Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, December 13, 1883, Image 1

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Devoted Especially to the Live Stock and Jgj'icultuml Interests of Eastern Oregon.
NO. 38.
At $2.50 per year, $1.50 or six months, $1 for
three month.
L. L. McAbtbi-h, G. W. Kea,
The Dalles, Or. Heppner, Or.
HAVING formed a co-partnership for the
practice of law in the Circuit Conrt of the
State of Oregon for the county of Umutilla, all
persona who hare burnings in the eaid court will
Care the sdvaii Utfre of Jude McArthur'e assist
ance in tli trial of their caneM by placing them
in ciiurff. ol Q. W. Ken. t iieppnqr, Oregon.
L. W., DARLING, , ,
Justice and Notary Public,
Loxb Rock, "Wasco Covntt, Qkkgok
k. Etc., a Specialty. 7 ,
7OIXKCTIONS Made, and Deeds ard other
IjCbbi lnetntmantii urawn. nla-tt
A. MALLOllY. .
Justice an J Notary Public,
r AM) RCMNKSS a Specialty. Collections
'....'.'. PHILIP L. PAINE.,
Attorney at law & Notary Public
rAND brorinaaa attended to.
J made.
House Tainier, Paper' Hanger ". aod Graiucr,
Iluppuer, Oregon. .
IVKKTTHINO'id the 1'aintiiin Lino done with
J neatnoHH uiid diputcu, ui.d Hutiafuction
Ytni'Ij PrnticH in both Htutc ai d Ft'deml
1 f Court. Proof t ('i(iiri)H tnkem. Title to
Ijuid invent i gated. Kui tte burutitwe attended
to. C'oiii-ctionfl aud uoiivvyHiiciMtf Hi,fly mudo at
tvmhi iiublo rat. AU buain HiitniHtt-d to me
will rvcoivt irunij)t HtlfiUioji. OJiiee on Muin
Auctioneer, ; ' , '
Bu-dw, - - ... Okkoox.
(Oftioe frith A.Mnlloi-y.)
1 PROMPT and accurate attention jfi" to U
hiMiutws in hi oharK. . .
Notary Public,
Corner Yellowstone .Avenue uJ Main
Street, Heiipner, Ojju.
IIMRB Iimuranca effected in Unliable Com
paiiiee. :' ED. K. jFlSHojv '
Notary , Public and Land Agent,
Hbppnhi'., ..... Okeoos
IOANS Negotiated, Collection M'ide, and a
J (eueral Hrokirun Hucuiee attended to.
L A V 'Y E R .,
JFKICH buck of HiBhopV land ofjica. .
I'evpskii, - - ' Onrcioy.
Boot and Shoe Shop,
Main Si., Hcppncr, Oregon.
HootH ainl Blioea Tviade to
Repairing AtufVjf Executed. -
Satisfaction Guaranteed
, Fred. J. Hallock,
' AT TUK--
hi Olfic, for all Ncwspajiers aad Majainn.
C. S. IaiuI Office at Tlie DTilli-. Or., )
NoTombr V. 1S3. I
Complaint haTinfi been enterrd at thin office by
'raiici M. Uxifby ajminut John Q. Ailiinmon for
failure to comply with luw a to tiiuU'r-ul'iire
imtry No. 4. datwl 8't. IS, t!, uiiu the SK
heo. 11, Tp 6 8, K it K, in W voo cmr.ly. Or., with
-ew to the cancellation of raid mttryt fonteet
Mit alletriiix ; 1 1 h t aaid Jonn t!. Adnmnn ha failed
t-i nlow or ti'atit an portion of ea d lai'd fi-om
dale of entry to the preewit time. The eaid par
liw are hereby mrauiwwi t upper at the orhoe
.f K. W. Saraeinnn. Norary at 1 otwiL l)r., on th
Jpth day of DecPinlier, iva, at lit o clock, A. at.,
0 reupood ami furui.h U-etimouy coiici'rniisg
1 Mi(i ailejreil lailure. t. 1- M17B, rximer.
C. .N. TaoBKBi'SX. SeceiTer.
A hit V.f fnnrtv illnmin.tted canln IkiHi
(or business and caiiing, just receiveAl at
PlCTKIl 330RG,
IIeppser, - - Oregon,
Dl.Vl.KK i
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
. . '. , , : . : &cq., Scq.
