Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, January 10, 1884, Image 2

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Heppner and the ricli foothills
country surrounding it, continues
to make rapid strides in the onward
march of improvement. New
ranch? are being opened tipJ
fertile fields are being fenced,
and old settlers are removing from
their former houses into new and
more substantial structures, and
taking their families over . the
country in elegant spring hacks
instead of the dead-axe wagon they
used in former days. The growth
of Mipner itself is being very
much retarded by the entire ab
sence of a supply of lumber and
building material. There is an
urgent demand for move building?,
and several are projected, but no
lumber canine had to erect them,
and there is very little prospect o
having any here before late spring
or early summer. At the moun
tain mills from which Heppner
draws its supply, Vontdderable
logging is being done, but the
chances are that the demands of the
next braiding season will far ex
ceed the supply of lumber.
; As yet the winter lias bfn only
one in name. Sheep and stock of
all kinds are doing very well on
the open range, and taken all
"around, the lleppner Hills are
looming up and rapidly increasing
in population and development,
and .with the assurance of a county
government of its own in the near
future, and a convenient-to-all
county seat at Heppner, this region
has certainly a bright prospect be
fore it.
It is seiiii-oincially announced
that Postal Agent Ben . Simpson is
to be transferred to the Southern
States. J ndgkg from the way the
postal business of this section is
supervised, it would be no very
great loss to the people of this
upper country if Ben and all his fellow-sinecures
of the posthole ser
vice were enclosed in registered
packages and ti .inferred to South
America. Personal I v, Ben is n
nice, quiet old gentlemnn. But
this is no reason why he or other
nice quiet gentlemen should be
allowed to . languidly, bottom
cliniri in .the Portland postof lice
building while the people of Hepp
ner and other' points in Eastern
Oregon have their mails carried
past proper stations, confused and
delaytCi This chaotic condition
of things is becoming chronic
and notorious, and when the men
who are paid to regulate the
eeagjjee fail to do it, they should be
regulated themselves. Transfer
Ben, or transfer the whole outfit,
but do not! O, doughnut! let the
people's mail rights be longer so
shamefully abused.
Ii')ii(r Mei-chauts.
An anonymous writor iu the Portland
Fitiuulurd ehurjjes Hoppnrr mt'rolmnts
with selling goods fit outrageous
prices, charging double c impound
interest, being avaricious, etc. These
roeusutions are unjust nnd nntrno.
There in no class of men in any section
who have done more for the develop
ment of the country nnd tlio ncooramo
('ution of settlers thitn tl& merchant of
Heppner. They have carried men o'i
(heir ltooka year after year.nS furniufced
them with goods, while they, ttie mer
chants, were . paying interest after !K)
days to wholesalers below. Notwith
standing the fact that the mer
chants have to meet their hills on tiiiw
cr be 8wnmed, they carry their custom
ers for years without crowding them.
And some of our oldest, and t.t-dnjpmost
solid settlers will toll you fiat they
never could have made a start in the
country had it not been for the assist. tiioe
nnd leniency of our j.'ioneejjuprohants.
As to prices, everybody knoT7Tr ought
to know, that when goods are brought
from San O'Viitui that silt wutor
freight, railroiuMWight mnl 4() mile of
wngon freight costs Roniothhig. And
when all thesn items are figured up und
liecesssarily a ided on, it is a fact that
goods can be to-dr.y bought us cheap
for cashiu lleppuer as they can be bjv.
wS H'sNVw I-onf
regard to running las paper, the
editor of
the alia S alia I mon savs:
In future we will give patient and kindly
littentiou to nil suggestions to "hang it
to" those t'ae ".-iUirg-ytor" dislikes; will
take sides, generally both sides, iu nil
private quarrel's, hoping to make them
public nnd thereby produce a sensational
item; will give nn attentive ear and ready
notelo3v to nil scandals and "write t'.iem
up" in the most attractive manner; will
attend all s.viiU gatherings, whether in
vited or not, and give detailed nceonnti
of the costumes worn by the fair lai i 's,
Mid drinks taken by the brave men
present ; proof 8'ieets.of all articles will
will bo sent tound to our patrons before
publication, so as tj learn whether "it is
lit to print."
