OV THE HILLS. Am the broad, brown, peaceful hills, With blossoms to our horses knees, With Bin(fiiiK bird3 by broken rills, We rode through seas of drowsy bees. The ardor of my speech prew still As we rode on that perfect day; The brown birds piping from the hill;' The crickets had it their own wey. Then we fell weary with the day, j God's bars of gold across the west i Before us drew uiid made ns stay ' Beside a blossomed rill and rest. The camp-fire blazed, the horses grazed. And, belly-deep in bloom and grass, Would blink as by the bright flame dazed, Or sniff to smell the panther pass. The massive stars of gold stood out. Bright camp-hres of poor, weary souls, Ponnd heavenward. W hiie all about -""" ConoUd peace, witfi white patrols. , JOAO.UIS MlXLEB. Fonvartlinp; IT. ' HEEEEK, and Commission Merchant C I T "Y B )BEALR I( GENE R A.L 'M E RC H AN D I SE, T? TP. Ar tp. t? v J. B. NATTER, Prop'r, 0 Iain Street, - - - - Heppner, Oregon Castle Eock, )MAXUFA"lTTIiEE 0F(- Okegon. Keeps on Hand a General Stocfc of WtiWS 'ITEMS. I I Jt i ,-. I " . - 1 i The peacli crop in the Hood river country will be an entire fail ure this year. The Linn county Pioneer Asso ciation met and organized at Alba ny on 24th inst. George Mollenkopf of Helix, re cently had his jaw-bone fractured ... .by the kjck of a horse. ,! . .ddlfOns to thf hnn fiol. la A 11 1 I I fl-ltll nlMI, llrih mil .111 UUD tilClW ' Hon. J. H. Smith, ex-state sena tor of Linn, died, on Tuesday at his home near Harrisburg. J. W. Garrett, of Baltimore, lias traded his stallion Damascus to the king of Italy for two camels. The fencing up of county roads is causing considerable complaint between Echo and Pendleton. $12,000 of the $25,000 necessary to insure the success of the woolen mill at Salem has been subscribed tiid its erection is certain. - o Chief Moses, accompanied by " 020 Shusapkin, Tonasket, hnd two other prominent members oof his tribe, have gone to "Washington for a. pow-Avow. . , , ' Neal Hall of Canyon City, ofTered Cash Maey $1000 for his one-ck-Mli Hno-prRper Alp. anri'Pnfter btaple Orocenes, Wool-sacks; Twine, Etd o 7 ... ' . ; " " f lAgent for'ClH. Dodd & Co's Ti Farming implements, and the ing Company. SHIP GOODS, Families Albina Limiber Furnished with Bottled Beer on Short Notice Care of W. II. II. CASTLE ROCK, Oil GEO. W. YOUNG. W. A. KODKEY. J -A. i.l.t .fa inn-nod. L'jrlB SO OlULls.Il I T.T. E'lsr T I G Lunches of all Ivincls: hyktms' RATCDINES AND LOBSTERS J. JU J-J -a. f ' f California, Limburger and Swiss Cheese. kegs, or 10 apiece NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offos at La Guanpk. Oa I May 11. H-a. S Notice is hoivlw pivsn that ilie following iiaiiH'd 'tt!.'r h;w tilwl nutice cif Ins intention ( makf fimil in nrrt ff M claim, ard tl at smd prtof will lo moiw l'I"re td. h. KiKhor, Notary Public at Herpner, Or., on Julia George Fuller, I. S. No. K2, for the NE Koo 17, Tp 8, R 27 K, Vv. M. llo nanu's tho fullowintr WiUsai to nmvo his cni'.tinmni r-idincp unon, and cul tivation of, Kiid land, vi.: D. H. Mulkiy, T. Mvd- ki'v, W. J. .t-nnd'tonl. ,i. Jt. tat eo, an i iit'i pn'er, Or. H-Kl 11. W. Dwiutir, KethsUir. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iu'd Ollice at The Pnllcn, Oropon, ) May 11, In-3. J Notice is hereby piven that the followinK-nainwl sett lur ba." hitd notice of his intention to make final proof in sunport of his oltiini, m.d tliat Mud proof will be mr.ilo before li. V. IV.rling, No tary ut Lotse Hock, lr., on Juno 20, 13, viz; Alex. McL. Ilardie, Pre-emption No. 13('1, for the S4 KW14 NE 1-4 SK 1-1 Sec ':.", and hK 14 NK 1-4 Seo a, Tp i H. it 22 K. He mtnies the following witnefses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cnltivi tion of. aid !.n;d, viz: A! llenshaw, 1!. 