But when it sees a ' swindle being perpetrated upon the peo ple, especially in the nSfue of jour nalism, it is ita duty to warn the public Citizens of Heppnerare being begged to contribute toward . starting another newspaper in the town. If the two-faced sneak who is doing the begging were a worthy object of charity, it might be right to lift his support from relatives. But he i!smore able to workfor a living than many an old man who is out in the hills herding sheep. Citizens ofcTIeppucr will remem- ber that this same kPvHt44 money of thenlears ago for a lit tle pen-wiper he culleda "paper," and that instead of getting any thing produced here, they got fi worthless little diaper called The Miner, from Pendleton. For this he should have been arrcstel for obtaining money under false pre5 tenses. . There is no legitimate liv ing for two papers in Heppner, and the thing to be foisted upon you is not a newspaper, beta little political dishrag, started to put a few place-lunters in positions' to prey off the people. And if Ed Bishop was half a man, instead of sending hereljjMgs nrEounil to beg people to contribute toward the little paper that is to boosh"mi in to office, he would go around and Amy up votes at so much a head, as blooded politiciansdo. If you get swindled again, remember that you were warned in time. certainly Northern There are LAND GRANTS. The Texan Pacific Grant Declared For feits in the Hovse, and the North ern Pacific to Follow Suit. Special Dispatch to the G.krktte, clipped from tne urctnian. From Washington comes the news that the House has passed the bill by a vote of 259 to 1, de claring forfeited the Texas Pacific and grant of 14,700,000 acres.w Congressman Cobb says that the public lands committee, of which he is chairman, will avor forfeiture of the Pacific unearned lands. egal questions involved in the Northern Pacific land grants that do not appear in other roads, and it may require some time to reach a conclusion, but there is no doubt that the result would be a report ,o the House declaring its grant forfeited. In tb.e Senate Mr. Slate has in troduced a bill to protect people who settled prior to July 4, 1879, on lands where the Northern Pa cific grant was not definitely lo cated, and which were afterwards embraced in the grant Under this bill settlers are allowed a quarter-section at $2.50 per acre, which money the railroad company can take,Qor select so much other land. Doubts are expressed if the Sen ate willstand up for the people's FROM CASTLE ROCK. SHORT STORIED. In Whlck Petty Politician are Shaw fp to the Feupl in their Trne Lot. COMPAKIXa NOTES. "Damn it !" As he made this poetical remark. FA R. Bishop, the Self-Nominated, hopped uown ou ms manognuy koi ana Tfa confrouted by one of his partners in iniquity, P. L. Paine. "Well !" . "Well!"' . : "What ore yon doing?" What are you doinigy" ,. -. "Working the wires," said Paine, "and I must say they don't work worth ST8. Every one I auk to patronize the little paper that is too boodt us into office Bay they would it you wasn't in it." "And every one I iwk say they would if you wasn't in il." 'Remarkable coincidence. O "Well, go on, go on and do something," nervously urges Bishop. "If you don't, I can never be county clerk." "But suppose I get left on my district attorney s omce and FROM BLACK HORSE. . i. . 