Iu Texas.
Harry ennett, lrmerly of Heppner,
is now located at Coleman, iu Central
Texas. He and liisf:.ther have bought
i'OH) acres of land there, together with
lTeO head of sheep, and seem to be well
1 fcnsed with the c;uatrv.
A petition Avith 1G0 signatures
r !
has been sent to
con cress irom i
. . !
Dnvton. V. T., praying
r.vv tin
restoration of the old duty
Deitiick fe Co., wholesale bag
and canvas manufacturers of San
Francisco, have failed. Liabilities,
:i7GX)00; assets, $348,000. The
firm owe 100,000 in New York.
Near Portland last Saturday
night Jacob Fisher and William
Bloxam had a shootiug match over
chickens, children and Fisher's
former wife, and Fisher was ehot
Billings has succeeded Villard
as president of the N. P. R 11.,
and it is said that the hitter's for
tune of $5,000,000 has been entire
ly swept away by the decline in
stocks. I ''
Palouse City s Booniewing has
boomed Mie town and drawn to it
population, and business men there
forget to reciprocate by patroniz
ing their home paper as they
The sheriff of Franklin county,
W. T., has arrested a man named
Fred. Martin, on a charge of steal
ing six horses. Martin was living
high in Cheney, playing the role
of a bonded blontholder.
In the Cceur d'Alene mines as
high as $2'2o per M has been paid
for whip-sawed lumber at Eagle
City, Contracts are let for the
erection by April 12th, "of twenty
four cabins at an average of $ 1 12
each. -
In Portland last Sunday morn
ing, Alfred Yenke, a young man of
9.(1 vfinrc wna sliot iliromrb flip
heart bv liUi' brother-in-law, J. YV
Murry. IM murdered man was
returning from a ball with his sis
ter, Mrs. Murry. '
At the Ainsworth bridge
Thursday night, "William Huglies
was struck on the head by a stick
of heavy timber and the right side
of his skull crushed. At List
accounts he was unconscious, and
will probably die.
At Walla Wiilflf last Tuesday, J.
H. Tuttle dropped a pistol car
tridge on a hot stove. An explo
sion followed, the bullet went into
Tuttle's arm, and several chair
bottomers were injured by frag
ments of thehell.
On the Yakiffla branch of the N.F.
It. It. the contractor says that he
has orders to continue work on the
division this winter. He has about
two hundred hands employed. He
thinks that next spring the con
struction : energy of the road will
bo concentrated upon the Cascades
In AVasoo county thera are 172,
149 theep, valued at $306,250,
with 124 owners. Average valuji
of sheen. $1.70 each. On a basis.
of one man to each assessment
there is 1,888 J head to each man.
At 4 lbs to one sheep, and 18 cts.
per lb., the value of the wool clip
The Eastern Oregon andlWash
ington country shipped to Port
laud during the past year 308,019
centals of wheat; 158,117 barrels
of flour; 7,100 liundred weight of
bran; C,l28 hundred weight of
millstufl; 000,210 pounds of hides;
7,239,925 pounds of wool, and 70,
918 pounds of hops.
A correspondent over at Hay
creek writes : We have lately had a
very fine rain; stockmen are con
sequently jubilant. Should the
wind remain south for a week, tiie
grass Mould be bo improved that
our sheep will be iu tine condition
by the spring, unless we get a deep
snow to rottud them.
At Weiser City, Idaho, last
Saturday night a party of men
went to the jail where Charles
Dictorle, t tie man who shot and
killed young Basil on Christmas
day, was incarcerated, compelled
jailor to deliver up the keys, went
to the cell wlre the prisoner was,
shot him through the head and
then draggod hi several hundred
yards tbrougliratho tsnge-lirush,
a slaughter pen, niul hung the
bruised and mangled lody of the
dead mnn on the butchers wind
lass. First in Fire, First in Mailt, and Firt i Ilin
0 l.i;if9jk Itaincss.
yjiiLiharJware merchant, wns the first
lt erect n brick chinuieoin Hejipner.
