e C3 e 0 9 O 0 CO 0 09 o KX9 ODD o CD BllllNED IN TUE.B.IY 1 On Dec. 13, 1851, the schooner Robert Bruce sailed into Shoal water Bay and came to anchor off what is now known as Brueeport. Her crew consisted of six men and a cook. The former were joint owners of the vessel, anhad fitted her out in S.in Francisco for the imriose of coming to this bay for oysters, although at that time but one other vessel is known to have come there One or two settlers lived at Chinook, and one at what was afterwards called Pacific !ity, but since entirely abandoned. A few Indians were found where the vessel lay, and negotiations were at once entered into to obtain a cargo of oysters, the Indians to gather and deliver them on board Dur ing the night of the 13th the c3ok,e who, it seems, had a spite against tlie captain and some of the crew, conceived the idea of wreaking vengence by burning the ship. Ac cordingly on the night in question, the vessel was set on lire, and the cook made good his escapejj with one of the small boats, ami where he went to. remains a mystery, as Aiothing was ever. heard from him. he crew,' who were ; asleep on board at the time, barely escaped with a few possessions and a scanty wardrobe. The vessel vas burned ti tlievatqand up to a few years ago pieces of her frame could be seen at low tide. The men were cast homeless upon the shores of Shoalwater bay, and the spot where they ware ruthlessly thrown upon ; the - niefciei 1 of the native elements was christened Bruce- port, in schooner. honor of the ill-fated , . SLICKEAKS. Manitoba wants to srde from th'e Dominion and become a prov ince all by herself. She has all the facilities for freezing herself OUt. . . , . . , : - . The first Spanish merinoes brougUt to this ctfantry were im ported by Wm, Foster, of -JJoston, in 1793. lie brought three' over, and gave them to a friend wly thought so littleof them thaj he killed them for mutton. A Portland lady had a narrow escape a?a fire a few lights since. About half of her back hair was burned. Fortunately she Avas not in the building at the time, having put on her other hair and left the bouse only an hour before the fire broke out. ' A stock-raiser in New Mexico has a horse pasture of 1(5 square mile" all fenced in. It must Awr ry a man to have tg run over $he lot in the wtSgras! to catch a horse to drive down town after a gallon of tenpenny nails to build n calf-pen. . The editor of the Castle lWc Ttecord says: "If the admirer of fi?e Record who sent us that gold gatth ai,l chain will send us his name, not for publication hntffas a guarantee it Was not stolen, Ave will cheerfully place him on our dod-head subscription ' list for three mouths." A good maify people viSw the horse in about this light: Cinch him and he is a saddler; toe Mglut him and he is a tpotter; bang his t iil and he is a runner; make himfat and he is a puller. AVise-weoi'-s howevi are learn ing that lidi'sePm-cist be bretl for n purpose. ' Abraham an 1 Joshua had ' baen invited to a splendid dinner. It was impossible for Joshua not to make capital out of such an oppor tunity: accordingly ha managed to sun a silver srK:)ii into Iih boot. Abraham was green with envy at0 Joshua's success, for he hail n$t even manipulated a saltspoon. Lut an idea struck him. "My f rents," he critSH, "I will show you some dricks." Taking up a sj o )n, he said, "You zae dees sp.xm? Veil, it eos gone," he criad, passing it fp his sleeve. "You vill find it in Joshwv'a boot." It was foun.l. Jones had been out in the woods and on his return had his nrms full of what he fondly supposed were mushrooms. "AYhat have you gottnerej1 