c to 0 00 09 O o o SWEDES AT HOME. a Shut your ears to the sound of men's voicea, and you cannot bo lieve you are in Sweden. The gay little log house in the distance with its' shingleS3 rTJbf, the cattle sheds and barn3, the well sweep and curb, the 6tone walls and post- and-rail fences, might be transport ed bodily and set in the backwoods of many a state, and never be noticed for the difference of a , single stick of timber or the fasten ing of a single stake. Let the door e open, and the geography changes eby magic. A little child totters out into sunlight. It is dressed in atsingle long garment of yellow homespun wool as bright as the petals of the buttercups or. the dan delions. From under a close-fitting cap of vermilion hue straggles out a mass of flaxen hair. A stout leather apron tied under the arms ' and over the shoulders protects the dress from the chin to the toes of the clumsy little shoes. A half- dozen other children dressed exact ly the same troop out after it, and following them, the mother, with a curious poke sari-bonnet of bright red rivalling in, brilliancy the crim son of her homespun apron, carries a pail on each arm to milk the cows lowing at the pasture bars. The father comes to the door of the barn to say a word as they pass. But for his leather apron shinintr with wear you would take him for a Isew England rarmer of Conti nental times, with his low shoes, knee-breeches, long waistcoat and felt hat. The ever equalising in fluences of modern science have not yet reached them, and they live ana leel much the same as their great - grandf atliers did before i cfhcm. STRAY SCRAPS. A Glendive, Mont., jury hung for two hours, but when the sheriff told them tfiiere would be a horse race out on the street in an hour, they agreed in exactly seven min utes by the foreman's watch. "Do you meaj to contend, Mr. Ingersoll," said a little fellow in awful tones, "do you mean to con tend that an elephant came from a gnat?" "We-1-1," said Ingersoll, good humoredly, "not fjat wimst." When a man's wife comes iii and sees him, razor in hand, and with his face all lather, and asks him, ''Are yuidiaving!1" it's 'a provok O ing thingior him to answer, "No, I'm blocking the stove," but it is hxnan nature so to reply. It is a matter t!it can be confidently predicted that rthe coming season will witness a remarkable influx of populiion in i the Columbia valley. There will be a general boom all around the sky. The railroad was not com pleted in time to catch it last year. ooo oTiheo0very smallest of all sheep is the tiny Breton. It is too small tobe very profitable to raise? for it cannot have very much wool, anil , i imji as for eat)r", a llUngry man COUh3 1 1 1 1 Ti cat one whole at a meal. ra It is so small when full grown that it can hide behind a good sized bucket. But it is a dear little creature for a pet, for it is very gentle and loving, and because it is small, is not such a nuisance about the house as was the celebrated lamb that belonged to a young girl named Mary. 'fflie only occasion upon whifli railway trains in the United. States aro known to attain a speed of eighty-five miles an hour is when vou sweep in sight of a stations with your overcoat only half on, and seo the train you want just starting out. Before you can reach the platform, a shot from a Parrott gun couldn't catch that train. She may jolt along at tve nsjlesofufcrfht-0 rest of thQj day, but for that one minute, as you go charging down the plat form, she makes an easy hundred. Tho man with the oil-cloth "enr-Iet-Baek," who is storming at the conductor, is tho man who gets carried by. lie never