0. THE GAZETTE. llEITNETt, THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1R83. Local arid General. A large stock of Ixioti an I shoes received ut J: Lt Morrow & Soir'9. just Mr. Wia. Duran, of Black Horse, Las returned from his Eastern trip. , . A large and elegant assortment of meerschaum goods at J. L. Morrow & fiou's. . , . A full and complete lino of trunks, satchels and valises at Heppner & Black man's. . The only place to get barbed wire, nails, pumps, shelf hardware, etc., is at W. J. Leezer's. Just arrived, 60 cases celebrated Bea con Light coal oil, 100; sole agents, Heppner & Blackmail; Seasons come and seasons go, but t-ookstoves go on forever, and the pl'ace to get one is at "W. J. Leezer's. The people of Little Butter creek and vicinity enjoyed an ull-niht dance at Charles E. Hmton's place last Friday, Don't fail to inspect the new stock of children's and Misses' saoques, ladies cir culars, etc., at Heppner & Blackmail's. For a larpe variety of guns, pistols and fcccontremeiits onll and sej Heppner & lilackman before purchasing elsewhere. Sme of the moat elegant ladies' cloaks ver brought to Heppner are now on ex hibition at the store of J. L. Morrow & Bon's. Mrs. Hollowny, who was injured by being thrown from a hack ou lower Wil low creek Friday week, is rapidly recov ering. , A new stock of Buckingham & Hecht's French Kip, Boss and Hercules boots and ladies' shoes at Heppner & Black man's. . ' , We may have an open winter an;l we may not. Be prepared for the worst by Kcttijig a good heating stove at W. J. Leezer's. A portion of Mr. W. A. Kirk's new house is up and being finished, and will lie occupied until the main building can be constructed. Christmas is coming, and a large stock of elegant presents of all kinds will soon be placed on exhibition- at the variety store of Minor & DoJson. ' In the Ione m'uleYtriaV'nmthdleton, the following citizens of Heppner are serving on the jury: Mes'irs. Minor, bloan, Dutton and Sperry. There must be some big mail improve m&it somewhere, for we have actually received two copies of the Canyon City paper in the past seven weeks. For the next 30 days you can buy cookstoves at Portland prices at W, J. Leezer's. He has au immt n .e stock on the way, and must make room. To keep pace witli the progress of his neighbors and the twn in general, Mr. V. Williams has erected a neat dwell-ing-houso in Johnson Addition. A new stock of the celebrated Oliver Chilled and Moline plows, just arrived, kIho an assortment of Bain wagons on band at Heppner fe Blackmail's. Charley Mallory has been doing some tight squeezing over on Khea creek this week. The hay wt-ighed abovit '20 tons, und l,o baled it for Hon. J. ti. Wperry. Heppner has been enjoying as pleasant eatiier as it is possible to build in any country ut this time ,of year bright, sunshiny days and beautifvl moonlight rights. Mr. V. W. Kirk, of Black Horse, this week brought to Heppner some of the nicest hams and bacon ever cured in t-ne parts. It may be seen at D. A. Ilerren's. Just arrived -a consignment of the celebrated Peerless XXX Holler Granu lated Flour from W. S. Byers k Co's Pendleton Mills, And for sale at Heppner & Blackmail's. The Union Sentinel cornea to us j rinted on wrapping paper, looking as though it was in the "steer and yellow leaf." What it is a sentinel over the Jjord only knows. We are this week enablod to present several fresh news item3 stolen bodily from the Standard, whose "Pacific North west" department is an excellently-edited institution. Residents of Lone Rock and vicinity who want to take up some of Uncle Sam's dirt, can do nil their filing and proving ui before Judge Darling. He jdso attends to surveying. Just arrived a large consignment of the celebrated Triumphant brand of Teas in Perfection cans, 1-pound, 2- pound and 5-pouud each. Heppner & Blaokman, sole importers. The only place to buy the celebrated