Amethyst, Cameo and Diamond
Gold Rings, Gold and Silver
t ' Watches.
1 AUD '
All other articles usually kept ia a Jew
elry Store.
',.'' " '';;". ; "
CTORE with CM. Mallory, May Street. All
O work 4Uar.mlei'd. viul-tt.
" Ihppner, Oregon, ' ' ''
E. MINOIl, PiiorniETOR.'
: o :
Commercial Travelers wil J UnJerstiiud
that this is the
. f ....
That Fcbsishes Sawple .Rooms.
JUymember the Old iStand
Gr. "W". S'yaggait,
Old Judge and
United we Stand,
o ' :
rpilESK hmndB are Favornhly known by jndCH
A. (if Good Liuuorn, , vlnl-lf..
oo TO
K. Xor-dvke
To Get Your Wagons. Patched.
Bring Your Purses along with you,
'and don't you forget it
Ih'jqnwr, - Oregon.
CHAS. E. UINTON, Proprietor.
The House for flio Farmer.
The House for he Horseman.
The House for the Cattleman.
The IIouso for the Slice pmim.
Ttia House wher all are At Jlome-
Itooma Nt-ntly larniw!iJ. ,
Tablf, Alwav Sui-plied Wrru the Bkst
the Market Affokds.
y htiiik riwinml "hnvfrp nf this faro bly known
houe, and tfono into tfi htftl busicttss aitHi:,-J
wotiUl be glad to mt'ot nivold fru-i.d.s a; d wtfl
iid;ivr in thf xiture, uh in tlw j!Wt, to ei 'torliur
till in tli moht acreubi uiftimtr, , vlniy-Lf.
Carpenter and Builder,
llejipner, - Oregon.
Hall & McAfee, Props., -lleppucr,
llfff, rorl: and Mutton at Reasonable
I-aml Ollice at t (inuide. Or., Nov. 14. '83.
Noti" ib herebv iriven that 1)im fo'li.wiiii?.
uameo eettler baa hlixl notice of hm ii.UM tion to
make linal proof in u;i.nrt of h clairo, ai d
that Wiid proof will te mnj before A. Mal
lory. Notary 1 ubuc at f.eppLor, Or., ou D;c. ZV,
lNsl, ti:
Joseph L. Jouen,
P. S. No. 17 . for the E 4 NW t rVc. ?t. Tp J s,
K . E. W. M. lie naniee the followim wit etu.es
to prjive hi coi't'numi reideucn u on, rj d cuU
t" ration ol, haul lai a t: Notiuel II. t hni-tinii,
Hwliaud Thompson, llenrjr Joora, Cliaa. E. liiu-
t'i, rii or if'un. ur.
-fc) H. W. Dwjurr. neirt
After the shower, the tranquil snn;
After the 8uow, the emerald leaves;
' Silver stars wbeu the day is done;
After the harvest the goldeu sheaves,
After tlie clouds,' the violet sky;
After the tempent, the lull of wves;
Quiet woods wheu the wind goes by,
After the battle, peaceful graves.
After the knell, the wedding bell;
After the bud, the radiant rose;
Joyful greetings from s-id farewells;
Atter our weepings, s'Aett repose.
After the burden, the blissfid meed:
aiM-i wuj i.iifii, niri nuAuy nest;
Alter the furrnw, ftio vnKin need;
After the shadowy river rest!
Among the Snowy Summits ol
the, Sierra Nevadas.
. Twice had our little mountain
town been swept out of existence
by the riames, and as the gener.d
opinion seemed to be that a tire
bell, to carry the alarm '".up! and
down -the; gulches and canyons
would have prevented the general
devastation which had pecurred, a
collection, had been taken up for
tlHit purpose, tlie bell hud 'arrived
and been hung, and we were all
looking forward to the tiii.e when
its first alarm should be sounded.
How well I lememlier when that
firot alarm came! The town had
been deserted much ! earlier than
usual that night, as the first rain
of tile season had just . begun; be
fore the night. was far advanced
ad the lights had been extinguished
and tho miners had repaired to
their cabins, when .suddenly the
loud and rapid clanging of the bell
awoke the echoes of the hills, start
ling every one who heard it with
its fierce and terrible cry for help.