he was asketl. Mush rooms," proudly replied Janes, "and they are daisy ones, too." "Let me look at them," said his friend. "Those Qare not mush rooms." "What are they, then?" demanded Jones, "They arctoad Fttxils and very xisoiums. Why, 1 lost six hogs once who died from the effects of eating oadstools." "Is that so?" asked Jones witlris nhle alarm, and casting them from him in disgust; "then it Wouldn't do for me to eat them of course." NOTICE OF INTENTION. I .and Office at Tli Dalles, Or.. Jan. 8, 'St. , Notice is herebv given that the following r.amed settler has tiled notice of his intention to lank tinal proof in unsrt of his claim, and thai said proof ill I made lief-ire tt. W. Bish op, Notary at Heppner. Or., on Feb. 23, tssl, vii: E. R. Strinbttntr, Pre-emption No. 2nS7 for the F. '. tK ' SW U SK , S-c. 22. NF. ' NK i. See. 27. Tp S S. It Jti F He names the following witnesses to prore his continuous residence usm. and cultivation of, said land, vii: John Hend-ix. T. S. Johnston, F". (.ireeue. J. S. Heard, Hepptwr, l'mtilla Co., Or. J 'MS fc. L. Smith, Kegister. ... Newtearber Shti O HeiiiierT? Oregon e e II. HAYMAN, Fnwrietor. O TJ A I It CUTTINd. SliaviiiK, Shampooing, I)yr ing, etc., neatly executed. NOTICE OF INTENTION. & Ijiud Oiiice St La (irarde Oregon, - Dec. 1 ff lPH'i, ' Notice is hereby Riven tluit the following nunied settler has filed notice of his intentioiMo make tinal proof in tnpHrt of liis claim, and that said pnsif will be made before A. JVlaUorjr, Notary Public at Heppner, Or. on Jan. 25, 1884, viz; ' Thoman Crothem, D. 8. No. 4732, for the 8 NE U 8 't NW 'i Sec. AS, TpS8. B27 K, W. M.. He names the follow inK witnesneH to prove his continuous res:dLince upon and cultivation of, m'd land, viz: Charlie Wallace, .larvis Wallace, I). A. Honvn, Joseph Cannon, all of Hepprer, Or. 3!U4 Henry. W. Dwioht, Register. 5 .; NOTICEW INTENTION. Lard Office at La Orai do, Or., Dec. 10, '8:1. Notice in hereby iven that the followiiiK named settler has hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof in supiMtrt of his claim, and that said pnof will be made before K. W. Far row, Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on Jan. 21, lKHl. viz: - ' t Frederick Minaret, D. No. Sift, for the K " SW U HE i NW U ard SW '4 SE U Sec. 8,Tp 1 8. It 2 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to provo his con tinuoUH residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James Mot 'umber, John Shaw, Charles Link, Charles Cunningham, hII of Vinson. Or. :i!Ml H. V. Dwiobt. tieister. O NOTICE OF INTENTION. Sand Office at La (Irar.do, Or.. Dec. 15, '83. Notice is hereby ifiven that the following nnined settler 1 instiled notjctyif his intention to make hVal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before (i. W. Bish op, Notary at lloppner, Or., en Jan. 2H, 11, viz: Millard F. Fregeh. D. 8. No. 2.I2H, for the W'j NE '!ImAl1rW'p?H! See. 85, Tp S 8, K 28 K, W. M. Ho mimes tlie fol lowing witnesses to prove his contivnions resi dence uisin. and cultivation of, sahitta-.d. viz: 11 (1. MeBroom. of Vinson, Or.: J. J. Patterson, F. D. ( ox, Leon HriKS, of Heppner, Or. DH-14 If. W. l)wif,'ht, KegMer. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ' Land Office at Ladrar.de, Oregon, ) Dec. 11. lhKi!. f Notice is hereby (riven "'at the following-named settler has filed notice of his inte.ition to make final proof in support of his claim ai d that said 1roof will be inaite hetorc A. Auuiory, Motiiry 'ublic at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 25, IhM, viz: Elvert E. Williamson, D. 8. No. ar5, for the N V, NW Vi bee. 21, N U NK U See. 2il. To 3 8. 