Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, December 08, 1904, Image 3

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Sarsaparilla is unquestiona
bly the greatest blood and
liver medicine known. It
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. It, is
the Best
Blood Medicine.
Mllllitarjr lloiany.
Miss JoltiiNuri was an excellent
toHcliiT, but lior taste In dress, espe
cially lioml ilri'HH, wtm so peculiar that
even lu-r iKjorliitf implls could not full
in notice It. Tim verdure wlileu ny
IK'itred upon Ml hk Johnson's lint one
im'iihoii vvim ho Kiunly ttuit several wou
cIitIiiu cuiiiiiiimiU were tuiiUe ljr the
"I'm riiIiik to ask tier what that
tjrofti sltiir In," mild one hoy. valliintly.
in spite of the vigorous object lone of
companions, "Khfl won't mind, and
next iiHluie-Htudy t-luia I'm golne; to
ask Iter, end nee who's right."
Ho, rtl In the fuco but Htiiblwrn, he
nme t the end of a Ikhmmi on wayside
flowers, In response to Ml JoIiiihoh'i
last lesson.
"I'd like to know about tlmt erecn
atulT on your lint," lie aald, bluntly.
"John A ken, be anya It'a beach it ruse,
but I auy It'a onion aprouta."
Greatest In the World.
Aillnirton, Ind., Dee. 6th. (Special)
Mr. W. A. Ilyaonu, the photograph
rr, who moved here recently from
fcapp, Ky., ia lirmly of the opinion that
licxbl'a Kidney 1'illa are the ftretBt
Kidney Heinedy. the world baa ever
known. "
"In the year 1901 and ln2," aavs
Mr. Ityn'inir, "and for some timobefoie
I waa sill it-ted with Kidney Trouble.
My Joints were sore and atift and I dually
got ao bad I could not turn in bed with
out aintance. In the apiiiiR ol 1903 I
waa induced, by a friend, to try Ihxld's
Kidney Pills and after using one ami
one-half boxes I waa and am atill com.
pletely cured, Several of my neinb
bor, too, used llodd't Kidney Pills
and in every caae they did aa recom
mended." Cure the early aymptoma ol Kidney
PiiMMian, mu ll aa Backache, with Dodd'a
Kidney I'illa and you will never bave
Uriel's Disease.
Tlie Grand I Hike Omatsntln la one of
litissia's fmorile poets, lie won a rec
ord aa a Hue soldier befura lie begau to
write vera.
', la not wealth nor ancestry, but lion
oratila conduct and a mica diapoallioo
that wake men great. -Ovid.
IlrliliK, llllnrt, Mewling or Protruding Piles,
Your ilrunt.t will rafuiicl monijr If PA.o OINT
MK.NT fells la cur. you lu I U 14 dig a. soc
Mlaa Del'iiyater Jut think. I ran
trace my auceNtura back to the Heforiua
tion. Jack Dashing- That's nothing-. I ran
true mine back yrnra and yea re before
any reform wua nveeiMary.
Motborawlll find Mr.. Wltislow'i Boothtng
Syrup the be.l reined jr louse lur their children
during Ilia teething period.
I'rof. V. It. IiOoiulft of Amherst baa we
en red over fiOll specimens In the fossil
fields of the 111k Horn baaiu aud the
ll.i. lior creek basin.
flTO Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness
1 1 0 after Srst day's uaeofllrK line's! ireal N.-rv.
JleMurer. Kenil fi.r trove1 t rial huillesnrt (realise,
l'r. It. II. Kline, l,td.,JI A ri b hi., riillatliliula, pa,
Henry J. Cove, for many yeara In
rhnrge of the cloakroom of tha Kngllab,
Houaa nf Common., left bla property,
worth f JOO.OllO. to vari ' hospitals.
Altooua, Pa., June ao, 1903,
I was alTlicted Willi Tetter in bad ahnpe.
