0fc .0 9 oooo oocfl O 0 CC& CCC0SCCS29 605B36 0 .,sji?r scraps. The largest sheep ranch in the world is the one in Diniment and Webb counties, Tex., where 300, 000 head of sheep are pastured on 300,000 acres of land. " Thee Japanese Premier, Prince ; Kung, addressed Gen. (ir&nt'.in "English,1, so-called. Trying" to com pliment him by assuring him he was born to command, he 6aid, "Sire! Brave Generate! You vos made to order." Thirty thousand Canadians are -r- naid to havB'crossed the line ' from r JJanitoba into Dakota i because of our more favorable land laws the better, prices iealizeclf or farnl pro-i ducts, and the lower rates charged -for farming "implements" on the American side. A lady at Walla Walla got to laughing over 6ome amusing incident and could not stop. Fi jially a doctor was called in, and could nofrquiet her, and she might have died laughting, if a telegram had not arrived just then saying that her husband's mother was coming bna fehort visit, j : ' s ' j "If I;ata rio fet hopiej froirL Jtli party to-night at 10 o'clock," daid . a husband to his better and bigger half, "don't wait for me." "That I won't," replied the lady sig nificantly; "I won't visit, but I'll come for you." The gentleman returned at 10 o'clock precisely. "Mamma," said a little Coving ton .boy, "what does 'heluffa' mean?'' Why.jmy child, L don't Know. 1 never heardoor sncn a word. Where did you hear it?" "Papa said it." "When?" - "Sun day morning. I heard him tell Mr. Jones that church was a heluffa " blace to so' when the fishing was so fine. Mr. Ituskin has lately raised ? nuestion as to the propriety of girls ie V1 ccr33O0 carp tcpafcasra eo oea uemy w.'Ufii turn wuji m mo gtiy .world, where, in a miserable con of candlelight,' moonlight and anything but davnght, in in decently attractive and insanely expensive dresses, in snatched mo ments, in hidden corners, in occi dental impulses, and dismal igno rances young people niirk, an,dl ogie; and wmsper, mia wnimper, and sneak, and stumble, and flut ter, and fumble, and blunder into what they call love." "Hello, Bill, said a Third ward man, "did you hear about my striking a fellow on Court f treet last night. . . - . , "No. Who waa he?" "A down town politician'. It was desperate. You see, here he was . and here I was. I walked up to him right in the crowd, and he asked nfe how the ward wo aid go, and I struck him." "Hard?"9 "You bet. Struck him for ;$10; It broke him all up." ' ' "I should snv it would --if he loaned it W$m. A small boy was recently "dis covered purloining " Jjjpllie : apples from the front of a grocery store. The proprietor gave, chase, but failed to overtake him,' and he was ' obliged to shake his fist and shout after him: r : v, "Never mind, my young kid, I'm going to see your mother about The Oldest Busiiiess House in I-J eppnei ! : . AY. 3kUN STREET, L E EZEE j New Barber Shop, 'Heppner , Oregon HEPPNER, OREGON HAYMAX, Proprietor. J,.L. MORROW &.S0N, 1 v. -)DEALEBS IN(- 5 urocenes, m Mini u Coot. I c oo -(o)- f ) DEALER IN(- HAIU CUTTlXd, Hhaving, Shampooing, Dye inff etc.. neAtlv executed. W - Stoves, Tinware, Cutler-y, Viricu 1 rural Imrplemen ts. )also has( HOES, RAKES, GRIND STONES, AUGURS. SWVS, HORSE SHOES, HARROW TEETH, BIRD CAGES. " LANTERNS AND PISTOLS. Nails of All Kinds, Iron and "Wooden Pumps, and Bolts of All Sizes. 0 , )agent fok( The Celebrated ClipperPlow. a full line of shelf hardware. ED. C. HEEREN. JAY V. IAJCAS. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Lantff a at 0i G rande. Or., Sept. 19, 'S3. Nstice is hereby given that William W. Kennedy, Hw this day made application to enter urdor the Act of I'oniirtw approved June S, an At t entitled an Act for the sale of Timber ai d Stt i e lands fur the states of California, Nevada, Wash ington Territory and Orwn, for SE SK 1-4 sec2S, ar dE H NK 1-4 Mi 1-4 8K 1-4 S3, Tp 4 aotithWl 27 E. VV M, contaiuii-R 16() aen a. Final proof vrill be made after til.) daya plllillra tion and withiu Ml days fmnCtitJeriif.