0. P.obin son, Vm. Eddon, of Lone hock; John (rilli hnni, of Lotrt Valley, Or. , , , S-16 it. turri.t, jiegiKtor. cn,' "coiIplC -TVt Trooitr--" get married on I I'annerS'fTiTiu 4 V1 Parties in the coimtry must return empty pill be charged. YO NG & R0DKEY Alkali, Beg leave to call your attention to their large and choice stock of- pin LI? I) i lilln L UBI1CB1ND1SE. Complete in every department. If you do not see v, hat you want, ask for it. We have got it We are Ayenlsfor Kvshhind Bro.s, Commission . awl Packers. Merchants, Graders A.. S Tj 64C IT M, SPECIAL TRAVELING AGENT FOR Wasco County, and Heppner and Vicinity, -)FOR THE (- J, L CASE AGITATOR THRESHER, 9 Ji- SSs M Vf interest m tlie new diggings on Canyon, creek; which was promptly refused. It is evident that some people have faith in the new mines. Sheriff Baird and posse of Lewiston had a fight with a band of horse thieves near Tammany hollow on the 12th and captured four ; horses, ? Twelve -, shots were fired, when the thieves retreated. The sheriff is in hot pursuit. 1 The' digging of the ditch for the Echo flouring mill, is now done as far as the digging is concerned. Some fluming remains to be done before the ditch, is completed; Mr. Koontz, tho proprietor of the mill, expects to have everything complet ed and in running order by fall. i The Humboldt Mining Company of Cjtnyon C)ty, .expect a profitable run this season. They have al ready made two partial cleanups ind realized over ninety ounces of dust, which was Kent to the mint to be coined, lteturns from the first lot show that it coined over 17.50 to the ounce. The company have just completed their bed-rock tunnel.' v i ." '' - ; " The total cost of both star route trials is about half a million dol lars. For securing the attendance of witnesses the cost is nearly $200, 000., The following payments have been made' by ' the government to special attorneys: Bliss, 1(5,203; Brewster, $5000; Cook, nearly $7000; Kerr, $27,872; Gibson, $4000; Merrick, 32,000; Pinkertou, nearly tf-JUW. ""The Willamette Farmer, June 11, says: The wool market, is down and liable to remain low. Eastern wools sell at 11 cts. to 20 cts. As vet little valley wool is in market. The probable price for valley is given ns 1G to 20 cts. and Umpqua wools may reach 2'i cts. We ad- .yise wool growers to wait and see what will' turn up. "They canm-i lose much and may gain something. Our neighbor, Grant county, presents a picture of happy pros perity. Farmers, s stocknjen and miners are all enjoying a season of present and prospective welfare. Unless some unforeseen calamity ! occurs, the cereal crops will be the largest "known for. years. The bunchgrass is waving knee high fronl every . lull in the land, and new mines are being discovered daily, while old ones are being worked , more , extensively . than before. The steamship Ctty of Xetc York, which sailed last week for Austra lia, carried 173 head of sheep for John Hay, who owns two sheep : ranches and 1)2,000 head of sheep in that countrv. The sheep are known as the Spanish' merinos of tha best quality and tho band was ' purchased from different breeders ut Vermont The whole jloek cost $30,000, Four of the rams cost 2000 each. The freight charges ,t4 San Francisoo from Yemont tinionnted to $3000 ami the steamer freight from this port to. Australia is !?13 a head, making '?35,503 the cost to th? importer. J ax n L1BEEAL CASH ADVANCES ON GUARANTEED. CONSIGNMENTS. BEST ATTENTION PROMPT RETURNS. ii'iif iir S. P. GARRAGUS, - PROPRIETOR :o:- Theso Mills are located in the Blue Mountains, on Willc Creek, 10 miles above Heppner, and are approached by A GOOD WAG ON ROA13. , . o- A Good Supply of ILOOEJKG, clLILIIsG, ' . - AND inds of Lumber AllK ALWAYS ON II AN 15 TEEMS-UAS1I. TllltUf STOCK M ENS' ; IIEADQUAHTERfc , KIltK & AYEItS Prop'rs. Manufacturers and Dealers in j i a His kss ' . - AND SADDLlS. Vt'e use nothing but No. i Stockton Leather, All work Hand-Made and war ranted to be Durable. If von want .a No; i Cheyenne Sad v 4 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ij3i:J OKee at T.ht? Pfillos, Orppmn, ) May 10. 1083. f Notice is hereby Kiven that the fullowiiiK-Eaini'd pitihr has lileil notice of hi inteniion to mn)t final proof iji support of hi claim iird that sniit proof will he mailt) before l.d. H. Hisliop, Notary Vublio at lleiipiier. Or., June a, 1&3, viz ! John 11. Ho'js, Pro-ntniition No. 1X10. for the'Elii NWH BWVL N KU and N W H 8E 1-4 See in, T, fS. ii 3 E. lie ramefltho followirif! witnesnf to provo his con tinuous residence ion, fimt cultive.lion of, sa'd hnd, viz: A. A. ('nils, 11. A. ilunwiker, J.N. Hniimkur, W. A. Neid, nil of Heppner, llrantilla Co., Or. 8-li L. COl- l'lN, KcKiHter. "NOTICE" OF INTENTION. Land 0?i'jce at La Ohandr, On.. ) . Muy IS, JSMt. f NOTK'H id hereliyeiven that the fnllowinu nar.ied settlvr has tiled nolico of hia intention to maiie fnml proof in flupi-ort of tua claim, ana that wtiij proof will be mado before tlio t'ounty ,lil;;e of IlmniiUa t'o., Or., at Foiuiletou, Or., on Juub oil, ISNt, vi: llarccu J. 11 ill, Commuted Itjt-me-tead No. 2'JMI for the 8K (JE U Sih :t.K NK '.i and NK HE K"C l, lowufinp 3 Houlli, Uarye 27 ixt, W. M. 11 r,am tiic followiiis witiiesKCB to prove hi oon timioiw retidc.iee upoi and cultivation of, aid !"."d, viz: 1). It. Javr.es, John C llid), ChurlOH Wallaeu, E. A. Brm owe, all of Ib-jiiirer. Or. lelt IlKMii' W. DWltilfT, llcRiBtw. The J. I. Case Header, The J. I. (ase Plows, Victor Mowers, Hoosier Rakes, -AND H BAK H R W n AGO FEANK HADDOCK, 'K0T1CE OF INTENTION. L.M'D Oi'fiojs at La Oiiant. Ob., ilay 21, im. f Notice is hereby Riven tht the i'ollovrilis named st,;i ler has iiled notice of his intention to make final proof in napport of his claim, nr.d that said proof will be made before 0. . Bishop Notary at Heppner, Or., on July 7, 381, viz: .. 1L Yale:.; T. 8. No. 423, forthoNtjr'W 1-1 and Mi SiS 1-4 tec ! I, Tp 1 H, H 27 10, V. M. He names the tol-lo-.vinK witnesses to prove his continuous retti deuce upo!i, and cultivation of , said lard, vir.: Ybninti iHnlkey. (Jeoiye Fuller, W. Cased)', V.. Uulkey, nil of .Henpp"r, Or. U-lt l.i;NliY V. OWiailT, Kegister. , O )I)EALER IN(- NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lakd Ornn at La Orandb, Ok., ? Hay 21. im. J Notice is hereby pivnn that the followinB n:uii(.d setllur has tiled notice of hiH intention to imiko final proof in support, of his claim, and that said pioof will be made before the County ,Iin'?e of Umatilla county, Or., at Pei.dlelon, Or., on July 7, M-3, viz: Charles Wallace, Konwtmd No. '2: 03, for the south E south. W 1-t mti '4 south h; 1-1 st-e 1, ai d Nul jS'E 1-4 "eo 30, Tp f south. U 'it K, VV M. He names the foilow inir witnesses to prove his contriiums renideiici upon, and I'ult.'vniion of, sa d Int'd, vii: Win. Wa!brii'.r;o, J. W. Morrow, i'ljoiuasQuaidl'liomna Marlatt, all of ilcppiier, Or. 11-15 ItEMty V. . 