Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, November 24, 1904, Image 5

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    THE HEPHtltll TIMES.
THURSDAY. NOV. 24. 1004.
Subscription, i.OO Per Yoar.
J. It. Nunanmkcr was lu from Srlii(
Hollow Tuesday.
8000 rolls of wall paper at reduce J
priced at Yeager'a.
Dr. M. A. Leach, tlentlBt, office lu the business visitor lu town Saturday.
Call at J. L. Yeager'a and get couch
at bargain.
8. A. Wright was In from bit Clarks
Canyon ranch Saturday.
l'.d. McDanlcl was lu town Saturday
from Ilardman on business.
Mra. K. 8. Tyler of Lealngton, was
visitor to our city Saturday,
Alex Lindsay of Rhea Creek, wat in
town on business Saturday.
llarlau Davidson of Cooaeberry, wat
new l'u I r building.
It. 11. DrUkell, city dray, doet a gen
eral drayago business. t 1
Your money refunded II Ileppner
flour failt to give ataisfaction.
Only low mote of those large 1H1H
frame for fiOc at J. L. Yeaget's.
IIrHliurlr ra (or frame and pictures
ud kinds of furutlurc. J. L. Ynager,
Andy J, Cook wat down tbit week
from hla stock farm ou Upper Duller
Every unci- of Ileppner flour positively
guarauleed to give satisfaction or money
C. T. Walker and V. II. Robinson of
lone, were business vlsltort in Ileppner
For Hale Twenty bead of Merino
bucks, at $5.00 per bead. Geo. l'rettch,
Ileppner, Oregon. If
Mr. and Mrs I'rank Roberts returned
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Flnley of Sand
Hollow, visited our city Saturday,
Theo. Anderson oi Eight Mile, wat a
business visitor in the city Saturday,
Nate Cecil was up from Cecil Saturday
attending to some business matter! In
Itert Simons of Goldendale, visited
several days the past week with hit par
ents in this city.
In contemplation of moving to Portend
I oirer my lurnituie and horse and buggy
for sal. H.C.Wills.
Lost A genu' tie with crescent stick-
pin. Ftndurwlll.be suitably rewarded
by leaving same at tblt office.
Glasttet accurately fitted to the most
dttkult cases of refraction by graduate
optlcitin, at P. 0. Borg'a, Ileppner, Ore
F. M. Lovgren, who was in from
Monday from a visit with the family of Gooseberry Saturday, says fall teeding
Wui. Potter at Kpray, is pretty well finished up In bit section.
Ileppner flour Is again on the market. Mr. and Mrt. Phil Metschan were pat
livery sack positively guaranteed to give scngert Saturday for Portland, where
sallslaclion or money refunded. lhey wln yMl fof , fow dyi uh
A beautiful line of chafing dishes, at lives aud friendt.
moderate pricet. tan ana tee u.em. Tbe Kthh glock Qomi,tn,, opening
P, O. llorg, Jeweler and Optician, engagement at Roberta' opera house on
Minor &Co.'a rummage sale begins Monday, Nov. !, will be the comedy
today and continues one week. Don't
drama "Power of Truth."
Clair Walton, who is clerking for the
Long Creek Mercantile company at Long
Creek, came over Friday and visited sev-
tnUs It. Soe their ad in this paper.
Special attention called to the fine Hut
.1 ...I r-l.i... ... I I ,l.l.'.
1 eral days with Ileppner frienda.
glass. I , u. uorg, jtweier ana optician
Miss Ma Klstner, sister of Dr. Frank
B. Klstner, arrived from Portland lat
week and will reside permanently in
Chub Hornor, who hat been employed
the past few months In a saddle shop in
Portland, returned laat Friday and will
remain until after tbe holidays.
T. T. Allvn. a nrosnerous stockman and
Rev J. W, Mount has been called to .
J alfalfa grower of illow Creek, in the
vicinity of lone, waa in town Monday at
tending to tome business matters.
Uarrlgurt & Son have Constructed an
other addition to their implement houi-e
the rhargn of the Baptist church In Hr
rison, Idaho, and now baa the matter
under advisement.
