0 --f I HEITXEK, THURSDAY, DEC, 20, ism, j Before another issue of this sheet works its passage through the press, Christmas Day will have arrived and departed, and in ' advance of the day the Gazette wishes a Merry Christmas .to all. The people of the Heppner Hills have had a prosperous year, and have much to' be thankful for. This is the season for doing good, and the time to feel that liberty, poverty or prosperity make broth ers of us all. Let hearts and ideas be enlarged, and let everybody say with the poet: , No pent-up views contract our powers; No church, no party, is refused ia ours; For all grtod causes we canfiml a place In all mankind, a brotherhood we trace. COUNTY DIVISION.; Our neighbor; of the Weston Leader, in writing of our too-big county, says: Umatilla county is largo enough, and has wealth enough, and popu lation enough for thfeo counties, and three good counties its well Besides which, such division would be a great financial and traveling convenience. It ; 1ms . actually dawned upon the Pendleton Tri bune, after a ptruggle of many years, that : the administration of law in such a large county as Uma tilla is very expensive to the peo ple. But of course it sees no way of bettering the present unsatis factory state of affairs. It would be too much to expect the Tribune , to realize that it costs more to have three hundred jurors and witnesses travel an average distance of thirty miles to reach the county seat, and to remain there three weeks, than it would to have the same number travel ten miles to reach three county seats, and be obliged to re main only a week. These may not be actual figures ; but they serve to illustrate the point to any one deji, to conviefion. The same principle applies to sheriff's foes. But it is tic2sdiucult a problem for tho Tiib- une. It does our stomach good to read in the dispatches that Postal Sharp James Iuib returned to New York from Oregon, "where he suc ceeded in perfecting a mail system so that no delay is nowsexperienc ed in thelik-ibution of mail mat ter." But when we find that the Daily Oregonian containing this dispatch took five days to come from Portland, and that urgent business lottere often take even longer, we feel that Bnj Jim has . succeeded in perfecting the .most damnably inefficient service in- the country. NE WS NOTES. , . The racehorse Jim Renwick has been sold for H0O0. t , . O'Donnell, who shot the in formeiij Garey, was hanged at Lon don Inst Monday morning., , The desperadoes who recently robbed a Southern Pacific train and murdered four persons at Bis bee, Arizona, have been captured, Sneak thieves are becoming alarmingly bold in Walla Walla. One recently entered the house of a policeman and carried off his watch and money. During this season there have been shipped from Pendleton 18'JO tons or wheat. Had the railroad been built to Centerville in time, twice that amount would have left the depot there. The cars 'of the Oregon Short Line are now running into Oregon. Ihey will cross back into Idaho, and by the 1st of January will be running on regular time to Weiser City, and a month later to 'Olds' Ferry, sixteen miles this side of W eiser. Villard has resigned the presi dency of the O. T. Co. and the 0 ia. v v., ami is succeoiUHi i ' W. Endicott and T.J. Coolidge. It is also reported that Yillard is to resign the presidency of the Northern Pacific, and be succeeded by Billings. Two car-loads of immigrants daily come orer the Northern Pa cific railroad, and