11 27 E. He nwinei tlie fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi d nce upon, and cultivation of. said land, v z: Paii'iiii Williamson, Jarvis Wallace,' Patrick QumTi, Albert OsnuiTi, all of Heppner. Or. xtl-lt H. W. DwutUT, ltegiftr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.ixn Drain, at The Dai.i.R'I. Oh , ) Dec. 17. 1k:(. f Notice is hereby given that the foljowirg nnmed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal nroof ill sunnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made lfore (1. W. Bish op, Notary at Heppner, Or., on Jan. X I, 14, viz: O A Thomt&jJ. WilHim, Pre-emp"n No. :hl8"Rr UafN NW '.j Sec. 21, To 2 8. K 20 E. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, twit land. v:z: All ml bliug ley, Jlil 'n Htingley, Thomns Morgan, t'lilis. J Coons, nil of Heppnoi, Umatilla Co.. Or. 8.Mt E L. Smith, Hegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LardOITi.wat The Dalles, Or.. Bee. 17, 'K3. Notice is hereby given that the following-riinn d ttler has tiled noticiMif his intei tion to make tinal pnsif in supporiif his olaim, and that said nroof will be made b"fore Hegisterard Iteceiver at The Dalles, ( r.. on Eeb. 2, IHSl, viz: Thoman M. iMiie, Ilomestej'd No. 7art. for the NW U Sec. S, Tp ti S. It 22 E. He names the following witr esses to nrove his continuous iiider.(;p upon, ai.d cultiva tion of. said land, viz: I). H. Smith, K. II. Hmilh, K. W. euwtl -rson, 1). ti. Jolnison, nil ot fossil, Wasco ( W., t)r. :;-4l E. L. Smith. Register. NOTICE. -TIMBER LAND. U.S. Land OHice at Ia Grande, Or, , ) ftovi'inoer 22. is-st. t. "Notice is hereby given that Timothy H. Ilisbi, has this day made iippheation to enter urder the Aepf ('oiigress, npproveilJune :t, 1M7S, entitled an Act for the sale of timber and stone lands in fie slates of ( alifoniia, Oregon, Nevada a"d in Washington Territory, for the H ii Bee. IX, T 5 S, 1127 K,(y0M..;etni!!ii.K in2r)-l(l acres Final proof herein will be iKjiiifter 1(1 weeks publication, and within .'J4.i i.vs from the date hereof. 11. VI. D wight, Kegister. MINOR & DODSON, G ce a nd, V a 1 i o ty S t o 1 e, MA1X STREET, - P - HEPPXER, OREOVx O ' () Vi'e Keep in St.ic.V- a Full Line of ' Goceries, Provisions, Stationery, Fancy Goods, French and American Candies, ' other Fruits in scasonuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, CutleryFishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols and Cartridges. FRANKLIN SQUARE AND SEASIDE vlnl-tt. THE BEST I T Y B 11 K "W 111 n Y J. B. NATTER, Prop'r, Alain Street, " CO' ' ' )MANUFACTURER 0F(- Lager BeerYle and Porter. Familiea FurnisTn-tHled Beer on Short Xntio Fajniliea Furnisfi5d'ilr-,"iialetl Peer on Short Notic3 Lunehes of All Kifh It"? 0 meBaama mmm 0YSTEPS, SARDINES AND LOBSTERS Califohnia, LiMuriiGEn and SiViss CheeD Parties in tlie country must return empty kegs, or 10 apiece will be charged. cro CO J. C. DODSON, rKorr.iETon op The Alkali Livery, WEST MAIX ST., e Mv Terms nit fieasoiiablo. Stock Ieft in Sly Cai-e o Will le AVell Attended Hay and Grain of the Best Quality Kt pt in Full Stock and For Se. I. 1. HASStLU IIERHENCfc IIASSELL, Genenil Cummission Ierchants ! Hell on Commission . s WOOL, GRAIN, SHEEr PELTS, BEEF 0 HIDES, DEEKWKINS, FTC. Dealers in a GRAIN ANI3 WOOL BAGS, FLEECE AND SEWING TWINES. 0 a e LiberaL-Cash Advances made on Con sikuraentsi. Correspondence and "iniriKiinients solicited. 