THE HEPPIIER TIMES. Published Every Thursday by A. J. HICKS O SUBCR1PTION On Year Six Month Three Month KATES: O $I.OO 75 SO Entered t the Postofnce at Heppner, Oregon Kcond-cla n-attr. RAWLINS I'OST NO. 1. A- R. MEET AT Odd Fallow' Hull t Heppner, every third Saturday of each mouth. G. W. Khka, Adj. -. W . Smith. Com. THURSDAY. DEC. 8, 1904. Elk's Memorial Service. Beyond time's whirl we brightly see The tun shine through the cypress tree; Not bopeles pass our dead away. For we shall view the breaking day Across the mournful marMes pluy." The Elke oi Heppner held their an nual o tuioriiil service in the 1 O. O. F. hall Sunday afternoon. The service was very largely attended and the exer- rjorw were eplendid. two by the orohMtr7 itnwwa-y w- K.k's outruns ceremonies. Ihvme bles sing was invoked by Key. J. V. Craw ford. The quartets, "Hope Beyond" and "Lead Kinuly Light." by Mr. C. O. Huelat, Mr. and Mrs. J A. McKee and J. W. Shi, lev were exceptionally well rendered and were duly appreciated. The eolos "Beautiful Isle of Some where." by Mrs. V. E. Reed, and "One Sweet, Solemn 1 nought" by Mrs. C. O Huelat, were splendid numbers and the manner in which they were rendered was very pleasing. The reading of "Thanatopsis" by Miss Beatrice Goodknecht was a pleasing feature of the program, but the princi pal feature of the service was the ad dress by J. P. Kavanaugh of Portland. Mr. Kavanaugh is not only a pleasant, but a forceful and able speaker, and his address reflected much credit upon him self and the Elks. Following is a list of the tieparted brothers of the Heppner lodge: E. L. Matlock, Wm. Penland, Charles White, Tbos. Stubblefield, J. J. Roberts, J. J. Harris. B. F. Vaughan, Charles Ingra ham, and Frank Natter. snd the cattle re taking on flesh rapidly, j lr. Vincent says, while there have Mo to sales on the creek lately, the beef; market is loosing op, and by the first cf ; the year he es peets otTeruigs as ntgo as four cents for good beef stock. R. C. Wills and Harry Johnson were passengers for Portland Monday. They went down to secure houses for the Wills and Johnson families, who will move to Portland to reside. Mrs. John- son aud ton Percy weut down luesday. Mrs. Harrison Chapin of Hardtuan, re turned Friday evening from Boise City, Il.ho, where she has been the part two months. Her daughter fcuilh is attend- iw hie'n school in Boise. Mr. Chapin came down from Hardman Friday to in et his wife. The farm residence of J. Parkins, six miles north of Lexington, was burned ne day last week with most of its con ems. We did not learn the origin of the fire. Mr Parkins was in Heppuer Sun-lay after carpenters and will begin the work of rebuilding at once. Blind Jim, one of the Columbia river Indians, died five miles from Paterson, Wash-jOutbe 221 of November, 1004. falling on him some time ago."'" lie was a ' well known character to all old-timers aronud Heppner. His age, as near as is known, was sixty-five years. Miss Flora Myers, who has been nurs ing H. E. Warren, who has been sick with typhoid at the Brock residence, had the misfortune to break an arm last Thursday morning. She stepped out ol the door to the slippery walks when she s ipped ana leu, ami in protecting ner a;lf from a hard fall her arm was broken. W. P. McMillan, who was in the city from Lexington Monday, says although he has not yet footed up the amount of wheat received at me Lexington ware-1 house for shipment, he thinks it will be fully 200,000 bushels. The wheat is now practically all in and shipment is pro gressing nicely. Services will be held at the Catholic church, Heppner, on Sunday, Dec. IS, and also on Christmas day. Come and inspect ... our Christmas Goods WM7 Muko this your head quarters during the Holidays. Initiate Thirty-Eight, lone Camp of 1. O. O. F., which was recently moved from lone to this city, held its second meeting in the I. O. O. F. hall Monday night. Great prepara tions had been made for this meeting, as there were forty-three applications for meniberehip, thirty-eight of whom were instructed in the degree work. E. E. Sharon, tcribe of the state camp, was present to confer the degress. J. A. Woolery, F. M. Griffin and oiher mem bers of lone assisted with initiation-. The camp now has a membership of about seventy-five and is in a very heathy condition financially and in en thusiastic workers. At midnight a very elet-ant luncheon was served in the epaciouB dining room of the lodge building, and although it was gi-rved exclusively by men, it was apetizing just the same and was thor oughly appreciat-d There were ew casualties for so Urge a number to be im iated during one night, a majority of thtin being go,d risers, however. The goat li.rew ne man over a stake-md rider fei ce m.d sprained his hip, and 'he 1 tt can'li a' was landed i" a tu' of waier by t billy goat.. It was about 3:30 Tu-p"a morning when th s ha. pei,el an ever one was glad of it, that s tle we glad there were 1.0 ni" e ca i i ea ride, as ti e goat was ho and awful tn a I It was 4:00 a. in. wb-11 t e gavel :! On the last seen-. A diZu- or 11 re the new rnembiis ar from L'-xinuton, the remainder of llei'pner aa 1 vicinity. Mothers Be Careful Of the health of your pbildren. Look out far coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Stop I hem in time One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy. Harm less and pleasant. Sold by Heppner Drug Co. Notice: Referee's Sale of Real Prop erty. In the Circuit Court of the .Stale oi Oregon, lot Morrow county. C lyde C. Pai ne. Edmund E. Sallng and Arte uiina Saling. plaintiffs. v. Kobert Saline. Milton F. Morgan, Artie Mor gan, Andrew Mo-gaii, Levi Morgan. Mary Mot ran, William Morgan. Harry Morgan, and Helen Morgnn, defendant. Notice U hereby given that under and b) virue of a decree and order of sale made in the above entitled court and cause, on the '2nd day ul ixx'eoibvr rtlrm-Ung me as Referee In j ariiiion to t-U the real, Mali- ht-eiiiafK'r ile--ribed, 1 will on xattuday the Tib dv of Janu rv lsi5, at tiu hour of li o' l k a at the front door of the court h"iie at H" rif r, Ore gnu, ell to the h i k ti e t bi.iil.