the greater por tion of them are settling in East ern Oregon and. Washington Territory. It is thought the ad vent of spring will greatly increase the tide of immigration. Astoria may yet t-eeure her rail road. . A number of Eastern capi talists have agreed to" buiLPjtbe THE GAZETTE. road providing the. AstoriaHs rake I a subsidy of 200,000, ; to be paid wheu t Imd ci.1 lf Itherls. not, another grand fizzle the people of Astoria will. hear the shriek of the steam engine in the near future. Senator Plumb has introduced a bill providing that every non-commissioned officer, private or other person discharged from the army during the war of the rebellion, within two' years from the date of enlistment on account of disability incurred in time of military duty, shall receive a warrant for 100 acres of land. .'; The thieves who were arrested and convicted for stealing goods saved from the Weston fire were let off with a small fine, - says the Examiner, while a poor tramp who stole a few nails from Van Worm ington's blacksmith shop in Milton was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. If this is justice, then make the most of it. Mr. Winans has slaughtered 100 stags in the vabt combined forests which he rents from Lord Lovat, The Chisholm, Sir A. Matheson and other proprietors, being an average of seven for each day's shooting. Mr. Winans' preserve extends to nearly 250,00'J acres, and his rent is about .17,000 r year. If one estimates fairly for extra expenses, it would appear that each beast which he slays costs him at least .150. Last season he killed 186 stags. ; A horrible accident' occurred above LaGrande on. Saturday last. Mrs. Fuller, the unfortunate vic tim; was subject to epileptic fits, and when thus seized was en tirely helpless, having no con trol of her limbs. Saturday she was alone in thee house, ami when her husdand returned he was horrified at finding the charred re mains of k4-w4k.kan'; on the floor, she having been literally roasted alive. It is supposed that the unfortunate lady was seize; with a fit and fell across the stove, Railroad Grubbing. Hays the Wasco Sun; Iweuty square miles of land has bejii graobad on the south side of the Columbia ltiver from Wallula across the State of Oregon and forty square miles on the norta side of the Columbia across the Territory of Washington, making sisty square miles iffr lamkfor evory mile in length of a lin3 rrd?Aillula to Portland held from the people, uri?-nilf)f it given or granted under provisions which the grantees have never attempted to rocogn ze have never intended to fulfil, and in pursuance of tliat power w!uo; by fraud and paid traitorimn ull along in lino hia nut only graaped a dominion of lauds never earned, but seized the frje right of the people to a grat river, a grand ooinm -r Cial hiirhwav. and the only channel of relief from a system of higliway robbery the eiin.dof which cauaot be shown on the American continent., istiilfed Clubs. To ee-"v cash' subscriber to the Hepi'NEH Gazktts we wOl, besides sending them the paper for a year, give them a year's subscription on other papers with whom we club, at the following reduced rates: Oazktti: and Portland Weekly St-aud- ard. 1 year, 4.1)0. Gazette and Chicago Weekly News, 1 year, 3.25. Gazette and Farmers' Companion, year, 6X0. (Ji'.zettk and Willamette Farmer, vear, 4.00. The Tree. 1 he nourishing town of lleppuer ex tends a cm irdial invitation to iti neigh bois ou all sides to attend the exercises