Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, November 24, 1904, Image 8

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THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1904.
Alt rhiiim In advrttmenr, and all for
losponilenee Mlisr o leiv
VVe.iin toco to
and cannot M
at this oftf l?T
a .ZlnArt. nnnn nlhorarm (hV Will b held
. . .1 -i. t
Tar until tn IollrtWin wtri.
'. laiu's cough remedy, wade by the Cham
berleiu Mecictue Company, Iw Moiuc.
Iowa, U. 3. A. The absence of all nar
cotics wakes tuts remedy the aafett aud
best that can be had; and it i with a
feeling of security that auy mother can
give it to her little ones. Chamberlain's
cough remedy is especially recommended
Notice for Publication.
VSTjS brad. VSr TVn7.;hU hcn byi.am.kera for coughs, cold, croup,
lease remeinber thi.
lust a well
earlier in the week.
Ce..tenntal Notes.
The amusement atieet of the Lewi
ami Clark Kxoosition has been named
The Trail.
and whooping couh. Thi remedy ia
for aale by Sloe urn Drug Co.
Notice tor PubllCaton.
Department ot the Interior, IjiiuI office at
The Dalle, Oregon, Ot teber 97. 1-JM.
Notice la hervbv aiven that the follow I nr-
More than 70,000 electric lamps will named settlor haa flU-a notice of hi inteution
1 i.- .1 . w..;ii;., nl tli to make dual proot in support of hi clatin,
e nted in lighting the buildmga of the ,rtthatuWIUtam,deWowV,wt
Prpartment ol the Interior, V.8, Ua4 OfficJ at
The Pallet, Oregon. October in, w
Kotice U hereby glveu that the follow In t
named likr ha BUhI notice ol hi Intention
to make Oiial proof in aupport ol hi claim, ui
that aatd proof will lie niale before aw let
CrawUmt. Count Clerk, at Heppner, Oregou,
ou Ihe lith day IVceuiber, lm towtt;
Hrneat W. Moyara,
of Heppner, Oregon, on homestead eutry No.
U't7, lor lot KS Ki and Nlj Kw . ol Section
i, Tp. 3 S, It. ai K.t VV . M.
He name the following wllucaaet to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of ald land; to-wlt:
Kratik Kood, Andrew Rood, William llendrlt
ami WillliimCradick, allot Heppuer, Oregon.
MiciiAKl. T. SotAH,
iC'.dS Receiver.
-awSfSS? rrST!' - n -n , i i. in II I
oe uteu u miiuus nd ,ntlMtl(, proo
Exposition. I Crawford. Countr Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
On everv pleasant day large crowd of on the l.th day of December, l'.M; to-wlt
I Sill.. 1 ran
gigi iseers cart t seen meiecting the
Oliver J. Carr,
of Lexington. Oregon, on homestead entry So.
USSO, for Wtj SW of section It and S, 8KI4 of
Section 15, Tp. 3 S., R. '26 E W. M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
hi continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, vli:
Thomas Lee and William Padberg. of Lexlng-
ton, Oregon; Oscar Finn and Jauiauiei i
Shaw, ol Heppner, Oregon.
Michael T. Noian,
n$.dS , Register.
Notice of Salei of Personal Property.
rounaa and buildings.
On the government building will be
two towers, each 250 feet high. At
night these towers will be illuminated
by thousands of electric lights.
TV,. OrPimn buildina at St. Louie has
been sold for $1000. The money will be
added to the appropriation made for
Oregon's exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
The Foreign Exhibits building, one of
the largest exhibition buildings of the
Fair, ia now completed, and exhibit
will begin to be installed in a few weeks.
An unique feature of the Centennial
will be the sunken gardens. In the
gardens, which will be located in the
. t .. f Ka Vviuwitiiin wilt lit
eontrat u 01 Fv...v ; ,er circle above S on left shoulder and F on
grown many varieties 01 tropica, u.auia. t, Bhoulaer;
The Bridge of Nations, which COD- 1 Bay horse about 9 year old branded ace of
v.- ...LLnH .nrl ihe Government Pa on le" wlne:
taC- V9 aamu a-" " " '
Peninsula, is over two thousand feet
long, being the longest bridge ever ued
at an exposition. It wU be coveted
with staff, and when completed will
resemble in appearance an arched stone ch4Mel
Notice 1 hereby given, that 1, the under
signed mortgagee will on Satujday, November
as, 1SW, at the hour of 10 o'elork a. m. of eaid
dav. at the store formerly owned by H. E.
Warren, In the Town of Hardruau, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash In hand, the following described persoual
property, to-wit:
1 Bay horse about 9 year old branded quar-
Notlco for Publication.