1 . . . . : .. i- . ., it: rni .,,11 ... . . a HI H tin llllllJ miiiuh. AllttV rights as the House lias clonS.5JQve no U9e for tt kid wu0 8tarVel 'SVell, can't I make you my deputy' "Not very well," says Paine, "as yon have already promised that to 17 others, and with so many deputies there is noth ing it. Besides, if all contracts cease when a man dies, ours will be- u. g. when von Am imlit.inn.llv ileiul ' . ' "WeJl, go on, go on, mid 4ry th ngious racKei. iou ve pumped tee or gan for them, and ought to have some influence with 'the brothers." ' "Well, but they say I did all that just to0bo a landmark in the congregation and to show my luxuriant locks to the girls." "Have you worked the sheepmen?" "Tried to. One of them said tlfiit this was the Gazette man's range, that he had worked for it and earned it, and if we crowded him he hoped we would catch the devil." "And di'.rned if we aint catohing it.1'' "Another told me that there were bet ter men than either of us out in the hills earning a honest living by herding sheep and nut hunting little offices." "Where is young Hallockl" "He is out begging people to subscribe for the little paper we are going to use Inn , . ; Feb. S, '84. Health never better. People happy and Von-, tented. Still continue to be f rooty, foggy, and 1 the ground frozen. Block Horse fashion is (or young ladies to wear torn en ' clothing. The people are all well pleased with the Ga zettc, and appreciate it independence very mach. ' There Till not be as much grain sown this season as there wu last in the vicinity of Black Hone and Sand Hollow. The fall grain duct not look quite aa well as it did lust winter at this time. Stock of all kinds are doing well. . "Keno," where art thou? "Bhnrp Eye," art thou dead, or only sleeping? "AUette," arevou taking a ltip Van Winkle sleep, too? Tour in. teresting letters are missed from the columns of the Gazkttc Come attain, anMjtell us some more about the bald-headed Monkeys and siS'pe-hiuit-ers. "Boxy," "Jolly Jack." "FlyingtCloud," "Bunchgrasser," come again, for your letters, too are miHsedjfrom our charming circle. "Iron clad," I am like you. 1 wish that large families would settle among us, and every son and daugh ter be tgirl. We hare got a good supply of old bachelors. One has got golden hair and is right on the marry. If any young lady wishes to get married, just send in tier address. As this is leap year I am Hire she will be accepted. Sail ir, girls, and get married while you can. Now is the accepted time. Come right along, and if the boy sny No to you, tell them you were jimt in fun. " Three hearty cheers for you. Mr. Editor, for the nnettt platform you have adopted. 1, too, thinly there is really no difference between the political parties, and all is a mens fight for the spoils of office. Fight manfully-Onward, for the good, the true and the beautiful, and you will win. It is circulated around that the Uaietti, the people's paper, is to be froze out. By whom? it is asked. By P. L. Paine, a little one-horse law yer; Ed R. Bishop, a big-headed political schemer; Homer H. Mullock, last of all, a little poodle dogj , i The youniMllark Horse will give a dance on the iSth of ieiftuaiy. A good time is expected. Uko HTO There is no doubt that JtJsjvithin M g the power of congress to declare roads have not been constructed; and the disposition to do this is so strong that it can" hardly be pre ventedpand therefore may be ex pected m many, if not in all csSses, unless it be that railroad gold has bought'up our Senate. On the Old Man. wire-pulling has been going on for some time by somajrfatiwfd. or Mr. u. II. UailocK, newffer s "etli- cient" postmaster, to boojjt him out o" his little office andoob'tgone of their own number in. This is hard on the old man, and it is hardly a fair shake ti freeze him out when he has had onlv four years to get his seat warm. It may be true, us some people say, that our ac commodating postmaster has put Jim Hagar's mail into Mr. Hayes' box time after time, and also put mail intathp mat