It would aptiear in blotchea aa lnre na my
bund, yellowish color, and acale oil.
Vou can imiiniue bow offensive it was.
l'or twelve yeara I waa afflicted with thia
trouble. At Jiilit it waa a rase of acrntcli
and many timca no rest at all. Seeing the
good the medicine waa doing friend
who waa taking it for l.ccina, I com
menced it, and aa a result the eruption be
van to dry up aud diaanpear, and to-day
I am practically well man. Only two
tiny apnta are left on the elbow anil ahin,
where once the whole body wna affected.
I have every confidence in the medicine,
and feci aure that in a abort time these
two remninitifr a pot a will disappear.
8. S. S. ia certainly great blood puri
fier, aud lia done me a world of bom1.
I am eratcful for what it baa accom-
dished, and trust that what I bave said
will lead othera who are aimilarly afflict-
ed to take the remedy and obtain llio
utne pood reaulta that I have.
135 lvust l'ifth Ave. John If. Lhar,
While waahea, aoapa, aal vea and powder
relieve temporarily, they do not reach the
real cause of the disease. The blood must
las purified before the cure ia permanent,
8.S.S. contaiiia no potash, arsenic or inin
era! of any description, but ia guaranteed
purely vegetable.
bend for our book
on the akin and ita
dlseaaea, which ia
mailed free. Our
phyaiciana will
cheerfully advise
without charge
any who write ua
about their caae.
tbi Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Cfc
kVNti U Milk. il
rlt fI
nil- R'tlrl hv rt rnvth
Oracle Oh! Btenlltitf Jam! I'm going
to tell mammal Freddy Wouldn't
you rather bave so mo Jum? Ilarper'a
She Hovr la It that wldowa gener
ally inamige to marry again? He Bp-
cause (lend men tell 110 tulea. Ally
Hpurtlctia Doea Hint foutftaln-pen of
youra leak that way all the time?
Hmnrtlcua No, only when I have Ink
lu It. Iliiltlmore American.'
"I see you ndverllse phi no covera,"'
aald the man with a mi ill Int. "Yea, we
have all klnda," auld the clerk. "Let
me look at eouie (lint are hermetically
sealed, then." Yonkera Htntesmnn.
"I've met several other peoplj from
your elly," an Id the lloHtonliin, "and
every one of them said: 'Where la It
at'?" "Where la what at?" demanded
the New Yorker. Kuiihui City Inde
pendent. Klldey Kluta I'leaae, mum. but we're
a couple uv ahlpwrecked sailors
Lody What! You never waa near the
water. Hlldey Wats Ptlfflckly right,
MWuMfo.r,"ht--1"' "
"l'o you mean to auy you don't bava
any trouble In keeplug your wife
dressed In the height of fuahlon?"
"Thnt'a what I awld. My trouble couiea
when I don't keep her dreaacd that
way." Philadelphia l'resa.
"I suppose you have mndo It a rule
In politic! never to forget a friend."
"There's no danger of that." answered
Benutor Horphuiu; "If a mini bns done
anything friendly for you In politics ho
never leta you forget it." Kx.
t'r'abahnw He boa the Inventive fuc
ulty very highly developed. Crawford
What una be luveiited? Crnbshaw
Nothing, ao fur aa I know. Itut when
bla wife goes out be can think of thlima
to keep tho baby amused by the hour.'
Hhe Jack played an awfully heort-
leaa trick on Flossie. Ho How'a that?
She Why, they were engaged, you
know, and last night, at the but
mns(ue, Jack made up ao Hint Flossie
didn't know blm. He proposed anu
waa accepted again! Puck.
"Now that rou are wealthy. Mr.
C," aald the man who deula In pedl
greee and the like, "you really should
bevMn to adont a cont of arms." "I'll
do Just aa I please," retorted Mr. C,
hotly. "If I like to go about In my
shirt aleevce, that ain't none o' your
"When you first entered politics."
aald the young man, who wna looking
for knowledge, "did you aet out with
the determination to win at any cost?'
