Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 22, 1883, Image 3

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Local andGeneral.
Webfoot crops are crying for rain.
The street, sprinkler is doing good
Mr. J. T. English is over from Eock
Parasols in profusion at J. L. Mo rrow
ileppncrs lawyers are all at home
Are you going to celebrate, and if so,
how much?
Mrs. M. Anderson, of Hardman, visited
town this week.
Cash Mallory received a lot of new
goods this week.
Miss Alice Florence has been visiting
in town this week.
Zepli Davis has our thanks for a lot of
late eastern papers.
William Thurbin of Rusanville, is at
.'present visiting Pendleton.
William Warren and family returned
Tuesday from a visit to Pendleton.
Henry Blackmail and family contem
plate visiting Pendleton next week.
Dr. filiolH has been down to Webfoot
'on a visit, and is now at home again.
Old Salem is said to be really waking
up from its long flip Van Winkle sleep.
Theso glorious moonlight nights make
tachellors realize their lonely condition.
Mrs. M. A. Wilson, of Umatilla, is
viBitmpher daughter, Mrs. W. J.Leezer,
in town.
For warm weather the ladies will find
fine, cool low-cut shoes at J. L. Morrow
& Son's.
W. T. Slater, son to Senator Slater,
recently graduated at the Oregun State
Univc rsity.
Harvey J. Hill's family started on Mon
day for n visit to their old home at
Hon. J. I-.' Morrow returned home
Wednesday from an extended visit to
Puget Sound.
Mr. J. W. Grant left on Tuosday morn
ing's Echo stiige for a trip through the
AVebfoot nation.
Fresh butter received every Saturday
from the Kock creek dairy at Frank
Maddock'a stare.
Trout fishing in Willow creek is now
fair to middling. O;oar Minor pulled
out 40 the other day.
Some capatilist might make a pretty
good thing by building some cottages
for rent in Heppner.
A bull being teased by children at
Knappa the other day got mad and ripp
ed open a 200 horse.
Charles Wallace returned homo Tues
day having exhibited some of his line
horses in Pendleton.
Ladies linen uluters at such low prices
that you cannot afford to do without
theni at J. L. Morrow & Son's.
Will Morrow and Fred Halloek left
Wed nedoy for atrip tv) Eoboj Pendleton,
Walla Walla imd way stations.
The boys have made an out-door bath
tub in the rwi above town, in which
they have 'lots of fun swimming.
Campbell A Williamson and Will Wal
bridpe left for Alkali with their wool
last Friday, returning Wednesday.
A large consignment of sheep pelts
were this week shipped through to San
Francisco by Heppner & Blackmail.
Mrs. G. W. Harrington and children
loft ou Monday night' stage for a visit
io relatives in the Willamette valley.
Perry Oiler, one of the pioneers of this
.section, was over this week from his ex
tensive horse-fimeh on iiock creek.
Now is the accepted time for the old
est inhabitant to sit upon a fence, whittle
a stick, and prophesy a hard winter.
Miss Nina Milliorn, of Junction, ar
rived in Heppner hint Saturday, on a
visit to her cousin, Mrs. Thos. Morgan.
Phil Cohen returned home Monday,
bringing his mother and sister, who are
at present visiting Mrs. Henry Blackman.
The railroad company have started in
to rebuild the round house at Blaloek.
The new building will contain 11 stalls.
Tjadies who want a nice article of laco
collars and ties for Fourth of July can
find them at J. L. Morrow & Son's store.
Miss Melvina Mendenhall, who has
been teaching in the Heppner school,
loft Tuesday morning for her home near
Archbishop Blanchet died in Portland
last Monday, agedSS years. As amission
nrv he first arrived at Vancouver in
There now remains onlv 120 miles of
the Northern Pacific to be built to fur
nish through rail connection with Port
Mr. I. G. Hewison, former proprietor
or the Heppner i louring Mill, alter
wintering in Webfoot, has returned to
We learn that the ieoplo of Dairy
Ridge and vicinity are going to have a
grand celebration up in the timber on
the fourth of July.
At East Portland last Saturday a son
of Dr. James Keck was run over by a
railroad train and had both legs cut off
close to his body.
The Echo and Heppner stage is now
carrying quite a number of passengers
each way, and Mr. Phillips is building
up a smashing business.
Unless all signs fail in this country,
we will soon have rain, tor our dog has
beeu caught chewing grass three times
during the last month.
