9 O o 0 o o& e e 9 o o to e e " o O Q QcSO C3 O Q 9 CO, WEEKLY o O 0) . 00 o a- o. Devoted Especially to the'live Stodc and ricidturul Interests t)f Eastern Orm. 9 eg VOL; I. IIIfl'PNER, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 18S NO. 43,. w 9 e .3 o o . 00 -tbE: gazette IF-IUKUM) EVEKY THtTRSDA Y AFTERNOON, BY . J. W. KEDIKGTON, i i At $2.50 per year, 1.50 for nix months, (1 for ' three months. PROFESSIONAL. V T. L. JOHNSTON, L, A W Y E R , i'FXCE buck of Hishop's land office. Ubitneh, ... OkeooN. WARKEN CIxAllK, . Justice of the Peace, Main Stkeet, - , Keitnek, Okeoon. IEGAIi HUPINKSS if all kinds executed -J with dinpatoh. Collections promptly at tended to. V. UTLLIA5IK, Ikse Fainter, i'apcr Hanger and ' (iniiner, Hepjmer, - Oregon. IYKRYTPilNO in the Pnintin Line done with J neatness ami dispatch, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 22 - Ij. I;. McASTHUB, XhB Palles, Or. Mo ARTHUR ATTORNEYS G. W. Kka. m Heppuer, Or, & EEA, AT LAW, 1IAVINO formed a co-partnership fcr the L practice of luw in the Circuit Court of the ritato of Oregon 1'or the county of Cmatillaefcall erHorjM wlio have business in the said courrwvill tave u& ndvuujiiKe of Jude Mfi rthur's assist- a ruje m the trrSf t thuir cases by placing them nt UirKe of (i. AOKea, at He iluer, Oregon. V L. W. DAELINO, ustice uih' Notary Tublic, Rock, Wakoo Ooitty, Okkoon. LAJ) FILING, ITNALROOF 3i Specialty. (f)I,LiaT10NH Made, Mil Deed and othj J Lvunl Instruments dr; u. nl.h:-4t A. MALLOJU'. O .Votary I ustice Hjiri'SEit, Public, Okf-oon, I AND BDSlNLiSS made. a Specia: ty. Collections VHIL1V L. 1'Al.vE. Aitoiney at Law & Not ary Public Heitkeu, 1KEQ0'. L AND liUBineiB etlendi-d to. Cohectionii made. (!JX). Vv. Will CUT', ATTORN EY-AT-LA WAND NflTAHY Fl'LIJC, VT1LL practice in both Ptnte i Courts. Proof of claim takc aiid investigated, lteal estate busk ad Federal 1, Titles to ws attended Collections and iunveyntcin JrVW niwle at ...... 1.1 ptitnu iijl.liiisniess eni'W1 'Med to me viM receive prompF "enlion. Hreot, lleppner, Oienou. OHU ton Main 10-tf Tlgti. jMOBGAN. Auctioneer, HEiTNEit, - - - - 0k eo.N. tOftino with A. Slallory.) V K0.MrT Bi d accurate attention Kivon to all business in Ins charne. J. V. BED1NUTON, Ncto&fublie Corner Yellowstone Avemifij JLim Street, llcppner, Ogu. PHI 1 108. ED, It. BISIIOiV public and Land ent,. 1W JOANS Negotiated. Collections Mrnlo, and a J ip-trral UrokeniK" liiiHews attended to. MISCELLANEOUS. iruaiTifHAsr Hoot and Shoe Shop, . Main St.,cfejj)iier, rvyon. & I toot.- and SliocS Ma l Hi-jhiiring Nea'lif ZTj'Ct'M.Vtf. Satisfaction Guaranteed jC3 0 NOTICE. TDLBEU CULTUKE. Lard Oilieo at The D.illos, Or.. Not J. foniolaint l.uvi" been entered at tei-Oli3 lieo, Vl Hush nKiiitist 1'pliriniii E.-le for failure tti comply with law asto timbor-eultureentry No. r 4.'.:i. dated Oct. l'i 1st, msm the Mi Sec. at. To o the cMncfllMtittn of said enlrv: coi.tesouit al. 0 Iciting tlutt said hphruuu Kstcd ha failed to break or C4u to l hrokcu live acres of said I met duriiiK the second year, anil fsil.dto culti vate durir.tf the second year the rive arrft plowed the tirst year. 1 lie wild part low are bereny sum- Notary rU11-j itHlLuiinl) oj Itjioti the 1st day of Kebru- ai v. IhM. at Tii .'clockH.Vn.. to rewoond amtefur lush tostimon) concerning said all tired failure. K. 1- Smiiu, litftister. r. N. TiioRNBrny, Hecwiver. . SVM4 yon have any wool, hides or pelts to m'l holow, consign them t the rt'liablo firm of Herreu & llusseU, 10 Is'o. Trout 8t., Tortland. moneu to mpimw at the otne of I,. osiJtXi'dtaA HEPrKKK, - . ; - Obegon, PEAJ.H.R IN Watches?, Clockfe, Jewelry &e., Sec. ALSO Amethyst, Cavwo and Diamond Gold Iiinys,' Gold and Silver Watches. O All otLor articles usually kept in a Jew- elry Store. . . HEP Allil KG A SPECIALTY. QTOUK with ( O work guaranti'? lallo .May Strt. All vlnl-tf. PIONEER HOTEL, llcppner, - - Oregon. CIIAS. E. 1IINT0N, Proprietor. hd for Le Farmer. a . 0 The .ouse for (be Horseman. i'Le Houho for the Cattleman. Tbe' HouHO for tbeepman. House whera all are At Home. Tlae Hooinfl Neatiy'urn'shed. TabiiH AjjW'ayb Sui'i'iiiED Vimi the Bts the Makket Affokhs. llavinxrPHiimMlchivrjJfnif this favorably known lion .p. and t'one into the ho(l business aunin, I would bu (slad Ui meet my old friends, and will eniL4 "r in the future, an in the paBt, to entertain allliin! most aureeuble manner. vlnl(Mf M'm. J. Mc Alee, Proprietor, IL'Xijimr, Oregon.. . 