"No," answered Kenator Sorghum, "I
aet out wltb the determination to win
at aa little expense aa pohfclble."
Washington Star.
"I won't go abroad." "Sea travel
dlwilfrcea with you?" "No." "Husl
neas keepa you here continually, eh?"
"No." "Slgbt-aeelng wearloa you
"No." "Then why, pray, don't you go
abroad?". "Sh-h-h! I've only got four
dollara and twenty-two cent."C'levo-
lcnd Plain Healer.
Overheard Inirlng tho Theatricals
She How well your wife plays Lady
raldlne, Mr. Jones! I think the way
she nuts on that awful unected tone
Just splendid. How doea she man
age 117 .Mr. jonca iwuu eininirniss
ment) Er she doesn't. That a her
natural voice. London Tit Hits.
"Darling," exclaimed the happy bus
band after the minister bad pro
nounced the fatal words, "I am not
worthy of you." "of course, you are
not." abe replied; "but after a girl bna
celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday
for fhe consecutive years she can't af
ford to bo too imrtlculnr." Clnclnnutl
Mr. Scrnpem." said the hostess to
an amateur violinist ai an evening
gathering, "you play tho violin, do you
not?" "Yea, after a fashion, you
know," was the modest reply. "How
nice!" murmured half the company;
did you bring your violin with you?"
"No; I dlil not." "How nicer mur
mured the other half of the company
In fervent unison. Galveston News.
Hodge (who baa Just bad a tooth
drawn) Well, guv'nor, bow much do
you ax for the Joiit 1 on 11111 io 11
quick. Heiitlst My charge la tw 1 and-
alx. Hodge Twoand six? Why. a
doctor down at our place il rawed a
tooth for me once aud It took him two
houra; be hauled me round and round
the room I never e'd such bard
worn and ho only charged mo a shlll
In'. Sera pa.
"Are you a fatBllst Do you be
lieve what la to be will be?" "Well,
yea, to a certain extent. I believe, for
Inatance, when I draw my salary that
the coal trii.it and the meat trust and
the grocer and the milkman, and tt.o
rest of the people whit make It their
business to get' my money away from
me, are going to do It Just lis surely na
the ami la euro to rise to-morrow morn
ing." Chicago Itecord Herald.
A farmer and bla wife called at a
photograph gallery to order eouie pho
tographs of her, and while the oper
ator waa getting ready, the busbniul
gave the wife a little advice aa to how
she must act "1' eaten your mind oil
something," aald he, "or else you'll
la ugh, and aplle the Job. Think about
early dnya; how your father got In
Jail, and your mother waa an old scold
er, and what you d have been If
llBdll l pilieil Jim. irm Innu-u utit
mind on to that!" Sue didn't have any
photographs taken.
, .y
S vi.-
; .'... i-kM. A--,f . . P.
Anderson, a prominent society L
woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of
Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed
her signature to the following letter, praises
Lydia IL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Dkae Mrs, PiNsnAM : Tnere are br,t few vKves and mc-thos who
have not at thiics endured agonies and such pain ttn only soraen kaovr.
l wmii Bucn women Knew tno value ol Lydla i'lnkiiam's Vegetable
Compound. It ia a remarkablo medicine, ditferent in action from any
I ever knew and thoroughly reliable.
u I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma
nent benefit who were cured in less than three months after taking youx
Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable
came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment
witu mm im-uiLiiiu. x nave mjver useuii mysen wiinoui gaining great
benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up
the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence
I fully endorse it.1 Mbs. K. A, Andeesok, 225 Washington St, Jack
Bonviile, Fla.