If yon want any letterhead;?, bill
heads, envelopes, cards, posters, or any
kiud of book or job printing, send ywur
orders to tho Gazette office.
Potatoes of the best quality are raised
in the gardens of Heppnt-r. W. E. Theo
dore is now drawing ou his crop, aud
they are beauties.
Frank and W. B. Gilliam, of Spring
Hollow, and Wm. Crabtree, of Khea creek,
favored the Gazette office with calls
dnrintf the post week.
The prospective war between France
arid China r not inbe to nrwr.se the
p.'.trietism of Heppner ('hin.'unen c.o ug!i
. initVo Jrm s:v.rt f-n- the fn-nt.
w.ntU, W. B. Cun-
nm ,vV'S aud sever d other
frieiiNr rn during the week to
cheer i azktte along towards old
W v
That new and delicious article, the
Candle Fish, has arrived in town, and
may be found at the store of J. L. Morrow
& Son. The boxes may be left opeu for
months without spoiling,
-fr. D. II. Jayne was this week down
from his home in the timber, where,
assisted by his industrious wife, he has
done a great deal of work in getting out
wood aud fencing material.
Mr. J. S. Smith, of Rhea creek, starts
this week with his sheep for the romantic
Desolation Lake country. This we be
lieve was the extreme distance reached
by Heppner sheep last summer.
With foam and with dust his black
charger was gray. He had ridden 70
miles that day into town to find out
what Club House Specialty was. Fred
Hawker soon explained it to him.
Z. Baker, aged 55, a farmer from Iowa,
nnd his son-in-law, B. H. Thomas, aged
41, shot and killed each other in the
presence of their wives in the law office
of T. B. Handley at Hillsboro, last Mon
day. Going afoot is not very fashionable in
thil country, but two Heppner young
lad es recently walked six miles to visit
p. kjiiauve and at tlie same time slirv-'
tlvEY tiould WHlk -when they.
Mr. J. Nunan is now rusticating in the
sylvan shades of the Blue mountains.
We hope he will favor the Gazette read
ers with some literary contributions
while surrounded by all the fresh charms
of nature.
The coal deposits of the Blue moun
tains will furnish the future fuel fortius
section of tho country, and tho coal
stoves and all other kinds of stoves will
be supplied by V. J. Luezer, Main St.,
H eppner.
D. A. Herren received a large bill of
rilles, shot-guns and pistols this week,
and s.dd six of tho ri3es the day they
arrived. If deer and elk come down to
bite anybody the settlers are going to be
prepared for them.
Chalk it down in your photograph al
bum that John Hendricks will soon' go
out in the tall timber on i big hunt. We
have given him an order to bring in four
head of bears running cut there with
our brand on them.
Sickness is a misfortune we all have to
conteCd with more or less, and. the next
best tiling to avoiding it is to check its
course by using the pure drugs and
medicines dispensed by C M. Mallory,
of the City Drug store.
(,'hatlie Sing Lee wants the people to
know that he advertises his business in
the Gazette all same as enterprising
white business men do, and that the oppo
sition wash-house just started in a stable
with a dirt floor is no good.
Indians may abuse their horses by rid
ing tliem barefoot over rough rocks, but
the sensible white man takes his horses
to W. M. Estes, Heppner, who shoos
them in good shape, and also does plow
work ami general biacksmithing.
Pro-emption and homestead claims
require a good, habitable bouse upon
them. When you erect an institution of
that kind, get your nails, hinges, locks
and otber hardware of V. J. Leozer,
Hoppner's well-known hardware mer
chant. When hist beard from, Snm Cormack
had reached the Grand lit mud river with
his sheep without loss, and about this
time is probably workiug his passage
acrosn that dreary desert between the
Malhenr and the Snake rivers. It is
many a mile to Montana.
The steam saw mill of Park Garrngus
is crowded to its utaio.st capacity ith
orders. Lumber is being turned out at
a rapid rate, but tho demand exceeds
the supply. On every hand new settlers
are improving their places, and tliotowu
aud surrounding country are having a
good, steady, healthy growth.
G.W. Wright, Attorney at La w and No
tary Public, desires to inform the public
generally, that he is now well supplied
with a full line of blanks, warranty deeds,
mortgages, bouds for deed, leases, etc.,
and will take pleasure m maLing con
veyances aud other contracts at reason
able rates. Office on Main street, nest
door to Waite's furniture store.
