O 09 o o O e o O 0 0 CD e o oo e G3 '0 99 9 CO THE GAZETTE. IIEPPNER, THUKSDAY, JAN. 3, 1884. THOSE ODD SECTIOSS. gThe subject of forcing rich rail road corporations to let go their hold on vast bodies of unearned government land.-;, continues tad clcssj5p), ORi nGlssk4i asva s madfl agitated throughout the country. It is high time something w as done in the matter, and from the ap pearance of the atmosphere in the halla of congress,, it looks as though sometlring would be clone this session. Senator Safer and Judge. (jj'ayson evidently mean to do all they can to restore lands to ' their rightful owners, and if any thing like justice prevails in the councils of the nation, their bills will pass. Right around the Heppuor coun try can be seen the full force of . . . o .. . ... the farce kept up for the benefit of the rtorthern Pacific Railroad Co Although the compnny has not laid a rail within 75 miles of Ilepp ner, yet right here are thousands of acres of good land reserved for liie corporation and kept out of the dmndH of the rightful owners, the settlers. And when a settler pre empts on an even 'sect ion he has to pay double the usual government price, just because the adjoining odd section has been granted to, but never earned by, the N. P. R. II. Co. Thus the 'settler hot only pays the cash for his own quarter sec tion, but also pays for the adjoin ing quarter -section which has been given to the company. It is just and proper that this farce was end ed, and the L-ffid was rested to its rightful owuerk And as a matter of justice, everyopttlejiiliis remote distance from tiie Northern Pacific Railroad lias paid $2.50 an acre for his laud, and double price for his filing fees, should have half of 'his money refunded. ' Ileppner has been for some time past enjoying a most beautifully-mismanaged system of mail facilities. Mail from below, that should be put off nt Blalock, and oirg'lit "to roach here in ten or twelve hours from the railroad, is carried past more than half the time. Sometimes it takes a trip up to Montana, and sometimes it goes up the Baker City branch and returns via Pendleton on the stage. The Portland daily papers often do not reach hero for five days after publication, and frequently several issues come at once. Last week's Weekly Oregonian is al ready five days behind, and the previous number was live clays get ting here. Theso delays and mis carriages are not the exception, but nre, and for some time have been, the rule, and some of the well paid officials of the government had better bo applying a remedy. A correspondent of the Weston Leader truly says: It certainly looks as if Oregon might take a hint from the example of Wash ington. The legislature of the lat ter has organized new counties whore the territory embraced madjSt it expensive and inconvenient for its citizens to attend to county matters. One county was formed whose population it is claimed is less than GOO. Just think what a splendid county could be cut oft' each end of Old Umatilla! It does seem strange that any in fluence could be so strong as to overcome the self-interest of over two-thirds of the citizens interes ed. It is an evil that muss nm will bo remedied. - An odd quarter-section of so called railroad land, lying west of Ileppner and insido of the indem nity limits, was proved up on be fore Squire Mallory lust Monday. Notice of intention to prove up was regularly published Li the Gazette, but the representatives of the railroad compnny ma.le 110 appearance to object to the pro ceedings or coiiiiWiUJie proof. The q papers in the CHsefiave been for warded through the proper chan nels, and it is to be hoped that pat ent win promptly issue, as it cer tainly should. The railroad com pany has really no more equitable claim to theso indemnity or lien lands than has the mayor of South Salem. The word-painter of the Astorian says: The sun that sank behind the hill last eve wont down in a crimson blaze whoso glowing flam was as brilliant as though thousand ocean isles were Riming. The scarlet sky grow