niissees it. If he is only going tifteen rail?s, the first thing he does is to go . to e eaasssleep. lie declares thax the brake- man never called "Castle Uock. ,s though," says the indignant ' brakeman, "I couldn't waken a dead man on that station. Now, u it was Iniatula, or Alkai, or Borne little thin name like that, all i's nnd a's, mavhe I couldn't shake 'em up quite so boisterously, hut a I lug moutniui hko wisiie ivoc, where your voice has something to catch on to, why, man. T.cm .put. tho headlight out with it!' Con fidentially the brakeman lowers his voice: "Why, yea," he says; "somebody gets carried by every run, unless I bounce him just like a trafirp. JFbelicve when the last 5 day conies anft Gabrial soSlnda his awfulrumpet, and tho dead rise tip and answer the summons, there'll be some men won't know anything about it till the next day, and then they'll jay 'f. "on sever blowwl at WaUulnl' " Tsew I3arber Shop, Heppner Oregon H. HAYMAN, Proprietor. HAIR CCTTTNO, ShnvirK. Shampooing, Dye ing, etc., neatly executl. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N'OTICE is hereby given that the nrd.irsiirnrd has thin day been appointed administrator of the estate of Edward B. Waite, deceased. All persons havinir claims against wild enlale are hereby required to present the same in writing to me. or to my attorney, P. L. Paine, at hi ouice in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. ('has. 8. Waite, Administrator. Heppner, Or., Dec. 6, 1883. 36-11 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Office at La Grnrde Oregon, Dec. 11, 1883. J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has mednotice of his intention to make final proof in support of hie claim, and tiial said proof will be made before A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 25, via: Thomas Crotherx, I), 8. No. 4732. for the H ', N1S h S 4 NW See. Tp 8 H. H 27 E, W. M. lie names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residunce upon and cultivwion of, sr.id land, viz: Charles Wallace, Jarv is Wallace, 1). A. Herreu, Joseph Cannon, all of Heppner. Or. itM4 Hknrv W. Dwioht, Resistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. ll '88. Notica is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inteiii ion to make final proof in support of his claim, ai;d that said pnof will bo made before E. W. Far row. Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on Jan. 21, lirsi. via: ;- . Frederick, Minard, D. B. No. 3T.14, for the E '4 HW SK ' i NW U and SW V SU i Hoc. 8.Tp 1 S, K :". E. W. M. lie names the loiiowin? WitiibMse. to prove hi co) turnout residerice noon, a-id cuHivfifio:! id land, viz: James McCiiiiiuer, John Shaw, i Link, Charles Cuuninirltain, all of Vinso'i. iW-41 II. W. Ilfi'iilt, Iter 'baric Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at L:i Cirn-.d", Or., Dec. 1 Notice is hereby given that the to. I named settler has liUd notice of Ins m to tioil to make tinai proof in suppot t of L lm cnii;ii a U ii-h- that said proof will be iu;;de before Ci. VV op, Inotary at Heppner, Dr., on Jan. 2ti, 1V4, via: . Millard t. trench, D. 8. No. 2!i23, for tliV4 NE i ai d W V SE H, Hoc. ,35, Tp 3 S, U 28 E, W. M. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res1 dence upon, and cultivation of, i'd hp d, v. a: li. i. Mcllroom. of Vinson, Or.: J. J. P nL rsiji , P. D. Vox, Leon Hrigga, of Heppner, Or. !l!