Oregon City olothing, llanuels, under wear and blankets is at Heppner & Blackmail's. Also sole agents for. the celebrated New i'ork XXX C sugars, The Heppner Bakery and Restaurant has procured the services of a new baker from California, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish fresh bread, warm meals and frjsli oysters in any style. A Klickitat sheepman sold a lot of sheep in The Dalles the other day, then went on a big bust and left his cout with $tW m one of the pockets, lying on the beach, where it was found by some of his .friends. Stockmen and farmers who have done veil this vear can now step into J. L Morrow & Sou's and select a uioe fur or sealskin-trimmed cloak for the wives and daughters who have so faithfully as sisted them. Muffins without soda, if baked in a hot oven, will be light and exoellent, says jm eastern paper. Sheepcamp flapjacks are also pretty good on a frosty morning when a fellow has lots of syrup to smother them. If our delegation in congress want to earn the everlasting gr.Uitude of this oilice, they will mail us a lot of congres sional documents and other government books to raise us up on our too-short long-legged stools while sett qj t.'pe. Judge Dutton. E. M.a ir, Jim H vger. J. IV sperry, A. M. (hum, J. Jones. E. (f Sloan ,hiuI several mom or Heppner s citizens had to go away over to Pendleton this week. ictims wof far-oil county seat. Tnrn the county out and make it over again. The Idaho Sta'evnnn siys that 20.0X1 sheen kave been killed by do -s in Obi during the past year. Guess not. It ' rinnst have leen -O.UO dogs killed by sheen as prairie chickens are killed otf in Eastern Oregon -by sheep traixirnSI cnt tlipir eif. Mrs. Fran Mongers has retard 1 to Heppner, and is stopping at the residence of her father, J. W. Giiiuire, where m my old friends and nfighb lis c ille.l upon her last Saturday e euui.j. Frmk- has sld oi;t in Webfoot, an vjli mate his future h me in Et-t-rii Ore;"n. M-. Kin j has 140 no res o" w'ne'.t all co nin,' up nicely on the upland jnst west of James Rhea's ranih. As the land as summer falio ved in good shape last spring and put in oarly this fall, the result will be looked up u as a fair tst of what that neigbborbo d can do in the wfiy of wheat raising. An Ohio paper has gall enough to ask ns to give it $5 worth of advertising for the privilege of gettin r it one year. It also wants a $1 local free, announcing fiat its editor will soon go south t i write up the country. II j can go to a stdl warmer climate and grow up with the country for all we care. Last February some Grant county sheepmen brought about 6000 very scabby wethers over to the Tnpper Butte ami kept them along the road until July. They scabbed t! entire vioinity, and st a number of our shteomn to d pping their Hocks this fall. It is esti mated that 8:),(KXI sheep have been run through the dips on acoiunt of this un lawful importation of Qraat o unty scab. ITEMS FROM I.OXB BOCK. Lone R ck will join Heppner in a new county. ' H. B. LeFevre has taken up a ranch in the country. Mrs. J. R. Ralston is having a resi dence built on West Avenue. Ladd & Co. have adddnew planes and saws to the Ijost Valley saw mill. The teacher's desk in Lone Rock Col lege is a splendid specimen of workman ship. Preparations for Christmas festivities are now progressing a.Xmas tree, grand b 'ill, etc. T. M. Ward, who represented Lone Rock on the pioneer excursion, has re turned home. John. Madden has gone to Indiana to see eastern relations. May be have a way up big time. Onr efficient county commissioner, W. S. Smith, of Lost Valley, in connection with J. W. Salisbury, of Umatilla coun ty, will soon settle the long-vexed ques tion of the boundary line between the two comities. Ieiinole. Lint o' letters Remaining uncalled for in the post- office at Heppner: Armstrong, Peter McCarty, Mrs. Lou Miles, Arthur W. Nelson, William Neal, Robert