THE GAZETTE. 7. T77". REDXaTCKTCaT. Editor. HEPPNER, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1&83. TH MALHEUR COUNTRY. TJire are many stockmen in Umatilla county who are casting about for pastures new to -which to remove their flocks and herds. The new settlerr are fencing up the land and plowing up the soil, and while there is still a very hirge area left open for pasturage, yet it is comparatively cramped to men who have used it as it was. As a sheepman 'who knew this range in its palmy days recently remarked, by the time the rear end of his hand were out of the corral in the morn ing, his leaders were into another man's band. While it is probably true that stockmen can get along Crops in this section are in a satisfactory condition, although some farmers begin to feel a little uneasy about lack of rain. On southern slopes the land is getting rather dry, but on land sloping to the north the soil retains its mois ture wonderfully well. While few farmers report that their crops are actually suffering for rain, all agree that rain would be welcome. There are spots where a clay soil has baked, and the grain is drying out. Considerable wheat is now being cut for hay, and the yield is very satisfactory. RHEA CKKKK ITEMS. J I N K 15. Ed. GazetYe: -If you will allow me space, I will try iiml tell you how tilings are getting along on lihea creek. Every-body is busy hauling from the mountains. Thep is a show for a couple of crood UJlLJ'np11FHl. girln to iret married on Q REWARD Will hp paid for t)ii recovery nf th following hor-s: One 2-ynar-o (I durk hhjr tllion. hmmlwi 71 V connwfaU on li ft nliouklHr: olio bay work-hori-e hjui.dttl JHl con;;pcted on right tinV. l'i-l' Fbask (iuBLK, lleiipner. SCHOOL MEETING. .A ninctimr of the loipil Toteru of School Bi-t. No. 3.1 will be held ut 1 nYlork P. M. June 25, to toke lu tion on mntters of (trent importance to the clitrit. lifciS Kd. R. Blum. Clerk. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. N'OTICK in hereljy ciruu that in pursuance of an order of the lion. J. J. ltallemy, .Tutltfo of tli O'-uIt Court for the i-;x;i Judicial df- t.vt'.t.. m:l.l l.n t) H lUtll Atm i.f .Innn 1 I t Kll't in tiiu matter of the eHtntt ut T. 8. Lwtthermnni'l insolvent debtor, the ui:a.rsi).n'il BHSijrnee of said insolvent estnfp, will w-ll t public auction to Oie biliet bidder, for cash, at the home ranch, ko called, of T. H. Leatliermnn on Rhea creek 11 miles wmth of Hoppner, on Friday July 20, lnHH, at 12 ocluck M., tlie following described real and personal estate, situated in Umatilla county. State of OreRon, beincr the property conveyed to the undersigned by said insolvent by his Hssitrn. inert dated January 27ih, A. D. : Ml acres of land with the improvements thereon, beinw the W of 8W l-l, SK l-t of SV l-l, and SW 1-4 of SE l- of sec 1:1. Tp 4 H. of K 2ti E ; l(l acres of land, being the W of NE 1-4 and N of NW -1 of sec 21, iu Tp 4 H of K 2K E ; ar.d the per sonal property of said insolvent now situated on the ranch above described and consisting of cut tle, hojrs, pigs and sowed grain. Wm. Huhhes, Assiimee, fly V. L. Paine, his attorney. New Livery, Feed and still, there are many who cannot stand the least crowding. To those who are hunting new range wo would say, go over and inspect the Malheur country. There is a vast scope of territory over there, and most, of it is a good stock re gion. It is no longer an Indian reservation, having been partially thrown open for settlement last year, and is now entirely so except n few acres at Camp Harney. Those who have wintered there do not speak very well of it as a farm ing country, except down towards Snake river, but say that what stock the Indians had always got through all right. No doubt the Camp Harney or southern end of the reservation is now well stocked with horses and cattle, but the balance of the country must be comparatively free from , stock. The country is diversified, contains timbered ridges, bunch-grass hills and ryegrass flats, and along the Lower Malheur is a stretch of white sagQ on which cattle flourish nnd grow fat From Canyon City the old agency it about 80 miles by god wagon rond, and from Ilepp ner the agency might be reached in a straight horseback line via Susanville in about 125 miles. DIRECT WOOL SHIPMENTS. A good opportunity is at present afforded to wool-growers and ship pers to ship their wool to eastern markets at reasonable freight rates. Owing to the depression at present existing in the wool markets in the east, buyers are holding back and not appearing in the markets un less at very low prices. It would appear that if those who have wool, and are in a position to hold it, were to ship by the C. S. Hnlburt, now on the berth for New