10 North Front Street, Portland, 0ju. O. H. HALLOCK. Ma u Slrai, Ilcppncy )dealer is(- Drugs and Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnisb.es, Glass and Putty, O )AXJ) all varieties of( Drujjcitf?' Sundries. x:- Cigars and Tobacco. -:o:- WINES LIQUORS FOR vtnl-tf. MEDICINAL FURFOSES. Belvedere Saloon, o Win. K. Theodoi-e, I'ro'p. " ) KEEPS dLY TIIEf Very Best of Whiskeys, -: o : The Bel "edere Cigars, With Havana Filliinj, 1 The Finest in Heppner. A Fine New Billiard Table fur tlie Amusement of Guextx. l . New Livery, Feed ( i . 11 oale ota Die, ALKALJ, OREG0X. 11. 13. HOOD, Prop'r. Horses Bought and Sold on Go mission. THE UEST ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSES LEFT IN MI A CHARGE. Terms Reasonable. Stock Sbijipcd to any part of tho Couu try an Ordorod. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and LIRRARIES. BOUND BOOKS BY AUTHORS. Oregryi iner. Feed and Sale Stable, ALKALI, OR EG OX. o o To. UEUUGE HKKBEN. J. L E MAIS STREET, )de.vi.eu Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, .Agricultural Im)loiucnts. -)also HOES, EAKKS, GRIND STONES, AUGURS, SAWS, HORSE SHOES, HARROW TEETH, BIRD CAGES, LANTERNS AND TISTOLS. Nails of All Kinds, Iron n-ud Sizes. ) agent a r o T Celebrated IiINE OF HE FULL D. A. HERR -) dealer ixc- General Merchandise oP All nds. Keeps Constantly on DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HATS, BOOTS k SHOES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY, NOTIONS. -)Also Agent for(- C. H. Dockl & Co.'s O . C3 )AXD tihx 0 . Celebrated Sch e Which I will Furnish at Cash Advances made Sacks Furnished Cash Advances MatT? on Consignments of Wool, St't Hides and GEO. W. YOUNG. Stockmen, Farmers, and the Public Generally! -:o: . YOUNG & Alkali, j . - -Iio leave t call your attentioii GENE RAL M Complete in every department If you do not see .what you want, ask for it0 We have got it T1V arc Aycnts for Koshlaml Bros., Cunina'oiMc-hantg, Graders and Parkrrs. rIe,,nu. hastt ADVANCER ONaCONSK&MENTT,. BEST ATTENTION . i u i. j - GUAEANTEED. " JNO?riSDRS A. M. GUNN, O 33 1 fa e k s n i i t II SURVEY YOUR IiNDQ AVT IlKrPN'EK, - - " - "oOltKGON GI&: YOUR NUMBERS O Curreethj. O e CO -r" " 0 He reeled one mile tmd B Lalf np I Shocino; cllld Tobbinilf. Sanfonl Canyon. ! v c IT V 1? HEPPXEli, OHEGUX e.. has(- 0 Wooden Tumps, and Bolts of All foe( ' e Clipper SHELF Plow. HARWAEE. Hand a Full Line of ft ctwCARS, 9 0 0 Agricultural Alachlnery, CWSA'lAwniiw& !L r littler Wagon Portland Trices, (o) FrviyM Added. on Wc4, and Wool at Lowest F&tes, Pelts, Beef Deer Skins. W. A. H0DKEY. RODKBY, - - Ovarii, to tlieir hu ge find choice stock of ERCBA NDIS riiOMIT RETURNS. F.N NOTICE -TIMBER LAND. I and Oflice at Iji (irande. Or.. Nov. IS. Kl. Notice id hereby given that Edwin K. ltishop, hiut tliis day maile upplicitlion to puha1, ui tier the Act of Congress. upprovwiJune Jl, ls'H, en titled an Act for the Mile of tiiulier and sloi e lands in ( alifornia, Oregon. NeviuhQn (I V, ash-y ington Territory, for the HK U Sec. 1 1. Tp J S, K 27 E. W. M., contaiiiin Irti arrs. Final proof hereuvwl lie mede after sixUSlay ituhiicMtioiiMes and ilhiu iMiielJit' fnmWIale lieivof. inMidiAai 35-41 H. W. DwmiiT Hegister NOTICE. -HOMESTEAD. V. S. I-and Otliee at The Dalles. Or.. ( Nov. a i, iss.t. t Complaint having lieen evtered at this office by Edward A. Hrumlnire HtraiiM John HihI-miii. for atmndoning his homesteail entry No. 1i:tV, ilatist May 111, 1SKI. niam tlie E li SE t ai.d E NE 4 See. 2. Tp3S. It 2ii E. in t niatilla eounly, Or.. ith a view to the cancellation ot saui ento: too said parties are hereby summoned to appear av the office of A. Msllory, Notary at Heppner. Or., Win the 2ilth day of January. I1!, at 111 oVIock A. tf .. to resMnd and furnish ti'sttmony concernin said ullegl