-!4 II. W. Dwight, Kegieter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Laflraiidj, Oregon, Dec. 11. ltti.i. J Notice is hereby given that the foiiowii.n-i.ami d settler has filed notice of his mle ition to make final proof in support of his claim u d that wwl iiroof will bo uiiult before A. Mallorj. Notary 'ublio at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 'J';, iSS? via: Elveit E. Williamson, D. S. No. SU2S. for the N ', N'W - 8.. 21, N NE lSe.7. 20, Tp S, R 2i P.. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of. su'd land, vz: Pardon Williamson, Jarvis Wallace, Patrick Quaid, Albei;t Osuiau, all of Heppner. Or. . 39-14 : ni : 1 ; iff W. Dwioht, iegitor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office, at Tite Dali es, Cr., Dec. 17, 18H3. ) Notice is hereby given that the followir.g nnmed settler has tiled notice of his ii.teution to make final proof in supiHirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made; before (J. W. Bish op, Notary at Heppner, Or., 6:1 J:m, Sj,' lbs4, viz: Thomas J. Wilson, Pre-emption No. 3iti, for the N 4 NW 4 Sec. 21, Tt 2 8. H 2i E. lie names the following wit nesses to provo his continuous residence upon, abvft'ultiviition of, taid land, vis: Alfred Sti! g- l.i, .If... Uti, rl'W.....o f'l.,,u 1 'Ji .i.i.n t.niiifticj, ifi"iii,if 1 iai , , 111,9. v . Coons, all of Heppner, Umatilla Co., Or. . 3U-U E L. Smith, llogister. - NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 17, 'S3. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has hied notice of his intui tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pr.x'f will be made before Uegister a: d lleceiver at The Dtdles. Or., on Feb. 2, ll, viz: Thomas M. Lane, Homeoter.d No. 7M. for the SW v. s,.0. 8. Tp 6 8, 11 22 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reider.ee upon, ai:d cultiva tion of, laid land, viz: 1). 11. Smith, E. li. Smith, 1:. W. Sanderson, I), b. Jotu son, all ot 1'obsU, Wasco Co., Or. !iJ-41 . J. j. JSMTTH. liegisier. .notice.-t;er land. D. S. Iiand Ollice at la Giarde, Or., ) November 22, 1W. f rsotico is iiereny given mat iimotny 11. nisiee, hasthis day made application to enter under the ...' A Ti.i.. luTu ....:i. .1 an Act for the nln of timber 8i d utoun IhhiU in the HtaUjs of ( iihforma, Oregon, Nyviida t u Washington Territory, for the SV L4 Sec. IS, T S, li 27 E, W. M., coiitainn g IU3 2:i-li acres Final proof herein will be made after 10 weeks publication, end within W days from tho date hereof. 8'i-45 H. W. Dwioht, Itegialer. MINOR & DODSON, Grocery and Variety Si' ore, MAIN STREET, .... HEG'PNER, OREGON. :(o) . We Keep in Stoo V a Full Line of GoceriesrJVovi.sions, Stationery, Fancy Goods, French and American Candies, Oranges, Lemon.-, Bananas ami other Fruits in season. Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Moercliauio Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette .Holders, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols and Cartridges. FRANKLIN SQUARE AM) SEASIDE LIBRARIES. BOUND BOOKS BY vlnl-tf. THE IJ,K$T C I T Y , 000 J. B. 13 Main Street, MANUFACTURER 0I- Lao;er Beer, Ale and'Portes Families Furnished with Lunches 6d OYSTEliS, t. SAJ.ID.INES CAl.lFOr.NI.V, LlMBCRGEK , m ptfiS Jn tn countrjtfnust will be charge.!. J. (a, JJODSON, PROPRIETOR OP The Alkali Livery, WEST MAIN ST., My Terms fire l?eaPonable. Stock Left O Iln' and Grain of thBt Quality Kept in Full Stock and For 1. 1. HA8SELL. IIEEREN & IIASSELL, General Commission Merchants ! Bell on Commission WOOL, GRAIN, SHEEP PELTS, BEEF HIDES, DEERSKINS, ETC. Dealers in GRAIN AND WOOL BAGS, FLEECE AND SEWING TWINES. Liberal Cash Advances m;ule on Con signments. .Correspondence and Consignments solicited. 