darfrer r.nd the brilliant colors gradually faded to gray, while in the east the rising moon silvered the waves of the Columbia with a wavy, tremulous light The Washington shore, seven miles away, seemed scarcely a mile off, and the stars glittered in the frosty air. The latest dispatches -ny that Villard hn really rosigncil from the Northern Pficinc O Q NEWS NOTES. I prevaih at Pleasant Diptheria Home, Oregon. Half a dozen new business houses have opened out at Olympia. Seattle labors with the immoral ity and disease of thirty opium dens. a sort of Fourth of J uly, and much powder burned. A company in the Cceur d' Alene mines recently sold fifteen acres of a claim for G000. A man supposed to be Cottner, Uj'ho shot Walt. Coffin last summer, was arrested at Union Montana, but proved to be the wrong man. A committee of the board of trade at The Dalles has raised $800 by subscription 'to purchase the land for the Refrigerator Car Co. Two etoamboat-t have taken out of the Snakd river country since last August, 7507 tons of wheat, all raised in a country formerly con sidered no good. The cost of the new opera bouse at Walla Walla complete will reacS about 50,000. The seating capacity will be arranged for 1500 persons, the sizq being bOxl J) feet. Down to Hillsboro the town marshal was arrested and fined $20 for having an idea that he owned the whole colony and ar resting everyone who looked tide wise at him. Near Palouse City last week, Miss Nellie Farnsworth was thrown from a horse, breaking her thigh, and lay on the frozen ground for0 nearly an hour before assist ance arrived. The party of cowboys who re cently cmtldozed an excursion party at American Palls, Idaho, and made the baud play for them, have been arrested, ami will have to pay dearly for their so-called fun. A man named Harris, in the Siskiyou mountains, was killed sud denly Dec. 25th by a falling tree, which struck the cabin in which he and his wife and one child were living. The woman escaped "with flight injuries. Thirty-tLreo young horses have been bought from Wni. Bigb.am for the cavalry at Walla Walls, at an average of $12-1 each, aiffl the troopers are having lively times learning them to stand fire. The N. P. R. R. Co. has filed in the U. S. land office at Spokane Palls a list of its indemnity selec tions in the Spokane district, ag gregating 59,5-18 acreu. The re maining lieu lands up there will soon bo open for filing by settlers. The position of the French troops in Tonquin is unchanged since tho fall of .Sontay. Linn Pong, the commander of the Black Flags, was severely wounded, and his Lieutenant killed InQthe de fense of Sontay. It is understood mint the .French will not attack RSJ-Ninh before the arrival of re inforcements. The reported French loss in killed and wounded at the capture of Sontay was thirty-six officers and nearly 1,000 men. The loss to the Black Flags in the same battle was 0,000, but tho Rhick Flag army, after their defeat at Sontay, retreated to Hon" Hon and Nanidish. The FrjJ$ forces found $2,000,000 in Sontay. It is reported also that China, acting under th advice of European powers, has withdrawn her troops fromhic-Ninh. Concerning an open channel from tho upper country to the sea, the Klickitat Sentinel savs: The Secretary of the Treasury has rec ommended an approprnslSfn o half a million dollars tins W'pr ior the construction of the locks at tho Cascades. Now if he would further recommend that the ap propriation be placed nt the dis posal of compeffnt and honest men, and that the corrupt tools who have heretofore had charge of the works be summarily dismissed, there would be some souse to it, and some prospect of the consum mation of the work in a reasonable time; but if the Appropriations nre to be wasted and squandered $1 the future, as they have been in the past evidently in the interest and at ihe instigation of the). R. X. affd X. P. R. R. Companies it will be of very little practical interest to the poopkof the Co lumbia river basin whether tho ap propriation is fifty dollars or fifty million