Mrs. Itccd, 2423 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa, says
"Dear Mas. PiXKnAMs I feel it my duty
to write and tell you the good I have received
from Lydia II Pinkham's Vegetable Com
u I have been a great sufferer with female
trouble, trying different doctors and medicines
with no benefit. Two years ara I went under
an operation, and it left me in a very weak
condition. I had stomach trouble, backache,
ceaaacne, palpitation oi tne ncart, and was very
nervous ; in lact, l acned all over. 1 find
yours is the only medicine that reaches
such troubles, and would cheerfully rec
ommend Lyuia I'lnktiam s egetable
Compound to all suffering women."
When women are troubled with IrretruUr or painful menstruation, weak-
noaa, leuoorrbui, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down
feeling, inflammation of the ovarica, backache, flatulence, general debility,
Indigeation, and norrous prostration, they abonld remember there ia one tried
and true remedy. Lydia E. Plnkham Vegetable Compound at onco
remoTea auch troubles. .
The experience and testimony of some of the most noted
women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at
once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy
and normal condition. If In doubt, write Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn,
Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpfuL
No other medicine for women in the world has received such wide
spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a
record of cures of female troubles. IJefuse to buy any substitute.
The Czar at Saint.
Tba Emperor, Nicholas II, baa ai
res dr rolznprt for npr! Ion tun mnA
ruiea ior iiiny eigiii; yet tne concrete
man, bla individual character, and the
order of motivea to wblcb it la aensl
blc, are nearly all aa legendary as
those of Numa Pouiplllua. Cloods of
Journalistic myths, mainly of German
origin, enwrap Lis figure, biding It
from tbe rnlgar gaze aa thoroughly as
though be were Uelai Lama; and the
fanciful portrait, which we are asked
to accept, ia as abstract and aa color
less aa that of our legendary Uusslan
princes. Eeyond the precincta of the
palace, bla person la transfigured, bla
most trivial deeds are glorified, and his
least disinterested motives are twisted
and pulled Into line with tbe funda
mental principles of ethics. The re
sult la a caricature closely bordering
on the grotesque. Nikalal Aiexandro
vitcb la depicted aa a prince of peace,
a Slar Messiah sent for the salvation,
not of bis own people only, but of all
the world. Tbe most precious porce
lain of human clay waa lavlnbed In tbe
making of this unique ruler, who
stands upon a much higher level than
that of the common run of mortals or
of kings, In virtue, not only of the
dread responsibilities laid upon blm
by the Most High, but also by reason
of his own DflSKlnimffl lov
and the good. In abort, be ia an "L'ber
menscb," whose innate goodness of
heart exceeds ensn bla irresponsible
power. World'a Work.
Couldn't See the Harm.
Tbe proprietor of a luncb cafe in
Philadelphia waa greatly agitated the
other day to discover a man at one of
the tables feeding a saucer of cream
to a cat The restaurateur rushed over
and commanded tbe man with the cat
to remove bis pet from the place. "But
I paid for this cream," pussy's owner
protested. "Here's your money back.
We can't have cats eating here," said
the proprietor. The man with the cat
couldn't ae? anything tbe matter with
allowing pussy to feed In the restau
rant and said so. "Matter!" echoed
the proprietor. "Why, man, people
bave to eat out of those dishes."
"Well," returned the patron in a sur
prised tone, "don't you ever wash your
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask youf
own doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
I bad terrible ennth for wtmk: Then I
vok Ayer't Cherrr I'MUornl and only ou
iMOKTH, gt. JoMph, Mich.
. O. ATM CO.,
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Ayer'e Pills at bedtime
J -.1 - , H
-m i 'am
Proper Clansi QcAlinn
Miss Snowball Dat am eipectora
sbnn dog.
Hastus What do yo' all mean by dat7
Miss Snowball Why, be am a spitz.
Tbe Czar aad His Book.
Here is a confession from the Czar
of All the Russia: "I love traveling,
but only when I can do it in my own
way. I never travel otberwLse than
at night, and spend my day visiting
museums and quaint old streets and
bazaars when I am in tbe east, anti
quarian shops when in the north. 1
am more of an Asiatic than a Euro
pean In my tastes, and I bave not
only, a vast collection of Indian curios
and quite an army of Buddhas large
and small, but also a libcary composed
of books treating of Indian subjects
alone, and another of books dealing
with Egyptian law. Were I not well,
what I am, I should be tbe greatest
bookworm in tbe world."