Last Saturday was a lively day in
Heppner. Sheepmen, cattlemen, horse
men and ranchmen were in town from
ail parts of the surrounding section, and
the streets presented an animated appear
ance. Merchants and business men were
kept on the jump all day, and the total
amount of transactions would reach
quite a respectable figure in round num
bers. Tho most agreeable and yet harmless
drink ever invented is ice-cold soda wa
ter. The first marble soda-fountain ever
brought to Heppner, and the only one
now here, is at the variety store of Minor
tt Bods-in, where thisdolicions beverage,
of any Jomxed flavor, may now be obtain
ed. Also plenty of mountain reading
matter on hand.
Biding along any of the roads in this
section the way is dusty enough at pres
ent. But t urn your liorso's head up some
gulch, leave the highway, and go off
among the hills. Around you is a roll
ing sea of blue, white aud pink wild
flowers, contrasting strongly with the
bright scarlet of the wild ve rbena. This
is liowery June, alive with the music of
meadow -larks, and no cramped city
fence to confine its thousand perfumes.
It is a lovely, peaceful picture.
ltIG Kl'UN.
Grant's station, ubove The Dalles, was
burned Monday night. The depot,
hotel, Grant's warehouse, and Fox,
Scott & Go's stock of merchandise, a
lcrge amount of wool and miscellaneous
freight were consumed. Total loss.
82110.1)00, as follows: Cooper's hotel.
5.000;4ix. Scott Co.. $23,000; Wm.
Grant, buildings and lumber, 15.1 RIO;
Murray Bros., Dayville, wool and mer
chandise. 815.000; A. Shernecken. Cross
Hollows, S2.000; Lowengart .t Sichel,
Goldendah merchandise. ?2.0;i0; Cum
mings i. Dickson, $4,000: Harvey A
Clr.rk, Grass valley wool, $3,000; Coch
rain .t IXiwuing, Grass valley wool,
$4,000; Wm. Burnett. Spanish "Hollow
m r hiiiuli'1?, $1,000. A large lot of wool
bunted near the statiou. waiting ship
ment, o ners unknown. ;iKnLt $2-"."i 1 :
l ). II. A- X. Cti., .om.
A y
On Wednesday afternoon of last
a deplorable accident occurred m
canyon, about 14 miles southe:!
Heppner. by which. Henry, a son
H. Gaant, lost his life. A. J. Hale
hauling a large load of rails down i
canyon, audihe two Gaunt boys, He:
and Johnnie; were with him, their faor
residing in there while Mr. Gaunt j
-CJgaged in getting out some tim)jt
The road down tho canvon was ti
sidling, but wagons had often pnseJw
over u wuwiut ucoiueni. a eu-ioo ran
was tied to the wagon and run straight
out on the upper side. On this rail the
boys rode to keep the load from capsiz-
inc. while Mr. Hale rode on the brake-
block. All might have gone well hadU
not the wheels slid down some distance!
and oue of the hind ones dropped into g
chuck-hole. Then the wagon went over.j
Mr. Hale sang out to the boys to jump
off the rail. Johnnie did so, but Henry
( lung t j it. As he went over the spring
from the rail Bhot him through tlfe air a
distance of fifty feet, throwing him with
terrific force against the side of a cabin.
The unfortunate boy struck on his head
and shoulders, cracking the snakes out
of which tho building is constructed.
His father picked him up apparently
dead, but by hard work some signs of
recovered consciousness. Dr. STiinl
,,..r.t uml with th nhronts and
. - ... .
ank and Messrs. Hill, Glenn
Kirk, did everything in their power to
save the boy's life, but in spite of all
efforts he died at 11 o'clock Thursday
night. Henry was a real bright and
promising boy of It years, and his sad
death is a severe blow to his bereaved
parents. Ilev. Mr. Hope will preach the
funeral sermon at the Hale schoolhouse
A band of 130 hed from the John Day
country, owned by Mr. Gilman, passed
through Heppner last Sunday, bound
for Montana.
A great many horses have this spring
been driven out of the country tributary
to Willow creek, and we hear of several
more bands to go, but it is impossible to
give exact figures in the case.
Hon. J. B. Sperry has heard from his
band of horses, which left here for Mon
tana a few weeks ago in charge of Geo.