at the church on Christmas Eve. The Christmas Bush will be loaded wit! ireteuts. Perhaps there will be some thing there for you, and perhaps not. If not, you ciyi erqoy seeing others made happy especially the little ones.' Let everyone, resident or stranger, feel that he.or she, as the case may be, is wel come " lieiilli on the Knil. On the Northern Pacific last year, ac cording to official report, two passengers were killed and two injured, from causes lieyond their own control. Thirty-five, employes were killed and 'rl injured from causes beyond their own control Bv their own misconduct or want of o re, '24 employes were killed and-50 in jured. A new stock of Buckingham & Hecht's French Kip, .Boss and Hercules hoots and ladies' shoes at Ifeppuer J; Black mini's. CHRISTMAS EVE BALL!! To Be Given on MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 4 BY Willow Lodge, No. 60, 1. 0. 0. R, - -in-ODD FELLOWS' HALL, . IIEPi'NEK. SUITER atTIONEER HOTEL. Tnofi. Morgan, Floor Manager. Committee of Arrangements: M. C.UNX, S. P. FLORENCE, C. W. YOUNOOREN. Tickets uow on sale at Mallory'e Drug Store.; Secure .them before the supply is e?hautelc- i The New Mine. A ' correspondent writing from Fi . -. j Ctif d'Aleue Dec. 12, says: sunulv utatiou for Ivith the This' is the jui.l -aUli ninth the south forks of the U.eur cL'Aleue river; rjotwithHtaudinK all that ia said to the contrary, their is no trail open. The rei orts are ver y flattering, and specimens aJe Hhown here of wonderful richness and value. One nugget was brought do-rn yesterday and bought by Mr. Tails for !?00 that was takeii out of a new claim, and has made its owner very happy. Quite large investments are made "daily by wealthy men from all , jfarts vt the country." 'rSeverid - parties have been up and down the iSwrth fork in boats, and report this the future road way . for supplies." The weather is perfectly splendid and the climate is equal to that of California, With -no snow and light frosty nights. In fact the fu ture of this point will be as grand as the suiroundings, which areas beautiful as an artist s dream-of Paudin. The lake is filled with splendid trout and its placid surface mirrors back the gently slopmf oaniis ooruereu witn pine, spruce and cedar forests. . .,: Uinriiig Matter. , . We would respectfully call the atten tion of the present grand , jury to to following facts: A short time since J- Jim mile nlBUghtcitfii nbuni or i?jr of hogs at his ranch up the creek, jlfd of course the usual amount of hour- made sausage was run through his py cutter and sulkey plow. Then the aid Jim Fuller took to town in his hack f- eral big dishes of the Baid home-rale sausage. And while some of Insjold neighbors were .temporarily absent from their houses, he supped in and lern Bn eral of the" aforesaid dishes or rxme made sausage, and thereupon sli jpd mt airaim We ubmit that he outii to to ill be . indicted for excessive modesty; in Hetumer. and what is now Uuat a county, hut what is going to be other couutv after a while. - Hone Memory and 5'ioney. A rich man was Hearing his disnta- tion. He lav upon his dying bed, us eye was growing dim, and with a ffcMe voice he called his frown-up sou to mm. Look here, my boy," the old man sail, i will uot make a will, but don t forgery son, to bring, around a little 0111, to our neighbor John, up the creek, lid Dor rowed a quarter of .me." ' Piano liaffle. An elegant Horace Waters Calinet OruudjFiano will bo raffled off at G