abandonment. E. L. Smi th, Register. C. N. Thobsbuuy, Iteceiver. Bti ! NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dslles. Or., Dec. hi. lKh S Notice is hereby given that the following named sett ler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in suuiMirt of his claim, and that said proof will lie 4iade before K. W. San derson, Notary at Fossil, Or., on Feb. J, IHM, viz: John Matitbtvk, Pre-emption No. IW1. for the S ' ', SK '4 NW 4 SK 4 SW NK', Sec. 2, Tp 5 8. li 21 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous nsidence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm. Kddoii, Frank liryne, Kd. I'umniings, Frank DickerM,n, all of Fossil, Whsm I'o., Or. S-U K. 1.. Smith. Kegister. NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Umd Office at The Dalles. Or., ) Dec. 20. lHS:t. J Complaint having bwn entered at this office by (ieo. W. Maxwell against Henry Finney for fail ure to comply with biw as to timber-culture en try No. IW5 dated June , 1HN2, upon Ihe W '', NW '., W !, SW 4 Se tl, Townshiji 3 8, llange 21 K, in Umatilla county. Oregon, with a view to tho cancellation of JJf?iT'lHW,?i'stMnt alleging that said Henry frumpy has ahai (loin d the said timlKT-cnllure claim, and has disposed of all of his rfght and inrerest in aril lo his clniin hi d has left the Stale. The said parties are hereby suinmoni d to appear at the office of A. J!a!loi , Notary at He) pner, Or., on the llth day of fr'eb ruary, iHxl, at 1(1 o'clock A. M., to respn' d ard furnish testimony concerning said alleged fniluru fr',. L. Smith, Kegister. f. X. TuoRNBVjny. Iteceiver. 4-l. NOTICE 'WlNTENTI(T. Land Oflice at The Dulles. Or., D Ifl. 'Kt. Notice is hereby given that the following nanuHl settler has hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, ai d that said proof will be made before (i. W. Hish op, NiuVrv at llepiiner, Or., on fr'cb. 2, lr'Sflviz: W Mathian LitchteiithaL rre-empQ No. 24i:t, for the S 'i BW H'.sHK .i Sec. 2."irTp H S, H 2.') E. He names ihe follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous reside co upon, ai d JJt,l,ft1 f- viz: 1"t- Quaiil, L. J. (ihnhTr. John (iarrity. l'lemiin Green, all of Heppner, L'nmtilla Co., t r. 40-1.1 li. 1j. cMlTH, jiegisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office ul The Dalles. Or.. Dec. ill, 'Nil. Notice is hereby given that the following-Minn (1 settler has till (1 not ice of his intentionJo make final proof in support of hisj-lann, iii (l"iliiit sa il proof will lie made before"?!. W. liishcp, No tary at Hepp er, It., on Feb. K, IhKI, viz: W. W. Dielerxon, (g Pre-emption No. -'7:'P. for the SW M f;ec. 11, Tp I 8, I! '-'." F.. He names the following v. itri sMs to prAe his continuouH inside; ce t: or, m d cul t ha' ion of, said lai d, viz; I'ei-ry l'eikii , I nice McAll;sler. If. IVrki s, M. Pi iKu:s, idl of l itijs ville. U mat ilk; Co., Oi. t!-t!i K. I.. Hmitii, Kegls'cr. KS1KAV NOTK'i:. Taken up a: d posted aceordi: g lo law, 1:1 ny jihice, abonl nine miles south of K'',,ner, (. nir till i comity, Or., the following described eat'le, to-vit: One red cow abolll K'ven .vein's old: in e red yearling heifer; one rid roan heifer rail" Imimh'd diamond on rihl lupio.d nirrki-d ui di r half crop in left ear. Cow apptnis, d at yeai -ling appraised at ll, nlf appraised at sh, by A. Malloiy, Jusiice of the Pi-ace, Dec. 21.', lHs:t, U-H Sami:ki. Smith. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I. v:u Orr.CE t r Tun Du.'