1JW.1QHT, HeRistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Ollice at la fl ramie, Or., May 23, lt3. Notice is hereby Riven that the fo'.lowii B-ramed settler has filed notice of his intention to mnkti flnai proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will be made before the Count- Judg" of liinetiUa county, Or., at Peudleiji, Or., on July 7, l.-vs3, viz: Putrid; Potlert'in, To commute homestead No. 221!), for the NF NW t-1 sec !U. e;tilh K south W 1-1. i"d south ', south R t-4 sc 2i, 'J-p south, U 2i E, W M. He lintnos the following witiies. es to prove his continuous residence upon, aril cultivation of. said land, via: P.d. lluic ry ! iir k iiulery, Hill Walker, S'nuik Ttiomivi, all of Ibn-piier, Or. 1(1-15 llENT.Y Vv'. DwioiTT. Rettister. FARMS FOR SAliE TITLE PEEFECT. I 1 GO Aci't. all good nnd read for the'plow. 10 acres plowed aijti in crop. 100 acres under fence. Fwo Uunninflr SprinKfl, Good Houso nnd Barn. I'rice $850. f 1 (0 Actps. K00(-1 nn'l ready ftjitho jlow. 18 Korea in crop. ItH) G-rea under fence. Good Ituuninp; Spins, House imd Barn. Trice $850. f The ahftve farms are side by side, bis miles from Lone KocA-, and five miles from timber, nnd are offered at a bar pain. Apply to L. W. 'DARLING, 10-13 Lone Roc;, Oregon. GENERAL M E R C H A N D I S E, Of All Kinds, and Suited to the wants o Everybody. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at. The Mies, Or., ) !Kny2tf, W3. f Noliee in hei'el;y sriven that the following-named settler luif d jjotiee if his leteniicn to make final proof in support of Lis claim, end that, Raid proof will be made b: fore (r. V. liiuhop, Notwjf at lioppner, Or., on J uly II, IK, viz: Sherman Chcippel, Pre-emption No. 2b77, for the W '-4 south W 1-4, UK 1-1 soutli W 1-1 hi c 0, nnd fou'.h K 1-4 of ontii K 1-1 cer ft, Tp 5 south, P. 21 B. lie tiniuos the following witeesKes to prove liia ci ntinuous resi d".':ee uiiou, end cull iva lion at unid land, vi: II. (i!:i:foi-d, E. Cox, O. Li. Parnsworth, Wia. Johesoii, all of llaidinan, UmWilla Co., Or. 10-15 L. COl'l'lN. IteKister. NOTIGE OF INTENTION. OR A GOOD HARNESS, ABLE, REASONA- i'uu cannot do better in tlie State, ii you want to buy goods that GIVE THE .BEST OF SATISFACTION. Call, Jj-amine Good, Convinced. and he Land Offick at Tire Dalles. Or May 21, lt. ( Nniieo is hereby (riven that the followine imnid at tenuis tilwl nofice of hia intfitioi to make final proof in support of his efS?., and that said proof vill be ciade before A. Mallory, Nolarj' at. Heppner, Or., on June 30, li3, viz: Walter II. McAfee, of Umatilla Co.. Or., foe the 8 !i of BW 'i Sec 1, and HE t 1-4 Heo 2. and NK r4 of NK 1-t Hihi 11. Tp 4 8, '. 2f E. He names tho following witnesKes to prr.vo bin continuous refidee.ee upon, and cultivation of, said bind, vi: William Luneeford, Geo. Fuller, William Gilliam, Wm, McAtee. U-U L. COFFIN. Kejiator. Shippira Mark : F & S Post Offi-e Box, 211. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lasd Orrire at Tire Dallm, Ob.. May 21. 