dollars. rt nnd Wft. A man r.t Wullula writes: Trnins come. and go ft usual, notwithstanding the shake up in Trniwoiitinout-d. We have the roads nnd Villar 1 h:. hia bijj house, but the Port! in 1 hiyshaw1 less shekels. Us and VdUrd are hi;Vy, but can't oay nn to the Portland Rharpers. It is Raid tiiey exhibit a commendable spirit of resignation. I trust they may be able to say, with the old psalmist, "Villard gave, Villard taketli away. Blessed be the name of Villard!" Trans continental ti appropriately named, as it has been entirely successful in trans ferring many Portland shekels to New Yurk. Ven'lv the blind pool was a big thin;. TV Lint of letter Remaining uncalled for in the noat- office at Heppner, Jan. 1: ' Asher, Jacob Ram. P. F. Allyn, T. J. Allen, Eliza liair, Eramett Boree, O. (5) Bracket, Anson Bogue, Edwin F. Bible, W. D. Kiutf, Thomas Lambirth, Janieg Luce, Martin Miller, H. A. Moore, W. M. Moore, H. Murray, Thr,s. (2) Byinier,9!laHassKWii,ttViin, T. J). T- Beard, J. W. Miller, E. Brown, J. N. Metteer, Jerugha Culbertson. Jas. (2) Martin, Williams Cherry, T. . Pollock, Isaac Calvin, Vinson Padbury, II. Cline, C. L. Queeuer, J. H J Wittle, Alfred Richards, T. O. Est.erbrook, Jno. (2) Bound, F. M. Jlliri, J. 1. Eipencer, Prof. O, Faijelbery, John Stalter, Augustus Haiith, James r'ltockdale. MolHe Smith, Crate Fauiconer J. C. French, W. J. Gilliam, Grant Gardner, II. H. Ghge, Alex. Hooker, Alfred II. Hutch, Charles Kloss. Wm. o. Schoolcraft, Thomas SlobanKh, Jacob Ilillery, Dollie Tipton, M. li. (i) Haverman. Earnest Thornton, Hiram Hodnon, Oliu S. Trahoon, W. M Hooker, Mattie E. Hooker, Belle Hart, Jus. M. HaniH, James Ingerntan, J. Joiibou, Jas. Jones, Maggie Walker, W. M. j imams, joun ji Wood, J. H Wells, O. 1). Worthinjtton, . 'M. Yates, Jim Valgamore, Milton In calling for the abovo letters ploast! say advertised. O. H. Hallock, T. M. HrwThi"vo3. SheriiT Riokard of Nevada, has received a d is natch from Sheriff ilinehardt, oft him that Bowden, VlCellog and Ryanl were now iu jail at LhJhon, awaiting tua arrival of a requisition. It vras an nonnoed that a reward of $1,000 would be paid by prominent stock men of Nevada and Grant county, Oregon for the arrest of these thieves, audi ShontF Kinehardt expects that rewafc before , he delivers up the prisoners Sheriff Rickard intends to leave for Di Ion as soon as he can get tho money t pay for tno arrest of the prisoners, as b. has a requisition from Governor Adanv on the Governor of Montana, for thei extradition. Some time ago he wrote a letter to Sheriff Kienhardt that L) could rely Upon getting at leant 875)o! tho reward offeigd for theBaptugi of tin thieves. This induced Kienhardt U spend time and money in pursuing tb thieves, and he expects to be rennburwl for his outlay when be delivers up tb) priaoners. .... - " For 'Truth antt ' JuHtirr. ' ' Over nt Pendleton n young felloii nanwd RobinsoTQwas mixed up in tlij roblries for which, the Day brothel were sent to the penitentiary. Rohii son testified egainst tho D;iy in tia grand jury room, mid afterwards stool up iu open court and said: "Judge, I would like to say o word in the cause of truth Bnd justice." "Very well," said the jndg, "you can say all you please h behalf of truth oud justice." "Well," Baid Robinson, "1 want to say that every thing I testified to in tho grand jary room was not so." And with a seeroiig-ly-nutintit'd aoiiscienoo, ltil(yBn , M4 down. But he hud not rested very loag before the sheriff put him under amst, and the grand , jury brought in a lill against him for perjury. This is the same Robinson who founded a boot blacking institution in Ileppner lust spring, getting Joe Creedon to build llim a grand stand, nd of oomso bilking him out of its price. rarpet Weaving ayijai' Mrs. H. A. Ha v man is now i3r.ar(d to weave carpets, ai) anyone wanting Anything dono iu that line will please givo her a call. r.uiHery mck. I will tnke orders f- such nnrse7 stock as 1 have uot already on band for spring sales. Twenty years acquaintance with nursery men in the