9 Bff, t'urk and Mutton at Tieaxonabte CITY HOTEL lleppner, Oregon, E. MINOR, I'KOPRIETOK. o Commorciid Travelers will Understand that this is the - OSSfetfOiE Tii.y FntNisuKs Sample Room.s. UO TO To Get Your ons Patched. 9 Bring our Purses along with you, and don't you forget it. SING LEE, Washingand Ironing , . oO Centa a Dozen. 6 ... lay Strt,- - HEPPNER, OREGON. iReineinber tlie Old tSlxmd G. 'W. Swas'ii't, llEPPSElt, Okeoon. WUEKE TOO WILI. PIXD United vc Stand, A SPECIALTY.- ' rMlKSl' brand are Favorably known by judges 1 ui tiiKxl Lniuors. vinl-tf. 00 f.HUlwuiKC. Taken up by the undersiTiet, and ited ac c onlinu to law, onm'wd-black colt, two years old I Mt sprimt, bmndeif K on left mVlulder, with IkiI, t 1. Said animal can be mn at my place on 1 little liutier creek, about five miles lelow ln 1 ietonice. Said cult is appmisxi by A. Mallory ot ,',,' at fas.in. W . U. Bovfr. Jfrppner. Ven.. bee. 17. 'W. Wl S . if CRASH FOR CASH! 9m TO THE Lowest Scratch! Call and InvestiL'ate J.L. ISrroAVg in, lleppner, Oregon. e fs ao'Tto OA $ O 5 o O s o If 1 1 1 mm iiowii ! THE OLD SETTLER. Vi wandered oil over the country. Prospectiug and digging for gold; I'd tunneled, hydroliked and cradled, And I had been frequently sold. For one who makod ricbes by minin?, Knowing that hundreds j;row poor, I made up my miud to try fanning The only occupation that's sure. So rolling my grab in my blankets, I left my tools ou the ground, And started one morning to shank it For a country they called Puget Sound. . :..:.. . tint V.wilrA in Trnil-W-intATV iid covered all over with timber Thick as hair on the back of a dog. As I looked on the prospect so gloomy, Tho tears trickled over my face, For I felt that my travels hajl brought me To the edge of the junytig off place. I took up a claim in the forest, And set myselfdown to hard toil, For two years I chopped and I uig','ered, But I never got down to the soil. I tried to get out of the country, But poverty forced me to stay, Until 1 became en old settler, Then nothing could drive me awcy. (.nd now that I'm used to the climate, T .1 1. il ..A - 1 1 iniUK ijk" n man ever louua AJ;11 tipoirearth in reality, Wiat place is on l'ugft Hound,. No longer the slave of ambition, I laugh at the world and its shams, And I think of my unhappy condition, Surrounded by nothing but clams. ADVICE TO B HIDES? Love is blind, but love is not deaf. So don't snore. Do not be in a hurry ip buy ail the new fabrics you see, see. A richly I dreed ffurnii runs the risk of be- ft S L-on fViT' o BovvfiTit rrirl ilXfe line litm. . j-.-'o. . ,v lu" Do not threaten to ro home to vr mother of tener than five times- afeek. As you don't ro he may eventually begin to doubt your sin cerity. p tynot gcJiQjry when your hus- UUllU iUDb firii.D j j .. vvj uaiu jiic stocking. Smile sweei- .isug- trft that it would be cheaper W buy new ones, Have a liouse witn a rurnace m and keep both it and the range go MiftoYor niyht. That will iu prove your iilitnious for Jin ppiiieeo 000 per cent. Your husband's wardrobe will frequently require repairs in the way of buttons. Always leave tha needle,- thread end button Lag where he can get them. . If your husband complains that you cannot cook as his mother does, comfort himith the reflec tion that you probably will by the time you are as old as she is. Many women make a practice of protesting against the word "obey" in the marriage service after the marriasCSis taken place. This is a mistake. Do not protest against it. Quietly ignre it. If you told hinig you loved the odor of tobacco while he was court ing you, do not begin to Hpeak of beastly habit" right fflter you ...Cxxrs.