(!)OOC9 P O SM9 HKNRY W. Dwiuht, liegit-ter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ind Office at The Dalle, Or., Nov. 10. -8.1. Notice in hereby given that the follovrintf naraed settler hae tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in mipport of his claim, and that said pmof will be made before L. W. Par ling, Notary at Lime liock, Or., on Dec. 2l, 1S.S8, viz: Jamea Snipes, Pr-emption No. 14.-i8, for the E 'i 8W 4 SW HE ) Sec. . N E H N VV V Hec. 7, Tp 5 S. U 23 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove hit en tinuoua residence upon, and cultivation of, ui;d land, vitt Thomas llarton. tieo. Moore, of Lout Valley, Wasco Co., Or.; ft. (J. Robinson, J. li. Lucas, of Lone Hock, Wasco Co., Or. 34-3" K. I,. Hmtth. ReiriBter. Herren & Lucas, Successors to II. Gr. Hobinson, DEALERS IN G e no r n 1 JSle r c h a 11 dise . LONE ROCK, OREGON.. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I And OtTieo at I tlrande. Or., Nov. S, 'Hit. Notice if hereby Kiven that the followins. named settler ha tiled notice tf hi intention to make final proof in tmmtort of lo claim, and that said proof will be made before K. W. t ar row, Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on Doe. 15, 18S8. viz: Ever is. uamtiee, I). 8. No. 317R. for the K H BW H S HB h Sec. IS, Tp i S. U 31 E, W. M, He names the follow ing witnesses to Drove hu continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. K. Huston. J. ( . r. Jt-mdan, . rearson, ra. Ijarkim, all of Alba, Or. . ' l.S" H. W. IIWIOHT, negisier. :o:- Clothinf o , Hats, Have on hand a Complete Stock of Bool s and Shoes; Groceries, Medicines, Etc. Ladies' Dress andaFancyQ Goods, MenWnd ' Boys': Clothing, ' Shoes, Boots, naKrvaps, Li;ocker', Olr ware, Carpets, Wall Paper, Jewelry, &c. ENTS FOR C. H. DODD & GO'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. OO J J llll J i JL )M3ALER IN( - General Merchandise of All Kinds. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Hjjflmp, 1 iTflcKt. ' r ir Wi'i,'if itThi D ti.t.Ka. On.. JNOV. H, 1N1. Notice is hereby given that the following- niinied settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof m support ot lus claim, ana that said proof will be made before (i. . Notary Public at Heppner. ur., on j;eo. viz: Amanda U viand. Pre-emption No. 1112, for the BW h SW'i Bee. , Tp 5 B, U 25 E, N ", BE U KK ! RE i Bee. 1, Tp SB, 1124 li. one names ine louowing wnneeeve to prove his continons residence H)on, and culti of, said land, viz; Hilas Wright, Andrew Bprawles, Perry Olier. John tl. Jones, an or j,one nm, Or. a4-.t E. L. Bmith, l' cister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Nov. B, '8S. Nutico is herehv given that the following- niuned settlor lias tiled notice of liia intention to make final roof in support ot ins claim, nno that said proof will be made before A. IHallory, Notary at lit ppner, Or., on Dec. Ji, IWJ, viz: George L. Neal, Pre-emption No. 227S, for the W BE i SE 'i BW H m N W H Hw. 15. Tp 4 S, B 23 K. H names the followinK witnesses to prove his con tBuous residence upon, ai:d cultivation of, said lal-d, viz: Hilas French, Thomas McFarren, Jas. Kllin, E. Yo'ischoeack, all of Lone Rock, Witsci. Co., Or. S4-S E. L. Bmith, HeRister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. CORNER MAIN & MAY STREETS, HEPPNER, OREGOX. ! tlx- L v i o Keeps 05iistantly on Hand a Full Line of Owb, J.Dii.i.U, (ICOCEKIES, HATS, & CAPS, Iej)j)iier V. D. C'd&NGIIAilE, FloiG-imj; Mill, Prop., WM. OVERm-imSR, Suit this." : "inats the Biualleljoy. nil right,", yelled back "lou just go ngni along up there, ra hlied n man full of buckshot the other