Orwin, AU'ert Porter, S. S. Priest, E. D. (2) l'e irsou, Henry lledney, John Kice, Mrs. Rice, WU1 Rice, Jo Tipton, J. W. R. Stoiiaugh, Jacob (3) Scott, Carrie Sprawls. Andrew Snyder, Jas. M. Armstrong, J. W. Armstrong, J. N. Brannon, W. W. Byland, Grant Brown, David D. Calvin, W. H. Calvin, Vincent Cline, Mrs. L. C. ' Davis, Burk Davis, D. B. Evans, Marion Eastabrooks, John Friend, Ehas Friend, Joseph A. Gardner, U. S. Gilmore, C. F. Hustings, V. M. (2) S ule, Perry E. Hammach & Smith, Scott, Geo. Uamblet, Mary E. biu.tu. Mis. W. IS. Valciit ne, G. W. Williamson, Jorden Willi u, E. It. W aikers, S .uiuel Young, Birdie Haskms. Jolin Hall, Mrs. J. W. Houston, C. W. James, S. Jones, L. P. lri calling for the above letters please say "auven.seu. U. 11. llALIiOCK, L . M. Big Offer to SubseriUer. We have made arrangements ith the publisher of the Chicago Weekly Kcws Inch enable us to club tliat p iper witu the Heppkeh Gazette at the very low price of S3.25 per ye ir, a trille over the remlar price of the Gazette r.Mne. Thus every cash subscriber to the Ga zette who will pay 83.'25 to this office, will get the Heppner paper ana t-ne jni cago paper for a year. Subscribers who have already paid for the Gazettk can get the Chicago paper a year by paying us (5 c mts. TlnfW'eA-rv New is a large eight col uran folio, "cram full" of telegraph and general news, short and pithy editorials o i tiie tonics of the day, and in all its departments aims to give facts in tew words, without the verbiage and nne writing which render so many of the large metropolitan journals a "weariness to the flesh." S;ecimen copies of the Chicago Meek ly Aeiet may lie seen at this olhce. Accidentally Shot. Last Sunday afternoon a party of small boys were up on the hillside near Sam Donaldson's, enjoying the beauti ful weather and shooting at a mark with a small pistol. While James Matlock, a son of Thomas Matlock, a boy about ten years of age, was having his turn with the weapon a cartridge missed fire, and after being snapped a few times, was thought to be no good. While turning the pistol around to examine it, the slumbering cartridge went off, and the boy was wounded. The ball tore through bis tinkers, oonHiderably injuring some of them, and then skimmed through one of his knees, but fortunately not deep euomrh to'iniure any bones. The boys thought that little pistol had done dam age enough for one day, and accordingly they tired it deep into the depths of a badger hole, where it is to be hoped it mav remain until the boys are big enough to be more careful about handling dead ly weapon?. EM'nMMl. Hon. J. L. Morrow and Frank Gilliam, who have been for several weeks kept over at Pendleton on tedious grand jury dutv, escaped last rriuay ana came home, but the mandates of the court are upon their tr.tu, and they wulhave to return on the 20th to the irksome jury room at the far-off county seat. Piano Ituffle. An elegant Horace Waters Cabinet Grand l.;no will be raffled off at G. W Swnggart's on CI r'stmas day. One hun dred chances at .) eaeh. It is now on ei hibition at P. L. Paine' a office, and this is a tine opportunity for some one to get a tine instrument for almost nothing. Carpet Wesvis. Mrs. IT. A. Ilavmnn is now rropared to weave carrHts, anil anyone wanting ftnhintf (lme in that line wi.l please gT9 her eU. o A CHRISTMAS TCEE To Be Planted In the floppier Chores Christinas Eve. A meeting was held in lh Heppner church the other evening to consider the matter of having a Christmas lree. large delegation of ladies and gentle men attended, Mr. McClary acting as president and G. W. Wright as secretary, it was resolved that a Christinas Tree gathering should take place in the church on Christinas Eve. ; Messrs. Sperry, Bisbe and Melaon were appointed a committee to march up to the timber and bring back a tree. Misses Ida Ayers, Etta Minor and Loui-ie Young were appointed a