V. Swaggart's on CI rlhtmas day. Onemn dred chances at 5 each. It is not ou ex hibition at P. L. Paine s ofhee, and this is a fine opportunity for some oie to get a fine instrument for almost notliig. Hejtpiirr Nursery. , Flic in-Rat (!c-mai;d for huiuo-irniwn tref8nnt- ed to thin dry climatB hin ii.duwil mo to -ciub- Imh a nursery here. I Iliivo ln lu nurncrj aim tro pliuitir.g business for 22 yearn, iu:d hoi lo hupci'wI in ruiaina trar to ll hi modoitu pnciw. I will bo able to ull any ord-ir for itt Horinu delivorv Honlo. mmr and eliorry. Ora Krown. Hmitll fruit Had onmmontal 1- a torn stick. Noxt fall 1 can f urninli cbiorly of liorap-gnwn Htock. Also houo to lmv( forwl. trort uuwn without lrriUHtiop. uru very rhoiip ill lars raan titios. Five hundred founds of tno (teed; for tiuilit-r culturi'H, warrantod thiM yeur'n Kro-lh, to arrive aliout ftov, W. Jfnco liH sent to Hppli vanta (.'has. K. Fjll. ESTRAY NOTICE. Trtkn up fy tlie u,irM!Kii.,l, Hi.rt luwtfr; cordicu to law, one coal-black colt, two yoari-ild Inst mirii-K, branded K on loft eliouldor, witb ii t:l. Said uriinul can bo won at my hm On Little Iiiitlor croi-k, aUmt live uiilos bolow L--iia potitotlLt-p. Haid oolt is upyraidt'd by A. Mallipj-, JnnticH of tlio l'oace, at tor.ii. , - . lloppnor. Otni.. Dec. 17, 'M. Wl NOTICE OF INTENTION. ! Land Office at La Grande, Or., Deo. IS, XI Notice, is hereby Kiven that, tiie follomin namcd settler lui lihd notice of hia in ten tin to make hnal proof in eupport it hi( clnim. id tliat xaid proof v.;.U be made before (1. W.Bib op, Notary at Heip:ier, Or., on Jan. idrl, 1M rii: Millard t French, D. S. So.Sa3, for the W!, NE and V ', St H 3r, Tp ;t!S, K J E, W. M. lie uamee thfol liiwine wttr.et-eies to prove hia continuous Mi donce upon, and cultivation of, eaid land, vil 11. li. Moriroom, of Vinson, Or.; J. J. Hittctwm :'. ). ( ox, Lewu BriKira, of lleppner, Or. ii'.'-'l H. W. Dwit-ht, lieeri'tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. , Land Office at La (Jrar.de, Onwwi UPC. II. 1HH3. ) ' Notieo iheroly (tiven t lint, the following-ruined settler haH tiled noiite of hiii inteution to bike final proof in support of hia claim nrd thft'Jiid prieif will ba made bufore A. Mallory, Nary Public at Heppner, Or., on Jan. laHl, vil Elbert K. Williavixon, 1. fi. No. 30. for the N H NV U Soo. 21, S h Nl1 r?c. Tp it H, U V K. . He names thf ful hiwinff witr.tteHOH to pi-oe hie oontimiouA ai d nice uijihi, and cultivation of, said land, fir: Pardon Willmmnon, Jarvia Wallitce. Paiick Quniil, Alburt 0in:i, all of lleppnej. Or. i HH-41 l. W. DwiitUT, IteKiew. ,, NOTICE OF, INTENTION. , 1 '. i tjand Office at1 La firai do Orejror.f . Die. 11, 1W3. ' Notice in hereby priven tliat the follnnwj named settler has bled notieo of hia iutentiii to make tinal proof in fupiort of his claim, tnd that said pnpof will lie made Is'fore A. Mal)ry. Notary Public ut lieppuor, Or., on Jan. 1V4. vi: Thomas C rot hem, D. H. No. 473?. for the 8 j NE U S 'i NW H iee. , Tp 3 8. 11 27 E, W. M. He luonns the foliy iiiK witi.fsatw ti prote hia continuous residnce noon ai:d cultivjition of, naid land, viz: ('hirles Wallace, Jarvis Wallace, I). A. llerreu, Jiyph ( 'ami on. ail of Hepp ii-r, Or. 3.M4 llKNRt W, DwroBT. Kofriatf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I Land Office at Lu Grande, Or., Dec. 10, '8. Notice is hereby eiven that the follwt nniniit settler has riled notice of hia intention to make tii;al proof in support of his claim, tnd that sMid proof will be made before E. VV. fur row, ivitary t'uour at t'enitletiin, ur., on J, Jl. 14. Tiz: Frederick Minard, D. R. No. $514. for the E 'i HV U SE 1 W U and SW t E Hx. a, Tp 1 8. R '.! E. Y. M He tiaines the following witnesses to prove his enn tinuous residor.co iiiifin, aiid cultivation of eaid bind, viz: Jnnins McCuinber, John Shaw CharlM , i imiiira uudiui; nuiu, 1,11 (jl v lltSOTj r H'.'