East enables me to place orders with firms who will ship only reliable stock. Cuap.IjES E. Full. Ileppner, Or., Dec. 20, 'K5. A (ieticml Settle-l'pi To all whom LLLnay oonceni: We hal sold out in the S?ry and s;uldlery and harness business, and desire to settle up with everyone, and all who are in debted to' us by note or account, ami knowing the same to be due, will please call on V. A. Kirk, at the oilieo of Wright k Ayers, and settle the same as soon as possible. W. A. Kirk. a T. W. Avers. Hoppuer, Oregon, Sept. 2S, ist& Stalled Chilis. feffaTo everv cash subscriber to t'.ie H5 ...:n E11'1 UA.KHO we m, wwum sending them the paper for a vpar, give them a year s subscription on ouir papers with whom we club, nt the following reduced rates: Gazette and Portland Weekly Stand ard, 1 year, if 1.0). J Gazettk and Chicago Weekly Nwg, 1 year, S-i.'o. ' Uazkttb aaa x rmers compann, l year, SriiAK). , r- tiAZF.TTK ana Mftameuo runner, i year, 81.IH1. ESIUAY NOT I OK. Taken np ftd poH"d nprordii?p to li1, nfr mf p1aM, ahmil rire milw south of Uil'ner, lima t'.lla oviir.ty, Or., tim t'iilowtnt: ili.'rthttl e.fciilt. lo-wil: One red row abtmt ti'veu yearn n!ii; or.r mi jtarlinir hwfor; "MB rtd ro:m l.iifr cat! ItiT.mlt'tl iiiainur;il im ri-ht hip(U:d mnikHd miicr h:i!l crop in l'fi rar. Cow npprniMtl at iM), y,or apprai"ii lit calf appmifitl at .fi, bjA. Mallory, Juittiro of the Peace, lio. II'J, 41-41 Hajiki. tiaiTH. KSTRAY NOTICE. Taken up and pouted aecordine to law hy tlif underfiiti.td, reeiiitntt 11 mill east of tiie town of lleiip- er. l iiiMlil'irt Co., Orc;io!i, one bay iiorw unbroke and wild. Slid lua-ne in alxmt Kl ywr o.d, brand.1! Ci on left ahoulder. Apyraimdat f'i.''. h., A. Mallory. Justice of the Peace. Dated at ilej pnor, Oregon, Dec. 2H, lna 41- 4 . V. ('. TmirsoH. 1 rtCp NOTICIWF INTENTION. Ir.d OiHceat The Palled, Or.. Pee. 2.1 "fj. Notice ia hereby triren thai t'.cjf - llowmc.!',H.E! nettlichi" tiled notice of hin iMeution to 'niake h-m! nKii in nupport of hinc'ai-n, ard that w d prool will be maiie i ' W. Bishop Ho tnrjr at Ueiipner, Or., on T !). 8. 1-vst, vu- ' IT. H. Dickrrnon, rre-emption No. T,X for the SW H See 11 Tp 1 S, U 2"i l'.. He nimvt tiie following w'inar to prove Ira continuous residence ntMT, aridcul- s coniinuouB res'iience tiiMr. rj(j cul Kiid land, viz; Henry Perkins Brace H. Perki: , M. I'erkma, allot Pelt- l'H.en wi, rsiei in, McAH'tr, ville. Umatilla Co.. Or. 41-4S t. L. Smith Register. A lot of fanev for Vui sines and call sr " 1 - nig. just WARREN CLARK, Justice of the 4Peace, Mais Stbbkt, - Heppnef, Obboox. i T EflAL HUSINES3 of all kind exoeut! 1J with dietiatch. Collections Dromrtlv it. tenaeu to, CITY HOTEL BAR, ChoicedtVines, Liquors & Cigars. MINOR & IIALL, Prop's. LUMREIt!! All kinds of and DRESSED LUM SHINOLES, ETC., ROUGH BER, kept constantly on hand? have recently received large nnd complete stock of FIRST - CLA SS L U M BER, SHINOLES, CEDAR rOSTS, ETC., ' Which wo will sell at lowest pos sible figures. Give us a call. DANIELS & HERREN, Castle Roek. ALKALI LADIES, ATTENTION" ! I h&ve on hand aChoice Line of MILLINERY, And am Constantly receiving New raid Fashionable Goods, which I am prepared to boII at San Francisco Prices, As the greater part of my goods are Direct from the East. e Please give me a call, and I will guarantee prices satisfactory. MRS. J. E. HASKIN, " ' : Alkali, Oregon. Harness and Saddles FROM SALEM AT LOW PRICES. A. F. YORK, Mannfactnror of all kindu of Saddles, Harness, Etc., SALEM, OREGON. I will furnish citizens of Ilepp ner and vicinity first-class articles at the following figures: Team Harness without Breech ing, $25 to $30 a set Breeching, ffs?zi$. . e Boston Team Collars, $0.50 . a pair, Concord Collars, $5.50 a pair. Blind Bridles, $3 a pair. Riding bridles, SI and $1.50. Lines, $ inch, $2.50 a pair. Halters, 1-inch, $1 each. Saddles from $10 to $23. I guarantee my work and stockJ as being first-class in every re spect, and by doing a large busi ness and advertising it in the newspapers, I can keep prices down and still make it pffjPbig. Address: YORK, Salem, Ogn. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 0 60 9 LL pnrties knowing themselves indebted to iV tiie latn Frank bniiderB will plcRDe remit amount promptly to Lzhmn Blcm, kUi3 Pendleton Or. NOTICE. TIMBER CULTUEE. U. 8. Ijind Office at The Dalle, Or., Dec. at, 18hS. Complaint liavinK been entered at Has office by (,ki VVM-iniii.il ;uraiimt llenrv l'iiuiey for fail ure to oomply with law as to timber-culture en try No. fsr) dated June . upon the W H ft" i.. W ii KW i. See. si. Townhin 3 S. Itanee 24 K. in I'miit ilia nniintv. Oniron. with R view to the cancellation of said entry; coiitcntunt alleir that said Henry Finney has abandoned the aanl ti,nl.r-iiltiire ehiim. and haa disposed of all or Mn rinlt nnd interwt in and to hm olHira nnd Iiiim kft flio Htute. The said nrirtief are hereby Hiwmioricd to apjiear at the oih.ee of A. Mallory, Notary at Heppner. Or., on the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1K4, at IU o'clock A. M., to respond and funush testimony concerning said alleged fai .nro. E. L. S5I1TH, llesnnter. 0. N". THOBNurKY, Itoceiver. 4Mr Notice of intention. e La; d Office at La Guanpk. Oi. Dec. 21, IMS. X,ice ia hereby (riven that the follov na;m d settler has hied notice of his intentiij mnlre final pn)f in support of his claiirr. that said proof will lie made before A. Mallory, oil. Notary Public at Ileppner, Or., on Feb. 2, 1sk4, vii: A. J. McKinzie, D S. No. 440S, for the S '4 NE Hi E 4 HE H Sec, .i I'o 8 S. H 27 E. V. M. He names the follow. Vlpi ing witneeset to pnjve hift continuous reidence nrin. a' d cultivation of. wrd land, vi; Thomas y.ia'd. Patrick b-Mahon. Freeman Green, Rob ert 1 empie, au oi rieppuer. n. 4JV15 Henky W. Dwioht, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 00 rr.d Office nt Iji (irande. Or.. Dec. 17, 'M. Vi,tieeis herebv iriven that tiie following. named u.tt)!r. i tj'ed notice ,,f hie intention to make hfTfiTTi .,suiipirC5f3iiC3in"n- and that aid proof will lie made lefore A. Mallory, Notary Public at lieppner, Or., on Jan. v, lao4, Frank Hale, r S. Ko. 44',5, for the NW BE V E H PW L. -w and iK NW Sec. 85. Tp t 8. B 27 E. vc M He name t ie following wune-o-es iirlive his continuous residence npon, and culti vation of. said land, via: H. J. Kill. W m. Dun can. A. n. 40-45 Kurch. A. J". Hale, of Ileppner, Or. H.W. Dwioht. Hetcistor. first-clasa tinsmith to do repairing s. Liter Co. The Oldest Business House Heppnor ! J. L. MORROW & SON, ) DEALERS 1N(- Dl'H 6 - .( a tf? " ' Ladies' Dress and.Fancy Goods, Men's and) Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Glass o O ware, Carpets, Wall Paper, Jewel ry, &c j o CORNER MAIN MAY STREETS, II E P FN Ell, 0 REG OX. W. B. CVXINQHAUE, lop., C"f' -to Mantifaet&L Baker's Best X.X lour, Middlings, Shorts 0 nigliest Cash Prices Fiid for Wheat. 9 CO Flour icill be exchanged for per bushel. Karley cnoppea jirr i-t -per numurii jjuunu. Forty Wnds of com meal uill be given for 56 pounds of corn. GEO. W. YOUNG. j. T T ENTION! Stockmen, farmers, and the Public Gonardly. -YOUNG & R0DKEY, Alkali,' - Or'grj, - -Beg leaye to call your attention tDtheir large and choic etoek of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Complete in every dernent If yon do not see 0 what you want, ask for ii We hare got it. We arc Agents for Koshland Bros., Commission Merehanis, Qradern 0 o)ii Packers. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. BEST ATTENTION GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS. G. D. SMITH, O 0 Saddle nnd Planless Main Street, - - o Keeps consfanly on Harness. 33ridles. Whips. Saddles, Collars, Scc, In nhort ever1hin( in my lice. All work iny K$ ffid&pQ4fr frum Crui and Btockton leather. REPAIRING DONE SUBSTANTIALLY AND WITH TASTF in Cool - e o ITlouring Mill, 0 Tl'Af. orKRHOLTZEX, Fv,l. and Rail 4?' o CrckMi-Whfst, Self-Raising Greham, and Bran, Etc. All ers Proinptlr Attmled t. 0 good ichent ai Hip rale of 3.5 pounds W. A. hODKFI. O "A laker, Alkali, Oregon. oo hand a fall assormeiif of G u