finance committee. The following committee was appoint ed to arrange presents on the tree: Mrs. D. A. Herren, Mrs. J. B. Sherry, Mrs. C. M. Mallory, Mrs. Young, Musses Hol man, Tibbetts, Mendenhall and Terhune, and Messrs. Wright, McClarv and Ayers. Miss Mendenhall, Mrs. Maliory and Mr. Pidne were apiiointed a committee to arrange a musical and literary pro gramme, and Mrs. Warren to prepare candy and pop-corn sacks for the tree. The following committee was appoint ed to carry presents from the tree: Misses Keithley, Fannie Hinton, Young and Lieuellin, Harry Warren, W. Spen cer, Art. Minor, Ueo. Fell and Lish. Sperry. Messrs. Sperry ana ilerrcn were l'inted grand marshals for the evening. Messrs. McClary and Mallory were ap pointed to call off presents, and Messrs. Leezer and Warren to hand them down. Everybody in town is invited to this good-w'll gathering, and it is to be hoped there will be a fun turn-out. Poor Burks. The Dalles Sun says: We have again been informed that many sheep owners have objected to put their bucks into the bands in a poor physical condition on account of short grass in the pastures and dry weather. This is suicidal policy. Every man owning1 a'llSnd of sheep, no matter how good his chance is, ought to have a few acres of seeded alfalfa for his bucks, that they may be in prime condi tion. This condition of bucks has been referred to by many sheep men this fall and ought to teach them a serious lesson. At PrineVille. Our neighbor town to the southwest, is a place where the people have pluck and energy enough to attract attention anvwhere burnt almost all up stores. printing office, etc.: yet it prints a neat little sheet, while its new press and type are getting to the front. It sells goods to meet all wants and enjoys its fall races as if nothing had happened. e o Two of Kind. In Portland the other day, n good-na tured German, who felt friendly toward all the world, met a young man from I Jaho. who was wearing a broad-brimmed hat, and said: "Hello! WTho vas you?" Looking him in the eye, the young . man replied: "1 m a cowboy." "Dot s good," said the German, "shake! I vas a bully boy, too. At Home Aeahi. Mr. Taylor Dodson and family are at home in Heppner again after their lengthy visit east of the Rocky moun tains. They experienced cold, stormy mid disatrre iable weather during tliii' trip, and are now better satisfied than ever with their E iHtcrn Oregon fireside. Card. To knitters: Anew book, containing plain rules for knitting, wide and narrow aces, quilts, tidies, mittens, stockings and many useful and fancy articles, price () cents, or la two-cent stamps. Ad dress Mrs. Eva Niles, East Gloucester, Massachusetts. A first class tinsmith to do repairing at W. J. Leezer's. Attention Everybody I have for sale i" Heppner the Famous "HOUSEHOLD" Sewinq Machine, Which combineFmore (rood pointH than any ever before prcfenteil for puolio favor. All the pw: of the "Household are made with the ut most care, and are Huhi'wted Ut a thorough in. upeclioii with kubrus, before being asKeinbled. Among the features -which recommend tin 'Household'' are the following: It has ft hitrh arm, eifrinc ample room for ant kind of work. a p. - . It is the easiestffunging shuttle machine eter made. It is almost noiseless. It lias a lame cylinder shuttle of great simnlic- itv. beinc onon at one end: thus allowing-flu- bobbin to be readily inserted without displacing any of the parts. The bobbin hold an extra larire amount of thread and runs loose in ths shell, without sprniK centres or point bearings, nsuring an even and automatic tension. It has a loose fly-wheel attachment for filling the bobbin without running the machine, and the fly-wheol is nickle plated on all style abovs No. 24. Even- runnin part of the machine is made .f cast steel, hardened, thereby insuring great durability. The treadle sets on anti-friction bearings, that run very