It was not fire we weie this time
called upon to battle; we all felt
that some great ami terrible trouble
was threatening, our camp, ami
that the bell wuh ijaioj.. ns plainly
as though its ii'ou toiiyiife were
gifted with human speech: "Come
forward, all good men and true,
and linger not; I need .you all!"
; On reaching the town we found
a crowd rapidly collecting in the
postoffice, w here on a hastily im
provised platform one of our lead
ing lawyers was standing, awaiting
silence, before announcing to his
audience the object of this unusual
alarm; while seated by hh side
was a care-worn, starved-looking
stranger, whose arrival in the town
but a little while before had caused
our bell to send out its wild cry
for help.- This stranger had
brought the startling news that far
up 'towards the summit of the
Sierra Nevadas a company of be
lated emigrants, among them wom
en and children, were snowed in,
and would all perish if prompt i.nd
efficient aid was not at once ren
dered them; their provisions were
entirely exhausted, their horses
were starving and unable to travel,
and all hopes of reaching the set
tlements had been abandoned on
the previous day, when a blinding
snow-fctorm had set in. ;
Our visitor had struggled on
manfully all day and as he found
less and less snow to impede his
progress as he '- descended the
western slope of dLhe Sierras, his
hopes of success buoyed him up to
continued effort; he had got below
the snow line, and night was just
about setting in, when he had the
good fortune to come upon a soli
tary prospector who was about
camping .for; the night; in a
few hnnutes he had told . his
story, had been refreshed with
such food as the miner had pre
pared, und sealed on his mule was
making good time for our camp,
his guide running along by his
side. . .
" As I listened to the story told to
i's, I felt how unfortunate it was
that one of our best-mountaineers,
and one whose aid in rescuing
the emigrants would have been in -
valuable, was not in condition to
join the reaet party, lor Ken
tucky Bill, as we called him, the
hunter of our camp (who found:
a ready sale with us for the trame 1
invariably brought back with him
from his expeditions) knew everv
toot ot the mountains, and 1 wa
sure that, after two minutW talk
with the emigrant, he could lead
a relief party direct to their camp.
But he had that afternoon been
drinking too freely, had had a light
with Texas Jack, with whom a
long-standing trouble had existed,
and had been taken away by his
friends to sober off. Even while
I was regretting his absence and I
incapacity, lie came staggering into j
tlie room, and was intercepted by
ma iwo partners, lhey . had a
short conversation with him, which
seemed to greatly sober him; lie
was taken up and introduced to the
stranger, and in a few minutes left
the room. On my saying to one
of his partners that it was such a
pity .that Bill was not in a condi
tion to go with them, he electrified
'4' - iie-wiir w on
tju trail m hiteen minutes; he told
us to get some fancy grub together,
ml le would go and saddle the
j By this time our little town had
avalened into new life. The
fiws were all open, and every
where hurry and bustle prevailed.
Je traders were all busy putting
provisions of different kind.-) into
portable shape. No goods were
priced nor scale.? brought into use
on this occasion, but everything
was free that could possibly he o!
use in saving the lives of that lit
tle band of entrapped emigrants,
whose fate we feared would be
sealed before we should be able to
reach them; besides, tlie traders
knew the "boys" would settle their
bills undisputed when they re
turned but the main thing now
was to lose us little time as possi
ble in the start. I could hardly
believe my eyes when I saw Bill,
apparently perfectly sober, dis
mount from a mule and assist in
adjusting the packs on the saddles.
In less than five 'minutes tlity
were off, Bill cidling out as he
mounted his inulrt, "We'd tell them
you're coming; climb -'tlie ridge at
the head of the creek, then follow
the trail." .
In a few minutes other mounted
parties were on their way, some
with packs lastened bemud tneni,
and others drivinc loaded animals.
It was a full hour after Bill had
left us before the lust of the relief
train started uinl lilpil uwav in tile,
itotiihr.Ba, Clvaduullv tliO lii-lits
weie extinguished, und silence
again brooded over -our little town.