day for going to Bee my ma, and I reckon he's got another 'dose' laid' away Bomewhere for you." ,1 rr i'Tes, : "George, dear, I accept your proffered love, and will be your wife, and a pair of strong arms rlasnpd her. tierlillv. , -vlovinclv . ''You iheaM nothing; oV exmrse," fIio said, from under the lapel of hi coat, "that father has -failed?" "No. I hadn't heard that," said George, weakening his grip a little "Yes," she . continue.!; ... nestling ' more close! v ' to him I "he failed last week, and" -'"I'hat, puts oiuerent phrase upon matters en- m tirely,", Baid George, struggling; to " break loose, but the girl held him fast, and continued: "And setued with his creditors at two cents on r the dollar, and"-- "Nay, dearest,' interrupted George,r passionately do not speak ot sucli soraiu mat ters. Let us think" only of love and the happiness which the bright future has in store" But, gentle reader, let us leave them in their young loand perfect trust. Manufacture and Bell Riker's Best XXX Flour, belf-Ilaising Middlings. Shortsoand iJvi , tj Graham, Etc. (!racked-AVhe1it, BOOlb t SiiO-L., itAillJVARB& CEOCKEUY, NOTIONS. o o o O :o:- y,U..l.,.,,;.k -jAlso Agent for( in, C3SM HigheBt Cash Prices Taid for Wheat. All Orders Promptly Attended to. o per of e Flour will be exchanged for good wheat at the rate, of 35 jwiduIs bushel. ;-':..." i - Jinrh;i rhntmed for 1-7 ner hundred pounds. Fort if pounds of com meal 'will be given for 56 poinds corn. . GEO. W. YOUNG. W. A. HODKEY. X. T T K N T ION C. H. Dodd & Co.'s Agricultural Machine, e-H O T.tvn flirPK-r AT Thh nT.I.KS. Nov. 7, lhtta. ,1 Notice is hereby piven that the followirs: named settler has filed notice of his intention 1c make final proof in support of his claim, a: d tii.it said proof will be made before A. Mailoiy, Nolury at Heppner, Or., on Dec. 27, 1HH3, viz: John Reavey, O Pre-emption No for llie SW H Sec. 21, Tp I 8, li 25 K. He names thtTfoUowinir vntneBsesjB' prV 111S COO l III lions nini'-uvr "I"'", " v ' vat ion of, said land, v'.z: Jas. Hall, V. Ijine, henntielfl. A. H. Perkins, all of Heppror. tiUa Co., Or. 81-K.H li. I.. BMlTtt. Uegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Office at La Grande. Or., Nov. in, '83. Notice is herehy given that the followinx named settler has tiled notice of his intention P. make final ))rof in support of his claim, nr d that wd proof will l)u matin before A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Dec. 22, lf-s:f, viz: William. Bolten, I). S. No. for the SW Sec. 2, Tp 4 8, B V. V M. He names the followirir witneanes to nmi coiii- II. A Elbert Allen, all ot DwitiBT, lteister NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Office at I.a(irande, Or., Nov. 2, '88. Notion is herehy Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention P. make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will he mailt before the County judge of Umatilla Co., at I'endletoD, Or., on Dec. 21, 1H83, viz: Edward Bristow, Homettead No. 2rttH, for the KK U NE i E t PR Sec. 10, HW NW Sen. 1 1, '1 p 4 H, K M K, W. M. He names the following witnesses to provehiscontinuousreBider.ee upon, and culti vation of, said land, v;i: J. H. Cliltmd. Wm, Howard, Peter Jorguson, J. P. Viehrock. all ot. Alhn. Or. 85-ttl if. W. DwiGHT, lie gister NOTICE -TIMBEK LAND. Ind Office at Iji Grande. Or., Nov. 18, 8f. nlice is lierehy given that r.rtwin Is. liichop. nrm-e his eontnuitius resnlfuce oion. vnlion of, said land, viz: K. Kilcnp, Thompson, Jajnes F Lena, Dr. aiww Allen, H. W. C3nCSQffi3mHd sitpliontion to purchase bum i ., , . i i.m... 'j ilIj .... O llie ACt tn V ongress, approveu miw o, titled an Act for the salo of timber and stort. i .. :.. ..i:r....: vu..,.la ,.,! WhuI.. mgion xerniory, lor uie cj'. 