The bricks were brought from Weston,
r.nil eyJafle pouts eah laid down here.
And uow Mr. Leezer Das erectl at fie
corner oSlns store nu elegant stre t
hur.p wiSP lamp-posit en 1 oruniuental
Kiftrhread work complete, it Wing the
lirsTr.f the kind ever put up in lleppuer.
Mr. Ivzer is ulwayj lirst in his line of
busiuess, keeping fully Hb;oi?st of the
times, and carryint; everything the coun
try needs iu the lin? of stoves, hardware,
etd. His business building, ereetod by
himself, is one of the most imposing nnd
substantial strneture.-Pinrfhe county, and
even thing about it denotes enterprise
and energy.
For ltont.
House on
Ga9 street
for rent, and
towu property for sale, ctepplv at the
office of Wright .t Ayers, ileiil Lstat
nnd Iirm Agents O
Flettville, Jan. 5, '84.
Ed. Gazette: Seeing nothing of this
nt Onairiin in t!l f IA7F.TTTJL T ritj a 1
!' .y - - -,
rMt it-ems nmi notes so tnat wemav kppn '
" r: r . ..... . r.
Mr. Rett has a store here, and is doing
a thriving business. fHewjll soon ad
vertise it in the Gazette.
While Mr. Vm. Doty was riding over
the bunehgrass hills the other day, his
horie got into abadger-hole, fell aid
broke its neck, and left Mr. l)oty afoot
but unhurt.
There were two birds flew from Rock
creek to Birch creek last week, one
weighing 175 pounds and thepther 226,
and they got married over there. How
is that for birds?
Stock of all kjnd.nre looking fat and
fine. Farmers nnd tockmen are doing
well, and are happy. Most all of them
are able to. sit around their fire-plaoes
and play with their babies.
There is a new post-office" established
on block creek called Flettville, with G.
W. Flett as postmaster. Bids are being
received for carrying the mail three
times a week from Alkali to Flettville.
G. W. Moore and wife have returned
home from their pleasure trip to the
Willamette valley, and are better than
ever pleased with Kastern Oregon, ud
say there will be a liirge immigration to
Eastern Oregon nert spring.
Rock creek well deserves its name, for
from the head of navigation to where it
empties into the Columbia river it Js al
most one mass of rocks on each side.
The channel is generally narrow, nnd in
many places for miles no wagon can
travel, or even a man on horseback.
There are not many large vessels plying
up and down Rock creek. The largest
one carries a cargo of about 300 pounds.
The main cargo consists of two young
lovers going by the way of Cape Horn to
Birch creek to get married. Good-bye,
birdies t.vo; wo wish you a long and
happy life. . ;
There is as fine land in the Eight Mile
and Rock creek country as there is any
where in Oregon or any other Htafe.
Most all of the valuable land is nJw
taken up, but still there is some good
land left. Fellow-citizens, come and
take the balance. "We are glad to see the
country settle up. We do not have
many schoolhouses and churches yet, as
the country is new. The people here
take great interest in having schools and
churches, howewr. A few years ago
a person passing through this country
could see nothing but bands of cattle
and sheep roaming over the hills. Again
passing through now, yon will see many
fine farms and houses going up. Th
people are iu good spirits, looking for
ward to the great future of this section
P . T I
A (ieiicrul Settle-l'p.
To all whom it may concern: We have
so'd out in the bvery and saddlery and
harness business, and desire to settle np
with everyono, and all who nro in
debted to us by note or account, nnd
knowing the same to be due, will please
call on W. A. Kirk, at the (J'lice of
Wright & Avers, and settle tiifc same
as soon as possible. W. A. Kirk.
m WtW.-Ayers.
Heppner, Orcgoff, Sept. 28, 13.
StnlTfd CIa!s.