York direct, at one cent per pound freight,, that it affords the cheapest kind of storage. It is known that wool making the voyage around Cajxi Horn will materially increase in weight l!y absorption, nnd in having the wool in New York five months from now it will be in one of tho best markets possible for the wool-grower to receive the full benefit of price. "We should like to see direct shipments to New York encouraged, so that every season vessels may be loaded from the Columbia river direct without paying toll to San Francisco. Th alyvt from the Orviouifin, outlines a new departure in the wool; business. At present prices it looks reasonable to suppose that a man could not get much less for his wiol in New York six months hence than he now can in Portland or San Fransiseo. But the expeii enco of some Umatilla county wool growers in shipping to sell at the east has not been very successful. Six years ago a Heppnor man had 10,000 pounds of wool which he might have sold in Portland for 26 cents per pound, lie shipped it to San Francisco, where 1800 pounds of the coarsest Mas culled out and sold at 25 cents. The balance was shipped bv rail to New.YorL After waiting a year the owner received returns on it, ami it netted him 15 cents. Of course the cost of transportation by sailing vessel is a great deal less tlmn by rail, and if a man can afford to wait six months for a sale, the round the Horn route may yet irove'a profitable scheme for ffic wool "rower. t i i i -if hasty 'liuVhsimnVT'iAAiiU!iic&a very and pre-emption. Mr. Wm. Crablree in teaching school on Dairy Hidge, and singing school also on lihea creek every Sunday. Jake Brown and S ira F.mith have sent for u new mower and Sulky rake. They think it will beat an Armstrong. Harvest is rapidly coming on, and the proHpcctfl for an abundant yield are at the prenent very UatterinJ. But we wouldn't care to have a little shower bo as to lay tho dtint before the fourth. Mr. Gilliam and wife started last week for tho Warm Springs on John Day's. Mr. Gilliam has been laid up for some length of time with rlenmatism. We hope ho will regain his health p.nd have a pleasant trip. ii. Fiat, ! Ls v i . . i i t jm THE WOOL MARKET. Messr.j. Ilerrcn & IIiuweH, wool com mission merchant.;, 10 North Front irlt., Portland, writing from there June 13, say: Wool is coming down very freely now. We sold John W. Our ran' a wool to-day for IS cents, which is considered a good sale, and the top figure. The wool market here is fairly active, not withstanding the very diseourainng ad- . 1 1. 4' o,... vices reoeiveu uany uum iwu rii.uumuu and the East. A few speculators are now buying in this market, and paying as much as can be got in San Francisco. Good t choice wools when offered here can find buyers at 17.i to IS) cents. BLACK 110KSK CKliEKKATlON. The people of Black and vicinity will hold a basket picnic on the Fourth of July in tho grove on Willow creek, one-lulf mile southeast of Wm. Pen ami's. A general invitation is pxteudod to all. Levi Shaner's teams are kept busy .'muling lumber from Park Garragus' mill. G. W. Tits worth has procured a town site just below H. Thompson's on Butter creek, and will soon open n utore there. Milton narrowly escaped being totally destroyed by fire last week. The tire was caused by an incendiary, and was started in the post ollice building. Another sign of Heppiier's business growth is that two large safes arrived last Saturday. One was for Ayers & Kirk, the other for Cash Mallory. In burning up a yellow-jacket's nest below Albina last Saturday it was found necessary to also consume 2500 cords of wood, a house and barn, and half a mile of fence. . Walla Walla strawberries in Konveo pathio dose have ( raved in Heppner during the plist week. In a very Hhort time after arrival not one was left to tell the tale of attack and defeat. The O. E. & N. Co. has issued an order forbidding agents to receive for trans portation any ardent spirits, liquors; wines or beer when consigned to places within Indian reservations. Stations included in the order are Pendleton, Cayuse. or any station hereafter located within 20 miles east of Pendleton. Ixv'is Jones h;iS been missing from J. Knight's plaeo on Wild Horse creek, smce last Friday afternoon. Jones com plained of being sick, and went out us if to lie down in the shade, since which time he has not b?en seen, and Mr, Knight fears that the young man has either In come insane or been foully dealt with. Echo has two hotels, two general mer chandise stores, three saloons, a Houring iu. course of construction, a half a dozen dwellings, a blacksmith shop, fuui a number of other enterprises on foot. The city of Echo has shipped this year 1125 sacks of wool, and would have shipped more if the bridge had been across the river at the foot of its main street. It will soon be iu course of cou slruction.' ALKALI CKLKBKATIOX. The enterprising citizens of Alkali are making oa tensive preparations ti cel ebrate tho Fourth. A varied programme of amusements will be provided, the whole to conclude with a gran a!l in the evening. MO.NEY WANTKI). All persons who arf imli'bti il to l'nrk.T A filiti m tur linnhiT, Biul wliow accounts have !in ninr.iiiK over ix months, art" respect fi'.Uy notified that their bills may be found ut my olliee wil set tled there. A. -M U.U'HY. lleinuier, June l'-. 