-ihb&m?', i If you need a pair of new shoes say nothing about them, but get the money for something else, and then wlAseie is away slip ontau nd select the shoes yourself. Even a pair of sevens look small to a man so long as he docs not know the number. If you have a pet dog always keep him around, and then when youi0 husband relaxes his atten tions fly to the dog for comfort, hugging and kissing him right be fore your lug band. If he gets mad and kicks the dog, it will bo a sure sign that he still loves you. Remember that getting married s no reason mat you should shut yourself up in the house. Accept all invitations just the same as be fore, aud have a gol time. Yv'hen he comes home and finds both you and the fire out he will rcalizeiow cheerful life would be without vou. In the course of a momh voi-Je'You ask ins what I would have auhoana ttr woBsrtr, as. vou . ! why yt nevA go ie.'ir the iflW any more. All men do. An effect ive reply is to hunt up an old book -exercise and practice three hours every .evening for a week while he is" at home. He will at- t?nd to his own fflMrs after that. 9 Resident "What is this item of tax for?" Colleetor-"For the lo cal police force." Resident "But your force consists of but one man, and he can't cover a square mile of -ej'Vo of course not; but one man is enough all the same, because every body here leeps at least two big watch dogs." Resident "Well, what is this other item of tax for?" Collector -"That is for the dogs." WOOL GROWING. Santa Rosa island, thirty miles from Santa Barbara, California, is owned by the great sheep raiser, A. P. Moore, who has 80,000 sheep that pastu upon it. The island is twenty-four miles in length and sixteen in breadtl and contains about 74,000-flcresof land, which are abalie3!idapted to sheep raising. Last June 1014 sacks of wool were clipped from these ih: j,y i ticIt ' -tmt.-'gy.cntaiiniig na average o$) -$0 pounds of wool, making a total of .415,740 pounds, which he sold at 27 cents per pound, bringing him in $113,o49.b0, or a clear profit, it is reported, .of over $80,000. The island is divided into four quarters by fences mi ning clear across at right angles, and? the sheep have not to be herded like those ranging about the foothills. Four men aro era ployed the year round to keep the ranch in order, and too look after the sheep, and during shearing tiny fifty or inore shearers are em ployed. These men seeure'urty or fifty days' work, and the average number of sheep sheared a day is about ninety, for which live cents a clip is paid, thus $4.60 a day be ing made by each man, or some thing over 200 forQthe reason, or over $400 99 days out of the year. Although sheading of ninety sheep a day is the average, a great many will go as high as 110, and one manias bet'r1 known to shear 125. In the shearing of these 80, 000 sheep, 100 or more are injured to such an extent 03 to necessitate their being killed, feWa3w.i'dnid meat are of course turned into profit. Although no herding is neces sary, about200 cr more trained goats are kept on the inland con tinually, which take the place of shepherd dogs. Ylienevar the an imals are to be removed from one quarter of tho island to euother, the man in charge takes out with him several coats. .The noat. through itd training, understands what is wanted, aud immediately runs to the baud and the sheep wc cept it a- their leader, foSowing wherever it goes. The goat in turn follows the man to whatever point he "wishes to take the band. To prevent the shS'p from contracting disea.se it is necessary toive them a washing twice a year. The own er having bo many on hand, Was bliged to invent sovb way of ac- X'ompiisning this whereby not near ly so much expense would be in curred and time wasfWSs After experimenting for some time he had a ditch dug eight feet in depth, a little over one ftx)t in width, and 100 feet long." In this he 'put 6(H' gallons of water, 200 pounds en balphur, 100 pounds of lime 1 six pounds of soda, all of M3 U , 130 rfie goals lead the sheep ntto ees. sheep iino tho corral! or tinp at one end, and the animals are compelled to swim through to the further end, thus securing a bath and taking their mediciTO&t one and the same time. The ownerof the island and the sheep a few "years ago purchased the property for $600,000. gOwing to ill health he has rented irto his brother for 8150,000 a year. He still retains an-jnterest in the Santa Cruz island ranch, which is about 25 miles southeast of Santa Bar bara. This island 'Contains alout 64iX)0 acres, and on it are 25,000 On Catalina island, sixty miles east of Santa Barbara, are 15,000 sheep, and on Clemenia island, eighty miles east of that city, are 10,000 sheep. Forty miles west of the city is San Miguel, on high are 2,000 sheep. 