-r for rali in hand nil the following devnUM nali-Uie u-wit: The S W ijtiar er and the -i E quarter ard the V quarter of .Section 1. T. 1. s. K iT, K. W. M., subject to coutirruatiou by atd court. K. F. II I VS.), I'.ifi ree in Partition, HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY GOODS We now have on display one of the finest and greatest lines of Christmas Coods ever Mechanical toys, steam toy, electrie toy, wheel goods in the greatest assortments; (no newest lueus. we 01111"" pui ;uai--wt- tion to our magnificent showing of high grade mechanical toys; models that will in terest both young and old. We also want to call your attention to our complete doll will be carefully stored away; delivered department. Holiday goods selected now whenever you say, : : : SHOP EARLY AVOID THE RUSH A CARNIVAL OF BARGAINS Automobiles, Steam Engines Fire Engines, Loop the Loop Magic Lanterns China Sets, Toy Ranges Key Pianos, Fancy Dressed Dolls Albums, Manicure Sets Chinaware, Games Books, etc. I n The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-6ve and ninety years f age are not the rotund well fed, but hiti, spare men who live on a sleder diet i'e as careful as he will, however, a man pist middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suit e l to his constitution, and will nerd a ilose of Cbxmberlaia't Stomach and Liv- 1 r Tablets to cleante and invigorate his totnach and regulate his liver and bowel 'VI rn this is done there is no reason why 1 iie average man shotilt not live to old ' lie. For sale by Slocum Drug Co. lil 1 ii LyOntiH made tit Eight Per Cent. Intercut ... e u uy 4 Per Cent Interest g vnrtvf Tvttittrtrvviiarfsvtifrfrivvtvvrf nn nm Heppner Meat Market j CHEAP MEATS UNTIL FURTHER NOTI E. WILL SELL MEATS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Loin Steak - . . to cents M utton, fork, Round Steak . SlU41l(4. . , BoiiinK Beef, forequarter Prime Ribs . 4 to 8 8 to Id 6 to 8 3 lbs for 25 3 to 5 7 to 8 : Not only the price that count, but we yive good weight, poun-l for pound. 1 :: THONE 117 :: J THt HhPPNER MEAT MARKET, Ceo. French, Proprietor S Beware of Counterfeits. ''DeWitt's is the only getmin- Win h Hazel Salve" writes J L. Tu kr of Cm tre, Ala. ''I have used it in my family piles, cuts at.d burns lor years and can recommend it to be the l- M calve on the market. Every family thou!d keep it, as it is an invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand for immediate use. Sold by Heppner Dru g Company. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Chas. Hornor, who bat been visiting bis father here the past two weeki, left Tuesday for Hood River, where he will for a time with his mother before returning to Portland. C. II. Bartholomew of Currinville, has been in Heppner the past week with a view to purchasing a Morrow county ranch. Io cae he makes the deal he will move back to this county, Geo. Conser and C. E. Ktdficld took some Pendleton parties out to vtsit the Heppner coal mines Sunday, returning Monday. The Pendleton people were very much pleased with the mines. J. K McGregor, superintendent of the Thompson Creek Coal company, wet in Heppner the first of the week to attend S meeting of the stockholders. Tbeie have been no new development! at the mines lately. O. W. Vinctnt, who was in from Put ter Creek several days the past week, re porta beef cattle are doing fine. The dry, crisp weather of the past few weeks, has been very favorable for the ftt 'em, ATA "V T T T T V T S T 1 T i lie i V i vjixrv AIM STORE WE V,E(i TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE have ju-t received a large shipment of Fall and Winter goods, consisting of dry and dress goods; FlannelctlfH, Flannels, Ladies' and Children's and (JentV Underwear, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Shoes. Also a great variety of Ladies' Suits, Skirts, and Jackets. Having bought all these lines di rect from the manufacturers at a special re duced price, for spot ca?h, we are, there fore, prepared to sell the fame at New York prices. Cojne and judge for yourself, as a trial will convince you that you will get the best value for your money at the THE HEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Near t li e Pnlace Hotel WHITE : & : STAM v Mr. R. F. Hynd has identified himself with this bank and will commence active work within a few days. s1 We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest tUc bavc Xewts 8. Clarft jfatr Souvenir Dollars for sale. !!1 TINES lbs lie lap! Droit Advertise in il. u1 IV 8 JS9J II te.