JtOO reward wilt be paid for Informs
tton le Hill hi to tli arrest and conviction
of partita cutting any of our ouUide the pa week, which adds materially to
fem es. Pctiland Livestock & Land Co. their facilities for handling their bui
F.pb Kskelson. who was in town Tues- neM
d..y from his ranch near Islington, In- M. Jack Matlock, who has been visit
forms The Time, that bis new residence tnK y for several days,
is completed and ready lor occupancy Wednesday on her return to her
He has one of the finest farm houses on ni'r Heppuer. - Canyon City
Willow Creek. K",e
. , , . .. I. A. lirown, who was in the city Sat
A A Willi. lin In die ntv VeS- I
terday. informed the Time, that he had urday from lilackborse, reports that he
juHtsut lbis ranch on Social Ridge to is abou. done with bis fall seeding. He
Atteruey G. W. Phelps, of this city. The j. towine &i0 acret of wheat and his
ranch ronsis's ol two quarter -t,on brother 100 acres.
anil x,lit fur tl.'jll) 4 lillnrtrr. I
K. T. Kruuer. an experienced drv
For Trade-For Morrow county L,K,ds man of Portland, has accepted a
proiierty, nine rKm house, good bam tj . Tb vtjr ilore Mr. Kruger
and out building, on lot fklst.'K) feet, two ?ery ,l)(bly recoltln,ended and Tbe
8. M. Morgan of Arlington, wat in
Ileppner on business tbe first of the
C. II. Bullit and B. II. Bleakman ol
Ilardman, did bustnett In Ileppner last
Friday. j
Attorney S. R. Notson of Lexington, J
wat in attendance at circuit court here j
the first of the week.
C. A. Repant of Ilardman, wat in the
city several dayt tbia week, being a wit-
nets in suit before the circuit court-
Mrs. Geo. Vincent came In from But- j
ter Creek Saturday to vis t her hnsband, '
who it under medical treatment here. 1
Emet Cochran, prominent ttockman j
of Monument, waa here tbe first of the
week to look after tome business matters. '
P. B. Peterson went to the Junction
Saturday to meet hit family from Port
land. They wilt hereafter reside In
Phil. Fairbanks, who it engaged in
driving the atage between Monument
and Canyon City, spent Monday in
Ileppner looking after bis property here.
John H. Hayea wat down from hit
Upper Butter Creek ttock ranch the first
of the week. lie tayt little rain would
greatly help range in hit section just
Tbe churches of Ileppner will hold a
anion Thanksgiving service at the Bsp-
ist church today at 11 a. m. Tbe pastor
of tbe tbe M. E. church, south, will
preach tbe sermon.
When you want a pletsant physic try
Chamberlain's ttomocb and liver tablet!.
They are easy to take and produce no
griping or other unpleasant effect. For
tale by Slocuin Drug Company.
Wm. Stauffer of Lexington, who it in
town attending court thit week, tells
The Time that he raised and marketed
thit season 10,000 bushels of wheat which
brought, at the prevailing price, $7000.
His crop netted him about (5000 after all i
expenses were paid.
A now departure in medicin ia offered
in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar,
It contains no opiates and is a combined
cough and cold cure. Tbe Clover and
Honey Bee ia on every bottle of the gen
uine. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar curea all conghtand assists in ex
pelling colds from the system by gently
moving tbe bowels. A certain care for
croup, whoopimc cough; an ideal remedy
for children. Sold by Ileppner Drug Co.
All dtiftiBAi of Ktdnyi
Bl aaaer, urinary organ
A I. .. Dto.imnrl.im 11 a t
r iw nuejuiHBtvioui.
ache.HeartDlssaae. Gravel.
Dropsy, Feruals Troubles,
Fair is fortunate iu securing his services.
Frank McFarland of Portland, agent
for the Provident Savings Life insurance
company, has been in HeppBer several
days tbe paat week in tbe interests pf the
company, and renewing acquaintances
with old time frienda.
Geo. McKnigbt returned Monday
b'.ocks from car line, in liradlet, 111. All
buildings in gixxl repair, and rents for
15 per month. For particulars csll at
Times like.
Tunis Swirk, one of tbe prom'neut
sheepmen of Grant comity, is in the city
attending lo aoine business mutters. He
says Grant county sheepmen are very
much encouraged ith the present out
look for wool prices. He report, range evening from Malheur county, where he
vet Hood in the Interior and that stock of of 4.100 sheep for the winter.