-lt H. W. Uwrnwr iWier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . Land Offloe at The Halloa. Or, ) make hyal pnKif in support of lii claim. Pnd derson. Notary nt I nasi I, Or., on Feb. 1, lv4 Tll John Sladtlork, ' jT-e-empuon .-V). est. lor the tK 'i v , r ' V NE , Sec. 2. Tp 5 8. tl 21 E. 11, the followihR wituesww to rove his continuous n-eiderce upon, aim cultivation of, said !,, j T Win. Lddon, Knmk Hryne. Kd. I ummir,KS, F'rauk 5!iJL!lISi.Keci'rter. ' NOTICE.- 1IOM ESTEVIX ' V. 8. Land Office at The Dalle Or ) Nov. 80, lvi. '' " omp:aint navi-it oeen enterl at this orTicA hr Edward A. Brundnw asairrst John Hudson f0r abandamr e his homestead entrv No. li;;i ,L, a May lri, 1-:t nr-m the E i, Sli kacd E t i J w Si-. J, Tp 3 H, K 26 E, in LmaAla ,',. ?. with a view to the cancellation of said einrv'. the on thtJHth any of Jh'mw. at in V M.. to iwMr.d utd fuminh tetimoDy concerning . s K- L Smith, llei,t C. N. TaoS!l!mT,. Ilecflver. . Vaeful Sheep. inillllK " ' - " uuw.' k-' ' L 1 1 1 IX " n .1 t .. . . j 15-arre neunu. corn ueiouging to esniitb and were there 56" hour b 1 .IIa0n.vM.l 41,. Col. before discovereu. iiv uppjsea mj oom .was ruineti, anu mm, me Biieep Lai eat up the whole business. On the contrary, ti,eV had eaten every living plant in that field except the corn, and they tramped the soil down and pulverized it, leaving it in tine condition for hogs when they eanie to be turned in. The owner ex pects to raise next year 60 bushels of wheat to the acre on that field. Besides this, he saved one working of the corn, 3uu wAit iimohh.wiu tfi snowing mui owtd, wild oats, or any other otwsed ness will be left to seed the ground. To the Children. Every boy or girl attending the Hepp ner publio school can have their name, (he or she, as the case may be), published in the Gazette under the head of lioll of Honor that can attend school live consecutive days without . fighting, chewing gum in the schoolroom, throw ing paper wads at the ceiling, whisper ing without ermisBion, missing over three out of four of the questions asked in each recitation, or being reprimanded over once during the five days '. Any boy or girl that can till the above bill is good iuh to mndo nn averaire American JLj TJ M 15 E Tt v f All kinda of ROUGH and DRESSED LUM BER, SHINGLES, ETC., kept constantly o-n hand. We have recently received a large Tete stock of ana comrui FIRST - CLASS L UM BEE, - SIHSGLES, CEDAR ; , : rosTs, etc, , , .' Which we w ill sell at lowest pos sible figures. G ive us a call. DANIELS cfc HERREN, CfiBtle Iloek. ALKALI LADIES, ATTENTION ! I hare on hand a Choice Line of MILLINERY, And am Constantly receiving New and Fashionable Goods, which I am prepared to sell at San Francisco Prices, As the greater part of my goods are Direct from the East Please give me a civil, and I will guarantee prices satisfactory. MRS. J. E. 1IASKIN, . . Alkali, Oregon. CITY HOTEL BAlvf Jk'iice Wines, Liquors & Cigar?. JLTNOR & HALL, Prop's. AUMIMSTUATOR'S NOTH'E. N OTK'K is hereby gifon that the nn(1orai)rned hnethiaduv been nntiointed admini'Uator of the estate o Kdward H. Waite, deceased. All perHona havina claims aainat said estate are hereby required to present the same in iitin to me, or to uiy attorney, P. L. Paine, at his otK -in Heppner, Oretron, within i montha from the date hereof, ( has. S. Waitk, Administrator. lleppner. Or., Uoc. 6, Ml Lite Co ' MINOR '& DODSQN, r, Grocery and Variety'" Store, MAIN STREET, -ioY W Kmtn in Sfeirt.