ueiongetimTwainer, oui ii snouiu Hnrd Underhanded be romembaretfw areLiill human, Fkb. 2d, 1884 We are not dead, but merely been out to see a man, as it were A number 01 new settlers icr bunchgrass arrive daily. Judging from appearances, our town has upwards of 40 hotels, as the number or runners has nioivns (h! from two" to about twenty times that number, and tno dm they makqjas the Atlantic express ar rives, is a caution. "The Chigars" is the name re centlv adopted by our new club orcanized to further the interests of the modern sciences. John Landis, presideut; Mike Fftzgeral secretary. The club gave a free concert on the first, when Mr. FUz trorald sanu. with crent effect, "Over the Garden AVall," ant' Back vDaniel9 ihdiveed tfnfirntioi on "llootllums," receiving much applause. A sad accident happened here yesterday. Awhile 3Kster Kit Warren was working fri Herren &a Co' warehouse, a large box of tin plate fell vnxm liim, crusliing hits skull and killing him instantly, lie was a boy Qtf Q-xeellent traits, and his sad late has cast a "loom over our people. Mrs. W. II. Ilerren has been quite seriously ill, but is now much better. Mrs. Forsyth has, we are glad to say, regained her health. Willard Ilerren will soon have a well-boring machine here, which "will be a good institution for the country. J. li. Daniels had unparalleled success goose-buuting last Sunday, getting 16 in a few hours, while the rest of the boys have not yet niiule a killing. Riverside. CHRISTY & WISE,. AGENTS FOR Voou Growers jiuul Uiibleet make mistakes. Besideu, Mr. liallook is entitled to better treat ment at the hands of relatives, country men and government than to be froze out. It cunaot be possible that the peo ple of Heppner will turn ORainst him now, and forget his distinguished ser vices in the r;.st,-yn?e 6'x years' iuows hf.vQj melted t'liei'Pinosture into the lleppner Hills since the cry of war rang through our laud. Tbe red-handed devils of copper-eolored hue were mur dering settlers on the John Day and at L mg Creek Republic. A reijjn of terror prevailed. The rich grasses of our beau tiful Blue mountains were stained a crimson hue by the blood of shew: and men. Tho.ne were the days when it was actually necessary for men to L'etoff the fence and show the white or red fGiCaxxJ Where was our present positoauw then? l)id he hole up with the rest of us in the little dirt fort on John (Jnr rau's lotj where Dave Herren uo'.v has a lot of fence-posts piled up? Or did ho go to the front with dipt 'Frank Maddock, Denny the Frenchman ftf! others? No. He had more important duties. Ho made a raco for life t SiJem, where he served us well in tell ing our friends the danger we were in. And knowing the town was short of pro visions, nndcftiat the presence of another Ktomach would shorten the rations of the masses, with wise forethought lie r-ituained in Webfoot until the cruel war (tub ftvip Anil Kftor nil this Mr. ITjlI - floeith!vft?!)c froze out. It i'svery s:id that when a man wants a little ollico lie will in cold blood even freeze out a rela tive to obtain it, when he might find plenty of chances to earn au honest liv- kjigtlisaing postholes. asBssBETS out below and had to come home t) freeze his brother out. and that he still owing them what he begged of then yeir.s ago QiaccSuHtXsCrtfljtSisJCZsliKg witn the sama name.