.11 kinds are In splendid condition to """'l feed nd rB,,8 to Uke
.tart into the winter. , l,,em lhrouh ,he wint"r- The ,h"P
. . ... were driven direct from the summer
The jury of award at the m. 1,ouis i'.s
position !... spent a good de.l of Unie range in the mountains to Malheur,
examining inlo the merits of the several Mayor W. P. McMillan of Lexington,
typewriter, on exhibition. TbeMnilile WM n Heppner on businets Saturday
Writing t'nderwoiKl Typewriter was L,
.....I.. I ,1. a r.raml Pilin mi ever Txiiiit. '
The Oregon Underwood agency is at 115 ton, of which be ia manager, is full of
Front Street. Portland, and will furnish wheat and many tons piled outside
catalogue on application. Scarcity of ears to move the grain is the
. . T cause of the congestion- However, cars
, ne parngr-p.. w...... - tn more plentiful the past week
and grain is moving quite briskly.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. If neoewury wrllo lr. Kemier.
Ha lni iipvnt a. I If o tlmn oiirlr.it J"t such
cases as yours. All couaultatlous Free.
"A gravel lodged In my bladder. After
using a few bottles of Dr. Feu tier's Kidney
and backache Cure I panned a gravel half as
Inrire as a marble. The medicine prevented
further furiuaU m. 1 was cured.
W.T.OAKES. Orrlx.Va."
Ak for Took Hook Free.
Drujirlsts. 50e., It
QT VITII'fl A WPC "" Cure. Circular. Dr
Ol.tllUO UAItUtFcuDer. Fredoula.N.Y
This will be a week of lively bargain giving in various lines all over the house.
Every bargain a sparkling gem. Not till
Sand'i as good as sugar,
And chalk's as good as milk,
And eighteen inches make a yard,
Aud cotton equals silk
And not till fourteen ounces make pound,
(And that you'll not allow,)
Then other stores may give such BARGAINS
As WE are giving K0
We have no room for odd and broken lots of anything in thi3 mammouth store
hence the price slaughtering on such lots that begins today. Every item -below
you will find just as advertised, if not closed out before you inquire for it. A
real Rummage Bargain Sale for one week.
Suitable for children's school dres.es reduced sharply
a pieces 15c and aoc half wool suitings for 11c
25c half wool suitiugs, 34 inch for 15c
30c suiting, 36 inch lor. 19c
35c suiting, 38 inch for aie
40c suiting, 40 inch for 26c
60c black suiting for 38c
$1 00 black all wool suiting for ... .63c
25c black half wool suiting 15c
$8 00 Green Pattern for $5 95
5 50 Skirt " 335
6 00 Dress " 3 98
6 50 Suit 4 28
3 25 " " black and green . . 1 98
450 " 298
800 " (plaid) too
Special values In remnants representing every line of
piece goods in the store, marked at one-half and one
third off of the regular price.
5c and 7c Corduroy and Velveteen Drees Bindings ex
cept black, now . ; ac yard
5c and loc Brush Binding now .30 yard
100 Thompson glove fitting corsets, extra long, sizes 18
19, 20, 25, 26, 27 and 28, worth op to $1 7s 49c
Good assortment of these, which sell at 50c to 75c, a
choice for 39c
One lot of Misses kid and calf button sires sizes 12 toa,
One lot of Ladies calf button shoes at ONE-THIRD Off
(2 00 ones now $1 34
Sizes 4 to 10 years.
Tbeee are good styles, but we have too many of them
$3 00 suits now (2 00
$3 50 suits now .$2 60
$i 00 and $4 25 suits now $2 75
5 00 suits now I3 50
5 50 suits now $3 75
A few odd lots to close out cheap.
75c line wool, each, now 50c
f 1 00 line wool, each, now 75c
$1 25 line of the shirts only 40 to 44, now 75c
$1 00 line all wool 65c
500 10c skeins in white, 4 skeins for 25c
This it a small lot of coats carried over from last year.
2 f 18 ones, blouse front, for $12 00
1 25 one length for 1600
1 20 one for 1500
t 18 one for 1300
1 25 one for I5 00
4 5 short jackets for 2 50
a $13 ones for $800
1 12 one for 7 50
a $14 00 ones, black for $lo 00
1 25 00 one, navy for........... 1600
I 25 00 one, black for 18 00
1 12 75 one, black for , 1000
1 I5 00 one, black for 1000
I 12 50 one, black for 9 00
This is a small lot of cbildrens short jackets, for chil
dren 4 to 10 yeors of age.