16 North Front Street, Portland, O11. O. H. HALLOCK. May Street, Heppner, Drugs and Medicines Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, Glass and Putty, )ani all VAiiiariEs or( Druggistfl'' Sundries'. c IGARS AND- 1 OBACCO. WINES & LIQUORS FOR vlnl-tf. MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Belvedere Saloon, Wm. E. Theodore, Pro'p. 0 ) KEEPS ONLY THE( Very Bct oi Whiskeys, The Belvedere GQtjars, Witlt Havana Filling, 0 The Finest in Heppner. FtVie New Milliard Table for Amusement of Guest. the New Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, ALKALI, OREGON. E. B. HOOD, Prop'r. Horses Bought and Sold on Com mission. BERT ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSES LEFT IN MY . CHARGE. Terms Reasonable. Stock ShipptHl to any part if tbeoCoun try v.3 Odcred. AUTHORS. 11 K V K 11 Y GEOBOI EEBREK. NATTER, Prop'r; II o eppner, re iron, i Kottled of All Beer Kinds: on Short Notice. AND LOBSTLTiS and Swiss Cheese. return empty kegs, or $10 apiece Feed and Sale ALKALI, OREGON. Stabl e, o in My Care be Wll Attended To. W. J.CEEZE H UAIX STREET, -)dealer Stoves, Vgricul tural )also I m ware, HOES, RAKES, GRIND STONES, AUGURS, SAWS, H0RSJ3 SHOES, HARROW TEEltl, BIRD CAGES, LANTERNS AND TISTOLS. Xails of All Kinds, Iron and Wooden Pumps, and Bults of All'i Sizes. The Celebrated A FULL LINE OF id. c. herren. Herren & Successors to II. DEALERS dener a 1 Al e LONE ROCK, :o:- Have on band a Clothing, Hats, Bools and Shoes, AGENTS FOR C. II. DODD & CO'S CO D -)DEALEE IN(- General Merchandise of All Kinds. Keeps Constantly on DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GEOCEEIES, IIATS7 & CAPS B803'&3OE& HAKWARE & CROCKERY, NOTIONS. -)Also Agent C. I I . Docld & Co.'s 9 r i-H b 'D Celebrated Schuttlep Wagon Which I will Furnish at Cash Advances made Sacks Furnished Cash Advances Made on Consignments of Wool, Hides and Deer Skins. J NO. A. HENDBIX 0 SURVEY YOUR LAND 0 0 ANT) GIVE YOUR NUMBERS Correctly. TT,i resides one nile auJ a halt HEPPNFtf, OREGON ix(- Cutlery, Implements. iias( Clipper Plow. SHELF HARDWARE. jay r. LUCAS. Lucas, O G. Ilobinson, IN v c li cl i s e a n ORElrON. 0 Complete Stock of Groceries, O Medicines, Etc, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. Hand a Fall Line of -:o:- for( Agricultural Machinery, o TIIE(- Portland Frices, Freiyht Added. (o) . on Wool, and Wool at Lowest Rates. Sheep Pelts, Beef A. M. GUNN, 13 1 a c k s m i t IT IlErPXER, Op.eoos Shoeing1 and Jobbing. - ERREN, ' NOTICE TIMBER LAND. Land Office at Grande, Or., Nov. IS. SS. Notice is hereby given that tdwifl K. liishop, has this day made application to purchase ui.iier the Act of Congress, approvrd June 3, 1S78, en titled an Act lor the bale of timber and 8tone lands in California, Oregitn, Nevada and Vash- ington Turritty, for the HE 4 8v. 11, Tp 5 S. K 27 E, W. M.. vontaining ltkl acres. Final prtxif herein will be made after sixty days putilicaliou, and within ninety dajs from date heretf. 8IM4 H. W. DWIOHT llegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. lAnd Office at The D.illes. Or.. Nov. 21, '83. Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his lttim, and that said proof will be made beforu G. W. Bish op, Notary at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 10, Ps3, vi: Thomas J. Smith, Pre-emption No. 1SH4, for the E ' NW H K S SW J Sec. 20, Tp 8 S. K 26 E. Ho names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lard, viz: W. 11. Cunningham, Kobt. Johnson, Fremen Ureen, J. Ball, ail of Heppner, Or. 36-11 E. L. Smith, Register. NOTICE Of FINAL SKTTLKJIENt! "VOTICF is herebv given .tnt the Jlijlaft,vrned i ffdiWfWffitor oftlS. ffirf? Jtffi!Se-rCur-rier, deceased, has this day tiled with the county court nf lhnirtl!n ctnmtv. Ktjite of frf-iion li' final account as administratoc of said estate, ail that Friday, the llth day of January, A. 1). 