- Gooeries. Provisions. Frpncli and American Candies, other Fruits iu season, jSuts,1 Cigars and Tt)l)acco, Meerchaum Pijies, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Cutlery, Fishing ; . Tackle, Guns,. .Pistols and Cartridges. FRANKLIN SQUARE AND SEASIDE Tllll-tf. . TUtl HUH! CI T J. B. Main Street, - - - - MANUFACTURER OI- Lao-cr Beer, Ale and Porter. Families Furnished with Bottled , Beer , on ; Short Notice .. Lunches of OYSTERS, ; SAPvDINES AND California, Limbukger and Stviss Parties in the country must will be charged. J. C. DODSON, PROPRIETOR Or The Alkali Livery, WEST MAIX ST., My xr lernis are iieaKuiutuic. , . . "i - Stock Left in My Care . ' Will bo Well Attended IIsv ,uI Grain o ib BeetQriality Jvept in Fall Stock rnd For le, . i. HASSLLU IIEIUIEN k HASSELL, Geneml Commission" Merchants ! ... - Boll on Cumuuiittiua . . WOOL, GRAIN, SHEEP PELTS, BEEF KIDES, DEERSKINS, FTC. ' ' ' ' ' Owlvn in ' GRAIN" AND WOOL BAGSr FLEECE 'AXD SEWING TWINES. Liberal Cash Advances made on Con signments. (WrTnixuidenee and Conirirnrnent mdicitcd. 15 North Front Street,' Portland, Can. IIEPPNEH BAKERY, Jas. A. Gerwick, Proprietor. Next, to' Odd fWIouV Hull Main S't. Fresh Bread, Cakea and Every Day. Pies HOT COFFEE A LUNCHES AT ALL HOURtf. A full supply of Fresh Cndis, Nuts CanntMl Goods, 'eta., constantly on hand. O. RHALLOCK, May Sheet, - - ' - Hepfmcr, i )DEALEB I5( Drugs and Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glas and Putty,' . . -)AND ALL TABMT11M OF( DruKcrists' Sundries. -:o: ClGARS AND Tobacco, WINES & LIQUORS FOR Tllll-tf. MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Belvedere Saloon, o rWm Thcodoi-e, Iro'p. )KEEP8 ONLY TnE( '- V ery Best of Whiskeys, The Belvedere Cigars, With Havana Filling,, - , TJie Finest in Heppner. Fine Neit' Billiard Table for, Amimement of Guext.t. the HEl'PXEE, OREGON. a. Full T.in tt 'it' - -' Stationery, Fancy Goods, Orantres, Lemons, Bananas and LtRRARIES. ROUND BOOKS" Bl AUlliVKS. GEO HUE I1V.ERES. B 11 111 "W E II Y, NATTER, Prop'r, - Heppner, Oregon. All Kinds: LOBSTERS Cheese.' ' return empty kegs, or $10 apiece Feed and Sale Stable, ALKALI, OREGON. V-1 To. Feed i ant 0 Sale Stable, ALKALI, - - UHEGOX. r ir HOODfrTopV"1 .1 .JO e Horses. Bought and .SoliLj.MV.Cvw mission. . . : r.:,'-- '',' TUE BEST ATTENTION G1VEJ TO HOUSES LEFT IN 3vDf CHARGE.. ' . . . - . . - Terai8 1'ottsonnble. ' . Stock Shipid to any part of the Coun try as Ordered. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . . - - ,- . 7 Irfiritl Orticp nl La (irandc; Or.. Not. !7, 'b,1. Xotie i( h'nKy (riv-n that the fullowinff nurnfd settler hiw filed noticp vt hi iuteution to nmkr- iuml proof in wipport of hiclnim. and thut iid pnxif wiU he mnile before A. Mallor, No tary rublii! at HHpjnr. Or., rm lc. rjvJ, a: Ale.ramier !cn, D. S. No. 4712, for the HK N W ' NE Vi W Bn,l W H m Sec. IS, T 4 S, K ifi K, Vv . M, H iiume ttie folluwius witnotww to pnTe nis cor titiuoue n-Hidenoi, uiion. nd uultiVHtion of, paid Ibou. viz: H. H. II nrd, A. J. Sli-Kllilie, IIiid- iel 11. jStultur.Wm. I. Mallory, nil. of