To every cash Bnbscrihpr to
Hut'ff.mt Otiais-raa wtf .wall. ! - J
vending them the paper for a year, give
them a year's snlsefiption on other
papers with whom we club, ct the
following reduced rates:
Gazxttu nnd Fort-land Weekly Stand
ard, 1 year, $-1.(11).
Gazette and Chicago Weekly News, 1
yea, $3.23.
Gazette and Farmers' Companion, 1
year, $3.(X).
Gazette and Willamette Farmer, 1
year, $1.00.
Lund Offi.-e t Lb i mr.do, Or., Doc. SI, '83.
Nolice in lttrt'ly pfivfMi that lim follnwir.K
nnmed npttlr hiis tiled notice of intentiiD to
mnk iii'ftt proof in Hopport of his okiim, and
tlmt fmd pr.Mjf will bo m.-ido bof.m A. .Mallorj
ioi,iry ruiuic ai iin;pr,tr, ur , on l'i'u.. u, loci.
D. 8. No. is), for tho NK, H NE Heo. 18. and 8
S 8K K.id SW V UK V Sbo. 12. Tp 4 S, K '27 E.
lit) nmw the followir v witrnwses to prove liis
continuoiu nvideni'O upon, tied cultivation of,
fiid lmul Kamrnl Hall H. J. Hill. Iflivalt
Pe-l;u l, James L. MinriH, Hciipnor, ()r. 0
4i47 M. W. l;wt'HT. Ifc'KiHter
Lax Offk" at Tire Dalles. !
JlUI.4, 1KM4. f
Notic in hfri-br pvi tliat tlio follnwi:!R
nmiil eottW hn till nolioo of his intention to
mnlte tinnl inMf in mipport of liis olHim, "H tlmt
(tjiid proof will .lip m:;do hfor A. Mallory,
Notny at fi-ppi)r, Or., on Fi b. 18.1, lit.:
Oscar II. Borricn,
Pre-'mp!lor. No. 2m, for thf SK (fcq. 80, Tpl
N. H a E. J? nninwi tho foUowitiKwJtn'twt's tii
rrovfl tiii C'Mifi''.nonj n'i(Viio. np'm,' culti
vation of. ni;l l.uid. viz: Clin. V;ill:i.W Kiinb
Wmslow. 1. Annul roii, R. He:id"rii, ull of
Heppner, UinUUii Co., ur.
. Smitti, 15ei8t"r.
Land Office at Tsre Dali es, Or,, )
.Inn. 4. lKcl. l
Notiro if horfhy eiven tl.dt tlip foljovBr.iit-imm
nttl"r has ta!t ntirt of hiw intmitinn to make
tvmitroof in wuppoif in (luiin, iipii tliHt wiid
prior will be mi! liXjn' K. K. HiimlnrHim,
tnry t i'uil. Or., on f c-h. 2, l8t, viz:
John Lnkvy,
Pre-omplion No. M5, for t!i N 'i HW U KE
MlSfK. W lkAn.ili followiuit witnt-W
prov Ins continuous ivld)nw mon and en
i ition of, hA;d land, iz: Jospph Friznll. J.J.
L ke;,-, Amiw Slacit, H. H. Hubbill, all of Fowl.
m .(o, ( 'o., tr.
42-4 E. L. SMIT'J, liccintor.
Tnd Olfio at Thi-la!l. Or., J.m. 4. 'H.
Notice if hi-roby civen tlmt tlic following.
iiHiiii'd sttlliT Iiiir tilwl noticfof (u iutnntiiin to
nuikf final ipMif in u'.piiort of his claim, uj
tlmt unid priKif will ho limits lvf?n A. M.'iJlorj
Notar at Hi'iipripr, dr., mi So, Iv4, tij;
A. J. Qkfnmo o
Prp-xirp ion N.i. 2V.-i. f..r the N HW !, 8FV
!SV V tie--. . Tp 1 N, li i E. He iiamm the tut
owuiK wt :eiH"H to vrov hiH continuouH ret
ilt'nre "t'O'i. and rultivH(U:i f, nj In:, A, tjg
("ha.1. WhIIaco. Elista Wir.slaw, T. Arnitmr
Kotit. Ho;jiiT"on, all of llHiipiipr. ImRiiiln Co.