IVpartment of the luterlor. Land Office at
La Uraude, Oregon, Oct. 19, ltH.
Notice I hereby given that the following
cmed settler ha filed notice ot hi lutenltou
to make final proot In uiport of htclalm, and
that ald proof ;U ue luaoe ucfore the county t
clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner.
Oregon, on Decetuber ft, MM, vl; U.S. So-as A',
ElcyV.Corley I
ofOunlane, Oregon, for the Ki See. , i
fci, SWJi, Section M, Tp. S 8 , R. 2 K. W. M.
lie names the following witnease to prove
bor contluuou residence upon and cultivation
oi said laud, vi:
Frank linff. of Heppner, Oregon; James H.
Pearson, ol Heppner, Oregon; Bert C. Reeder,
Vinson. Oregon; 1. D. French, ol Ourdaue,
Ongoa K- w-
oTdl R'glttfr.
Notice for Publication.
A Heavy Load.
To lift that load oTof the stomach take
Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure, It diseeU what
you eat. Sour stomach, belching, gas ou
stomach and all disorders of the stomach
that are curable, are instantly relieve.1
and permanently cured by the uee of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. S. P. Storrs, a
j . . 007 vt.i- Ct k Britain W right having made uelauil in tue payment
druggist at 297 Mala St., ew Britain, a tttncipla and inlcrest, and
Uonn, says. lk.ouoi ijsprima v-u . Mld chattel mortgage having made provUiou
giving such universal satisfaction and is or seizure and sale of said property by the
so surely becoming me positive rcnc moHsnju uini . ,
OU! WtJCAB UU.ICC VI B.1C fl. m n sl'l1
published In Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated thi 21th day of October, IM.
0J?-n24. Mortgagee.
1 Bay horse about 9 year old brauded JC on
1 Bay horse 8 or 9 year old branded F C ou
left shoulder.
Thi aale i made under and in pursuance
of the terms and conditions of two certain
mortgage made and executed
by Bylvanu Wrighl to H. E. Warren
to secure payment to tald H. E. War
ren of two certain promissory note given
by said Sylvanus W right to said H. E. Warren,
one for T5.00 and Interest thereon at Hi per
cent. ter annum from May 1A, Wei the other
for llSi.DO and Interest thereon at 10 per cent,
per annum from February 19, 1903, for the ma
isfactiou ol which several um and the costs
and expenses of the seizure, keeping aud sale
of said property including a reasonable attor
ney' fee, this sale is made, the said Sylvanus
Wright having made default in the payment
rublic Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.)
C. 8. Land Office The Dalle, Oregon, Nov.
.Mh, 19W.
Notice Is hereby given that In pnrsuance of
Instruction from the Commissioner ot the
tieueral Land Office, under authority vested In
him bv section it.Vi. United State Revised
Statutes, as amended by act of Congrea ap
proved February 26, 1895, we will proceed 10
offer at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock
111.. ou the '3d day of December, 1904, at thi-
office, the following tract of land to-wlt:
The 8E48Ek Sec. 81, BWJ BW See. 32. Tp.
I S.. R. 26 NE quarter of NE quarter See. 17,
E. hall of NE quarter Sec. 8, 8 half of NW quar-
tor Sec. 5, NE quarter ot K W quarter, NE quar-!
ter of N E quarter Sec. 7, Tp. 5 8., R. 26, E. W. M,
Any and all person claiming adversely the j
ab ve-desertbed laud are advised to file their ;
claim in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of aald tale, j
otherwise their right will be forfeited.
mi haelT. Nolan, Register.
Anns M. Lako, Receiver.
and subsequent core for this distressing
ailment, I feel that I am always sure to
satisfy and gratify my customers by rec
nmmendiuir it to them. I write this to
ihow bow well the remedy is spoken of
here." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was dis
covered after years of scientific experi
ments and will positively cure all stom
ach troubles. Bold by Heppner Drug Co
Cabinet Needles Free.
The Journal will send free to any
reader ol this paper a cabinet of needle
all sixes and kinds, who remits fifty
cenis for the Daily and Sunday Joamal
for one month, or the Sunday Journal
for four months, or the Semi-WeekU
Journal for five months, or the vtetkij
Journal for six months.
Address TliE JOURNAL,
Portland, Oregon.
This ia to noiily all partie who n.a)
be concerned, tbat I will not be r. st'
ible lor any bills incurred l y J ".
A Ion so Wright.
,4 g. A YVkK'HT
Found A tumifoie, B 1. he 0n
er can have tame bv ile-ciii'lti propeitj
Call np W.J. French
When You Have a Bad Cold.