-' ''Well, if our schemes work no better than that, what are we g rng to do witlj the press I was so foolish a? to let tint young stiff buy?" .;' "Why, let us-pell it to Second Hani Co.t, at Walla Walla, who buys anything and sells everything. Tuen we cai ma!:e an alignment. You know thai the paper Hullook toak below was realljj no more a note than was the paper he triedPto palm off as au endorsed . note from his Uncle liufe when he wanted to buy a lady's furniture iu Portland a year nrt" k A Will Cil, fVf yjll , ItUUC) LT Uiltl uu something." And as the receding rays of the setting sun illuminate! the western skylight jf John Gilmore's bam, Ed Bishop laid hit) hea'.Um his ear and wept. ; : : - i qA BABltlSTEUH BUEATIITVGS. "Great Gods and small sardinQ! but it's a cold day!" ' , CP. I Irvine gathered up bis 'graceful form and drew hi'H chair neaier tj his lwo-gallou oillca spittv jd, tt) get all tbe wai ihth the machine contained, and then resumed his nwlsings: "Our schemes are not working right at all. Every time I ask a man to sup port our ring and iti organ, they lungh in mv face and tell me of some little fl.'f-.. filr fliinA liw mv nnptnftTjOOnWB, whe,: tUoJntter try to corral other sup portors, Iw latter tell them of s.ime lit tle dirty trick I have done. And so it g es. The mercury in our gerwholiker is already down to about seven miles below zero, and I begin to think, as Bra Hope says, 'of many who are called, but few are chosen.' The last man I tackled was a young Frenchman whom I thought I had dead wood op. 1 reminded him of a case I had won for him, and asked ms support. But he said 'Yes, Puiue, you won my little case for me, or rather it won itnelf, and 1 paid you a darn sight for wjiat h e -AND COMMISSION Li i MnliiTT It FOR THE SALE OF o MERCHANTS WOOL, HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW. CO A Large Supply of Bucks Con. stantly on hand. Also, Wool Bags, Twine and Dips f ur- nishecb customers at lowest rates. tffjnnd Warehouse N. E. HijUi ana luwnscna ars., Francisco. Portland Office', 34 Froni St. ' 47-M Cor San LUMBER YARD V At?Fostor! 9 O Bffi-RFJMM MS! 9 a The Old-Established House o of I. L. Morrow & Son! GO HAVE 0 MAESED DOWN o THEIR ENTIRE, STOCK OF. General Merchandise, Groceries. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Efc, Et o 1- In We have determined to do business on the Cash System, or 90 days' time, and to make it Jn object for ouiCbustopjers to assists in alplish ing the old, hiSii-priced longrcredit way of doingebusiness, we have"ifljde the most as&nisl ing Reduction in Prices ever made by any House in Eastern Oregc$i, or anywhere else. fact, weahavegUiade Sweexing Reductions! All round, and confidently assert thatwe8 can sell you gocxls cheaper than ,nny oilier house iu Eastern Oregon. Call and inspect our Stock, and get prices. N MORE BIG PRICES! e O Q J. L. Morrow &. Son, Before Ed Bishop gets the Ga. 2ETTE frozo out he will wish he had used his oyster-blooded energy in starting his little sawmill up in the mountains. The sociable wople of Alkali will give a grand ball ut Frizael's new hall on the evenirfg of Washington's birthday, and we have to thank Phil Heppner for kind ly sending us au elegant invitation. Mnlp Miitrh. lrA.-P. Wntstn, ot liinooln, Oregon, writes'? 'W. own a mule that I challenge any man in Oregon to beat or match. She measures in height 66 l inches; girth, 78 inches; arm, 19 inches; and wears a No. 8 horse slioe; weight 1-400 pounds. Who can furnish her mate? I will sell, trade or buy." We know of no mate for Mr. Watson's mule except the old Crank mnljj&now owned by Mr. Cun inghame. But to properly match a mule with the Ci'ank mule it would be neces sary to brand it in fifteen different language:. However, if Mr. Watson can wait until our next county election, Heppner oau send him sevenu jolitical jaokasses, from which jrhaps he cun raise a proper mate for h m j1. 