1H3. Of Notice is hereby piven tliat the follo-winit-named hettler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in eupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before L. A. Darlinm Notary at Loue Kock, Or., ou June So, lV-!, viz; . W. Coleman, Xaitip Kock. Wasco Co.. Or., for the HE 'i of Bee ' f, Tp & S, B 25 K. He names the followtnK wit j nesws to prove his continuous resident" upon, and cultivation of, said laud, vii: (jeorse Stew-art, Kilas Wrik-'ht, i. prouis, Ueo. ii. VV nghl. atiot Sheep Men s Supplies, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Cattle Men's Supplies, Farmers' Supplier, Mountaineer's Supplies. Tjmd Odicc p.t,'n-,e IlalleB. Or.. May2SI, 1KSS. .) Nolice in herein- triven flint tlio followinp nained settler has liled notice of his intention to nirike iinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made A. Mallory, No tary at Heppner, Umatilui Co., Or, on July 9, 18S3, vi: John Stone, Pre-emption No. 2IS2. for the south W 1-4 south W 1-1 sec S', To a south, H 2fl K, and N '4 south W 1-1 south W 1-4 NY 1-4 sec 2, Tp 4 south, R 2fl E. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ida ocmt in uovin residweu .vj''n, nd cnltivntion of, raid Itu.d, viz: J. I'- Stiller. E. Prinat, H. Hheli',y, Dick flee.iifui, (dl of Heppner, Umatilla Co., Or. 10-15 L. Coffin, Resistor. Ixm Hock, Or. -14 L. COFFIN, lie ister. "V- Frazer, Sperry & Co.,: w. o o ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I 11 Stark Street', Portland, Oregon. . ' - , o : o Libera! Cfu-h Advances made on t oiii,ruents. Ten rer cent. Intend Chwrjrcd on Advances, vlul-tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION! Land Office at La Grande. ! June 1, 1S ! Notice is hereby ?riven th'it the f' 1 named settler ha tiled roti'te of his nit i imb fi'inl ro'f in rapixtrl of his ' ) that s.iid proof will be made before!!. Y ! Notary lV.blic ut Heppner, Or., onJuii : John Waller, I i D. S. K0, for the south i N W 1-4, W 4 ! l-l sc In Tp 3 south. It W K, W. M. H j th" foliewiiv witnefses to prove his c - ov-iderce upon, R:d cult.ivttonof, said ! Arcl.io Orawf-Knl Jatcen i'iersou, Jerry l Jk-.-! Well.'.'. :Ui f Lerm. CniatiLia Co 1P-15 ii..Nl;Y W. i'vioitr, b Heppner, Oregon. (0)- WtvnT. Sacks and Twine. Ranch and Camp SrrrLi. Fish Bros.' axd Baik Waqoss. AOP.ICCLTfRAL IjirLEM EST 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offick at Tbf, Daixkh, Ok., ) June 4. 18-.3. f Notice is hereby triven tliat tlie following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A. Mallory, Notary Public at Heppner, Or., ou Ju.y 17, Is?., viz: J. Strong. Pre-emption No. 2tK!5. for the fractional lo's No. 53 'uid "t N' '4 sec 1, and fractional lotH No. 81 and ?: south W l-i and Mi 1-4 sec 2, T 8 south, H 2f K. lie names tho foliowinx witnesses to prove hi corttnuons residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Geo. W. i-ti'-e, llenjarcin Matteson, Jos Derrick, G. W. Junkies. n) of HaidmaD, Umatilla Co., Or. L. COFFIN, Kotrister. NOTICE 7)FlNTENlTCbN7 Land Office at I,a Obawk, Ob ) June 5, ifv:i. Notice is hereby (riven tlt, the following. named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make tinai proof in support of lis claim, and that F,aid proof -.viH be made before ths County Judaeof Umatilla Co., Or., m Pendieton, Or., ou July 7, 1-3 viz: S. II- ChriHtion, ITotnt stead No. 2(:f7, for the V, RE 1-1 osd 8P 't IMV 1-lmVAl'p 2 eoulh. It 'A E, W. M. He mnWs the followini? wilnewea to prove rus con. tinuous ie,.vd'i:ce upon, and cullivatiou cf. said land, v;.: Thomas Howard. Chfis, E. Hirton. Heurj- .lord's. Joseph Jones, all tti lx-na Precinct, L'mtt.'i'.la coautf, Oregrn. .' !2..i7 1L D. DwKinT, llepster. Heppner Gazette $2.50 a year; $1.50 for six moLthc; II for three. months. xX L