14. the same beii g during tho next regular session of said court, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, in the court house in Pendleton, has been ap pointed by the Judjre of said court asOie time and place for hearing objections to SHidfrceount, and for the showing of cause, if any there be, why an order be not msde, discharging said ad ministrator from further duty us pooh, Ht.d re leasing Urtllon Ii,l,l Tui-41i,r l,,illVy ...t Vl.vr undertakii'ff. hi. Lis Minoh, Admiuihtrator. I'nu.iPlj. PAINE, Attorney. Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 8, lb83. t-il NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Office at The Dalles, Or.. Not. 2), '83. Notice is herehy given that tho fullowii'K- named settler has hltu notice of his intci.tion to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be niude before 11. (". Con don, Notary at Alkali, Or., on Jan. 10, 1SS1, u: James li. litus, Pre-emption No. J 1 3 1 . for the S V. NE H Bee. S, Tp ti 8, U -0 K. lie names the following wit-neF-' to prove his cent ii.uons residence npon, and cultiTiition of. said land, viz: W. W". OkWdv, (i. Skinner, of Fossil, Wasco Co., Or.. John Cany, j. C. Haird, of Alkali, Wasco Co., Or. 3H-41 Ij. 15MITH, ni'STBinr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. xi d 011iceit IiOrande. Or.. Dec. 1, 1'SfS. Not ce is herehy pi' hnrehv Tfiven that the followinr- ramod settler has filed notice of his intention to make nmil proot m supporl ot ms clann, iu:a that said proof will be nindo hefore K. W. Far row, Kotar t'nmio al I'ur.tueion, vr., ou juu. n, 1S84, viz; Millara r. isrng, D. R. No. RWS. for the 8W 5 BW Sec. 19, Tp 3 8, It 21 K. W M. lie names the following wit- n"sses to prove his continuous res:uci.oo upor, aj d cultivation of. said lai d, viz: 0. K. Hinton, " M. (toll, S. H. Christinn. John H all of Lena, Or. 87-12 H. W. Dwioht, iieeister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ; Lai d OiUco at The Dalles, Or., Die U, Jt'-fl. ,( Notico is herehy Riven that the- wMowii'K nnmed settler has tiled notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo m.':de before 0. W. Hish- op, Notary ai lieppner, ur., on i eo. o, imi, t: 1 nomas u dominion, . ; Pre-emption 1). S. No. '.:'.17'2, for the NW of Seo. 14. Tp 8 N. H 2.') K, W. M, He names the follow ing witnesses to prove liis cont'nunus residence upon, and cnlliv.Hion of, iaid lasul, viz.: Fnd.o. ick J. Hallock, Can. Ryi-ard. V. K. Swinburne, (;harles Younijer, all of Heppner. Or. 8.443 K. L. Smith, Keirister. NTICEmMBER CULTUEE. Lard Ofiioe at The Dalles, (. ., Dec. i. 'tt. . Complaint having been entered at this office by Clinton N. T-H-k, nfiuir pt James Liu kniap, for failure to comply with law as to timber-eultnr entry No. W7. dattd Jlarch 11, lb;'2. upon the N Vt i Sec. 4, Tp'JS, B5K, in Umatilla county, Or egon, with a view to Ihe renceHation of sa;d er iry; conieHtnet aUinR thut baid Jauies Luck man ha- failed to break or cause to bo brtkcri live acres of said tract from dute of ertry to pres ent tiuie. The Kiid parties are hereby mmiriom d to appear at the ollice of O. W. liibhop. Notary at Heppner, on the 2.:th (lav of January, li-.at. at ID o'clock a. M., to respoi d and funiish testiuioi'y concern int,' said a h'ued fi ilu e. E. L. Smitu, I!e(;isier. C. N. ThokXiu nv, Keceivor.