1--U r.w i i'. All persons indel.tcil to tlt etaip of Frank Miukloek, deceased, will please call rd settle. to. K. IosUoh, Administrator. June 20. KS.1. M-a) SING LEE, Washing and Ironing, Mav Street. hotm:k. oiu:;ox. D, OERREN, STOKE -: o MRS. M. E. WARREN, JJ'ould respectfully announce to the Indies of Heppner and vicinity that she hm just received the largest and best aaorted stoc of jLLINERY AND FANCY GOODS l ; ever brought to this city, consist ing of ALKALI, OREGON. 11. B. HOOD, Prop'r. ' HATS, BONNETS, j FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS AND LACES dies' Underwear, Sewing Machine Needles. t , Stamping done to order. May Street, . - - Heppner, Or. ) DEALER IN( GENERAL - MERCHANDISE Horses Bought and Sold on Com mission. THE BEST ATTENTION OIVEN TO HOUSES LEFT IN MY CHARGE. Terms Reasonable. Stock Shipped to any part of the Coun try as Ordered. i :CJ JO and 1 1 10 PI MS' KR STAGE LINE, II. PHILLIPS, Jmmww i Lrvb Kol'.o JlondijH, Wed.'iosl;i)'S and Fri days. Leave fiihriore' Hotel, Heppner, Tuesdays, TimrscUij'H ai:d Saturdays. Connecting at Kclio with railroad fur Pendleton. Rates op Fahk Each Way. Stao rido 81 miles over a Rood ror.d. Good stock and (lumfortabln wagons. ALL PACKAGE BUSINESS AND OR DERS FOR PRODUCE, ETC., '.Promptly Al l ended To. 0'7yve'our7)rders GO TO ,- K. Xordyke, Fhe rooD Butcher ! To Oet Your "Wagons Patched. j Bring Your Pitrses along witlP ' and don't you forget it. Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Line of i 3 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCEBIES', HATS," fe CAPS, HJOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY, N0TI05S- 4 v 7 i. --)Also Agent for( 4 ' C. I I. Dockl & Co.'s Agricultural lacfu'ncnv J 7 I. JJCIITENTIIAL. Boot and Shoe Shop, ! Main Si., Oregon. (Boots und Shoes M udeto Ordei". Fred. J. Hallock, - at TnR - ' 1 Repairing Ncnily Executed. IW Office, for ail Newspapers and lUjaaosigfetisfaetion Guaranteed The Oldest IJusiness; I Louse in riepjxier! . L. MORKOW & SON, -) DEALERS IX(- o lAND THI'X- IT Celebrated Schuttler Wagon, "Which I will Furnish ut Portland Price, Freight .Added. (o). Cash Advances mede on Wool, and Wool Sacks Furnished at Lowest Rates. .V.4,V STREET, AV. J . L K K Z K 11 , - - - HEPPNER, ORKOOX q )dkaleu in( Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, l)rv-f ii Groceiies, Furnishing Goods! - Their Stock Comprises the Latest Styles of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods, Men' and Boys Clothing, 1 Shoes, Boots, Hats ware, Carpets, Caps, Crocker:, Glass ill Paper, Jewelry, &c. CORNER J7.lAC MAV ItUEETK, HEPPNER.. OREGON. .Vgricul tural I mpleni(?ntH. )AIf) has( 0 1IOKS, KAKES, ' " GRIND STONED AUGURS. SAWS, HOUSE SHOES, IIAEEOW TEETH. BJKD CAGES. LANTERNS, AND riBTOLH Nails of all Kinds. Iron and Wooden rimps, Bolts, of all Sizes. , . ) AGENT FOK( "Kme CcLi-:BRaTKD Clu'imcr Plow. A FULL LINE 0E SHELF HARDWARE. MINOR & DODSON, Grocery anci 'Variety Store, MAIN STREET, - " - IIEPPNER, OREGON. (o) Ve Keep-in Stocfc a Fnll Line of Goceries, Provisions, Stationerj, Fancy Gorxla, French and American Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other Fruits in season, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, Meerehaum Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols nnd Cartridges. Ocit Soda Fountain is Now in Running Ohdek. FRANKLIN SQUARE AND SEASIDE LIBRARIES. ROUND BOOKS BY vlnl-tf. THE BEST AUTHORS. FOR TUB LAME. I am now prepi red to do ail kinds of rrjB.smakinj? and everything in that lino in the latest etyle and on short notice. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "V'OTK'E in h'Toh;,' givpn that the ur(lnviri.4 x i hsv thiii rlay Ijohii apiHnntrd ilaunintxalnrK of tlie ftnt nf KrNtik MHilrlix:k, (Iwewwil. All ftitnA liHvifif; rlainiA auntil Mud entAte ar iprchy rntinirril to nRnt the tame in wntiig to . , . . ... , u. ! Eil. K. Hishnp witli prober 'nctie ut tho Ernk All work warranted. Cutting and tnting : .yiddock m, in Hpp-xt. Ut.. within n m--th a srecwlt.'. Eo..mj3 at Honeer Hotel. ,hs ,f iff" rpi. MK3. Yj. fiC'tr- i- i Jui'9 1. Jon t AdswiKtral-ori.