.fs, No!ire ii. heri'liy given tiiul the f':l!uwi t' nailHil settler has lrhd nolici'jyf his inteiiliou to mnke tinal proof in suptHMt of l!is clairn, iieii thai said proof will be mad hefure A. iMa'lory, No a'-yat Uepner, Or., on Feb. ', !l, vi.: C.irar U. Harden, IV-e-e nipt ion No. 2t.'l.ir the SI'. U Sec. ', Tp I N. It Ji K. lb' nane the following wi. n-'sM'- In pr-tve hin c'nl i''U i;fW(iiice upon, aid cnl;: v.ition of, said hind, i iz: ('lias. 'nlIiu-, llisa Winslow, T. Antisi long. It. lie d -rson, ali of Ib r.pner, L'ina(i!la Co., Or, 12-17 K. 1.. S.m;tii. Hegisler. NOT' V&g 1 N T E NTION. I.AXO Okkk K AT Til K 1) W.I KS. Oil.. ) A .Ian. 4. Notice is herebj given t! the foil iwirg-nain d setlh'r hah tiled notice of his intention to niaV.o tinal proof in snppoH of his claim, and that sa'd pnsif will be mail before F.lt. Saiidei-son, No tary at fros-til. Or., on Feb. 2". 11, viz: J oh n La ken, Pre-emption No. 1:HS, for the N BV U SK 'i SW '4 Sec. 21, and NK 4 NW U Bee. 2h, 'J p K S, It 'ft K. He names the following witnesses to prove his conl iniious n-BHlnnce upon ui d culli vation of, sird lard, viz; Joseph Frizzed. ,f. ,1. L tke. Amos Htack, H. H. Huhhill, nil of F'oB." o Va-;ce. ( o.. Or. 42-ti K. I). Bmith, llenister. NOTICE OfInTENTTONT- Umd Office at Iji Orand", Or., Dec. Ill, 'H:S. I Notice is herein' triven that the followiiitf nnmed seltler has tiled notice of his intent ion lo make tinal pnsif in support of'his claim, urd that said pnsif will be made hefure A. Mallory, Notary l'uhlic at Heppner, Or., on Feh. 15, 11, viz: 0 ,)) Geherritr, I), K. No. 4H.Hl, for the NK 'i NK U Sec. 1.1. and B ', SK ' and NW h KK H Sec. 12, Tp 4 8, It 2! K. He rames the follovin witnesses to prove his contimoiH residence upon, aid ciillivation of, sriid lard, viz: Samuel Hall, 11. J. Hill, Uifayetlu Fenland, James L. Morris Heppner, Or. 42-47 If. W. DwioilT. Ki't'iHier ' NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijo (1 Oflice at The Dalles. Or.. Jan. IP. "M. Notice is hereby niven that the foilowiiit; named settler has tiltd nisiir ,,f his intention lo ira'te final proof in support of his eh'im, aril Hint sil priK.f wiii Iih miute lM.f,n 'I. Kiisifw, Clerk of Court at Fossil )r., on FeJAi., IKKl, vis: - Ed. D. Smith, Fre-eniption No. 2W8. for the NW a N li NK . Hoc. 4 .To 7 8. It 21 E: NW i Hee. HW U si: Sec. ,H4, Tp li S, K 21 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenco nHn. ai d cultivation of, said land, viz: SamT Ijamherson, Mahlon Hall. Caleh Ames, It. T, Item, all of Fossil, Wasco Co., Or. 4:t-4s K. Ii. Smith. l!eiriter. NOTICE OF INTENTION, IjukI OHice at The Dalles, Or., Jan. 4. VI. Notice is hereby iriven that the followii it named settler has tiled notice of hisintr ntiou in make final pnsif in snpjsirt of his claim, ai.d that said rrot 11 mad" lsfonA. Mallory , Notary at lt( ppner. Or., on ieb. Tssl, viz: Pre-emption No. a.v.'H, foFThe N BW U 8K U SW 4 Sec. ltd. Tp 1 N, it -m E. He names the foU lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, seid Innl,, viz: Chas. Wallace, Klishft Winslow, T. Armstrt'n, Hoht. Henderson, all of Hepimer. Umatilla Co., Or. 4 !-47 K. J. Smith, lieirister. KSTRAY NOTH'K. Taken np and (Misted HccordiniOloOlaw liy the nndersiirned. residinir 11 miles east of Ihe town of llepprer, Lmatdhk Ci.. On'U'in, in my horsn nehroke and wild. Haid horse is idHiiit lik yearn iild?hiHT'disl C on left shoulder. Appraised at s', by A. Msllory, Justice of the Peace. Dated at lU'ppner, Oregon, Dee. 2s, l-x:t. 41-44 P, t . TuoMPHOU. Tlie 'rii:er's Jou.iial. Farmers desiring a firsr-c!fts family inid infrieiiltiirai' weekly jmrxT will fiml that theWilliimette Farmer fills the bill. We can farninh the Farmer niu Gazftti; at SI a year for both, usual iirioe S3. 03 e 0 O 9 O