llopiinr, UniHtillu Co., Or. S5-40 - H. W. Dwiqht, P.wUter. NOTICE?TIMBEJR CULTURE." land OfTlc lit The Dnllw, Or., l)oc. l. "Sit. ComDlnint hsvimr btmi entered Mt tliia otllre lr Clinton N. Pock, Bgiunut Janif Lurk num. for fuilurp to comply with law rh to timbor-cultnr pntryTSo. IW7, lted WHroli 11, 12, upon the !W i Bee. 4, Tp 2.8, K 2R K, in I nnitillK county. Or- t-KOn, vrith Tiow to the ninprllution or Hid en try; contentaut nlleffing tlifll'twid Jnrap Luck inan bM failed to brotik or emiwi to bs'. broken five acres of said tract from date of entry to pres ent time. The haid parties am hereby enniniontd to appear at tha-ofticw of -tii V. Hinhop, Kotty at llenpner, on the 2Sth day of January, l,vi4. at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and turuiah tentimoi.y ooncerniug said alk-Kt'd fi ilure. C. N. TnoRNBt-RT, Keccivsr., i r , r ; f-ii NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalle. Or., Nut. 21. '83. Notice in hereby (riven th'd the following named settler ha tiled notice of hia intention to make final proof in mipport of hi i laim, at d that paid proof will bt made beforo G. W. llinh op, Notary at. Heppimr, Or., on Jan. lu, XbHX, Ti: ThviiUin J. Smith, Pre-emption No. W04, for the K V, NV 4 K H SW Ki Buc. 2l),Tp 3 H, li !M E. Ho natni-a the follow ing witnaoH to prove, hia oontiimoup renideii'-o upon, and cultivation of, miid lard, Tii: W. H. ;unnii)((lmm. Kolit. JoluiHon, Fremon lt;ea, J. Ball, all of lleppnw, Or. s-41 - K. L. Smith, Keinter. NOTICE OK FINAL SKTTLEiPENT, i VOTIC'E is hereby ivn thnt the uiulersimevl -Ll administrator of the eetat'.i of Juiiv-a fur rier, decerned, has this day tiled with the county court of Umatilla oounty. 8tat orTtrreiroii, his final account as ntlininistrator of snia estate, ai d that Eridiiy, the Uth day of January, A. D. 1M4. theaaine Iwii'K dnrii. the licit rennlur twion of said court, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, in the court house in Pendleton, has been ap pointed by the Jude of said court as the linio and place for hearintf objections to said account, and for the showing of cause, if any there be. why an order be not made, diHCl.arKii x eui au rniniHtrator from further duty as such, ai d re. leasinn his sureties from further liability on their undertaking. Etl.ts Mtoii, Adtuitiiiittatyr. rniUFU Faikf, Atlornfy. Heppnar, Orr-oii, Dec. 8, laS.1. . ; U. 8. Ijnd OIKch at The Dalle. Or.; ( Novemtier to, leKl. OoniDlaint bavins been entered at thin office by David J. Kelley amiiiiut 8. 1'. Hharti for failure to comply with law an to timber-cult ure entry No. 405, (lUliKi UCt. at, tHl, UpOIl UKJiNt', ft. Tt. lu i north, tuinne 20 I'J, iirumatilla County, nr.. with a view to the cancellation of said entr); contestant allatrinit that said H. F. Sharp haa failed to nlow or rilant any nart of satrt tract from date of entry to the present time, as required by law. The nam parties are noreny snimnoricu to apuaar at the onice of T. K. Hrainet, notary at- Ella, Or., on the 27th day of December, 1W3, at 10 o'clock 4. M., to reBiiond and furniMh teMi raouy concerning aaid alleitiHl failure. r.. li. juth, iieifiHter. C. N. Tuor.tfBCBT, Iuivi)r. Q NOTICE TO TAX-FAYEP.S. O TOTirE is horeb iriviin that I -will me the 1 1 tuit-payer- at die uuiial votinv places, of tba several precincta of Cinatilla county, Oretion, on the tlays heremarter mentionett. Tor me purpos of collecting Btate and t'ounty taxea, for the vear lHUa: , Ureasewoocf, Monday and Tuesday, Not. i and I, 1883. - - Juniper, Wf ditosdiffT NoV. 7, 18tS . Vansycte. Tliun-lay, Nov. N, 1(3. Milton, Friday, rWurday and Monrlny, Nov. f in O and 12, lXt. ; . . T'ottonwood, Tuesday, Nov. IS, Vm. Flumeville, Wednnsuay, Nov. 14, 1KHJ. Mountain, Friday. Nov. 18, lxHt. ' ' ' Weston. 