0 Oa large lot ot BLUE MOUNTAIN LUMBER 0 Now iu stookqnnd CHEAP. FOR" Sale Also keep on hand a stock of ' PORTLAND FIR LUMBER, AiflsCwed and Bbaved CEDAR SHINGLES A No. 1. cf For prices call on or address A Graceful Crntacr. EJ Bis!lfh3, the Great Keif-Nominated, is racing over the country pulling wires to put himself in Mr. Busaee's place at eou'itv clerk. On these errands of mod esty lid rides a bay charger badly stove up in the shoulders, and every time the animal makes an nnusnal jump to get over a straw in the road Ed bumps down kerwhop on his back, like a sak of wheat hitting a knot-hole in a grain shute. On hi wire-pulling-on-horse-b.vck-triw Ed looks as graceful as a wheelbarrow climbing over a ten-rail fence. He .ought to le arrested for cruelty to animals, for his bumping up and down causes a pmr horse more tor tgxe than if a grjwu person were riding bun. Snore lor Aviiat nttia wma you snot oir forlne taan you would pay me for a montu's hard work. If I owe you any thing, bring on your bill, aud tell Jump ing Jack Bishop that I said he tried to cheat me out of a dollar oa my natural ization papers because he thongbt I was a poor, ignorant foreigner. I'm not -f ur- nislnng any axle-greasa lor tao wagon wheels of any such clique, sj pleiaj go to the devil.' And so it goas, so it goes." And P. L. Pains walked both sides his big spittoa without any unusual strad dle, grabbed at his3 piano, and went to pounding out that touching piece, "Leaving the cuss-ing for m-e, f-o-r-e v er, and fo e - r.1 THE SQOj'REl S S.iY. U "Ab, yes, I've been ribbed, to be sure!" Squire Mallory raised his venerable head from his neat table littered with leir.il Ioim. and continued his musings: ijl let iieatherinan have $400 to prove up on bis land, and he said Hughes agreed t. paySme. Hughes s ndil nut sir. I did. But I weut back oa It 'Ti my 8400 were stolen from me. aud Taine was at the bottom of the whole business. So of course Taiue must be the thief. And now I have signed an agreement to snpjKirt Paine's paper nnd fruezeont the vazette. weui wen ! well! 8 ime people say mat i recently man inn luted a mortgage on Bm. Orayback Welch m a very crookod way, and that I am hide- Hiuna nnu inoonaisienc Uut this can not be sol No! No! No! They have been Itougbt by democratic gold ! ! " Aud the Squire w ent out in the street and yelled to a man down by Nelse J.mes' st ible tliat he had a bill against UU14. rntED orr, "Please snlscribo for my new paper. I need help." H. Hirel over the part of relatives was just then digesting7ud addressed a cadaverous, for-sweet-char-ity-sahe look at a business mun of Hopp- JOHN o R. FOSTER & CO., o o FOSTER, QREGpN.i Merchant isPnd 41-55 Dealers in General Countrv Produoe. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 0 no Land Okfick at Tub DsEi'kk, Ob., ( Feb. , 1H4. f Notice i herpbv civen that the following. named settler box tiled notice vt, hie intention to make' final proof in support hi hi claim, and . L. . . .. 1 . . III .... ..O.l 1 . I ! IJ KnaifKS, Clerk of Court at FoshiL Or., on March 21. mi, viz: " Amos I). Slack, Pre-emntion No. S047. for the W ' 8W U and 8 .i NW U 8co. 14. Tu 8 8, B 2S E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi. flnnce iimm. Rnd cultivation of. said land, viz J(Meph Frizzcll, Harry Hubble, John Lukejr, John Magee, an of Wagner, Irrant county, Or. M-51 E. L. Smith, Ke;;ister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I nd Office at The Dallee. Or.. Feb. 4. "84 Notice is hereby itiven that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mukn final i.nx.f in sunnort of his claim, and that, said nroof will be made before L. W. I)ar- linir. Notary at Ine Hock, Or., on March2il4 VU: fjJoxeph Whyte, Prc-emptHn No. 2M7, for the 8 ', 8V H Bee. 81 tT? S.WaK, and Ki NVV i Hec. 8, Tp 5 8. K 'M K. He