Oar new bell, having done its
work nobly and well, was now
silent in its tower, but it was hours
before we who remained behind
were able to sleep: our thoughts
were with our companions, now f.';r
on their way up there towards the
regions of perpetual snow, strain
ing every nerve and doing ail that
man could do to snatch from the
grasp of "the storm its expected
As day dawned upon the camp
of the Ixdeaguered emigrants, they
were surprised to rind that but ht-
tie snow had fallen during the
night, and believing the storm was
over; they were for a while inspired
with hope that they might be able
to. extricate thfituselves from the
terrible trap in M'hich they hail
been caught; but when the sky
again became overcast and the
storm recommenced,' threatening
goon to bury them . in its white
folds the snow literally hid from
sight trees not twenty yards away
they fully realized that their case
was hopeless,, and 'resigned them
selves to their inevitable fate.
It was nearly noon on the event
ful day when a loud . hurrah, and
the cry, "Here they are," made
them all spring to their feet nnd
crowd out of their now almost
buried wagons and tents. The
voice sounded to them like a voice
from heaven, though its owner was
other than our friend Bill.
Vdving his hat by way of nalutr,
he called out: "Jim struck our
camp last night, all right. There'll
ben swarm of the boys in here in
a little while with lots of grub,
and we've brought along a saiuple
with us. Here, Sain, he contin
ued to one of his partners who had
already dismounted and w as open
ing their packs, "tret at the inside
of two or three cans of that meat
biscuit. We 11 L'ive you Home hot
1 soup all round inside of ten mm-
utesi," baid he, addressing one of j
the emigrants,
you an appetite
"and that 11 give
for something to
em as soon
as we can get 11
Ajj the men came f-houting and
hurrainc into cam it, the fccene was
one never to be forgotten. All
alike were overcome with joy. No
introductions were needed. Shout
ing, laughing, handshakings, and
last, though not least, the savory
smell of food cooking, on all sides
lervruled the camp. Nor had the
starving animals by any means
ben forgotten. They were all
soon busy at the grain and meal
that had been brought for their
especial benefit. As if by magic,
what a little while before might
properly have been called "Famine
Carol)," had suddenly been trans
formed into a scene of unusual
feasting and happiness.
lhis storm, said Bill, ' means
business; there will be two feet of
fresh snow right here before day
break to-morrow morning; so we
inuat put twenty-five miles of this
ridge behind us before we sleep."
XTepaxaUuiio - were VLdrreture
made as soon as possible for the
march, but the afternoon was well
advanced before the bst wagon of
the train got started down the
ridge. The animals of the emi
grants were traveling along be
hind, and their places were usurp
ed by their fresh four-footed cous
At the upper end of our street
that afternoon the travel-stained
coveied wagons of the rescued em-
giants were seen slowly approach
ing us. As they filed through the
town they received as hearty an
ovation as ever was given to any
conqueror. But it was when the
iabt tnree wagons came along, and j f
tlie rough-bearded men gazed as in
a vision at tiicir contents, that the
excitement of the day attained its
height; instinctively every man un
covered, tor there iu the fronts of
the wagons were seen the tired,
worn, but still happy faces of the
iir&t 'white women who had ever
i'avored our town with their pres
ence; and fully as strange and de
l.ghtful to us was a sight of the
little surprised faces that were
peering out under the edges of the
partly raised wagon-covers. Under
tlie iiilluence of that scene more
than one of our rough characters
became for a while entirely obliv
ious of his. surroundings; the
wheel of time had been suddenly
reversed for him, and he was once
more living over his early life, and
was surrounded by the dear faces
of his childhood. Men who would
liurl hack With booth tlio iuhihua
tion that anything could cause them
to shed a tear, as though by so do
ing their manhood would be im
peached, were that afternoon seen
standing bareheaded, shouting and
hurraing like veritable maniacs,
while the tears were streaming
down their cheeks.
But w hile I was in the height of
my enjoyment of the scene before
me, a sudden pang of fear seized
me as I saw Texas Jack approach
ing a point where his late antago
nist Bill was standing. I knew
that words had passed between
them at their last meeting that on
ly blotxl could erase. "Why could
not their meeting have been put
off another day at least, and not
mar this happy one with what I
felt sure would be a tragedy? They
were both brave men; there was
no back down about either; yet
there they were within a few feet
of each other, each unconscious of
the other's presence, and in an
other moment their eyes would
meet, and then
Jack had been absent ever since
his last quarrel with Bill, on busi
ness com ected with the sheriff's
office he had only returned a few
minutes before, and heard for the
first time what had been taking
place in camp during his absence,
ami the earnest part bill had taken
iu the matter. He had evidently
had a look into the emigrants'
wagons, for he was still carrying
his hat in his hand, and some
pleanant, long - forgotten home
memories must have had posses
sion of him as he found himself
standing face to face with his late
enemy. 15ut such men are never
taken by surprise; they always
know just what they want to do,
and are very prompt about doing it.