Ayers. They had reached Boise City,
aud were gettiug along all right. Mr.
Sperry intends to go through over the
Northern Pacific Railroad and get to
Montana ahead of the band, to super
intend their sale.
J. W. Greenwood, accompanied by E.
M. Barlow, started this week with a band
of 250 head of horses, which they will
drive to tho Canyon creek country, be
tween the Yellowstone and Musselshell
rivers, in Montana, where Mr. Green
wood has a horse-ranch. Some of these
horses were bought from Mr. Crawford,
on Butter Creek, at $10 a head. The
balance were bought of Chas. E. Hinton,
administrator of the estate of the late
John Hinton, to which they belonged, at
$41.50 a head. Considering the quality
of the horses, Mr. Greenwood secured
bargains in both purchases. They will
be driven by way of Boine City,
Tho rjliaunary examination before
S luire Mi llory last Friday in the case
of Goo. Olson and John Michaels,
charged w ith the larceny of a steor from
Thos. Morgan, resulted in their ac
quittal. It was shown in evidence that
r. very natural mistake had been made.
Mr. Michaels noticed a young steer on
the range branded Z. He afterwards
asked Mr. Nordyke whose steer that was,
and as ho speaks with a strong Gerrnnn
p.ncer.t, the latter gest-lenr.u understood
him to Hpeak of tho C brand, and told
him it w.iti Mr. Cochran's. Mr. Michaels
sent word to Mr. Cochran by tho stage
driver, and received permission to butch
er the steer. He then sent Geo. Olsen
after-it, and it was butchered before the
mistake was discovered. The court do
cided that it was all a mistake, and upon
Mr. Michaels paying Mr". Morgan $50 for
the steer, the ease- was dismissed. In
the absoucoof all Heppne. s professional
lawyers, C. M. Mallory conducted the
prosecution and James Hagar the de
A party of six shearers, consisting of
Harry Bennett, Ed. Cox, Jas. Farrier,
Carl Crow, Marion Knox and Henry
Scherzinger one day last week sheared
750 sheep at the ranch of Silas French,
on Dry Kock creek. This is an average
of 125 each, and if the supply of sheep
had not given out, they might have
brought the number up to 150 each. Ed.
Cox led the list with 152. If any other
ctjw outdone this work this season, we
would like to publish their figures.
Shearing is now over for this year, and
the boys are taking a well-earned rest.
Coffin, McFarland & Co., of Alkali,
carry a large stock of General Merchan
dise, and have the reputation of, selling
goods lower than any other firm in that
place. They make cash advances on and
take charge of any wool for shipment to
Messrs. CI rlsty & Wise, San Francisco.
In agricultural implements they offer
the very best, viz: The Bain Wagon,
Oliver Chilled. Plow, the celebrated
Champion "Reapers and Mowers, the
Thomas & Tiger Sulky Hay Bake, Hodges
Headers. MeCormicfc Twine Binder and
Buffalo Pitts Challenger Thresher.
a l
4 I
4 I
The ladies of Heppner and vicinity
can get Dressmaking, Cutting and Fit
ting, etc., done in the latest style, by
calling on the undersigned. Am also
agent for E. Buttenek's Patterns.
Mrs. A. O' Daniel,
Xei t door north of I. O. O. F. Hall.
Land OrncE t Tiik Dli.es, )
June VI, l,:j. (
Noti'-p i hr'by (riven tlmt thp following,
nnnml uttler him tilnl niitire of hi intention to
mkt fciuil inif in utxrtof Ihh claim, nrci llml
wind pnf will imui Ih-fort tli County
Jmljt'of I urn'. i1!h county at Hepimer, on Julj
30, vii:
.4. L. Meek, now Mr. Hilly,
Him"tMl No. 9.V. for 0e RVV I I nt 2r, Ti .1 S
H 2S K. She Bumfs the followinit witnewu to
prtivi- iipr rontinwMiH rwidenc upon, nnd culti
vation of. liit il. viz: Whiter Mi Aim, (I
l-'nntN T. S. U-tinl. I. W. Owen, hll t,f H.i)nrr
rnmtlb rou'.t-v. t irvn,
M - L. ( i'iti Y i;, t:i.r.