light, and never need oiling. This saves the crpet from dirty greaae pot so often found under other machines. The stand is on four casters, so the machine can easily be moved for sweeping, or convenience of position. Attachments for All nished on Short Notice. Machines fnr- WILLIAM WARREN, Opposite Fontoffice, Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. jbxA Office at La Orande, Or.. Dec. 1, lfr Notice in hereby given that the followinf nemed "ettler has tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aid that said proof will be mnde befure K. W. i ar row. Notary Public at Pendleton, Or., on Jan. 12, lxi4, vis: Millard F. Long, D. S. No. 5"W, for the HW 8W See. IP. Tp 2 B, H M E, W M. He narao the foltowiiiK neiwif to prove hi continuous residence uion, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz: ('. K. Hinton. 8. M. (roll, S. H. hnPtian. John Have, all of Lena, Or. S7.12 11. W. Dwioht. I'.egister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dallen. Or., Dec. U. 1NK1. t Notice in hereby civen Uiat the foUowii'K nmi'd settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tii al pnf in suppo't of hi claim, stiu that eaid pnof will be mad' lefore O. W. Hi'h op, .Volar) at Hoppiier Or., on Feb. ft, 1M. Thomas L. Johnston. Preemption D. S. No. srr for the NW "t of Sec. 14. Tp i B. R r. K. W. , He names the follow in witne4e to prove hia continuous reeid-'oce upon. -d cuhivation of, ead lard, vii: Freder ick J. HaUock. t aa. Ilycard. K. H. Hwiuburne. ! ( harlee VonrRer, all of Ib'ppner. Or. STOCK BRANDS. ., Subscribers to the Gazetts can bsTe their brands pnblished free of charge by sending them in. - - Adkius, a R.-x on right shoulder, horses; AV on righ; side, cattle. ., fundage, E. A. Cattle, U Z on right tnigh, right ear cropped and wattle be low ,t; holfce. U Z on right thigh. fx 4 English Cattle, C with E in center. am, J. P. -Horses, C on left stifle; cattle, 1C connected on left hip, 3 du mps on neck. . Douglass, W. M.-Cattle, R Don righ siue, swallow-fork in eaoh ear: horses, K Don left hip. French, A. D.-Horses, A F on left saoalder; cattle, same on left Lip, up per bit in left ear. Florence, S. P. Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. ay, Henry.-lAYon left shoulder. Oilniore, J. W. Cattle, upper slope off each ear, wattle right side of neck, J 0 on right hip; borses, circle dot on left shoulder. Harbin, E. V. Horses, J and rowlock combined on left shoulder. Johnson, Felix. Circle T on right hip, cattle; same on left stirlle for horses. Lyon, J. J. Horses, M with bar under it on right Bhoulder. Mallory, Chas. P. Horses, 7C on left h. St-waott, Jo. 0tt-I, JM oonnoolied, uyper crop in each ear, dulap on throat; liirses, JM on left shoulder. Address Pettysville. McClaren, D. G. Figure 5 on each sboulder for horses. Cattle, M2 on hip. Oiler, P. Horses, PO connected on left shoulder. ; Stalter. D. B. Horses and cattle -7- on left thigh. - i Sperry, E. G.- Cattle, W C on left hip, drop off right and underbit in left ear dulap; horses, YV C on left shoulder. I W lllingham, J . W. Horses, HUl) on left flank. W'albrulge, m. norses, tL on left shoulder. A Oneral Settle- l'p. To all whom it mav concern : We have sold out in the livery and saddlery and harness business, and desire to settle up with everyone, and all who are in- lebted to ns by note or account, and knowing the same to be due, will please call on W. A. Kirk, at the office of Wright & Ayers, am! settle the same as soon as possible. W. A. Kirk. T.W. Ayers. Heppner, Oregon, Sept, 28, 1883. See Here! You can get hot meals at all bonrs, vou can buy fresh butter, or you can aell fresh eggs at the highest cash price at the Heppner Bakery and Restaurant. Divers of fresh oysters can now feast upon them here in Heppner. I am now receiving them regularly frm below, and serving them in any desired style. Jas. A. Gekwick. ' . a Horses Lost. From tlio Newton Hunch, liend of Cliirk'n Canyon, fnur horses, (hwcrilxHl as follown: one iy Driiiided JIM: one bay branded and half circle; one bay branded J 11 J comforted: one gray mid strawberry roan caynse. A reward of $2.50 ich will be paid. W. U. Cuninohame. This space Reserved for Mrs. Mary P. Perkins, Who will soon open a first-class Photograph Gallery in Heppner, niid take pictures by the lightning process, in any kind of weather. Babies pictures taken on the jump, before they have time to laugh or cry. A. M. GUlNT. 