Instantly his open hand was ex
tended as he said:
"Put it there. Bill."
As those two men stood thus for
n moment with clasped hands, a
Braver of fiai k "illness ascended
from the hearts of all
nessed it, for we knew
loiiii - standing trouble
who wit
that the
them was now buried beyond all
possibility of resurrection; surely,
the coming of the emigrants had
already brought a blessing on our
And now once more quiet
reigned in our little town. The
emigrants were all well cared for,
and were having their first good
rest for many a weary month.
Scattering snow-flakes were slowly
lescending upon the covers of their
deserted wagon. ? if the
vexed at their escape from him,
had crossed his usual boundary,
tmd was reaching out his long
white lingers m his desperate elloi t
to grasp them once more. Singly
and in small groups our tired men
passed out of town to their cabins
on the surrounding hillsides, soon
to be in the enjoyment of the
pleasant dreams that all had a
share of that night. Overland.
Ed. Gazette: In my expe
rience 'with horse I hae noticed
that some good horses are, addicted
to stumbling while walking or
moving in a slow trot. Now,
there are two causes that would
tend to produce this faulty action:
one, a general weakness in the
muscular system, suchas., would
be noticed in a tired horse; the
other a weakness of the exterior
lmiscles of the leg, brought about
by carrying too much weight on
the toe. To effect a cure,
lighten the weight of each front
shoe about four ounces; have the
toe of the shoe made of steel
instead of iron; it will w ear longer;
have it rounded off about the same
as it would be when one-third
worn, out, in order to prevent
tripping; allow one week's rest;
have the lags showered for a few
minutes at a time with cold water
through a hose, in order to create
a spray; then rub dry. briskly.
from the chest down to the foot
Give walking exercise daily during
this week for about an hour twice
a -day. "When you commence
driving again omit the slow jog;
either walk or send him along
at a sharp trot for a mile or two.
then walk awav, but do not speed
for at least several weeks. By
this means the habit of stumbling
from either of the above causes
will be pretty well overcome.
This is the season of the year
for the weather sharps to get their
prognostications into print. Since
bin Rroat mistako last MnroL,
Wiggins, the Astronomer Royal of
Canada, has subsided, but Vennor,
tie Canadian weather "gnesser," is
not yet discouraged. He prognos
ticates that the coming winter
"will be warm, open and wet, with
little or no snow during the close
of the year. The winter will be
an exceptional one, with severe
storms on the lakes." Prof. Rich-,
ard Mansil, the Rock Island
"woather forecaster," says of De
cember that "the temperatnre will
average above the mean of the
season. It will be rather a pleas
ant winter month, with a few sharp
storms, producing 'heavy storms
in the far north and a few heavy
rains in the Central and Southern
States." ' .
France deserves tho reputation
of being a polite nation. One day
the Hue de Coislin, although very
ill, insisted upon seeing the Span
ish Ambassador, who had called on
him, to his carriage. The Ambas
sador w ished the Duke to remain
where he was, and, to cut
friendly altercation, he
room and locked tho door
him. De Coislin, fearing
short a
left the
politeness should be beaten
Castilian courtesy, jumped out
the window, and was standing, hat
in hand, at the carriage door when
his visitor left the house. "You
might have killed yourself, M. de
Coislin," said the Spaniard. "No
matter," replied the duke, "what
was necessary was to perform my
A local paper works for its
own town; does something every
week to build up the place, ad
vance the interests of its citizens,
thaw trade, put money into tho
pockets of its business men, and
add to the well-being and pros
perity of all. Wide-awake, liberal-minded
business men recipro
cate for all general and special
favors by a liberal advertising
patronage. Occasionally may be
found small-souled individual:,
who prefer to sponge off the
neighbors, pick up what trade
they can from what is drawn to
the place by enterprising neigh
bjrs, and pay nothing for it.
"We have struck smoother road,
haven't we?" asked a pr.ssenger of
a conductor ou an Arkansas rail
road. "No," replied the conductor,
"we have only run off the track."
Men who mind their own busi
ness usually succeed because thera
1 is po little competition.