(4 50 and $4 00 ones now $2 98
3 50 ones now , 285
325ones now....... 375
Ladies' Short Petticoats of Cot. Eiderdown
75c ones, plain pink and blue, now. s3c
$1 25 ones, flounce pink and blue, now 87c
3 $1 23 cotton eiderdown ones for 83c
Odds and ends of black and colors up to.... $1 60 go
this week or while they last at 691:
One lot of Men's kip and heavy calf boots reduced
ONE THIRD, fa 00 ones now (200
6mall lot of youths' kip boots at HALF PRICE.
Odds and ends to close out cheap.
$3 00 ones now..... $200
2 50 ones now 1 50
I 50 ones now I 00
60c values go this week at 393
200 boxes Dandy soap at 60c per box
100 boxes regular 10c axle grease at 5c per can
Some odd brands of spices at 5c per can
A regular 40c cofiee Kin hee at , 30c
We still have some Peach & Honey tobacco for. . .35c lb
Strained honev in i gal. Mason jars at (1 00
And quarts at 500
W. E. Roy Be, who has seeded 4C0
acres of wheat on new land on the W. P.
Dutton ranch west of town, reports the
grain is up and growing nicely. He has
taken considerable pains in putting bis
wheat in the ground properly, and is of
the opinion that if there are any good
yields grown next season, he stands a
good chance to have one of them.
First National Bank
C. A. RIIRA President I GEO. W. CONSER Cashier
T. A. RHEA Vice-President E. L. FREELAND.... Assistant Cashier
8. A. Sarlow, one of the prosperous
Eight Mile armers, who was in town
on business Monday, says although it is
getting quite dry the farmers in his sec
tion are going right along with their fall
seeding. Mr. Barlow says he marketed
about 5000 bushels of wheat from his
season's crop.
See Minor & Co.'s dsaplay of dress
goods in their south window this week.
For shirt waists and jucket suits, they
can't be beat.
Twenty per cent discount on all table
linens, napkins and towels this week at
Monor& Co.'s, account of Thanksgiving
Their finest linens included.
Transocts a General Banking Business
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms.
Surplus and undivided profits $35,000.00.
Times last werk, In regard to HherifT
Shutl's buying the Smith and Hill
ranches, seems to have been mlsconstrud
in relation to the price paid. We did
not know at the time. what was paid lor
the Hill ram h and did not state the
price, which we learn was 1000 s quar
ter. We only sUled the price of the
flmlth place, which wss tKX) a qusrter
as it appranxl last iesue.
At a session of the county conrt of Gil
liam county, held last Saturday, it was
unanimously egrxed that tbe petition for
tbe vote on local option had lieen pre
tented too late for the regular term of
Another of those very enjoyable socials
by the Epworth League was held Tues
day evening at tbe home of Mr and Mrs
K. J. Klevum. Smiles and good cheer
filled the house, everyboey wss delighted
A choice program was rendered, constat
Ing ol piano solos, vocal music aud reci
tations. Forty-four souvenir cards were
given with the following menu: Sand
wiches, biscuits, corniohans, cafe, noix.
Hon.J. W. Morrow, now the recog
nized representative of the 0 R & N Co,
is in the city (or a day or two, where he
Is receiving the congratulations of his
old friends over his recent promotion,
Mr. Morrow now assumes the duties of
. .. . titi anil rlirlit of wav avrnt for ibe
county court In liimam county prior 10 - - - -- -
h. I... .wil.... il,.rfr. the ballot! O R & N system, the 8 P and O & C R
w. Illegal and void, and d.-clar.d the " Or,gon. Mr Morrow says that
election to have no effect. The result of Uhm,gh he I. now to all Intents and
this action by lbs county court will he PT" resident of Portland, yet he
r.it.l.,1. rniv will remain under will alwavs claim Ileppner and Morrow
Looks bad and unattractive. Give your house or
barn that much needed coat of
The best paint made. For sale by
Gilliam & Bisbee
It preserves the wood, improves appearances and
indicates thrift
( Successors to Matt Lichtentbal )
We are thankful for the kindly appreciation
that has already been shown us in our new ven
ture. We wish especially to thank the old pat
rons of thi3 store as well as the new ones, and
to assure you all of a hearty welcome here, and
a well assorted stock of the best Shoes, Boots
and Rubbers to be had, at the lowest possible
price for quality. We will not carry shoddy
goods at any price.
We are agents for M. BORN & CO, CHICAGO, the largest
Merchant Tailors in the world. The only house that Ab
solutely Guarantee a fit. Suits to order $13.50 up :: ::
We solicit your patronage
county as his home.
the lli'rilM syitclll,