names tne roiiowinKiiiiefw w his continuous renidence upIiaol-!ltivatio! "i ;j H. It. W.tivtt- OntrrWant.nl Kock. WaMco Vo.. Or.: H. V. Matuey. John (joss, of Lost Valley, Wajpo .Co., Or. . NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. ) Feb. 4, 1KH4. S Notice Is hereby given that the followuiK- named settler has Clod notice of his intention te make final pnmf in support of his claim, and .i... ..M nnw.r will he made before Faiiin Li. Paine, Notary at Heppner, Or., on March !, 1HB4, TU CassitiPw. Rychard, Pr-mntion No. S0S4. for the NE U See. 8 Tp I 8, O .Ml C lit nomutf Ilia f.tllnwintf WltniMMMI Iff nnvf.his continuous residence upon, and cult j. " ia n ,id land, via: T. U Johnston, hi in Jim inKiv wnere ;iie breau Hallock, Wm. Overholtzer, J. M blleppner, Oregpn. "Are yon the stinker who froze out his own brother T" sriid the min. "Well, but i" . Well but bedamned! Get ont of hereH' - "Well, but if everyone tolls me that "Get ont of here, yon 1 ; And the nephew of his nncle went off to beg a couple or dollars from sjnie uiau who did not know hiia Warden, all of E. L. 8HTTH. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T.....I I lrfinA t The Dalles. Or.. Feb. 4. '84. K',.ii,, i l.mhv eiven that thefollowing. named settler has tied notice of hia intention to make final proof m support oia uis claim, anc op, Notary atjHeppner, Or., onMaroh 21, lft4, tii: A. Spencer, Tniimi No. 20B4. for the NK Bee. 22. Tp K K 'J6 K. He names the following witnesses to rmve his continuous residence upon, and ruly. r,..n mM Uml vix- John Hendnx. r.. It. Hwinhnme. T. j. Johnston. J. Jlaird, all of Heppner, ti matilla (.'o Or. . 14-51 e L. Smith, Uogi.ter, Cbrnt'tpMay and Main St., Heppner, Orryotft o Porwarding and Gwmmtjssioif CD Mcrchant, o -)lEAIiKrt iP-9 G E NER A L . M E R C II" A N D I S li Castle Rock, o Keeps on Hand a (ieno Stock of Staple Groceries, Wool-sacks, TviiTeE0 Agent for C H. D(xW& Co V FarminhnllemehtspaTid the Sbin? in Lumber- SUIP GOODS, o ing Comparer. CO Cai e of V. II. II., CAKTLE 1oQ31- ash Advances made on Cddsighhients oMVool, Sheep Pelts, lieef Hides nna Deor s bkins. J LxL : o Heppner Liv8ry and Feed Stable, 00 XELSE JOXES, 1'roprielor, OiKKite Delvetlere Snloou, lleppner, Oregon. :o:- New Tepms, New Hacks, New Buggies, New Siuldle-IIorses. Careful und Experienced Drivers Furnished to take Partieg to Any of the Country. 3IOUSKS FK13 ONKIIOUT NOTICiK lSSSlSSG9 CSOM gm CO 9 NOTICE OF INTENTION?"' O OrPKn, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Orard", Or. Jan. 22. M. Notice is hereby given tliat the followiiiK nsined settler har filei nHi of his intention to maka finalproof in sui'l-ort oft his claim, and that said unxf will tM made before Comity judxc at Heppner, Or., in this particular caee. I And Office at La Grande Jan. -23. 1M4. Nirfine iaherelnririvaa that the followina-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim and that said rSW.f willbemade before A. Mallory. Notary Public at Heppner, Or on March 1. 18o4, Ti: 8. P. GarrigytM, D. 8. No. M. for the BE H KK 4 N S BK ! and NK H M k bee. . TpjlH, KKSE. He name the following wiUiesfe t prove his continuous resi dence oih, and CaiUTBHOU OI, Bill iouu. .... ,... v.... - Julius KeithW. Jab Bhaner, Levi Shaner, tyi via: VV m MoU.iry. Wm. War ce. all ul MMi.ner, ,ir. . "Mi"-- on klarcbafi. 1h4- viz: ZHaHuah M. Yerken, Homestead Nf. 1W1. fr 'he W H NW H and W HW 'a Bee. 1 Tp t o, Kiifl K, W. M. Blie name the Following witnesses u prove nirvconii residence upon, and cultivation ofr wiid Florence. 5-jyt Hz:.ur W. Dwiost, Resistfr. contmnouK land. arren, t lias, whjiiw. niHtilla nonnty, (rv H. V.'. lliriiiHr, Kramer. o o o CCC3 Oo 9 OO i f. 0 A