- .IS-tS NOTICE OF INTENTION. . Lai d Ollice at The Dalles. Or., Dec. 4, 'S3. Notice is hereby frivon that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intei ton to make final proof in support of his cluim, ar d that said proof will be made before O. W. Ulsl. op, Notarj at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 25, 1KS4, vit: Frank Coolf, Pre-emption No. 2lt7, for the SW ?i Sec. 4, Tp 1 N, B 24 K. He names tho foilowinc witnese to prove his conlimious reeid'iBce iijiou, und culti vation of, said land, viz: J. K. Glasscock, tieo. Lord, John Hat dy, W. W. Smeml. all of f 'lla, LmatillaCo., Or. M-1S E. L. Smith, Uefpster. NOTICE. HOMESTEAD. , D. S. Land Ollicn a TIih Dull, Or., ) . Nov. 30, ISMS. f Coniiiliiiiit hiiviiiK liopn fititfrcd Bt lhi oftico by Edward A. IJrmidui'fl uiruirist Jolin liudsiui. fur nrmndmiinK his lioiiiost'-ad ontry No. 1 1 St, dulid May IB. IKK', upon die K !i nil. H and x UK t Sec . 2, T. 3 S. R 28 K, in Linutilln county. Or., witli n vit'w to tlie cnnrclliitiini (if wid cntrj : tlm HHid pnrtii'8 are licroliy mimiiKitod to appear at the olno of A. Mit!lurv. Notary at luiiti-iner. Or.. on the 20th day of January, 1H t, at 1U o'clock A. M.. to rwpoi il and fnrninh tcstiiriony conceniii!? said alleged abandonment. !.. Ij. tMi rn, JtepiMcr. C. N. TlIoRNDrRY, Hwoiver. H(M4 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Ollice at Tho Poll, Or., I Dhc. H, 1ns:1. t Notice 19 hcroby irivon that the following- that Ftaid jiroof will bo riindu boforn K. W. San. dcrHon, Notary rt FoKi' Or or Feb. 1, 1HH1, viz: John Maddock, Pro-omption No. AM, for the 8 '', SK U NW H 8K 'i SW NK Vi Sec. 2, Tp .1 H, K 2i K. lie names tlio following witncHwH to provo liijcontinuou residoncn npon, ard cultivation of, r aid Wind, viz: Wm. l.ddon, Frank Hrvro. Kd. CnmniiiiK, t raiik DickorHon, all of Foosil, Wbhco ('o.ji)r. 81U1 E. L. HMili'iT lii-K'iHter. fSTBAY NOTICE. Taken tip aril pemted on the tlth day of T)ecnm ber, IhHH by NttUon Jnneit, at murti, four luilo wst of lleppner. Umatilla comity, Oron, one rtorr! Jiorm about 11 years old, J.1'4 imnclt Uitth, dome white in the fac, rnn whiUt liiml foot, branded 47 on left flank ald HL on riirht Nhoulder and diamond H on riK.ht tiank; ap praiHed at to. ANo at the nam time and place, ono black oolt. one year old lant KprinK. Booit white in the face, no mark or brandn; uppraiBt d at fhe sum of jtai. Dated at lleppner, this Ufith day of December, IhH'i. A. M M.l.UIIY. 4(1-13 JuMice of the 1'eace. NOTICE OF INTENTJd.O Land Office at Tub Dai.i.ks, Ob Dec at, ih-3, ( Notice in hereby (riven that the following named Hett lor haw bled notice of bin indention to make final proof in support of bin claim, and that wild priwif will lie made bfore ti. W. Hmhop, Notarj Public at Her pner. Or., on Feb. rjplfl, viz: jaeoo jonnsun, Pre-emption No.2M3, foflhe N 4 NW Bee. 9, Tp 4 y, K J4 H, and L 1 J NK ' Hoc. VZ, Tp 4 H. H 23 E. lie nenieti the following witneHee to provo h continuijus n deuce upon, and cultivation of, wiid land, viz: (j. W. Miizwell, M. S. Maxwe1!, J. H. Vounc, H. I hrjrtteuaon, all of Heppner, Umatilla Co., Or. 4H-45 F. h. Smith. ReiHter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office atJhe Dalle, Or., Dec. 19, '!. Notice is herein ifiven that the followifiK tinmed oettler hai! tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in xiipport of his claim, ami tnat ttaid proof will be made before (1. W. liinh. op. Notary at Heppner, !r.. on Feb. 2, Is8l, viz; Mathian Litchtenthal, Pre-emption No. W, for the 8 ', SW 4 8 , SK H Sec. i5. Tp 3 8, K 25 F. He names the folio . ini? witnewwa to prove bis cont .nuous reitidncf upon, aid cultivation of. said laid, i: Uat, Cuaid, L. J. Hlianer. John tiarrity, 1 reita Oiwi'.' all of lleppner. rmntill Co., (jr. ' e o