Take Laiatlve Bromo Quinine Tablet. All dme .
Rtu refund the money If It tjtlle la cure. X. W.
Grove's signature Is on each box. lie.
v Let Ua Hope Not.
Nell According to this paper girls
are now wearing collars and cuffs
made of rubber. -. . . ,
BessCoirf gracious! I Esr;;0 vr
will ie wearing rabber hoso
For coughs and colds there is no better
medicine than Piso'a Cure for Consump
tion, fnce 25 cents.
Her Opportunity.
ITer I have often wished I were a
Him How would you like to be meT
Her Oh, I'd like it immensely.
Him Well, I know a minister who
will make us one.
Lare And complete stock of Fire Arpiratns, Hoee
and iJepartmenl Kuppltee, Our gooda are in use la
Dearly every F.re Jw-partmenL
"Barx-octcs" 120, "Patrols" f IS, earn. These are tha
Ktanda d Kxihisnlshera. Common F.llntrulehers,
wlih riveted joints, f 12 each. A. G. LONG, Peruana, Or
FEIT If wt Cannot forthwith proline tha original letters and ilgnatOTM of
llinonmi, wbicu will prove tbelr absolute cenuliieneu.
ajaia. renanam aiaoicim vh. arao, aiasa.
fttrennona Life.
Tbe Mother Now, be careful, my
ton, and don't work too hard at col
lege, or you may Injure your health.
Tbe Son Don't worry mother. Un
der the new football rules there Isn't
half ao much work required as for
merly. How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fot
ny cane ol I atarrb, thai cauuul be cured by
Hall's Catarrh t lire.
K. J. clIKNKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tha umlerstgiieii, have known F. J.
Cheney lur tha lant 16 years, and believe him
perleclly honorable in all bumness transac
tions and tlnancinlly able to carry out any ob
ligations msde by their tirm.
Vi kht A Tat ax, wholesale lirurlsti, Toledo, O.
Wamhnii, KisssM k Mahvin, Wholesale Drug-
I.I. LiU.ln o.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly uKjn the bl'tl and mucuu sur
laies ol the sysiem. I'rlce Lie. et botua.
Hold by all bruiti'"- Testimonials tree.
llall Family i Ills are the best.
"nnh!" exclaimed Growells the other
evening when he canie home, "I see evi
denco of crooked work around here dur
ing my absence."
"Why, John, what do you meanT"
asked bis astonished better half.
I "Oh, you can't deceive me, madam,"
he retorted, "iou bave been trying to
t drive nails."
The IS year-old dauctiter of Sir Chen-
tnng Liang I neng, uninesa minister to
(lie United Sin tea, is to make her aocial
debut in Washington this winter. She
will be tha tint hij,-h-boro Chiueae girl
to enter American society.
A Nmous Seed House.
An instance of commeicial develop
ment and growth to proportions un
naual li cited In tbe career of tbe well
known seed Arm, I). M. Feiry & Co., ol
De'tolt, M it'lt. Since ita establishment
hall a century ago. the company, (ol
lowing out principals ol strict business
integrity and building upon unques
tionable nioi it, lias steadily grown un
til tba name of Feny'a Heeds ia now a
household word with every planter In
tbe land.
Ferry's Seeds are famous for their
purity, frevhnesa and reliability. Tbe
greatest ol care ia eiortlwl in their
growing and selection, and only seeds ol
tbe blgliest possible standard are placed
upon tbe market. Every package baa
behind It tbe reputation ol a house
whoa itandards art the highest In the
trade. A Ireib stock, just received
from the growers, it tarried by dt alert
All far men and gardenera ought to
have a copy of tha 11)05 Heed Annual of
tha Ferry Company, it contain! in
formation and aiiKuest ions that are In
valuable. Tha Annual will be mailed
free to anyone addressing D. M. Ferry
& Co., Detioit, Mich.