Archbishop Seghers, of Portland, ac
companied by Ilev. Father Oonraddi, of
tr.e Lmatilia Iteservation, arrived in
Heppner last Saturday, and held services
in the Heppner church Sunday forenoon
ana evening, ine archbishop delivered
two interesting discourses, whioh were
istened to with marked attention by
crowded congregations. People of lib
ra! ideas of all denominations would
Ike to have these eminent Catholic cen-
Tjemen come among ns frequently.
i nnr h rvt . n v
itrand Procession ! Headed by
Academy Band of The Dalles.
Uarbacne, Yacht Kace, Foot Ruco,
Hurdle Race, and Other Sports.
.Io Conclude with a Beautiful Display
0f Fire Works and a
ff - nwT"'' Tip Evening.
T Cornet -and
Judge L L. McArthur, of The Dalles,
has been invited to deliver the
Phil Heppner,
fteo. Young,
D. Mason,
D. W. Koppikus,
James W. Smith,
I. C. Condon,
F. McFarland,
E. J. Keeuey,
M. V. Harrison,
T. J. Cartwright,
Arthur Coffin,
T. C. Mobley.
the 0. II. & X. Cj's Trains.
GO Tt)
City Drug Store;
Cor. Main & May Sts.,
For Medical Purpoaos.
descriptions Carefully Compounded.
Heppner, - - Oregon.
J. V. (tfLMORE, Proprietor.
t Roonn Nea-.ly Furnished,
Tble Always Supplied with the Best the
Market Affords.
' htvinii rpooutly loused this favorably known
hoi' e, nnd ifono into the hotnl buHinoi-s aunin, 1
woikl be glnd to mflfrt my old friends, and will
Ontcavor in the tutuif, n in thepiutt, to entertain
allin the most aurweublo manner, vlnl-tf.
Cioice Wines, Liquors & Cigars.
I MINOR & HALL, Prop's.
I.ivn Cvvirw. itThi rUT.T.lCH. Or.. )
' , June 8, IMA f
Kitiep is hereby iriven thnt the followiim-I'Bmed
witter Iiiih fiU-d notice of hie intention to make
tina tmiof in support of hi claim, and that eaid
iipcf bo made before County Judge at
neipner, (Jr., on July i, 1883, viz:
I Robert E. Johnson, .
Honestead No. 1012. for the NE '4 8K Wand 8K
1-t IE Vi sec 19, 1-i Hee 20. Tp 8 8. K
2H E lie names the fullowind witnesHee to irove
hi nntinmiuH residence upon, and cultivation
of. aid bind vi: W. H. Cuiiiiinalmin. Freeman
(ireei, John llerdrix, J. W. Hasey, all of Hepp
ner, Umutdla (o., Or.
12 U I,. COFFIN, Kesisjer.
Nfl-rv IJluckmitli fhop,
Main Street, Heppner.
(One door north Ayers' Feed Stable.)
We are now prepored to do all kinds of
work m our line
Horse-Shoeing and Plow-Work a Spec
U U M 13 lu K
ept on II find in Heppnor.
y to
Gi'y Drug frtorf.
UU ,1 U I 1
The Old Established Souse ot
Dealers In
Sole Agents for Heppner, and Vicinity
FOIi the
Cele b rate cl B a i n Ar agon,
Knapp, Burr-ell & Co's. Agricultural Implements.
Commission and Forwarding Merchants.
Ship Cure of H. St B., Alkali.
Heppner, Umatilla Co. ; Alkali, Wasco Go.
Livery and Feed Stable,
My Terms are Kcasotuibl.
Stock Juetl ixi My Caro,
Will bo Well Attended To.
Tiay and Grain kept in
Saddle and Harness Maker,
Mam St reel, - Alkali, Oregon.
Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of
1-IarnesH, Bridles, Whips, Saddles. Collars, fcc.
In short eTerytli'iK in my line. AM work in my lino made to otder, and from the, beet Qante
('ru and Stockton leather.
California VICTOR Mower
I if- '
T Til Ak4V
iMecai iw&
Boxes vBmM
Pitman always in line with the Knife. , .
By the use of our Compound Draft Attachment, SIDE DRAFf i en'-
tirely done away with.
Machine Perfectly Balanced. NoVeight on Horse's Nck.
The Superiority of our Pitman, Finger Bar and Draft AttaentnMit
admitted by all.
0 0 MADE BY . -
The Judson Manufacturing . Company.
A. 3LOCUM, Agont,
m rrrrrn rm
Full Stock and For Sale.
j Cy
.A J