8arurday, Morday and TuewliJf tlNov. IT, IV and 2(1. 13. Oonterville, Wdjiedny, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21. 22 and 23. 1HH3. Pendleton, from a) d aft'ir Nor. 'it, 1HHJ. Alta, Wednesday, Nov. -2H, 1SWI,- ' . . Willow Hprinics, Thursday, Nov. 29, IShS. Camas, Hatnrduy, Dec, 1, lHhX , r Upper Uutter I reek, .vtonrtny tmc. I. Int. Lena. Tuesilay, Doc. 4. Iah3. Heppner, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, D. o, 7 ana , iw. , Wit !rw ( 'mctc. tdMiTiirer'tJ I. Mnr.ilnv. ller?. ID. W Mow Creel. CCecirs , TueHiny; Ur.i ?. ir, imt. Wells Kprinim, Wednesday, lec. 12, 1H.-3 It. Lower Ilutter Creek, Friday, Deo. U 1H. 111 hu iwH nHiuriuiy, urn, i-, irvw, L'rtiatilla, Monday, LV'C. 11 lMN), All persona who havetiol hon wmeaned fur.tli vear IhJ are reoueHted to attend at the aame lima i i3. m. j. .. r, it ii.t.'o and place, and trive-in their afseeament. Time tor attenuipK to nuniueea cai-ti uay: iron 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. , i , ri '' Pate.1 October 19, 13. I'll TM. MAWrtK, 31-tf Biieriff of TJniatilia County. L.ni) Orvrt t, at Tim Dai.i.m, o., t Dec. 17, 1WS. ) Notice is hereby niven that the followiric named settler baa tiled nolica of hia intention to make nal proof in hneinDI of hia -claim, and that eaid priaf will be made before G. W. Bish op, Notary at Hejipner, Or., on Jan. So, lHe4, viat Thomas J. Wilson, Pre-emption No. for the N ', N W )4 Hec. Tp'2H, K 2fl E. He ramea the following wit neexea to pror hia oontinuoua reaidifnce upon, and cultivation of, iaid land, vil: Alfred Rting lr. Mi en Htimilov. Thoma Moruan, Chan. J. CAOTl all of lie poei, llyjtilla ("o. (Hr. ' E.- Li. III, IM-Risier. NOTIC?: OF INTENTION. Ind Office at The Dalles, Or.. Deo. 17, 'RS. Notice i hereby Riven that the following-namr! aettler haM tiled nioe of hia intention to make tinal proof in aapport of km olaiiti, ami that nid pniof will be made before lU'irinter and Keceiver at The Dallea, Or., ou Feb. 2, lxM, iz: Thomas M. Lane, Homestead No. 756. for Die N VV 4 tbic. . Tp f H. Kilt, lie names the- following wilneoaes to prove his continuous reidei.ee upon; and cultiva tion of. aaidland, tii: I). H, Smith, E. B. Hinith, E. W. 8aiidereii. V. H.. JeUaoii,, nil of twail, Waaeo ( '., Or. SMI E. I- Hmith. IWiator. N0TICE.-TnOECULTUJiE Land Office at The Dullea. Or.'. N. 27, '83. Comprint haviim Iwen entered at tai office by Geo. W. Iiush atrainat Ephriara Eatfla for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry Nos M, (Wed Oct. 12, im. tipoB the NE V H-c. 28, Ti 1 N, H 20 E, in Vruatilla county, Or., with a view to the cancellation of said entry: ronteatant al leciDR that auid Ephriam Ete liaa failed to break or cairo to be broken five acres of said tract during the aecond year, and failed to culti vate during the wcond year the fire acres plowed tiie fimt year. Tlie said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at the office of O. W. Bishop, Notary at lleppner, Or, on the lat day of Febru ary, isht, Bt 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and fur-t nish testimony coDCeniin said a!)e(r-d failure. -." E. L. bMtra, Kejnstor. C. N. Tbok.vbcky. KegiW, fci-.mij H New Livery, e