74 c-u. o, j 1 o 27 K, W. M., containing 1W Hcres. Final proof herein will be made after sixty days publication, and within ninety days from date hereof. S5-44 H. W. DwttiHT Kegiste NOTICE OF INTENTION. 6p Ijind Office at The IJallen, Or., Nov. 18, '03. ',,t:.n i herehv riven that the following-namei: settler has filed noticeof his intention to niake final proof in support of his claim, and that sa:u proof will b made before i'hilip rame. Stockmen, Farmers, and the Public Generally. .. YOUNG &. RODKEY, Alkali, Or'gii, -)AND TIIE( Celebrated Schuttler Wagon MTll 8, K 2B K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Stephen Ualand, A. J. Jlreeding, Holomon Maytieia, Bliiciicii iwaimii. all of Happner, Or. rK AVhich I will Furnish at Portland Prices, Freight Added. -(o)- CHICAGO WEEKLY ipif; AND THE Heppner Gazette! FOB $3.2B a Year. FrRr! Is'- Yorp 1 v . --Beg leave to cfdl your attention to their large and choice stock of G E N K R A L M E R C H A N D I S E, Complete in every department. If you do not see what you want, ask for it We have got it. TPe are Agetitsfor Koshland Bros., Commission Merchants, Graders and Packers. LIBERAL CAS1I ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. BEST ATTENTION GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS. Cash Advances made on Wool, Sacks Furnished at Lowest and Wool Rates. Cnsjj Advances Made on Consignments of Wool, Hides and Deer Skins. Sheep Pelts, Beef , Saddle Main Street, cQ. D. SMITH, and J-Lamies S Taker, Alkali, Oregon. Keeps conntaii'ly on hand a full assorfmenf of Harness, liridles, Wlffife!Sadclles, Collai-s. 1b short eve rrthin in my line. All work in my lin lruule to order, and from the bet Santa Onus and Stockton leather. SiwcTiirTioNs.0KEPAIBIKG DONE SUBSTANTIALLY AND WITH TASTE. JNO. A. HENDIHX A. 1M. GUNN, o WILL SURVEY YOUU 8 LAND AK1 13 lack s m i GIVE YOUR NUMBERS Corrtc'.lj. IlEPrxp.it, til OltEGON n resiiles one mile oad a Lalf up , ShoCltlff rind Santord Canyon. 9 1 Jobbin otary at Heppner, Or, James on Dec. 28, 188.H, viz: Hughes, K. Ij. Pmttb, tleKioter. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Ijind Office at Ln HrBtid", Or., Not. 1, 'ft Kotinn in herehv niven that the following nmned settler ha iilinl notice of hid intention P. ninke final priMif in support of hiu cliiira. ami that eaid prK)f will be made before A. MaUoty Noiiry Public at Jieppner, nr., on ukc. , w., viz: . Anavs Hale, P. S. No. 085, for the E NW 8W M NE ?. Sec. i!6, Tp 3 8, K 27 E. W. M. he nainen the fo. -lowin witnew to prove his contu uon resi dence upon, and cultivation of. Haid land, viz: A . 8. liorch. Wm.t'mnk, Holxrt Watkmii. Joseph t rank, all ol Heppner, 1 r. Hi.4K 11, DWIQHT. ueg'Hier. "NOTICE. TLMBEIiLAND. V. S. Land Office at La Orarde, Or., ) Novemlier 22. 1SHS. ( Vidiiw i Vierehv ffiven that Timothy H. Hibe. haa tliix d;iy made application to enter under thr Act of 'nireH8. approved June 5, 1K78, entith an Act for theualeof tiratierard iitone land.t in the stat ee of t aliforaia. Ureon, nnvaua ai u j.; Waahintrton Territory, for tlie Btt H N"c. i, 1 H. li 27 K, W. M., ontainir. 18 2f-l(l acre Final prof herein will be made after U week publication, and within l) day from the dntr hereof. -!) H. W. DwiOHT, Renner. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T xr d Office at The Dalle, Or., Nov. 21, 'K Notice ia herehy Kiven that the followi r named aettler haa hied noace of hia intentioi. make final prfa.f in mippovt of hia claim, li-'! tlutt said proof will be niaile lfore H. .i -i-don. Notary at Alkali, Or., on Jan. in. loM, tiz c James Is. Titus, Pre-emption No. 2i:(l, for the 8 , NE J Per Tp8. HSU E. lie names the followinir neeamto prove his Bontinnon reaid-nre mi;m and cultivation of. aid land, viz: W. W. Oxh v-y G. Skinner, of Fowil, Wasco f'o.. Or., John t a. y J". C. llaird, of Alkali, Waeco ("-.. Or. Stit K. U fulfil. iU-ur S3 o If