You warn a rem"'iy thai di ti'd
give quick relief ut .ff-ct a permanen
Vouwanta twl that i l relieve
the lung and ke p txpn Uir.liin easy.
Y"U want a remedy thai will c nnter
act any tendency twr 1 pi. i.m "oia
Vow want a rei edy that i plraaam
and safe to lake.
CbamberUin'e i-oogh r mi dy 11 eel a 1
ot thise rtquirrmenia and fr the petd
and permanent cure of id cold tn t
without peer. For sale by Slocum
Drag Company.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior Land Office at
The Dalle. Oregon, October 7, ISM
Kotlee 1 hereby given that the following
named tettler ha tiled notice ol her Intention
to mak final proof in support of bar claim,
and that said proof will U. ade I cfurt Vawler
Crawford, tounty clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on the Ulh day of I)ecmbr, W, to-wlt:
Eliza J. Hrr
of llardman, cregno, on bontMU-ad entry No.
71.folbriE'W.W,4HE',and Wl 4 of
fttrtloa IS and N t '4 ' loo . Tp. 6
K. ,W.M.
ttb name the following wltnasar to prnv
bis contlDUous realdrace upon and cultivation
of ald land, vli:
Harry fummlng. Charle Hasting, K. B.
raa, sad L. af. McKay, all of Hardman, Or.
MicHask T. Nols.
HIMIS Rgltr.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of n execution and order of sale
dulv issued bv the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of the County of Sforrow, State of Oregon, dated
the 9lh day of November, 1901, in a certain
action In the Circuit Court of said County aud
State, wherein Thoa.Quaid, plaintiff, recovered
judgment against Ott Patterson, defendant,
for the um of Thirteen Hundred Dollars, with
interest thereon at ihe rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 23d of November, 190U, aud the
further sum of One Hundred Twenty-live 1k1
lr attorney' ice, aud costs and disiburse
menta taxe . at Eighteen Dollars, and Forty
nd ninety-five one hundredth Dollar taxes
pid, on the 27tb day of October, l'JH.
Notice I hereby given that I will, on Satur
day, the loth day of December, 19il, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day, al the front door of
the Court House In Heppner, Morrow Couuty
uregon, sell tl public auction to the highest
bidder for cash In hand, trie follow!: g des
cribed property to-wit:
Commencing at the Southwest Corner of
Bloi k Five in the original town of Heppuer
Morrow Couniy, Ortgoa, running thence north
tl eet, thence east leet, thence sou lb 14 feet,
them e east b'i feet, thence south 67 feet, thence
west .32 feet to the place of beginning, all
block five ot the original town ol Heppner
Morrow Couniy. Oregon, taken and levied
upon a the property of the aid Oti Patterson
or to much thereof as may be necessary to sat
isfy the said Judgment In favor of Tho. Quald
and against said Otis Patterson, together with
all costs and disbursement that have or may
etcrue. E. M. 8m tt,
By W. O. HIi-L, Deputy,
Dated at Heponer, Nov. 9th, 1904. nlU-d
Wine of Cardui
Cured Hen
213 South Prior Street,
Atlanta, Ga., March 21, 1903.
I suffered for four months with
extreme nervousness and lassitude.
I had a sinking feeling in my
stomach which no medicine seemed
to relieve, and losing my appetite
I became weak and lost my vital'
ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen
pounds of Gush and felt that I mujit I
find speedy relief to regain my
I health. Having heard Wine of
Cardui praised by several of my
friends, I sent for a bottle and was
certainly very pleased writh the
results. Within three days my
appetite returned and my stomach
troubled me no more. I couin
digest my food without difficulty
and the nervousness gradually
diminished. Nature performed
her functions without difficulty
and I am once more a happy and
well woman.
Treat. Atlanta Friday Right Club,
Secure a Dollar Bottle o!
Wine of Cardui Today. r
November clays mark tho passing of Fall the Loginninp of Win-
lui wnnts for liciwior and warmer cloth
ier. II llll VIIVBV V J O vwww w.v -
inns Men's, Boys', Ladies, and Children s. o are
ins in
!M !,vKi moif fjw tti fili il wa urn uluiwillf' tho 1 unrest and
til 111 II U lls.ltV IU1 IVt tj,
best stock of Ladies', MisW, and Children's Coats and J:
and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ever shown by us.
ockets, Men's
Ladies' Jackets
There ia much style well a quality
in the Latlios' Jackets which we offtir.
Each garment in correctly constructwl.