9 rl Vk W CCOO said Fogg. UV'Jl. OMR it I were you, 1 suppose I should have taken out the windows and frozen the family oui If I couldn't get my rent, I'd get my house. "Well." Raid Cm ein aid, ana every ouy s foirg on ai a terrible rate about ;t ana calling nie all sorts of bad name.s. I'm ghnl I've found one man who thinks about the thing the same way I do.'i ,"Bat remember," replied Fogg, "that I only tell you whati should ha done if I were you. I La.e that if x were you I shouid ba as mean rS the man was who drove a xxr starving family into the street in the dead of winter. You catch my meaning "that's just what I did and aJtrs: PACK MULES. a west p the Pl0cky Moull. tains, will iSid cause for wonder nt eeeing, in places most diffigult of access, towns of substantial build ings, of which tho material could not have come from anywhere in the neighborhood. And yet they may be hundreds of miles from a railroad! The whole of that town has beu carried there, and most of it on tho Vjjwcka o houses and mules. In wWit are called pack-trains they have carried the bricks that made the houses and all that the houses contain over journeys that may have taken weeks to make, and through places wre the chances were that, before the train0gotes past, some of the animals would go over a precipice. A regnJcir freight train will swib-8 times have fifty animals, generally all mules, although horses are used. Mules are to be preferred, not because of greater surenoss of ot,TL)ur the reason that their .nicks are more level, so that they are not liable to be chafed by their loads. A mule can carry from 200 to C00 pounds, but those that can bear tl greater weight are excep tional animals. The crazy EmiiCror. Paul I. of Russia, during one of his drives, mot a soldier whose countenance pleased him. "Come into my car riage, lieutenant," said Paul. "Sire, I am only a 'private." "The em- leror is never mistaken, captain. "I obey your ordej, sire." "Very good, commandant. Take your seat by my side. What lovely weather we have to-day 1" "Sire, I dare not venture" "What are you saying, colonel?" Unluckily for the new-mado colonel, tho em peror had to be back to the palace early that morning. If the drive had continued a few minutes longer his chance companion would have been made field-marshal. As it was, he was obliged to content himself with the grade of major general. But a few days afterward the same poor wretch, picked up by the emperor in exactly the same way, had to go through the same gradations of rank, only in the reverse direction, and in half an hour from being a major-general had to become a private soldier again. On another occasion, sPaul, while reviewing a raiment which did nor please him, gave tfie word of command, "Right about face! March! Ta Siberia!" And he- whole reginS-nt, officers and mej were objjged to set off by forced marches for Siberia. It wa's only when they got half way there that Count Rostopchine chained their recall. A traveler recfntly put up at a Montana lel, and shortly before laylight, he was arousetl bv a ter rible commotion. His door was thrown open, and somebody plunged into the room, shouting, in thrilling tones: 'Indians, In dians; quick, for "your life! The Indians are upon us!" Tho bed clothes were whisked off the bed. and the mysterious inixoilpi van ished. Tha man coofyrose, picked up tfie bed-clothes from the floor, put them back in their place," crawled into bed again, and was soon enjoying fi comfortable nap. Presently a hand shook him gently. He looked uilmito the anxious face of the landlord. "Say, mister, it's six o clock; vou 11 have to tret up. Why, what's the mater?" "Well. VvukftiHt oucht to have been readv arfhour ago, and we can'tsfinish it till you get up." "D n it, do you take me for the cook? ".No, but I want that sheet you are lying oa It's the only one in the house that can begised for a table-cloth, ifiid werwant to set tho table. iht was the explanation. The Indian scare was a ruse to getefho sheet for the breakfast-table. Unto hei pa, vej"li face serene, , , ;i .f tv.,v!il t,.t.. c, ; saamiHun a "What doesnhis Ud i , . j expression tupnti tniM 'casiiriL' bread upon tho waters'?" Her father with a soft caw jjnVed with earnestness surprising: "My (.-ar, 'tis nothingmor nor less than most judicious advertising." Toad raising is a profitable Aus- tftliantiniiury. The creaturebo are producetl for the London mar ket, where they are sold for $15 or $20 per hundred, and are bought by gardeners and agriculturists fgr use in destroy ing obnoxious insects. 0 3St o m 9f 0 CO CD GO 9