13 1 a c.k s m i t H IlErrxr.R, Okkgok Shoeing and Jobbing. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Giunpe, Or.. ? Decffit. 1HKS. t Notice is hereby (riven that elis followinc- wnl wttler ha tiled notics tit his uitfntion to notka hnal rirnof in Bunixtrt ot nis claim, ana that said proof will be made before A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Jan. 12, 1NS4, i: Edward Stinrhfteld, D. R. No. S139. for the W 4 NK and W i 8E H Sec. 7, Tp 5 8. K 27 K, W. M. He names the following witneee to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of. snid land, viz: Nelson Humeneon. bnmuel Smith. K. M. Matte son linj. Mattesou, all of Heppner, Or. fcMS II. W. DwioHT, Ki'gister. NOTTCE OF INTENTION. Land OFnoE at La fiRtpr:, Dec. 4, inks. ( Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named "ttler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in eupiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before (t. W. Kishop, .Notary Public at Heppner, Or., on Jan. i&, lrtni, vit: John Friend, D. B. No. 4K3, for the E BW NW K 8V ' SW4 NW Sec. Si, Tp 3 8. K 27 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence nMn, and cultivation of. said lnd, viz: R. 8. Mcflarren. P. O. M-( larrer, Wm. lie'ineiior, James Allen, all oi Heppnt-r, Or It. W. 1JW1(MT. rvKiM,"f. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I jir.H Office st The Dalles. Or.. Dee. 4. & Notice is hereby (riven thafc the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ard that said proof will be made before (i. W . Bish op, Notar at Heppner. Or., on Jan. 23, l iz: Frank Cook; Pre-emption No. 2187. for the 8V ' Sec. 4. Tp 1 N, R 24 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said lard, viz: J. K. Glasscock, tjeo. I oni. John Handy. W. W. Rmesd. ell of His, rmaiilU Co., Or, M F. I: furnf B(rjfT. Alkali The Ofd Established Houso oi HEPPNER &BLAGKMAN GENERAL Mil CHAN MM. Sole Agents for Heppner, and A'icinity -FOE Celebratod -ANT Knapp, Burrell & Co's. Agricultural, Implements. ... .. .'..''. Commission and Forwarding Merchants.;';' Ship Care of & B., Alkali. ; . ' A FULL LINE OF SHEEP MENS' HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. " Heppner, Umatilla Co. j Alkali, ; Wasco Co.' NEW FURNITURE STORE ! Has opened up on May Street a Large and Complete Stock of Fur niture, Consisting of .u: , ; BEADSTEADS, CHATRS, TABLES, , , ' SPRING BEDS, 'ASH STANDS, MATKESSES, " .' FICTCRE. FRAMES, ; .. LOOK-INQ GLASSES, . BUREAUS.-ETC "Which lift will sell ot Reasonable Price. . . Gildins JJofufo Order. , .: - O Wo Forwarding )DEA.T;EB in( GE NERAL M E R C H A N D I S E, Castle Rock, ' - , - - ' OnEooxV-'; Keeps on Hand a General Stool of Staple Groceries, Wool-sacks, Twine, Etc. Agent for C. II. Dodd A Co's ' Farming Implements and the Albina IliHT?Jbr- 9 ing Company. SHir GOODS, Care of W. II. II., CASTLE EOCK, OR, Cash Advances made on Consignments of Wool, Sheep Telts, Beef Hides and Decr SA-ins. , . Heppner Livery and Feed Stable, XELSE JOXES, PropricUn; Opposite Belvedere Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. New TeftmR, sew Hacks, Careful and Frperienoed Drirern Furnithed to of the Country. TIORftUS FKD'ON SHOUT NOTTOF HlKTST Blacksus. Hppner. TIILV- Bain Wnon, SLTPLIES VERT CUE A? . ' .. . IHI. HEEREN, and (2omm!ssion'V;:Icrcharit; :o:- New Buggies, New Saddlo-Horse. W;e Fart' to Any Fori a Vv