The various cloths jwpular thi teanoii
have b'tn uwd anil tho quality is ex
cellent. Our stock is bo larg that a
perfect fit ia certain, and the variety ia
great enough to give am pit ncope for the
phasing of individual taste. Price
ranging from . . $4.50 to $15.09
For Mionea and Children we are show
ing a line of Jackets and Cloaks that
eurpassea anything hitherto offered.
Progress ia our watchword and the Wat
of last month muHt he excflhil thin.
But we see no poaaihility or likelihood
of improving in the style, quality or
price of these good a, and intending pur
chasers should not hesitate to buy at
once. Prices ranging from
$1.50 to $6.50
Fall and Winter Suit
and Overcoat
for Men
Great quantities and qualities to se
lect from. All the fancy Worsted, Che
viots, Mittens, Beavers, etc., in plain,
striped, checked, and plaids. All the
popular styles and figures that are being
worn thia season, we are showing you at
popular prices.
Youtliw' a Children'
SuitB and OvereoatB
Everything imaginable in these lines.
Youth's three piece long pants suits.
Children's two and three piece knee
punta suits, Norfolk, etc. We have a
line of these goods which we are iftring
you way below anything ever priced be
fore. A customer once, always a customer.
Our Grocery Stock
Is now more complete than ever. Wo are prepared to Kidl you your
groceries in any quantity at prices that epeak for themselves. Highest
-"'"l"'f price paid for produce ....
Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
Good Hacks, Buggies and Saddle
Horses for all parts of Interior
Best possible care taken of horses left In our charge.
pleased customer and tafte advantage at once of our
Investigate our high qualities find easy terms f
payment. Our Piano Selling in and around
Heppner has for exceeded our greatest expectations
We will be with you but a short time longer, so act quickly.
Our line comprises thirty-two makes of superb pianos, and
nine makes of organs. We can please the most artistic tastes
Horse, Harness, Smldles and Viliicles bought and sold.
Grain for sale. Call and see n; we'll treat you white.
Also Baled Hay and
No Polaon In Chamberlain's Cough
Prom Nsplet N Zealand, Herald:
Taoytars ago lb ilirn.fjr lioanl of
Nt Bwilti Wals, Australia, had an an
lysis tnadt of all Hit cough inedicincs
thai atrr. sold la that market. Out of
th t ntlra IU1 t)ir found only ons that
they declared tntlrely fre from all
oiaona, Tbtsiicrplioo was CbsuiUr-
Meadows & Sons, Props.
Will iM a number of horw nrt new rig, both Buggies and Hack, sad oltef yon
first rlM wrvU- You will rwelva rourtflou treatment. A hare of your patronaff
Heppner, Oregon
Contest Notice.
Department of the interior, 0. 8. Land Office,
The Dalle, Orcgan, October 17, 1W4.
A sufficient contest alndavlt having been
died In thi office by Jarne M. llayc of Hepp
nr. Orenon. contestant, against Homestead
No. 10774, made May 2, W02, lor Lots 1 ano 1
aiid8EKNE!4Hec.l,Tp. 4 8., It. 116 E. W. M.,
by William T. Cooley.
Contestee, in which It Is alleged that trie
said William T. Cooley ha abandoned aid
tract of land; that he ha failed to comply
with the law a to residence on the same ami
for more than six month past has been absent
therefrom and made no attempt to reside upon ,
or cultivate the tame, and that such alleged
absence from tho land I not due to naval or 1
military service. j
Haid partie are horeby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said alle
gation at 10 o'clock a. rn. on December 13, 1004,
before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk of Mor
row County, at hi oftlce at Ueppner, Oregon,
and tbat final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock
a. m. on December 23, 1901, before the Keglster
and Receiver at tho United Htate Land Office
In The Dalle, Oregon.
The ald contestant having, In a proper
aflidavlt, filed October If), 1WH, set forth fact
which how that after due diligence personal
service of thi notice can not be made, it I
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
MichaklT. Nolan,
o27-dl Ucglter.
Liberty Meat Market
Beef, Mutton, Pork and Venl
4 L"in Steaks 10c
"j Round Steaks 7c
I Chuck Staks ttc
! Boiling Meats 3c to Co
alage Hotel..
Best appointed Hofol in Eastftrn Orrdfon.
Every Modern Convenience.
Lllihtoil by elHrtricltj
Dost Meals In the City.
no ecuueme nni ncu dci ice win
UIll ILIlllt.ll 0 UULULIl IlLLILI euro prrtt yi Tf nf Tl A TV 1 .
any pain, Insldo or out, In from iitofiuinutoA XX1JL 1V1 IV 1 OViiiU, Jf,