, Hmitu. Kftfister.
00 CBO
. F6ed
Post Ofo, P5 SI Newspajicrs anil
TiikPii Hi ami post pit amrdirtt to law lit- flip
ntidiTniinifd.' rwdmp U milt cai't of the town of
Hopper. I matilla Co Oi-enn. one bey hiirse
in limke nnd wild, rwid horw i about )n ,
old. hrnmU-d t'.i on left vlmnliler. AtmraiUl 1.
if.S l..v A. Mallo.7. Justice of the reave! rll",1,
I'n'ed Ht liepimer, Oreifou, lVe. 2h 1
. ' TLB OKl-BsitabliBliea House of
J. L. Morrow &.Son!
General Merchandise, Groceries,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Etc., Etc.
e have determined to do business on the Cash
System, or 90 tlnys' time, and to make it
an object for our customers to assist us in abolish
ing the old, high-priced long-credit way
of doing business, we have made the most astonish-
ing Reductionm Prices ever made by any
House in Eastern Oregon, or anywhere else. In
fact, we have made
Sweexing Reductions !
All round, and confidently assert that we
can sell you goods cheaper than any other house
v ih Eastern Oregon.' - Call and inspect our
Stock, and get prices.
J. L. Morrow & Son,
Corner May and Main Si., Heppner, Oregon.
" Iltypiier in
W. B. C UN ING II A M E, rrcjh,
Baker's Best XXX Flour, Selmtte-Canham, Cracked-AVieat,
Middlings, bliorta
Highest Cash Prices Paid for Wheat.
Flour trill be exchanged for good wheat ihc rate of 35 pounds
per bushel. -
Barley chopped for 1-7 per hundred pounds.
Forty pounds of com meal trill be given for 56 pounds
f com. 0
Gazette Job OfiicqJo
Is prepared to do Printing nt
Heppner prices, freight added. It
is not the only office in Eastern
Oregon, nor car it do the best
work in Eastern Oregon. But it
can do all kinds of ordinary Book
and Job Printing at fair and liv
ing rates. You can get your
printing done cheaper in San
Francisco, but if you Bend it there
you car also send there for your
local notices when your steers
hae twins or your mules have
G. D.
Scad die aiioL' Harness Makerp
Main Street, - -
Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of
Ilamcpp, I3ridlesff Vhips, Saddles, Collars, zc,
In ohort eTeiTtliing in my line. All "Qip. line ma lej tlgj and from Uie bort Santa
Cru imd Stockton leather. 0 9 n p
on ring- Mill,
and SU
and JJran, Etc.
All Orders Promptly Attended to.
- - Alkali, Oregon J
Choice Wines, Liquors & Cigar?.
MINOR & HALL, Prop's.
LUMBElt !!
o All kinda of
kept constantly on band.
We have recently received a largo
and complete stock of
ipsrs, 2tc,
Which we will sell at lowest j.ks-
eible figures.
Give us a call.
Castle Rock.
I have on hand a Choice Line of
And am Constantly receiving New
and Fashionable Goods, which
, I am prepared to sell at
Sfon Francisco Prices,
As the greater part of -my goods
are Dneet from the Last'
Please give me a call, nnd I will
guarantee prices satisfactory.
MRS. J. E. HASKIN, -vSn-i:
r ,
S3-3m JiiJVUH, virgon.
Harness and Saddles
A. F., YORK,
Slanufaoturflr of all kiiulK of
Saddles, Harness, Etc.,
I will furnish citizens of llepp
nor and vicinity first-class articles
at the following figures:
Team HtJ'ness without Breech
ing, 825 to 30 a Bet. Breeching,
$6 to $8. ,
Boston Team Collars, &G.50 a
pair. -
Concord Collars, S5.50 n pa?r.