Ne circumstances can repair a defect
af oharactar. IDintrsou.
-fj V 1 F I
Mrs. Henry IC Sheldon has siren $20.-
000 to the proposed university of hucis in
Strange as it may appear, it ia a fact
that no bird possesses tha power to fly
It yon want to get tba
Duorai returns tor 'm
your labor and TS(
J3,H,J your ground,
k4 vou can't afford
ajtV to plant anything but
'i 1 "sal
-th stftndard after 4 ywre' 1
tjaW. 1'ttmy aaJavaajra iri4jl!f
largest and a.rti
croja. Auavaierasfu
tuem. uur isras
Heed Annual
free on nHiueai.
O.M. Ferry & Oo.
High Grade
thers Machinery
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
V oe ouAtur -.iTh,"i . : . U J J
1 aoa moas tk" "ir E-"4.. i- .J' A
lat tr iun mitt wirnwn . k- . 'srpT0,.
v. tarn js.swt . .4
25.000 NEW WORDS. Etc.
New Gaaetleer of tha World
New Biographical Dictionary
S3UHO Uuurto Psi.
NrerUws. juu Uluitistioes.
Should be la Every
Home, School, and Office
llev. I.yman Abbott, I.In Kdltorof
Tha Outlook, says: Wcbmrr has always
btea tJkavortti in our household, and 1 have
seen uo reason to ttantlcr my allegiance to any
ol his competitors,
F R KB," A Test In Pronunciation," Indnictlre
Sad snlMtalning . Also lllustnu! pamAlau.
Fubllabera, Springfield, Maaa.
P. N. U.
No. 80-1904
UEN writing to advertisers pleat
anentlom Ibis papar.
K3a I j esse ..a-MSSSasssaaMSsrMsassa-eeeMslsassasa. Sail Jl S . -W m- .f
)W.L. Dourjlaa ma.Vva and mlin trior man' $3.B(T(
mhoc limn mny of.':or irmmiiasinrcr In 1 Urn tvoWt.
The reason V . K Donirlas fs.PO shoes sre the treatest wllers In the world Is bemuse of tfierr eieei
lent stvle.e;sy fltllni: and nil crlnr wearing qiKdi.les. II 1 cmild show von the diirerenre bet ween tin
sho. mndo In mr fai tory and thoe of o:!wr H'Im and t'.ie lilih-irri loathorsBRPii.yoii won d under,
sl ind liy W. L. iKwglaa fi.M shoes cost more to make, why they bo'd thefr shape, lit better, weal
lonacr.aiidareof ureiitor liurlnsio vulno than soy oth te.i0 shoo oa tlie market to-day, and wuy Ui
sales lor the year ending July I. Mot, were Mi,er.:t.MO.!ii. v...1
V. L. 1 lunulas guarantee their value by ai'imiilng lua numa and price on the bottom. LooH tor It-,
take uo suUbtitme. bold by shoe dealers everywhere.
superior in fit, ccrjsronT and wears
be tb.
-I hot trom W, L, Dottfilot t: F0 thou vr thr tail tvrlre ymri with abuihdt
,.. to (1.00." It. S. McCt'li, llrpl. Coll., U. S. Jut. JiaenM, ttichmmJ, Co.
Tmie-lna nsea Oorona Ooltskla In his ai.no shoe. 'ortn folt is eonoeded to
e II ik . I I'ulont LoatUvr utuclo. l ast :lr FyeluU uwl enciualvoly.
W. L. OOUOLMS, urocKtan, masaaenuawrfaw
- 1,
t 4
;"4;--'T if
-.., ....
sk Your Orocer
If NUT carried by local grocers, write Waihunis k Co., wbo will advise where obtainable.