Blind Bridles, 83 a pair.
RidingJ)ritlIeB, $1 and 1.5(1
Lines, I inch, $2.50 a pair.
Halters, 1-inch, $1 each.
"Saddles from S!0 to m.
I guijgtee my work and stock
as being firsi-class in every re
spect, and by doing a large busi
ness and advertising' it in tho
newspapers, I can keep prices
down and still make it pay big.
Address: A. F. YORK,
Salem, Ogn.
AUj pHrties knowina tliemselves indolited to.
the late Frank tjunderu will pleaHB reniit
amount promptly to IiEiiman Bi.ua.
KU3 Pendleton Or.
V. b. Laud Office at Tho Dall, Or., .
Dec. ai, 1HS8. f
Complaint having been entered at tliia office by
Geo. W. Maxwell atrainnt Henry Finney for fail
ure to comply with law aa to timber-culture en
try No. Osri dated June 8, 18R2, npon the W H NW
; W H HW H 8eo. 3(1, Townit)ii 8 H, IJanpe 'U K.
in Umntilla wiunty, Oregon, with a view to tho
cancellation of wiid entry; oontnatant allnxinir
that said Henry Finney liae aliHridoni-d the aaid
timler-cnlturB claim, and haH dinjiosed of all
of liis right and intereet in and to hm claim and
hna left the State. The said parties are hereby
Hiimmoned to appear at the orhce of A. Mallory,
Noti7 at Heppner, Or., on the 11th day of Fel
niary, lHhl, e.t 10 o'clock A. m., to rcHpond and
furniHh testimony coucerningHHidallcgcd failura
K. Ij. Smith, ItegiHter.
C. N. THoBNBrjnr, Receiver. 4(M?
Ld Office at I.a Gbandf, Ob..
Dec. 21, WZ. )
9 Nofioo in hereby given that the following
nanioi Motller has tiled notice of hi intention to
make final proof in SMpixirt. of hia claim, and
that eaid iirtxif will be made before A. Mallory,
fip, N.itary Public At Heppner. Or.( on freb. 2, .
Iniit, viz:
A. J. McKinzie,
D. B. No. 41WI, for the K Vx NE K V, KK Kti.
S 'I'p 3 H, R27 K, W. M. He name the follow
ing witneHWP to prove bin continuouH rfV4idenm
Umiii, and cultiv.tlion of, said land, viz: Thorns
Qunid, Patrick Mi'Mahon, Freeman Green, Rob.
ert Temple, all of Heppner, Or.
4W." Hk.nky W. DwiOHTOJegiater.
Iand Office at LalVrnnde, Or., Dec. 17, 'S.t.
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settler ha tiled notice (jf hin intention to
make final proof in support of hin clairrj and
that wid proof will be made before A. Mullory,
Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Jan, IX, lrv4,
Frank Hale,
D. 8. No. 4455, fo&the NV5 8E K , HW '1
Heo. ,'M. and NK WCj?3Sec. .VQfp J H. It 27 K,
W. M. He name the following witneesea ti
prove hia continuous reitl..nw 01 tun, and rulti
vation of, aaid land, rir: il. J. Hill, Wm. l)un.
can. A. H. liurch, A. J. Hale, of Heppner, Or.
H. W.Dwioht, Hegiater.
q 1 nrgn up anu posrea accoming to law, nt my
Ylsce, abiut nine mil( wrath of Heponer, Uma
till 1 county, Or., the fallowing deBonrjl cattle.
m-wii: wnereucow ainnit feven yearst old; one
red yearling heifer; one red roan heifer calf
branded diamond on right hipand marked under
half crop in left ear. Cow appraiwd at year,
ling appraixed at $1(5, calf appraised at by A,
Mallory, Jmrtice of the. Pjre, Dec. 2, lSKt.
41-44 hJntrL Hmith.
A first-Qass tinsmith to tlo repairing
lit- t r
m .. ljeezer ft.
Castle Rock Lumber Co.
09 OG3
O 0 o